Monday, November 14, 2016

Forex Elearn

E-Learning sobre Forex

La colocación de un comercio en el mercado Forex es simple. La mecánica de un comercio son prácticamente idénticos a los encontrados en los mercados que están negociando ahora. Un comercio de divisas es un comercio en el que una moneda se valora contra otra.

Símbolos para negociar Símbolos de divisas Términos de divisas Terminología EURUSD Euro / Dólar estadounidense Euro USDJPY Dólar estadounidense / Yen japonés Dólar-Yen GBPUSD Libra esterlina / Dólar estadounidense Dólar estadounidense Dólar estadounidense Dólar estadounidense Dólar estadounidense Dólar canadiense Dólar canadiense AUDUSD Australiano Dólar / Dólar Estadounidense Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Euro / Libra Esterlina Libra Esterlina / Yen Japonés Libra Esterlina / Yen Japonés El símbolo para cada contrato de Forex se basa en las dos monedas : EURUSD = Dólar Euro vs. Dólar Estadounidense.

Además, cada contrato de Forex es un precio para la primera moneda en el nombre del símbolo, cotizado en la segunda moneda en el nombre del símbolo. En el caso del euro frente al dólar estadounidense, donde el tipo de cambio es de aproximadamente 1,30 dólares, se necesitaría 1,30 dólares para comprar 1,00 euros. Cada contrato de Forex cubre un número fijo de unidades del primer símbolo en el nombre del símbolo, normalmente 100.000.

Los precios de los tipos de cambio de divisas se mueven en movimientos de precios mínimos fijos llamados pips. Un pip es el precio mínimo que puede cambiar un tipo de cambio.

Cierre de una posición Una posición abierta es una que está en vivo y en curso. Mientras la posición esté abierta, su valor fluctuará de acuerdo con el tipo de cambio en el mercado. Los beneficios y las pérdidas sólo existirán en papel y se reflejarán en su cuenta de margen. Para cerrar su posición, realiza un comercio igual y opuesto en el mismo par de divisas.

Por ejemplo, si ha comprado un lote de EURUSD (al precio de oferta prevaleciente), puede cerrar esa posición vendiendo posteriormente un lote EURUSD (al precio de oferta vigente).

Martes 14 de agosto de 2007

Comisiones cero Cuando se negocia con otro comerciante como TradeStation, usted paga NO comisiones y NO cargos de cambio de datos. El costo de negociar Forex está determinado por el monto derivado por los distribuidores y otros terceros del spread Bid-Ask.

Acción de Mercado de 24 Horas El mercado de divisas Forex es un mercado de 24 horas sin interrupciones.

Apalancamiento Forex trading a menudo permite obtener apalancamiento de hasta 100 veces el valor de su cuenta. Recuerde que si bien el apalancamiento puede ayudar a generar ganancias rápidamente, también puede producir grandes pérdidas catastróficas.

Alta liquidez El mercado Forex, con un volumen de operaciones promedio de más de $ 1,3 billones por día, es el mercado más líquido del mundo. Esto significa que un comerciante normalmente puede entrar o salir del mercado a voluntad en casi cualquier condición del mercado por lo general sin tener en cuenta las limitaciones de tamaño del comercio.

El término INTERBANK que se discute en terminología FX simplemente significa "entre bancos e instituciones grandes" Donde se intercambia información sobre la tasa actual a la que sus clientes o pueden comprar o vender una moneda. Sin embargo, el término Interbank & # 8217; Hoy también significa cualquiera que esté dispuesto a comprar o vender una moneda. Interbancario también implica que Forex no se negocia en un intercambio como acciones y futuros. Los precios cotizados para un Forex se basan en información de los principales bancos y grandes instituciones.

Hay cuatro grupos primarios que negocian el mercado de divisas:

Primero . El novato o los comerciantes al por menor & # 8211; Estos son a tiempo parcial, los comerciantes no profesionales que están especulando sobre la dirección del mercado & # 8211; No cubrir, es decir, no utilizar estos mercados como parte de otros negocios internacionales.

Segundo . Los Distribuidores & # 8211; Estos son los creadores de mercado, la fijación de precios y la formación de oficios.

El tercer grupo, los comerciantes institucionales, trabajan en bancos o agencias gubernamentales. El comercio de grandes cantidades de dinero y el tamaño de sus operaciones se mueve los mercados. Estos comerciantes a menudo se negocian para liquidar cuentas de importación / exportación y otros negocios reales internacionales.

Último . Son los Comerciantes Avanzados. Este grupo se compone de profesionales a tiempo completo de los comerciantes, personas de todo el mundo, sentado en pequeñas empresas de inversión, oficinas, o incluso sus hogares. Una vez más, estos comerciantes son generalmente especulando sobre la dirección del mercado & # 8211; No coberturas.

Forex o FX, es una abreviatura de divisas. Es una forma de negociar los tipos de cambio entre dos monedas diferentes. Básicamente, usted compra una moneda y vende la otra con el propósito de la especulación de inversión. El objetivo es obtener un beneficio cuando el valor o los tipos de cambio de las monedas negociadas se mueven a su favor.

Forex tiene más volumen diario que cualquier otro mercado en el mundo. Teniendo lugar en las principales instituciones financieras de todo el mundo, el mercado Forex está abierto las 24 horas del día. Más del 90% de todas las divisas se cotizan frente al dólar estadounidense (USD). Las monedas más negociadas son el euro (EUR), el yen japonés (JPY), la libra esterlina (GBP) y el franco suizo (CHF).

Aquí están mis consejos si desea jugar forex trading:

Por favor, haga algo de ejercicio o práctica antes de sumergirse en una verdadera inversión.

Nunca invierta más de lo que puede permitirse perder - verá esto casi en cada sitio y e-book, pero piense en ello, permita un poco de dinero para la inversión y no entre en esta locura.

Cuando obtenga su beneficio objetivo, no trate de presionar demasiado y de querer más.

¡Solo para! A veces la suerte no vino en el segundo intento, al lado en este momento su emoción es más alta que su lógica.

No seas codicioso.

La pérdida de la parada de la salida es importante, no negocie sin pérdida de la parada de la salida.



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Cuando el comercio de futuros comienza con la automatización en el comercio de divisas, otros mercados como los comerciantes del mercado Spot FX están mirando también a las transacciones automatizadas. Debe haber algo en los métodos automatizados que hizo que los comerciantes se enamoran de ella en comparación con el comercio manual.

Una de las razones es la ventaja de la negociación automatizada hacia la transacción en tiempo real. El comercio manual puede tener dificultades para supervisar todos los oficios que está sucediendo. Las transacciones comerciales ocurren en milisegundos, lo cual es muy difícil para los comerciantes manuales de monitorear. Además, es difícil para cualquiera que se siente y vea todo el comercio sucediendo. Lo que sucedió si él está lejos de su escritorio y no puede controlar las pérdidas que ya está haciendo desde su ausencia. Eso sería difícil.

Diversificación en los oficios es grande, especialmente porque no en todo momento cuando una moneda es rentable. La mayoría de los comerciantes que optan por la diversificación de los comercios elegiría métodos automatizados, ya que uno puede tomar ventaja de la negociación de diferentes mercados en diferentes zonas horarias de una vez. Tiene la capacidad de analizar una miríada de modelos y de la historia que es demasiado imposible hacer manualmente.

Otra ventaja de los métodos de negociación automatizada es la mayor liquidez que aporta al mercado. Es evidente en el mercado de futuros que muestra un aumento significativo del número de operaciones después de la introducción de la automatización. Aunque esto podría, por otra parte, traer problema a todo el mercado. Por qué? Existe la posibilidad de una alta demanda en pedidos, si casi todos intentarán usar el sistema automatizado. Habrá un problema con respecto al ancho de banda o la capacidad del motor en el procesamiento de operaciones en tiempo real. Pero, antes de que surja este problema, ya hay personas que buscan soluciones para que este tipo de problema no obstaculizar a nadie de disfrutar de los métodos automatizados en el comercio.

También hemos analizado los Pros de Forex Trading automatizado aquí. Otra área que podemos decir que los usuarios de métodos de negociación automática puede encontrar es la gestión de riesgos. Los cheques deben ser considerados cuando se utiliza el comercio automatizado, ya que esto es inevitable cuando se encuentra en un entorno en el que todo se sincroniza correctamente. Pero esto no es algo que preocuparse. A medida que la tecnología mejore, la gente puede encontrar maneras de resolver este problema. Por lo tanto, teniendo en cuenta todos estos, se puede decir que es más ventajoso para utilizar el sistema de comercio automatizado que hacerlo manualmente.

Para los principiantes, uno de los recordatorios importantes que usted debe saber es que hay un montón de estafas existentes vagando en Forex Trading, donde algunos programadores técnicos le cortejan para comprar su propio método automatizado de comercio de divisas que han desarrollado. Esto no es cierto para algunos no estafadores pero sobre todo se puede ver en Internet son estafas y si no está familiarizado, lo menos tal vez, con los indicadores, puede atraparse en sus estafas. Lo que usted necesita para recordar a sí mismo no es una forma fácil de obtener tipo de método de negociación. Usted desarrollará sus propios métodos comerciales con el paso del tiempo y con el uso de una combinación de 3 o más de estos indicadores importantes, a continuación, desarrollar su propio estilo de negociación que se adapte a su personalidad y estilo. Familiarícese con estos indicadores y aprenda a desarrollar sus propios métodos comerciales.

En el post anterior hablamos sobre cómo los indicadores principales pueden dar beneficios. Ahora veamos otra lista

Primero en la lista está Fibonacci. Aprendiste Fibonacci en Math101, verdad? Aunque no es el número de Fibonacci que se asocia en el comercio, pero la proporción de oro que misteriosamente se puede encontrar en todas partes en la naturaleza que se puede derivar de los números de Fibonacci. Conozca los niveles de retroceso que puede utilizar y aprenda más sobre él.

Pivot Points es otro indicador importante que debe tener, ya que toma nota de las líneas de soporte y resistencia anteriores como precio normalmente vuelve y tomar una prueba dentro de estas líneas, una y otra vez.

200 EMA por otro lado, es el favorito entre los comerciantes, ya que estos le ayudará a dar decisiones comerciales tan pronto como llegó a 200 EMA, ya sea por debajo o por encima de él.

MACD o Moving Average Convergence Divergence es un indicador de impulso que sigue las tendencias. Utiliza la relación entre dos promedios móviles de precios para ayudarle a predecir el próximo movimiento del precio.

Trendlines es el indicador más común en el análisis técnico. Si se dibuja incorrectamente, esto le daría decisiones incorrectas que es la razón por la cual la mayoría de los comerciantes no los usará a menudo. El uso adecuado al ver el precio romper la línea de tendencia es el secreto antes de backtesting.

El más común utilizado por los comerciantes es los candeleros. Es un patrón japonés donde puedes encontrar doji, martillo y cabeza y hombros, etc.

Y por último, es el precio en sí. Observe cómo el movimiento de precios lo lleva a tomar decisiones. Sólo tiene que hacer ajustes en el orden de entrada, ver el precio de golpear su objetivo antes de tirar en el comercio.

Familiarícese con estos indicadores e intente combinar 2 o 3 indicadores y verifique en qué estilo de negociación se ajustará. Evalúe y pregúntese si los otros indicadores se alinean si un indicador muestra una señal clara. Los resultados generales de un indicador coinciden con el otro? Su habilidad para evaluar las señales mostradas por los indicadores determinará su éxito en el comercio. Por supuesto, usted necesita tiempo para perfeccionar su habilidad, pero primero trate de familiarizar estos indicadores dados en primer lugar.

"Comprar bajo y vender alto". Un viejo dicho que probablemente atrae a mucha gente y piensa que esto es rentable. Siento romper su suposición, ya que simplemente no se cumple. Este mismo principio es cierto en el comercio de Forex si apuntamos demasiado alto, pero con la esperanza de que un bote incierto. Ok, déjame dejarlo claro. Compra de apoyo y venta en resistencia puede significar bajo riesgo sin embargo, tendrá alta recompensa si y sólo si los niveles que tienen. Pero luego, tome nota de que su decisión se basa sólo en un supuesto de alta, basado en un "Si", pero Forex Trading no tendrá éxito en sólo la suposición de que los niveles se celebrará.

Si usted todavía está pensando si desea seguir algunos comerciantes leer nuestro artículo anterior acerca de por qué no debe seguir la mayoría de los comerciantes. Traders que normalmente compran en apoyo y vender en la resistencia está asumiendo que tendrán grandes recompensas por el bajo riesgo que usted tener. En el comercio, esto es casi imposible. Pero hay maneras en que puede convertir las probabilidades en su favor mediante el uso de los siguientes trucos.

Primero está usando indicadores de retraso y líneas de tendencia que pueden ayudar a conocer las áreas de apoyo y resistencia. Dependiendo de su estilo de negociación, pero la mayoría de los comerciantes usan promedios móviles y bandas de Bollinger, pero no debe utilizarse para entrar en un comercio. Estos sólo nos dará una confirmación si los niveles se van a celebrar si compramos salsas para apoyar o si vendemos para la resistencia. Estos nos darán una confirmación de que van a celebrar antes de que los precios alcanzan su nivel o darle una confirmación por adelantado de la vuelta.

También puede desear mirar hasta el indicador llamado stochastics. Ya ha demostrado ser una gran herramienta, que según los comerciantes se lo recomendaría a nadie.

Un indicador combinado puede prevenirle de los cambios que ocurrirían en el ímpetu del precio en la ayuda y la resistencia y le dará una indirecta si va a dar vuelta en su favor que la hace así una combinación de gran alcance. Eso es lo que RSI o Índice de Fuerza Relativa y Estocástico pueden hacer.

La predicción no es necesaria si usted utiliza estos como simplemente actuar sobre la confirmación de estos indicadores tienen para que usted sepa si el comercio ya han convertido a su favor, aumentando así su rentabilidad que todos querríamos tener en nuestros oficios, verdad?

Sorprendentemente más y más comerciantes optaron por la esperanza de un nivel para celebrar cuando es mucho más seguro y, finalmente, más rentable a confiar en las confirmaciones. Un consejo básico donde la mayoría de los comerciantes no pueden ver.

Casi la mitad de los comerciantes de Forex ya utilizan los softwares comerciales automáticos. Por qué? Exploremos más profundamente las raíces del comercio para que podamos entenderlo mejor. Antes de que el Internet llegó a ser, el comercio de divisas es sólo para los grandes bancos y las instituciones financieras gubernamentales. Estaban limitados a eso. Ahora, ha crecido enormemente en número y hasta la gente común puede comerciar. Debido a mucha liquidez, los mercados de comercio de divisas pueden tener su propio tiempo de apertura y cierre. Básicamente, cualquier persona puede negociar 24 horas al día como superposiciones de mercado en un curso del día. Cuando Nueva York está a punto de abrirse, el mercado del Reino Unido está a punto de cerrar y cuando el mercado de Japón está a punto de cerrarse, el mercado del Reino Unido se abre, y así sucesivamente. Por esta razón, sería imposible hacer todo el comercio sin la subcontratación. Pero el uso de corredores puede costar dinero más la dificultad para encontrar un fiable y honestos corredores que pensarían más para que usted gane en lugar de ganar de usted. Afortunadamente, el software automatizado de comercio de divisas o expertos asesores (como lo que otros llaman) llegó a ser. Hay un montón de ventajas que esto puede dar que explica por qué casi la mitad de los comerciantes de hoy en día utilizan software de comercio automatizado, ya que puede dar un rendimiento significativo de su inversión.

En primer lugar, ya que el mercado Forex es casi 24 / 7due a los comerciantes de todo el mundo tiene su propio tiempo de apertura y cierre, estaría lejos de ser posible ver todos estos oficios 24/7, humanos como somos. No podemos simplemente escanear o analizar todas estas operaciones. A diferencia de estos softwares de negociación automatizados que pueden analizar y escanear todas estas operaciones en curso utilizando datos de divisas en tiempo real, por lo tanto, las oportunidades más probables en ganar. Una vez que estos robots o robots, como algunos comerciantes cariñosamente llamar a estos softwares de comercio forex automatizado, escanea y encontró un mercado rentable, se invierte automáticamente hasta que cuando el mercado lo encuentre no rentable, volverá a escanear y encontrar continuamente otro mercado rentable donde puede hacer es Otra inversión. Y no tienes que vigilarlo, 24/7. Y ya no necesitarás la ayuda de los corredores. Incluso si usted es un novato, se sorprendería de cómo este software y hacer es cosas. Puede utilizar las cuentas de demostración que le pueden dar la sensación de un comercio real. Eso también significa que está minimizando el riesgo de perder dinero real. Así que usted puede practicar el uso de dinero virtual hasta que se sienta cómodo con su sistema de comercio. Además, a diferencia de comercio manual, elimina el factor emocional en el comercio. Pero lo más importante, también elimina las comisiones que dimos a los corredores ya que ya no son necesarios.

Sin embargo, si desea tomar parte en la toma de decisiones en el comercio, por supuesto que puede hacerlo, pero a menos que si usted tiene una larga trayectoria de la experiencia en el comercio, es aún mejor para que deje que el software hacer su trabajo.

Tal vez sea cierto que actualmente hay una crisis económica que está sucediendo hoy. La gente está vendiendo propiedades y acciones como pan caliente. Es por eso que mucha gente tiene miedo de aventurarse en los oficios, especialmente los que se hacen en línea, pero la verdad es que hay un montón de oportunidades que puede encontrar durante la crisis. La gente sigue atrapada en Internet y la publicidad con Internet sigue siendo una estrategia eficaz. Los operadores comerciales todavía pueden lograr el éxito con el uso de Internet.

Lo mismo ocurre con Forex Trading. Los inversores que utilizan el software automatizado, todavía muestra una diferencia significativa en comparación con los inversores que están operando manualmente. Los expertos pueden afirmar que ya no es cierto hoy debido a la inestable economía de muchos países. Esto es bastante cierto, pero el hecho de que este mercado sigue siendo muy popular hoy en día tiene sentido que este mercado sigue siendo rentable si usted es un inversor que puede prever formas en las que puede ser rentable, como el uso de softwares automatizados. Por qué? Una de las razones es que los softwares pueden monitorear el mercado las 24 horas del día y nunca duerme. Si usted negocia manualmente, usted necesita mirar y analizar todos los detalles e historia porqué el acto del mercado de esa manera en cuál pienso que imposible hacer. Los robots no necesitan supervisión mientras generan beneficios constantemente. Usted sólo tiene que considerar grandes configuraciones y configuraciones en las que su software puede ser operado convenientemente.

Si usted ha estado negociando ya y de alguna manera perdido o incluso ha experimentado voladura de su cuenta, creo que entiende cómo es difícil aprender Forex, de la manera más dura, especialmente durante los tiempos de inactividad. Tal vez, es el momento para que usted cambie de rumbo y el uso de software automatizado y aprovechar sus ventajas. Más y más desarrollador de programas emergen para producir un software fácil de usar e incluso proporcionar servicio al cliente, 24/7 para proporcionarle toda la ayuda que necesita.

Otra forma en que el comerciante de divisas puede ganar es a través de obtener más tráfico en su sitio web con el uso de softwares de divisas. Esto ayudaría a su rango de sitio web en la parte superior en los motores de búsqueda como google, por lo que su sitio visible en línea. Y todos sabemos cuándo su sitio es visible, significa ingresos y más clientes potenciales.

Bots puede hacer su tarea sin supervisión por lo tanto, puede ayudar a los comerciantes hacer su trabajo respectivo del día. También le puede ahorrar mano de obra de la comercialización, la tarea operacional o de contabilidad al igual que las otras empresas están invirtiendo en. Ahora, no crees que es una gran inversión en Forex Trading Software, verdad?

Forex es un negocio arriesgado. Tomar decisiones es un momento crucial. Otros dijeron que el comercio de divisas es simplemente lo mismo que el juego. Esto es porque no sabían que el éxito en Forex no depende de simplemente elegir qué vender o comprar o simplemente adivinar qué moneda subirá o bajará. Lo que no saben es que para tener éxito en el comercio de Forex, hay una serie de cosas a considerar para que usted se convierta en un éxito.

Trading System es un factor importante que usted debe considerar para evitar el fracaso. SI usted tiene un sistema de comercio que tiene confianza en el uso, entonces usted es un paso para el éxito. Sistema de comercio le ayudará a saber cuándo ir en el mercado y cuándo salir. La manera objetiva de pensar le mantendrá en la pista. El enfoque aleatorio le ayudará a fallar. Trading System puede ayudarle a evitar el riesgo de dinero como pensar objetivamente puede ayudarle a no hacer ninguna posición que se haga en este momento. Así que si no tienes posición, las oportunidades de bajo riesgo son prácticas.

Ahora que has encontrado un sistema de comercio que crees que funcionaría para ti, ser disciplinado para seguirlo. Su sistema de comercio se convertiría en inútil si usted no está disciplinado para seguirlo.

La educación en el comercio de Forex es otra clave para el éxito. Hay varias maneras de obtener una educación en Forex. Puede leer sobre el mercado Forex, unirse a foros en línea de los comerciantes, inscribirse en los programas de formación de Forex y estudiar las cartas históricas. Estos son sólo algunos de los pasos para que usted obtenga educado en Forex.

El comercio fallido puede haber causado la mala gestión de la cuenta. Así que olvidarse de la técnica de gestión de dinero es un gran no-no. No sólo le hará evitar las grandes pérdidas de tiempo, también le ayudará a aumentar su ganancia. Por ejemplo, si tiene más de 10 pérdidas consecutivas seguidas, podría vaciar su cuenta si no tiene una técnica de administración de dinero.

Factor psicológico es también una cuestión importante para recordar. Hay libros y videos que pueden ayudarle a desaprender lo que cree que es útil que no es realmente útil en absoluto. Incluso sus creencias que arraigado desde la infancia que va a arruinar su estilo de juego, junto con las emociones también se suma al factor que puede afectar a su estilo de negociación.

Una recompensa de riesgo adecuada incorporada en su estilo de negociación es la última, pero definitivamente no es la estrategia menos que uno nunca debe olvidar. Risk Reward (RR) según Investopedia es una proporción utilizada por muchos inversionistas para comparar los retornos esperados de una inversión con la cantidad de riesgo emprendida para capturar estos rendimientos. Esta relación se calcula matemáticamente dividiendo la cantidad que se pierde si el precio se mueve en la dirección inesperada (es decir, el riesgo) por la cantidad de beneficio que el comerciante espera haber hecho cuando la posición se cierra (es decir, la recompensa) " .

Es posible que desee considerar una proporción superior a 1-1. Diferentes estrategias de negociación en Riesgo Recompensa por lo que puede planificar la relación que funcionaría mejor para usted por ensayo y error.

El comercio no es un juego de azar como el juego. Siga todos estos recordatorios importantes y usted está en su camino hacia el éxito.

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Empresarios y Sectores de la Economía


Modelo de flujo circular

Control de los excedentes de precios de los consumidores y productores

Relaciones costo-coste de la curva

Costos-Economías de escala / disminución de las devoluciones


Demanda-Tipos de bienes y servicios


Crecimiento Económico-Causas / Costos y Beneficios

Crecimiento económico-Diferentes medidas

Tipos de cambio-Mercado Forex



Competencia Imperfecta-MR = MC (Equilibrio)

Curvas imperfectas de la competencia y los ingresos

Causas de la inflación

Inflación: cambios generales en el nivel de precios



Equilibrio de mercado-Precios y cambios en la producción

Expectativas de consumo y consumo de mercado

Fracaso del mercado: desigualdad de ingresos

Expectativas de Producción



Competencia Perfecta-MR = MC (Equilibrio)

Perfecta competencia-Curvas de ingresos

Declaraciones Positivas y Normativas

Competencia de precios y competición sin precios

Controles de precios-Precio mínimo

Bienes privados y bienes públicos

Producción y proceso de producción

Posibilidad de Producción Curva-Básico

Posibilidad de Producción Curva-Cambios / Usos


Impuesto de Ventas y Mercado

Incidencia del impuesto sobre las ventas

Subvención y mercado


Balanza comercial de pagos (BOP)

Trade-One Country Trade Model

Condiciones comerciales

Trade-Two Country Trade Model



Glosario de términos

Cada término del Glosario se refiere a un tema de padre arriba.


Costos Fijos Promedio (AFC)

Tasa promedio de impuestos

Costos Totales Promedio (ATC o AC)

Costos Variables Promedio (AVC)


Saldo de transferencias corrientes

Saldo de bienes

Saldo de Ingresos

Balance de los servicios

Curva de Posibilidad de Producción Arqueada


Cambios en el precio y la producción

Cambios en el modelo AD / AS

Carga por un bien público

Complementos y CED

Condiciones para la Eficiencia Allocativa

Índice de precios al consumidor (IPC)

Excedente del consumidor (CS)

Gasto de Consumo (C)

Costo para el Gobierno de un Subsidio

Costos de Producción

Elasticidad Cruzada de la Demanda


Pérdida de peso muerto de un impuesto

Pérdida de peso de un subsidio

Determinación de la curva de oferta de una empresa a partir de la curva de coste marginal

Determinantes de la demanda

Determinantes de la oferta

Deseconomías de escala

Distribución de los ingresos

División del Trabajo (DOL)


Economías de Escala

Efectos del crecimiento

Igualdad de ingresos

Equilibrio para la competencia imperfecta

Equidad Eficiencia

Equidad de ingresos

Diagrama de tipos de cambio

Índice de precios de exportación

Exporta un modelo de país

Exporta dos modelos de país

Externalidades del consumo

Externalidades de la Producción


Factores de producción

Factores que influyen en la inversión

Factores que influyen en los ahorros

Firmas e Inflación

Fluctuaciones en la Actividad Económica


Déficit presupuestario del gobierno

Excedente del Presupuesto del Gobierno

Gasto gubernamental (G)

Ingresos tributarios del gobierno


Curva Horizontal Mundial de Suministro

Hogares e inflación


Índice de precios de importación

Importa un modelo de país

Importa dos modelos de país

Incidencia de un impuesto sobre las ventas

Incidencia de un subsidio

Aumento del precio individual

Bienes Inferiores y YED

Gastos de inversión (I)


Curva de demanda torcida


Ley de la utilidad marginal decreciente

Período de tiempo largo

Lujos y YED


Tasa de impuesto marginal

Sistema Económico de Mercado

Control de precio máximo

Control de precios mínimos

Sistema Económico Mixto

Período de tiempo momentáneo

Movimientos a lo largo de una Curva de Demanda

Movimientos a lo largo de una curva de oferta


Necesidades y YED

Externidad negativa del consumo

Externidad negativa de la producción

Bienestar Social Neto

Bienes normales y bienes inferiores

Bienes normales y YED


Tasa Oficial de Efectivo (OCR)

Regla de compra óptima

Organigrama de una empresa


Información Perfecta (Conocimiento)

Sistema Económico Planificado

Acuerdo de Objetivo de Política (PTA)

Externidad Positiva del Consumo

Externidad positiva de la producción

Elasticidad precio de la oferta

Productor Excedente (PS)

Curva de Posibilidad de Producción



Ingresos (TR / AR / MR) competencia imperfecta

Ingresos (TR / AR / MR) competencia perfecta

Funciones del Gobierno


Ahorros e inflación

Cambios en la curva AD

Desplazamientos de la curva AS

Cambios en la curva de demanda

Desplazamientos de la curva de oferta

Fuentes de Ingresos del Gobierno

Curva de Posibilidad de Producción Lineal

Sustitutos y CED

Suministro a largo plazo

Suministro a corto plazo

Suministro a lo largo del tiempo


La Línea de 45 grados

La Cuenta de Capital

La Cuenta Corriente

La Cuenta Financiera

Comercio e inflación

Sistema Económico Tradicional

Modelo de comercio de dos países








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Aprendizaje del comercio de divisas

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Learn Forex Trading in a day

Learn Forex Trading in a day

A direct guide to start be a mobile forex trader after a day lesson for just $88

Our one-day lesson will allow you to immediately be an expert in forex trading by teaching you the essentials. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to trade forex on your mobile phone without the hassle of using computers. The last 30 mins of the lesson, we will conduct a live demo trading so that you will be able to see the immediate effect of earning in Forex.

We are building a community to trade together as a team and sharing thoughts and trade together. Our Chief trainer has been a forex coach for the past 4 years; he is well updated with the market and has extensive knowledge on forex trading. He has work out a method to suit all kinds of traders, ranging from short term trader to long term and he will teach you how to grow the account at a constant pace.

For just $88, you will be able to enhance your knowledge on forex and ready yourself to trade with guidance from an experienced coach. Start now.

This course is suitable for you if:

You have never traded before

You have limited trading experience

You would like to learn how to trade forex

What will you be learn and experience at this class:

Fundamentals of Forex

The currencies involved

Advantages of Forex Trading

Various indicators (What they are and how to use them to enhance your trading)

Live Trading (Get the chance to trade live on a demo account with personal guidance)

Learn to make 50 USD Daily

Profile of Our Coach:

When Friday, 19 February 2016 from 19:30 to 21:30 (SGT) - Add to Calendar Where 263 Serangoon Central #02-57, Singapore 550263, Singapore - View Map Tags Singapore, Singapore Events Course Hobbies

Learn How to Begin Forex Trading

Trading on the foreign exchange or currency market is what is done with Forex trading. Open to trade 24 hours a day 5 days a week the market involves up to two-trillion US dollars every day! To start making Forex trading part of your portfolio, take these steps.

Make sure you apply yourself so that you learn what you need to know. Forex trading is not easy and requires continuous training. Money earning goes with a lot of learning and this point should not be ignored. It is not at all sufficient if you just read the articles online. Attend a class or seminar and learn. Surf the internet for courses you can take online.

You should first understand the fundamental points. Keep in mind that Forex trading involves selling and buying cash, nothing more, nothing less. Whenever you purchase one kind of currency, you are simultaneously selling another.

You will need to open an account with the broker of your choice. You can make a humble beginning with a small account and the software selected by the broker. Continue to use the trading software until you get the hang of it. Once you contact a Forex broker and set up your account, you will be able to obtain your very own trading software. Be sure to begin by reading the help information and guide for the software program. To use the software you need to have experience.

Test the site out before you do anything. Until you become proficient using the software and are accustomed to the process of trading, practice with a demo account. Many experts will tell you to set up a demo account for a few months prior to risking any of your real assets in the market.

Determine how much money you can afford to lose. It is important to be honest with yourself because a lot people lose money in the exchange market. You may lose money when you’re getting started. It is critical that you are aware of any losses that may occur during this period.

Figure out at what point you can claim a handsome profit. Attempt to be reasonable in this area also. Set specific goals for what you want to accomplish within a set amount of time. Enter markets that are the greatest of interest to you. Make arrangements for long-term goals, and not just instant gratification.

Select the items you want to purchase. You must complete the instructions for your brokerage company for placing your order. Whole you do your trade, be on the look out for the next opportunity.

Don’t trade just for the sake of trading. Use studying and advice instead of gut feelings when making a trade. Both strategy and a plan are needed to trade in the market of today. Do not rush. Forex trading takes time to master.

Keep in mind that no authority governs Forex trading. There are numerous hazards included in the current market. You will probably lose at the beginning of using Forex trading.

Artículos Relacionados

There are many forex term that we have to understand if we want to have a currency trading business. Let us continue to understand the words that globally used in forex trading.

Floating Loss / Profit and Realized. When you have a buy position in 100 and then the price moves down to 95, so if you calculated the estimated loss is 100-95 = -5. But that value can still be changed tomorrow, either increased or decreased. Well, the value of -5 at the moment is called Floating Loss (Loss), if the value is positive, such as pricing now to 105 the difference is 105-95 = +10 called Floating Profit. If you decide to sell / close your positions when the price is 100, then the value of +100 to be Realized Profit (no longer a floating but has become Real)

Pip. It is the value of 1 point rise or fall in price movements. For a mini account in forex trading, a value of 1 point is $ 1, for the standard account is $ 10.

Technical Analysis. It is an analysis in forex trading to measure the movement of prices through price charts. The things we need to know from this technical analysis are the trend, saturation, support, resistant, and Pivot Point.

Fundamental Analysis. It is an analysis in forex trading to predict price movements based on fundamental news. Fundamental news here in the form of economic news, politic, and security that affect price movement.

Resistance. It is the price limit above which is a psychological price, for example the current (year 2011) dollar exchange rate of JPY is 90 and has the upper price limit (resistance) 100 Yen, which could mean that until the price of dollar exchange rate through the price of 100 Yen then there will likely continue to rise away from the 100 but over 100 have not touched the price likely will move up and down just under 100.

Support. is the limit below which the price of a pair of resistance (above), for example the current (year 2011) dollar exchange rate has a lower price limit (support) 85 amount, which could mean that until the price of dollar exchange rate fell through the price of 85 dollars then there is likely keep away from fall 85 but for 85 probably has not touched the price will only move up and down on top of 85 (support) and below 100 (resistance).

Currency trading has boomed in the last few years as a result of the automation of foreign exchange trading. Nowadays trading currency can be done virtually anytime anywhere. The last 2 decades have ushered in a time of flexibility in present currency trading practices. All these have been made possible by the huge success and widespread popularity of automated online currency trading with the use of advanced software capable of impersonating human brokers.

Get A Forex Robot That Is Capable Of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month…

Undeniable proof of fully automated income that everyone can put his hands on! See undeniable proof. & Gt; & gt; works fully automated while you sleep! & Gt; & gt; Click here now >>

Event Forex Robot is one such robot that has been trading live for the last 9 years. Yes 9 full years. The developer of this robot Mark Roth is going to release it soon. He will also release the full details of the full 9 years of Real Money Live Trading Account Statements. This is an astounding piece of software. This robot made an astounding $ 65862 from just one trade. It made 14 consecutive winning trades and so on and so forth.

Forex demo trading affords you the opportunity to trade and even test different automated forex trading software without risking a dime beforehand. This is ideal both for learning the market or even taking the time to find and learn a winning auto trader.

Many guys are just finding the magical power of Forex Megadroid in Foreign currency trade. ‘Had this soft ware existed way back in my rookie days then I would have been a rich guy by now’ says somebody in the forex business. Well! Better late than never! Buy the Forex robot Forex Megadroid now and start multiplying your money in the forex trade. It is slated to multiply your dollars by four fold and not long before you will be a millionaire!

I have developed many forex trading techniques as I have grown as a trader. I don’t usually share them but than I realized that they really are just common sense. Give them a try and you’ll see you’ll add more value to your trades.

Automated Forex trading robots have been getting mixed reactions from the public ever since their emergence several years ago. Many are curious as to how they can affect the lives of traders.

What can a Forex robot do for you? You’ll find out why they are such powerful tools for Forext profit after you read this article.

A Forex robot is pre-set software that plays the role of a proficient guide. It acts as a mentor to those who deal in Forex trading. It is a robot and hence emotions do not come into play enabling it to make cool rational decisions with ease.

Get A Forex Robot That Is Capable Of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month…

Fully automated forex robot that anyone can put his hands on! See undeniable proof of automated income. & Gt; & gt; works fully automated while you sleep! & Gt; & gt; Click here now >>

The popularity of the foreign exchange or FOREX market has grown substantially. The estimated value of trading in the FOREX market is somewhere around $ 4 trillion dollars a day. With this kind of value a lot of people are looking for opportunities to make big dollars. One of the best ways to beat the market is by using automated FOREX trading systems.

If you are looking into Forex trading there are definitely a few key points you need to keep in mind. Market times when trading online are not an issue.

Not so many people engage in online trading in the foreign exchange market. This is maybe because they know a little about it or some may just do not know anything about it. But not many people also see the earning potentials of this business. Read and know more about this forex trading robot.

The FAP Turbo is one of the many trading robots that are popular amongst people in the forex industry today. A trading assistant that is also capable of performing trades even without the input of the trader some users have credited it as the primary cause of the increase in their profits from currency trading.

The forex robot won’t cost you a cent yet it will beat most of the forex trading systems sold online. So if you want bigger forex profits check it out all you need to know is enclosed…

Choosing the right and profitable forex robot might be confusing and challenging knowing fully well that there are so many of them available in the market. You have to be careful in selecting the good one out of the rest because every robot manufacturer would be claiming they have found the perfect winner for forex market.

We’re going to discuss another phenomenal broadly unfold over the internet called Forex Sign or Forex Alerts Services. We might spend hour making an attempt to rely all of them. The Foreign currency trading area of interest has grown over the last few years to a terrific web business. We have all the tools we have to trade world monetary markets including foreign exchange.

There’s a large amount of buyers from across the globe who are attracted by the dimensions of the forex market and opportunity for fast profits. The majority of these people wouldn’t have a previous experience in buying and selling financial markets. They would rely on trading advice and proposals from third social gathering our bodies to help them make everydays buying and selling decisions. This subject is covered. Because of quick rising technology and easy accessibility to the web we can get any trading recommendation we want with just a few mouse clicks.

The difficult thing is that internet advice isn’t all the time good for you. When using foreign exchange signal services you must think about few crucial issues. We know from our forex alerts trading experience that foreign currency trading itself is a really sophisticated living creature. Foreign exchange market behaves in numerous methods at totally different times. Its conduct is very much just like a human nature of individuals buying and selling it. There are patterns that forex market follows and this impacts many forex systems. We might have a really worthwhile forex signal service which everyone needs to get, just to search out out that when you be a part of the community, indicators will not be nice anymore and really are doing damage to your trading account. We’d see many very worthwhile foreign currency trading robots and get excited about them simply to observe them going downhill after a while.

There are various sign programs based on previous backtracking efficiency, which we know shouldn’t be a very good indicator of the future at all. These foreign exchange signal providers and robots appear from nowhere and disappear even quicker when they take serious losses and usually are not capable of get well from it. These programs are primarily based mainly on current market situations and aren’t capable of modify to new, altering situations. All of the above points are fairly robust proof that the forex market follows sure patterns and does not all the time behave in the same way.

That is the primary aspect to watch out for when selecting your foreign exchange sign provider. Our advice is to consider the above points when selecting a foreign exchange sign provider or other foreign exchange sign services. Look out for individuals who commerce forex for greater than a year and still present regular earnings although they had small draw downs however they are shortly recovered. Choose ones that present stay buying and selling previous efficiency not backtracking records.

Choose established signal suppliers with extra services to supply than other. Choose ones which you can be taught from so you can enhance you own buying and selling skillsThis approach you can extremely improve your possibilities to success in your foreign exchange trading world. Only working with professional merchants will guarantee capital positive factors on this field. Discover extra about it. See my weblog: http://tradersoutlook. singledad. de Forex trading Alerts available in german language too.

For most human traders, the Forex market is like one huge guessing game in which one has to decide what currency goes up or down against another. There are seemingly unlimited possibilities and it is difficult to make a living out of this. Over tome, Forex Robots have been developed to assist traders, hence this Forex Megadroid review. Forex Megadroid uses data collected over a number of years to make this financial decision. Since it is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), it will not lose its head during a rough patch and make bad decisions. Instead, it waits until it sees an opening that correlates with the data programmed into it. When it sees a matching pattern it will strike, hopefully making the trader a decent profit.

The Forex Megadroid uses a complex algorithm called Reverse Correlated Time and Price Analysis which helps the machine to make accurate choices in the Forex market. This robot is easy to set up and use which is a great thing for people unfamiliar with either the market or the technology. The customer service team helps you set up the program if you cant do it yourself. Once you have successfully installed the robot, it will start trading all by itself once you have set up an account with a broker. There is a 60 day money back guarantee so there isnt a problem if you would want to try. The company claims that the Forex Megadroid can predict correct currency changes with an accuracy of over 95%. However, these tests have not been conducted on the live market. So it is very difficult to say that the figure is entirely accurate.

The great thing about this robot is that instead of taking the same trades continuously, if one trade is a loser the robot will learn. It will then check as to why that trade was a loser and use that valuable information for later trades. This is an incredibly valuable asset as it will mean that the robot will constantly adapt to the market.

The results from the Megadroid are quite staggering. The product is new so the results could change in the future. But as of now, the results are really good. A lot of forex robots are complete scams and dont do anything. However, the Megadroid is a real money maker. The best part is the robot was very good at limiting losses by not riding costly draw downs. A high win percentage with minimal losses is the signs of an excellent automated software which is Megadroid really is.

You should learn a little more about a program before you decide to invest your money in it. But the Forex Megadroid gives us a lot of reasons to be excited about. And it is based on AI so it wont run out of data to calibrate. It will learn and then use those patterns to give you results which in turn will result in profits and as most tests done on this robot show, the profit margins are quite substantial. It is a good investment as part of your wider online forex trading strategy.

A Forex robot is pre-set software that plays the role of a proficient guide. It acts as a mentor to those who deal in Forex trading. It is a robot and hence emotions do not come into play enabling it to make cool rational decisions with ease.

Get A Forex Robot That Is Capable Of Doubling Your Money Every Single Month…

Fully automated forex robot that anyone can put his hands on! See undeniable proof of automated income. & Gt; & gt; works fully automated while you sleep! & Gt; & gt; Click here now >>

The popularity of the foreign exchange or FOREX market has grown substantially. The estimated value of trading in the FOREX market is somewhere around $ 4 trillion dollars a day. With this kind of value a lot of people are looking for opportunities to make big dollars. One of the best ways to beat the market is by using automated FOREX trading systems.

If you are looking into Forex trading there are definitely a few key points you need to keep in mind. Market times when trading online are not an issue.

Not so many people engage in online trading in the foreign exchange market. This is maybe because they know a little about it or some may just do not know anything about it. But not many people also see the earning potentials of this business. Read and know more about this forex trading robot.

The FAP Turbo is one of the many trading robots that are popular amongst people in the forex industry today. A trading assistant that is also capable of performing trades even without the input of the trader some users have credited it as the primary cause of the increase in their profits from currency trading.

The forex robot won’t cost you a cent yet it will beat most of the forex trading systems sold online. So if you want bigger forex profits check it out all you need to know is enclosed…

Choosing the right and profitable forex robot might be confusing and challenging knowing fully well that there are so many of them available in the market. You have to be careful in selecting the good one out of the rest because every robot manufacturer would be claiming they have found the perfect winner for forex market.

We’re going to discuss another phenomenal broadly unfold over the internet called Forex Sign or Forex Alerts Services. We might spend hour making an attempt to rely all of them. The Foreign currency trading area of interest has grown over the last few years to a terrific web business. We have all the tools we have to trade world monetary markets including foreign exchange.

There’s a large amount of buyers from across the globe who are attracted by the dimensions of the forex market and opportunity for fast profits. The majority of these people wouldn’t have a previous experience in buying and selling financial markets. They would rely on trading advice and proposals from third social gathering our bodies to help them make everydays buying and selling decisions. This subject is covered. Because of quick rising technology and easy accessibility to the web we can get any trading recommendation we want with just a few mouse clicks.

The difficult thing is that internet advice isn’t all the time good for you. When using foreign exchange signal services you must think about few crucial issues. We know from our forex alerts trading experience that foreign currency trading itself is a really sophisticated living creature. Foreign exchange market behaves in numerous methods at totally different times. Its conduct is very much just like a human nature of individuals buying and selling it. There are patterns that forex market follows and this impacts many forex systems. We might have a really worthwhile forex signal service which everyone needs to get, just to search out out that when you be a part of the community, indicators will not be nice anymore and really are doing damage to your trading account. We’d see many very worthwhile foreign currency trading robots and get excited about them simply to observe them going downhill after a while.

There are various sign programs based on previous backtracking efficiency, which we know shouldn’t be a very good indicator of the future at all. These foreign exchange signal providers and robots appear from nowhere and disappear even quicker when they take serious losses and usually are not capable of get well from it. These programs are primarily based mainly on current market situations and aren’t capable of modify to new, altering situations. All of the above points are fairly robust proof that the forex market follows sure patterns and does not all the time behave in the same way.

That is the primary aspect to watch out for when selecting your foreign exchange sign provider. Our advice is to consider the above points when selecting a foreign exchange sign provider or other foreign exchange sign services. Look out for individuals who commerce forex for greater than a year and still present regular earnings although they had small draw downs however they are shortly recovered. Choose ones that present stay buying and selling previous efficiency not backtracking records.

Choose established signal suppliers with extra services to supply than other. Choose ones which you can be taught from so you can enhance you own buying and selling skillsThis approach you can extremely improve your possibilities to success in your foreign exchange trading world. Only working with professional merchants will guarantee capital positive factors on this field. Discover extra about it. See my weblog: http://tradersoutlook. singledad. de Forex trading Alerts available in german language too.

If you haven’t already downloaded your 100% risk FREE Forex Crescendo Copy, make sure to do it right NOW:

These numbers are real…

==> Visit Forex Crescendo Official Website

The Forex Crescendo has made 10,040 PIPS in the last 8 months. It did this without ever having a losing week or month.

What’s more outstanding, is that the whole thing is automated. Once you set up the Forex Crescendo, there’s nothing for you to do.

Forex Crescendo is the most successful EA to ever be tested live and actually do what is says on the box. It has made money every single month that it has been active… you know any other EA that can do that?

This method is so guaranteed to work that the man behind it has insisted that you take a risk-free trial of it, so you are not risking a single cent.

Click the link for your FREE trial and prepare to be amazed…

==> Visit Forex Crescendo Official Website

The Forex Crescendo EA has been developed by Mark McRae and Andrea Salvatore, who programmed the system.

Mark McRae has a fantastic reputation in an industry not known for it’s integrity, so this product is very exciting.

This EA trades two currency pairs – the Great British Pound vs. the United States Dollar (GBPUSD) and the Great British Pound vs. the Japanese Yen (GBPJPY). These two pairs have excellent levels of volatility and a brilliant daily range, meaning that trading opportunities are extensive, plentiful and profitable!

Let’s look at the numbers. What I’ve seen is a trading statement summary from trading since February 2010 until now (September 2010), and it shows a winning rate of 77%. The average profitable trade, however, is lower than the average loss trade by about 25%. The author says in his report that a good EA should have the average loss no more than 5 times larger than the average win, so in that context it should be perfect.

Forex Crescendo Results

Accumulated over 9581 pips since February 2010 A total of 345 trades have been made The winning percentage is around 77.3% 77.3% meaning 267 wins, 78 losses The average profit is around $ 61 and average loss is around $ 81. The percentage growth is estimated to be around 126.86%

Andrea Salvatore is the developer of Forex Crescendo and just listening to the video interview that you find in the official site Forex Crescendo, you realize that he knows what he is talking about and proves to me that he is an honest guy.

Mark McRae has been testing Forex Crescendo on his live account for the last eight months, and it has made over 9,500 pips in that time. This is really an incredible performance by anyone’s statements and McRae backs up his claims by sharing his results online:

==> Visit Forex Crescendo Official Website

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Learn To Trade FOREX Review

Learn To Trade FOREX Review


Program is available instantly

Users may access the database at their own pace

Course covers basic information as well as new techniques and investment methods

Low cost, and refunds are available

Course includes ability practice in real financial environment


There is no online trainer to whom to address possible questions and doubts

There is no feedback from a potential tester, although a final test is scheduled

If the basic knowledge is not understood correctly, the practice sessions may resume in losing the allocated funds, and therefore the investors may lo

Learn-to-Trade FOREX makes accessible the gathered knowledge of Gains’ specialists, as to help new investors make their way through the FOREX market. The most important aspect regarding the program is that it is accessible almost instantly. All one has to do to obtain access to Learn to Trade FOREX is to fill in the online form available at the official website and confirm payment. Of course, unlimited access to Internet is required. Upon registration, the user is provided a username and password, through e-mail, and the trading lessons can begin. The online course is very substantial, as it has both explanations and examples, each organized in different sections that make learning more efficient. The lessons deal with key terms and techniques to be applied in currency markets, as well as specific factors that may influence the movement of investments. The cost of the program is $99, for a 60-day period, and it includes access to the 7 online lessons as well as a demo account of $50,000 (virtual funds) which the trainee may use for learning purposes, that is, applying the newly acquired knowledge on a similar platform to the real one. The payment is by credit card, all transaction being converted to US Dollars; therefore he card issuer may apply additional fees for the transfer. The main advantage of the registration system is that it enables investors to learn whenever they want, by simply accessing the database. The potential buyers are offered the opportunity of a preview the lessons, also on the official website. They can also consult the course outline and although there is no demo version available, both the preview and the outline prove helpful as they provide efficient graphics and explanations. Refunds are also available to unsatisfied clients. The service provider offers a full refund up to 15 days after the firs access to the database. The client must contact the course team, by phone or by e-mail, and require return of payment. The best thing about learn to Trade FOREX is that clients are actually satisfied with it. Not only does it introduce almost anyone to the FOREX marketing issues, but it proves helpful in improving ones investment skills. It is generally known that a large percentage of new investors on the FOREX market loose their investments due to their lack of knowledge. Therefore, before entering the real market, one should really consider taking up the online program provided by Gain team.

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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Learn Forex Trading in a day

Learn Forex Trading in a day

A direct guide to start be a mobile forex trader after a day lesson for just $88

Our one-day lesson will allow you to immediately be an expert in forex trading by teaching you the essentials. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to trade forex on your mobile phone without the hassle of using computers. The last 30 mins of the lesson, we will conduct a live demo trading so that you will be able to see the immediate effect of earning in Forex.

We are building a community to trade together as a team and sharing thoughts and trade together. Our Chief trainer has been a forex coach for the past 4 years; he is well updated with the market and has extensive knowledge on forex trading. He has work out a method to suit all kinds of traders, ranging from short term trader to long term and he will teach you how to grow the account at a constant pace.

For just $88, you will be able to enhance your knowledge on forex and ready yourself to trade with guidance from an experienced coach. Start now.

This course is suitable for you if:

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You have limited trading experience

You would like to learn how to trade forex

What will you be learn and experience at this class:

Fundamentals of Forex

The currencies involved

Advantages of Forex Trading

Various indicators (What they are and how to use them to enhance your trading)

Live Trading (Get the chance to trade live on a demo account with personal guidance)

Learn to make 50 USD Daily

Profile of Our Coach:

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Currency Trading for Individual Investors


On completion of your course, you will receive the dual award:

Award 1 is issued by Stonebridge Associated Colleges: Currency Trading for Individual Investors Certificate

Currency Trading for Individual Investors Certificate issued by Stonebridge Associated Colleges, to view a sample of the college’s award, please click here.

Award 2 is issued by our Awarding Body: Level 1 Currency Trading for Individual Investors Award

At the end of this course successful learners will also receive a Level 1 NCFE Award Certificate of Achievement. Our course has been accredited under our NCFE IIQ Licence and the course measurable learning outcomes have been benchmarked at Level 1 (using Ofqual’s Qualification and Credit Framework (QCF) level descriptors) to allow you to consider the depth of study, difficulty, and level of achievement involved.

This award has been designed by Stonebridge Associated Colleges to meet specific learners' or employers' requirements. Accreditation by NCFE is a guarantee of quality. It means that this learning programme has been scrutinised and approved by an independent panel of experienced educational professionals and is quality audited biannually by NCFE.

To view a sample of the NCFE Certificate of Achievement, please click here .

To view a sample of the NCFE Candidate Unit Summary, please click here .

What is NCFE

NCFE is the UK's longest established awarding body, recognised as a highly professional and responsive organisation, committed to maintaining excellent customer service and a friendly approach.

NCFE is recognised as an awarding body by the qualification regulators ('regulators') for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The regulators are the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (Ofqual) in England, the Department for Children, Education, Lifelong Learning and Skills (DCELLS) in Wales and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) in Northern Ireland.

Accreditation by NCFE is a guarantee of quality. It means that the college has been inspected and approved by an independent and experienced education professional and is quality audited biannually by NCFE. The centre delivering the programmes has been licensed by NCFE on the basis of its own quality systems. At the end of an accredited course, successful learners will also receive an NCFE Award certificate of achievement.

For more information on this award, click here

Requirements for Entry

There is no experience or previous qualifications required for enrolment on this course. It is available to all students, of all academic backgrounds.

Study Options

In order to offer our students the most convenient and flexible distance learning courses, Stonebridge Associated College offers you the option to study for your course via two methods:

1. Via the traditional paper-based method.

2. Through the online method via ElearnUK.

If you do not have Internet access, or would prefer to study this course via the traditional paper/postal based study method, you can find more information on the course by clicking on the link below.

Stonebridge Prices

Studying by Post . If you would like to pay by instalments, we do offer an affordable interest free payment plan scheme which allows you to spread the cost of your course over a number of months. However, to use this option you will need to study for your course using the traditional paper-based method. For more information on our payment plans please visit our website at www. stonebridge. uk. com

The reason why the course fee is less if you choose to study online, is because with online study there are no costs associated with postage and printing etc. and thus we are able to offer the course at a reduced rate.

The total amount payable over the term's period, is no more than the total cash price of the course. (APR = 0%). Written quotations are available on request.

Study Hours

This is only an approximate figure and is dependant upon how much time you can dedicate to your studies and how well you grasp the learning concepts in the course material. Furthermore, at the end of each lesson there is a question paper that needs to be completed and returned to your tutor. You should allow at least 1 - 2 hours of study to complete each question paper.

The approximate amount of time required to complete the course is: 30 hrs.


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Steps Of Forex Trading. Let's learn

A comprehensive forex dealer list includes investment banks with dealing place, commercial with operations, and online brokerages that serve up a greater bazaar. The investment with exchange capabilities embrace Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Prudential Securities and Bear Sterns.

Some of the brokerage defense are not directly handy for all punters. For paragon, entomb-bank flea market dealers and treasury operations in commercial banks handle sizable habitu orders themselves.

The top commercial in the Forex Broker List, lay to rest-bank and. are JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, CitiBank, Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Fleet Bank, US Bank, HSBC Bank, Sun Trust Bank, Bank of New York, State Street, Chase Manhattan Bank, Key Bank, Branch Bank, PNC Bank, Lasalle Bank, South Trust Bank, MBNA America Bank, Fifth Third Bank.

The online forex negotiator list of minor forex books sees new entrants almost on a diurnal source.

The online agent list includes Forex Capital Markets, MG Financial Group, CMS Forex, Global Forex Trading. GCI Forex Direct, Forex. com, GAIN Capital, Real time Forex SA (Geneva), Global Forex, Commerce Bank and Trust, FX Solutions, Forex MHV, swissDirekt (Swiss), Goetz Financial Forex, NY Broker Borsentermin AG, Act Forex, Online Trader, Shield FX Online Currency Trading. Forex Trade Signals, CMC Group PLC, Foreign Currency Direct Limited (UK), FX Advantage, FXCM, Forex Millenium, ACM REFCO, REFCO Spot, Easy Forex, Online Forex Trading Inc. Lincoln Corporation, Global Trade Waves, Ltd. and CIBC FX Web Dealing.

There are many individuals who are concerned in forex substitution. But before you start swap in. getting a good online transaction training is important. The forex shop is on the whole a official fair with its own forex terms and processes so it is important you reach the basics with an online interchange edification.

Why Online Forex Trading Education? Most inhabitants who want to try forex trading are over and over again busy with more aspects of life to take care of. They probably do not have the time to keep your mind on a track on tradeoff. Therefore, an online swapping learning is more suited.

Since its online, you can take your time to read and abridgment the report at your own pace. Also most of the basics of forex tradeoff can be found online for free. There are tons of websites that arrange for free forex trading courses and tutorials.

There are also free swapping online available plus well along exchange online such as the forexmentor program. While its usually not free, the outlay are sweet cheap compared to attending a forex substitution development in a classroom.

Another important part of an online transaction teaching is manner. I believe no matter how well you understand forex interchange or if you tally an A in a forex swap choice, the real deal comes when you truly start swap. Most tradeoff sites a demo account for new beginners to forex trading to discover how to deal with their swapping account. There is no monetary risk, so it is a very good way to swot the ropes. Once you feel you have sufficient incident, you can open a consistent transaction account or a mini forex account. I would highly recommend you open a mini forex account and start exchange in reduced amounts.

Forex Trading is the greatest home-based business thinkable available today, and maybe even in past. Let me show you why.

We just want to be understandable about who this critique is mind in print for. Anyone looking to commencement a home based business, or career, without risking a lot of bucks, but who is helpful to put in the time vital to achieve his or her goals.

Forex Trading vs. Real Estate

One of the more in style home business is real housing estate.

Let’s take a look at some of the more disagreeable parts of the real lands business.

Amount of Money Needed to Begin:

Regardless of what the infomercials have to say, it overhead a distinguished deal of cash to get into the real zone business. Even the “No Money Down” systems reveal you to an amazing total of risk.

Whether you put coinage down or not, you are answerable to pay for the “product” you are.

If you are unable to find a way to goods revenue from your security quickly, you will be a mortgage recompense. It only takes a few of mortgage to turn “No Money Down”, to “Some Money Down”, to “No Money Left”.

Amount of Time Needed to Begin:

Another lie continual on infomercial after infomercial is that it only takes a few hours a week to set in motion making coins in the real assets business.

We don’t want to chatter for somebody else, but whom do they deem they are kidding. So, let me get this vertical…

looking for a home online ? dialogue to a realtor ? energetic around your quarter ? oral communication to a mortgage specialist ? and all of the other things you have to do on EACH AND EVERY HOUSE

All of. combined, will only take me a few a week?

We meditate we are starting to see why such a fat majority of home businesses fail. It’s misleading to believe a halfhearted attempt will lead to winner.

Amount of Knowledge Needed to Begin:

In company to succeed in the real country estate business you have to obtain a funds of data. How do you passably value a home? How long will it take to fix, and sell, a home? How much must timber cost? How long does it take to install a sink?

Those are the unfussy. Zoning laws, convention laws, and tax laws are just some of the more complicated topics that you’ll need to cognize.

The fact is, we can keep on writing about the education you need for days. Obviously, in fellowship for you to succeed in real wealth you need a choice of tidings.

Amount of People Needed to Begin:

Unless you are completely frequent with all of the real worth business already, you will run into one of a few hitches: 1. The aggregate of time it would take you to become cozy with all sides of real park. 2. The volume of wherewithal it would cost you to FAIL at the real land business. 3. Most likely, the expanse of ready it would cost you to build a team of people who are happy to “share” erudition with you.

Experts don’t come cheap, and without them you are defenseless. In our estimation, this is one of the greatest shortcomings of the real manor business.

Your hit, at last, lies in the hands of others. We can’t importance this enough…you monetary future is dependant on the presentation of a complete outsider.

Amount of Money Needed to Begin:

Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. $0.

If done right, you should not risk any dosh when wisdom to industry the Forex. Again, we guess it’s only fair for us to clarify. Without too technical, we want you to grasp one very weighty stage.

Whether you are interchange with $1,000,000 or $0, the information and technology to be had to you is identical. You can get hold of the skills and acquaintance obligatory free.

Not only is this uncommon in relationship to other home based business, it’s also one-off in relative to other substitution (There will be an unmitigated editorial the aid of the Forex markets vs. any of the other ).

Amount of Time Needed to Begin:

Before diving into the answer, specifically, we mull over it’s main that you be with you added concept matchless to the Forex. Twenty-four hours a day transaction. That’s right, Forex markets are trading 24 a day, from Sunday p. m. to Friday after lunch.

How does this help in answering the reservation at hand, how much time is to start in on Forex swap?

As we’ve mentioned former, in instruction to disruption into the real estate business requires a chief commitment of time. Most of which has to occur between 9 AM and 5 PM. The fact is, you can’t declare to a at 3 AM. Everything you do has to be around bigwig else’s schedule. That funds that 40 of work take you 4 .

Those same 40 hours, while learning Forex Trading, strength only take you 2 weeks. All you need is a computer and an internet joint. In add-on, since there is noticeably less needed to find out in society to succeed at Forex Trading, 40 of work will put you much closer to feat then it would in real holdings.

Amount of Knowledge Needed to Begin:

As a Forex trader you only need to pick up the know-how that will be necessitous for you to make wealth swapping.

Why does this matter?

Let me answer this with an example. Why do my foliage need marine? Actually, we don’t know. To be more careful, none of us in point of fact cares. However, we do know that if we don’t sea them, they die. That fact abandoned me enough comprehension to aquatic my undergrowth.

This concept holds true in the Forex. With all of the figures vacant universal, it’s easy to get caught up in the non-central factors. Like, why do my plants need river? However, all you need to know are the meticulous steps to take in harmony to succeed. Like, water your vegetation.

This significantly boundaries the sum of time you must invest in erudition to clientele the Forex.

Amount of People Needed to Begin:

Well, to attempt Forex substitution takes only you. To succeed at Forex exchange takes you and an coach. Combining these two fragments creates one of the around.

Imagine frustrating to mug up 2 + 2 = 4 without the guidance of a professor. None of us would ever awareness this modest subject if left isolated. In fact, we wouldn’t be able to communicate at all without the examples set into view to us by our parents.

Our complete lives are precast by the class of the education and guidance we are provided. This true in Forex Trading.

With an choice Forex Trading Course, you are on the path to booming Forex tradeoff.

Ultimately, YOU clarify your realization. However, getting the right foundation and constant support will put all the odds in your indulgence.

So you’ve got a idea of what it’s all about and want to have a try - but you know you’re nowhere near ready to use real money.

What we’ll do is run through on the basics, (with as little jargon as possible) and then you ready can go off and get a forex practice account . where you try it out for free - no real money involved, so you can’t lose anything .

You know about currency exchange rates: eg. a dollar is worth about 1.34 euros, and you know this rate varies from day to day.

In forex, a currency is given a 3 letter currency code . always capitals.

The exchange rate is expressed using a currency pair and a value.

1 euro would buy you 1.3403 US dollars. If this value goes up, the euro is stronger than dollar. If it goes down, the dollar is stronger than the euro.

Obviously, which way round the currency pair is written affects all this - USD/EUR would swap everything over (the reciprocal). For now, don’t worry, for our purposes it’s going to be written EUR/USD and there are a few conventions to make sure everyone is working to the same plan.

The base currency is the first one written, here EUR - the quote currency is the second one, USD.

Pips Most currency pairs consist of five significant digits and most of them have the decimal point immediately after the first digit, EUR/USD = 1.3403

Here, one pip = the fourth decimal place, 0.0001 or 1 ten-thousandth. If the price moves up from 1.3403 to 1.3404, it’s gone up 1 pip

One major exception - Japanese yen, where it’s about 100 yen to the dollar - so for example, if the USD/JPY pair = 101.35 then 1 pip = 0.01 - the 5th significant digit, but the 2nd decimal place.

Instead of saying the Malaysian ringgit went up 0.033 of a percent against the Norwegian krone this afternoon, traders can just say it went up 33 pips. Makes life easier… And, don’t worry, the trading platform will do the calculations into pips for you.

2. A forex practice account

There’s a whole heap of sites that offer forex services on the internet. Called forex brokers or forex dealers, they offer practice/demo accounts, because:-

It’s a bit scary to do it with real money immediately.

They want you to sign up with them when you do start using real money.

Some practice accounts are very similar to the real service that forex broker offers - some are a good way off the real thing. So don’t even think about having a go with real money yet, and later, don’t think just because you can do it on the demo, you can do it for real.

Some use a web-based platform, so you’ll be looking at a page in your browser, others require you to download a program to your desktop, install it, and go from there.

They’ll want some info from you, name, address, phone number - they won’t require a credit card number, or other payment details, for a practice account . (If you ever try to sign up for a forex practice account and the site demands a credit card number - walk away).

Some sites offer services to US residents only, some are for EU residents only, others are open to all - nothing to do with the trading, it depends how they operate in their local jurisdiction and how they are regulated. Otherwise, at this point it doesn’t matter who you choose, (come back later and try other sites’ practice accounts to gain more experience).

So, click on a site, get set up, and then we can get going with making your first practice trade.

So you’ve got a idea of what it’s all about and want to have a try - but you know you’re nowhere near ready to use real money.

What we’ll do is run through on the basics, (with as little jargon as possible) and then you ready can go off and get a forex practice account . where you try it out for free - no real money involved, so you can’t lose anything .

You know about currency exchange rates: eg. a dollar is worth about 1.34 euros, and you know this rate varies from day to day.

In forex, a currency is given a 3 letter currency code . always capitals.

The exchange rate is expressed using a currency pair and a value.

1 euro would buy you 1.3403 US dollars. If this value goes up, the euro is stronger than dollar. If it goes down, the dollar is stronger than the euro.

Obviously, which way round the currency pair is written affects all this - USD/EUR would swap everything over (the reciprocal). For now, don’t worry, for our purposes it’s going to be written EUR/USD and there are a few conventions to make sure everyone is working to the same plan.

The base currency is the first one written, here EUR - the quote currency is the second one, USD.

Pips Most currency pairs consist of five significant digits and most of them have the decimal point immediately after the first digit, EUR/USD = 1.3403

Here, one pip = the fourth decimal place, 0.0001 or 1 ten-thousandth. If the price moves up from 1.3403 to 1.3404, it’s gone up 1 pip

One major exception - Japanese yen, where it’s about 100 yen to the dollar - so for example, if the USD/JPY pair = 101.35 then 1 pip = 0.01 - the 5th significant digit, but the 2nd decimal place.

Instead of saying the Malaysian ringgit went up 0.033 of a percent against the Norwegian krone this afternoon, traders can just say it went up 33 pips. Makes life easier… And, don’t worry, the trading platform will do the calculations into pips for you.

2. A forex practice account

There’s a whole heap of sites that offer forex services on the internet. Called forex brokers or forex dealers, they offer practice/demo accounts, because:-

It’s a bit scary to do it with real money immediately.

They want you to sign up with them when you do start using real money.

Some practice accounts are very similar to the real service that forex broker offers - some are a good way off the real thing. So don’t even think about having a go with real money yet, and later, don’t think just because you can do it on the demo, you can do it for real.

Some use a web-based platform, so you’ll be looking at a page in your browser, others require you to download a program to your desktop, install it, and go from there.

They’ll want some info from you, name, address, phone number - they won’t require a credit card number, or other payment details, for a practice account . (If you ever try to sign up for a forex practice account and the site demands a credit card number - walk away).

Some sites offer services to US residents only, some are for EU residents only, others are open to all - nothing to do with the trading, it depends how they operate in their local jurisdiction and how they are regulated. Otherwise, at this point it doesn’t matter who you choose, (come back later and try other sites’ practice accounts to gain more experience).

So, click on a site, get set up, and then we can get going with making your first practice trade.

“I think the euro will be stronger than the dollar this afternoon, I’m reckoning that EUR/USD price will go up.”

So what I want to do is make a ‘trade’ - I’m going to buy EUR/USD

If I thought it was likely to be the other way round, dollar stronger than euro, I would sell EUR/USD.

In the practice account, you’ll find a button and a form to fill in to make a trade.

1. Which currency pair - pick one, maybe EUR/USD, whatever…

2. Buy or sell . - you choose, toss a coin if necessary.

3. How much to trade? - use the smallest percentage of your balance it will accept, but it really doesn’t matter how much, it’s practice.

4. Leverage - sometimes called ‘ risk level ‘ - set this to the lowest it will go.

These last 2 are often filled in for you on a practice account - and are displayed in money amounts or pips. Go with the prefilled values or invent some. If the price of the pair hits either value, the trade is closed - to give you your profit, or stop you losing even more.

Don’t worry - nothing bad can happen. Click to set it going and watch what does happen. Numbers, they might go up or down, doesn’t matter, watch the graphs. Just get the feel of it all.

If your first trade closes . (ie. it all switches off) set another trade going, then go back, look at the charts and prices and try to figure out why it closed - it’ll be to do with the take profit or stop loss…

Just play - when you’re ready, come back here and we’ll get started with some detail on forex trading.

The art of buying and selling foreign currencies is in short called Forex trading. Millions around the world are using this trading business as their sole source of income and actually making lots of money. Done right, it can work very well for you and can give you enormous amounts of profit. Here are some of the big advantages of Forex trading:

* The Forex market never closes. It is open 24 hour a day for 6 days every week and has the highest liquidity amongst all financial markets of the world. Even when you have a full time job, you could do trading part time from home and earn some extra dollars. This business can fetch more money than your current job. * There is really no bad sector in this market, like stock trading. No matter how the market is behaving, you go long when you buy currencies or go short, or sell them. Liquidity means that there is no problem is selling Forex. * No big money is needed to get started as you take advantage of the leverage allowed to you. This means, if you start with $1000 you can leverage that amount into $400,000 if you get 400:1. This it self can be highly profitable. No brokerage or commissions operate in this market. Feel free to contact us if you are on the look out for a great Forx broker as we have a list of some the biggest names in the market. * This market can never go bust. Like it happens in share trading where your chances of making money depend on the performance of the company, such concepts do not exist in this market. The dollar can never go down to zero, right? * Beginners in Forex trading need not buy expensive training materials to become a trader . There are several online Forex trading training courses which educate you on every aspect of the market and its operations. The courses also reveal several Forex strategies which you can use as a beginner in this business. * There is no compulsion of fixed working hours. Work according to the time most convenient for you. * The two most essential things you need to get started in Forex trading is a computer and a Forex broker to be your mentor and guide. * Knowledge and education about Forex trading is not just power but the most important tool you have if you want to succeed in this unpredictable market. While online opportunities are available, it is not necessary that you have to spend thousands to buy relevant books on the subject. * If you enjoy your line of business . achieving success should not be far away.

Online Day Forex Trading is a convenient business, profitable business; it is considered a legitimate business that you can do from the convenience of your own home. You can make quite a decent living out of it considering that you know what you’re doing. It’s a complex type of business where only one thing is certain—that nothing is certain. As most people say about online forex trading, you win some, you lose. There is no strategy that will make you win all the time; definitely, you will have your share of defeat one way or another.

If you’ve convinced yourself enough that getting into a forex training cuorse is the right investment for you, then go through these advices to save yourself from experiencing the common mistakes made by most people and from the heartache of losing your money. Here are three major online forex trading advices to help you become a pro trader that you’ve been hoping for:

1. Devise a strategy of your own. When you start trading, you have to create your own strategy and turn it into a systematic trading practice. The best traders are the ones who have learned to stick to their trading practices and have strived to perfect them. In devising a strategy. make sure that you’ve got everything covered. Learn about the nitty-gritty details and tips of online trading first: from the different currencies available, from transactional requirements, past currency patterns, to current events.

Looking at past current events will tell you a lot about a currency’s performance and will be able to help you figure out which currencies will do well in the future. It is a fact that trading relies greatly on the supply and demand aspect of a particular currency. For example, if a certain currency had a stable performance, then it is possible that this currency will fair well in the future making it a profitable investment for you. If the performance of a certain currency had been irregular for quite some time, then it is not that wise to invest on it unless you’re convinced enough that this currency will reverse its trend in the future. On the other hand, don’t just rely on past current events to check a currency’s performance because there are other things that you can do to double check your assumptions like using an algorithmic formula which provides a fundamental analysis of a currency’s future trend. However, algorithmic formulas are quite complicated so make a lot of effort in studying how they work before you rely on these formulas in making trading decisions. Once you have already established certain practices in knowing what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell, stick to it if you feel that it works. Turn it into a system that you will use religiously.

2. Spot the frauds. Opening an online forex account is simple. You just need to open an account with one of the firms that you can find in the internet. In opening an account, you just need to deposit the required minimum amount of money or joining fees and fill out the necessary paperwork. However, choosing a good investment firm is tricky. In choosing which online firm to use, make sure that the firm is a legitimate company (i. e. government registered). Check out the track record of the company as well and look for feedbacks about the company in the internet. Most of the time, fraudulent firms are the ones who exaggerate their advertising statements to lure you into their company by saying that they are an “inter-bank” trading firm, or by saying that they offer high profits for minimal risks, or by saying that they offer no risk, high profits. Technically, online forex market is composed of a large network of companies and financial institutions and so it doesn’t really count if they are an inter-bank trading firm and it is a general fact that high profit investments entail high risks. These are few ways to spot fraudulent online trading firms. Some fraudulent firms refuse to disclose information about their company. In signing up in an online trading firm, it is better to stick to the long and well-established firms and the ones that you’re sure are registered brokers.

3. Think long-term. When you start trading in the online forex market always think long-term. Forex trading is not a “get rich overnight” type of business. It takes a lot of work and even losses before you hit it right. Hence, when you invest in forex market, make sure that you only invest the amount of money that you can afford to lose.

With the use of this strategy you will be able to minimize your risks and set up your profit targets on a daily base. This strategy has a great profit potential for all its traders including the novices. You will be able to take advantage of the forex markets so as to maximize your profits with this strategy.

Best Forex Market Filp & Go Trading Strategy Tutorial, Guide, Advice, Techniques

The Forex Flip & Go Strategy is the third important strategy in the Forex Trading Machine and it is a day trading system that focuses on counter trend trades. This trading strategy should only be used once a day and on a certain period.

The trading strategy is very simple to learn and understand and it has got great profit rewards.

The strategy will help you identify the false market trade movements that will go in the opposite direction. This strategy is very simple to implement and all you have to do is to monitor the charts so as to identify clearly on the behavior of each forex market price that’s occurring each given day.

The strategy will be able to make you achieve a steady growing income every day.

This strategy does not make use of any technical indicators.

It will help you in identifying the false movements of forex market prices during the day.

You will be able to visualize a clear picture of each forex market based on the price action only.

You will also get a trade management system that will help you when and how to make your profit targets as well as to stop losses. You will now be able to take advantage of the market you are trading in and eventually you will be assured of getting profits out of it if this is done the proper way.

It is not complex but all you have to do is to follow the step by step rules that you would have to implement when exiting and entering any trade during the day.

This strategy will also give you a step by step guide on how to manage your trades. The forex trading machine will give you all the essential details on how to enter and exit a trade.

These trading strategies that the forex machine uses will certainly drive your finance to great prosperity.

The factor that makes the forex trading machine to be effective with its strategies is that they are very simple to use. You will certainly be not confused when trying to understand how these strategies work and most of all you will be able to identify a particular trade that will boost your income with no doubts.

The strategies are outlined to you step by step and they become as powerful strategies because all three strategies complement each other. With the forex runner strategy it make you identify a trade before it breaks out, the Flip & Go strategy helps you to identify the false market moves that transpire during the day and the cash cow strategy helps you to identify the larger moves that happen during the day.

All these strategies do not make use of any technical indicators and this makes it very simple and easier for you to use and execute in any trade. There is certainly no guess work when you making use of these strategies. These strategies are actually price driven.

These strategies are suitable for both the expert and novice traders and you will certainly know when to exit each trade so as to obtain maximum profits. Exiting a trade is the important factor in forex trade markets due to the fact that when ever you exit a trade this is the moment you get to realize your profits. You will be able to set up you profit targets as well as stop losses during your trade and each strategy is very unique making it clear for you that you will certainly increase your profits and reduce your risks.

Therefore if you are a forex trade or a day trader and you are searching for a particular system that will work effectively the you should consider the forex trading machine which comes with three strategies that are very simple to use, clear and also comes with a detailed guide on how to trade on any given forex market read more.


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பங்குசந்தை இல் ரிஸ்க்கை குறைக்க பல வழிகள் உள்ளன. அதில் ஒன்று. போர்ட்போலியோ வை உருவாக்கி. நஷ்டத்தை குறைப்பது. போர்ட்போலியோ என்பது ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட சில பங்குகளை. தேர்ந்து எடுத்து. அத்த பங்கு களை வாங்கி சேமித்து லாபம் பார்பதாகும்.இதனை ஒரு ரிஸ்க் method என்பதை விட. மிக அவசி மன தாகவே கருத வேண்டும்.

ஒரே ஒரு நிறுவன பங்கினை வாங்கினால் நஷ்டமும் லாபமும் அதிக அளவில் இருக்கும். இதற்கு பதிலாக, பல நிறுவன பங்குகளை வாங்கி லாபம் நஷ்டத்தை குறைக்கலாம்

ஒரு உதாரணத்துக்கு ,1௦ பங்குகளை 1000 ரூபாய்க்கு வாங்குகிறிர்கள். அதில் 5 பங்குகள் விலை குறையலாம். 3 பங்குகளின் விலை அதிகமாகலாம் ,2 பங்குகளின் விலை எந்த மாற்றமும் இல்லாமல் இருக்கலாம். இப்போது உங்கள் மொத்த லாபம்,ஓரளவிற்கு நஷடமாகாமல்,ஒரு சிறிய லாபத்தை குடுத்திருக்கும்.அதுவே நீங்கள் ஒரே பங்கினை 1௦௦௦ ரூபாய்க்கு வாங்கி, அதன் விலை குறைத்து இருந்தால்,நமக்கு நஷ்ட மாகும் வாய்ப்பு அதிகம்.

இதற்கு பெயார் தான் போர்ட்போலியோ முறை. பங்குச்சந்தை இல் கிட்ட தட்ட எல்லோரும்,பயன் படுத்தும் முறை. ok. இந்த முறை இல் பங்குகளை வாங்கி விடீர்கள். இதை எப்படி maintain பண்ணுவது.நாம் வாங்கிய ஷேர் களின். அன்றைய மதிப்பு எவ்வளவு. எவளவு லாபம் அடைதிருகிறோம். இதன் அணித்து தேவைகளையும், money. rediff என்ற இனைய தளம் நமக்கு. உதவி புரிகின்றது. சிலர் moneycontrol. com இனைய தளம் பயன் படுத்துவர். எனக்கு http ://money. rediff. com, மிகவும் பரிச்சிய மானது.கிழே உள்ள வீடியோ வில் எவ்வாறு போர்ட்போலியோ வை உருவாக்கி,அதில் பங்குகளை இணைத்து. லாப நஷ்டங்களை பார்ப்பது,என்பதனை விளக்கி இருக்கிறேன்.

மேலே உள்ள வீடியோ தெளிவாக தெரிய வில்லை என்றால். கிழே உள்ள லிங்கை கிளிக் செய்து பார்க்கவும். http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=No5Mr_rt8Bg சரி வீடியோ வை பார்த்ததில். எப்படி வாங்கிய பங்குகளை maintain பண்ணுவது என்று தெரிந்து கொண்டீர்கள்.அனால் எந்த எந்த பங்குகளை வாங்குவது,எந்த எந்த துறை(Auto, paharma ) பங்குகளை களை வாங்குவது. இதற்கு ஒரு தனி பதிவு இட வேண்டும்,அடுத்த பதிவல் இவற்றை தெரிய படுத்துகின்றேன்.

இந்த பதிவு பிடித்திருந்தால்,vote செய்து,உங்கள் நண்பர்களிடம் பகிர்ந்து கொள்ளுங்கள்.பதிவுகளை உடனுக்குடன் உங்கள் ஈமெயில் இல் பெற. வலது பக்கத்தில் "SUBSCRIBE" செய்து கொள்ளுங்கள்

வீட்டிற்குள் எலி,கரப்பான்பூச்சி வருவது இயற்கையான ஒன்று. எலியை எப்படியாவது விரட்ட வேண்டுமே ஒழிய, அதற்காக வீட்டையே கொளுத்தினால் என்னாவது?

ஒரு ரூமில் எலியைப் பார்த்தவுடன் அங்கு கொலுத்த ஆரம்பிப்பது,எலி குடு குடுவென அடுத்த அறைக்கு ஓடி விடும்,அடுத்ததையும் கொலுத்த, அங்கிருந்தும் எலி அடுத்ததிற்கு ஓட. இப்படியே ஓடி ஓடி,கொளுத்தி கொளுத்தி வீடு முழுதும் எறிந்தாலும்,வீட்டை விட்டு எலி ஓடுமே ஒழிய அப்பொழுது கூட எலி சாகாது. அதுபோல்தான் நிறைய டிரேடர்கள் ஒரு லாசைக் குறைக்க இன்னொரு டிரேடு,அதையும் குறைக்க இன்னொன்று. என ஒவ்வொரு டிரேடாகக் கூட்டிக் கூட்டி,கடைசியில் அக்கௌன்ட்டயே காலி பண்ணி விடுவார்கள்

என்ன செய்ய வேண்டும்?

முடிந்தவரை ஒரு டிரேடை லாபம் அல்லது நஷ்டத்தில் கட் பண்ணி விடுங்கள். அல்லது ஆவரேஜ் பண்ணியாவது வெளியே வந்து விட வேண்டும். என்ன நடந்தாலும் பரவா இல்லை மேலும் அமௌன்ட் முதலீடு என்னால்பண்ண முடியும் என்கின்ற சூழ்நிலையிலும் கூட, ஒரு சிஸ்டம் பாலோ பண்ண மறக்க வேண்டாம். ஆயிரம் ரூபாயில் லாபம் பார்க்காதவன் ஆயிரம் கோடி கொடுத்தாலும் லாபம் பார்க்க முடியாது, ஒரு டிரேடிங் சிஸ்டம் இல்லாமல்.

ஒருவன் மலை ஏறுகிறான்..இரண்டு கையிலும் பெரிய சாமான்கள். ஒரு மைல் தூரம் போனதும் முதுகிலும் ஒரு சாமான் எடுத்துக்கொண்டான். மற்றொரு ஒரு மைல் போனதும் தலையிலும் ஒரு சுமை. அவன் நிலைமையை சற்று யோசனை செய்து பாருங்கள். மலை ஏற ஏற களைப்பும் கூடும்,அதே வேலையில் சுமையும் கூடினால் அவன் உச்சியை அடைவது அதிகக் கஷ்டம் இல்லையா? உங்கள் ட்ரேடும் கூடிக்கொண்டே இருந்தால்,ஒரு கட்டத்தில் பதட்டம் கூடி நஷ்டம் என்பது தவிர்க்க இயலாத ஒன்றாகிவிடும்.

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Revolutionary new event format promises Easter thrills at Willowbank

Details Published: 07 December 2012

ANDRA and Willowbank Raceway are pleased to announce an exciting new event will be added to the 2013 calendar featuring championship rounds of Top Fuel and Top Alcohol.

The Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race concept, featuring the Louie Rapisarda Top Fuel Trophy Race, will see professional drag racing not only return to the Easter timeslot (29-30 March 2013) at Queensland’s premier drag racing facility, but do so with a format never before seen in Australian title competition.

Willowbank Raceway Managing Director Steve Bettes said the new format and event had come about after a long period of preparations with the Australian National Drag Racing Association.

“After more than three years of development by Willowbank Raceway and many months working closely with ANDRA’s new CEO Malcolm Bulley, I am so excited to be able to say everything is in place for this exciting new concept in Australian drag racing,” said Bettes.

“Answering the calls of the fans for more on-track passes from their favourite professional race categories, and rewarding the competitors for their efforts by giving them more chances to get their prized rides into the finals; I really feel this new format is an exciting experiment for the sport of drag racing, much like the Twenty20format was for cricket.”

The Super 3 Extreme Drag Race concept will operate on the idea of two individual championship rounds in one event, with a winner to be crowned on both the Friday and the Saturday of the event.

ANDRA CEO Malcolm Bulley said that he was excited about this concept and was delighted ANDRA, Willowbank Raceway and the competitors will be able to make it happen in 2013. Racers of the two feature brackets have been consulted and are keen to trial the new format.

“In my first year of being CEO of ANDRA I am proud to be strongly behind this new concept event, as we all believe that the sport needs some variety in its promotion and the Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race will certainly achieve that,” said Bulley.

“This is a unique trial event which we hope will be great for the track, racers, spectators, sponsors and the sport as a whole.”

Racing will begin with a qualifying pass for all cars at approximately 5.00pm, followed by an elimination round for all cars at approximately 7.00pm. From this round, the two quickest ‘winners’will go into the “A” Final and the third and fourth quickest winners will proceed to the “B” Final, as per the Special 3 Round Format ratified this season in the ANDRA rulebook.

Once the winner is crowned on Friday, the full field for each bracket will get ready to do it all over again on Saturday.

“It really is a radical shift from the tournament-style format the spectators and the racers are used to; providing the chance for all entrants to the appropriate brackets to run at least twice each day, and three times each day for the finalists, rather than first having to qualify one day only to perhaps be eliminated in the first round the next day,” said Bettes.

The Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Extreme Drag Race will also feature the Louie Rapisarda Trophy Race, honouring the Top Fuel driver who passed away in 1990.

Thanks to a partnership between Louie’s father and event sponsor Santo Rapisarda and Willowbank Raceway, a special commemorative trophy for the winner of the Top Fuel bracket will be on offer.

Rapisarda - a stalwart in the Australian drag racing scene and an active member of the United States’ NHRA tour - is expected to field two cars in the event amongst his busy American race program.

“When Willowbank Raceway came to me about this event in Louie’s honour I was so pleased to be able to support it,” said Rapisarda Snr.

“I am continually taken aback by the support for my family and of Louie’s memory shown by the Australian drag racing community, and this is no exception.

“I sincerely hope we can see a full field of Top Fuel racers from across the country in the race for the Louie Rapisarda Trophy this coming Easter, a field amongst which we hope to enter two dragsters.

“No matter how our race campaign goes during this very special event, I know my family and I look forward to celebrating Louie’s life with our wider drag racing family once again and to presenting the trophy to the deserving winner.”

Bettes said the Louie Rapisarda Trophy Race would be a special event for all involved and that the specially built trophy will go to the highest point scorer in Top Fuel over the weekend. If there is a tie, the Trophy will go to the driver in the tie with the lowest elapsed time of the event.

“Willowbank Raceway and the Rapisarda family have always had a strong connection and for us to be able to once again show our support for Santo is something we are very proud of,” said Bettes.

“The action won’t just be limited to Top Fuel and Top Alcohol, with a full stable of exciting support categories also set to run the new three round format including Pro Street Blown and fixed index categories (6.50, 7.50, 8.50 and 9.50).

“It will all be heads-up, pro start racing, providing a spectacular and easy to understand show for the fans.”

Championship points for the event will be awarded for each day, based on 60% of a traditional event’s points, providing a 20% bonus overall for the event. Prize money will be based along the same lines with 60% on each day, meaning a total 20% increase for racers.

Willowbank Raceway is Queensland’s premier drag racing facility, located 45 minutes from Brisbane or just a short drive from Ipswich, offering a year-round program of events for the entire family. The Santo’s Cranes Super 3 Shootout will be held on Good Friday and Easter Saturday 2013 (29 and 30 March 2013) at Willowbank Raceway, hosting ANDRA championship rounds for Top Fuel and Top Alcohol.

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eToro Open Book Review

Here’s the firstsocial investment network adding further value to its service by introducing mirror-trading to its clients in a rather more leveraged manner, hence taking the entire process of trading and profit-making beyond its ease. The social investment network name is eToro. the application is eToro Open Book and here we will quickly see why I place this application one-step above other conventional mirror-trading websites like collective2 or zulutrade. com .

The application eToro Open Book is an innovation based on the three pillars of trading success i. e. see, follow and copy. When you open an account with Etoro, you get to download an application eToro Open Book onto your system that runs alongside your trading platform. This open-book displays the current trading activity of all your chosen traders as they go and then you are free to follow them and copy their trades onto your own account also, hence making the same profit or the same loss as they would do in their own accounts. To choose your preferred traders, you just need to go to the LIVE RANKINGS option on eToro Open Book where they have ranked each of the winning traders based on his profit - loss ratio, average trade-duration, trading Sharpe-ratio and all similar factors that make the essential ingredients of risk-free profitable trading. The ranking procedure is carefully drafted, hence the chances of finding a rogue trader or a bad system are minimal or even nil. Even better is the fact that all trades that are displayed on the eToro Open Book are taken only from the live accounts and not demo ; hence you know how serious these trades are.

The advantage of using the eToro Open Book over other mirror-trading websites is that it allows you to copy the trades in real-time unlike others where the trader’s trades are automatically copied into your account. This gives you more control over your account trading activities as you are free to skip some of the trades in case you find a better trade on the same pair with some other trader. Yes, it does call for an active involvement with the market all day long which is not precisely the essence of automated mirror - trading but remember that success comes for a price, so if you want to reap the profits of trading, you better pay the devil the dues. Otherwise, eToro Open Book also has another interesting feature called Copy-trader that allows automatic copying of the chosen trader’s trades in your account and then you can find your hands-free income. Remember, all features of the Open-book come to you absolutely free.

However, there’s another interesting feature to eToro Open Book and that is its innovative Trade-story feature . Every time a trade is closed in profit, the user gets the option the read the story of this trade, i. e. learn why this trade was made and the logic with the system behind this trade. This helps the followers understand the system in good details and thereafter become independent, i. e. be able to read the market on this system and then do all the trading on his own. This helps you on a long run when you want to set - up a business in forex-trading using a tested trading system; this trade story on eToro Open Book is precisely THAT.


Extortion (also called blackmail . shakedown . outwresting . and exaction ) is a criminal offence which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called protection. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violence which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force, but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant.

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If extremist elements in Europe like those who rioted in Brussels are allowed to foster support then we are.

Jaipur. Extending online facility in other domains too and to simplify the process of registration of.

The welcome Erik Sviatchenko first received from Scottish football was exactly as expected for an art-loving.

The Black Eyed Peas singer happened to mark a birthday occasion on the same exact day as the festive holiday.

We haven't even taken our first step or even left the parking lot at the trailhead of.

Extortion (also called blackmail . shakedown . outwresting . and exaction ) is a criminal offence which occurs when a person unlawfully obtains either money, property or services from a person(s), entity, or institution, through coercion. Refraining from doing harm is sometimes euphemistically called protection. Extortion is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat of violence which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense. Exaction refers not only to extortion or the unlawful demanding and obtaining of something through force, but additionally, in its formal definition, means the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody endure something unpleasant.

Extortion is distinguished from robbery. In armed robbery, the offender takes goods from the victim with use of immediate force. In robbery goods are taken or an attempt is made to take the goods against the will of another—with or without force. A bank robbery or extortion of a bank can be committed by a letter handed by the criminal to the teller. In extortion, the victim is threatened to hand over goods, or else damage to their reputation or other harm or violence against them may occur. Under federal law extortion can be committed with or without the use of force and with or without the use of a weapon. A key difference is that extortion always involves a written or verbal threat whereas robbery can occur without any verbal or written threat.

If extremist elements in Europe like those who rioted in Brussels are allowed to foster support then we are.

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Any Advice or information on this website is General Advice Only – It does not take into account your personal circumstances, please do not trade or invest based solely on this information. By Viewing any material or using the information within this site you agree that this is general education material and you will not hold any person or entity responsible for loss or damages resulting from the content or general advice provided here by bigprofi2u, it’s employees, directors or fellow members. Futures, options, and spot currency trading have large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. No intercambie dinero con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures, spot forex, cfd’s, options or other financial products. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed in any material on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results


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The UK Stock Market News

UK Stock Pick for Today

London stocks ended the session higher, tracking gains on the other side of the Atlantic despite the somewhat mixed newsflow coming out of Greece. Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis was urged to speed up progress on a list of economic reforms required to appease creditors in order to unlock further aid.

The FTSE 100 ended the day up 17.03 points at 7,070.70, while the yield on the benchmark 10-year Greek bond was unchanged at 12.58%. If during the day market breaches the resistance level of 7120 upside after consolidation, then it can test the level of 7180 on the upside and on the downside it has a support level of 7080.

Stock Recommendation for the day: Aviva PLC

The Major trend of AVIVA Plc is sideways and it is showing strength for selling. It is sustaining near the support level then one can initiate the selling position in the stock. If it breaks the level of 525 then it can show downside movement for the target of 512 with the stop loss of 535.

Stock has formed Head and Shoulder pattern and trading in a range and breaking its support will lead to downside movement. Stock is trading below the 50 DMA with negative bias.

RSI is trading near to 37.42 level with negative bias, in upcoming session downside movement is expected.

MACD and Signal line is sustaining below the zero level line.

Day trading involves buying and selling (or 1st short sale then shopping for back) an instrument with an aim at making a fast profit. The holding period could vary from a couple of seconds to a couple of hours however not exceed the span of a trading day. Most day trading happens on margin, permitting traders with limited capital to take massive positions, that are multiple times their trading capital. large volume additionally ensures lower transactional prices.

Top Day Trading Instruments are as follows:

Forex Instruments

Index Futures

Futures on Volatile Stocks

Commodity Futures

Options on Indices (and Volatile Stocks)

Before you start trading in any of the above instruments, one should do their homework first i. e. learn thoroughly about the market, about the trading instrument you are going to invest in. One should also do a study on the broker he/she is going to consult. For starters one can always first trade in a demo account. The best part of demo trading account is one gets to now the entry and exit points. As said, the more you practice, the better you get, lies same in the day trading industry too. Experiment a lot before you step into a real account.

In trading there are chances of loosing money, if you don't play safe. One should always trade with a stop loss. Trading with stop loss helps in minimizing the trading losses. One should always plan ahead for reasonable losses and have proper money management techniques.

Today's term of the day: Foreign Exchange Market

FOREX is the most widely traded instruments globally. In this segment, individuals can buy, sell or hold positions on currencies. These are made up of management firms, funds, banks, brokers and investors. Forex market are believed to be the most efficient since they are large and liquid. It also connects people from all parts of the world.

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Get daily forex signals on your mobile, based on accurate trading tips by our research experts. Get daily trading recommendations and best forex trading tips. Today, we are sharing AUD/USD trading signal.

The AUDUSD fell initially during the course of the session on yesterday, testing the 0.7550 level. We turned back around to form a hammer, and a break above there would have this market looking for the 0.77 level. We are looking for some type of resistant candle in order to start selling, as the 0.75 level below is the target. If we can break below there, the market should then head to the 0.70 level.

If you are looking for accurate Forex trading signals, or Forex trading strategies, Call me at 0-808-189-3124.

Pełna treść oświadczenia FOMC

Release Date: March 18, 2015

For immediate release

Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January suggests that economic growth has moderated somewhat. Labor market conditions have improved further, with strong job gains and a lower unemployment rate. A range of labor market indicators suggests that underutilization of labor resources continues to diminish. Household spending is rising moderately; declines in energy prices have boosted household purchasing power. Business fixed investment is advancing, while the recovery in the housing sector remains slow and export growth has weakened. Inflation has declined further below the Committee’s longer-run objective, largely reflecting declines in energy prices. Market-based measures of inflation compensation remain low; survey-based measures of longer-term inflation expectations have remained stable.

Consistent with its statutory mandate, the Committee seeks to foster maximum employment and price stability. The Committee expects that, with appropriate policy accommodation, economic activity will expand at a moderate pace, with labor market indicators continuing to move toward levels the Committee judges consistent with its dual mandate. The Committee continues to see the risks to the outlook for economic activity and the labor market as nearly balanced. Inflation is anticipated to remain near its recent low level in the near term, but the Committee expects inflation to rise gradually toward 2 percent over the medium term as the labor market improves further and the transitory effects of energy price declines and other factors dissipate. The Committee continues to monitor inflation developments closely.

To support continued progress toward maximum employment and price stability, the Committee today reaffirmed its view that the current 0 to 1/4 percent target range for the federal funds rate remains appropriate. In determining how long to maintain this target range, the Committee will assess progress–both realized and expected–toward its objectives of maximum employment and 2 percent inflation. This assessment will take into account a wide range of information, including measures of labor market conditions, indicators of inflation pressures and inflation expectations, and readings on financial and international developments. Consistent with its previous statement, the Committee judges that an increase in the target range for the federal funds rate remains unlikely at the April FOMC meeting. The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move back to its 2 percent objective over the medium term. This change in the forward guidance does not indicate that the Committee has decided on the timing of the initial increase in the target range.

The Committee is maintaining its existing policy of reinvesting principal payments from its holdings of agency debt and agency mortgage-backed securities in agency mortgage-backed securities and of rolling over maturing Treasury securities at auction. This policy, by keeping the Committee’s holdings of longer-term securities at sizable levels, should help maintain accommodative financial conditions.

When the Committee decides to begin to remove policy accommodation, it will take a balanced approach consistent with its longer-run goals of maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent. The Committee currently anticipates that, even after employment and inflation are near mandate-consistent levels, economic conditions may, for some time, warrant keeping the target federal funds rate below levels the Committee views as normal in the longer run.

Voting for the FOMC monetary policy action were: Janet L. Yellen, Chair; William C. Dudley, Vice Chairman; Lael Brainard; Charles L. Evans; Stanley Fischer; Jeffrey M. Lacker; Dennis P. Lockhart; Jerome H. Powell; Daniel K. Tarullo; and John C. Williams.

Forex Traders: Avoid Failure With This Tips

When you are a successful Forex Trader, failure shouldn’t be an option, but sometimes our old habits and limiting beliefs can sabotage our success. It is easy to get carried away, worried with things that we can control and perhaps our subconscious mind is plotting against our own success.

In order to avoid Failure, I am going to give you some tips so you don’t get trapped and succeed with Forex Trading. I hope ou find this information very useful. It’s all in your mind and you can be in control of your mind.

Don’t believe everything you hear on the news: when news hit the streets, the big boys have already made their money and you will be left with nothing buying on the news, waiting for an uptrend that is not coming because it already happen. Be cautious with what kind of information you use to base your trading decisions. Don’t let misinformation lead you to failure.

Don’t Be Over-Confident: whether you have tons of experience or you just got started with Forex, being too confident can cost you a lot of money. Be diligent, study the markets and the trends, develop a trading strategy, don’t think you already know everything because you don’t. The markets and the economy are always changing and you have to evolve with those moves and try to win big. Be sure of who you are and what you can do and celebrate you accomplishments, but don’t be cocky. That can lead you to failur e.

Learn & Understand Technical Analysis: you have to know what the trends and the charts are trying to tell you. Having a broker and money, it is not enough. If you don’t know what the markets are doing and where they are heading you are going to fail and that’s not what you want out of this Forex trading Game. Get yourself some books and online guides and study, learn and have a strategy, that way you can win big with Forex.

Develop A Trading Strategy: I always say this, but it is one of the most important things you can do for yourself if you want to succeed wit Forex, Having a Trading Strategy that makes sense to your trading style will ensure your success and avoid Failure. Be diligent and you will win big.

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Many people never start anything because they think the bus has left them standing at the station.

They think it’s too late for them to jump in the game… any game… and all the good opportunities have already been snatched up by somebody else.

All the good domain names are gone… (wrong!)

All the best businesses have already been started… (nope!)

Traffic is too expensive… (uh-uh!)

It’s too complicated… (negative!)

I don’t have the right skills… (hire someone cheap!)

If only I knew how to do this or that… (so learn!)

If only I knew so-and-so… (introduce yourself!)

I don’t have a list of subscribers… (build one!)

All of these are lame excuses that actually have no basis in reality.

If you want to get in the game online… just do it!

If you want to start an online business… just do it!

If you want to start a newsletter… just do it!

*** Here’s a real “secret, ” something I learned about 14 years ago when I was a “green” loan officer at my first mortgage bank:

“The more things change and the faster they change, the easier it is to get into the game even if thousands have gotten in before you. ”

Because when something changes, EVERYONE goes back to square one and has to learn how to deal with the new information that impacts the marketplace.

All you have to do is get in the game, things will change, and you’ll be right up there even with everyone else.

Since things change so fast, the Internet actually makes it easier to start late, catch up fast, and even PASS the “old hands” and established players by adapting to change faster than they do.

The biggest mistake most people make is simply not believing in themselves enough to start… and if you never start, you can never cross the finish line.

But, just by starting…. you are on your way to winning!

Nigel Owen is a 36 yr old Englishman living in North Wales! Married with three children and a highly motivated individual who decided 3 years ago that he should retire at the age of 40. Through Network marketing and the internet he is working towards his goal.

Which way will the forex market move? Do you just follow your gut feeling? Or do you have Neo s sixth sense that would let you be one with the market and feel the underlying currents.

Trading forex is a non stop action movie but a good one, where you really don t know who will win at the end. Every forex trader is trying to predict the winner of his own movie.

The forex markets move fast. Can we understand why they move? Yes, we can but only by having a feeling for the market, the instinct to know in which direction to move. Will our intuition enable us to predict the forex markets every move? Of course not. But understanding what makes the markets move will give the edge in making better trades.

What do we need to know!

- Who trades forex?

Traders, investment funds, corporations, banks and governments.

- Why do they trade?

Traders go for a quick speculative profit. Investment funds avoid risk and follow the long term trends. Corporations are trying to hedge on currency fluctuations. Banks are short term traders, market makers and hedgers. Governments trade currencies to keep there countries markets stable.

Now that we know who the players are we must understand ourselves. As the other players trades will impact greatly on our own. We need to decide on our trading strategy. There are just too many strategies to be covered in this article so please visit Forex Value Guides to for more information. http://www. forex. value-guides. com

But no matter our strategy, we must be disciplined and not let our emotions take over. That is not an easy thing to do when the markets go wild. We need to keep calm to analyze the other players to reach our profit goal.

Don t believe anyone who says trading is easy. You need a lot of will power not to keep changing your mind every minute and sharp analytical skill. Not only to understand the other players but to comprehend world events that have an impact on the markets.

What strategy should you choose? Each trader needs to develop his or her personal approach to the FOREX. Some traders rely solely on technical analysis while others prefer fundamental analysis, but many successful FOREX traders use a blend of both to get a broad overview of the market and for plotting entry and exit points.

There are many valid tools available to recognize market movements. The novice FOREX trader is well advised to study each one individually for getting a working knowledge of their concepts and use. Once one has been understood, keep on using it while studying others. Each method tends to reinforce the others.

David Jones is a freelance writer and world traveler who writes about subjects in which he has a personal interest. Forex Trading

The Foreign Exchange Market, better known as FOREX, is a worldwide market for buying and selling currencies. It handles a huge volume of transactions 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. Daily exchanges are worth approximately $1.5 trillion (US dollars). In comparison, the United States Treasury Bond market averages $300 billion a day, and American stock markets exchange about $100 billion a day.

The Foreign Exchange Market was established in 1971 when fixed currency exchanges were abolished. Currencies became valued at вЂ˜floating’ rates determined by supply and demand. The FOREX grew steadily throughout the 1970’s, but with the technological advances of the 80’s FOREX expanded from trading levels of $70 billion a day to the current level of $1.5 trillion.

Who Trades in FOREX?

The FOREX is made up of about 5,000 trading institutions such as international banks, central government banks (such as the US Federal Reserve), and commercial companies and brokers for all types of foreign currency. There is no centralized location of FOREX; major trading centers are located in New York, Tokyo, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Frankfurt. All trading is done by telephone or Internet. Businesses use the market to buy and sell their products in other countries, but most of the activity on the FOREX is from currency traders who use it to generate profits from small movements in the market.

Even though there are many huge players in FOREX, it is accessible to the small investor thanks to recent changes in the regulations. Previously, there was a minimum transaction size and traders were required to meet strict financial requirements.

With the advent of Internet trading, regulations have been changed to allow large interbank units to be broken down into smaller lots. Each lot is worth about $100,000 and is accessible to the individual investor through вЂ˜leverage’ loans extended for trading. Typically, lots can be controlled with a leverage of 100:1 meaning that US$1,000 will allow you to control a $100,000 currency exchange.

Advantages to Trading in FOREX

Liquidity - Because of the size of the Foreign Exchange Market, investments are extremely liquid. International banks are continuously providing bid and ask offers and the high number of transactions each day ensures there is always a buyer or a seller for any currency.

Accessibility - The market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week. The market opens Monday morning Australian time and closes Friday afternoon New York time. Trades can be done on the Internet from your home or office.

Open Market - Currency fluctuations are usually caused by changes in national economies. News about these changes is accessible to everyone at the same time–there can be no вЂ˜insider trading’ in FOREX.

No Commission - Brokers earn money by setting a ’spread’–the difference between what a currency can be bought at and what it can be sold at.

How does it work?

Currencies are always traded in pairs: the US dollar against the Japanese yen, or the English pound against the euro. Every transaction involves selling one currency and buying another, so if an investor believes the euro will gain against the dollar, he will sell dollars and buy euros.

The potential for profit exists because there is always movement between currencies. Even small changes can result in substantial profits because of the large amount of money involved in each transaction. At the same time, it can be a relatively safe market for the individual investor. There are safeguards built in to protect both the broker and the investor, and a number of software tools exist to minimize loss.

About The Author:

Ron King is a full-time researcher, writer, and web developer. Visit http://www. forex4u-now. com to learn more about this fascinating investment medium.

Copyright 2005 Ron King. This article may be reprinted if the resource box is left intact.

Do you think adaptation to the realities of the market is the most important thing?

Many times in the past I ve written about the need to adapt, the need to be able to change your behavior relative to the market because the markets are ever changing. I ve stated that mechanical systems may be workable, but for only a short time relative to the life of markets. You must learn to trade what you see and to understand what you see on a chart.

When I first began trading there was no such things as futures contracts for foreign currencies. Why didn t they exist? Because there was no need for them! In the 1970 s all that changed when the US dollar went off the gold standard and began to float against other currencies. Following that, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange began to create currency futures to provide a place where currency traders could hedge the risks associated with dealing in foreign currencies. Some of these risks are direct and some are indirect. Direct risk is involved for those who deal directly in foreign exchange. Indirect risk involves companies who export or import and receive payments or make payments in the currency of another country. Ever since currency futures were created, they have been in a state of flux. More recently, for purposes of futures trading, currency gyrations have centered on a massive move away from currency futures to more direct trading in the forex markets. Currency futures, while maintaining their volume and open interest figures, are actually less liquid than they had been previously. Volume and open interest do not reveal the picture of what is happening in the currency futures pits. Volume and open interest levels are being maintained by fewer and fewer futures traders.

In the period from 1992 to the present, we ve witnessed currency futures moving from red-hot to cool and now hot again insofar as speculators are concerned. Foreign exchange, which in 1992 was one of the hottest plays, first turned dull and then back again to exciting. That this has happened can be seen in areas of which most futures traders are ignorant. Five years ago foreign currency traders were being paid huge salaries and anyone with a track record could virtually name his price. Following that, currency traders were no longer in great demand. Now, again, there is a huge demand for successful currency traders. Currency futures are but a small representation of the $1.5 trillion dollar foreign exchange market. Professional currency traders use forex, forwarding contracts, derivatives of all kinds, and the futures pits, to deploy their various trading and hedging strategies. Looking at only the futures is like the blind man trying to tell what an elephant is like by feeling only the tusks.

In past years, foreign exchange desks at banks, insurance companies, brokers, and other institutions were seen closing down and firing hundreds of employees. Today, they are again looking for currency traders. In the 1990s, Midland Bank closed its foreign New York office laying off dozens of people. Frankfurt Bank had pulled out of New York and Tokyo closed down its foreign exchange desk. At that time, the world s largest foreign exchange trader was Citicorp. In the D-Mark alone, they shrank from 39 traders working at 17 different locations around the world to 4 D-Mark traders all working in one room. Keep in mind that these were traders who had been to a greater or lesser extent using the currency futures. The result at that time was that there were fewer big fluctuations in the currency futures than there once were and therefore much less profit.

However, today, just the opposite is happening. Central banks are presently making much greater interventions in the currency markets. They have stopped publishing targeted exchange rates. Such action by the central banks leaves currency speculators at a loss for what to do, and the result has been a huge surge in forex trading. Because today forex brokers abound and are actively marketing the idea of currency speculation, it is having a profound effect on the foreign exchange planning of individuals, companies, and nations.

If some day the major currencies would be the US dollar, the J-Yen and the euro, who would need thousands of traders to trade them? There would be far fewer currency misalignments to provide a basis for trading. But that is not the way the world is moving. The picture I just presented ignores the rise of China as a major economic force on the world scene. Almost certainly, the Chinese currency will become a major trading vehicle. The same is true for other emerging countries. Some of them will no doubt have important currencies from the point of view of world trade. But will these currencies be traded in the futures markets or in forex?

The changes in just this one area currency trading are an example of how things rapidly change and point out the need for traders to adapt. There have of course, been many other changes in recent years. The advent of all-electronic markets has produced markets of a completely different kind. Computers have brought about the ability to trade in various time frames. New exchanges have created new markets and new contracts so many, in fact, that it is difficult to know exactly where to direct ones trading efforts. It is now possible to trade virtually around the clock. It seems that somewhere, some market is trading.

All the best in your trading,

Joe Ross has been trading for more than 47 years, and is a well known Master Trader. He has survived all the up and downs of the markets because of his adaptable trading style, using a low-risk approach that produces consistent profits.

Joe is the creator of the Ross hook, and has set new standards for low-risk trading with his concept of “The Law of Charts. ” Joe was a private trader for most of his life. In the mid 80’s he shift his focus and decided to share his knowledge. After his recovery, he founded Trading Educators in 1988 to teach aspiring traders how to make profits using his trading approach. He has written 12 major books on trading. All of them have become classics and have been translated into many different languages.

Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of California at Los Angeles. He did his Masters work in Computer Sciences at the George Washington University extension in Norfolk, VA. Joe still tutors, teaches, writes, and trades regularly. Joe is still an active and integral part of Trading Educators.

Everybody hates to lose and unfortunately no one is blessed with the ability of foresight, therefore losses are an unavoidable part of trading. When we enter a trade we will either be right, or wrong, and even if we broke-even we’d still be classed as being wrong - as nobody enters into a trade just to break-even! When unsuccessful traders encounter a string of losses they begin to engage in self-destructive patterns that help them escape the pain they are experiencing.

In this article we bring to light these self-destructive actions that can help you realize what you are doing before it takes hold of your physical health. If you find yourself already engaged in these patterns hopefully this article can help you to get you back on track as quickly as possible.

The Destructive Patterns

If you find yourself caught in a string of losses or a bad performing week/month be sure to monitor your behavior. It is during this time that you will be at your most vulnerable. You will begin to indulge in activities that at first seem harmless, but upon excessive use (or in time), begin to cause physical damage to your health.

Ask yourself the following question: during during drawdown periods do I find myself over-indulging in these activities:

> Food (especially junk food - eg. chocolate, ice-cream, chips)?

> Sex (includes viewing pornography)?

> Drugs (includes excessive smoking)?

> Laziness (find it difficult to wake up in the morning)?

All of the above taken in excessive doses can be detrimental to your own physical health (some even in small doses!).

These activities above during your losing period are only covering up the pain of confronting the true issue, and your body tries to rid the emotional pain by trying to “fix” it with physical pleasures. Unfortunately it is going about it in the wrong way, so what should you do?


You need to realize what you’re doing and you need to STOP doing it immediately! You can either decide to stop, or you’ll be forced to stop when your body eventually breaks down and prevents you from any form of movement. It will be much more beneficial to you in the long-term if you can decide to stop *NOW*.

Once you have stopped you now need to figure out a way to solve the pain - not by cutting out or neglecting it, but by staring it in the face. Bring your problems out into the light, be honest with yourself. There can be no growth without pain, you are experiencing the emotional pain, now it is time to find the error and therefore your growth.

Begin Your Review

The review process begins in two separate areas: You & Your System. Here are some checklists for you to go through to find out where the problem could lie:


> Was your system thoroughly tested prior to trading it (or paper traded if you do not have the capacity to programme your system into backtesting software)?

> Did you test with out-of-sample data?

> Do you even have a system. If you do not, how do you even know if the method that you are trading is even profitable??

> Is your system’s code correct?

> Did you over-optimize your system? (what have we discussed about over-indulging?)

> Did you paper trade your system prior to placing capital on it?

> Did you trade with a small amount of capital prior to placing the rest of your funds on it?

> Do you know the system’s limitations?

> Is the current drawdown you are exhibiting with your system normal?

> Are you comfortable with your system’s historical drawdown performance?

> Are you fully aware of the risks involved with your system and the instrument(s) you are trading?

> Are you trading with funds that you are comfortable risking?

> Are you relying too heavily on your performance?

> Have you set realistic goals?

As you can see there are generally two areas that you need to explore: the mechanical aspect - your system - and the emotional aspect - you. Both can be responsible for making the way you feel the way you do. It will either be an error on the system’s side with how the system was tested and/or programmed, or it can be your own psychological profile not being comfortable with the system’s performance.

Your Answers = Change = Your Growth

What steps should we now take? Now that we have begun a corrective process where we have stopped the evil nature of our over-indulging ways to take control we should continue our “corrective nature” by invoking our findings and taking ACTION in correcting our errors.

If the problem was mechanical - fix it, if the problem was emotional either go about setting up new thought patterns, or change your current system. The answers lie in whether you need to expand your knowledge in system development, or whether you need to grow emotionally as a person.

Unfortunately there is no easy road, and even if there was everybody would be doing it. Hopefully this article has made you ponder over some of your behaviors during drawdown periods, be sure to keep an eye on yourself and as always take care of your body, because there’s no use in making all the money in the world when you don’t have the physical capacity to enjoy it.

Ryan Sheehy is the author of http://www. currencysecrets. com where you will find more free articles and resources on forex trading. You can also subscribe for free to their monthly newsletter.

Since alot of these systems are dealing in Forex, we thought that we should provide a overview of what “Forex” is.

The FX Market Structure

The foreign exchange market is the generic term for the worldwide institutions that exist to exchange or trade currencies. Foreign exchange is often referred to as “forex” or “FX. ” The foreign exchange market is an вЂ˜over the counter’ (OTC) market, that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched. FX dealers and market makers around the world are linked to each other around-the-clock via telephone, computer, and fax, creating one cohesive market. Since there is no centralized exchange, competition between market makers prohibits monopolistic pricing strategies. If one market maker attempts to drastically skew the price, then traders simply have the option to find another market maker. Moreover, spreads are closely watched to ensure market makers are not whimsically altering the cost of the trade. Many equity markets, on the other hand, operate in a completely different fashion; the New York Stock Exchange, for instance, is the sole place where companies listed on the NYSE can have their stocks traded. Centralized markets are operated by what are referred to as specialists; market makers, on the other hand, is the term used in reference to decentralized marketplaces. Since the NYSE is a centralized market, a stock traded on the NYSE can only have 1 bid-ask quote at all times. Decentralized markets, such as foreign exchange, can have multiple market makers - all of whom have the right to quote different prices.

Centralized Markets By their very nature, centralized markets tend to be monopolistic: with a single specialist controlling the market, prices can easily be skewed to accommodate the interests of the specialist, not those of the traders. If, for example, the market is filled with sellers from whom the specialists must buy from but no prospective buyers on the other side, the specialist will be forced to buy from the sellers in be in a situation where they cannot sell a commodity that is being sold off and hence falling in value. In such a situation, the specialist may simply widen the spread, thereby increasing the cost of the trade and preventing additional participants from entering the market. Or, specialists can simply drastically alter the quotes they are offering, thus manipulating the price to accommodate their own needs.

Hierarchy of Participants: While the foreign exchange market is decentralized, and hence employs multiple market makers rather than a single specialist, participants in the FX market are organized into a hierarchy; those with superior credit access, volume transacted, and sophistication receives priority in the market. At the top of the hierarchy is the interbank market, which trades the highest volume per day in relatively few, mostly G7 currencies. In the interbank market, the largest banks can deal with each other directly, via interbank brokers or through electronic brokering systems like EBS or Reuters. The interbank market is a credit-approved system where banks trade based solely on the credit relationships they have established with one another. All the banks can see the rates everyone is dealing at, however, each bank must have a specific credit relationship with that bank in order to trade at the rates being offered. Other institutions such as online FX market makers, hedge funds and corporations must trade FX through commercial banks. Many banks (small community banks, banks in emerging markets), corporations, and institutional investors do not have access to these rates because they have no established credit lines with big banks. This forces small participants to deal through just one bank for their foreign exchange needs, and often times this means much less competitive rates for the participants further down the participant hierarchy. Those receiving the least competitive rates are customers by banks and exchange agencies. Recently technology has broken down the barriers that used to stand between the end-users of foreign exchange services and the Interbank market. The online trading revolution opened its doors to retail clientele by connecting market makers and market participants in an efficient low cost manner. In essence online trading platform serve as gateway to the liquid FX market. Average traders can now trade alongside the biggest banks in the world, with virtually similar pricing and execution. What used to be a game dominated and controlled by the “big boys” is slowly becoming a level playing field where individuals can profit and take advantage of the same opportunities as big banks. FX is no longer an old boys club, which means opportunity is abound for aspiring online currency traders. Our Basic Rules for High Yield Investment Programs (We have Been Asked ALOT about this)

1. If you can’t afford to lose it, do not invest it. This is undoubtedly the Golden Rule, as no matter how much “due diligence” and research you perform on a program, some will always just disappear, for whatever reason, and when they disappear your money disappears with them.

2. Get your initial investment back out of the program as soon as you can. This way the money invested is pure profit, so it will hurt far less if it disappears. This also frees up your original investment capital to invest in a new program. If a program is going well it will be very tempting to break this rule. We know, and we have and lost because of it. Stick to this rule and you will not regret it.

3. Diversify. Ideally you want only 5-10% of your overall investment fund in any one program, obviously this does take a while to achieve, but is the safest strategy. The tough part is finding enough long standing, stable, paying programs to invest in.

4. If you get scammed just move on and learn from the experience. Notifying the authorities is certainly an option that is open to you and is your choice. The important thing is to work out if you broke one of the basic rules and exposed your capital unnecessarily, i. e. learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.

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Does it ever feel like there is never enough time in the day? Are you always rushing? Do you feel stressed at the end of the day? Do you believe that you are not accomplishing what you hoped? Better time management may be the answer.

Dr. Respect at http://marcusgentry. blogspot. com says we must protect, organize and prioritize our time. If you are having any of the above listed difficulties, then my guess is you are missing at least one of those elements.

Protecting our time is important. We all have the same amount of time in a day. It s what we do with it that is critical. Do you find yourself doing things you really don t want to do or spending time with people who take more than they give? These are examples of not protecting your time.

Your time is your gift to spend, as you will. You can spend it wisely or you can waste it. It s your choice. However, one thing you can t do is get it back to do over again.

Sometimes we all do things that we don t really want to be doing but when we do, it should be in furtherance of a bigger goal that we have. Maybe we don t want to be going to work today but we want to collect our paycheck at the end of the week, so it s something we choose to do to get to the bigger payoff.

However, there are things that we do that just aren t important, don t lead to anything and waste our time. Can you think of any activities that fall into that category for you? Do you know that the average American watches on average three hours of television each day? How is that for a time waster?

I know when I first got my computer, one of the things I unwisely spent my time on was computer games. I don t mean an occasional game here or there. I m talking about an addiction, an obsession—playing solitaire until 2 AM. If I didn t get that under control, I would have not only been wasting my time, but I would have been wasting my life.

I have three general categories for which I like to protect my time. One is for making progress toward my work/life goals. These are the things I do to move me forward in life. These are generally geared toward helping people in some way, generating more clientele, and increasing my revenue streams.

In this category, it is my sincere hope that one day I will have enough income to hire out all those necessary jobs that I don t love to do so that I can focus all my time on the things that are my passion but until that time, there are still things I do to move myself forward that I don t totally love. However, I try to get them done as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

The second category would be spending time with people I care about—those people who nurture me. I protect time for the special man in my life, my sons, my extended family and my friends. There are some people whom I avoid when I am protecting my time. They are the ones who generally take more than they give. Do you have people like that in your life? If they can t be totally eliminated, at least minimize the time you give to these people.

The third category would be simply things that bring me pleasure or joy. There are things I do that I can do alone or with others when I need relaxation. I like to read a good book, watch a good movie, horseback ride, canoe, ski, walk in the woods and something I got to do this weekend—swim. Protect your time so that you get to do the things that bring you joy.

Organizing your time has to do with having a good time management system. Don t wait until something is due tomorrow to start on it. Have a good plan and systems in place so you are in charge of your time instead of your schedule being in charge of you. Learn more about time management systems in our Time Management teleclass.

Another aspect of organizing one s time is maintaining laser-like focus. Did you know that the average person s mind wanders around seven to eight times a minute? Developing good work habits that include staying focused until the job is done is critical to organization.

Prioritizing your time has to do with deciding what s most important. I said I have three categories—goal-oriented actions, time with important people and time doing enjoyable activities. They don t necessarily prioritize in that order.

There must be a balance. I know that when I spend too much time working, I start to feel on edge and tense. This is generally a strong indicator that I need to switch my focus to one of the other areas. A person cannot be in control of their time if all they do is goal-oriented activity. A healthy balance is necessary for good time management and a healthy lifestyle.

To learn about stress management, visit www. Coachingforexcellence. biz and schedule a time management workshop for your workplace or check our events calendar for upcoming teleclasses, chats and workshops.

Does it ever feel like there is never enough time in the day? Are you always rushing? Do you feel stressed at the end of the day? Do you believe that you are not accomplishing what you hoped? Better time management may be the answer.

Dr. Respect at http://marcusgentry. blogspot. com says we must protect, organize and prioritize our time. If you are having any of the above listed difficulties, then my guess is you are missing at least one of those elements.

Protecting our time is important. We all have the same amount of time in a day. It s what we do with it that is critical. Do you find yourself doing things you really don t want to do or spending time with people who take more than they give? These are examples of not protecting your time.

Your time is your gift to spend, as you will. You can spend it wisely or you can waste it. It s your choice. However, one thing you can t do is get it back to do over again.

Sometimes we all do things that we don t really want to be doing but when we do, it should be in furtherance of a bigger goal that we have. Maybe we don t want to be going to work today but we want to collect our paycheck at the end of the week, so it s something we choose to do to get to the bigger payoff.

However, there are things that we do that just aren t important, don t lead to anything and waste our time. Can you think of any activities that fall into that category for you? Do you know that the average American watches on average three hours of television each day? How is that for a time waster?

I know when I first got my computer, one of the things I unwisely spent my time on was computer games. I don t mean an occasional game here or there. I m talking about an addiction, an obsession—playing solitaire until 2 AM. If I didn t get that under control, I would have not only been wasting my time, but I would have been wasting my life.

I have three general categories for which I like to protect my time. One is for making progress toward my work/life goals. These are the things I do to move me forward in life. These are generally geared toward helping people in some way, generating more clientele, and increasing my revenue streams.

In this category, it is my sincere hope that one day I will have enough income to hire out all those necessary jobs that I don t love to do so that I can focus all my time on the things that are my passion but until that time, there are still things I do to move myself forward that I don t totally love. However, I try to get them done as quickly and as painlessly as possible.

The second category would be spending time with people I care about—those people who nurture me. I protect time for the special man in my life, my sons, my extended family and my friends. There are some people whom I avoid when I am protecting my time. They are the ones who generally take more than they give. Do you have people like that in your life? If they can t be totally eliminated, at least minimize the time you give to these people.

The third category would be simply things that bring me pleasure or joy. There are things I do that I can do alone or with others when I need relaxation. I like to read a good book, watch a good movie, horseback ride, canoe, ski, walk in the woods and something I got to do this weekend—swim. Protect your time so that you get to do the things that bring you joy.

Organizing your time has to do with having a good time management system. Don t wait until something is due tomorrow to start on it. Have a good plan and systems in place so you are in charge of your time instead of your schedule being in charge of you. Learn more about time management systems in our Time Management teleclass.

Another aspect of organizing one s time is maintaining laser-like focus. Did you know that the average person s mind wanders around seven to eight times a minute? Developing good work habits that include staying focused until the job is done is critical to organization.

Prioritizing your time has to do with deciding what s most important. I said I have three categories—goal-oriented actions, time with important people and time doing enjoyable activities. They don t necessarily prioritize in that order.

There must be a balance. I know that when I spend too much time working, I start to feel on edge and tense. This is generally a strong indicator that I need to switch my focus to one of the other areas. A person cannot be in control of their time if all they do is goal-oriented activity. A healthy balance is necessary for good time management and a healthy lifestyle.

To learn about stress management, visit www. Coachingforexcellence. biz and schedule a time management workshop for your workplace or check our events calendar for upcoming teleclasses, chats and workshops.

For those of you who are interested in forex trading, you may want to start off by getting some good forex training. Forex training is a necessity for anyone with this interest. This is because a lot of money is involved in forex trading. If you don’t get some forex training, you are bound to lose a lot of money.

Some of you may not even know what forex trading is. If you don’t know this, you defiantly need some forex training. Forex stands for foreign exchange. Forex trading is basically the exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. This is done simultaneously in hopes of gaining a profit.

You can get forex training from several different places. The first place you should get forex training from is online. There are many websites that offer free forex training. The forex training these websites offer is both reliable and accurate. The forex training on these websites often offers a free demo account to teach you how to trade without actually using any real money.

A second place to get Forex training is at your local college campus. Forex training courses at college are usually inexpensive and very thorough. The forex training courses offered should also include hands on experience with trading, to help you get the edge. You can also get some books on forex training or research forex training at your local library. The best place to get forex training is from someone who is already involved in forex trading. The forex training these individuals provide will be more realistic for you and give you different aspects of the forex trading game.

The forex training you get should first start with learning how the foreign trade market works. The trade market is always changing, so you need to understand it first. The second part of your forex training should be about risk control. You never want to invest more than you can afford. The right forex training should teach you how to cut your losses and have less risks of failure. Next, your forex training should teach you how to open and manage a forex trading account. But this should be done with a demo account. All forex training should be done this way first, before you try the real thing.

With all of this in mind, you should be able to find some good forex training. Learn the ropes of forex trading and take the time to learn it well. Be sure to try a demo forex trading account before you start a real account. With the right forex training, you will soon be on your way to a profitable way to supplement your income.

About The Author:

Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www. forex-center. info a blog focusing on the forex training, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on forex training. For more info on forex training visit:http://www. forex-center. info

For those of you who are interested in forex trading, you may want to start off by getting some good forex training. Forex training is a necessity for anyone with this interest. This is because a lot of money is involved in forex trading. If you don’t get some forex training, you are bound to lose a lot of money.

Some of you may not even know what forex trading is. If you don’t know this, you defiantly need some forex training. Forex stands for foreign exchange. Forex trading is basically the exchange of one countries currency for another countries currency. This is done simultaneously in hopes of gaining a profit.

You can get forex training from several different places. The first place you should get forex training from is online. There are many websites that offer free forex training. The forex training these websites offer is both reliable and accurate. The forex training on these websites often offers a free demo account to teach you how to trade without actually using any real money.

A second place to get Forex training is at your local college campus. Forex training courses at college are usually inexpensive and very thorough. The forex training courses offered should also include hands on experience with trading, to help you get the edge. You can also get some books on forex training or research forex training at your local library. The best place to get forex training is from someone who is already involved in forex trading. The forex training these individuals provide will be more realistic for you and give you different aspects of the forex trading game.

The forex training you get should first start with learning how the foreign trade market works. The trade market is always changing, so you need to understand it first. The second part of your forex training should be about risk control. You never want to invest more than you can afford. The right forex training should teach you how to cut your losses and have less risks of failure. Next, your forex training should teach you how to open and manage a forex trading account. But this should be done with a demo account. All forex training should be done this way first, before you try the real thing.

With all of this in mind, you should be able to find some good forex training. Learn the ropes of forex trading and take the time to learn it well. Be sure to try a demo forex trading account before you start a real account. With the right forex training, you will soon be on your way to a profitable way to supplement your income.

About The Author:

Jay Moncliff is the founder of http://www. forex-center. info a blog focusing on the forex training, resources and articles. This site provides detailed information on forex training. For more info on forex training visit:http://www. forex-center. info

Forex trading for the little guy

Since alot of these systems are dealing in Forex, we thought that we should provide a overview of what "Forex" is.

The FX Market Structure

The foreign exchange market is the generic term for the worldwide institutions that exist to exchange or trade currencies. Foreign exchange is often referred to as "forex" or "FX." The foreign exchange market is an 'over the counter' (OTC) market, that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched. FX dealers and market makers around the world are linked to each other around-the-clock via telephone, computer, and fax, creating one cohesive market. Since there is no centralized exchange, competition between market makers prohibits monopolistic pricing strategies. If one market maker attempts to drastically skew the price, then traders simply have the option to find another market maker. Moreover, spreads are closely watched to ensure market makers are not whimsically altering the cost of the trade. Many equity markets, on the other hand, operate in a completely different fashion; the New York Stock Exchange, for instance, is the sole place where companies listed on the NYSE can have their stocks traded. Centralized markets are operated by what are referred to as specialists; market makers, on the other hand, is the term used in reference to decentralized marketplaces. Since the NYSE is a centralized market, a stock traded on the NYSE can only have 1 bid-ask quote at all times. Decentralized markets, such as foreign exchange, can have multiple market makers - all of whom have the right to quote different prices.

Centralized Markets By their very nature, centralized markets tend to be monopolistic: with a single specialist controlling the market, prices can easily be skewed to accommodate the interests of the specialist, not those of the traders. If, for example, the market is filled with sellers from whom the specialists must buy from but no prospective buyers on the other side, the specialist will be forced to buy from the sellers in be in a situation where they cannot sell a commodity that is being sold off and hence falling in value. In such a situation, the specialist may simply widen the spread, thereby increasing the cost of the trade and preventing additional participants from entering the market. Or, specialists can simply drastically alter the quotes they are offering, thus manipulating the price to accommodate their own needs.

Hierarchy of Participants: While the foreign exchange market is decentralized, and hence employs multiple market makers rather than a single specialist, participants in the FX market are organized into a hierarchy; those with superior credit access, volume transacted, and sophistication receives priority in the market. At the top of the hierarchy is the interbank market, which trades the highest volume per day in relatively few, mostly G7 currencies. In the interbank market, the largest banks can deal with each other directly, via interbank brokers or through electronic brokering systems like EBS or Reuters. The interbank market is a credit-approved system where banks trade based solely on the credit relationships they have established with one another. All the banks can see the rates everyone is dealing at, however, each bank must have a specific credit relationship with that bank in

order to trade at the rates being offered. Other institutions such as online FX market makers, hedge funds and corporations must trade FX through commercial banks. Many banks (small community banks, banks in emerging markets), corporations, and institutional investors do not have access to these rates because they have no established credit lines with big banks. This forces small participants to deal through just one bank for their foreign exchange needs, and often times this means much less competitive rates for the participants further down the participant hierarchy. Those receiving the least competitive rates are customers by banks and exchange agencies. Recently technology has broken down the barriers that used to stand between the end-users of foreign exchange services and the Interbank market. The online trading revolution opened its doors to retail clientele by connecting market makers and market participants in an efficient low cost manner. In essence online trading platform serve as gateway to the liquid FX market. Average traders can now trade alongside the biggest banks in the world, with virtually similar pricing and execution. What used to be a game dominated and controlled by the "big boys" is slowly becoming a level playing field where individuals can profit and take advantage of the same opportunities as big banks. FX is no longer an old boys club, which means opportunity is abound for aspiring online currency traders. Our Basic Rules for High Yield Investment Programs (We have Been Asked ALOT about this)

1. If you can't afford to lose it, do not invest it. This is undoubtedly the Golden Rule, as no matter how much "due diligence" and research you perform on a program, some will always just disappear, for whatever reason, and when they disappear your money disappears with them.

2. Get your initial investment back out of the program as soon as you can. This way the money invested is pure profit, so it will hurt far less if it disappears. This also frees up your original investment capital to invest in a new program. If a program is going well it will be very tempting to break this rule. We know, and we have and lost because of it. Stick to this rule and you will not regret it.

3. Diversify. Ideally you want only 5-10% of your overall investment fund in any one program, obviously this does take a while to achieve, but is the safest strategy. The tough part is finding enough long standing, stable, paying programs to invest in.

4. If you get scammed just move on and learn from the experience. Notifying the authorities is certainly an option that is open to you and is your choice. The important thing is to work out if you broke one of the basic rules and exposed your capital unnecessarily, i. e. learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.

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Business and the Forex The business world is a complex web of supply and demand. Money and goods, physical or otherwise, pass through the global market every single day. To meet this exchange between one country and another, foreign exchange, or forex, was born. The term. Currency trading is not the monopoly of the nerds and the geeks The general perception is that any and every person who is involved in the business of trading of currency or foreign exchange is a person who has a super high IQ. To hear words and phrases like liquidity ratio, central bank intervention. Goodbye Multi-Level Marketing and Hello E-currency Exhcange If you are reading this article you are one of many people who have spent many hours trying to find a work at home business that really does work. Searching for unique ways to make money on the internet. Very few people go on to succeed working. Option Arbitrage in the Forex Market What is arbitrage? Arbitrage is the simultaneous buying and selling of identical financial instruments taking advantage of price discrepancies between different brokers, exchanges, clearing firms, etc. and thus looking in a profit. On paper. Where to Get Forex Training For those of you who are interested in forex trading, you may want to start off by getting some good forex training. Forex training is a necessity for anyone with this interest. This is because a lot of money is involved in forex trading. If.

Risk Disclosure: Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Before deciding to invest / trade in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading.

** The Views and opinions represented in the provided website links and resources are not controlled by the Referring Broker or the FCM. Further, the Referring Broker and the FCM are not responsible for their availability, content, or delivery of services.

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Author: prazdnikk Date of post: 18.08.2015

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The Business Times


Last updated on 7 Jun 2013 .

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New York City, with a population of over 8.1 million, is the most populous city in the United States. Alone, it makes up over 40 percent of the population of New York state. It is known for its status as a center for finance and culture and for its status as the largest gateway for immigration to the United States. According to the U. S. Department of Commerce, New York City is also a destination of choice for many foreign visitors. Both the state and city were named for the 17th century Duke of York. James Stuart, future James II and VII of England and Scotland .

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• Presently associated with Muthoot Forex Limited, Secunderabad as Manager • Proven expertise in handling the gamut of banking operations, implementing systems and procedures to achieve maximum efficiency and profitability • Experience at processing deal slips by dealer, settlement of Inter Bank Forex deals both in foreign Currency & Rupee • Well conversant with the dynamics of Forex Market & technical analysis of Currencies; conversant with RBI guidelines and other statutory obligations • Cemented healthy and profitable relationship with Authorized Dealer Category – I & II, FFMCs and Corporates • Demonstrated interpersonal, communication and organizational skills

Since Dec’07 Muthoot Forex Limited, Secunderabad as Manager

Joined as Assistant Manager and was promoted as Manager in Jan’12

Key Result Areas

Branch & Franchisee Management • Managing the overall functioning of branch and franchisees, identifying improvement areas and implementing adequate measures to maximize customer satisfaction level; conducting Forex Audit at franchisees (Half yearly forex audit & annual franchisee inspection) • Overseeing the daily accounts operations like posting of daily journal entries, checking of day book, daily cash closing, accounts closing, verifying and tallying accounts, trial balance verification, monthly bank and franchisee reconciliation, year ending accounting works, etc.

KYC Operations/ Anti Money Laundering • Handling entire KYC reviews, preparing KYC checklists and comparing data from checklist against customer accounts (commercial & personal) to verify client ID • Implementing “Anti-money Laundering Compliance” programs in accordance with respective country laws/ Central Bank regulations; investigating potential money laundering and fraudulent activity across all lines of business

Forex Management • Managing interbank & corporate FOREX operations; constant monitoring of the dynamics of FOREX markets to maximise profits; analysing requirements of clients and suggesting suitable services / solutions for their FOREX portfolio, ensuring best returns • Handling the purchase and sale of foreign currencies/ travelers cheque/ travelers card from individuals, other forex dealers (FFMCs & AD – IIs) and banks; ensuring the genuineness of the currency by explaining different security features of the currencies, giving currency images and helping them to check the currencies with UV Lamp, etc.

Accomplishments • Developed healthy and profitable relationship with Authorized Dealer Category – I & II, FFMCs and Corporates • Played a key role in managing over 104 franchisees with the direct reporting of 2 employees • Successfully dealt with the money transfer facilities like Western Union, Xpress Money, Money Gram, etc. • Accelerated the monthly reconciliation process from a 1.5-day to a 0.5-day task through measures such as regular tallying of bank book with bank statement, timely accounting of bank charges, continuous follow up of receivables and payables, etc. • Achieved cost saving worth INR 200 Thousand/per year through measures such as reducing of travelling cost by pooling of currencies in few identified franchisees (pooling locations), pre planning and budgeting of expenses which helped to reduce operating cost, timely covering/booking of foreign currencies, etc. • Expanded sales by 70% through innovative selling techniques such as Social networking, Quick & Dedicated Customer Services, Cross Selling, etc • Recipient of award for travel card sales (2011-12) and 1 for wire transfer(outward remittance)2013-14 in recognition of exceeding quarterly sales targets by an average of 110% over a 12 month period • Trained and developed a team of 40 new franchisee executives who achieved an average of 75% of their sales targets within their first 6 months

Nov’07 to Nov’07 Karvy Stock Broking Limited, Kanhangad-Kerala as Dealer Trainee Feb’07 to Mar’07 Oceanus Dwellings (P) Ltd. Thiruvananthapuram as Junior Executive – Marketing

Aug’07 to Oct’07 Kallinkeel Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. Taliparamba-Kerala, as Academic Writer

• Involved in Research and Academic writing

• Post Graduate Diploma in International Business (PGDIB) from Pondicherry University, Pondicherry, India in 2007 • MBA (Finance & Marketing) from School of Management Studies, University of Calicut, India in 2006 • B. Sc. (Mathematics) from University of Calicut, Kerala, India in 2003

• “Fundamentals of Personal Financial Planning” from University of California, Irvine through Coursera. org (Massive Open Online Courses) • NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets (NCFM) • Diploma in Information Technology from CEDTI, Taliparamba, Kerala (Centre For Electronics Design & Technology of India)

• Tally, MS - Office, C, C++ and Visual Basic

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Career Opportunities. Treasury Part 1

As you all know, banks have 2 two main arms:

One is the retail side, which offers deposits, loans and services to individuals like you and me. The other is the wholesale side, which deals with the corporate customers. Treasury is a unique part of a bank as it covers the retail as well as the wholesale side.

Roles available in the Treasury division of a Bank:

Treasury division of a bank acts as a profit center as well as a support function for other divisions of the bank. As a profit center, treasury division is divided into various teams. These teams specialize in different products. For example: Fixed Income/Foreign Exchange/Equities/Derivatives desk All these desks trade on their own (Proprietary), and on behalf of customers. We’ll first look at roles available in the foreign exchange desk.

The largest team in treasury (comprising almost 70% of treasury workforce) is the Forex sales team. They typically interact with CFOs and selected executives from finance departments of various companies.

The sales team looks at a customer’s balance sheet and analyzes the forex risks a customer faces, then structure the solution for him. They specifically look at the quantum of imports, exports, foreign currency borrowings etc.

Remember, the customer here could be a big corporate like Bharti Airtel or Reliance Industries.

The challenge here is to manage the relationship well, as you’ll face a lot of competition from other banks.

Nota . Most fresh MBAs get recruited in the sales team for the treasury division.

Career Progression: One starts as in-charge of customer service where one gives quotes and follows up with customers for their requirements. You usually start with small corporate accounts. As your experience and expertise grow, you start handling bigger accounts. You can also grow region wise. For example you can become the Sales Head (Delhi region) and move up to Country Head.

Skill-sets required: To join forex sales team one should:

Be very comfortable talking to people.

Have strong product knowledge.

Then there is the trading unit that manages risk. Let’s say the sales team sells USD 1 million at 62 Rs. to a customer, they would immediately send this position to the trading desk. The trading desk would then cover this position in the market, at a profit or loss to the bank.

This team also takes proprietary positions. For example if on the start of the day, they feel that the U. S dollar will go down, they short sell dollars, and then by it back at a lower rate to make profits.

The Trading team will be about 7-10% of the treasury team. Typically banks look for lateral recruitment here. Very few freshers are recruited here, unless you show some exemplary trading skill sets.

Ability to take risk, you need nerves of steel.

Ability to absorb react quickly to news.

Ability to bear loss.

Career Progression: One begins as a junior dealer taking small trading positions. You can them move to a senior dealer and then a chief dealer taking big trading positions. Also you may move across different currencies, and then you might move to trading other products such as forwards, derivatives etc.

In the next post, we shall discuss about the Derivative Structuring Team and some other roles that act as a profit center for the bank.

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The FX Market Structure

The foreign exchange market is the generic term for the worldwide institutions that exist to exchange or trade currencies. Foreign exchange is often referred to as "forex" or "FX." The foreign exchange market is an 'over the counter' (OTC) market, that means that there is no central exchange and clearing house where orders are matched. FX dealers and market makers around the world are linked to each other around-the-clock via telephone, computer, and fax, creating one cohesive market. Since there is no centralized exchange, competition between market makers prohibits monopolistic pricing strategies. If one market maker attempts to drastically skew the price, then traders simply have the option to find another market maker. Moreover, spreads are closely watched to ensure market makers are not whimsically altering the cost of the trade. Many equity markets, on the other hand, operate in a completely different fashion; the New York Stock Exchange, for instance, is the sole place where companies listed on the NYSE can have their stocks traded. Centralized markets are operated by what are referred to as specialists; market makers, on the other hand, is the term used in reference to decentralized marketplaces. Since the NYSE is a centralized market, a stock traded on the NYSE can only have 1 bid-ask quote at all times. Decentralized markets, such as foreign exchange, can have multiple market makers - all of whom have the right to quote different prices.

Centralized Markets By their very nature, centralized markets tend to be monopolistic: with a single specialist controlling the market, prices can easily be skewed to accommodate the interests of the specialist, not those of the traders. If, for example, the market is filled with sellers from whom the specialists must buy from but no prospective buyers on the other side, the specialist will be forced to buy from the sellers in be in a situation where they cannot sell a commodity that is being sold off and hence falling in value. In such a situation, the specialist may simply widen the spread, thereby increasing the cost of the trade and preventing additional participants from entering the market. Or, specialists can simply drastically alter the quotes they are offering, thus manipulating the price to accommodate their own needs.

Hierarchy of Participants: While the foreign exchange market is decentralized, and hence employs multiple market makers rather than a single specialist, participants in the FX market are organized into a hierarchy; those with superior credit access, volume transacted, and sophistication receives priority in the market. At the top of the hierarchy is the interbank market, which trades the highest volume per day in relatively few, mostly G7 currencies. In the interbank market, the largest banks can deal with each other directly, via interbank brokers or through electronic brokering systems like EBS or Reuters. The interbank market is a credit-approved system where banks trade based solely on the credit relationships they have established with one another. All the banks can see the rates everyone is dealing at, however, each bank must have a specific credit relationship with that bank in order to trade at the rates being offered. Other institutions such as online FX market makers, hedge funds and corporations must trade FX through commercial banks. Many banks (small community banks, banks in emerging markets), corporations, and institutional investors do not have access to these rates because they have no established credit lines with big banks. This forces small participants to deal through just one bank for their foreign exchange needs, and often times this means much less competitive rates for the participants further down the participant hierarchy. Those receiving the least competitive rates are customers by banks and exchange agencies. Recently technology has broken down the barriers that used to stand between the end-users of foreign exchange services and the Interbank market. The online trading revolution opened its doors to retail clientele by connecting market makers and market participants in an efficient low cost manner. In essence online trading platform serve as gateway to the liquid FX market. Average traders can now trade alongside the biggest banks in the world, with virtually similar pricing and execution. What used to be a game dominated and controlled by the "big boys" is slowly becoming a level playing field where individuals can profit and take advantage of the same opportunities as big banks. FX is no longer an old boys club, which means opportunity is abound for aspiring online currency traders. Our Basic Rules for High Yield Investment Programs (We have Been Asked ALOT about this)

1. If you can't afford to lose it, do not invest it. This is undoubtedly the Golden Rule, as no matter how much "due diligence" and research you perform on a program, some will always just disappear, for whatever reason, and when they disappear your money disappears with them.

2. Get your initial investment back out of the program as soon as you can. This way the money invested is pure profit, so it will hurt far less if it disappears. This also frees up your original investment capital to invest in a new program. If a program is going well it will be very tempting to break this rule. We know, and we have and lost because of it. Stick to this rule and you will not regret it.

3. Diversify. Ideally you want only 5-10% of your overall investment fund in any one program, obviously this does take a while to achieve, but is the safest strategy. The tough part is finding enough long standing, stable, paying programs to invest in.

4. If you get scammed just move on and learn from the experience. Notifying the authorities is certainly an option that is open to you and is your choice. The important thing is to work out if you broke one of the basic rules and exposed your capital unnecessarily . i. e. learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.

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The only Catalan numbers C n that are odd are those for which n = 2<sup>k</sup> − 1. n), where S(w) is defined recursively as follows: write w = unv where n is the largest e. Learn how to generate random numbers in C and C++ using rand and srand. Many programs that you will write require the use of random numbers. How to Generate Random Numbers in C Programming. The best way to write a random-number generator is not to ask the user to type a seed, but rather to. How to Write Multiple Decisions in C Programming · How to Do Simple Arithmetic with C Programming. Determining Types of Numbers in C . It's a numeric data type, which is how you say, "number type" if you work at the Pentagon. Home & Garden · Internet & Social Media · Music & Creative . Discover thousands of images about Drawing Ideas on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas . | See more about. South Carolina (SC) Pick 3 Evening Past 30 Day Winning Numbers. Pick 3 has four different play types providing numerous ways to win. Players have the. Instant Ticket Security Documentary · Behind the Draw Video · Drawing Days & Times · Draw Partners. pick 3. Odds How To Play Official Rules · Drawing Videos hmm, how weird. I tried it but. It does print the way you want. fprintf won't write hexadecimal numbers that end in zero to a file correctly. This page contains different ways to finding hcf or gcd in C programming with output and explanation. … This is the best way to find HCF of two numbers. Kuasa forex pdf pricing using fuzzy numbers financial bets pdf how to make money high accuracy low draw downs v best s bonus accounts uk compare s recent .

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The only Catalan numbers C n that are odd are those for which n = 2<sup>k</sup> − 1. n), where S(w) is defined recursively as follows: write w = unv where n is the largest e. Learn how to generate random numbers in C and C++ using rand and srand. Many programs that you will write require the use of random numbers. How to Generate Random Numbers in C Programming. The best way to write a random-number generator is not to ask the user to type a seed, but rather to. How to Write Multiple Decisions in C Programming · How to Do Simple Arithmetic with C Programming. Determining Types of Numbers in C . It's a numeric data type, which is how you say, "number type" if you work at the Pentagon. Home & Garden · Internet & Social Media · Music & Creative . Discover thousands of images about Drawing Ideas on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas . | See more about. South Carolina (SC) Pick 3 Evening Past 30 Day Winning Numbers. Pick 3 has four different play types providing numerous ways to win. Players have the. Instant Ticket Security Documentary · Behind the Draw Video · Drawing Days & Times · Draw Partners. pick 3. Odds How To Play Official Rules · Drawing Videos hmm, how weird. I tried it but. It does print the way you want. fprintf won't write hexadecimal numbers that end in zero to a file correctly. This page contains different ways to finding hcf or gcd in C programming with output and explanation. … This is the best way to find HCF of two numbers. Kuasa forex pdf pricing using fuzzy numbers financial bets pdf how to make money high accuracy low draw downs v best s bonus accounts uk compare s recent.


The only Catalan numbers C n that are odd are those for which n = 2<sup>k</sup> − 1. n), where S(w) is defined recursively as follows: write w = unv where n is the largest e. Learn how to generate random numbers in C and C++ using rand and srand. Many programs that you will write require the use of random numbers. How to Generate Random Numbers in C Programming. The best way to write a random-number generator is not to ask the user to type a seed, but rather to. How to Write Multiple Decisions in C Programming · How to Do Simple Arithmetic with C Programming. Determining Types of Numbers in C . It's a numeric data type, which is how you say, "number type" if you work at the Pentagon. Home & Garden · Internet & Social Media · Music & Creative . Discover thousands of images about Drawing Ideas on Pinterest, a visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas . | See more about. South Carolina (SC) Pick 3 Evening Past 30 Day Winning Numbers. Pick 3 has four different play types providing numerous ways to win. Players have the. Instant Ticket Security Documentary · Behind the Draw Video · Drawing Days & Times · Draw Partners. pick 3. Odds How To Play Official Rules · Drawing Videos hmm, how weird. I tried it but. It does print the way you want. fprintf won't write hexadecimal numbers that end in zero to a file correctly. This page contains different ways to finding hcf or gcd in C programming with output and explanation. … This is the best way to find HCF of two numbers. Kuasa forex pdf pricing using fuzzy numbers financial bets pdf how to make money high accuracy low draw downs v best s bonus accounts uk compare s recent .

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C'est le plus souvent après une journée professionnelle déjà bien remplie, pendant nos congés ou lors de nos temps-libres que nous venons accorder un peu de notre temps pour l’association.

N os activités sont aussi diverses que variées. Le nettoyage quotidien des boxes et les soins portés aux chevaux occupent la majeure partie de notre temps. Mais le travail au centre, c'est également l'entretient des installations, des abris et du matériel, la réfection des clôtures ou encore l'organisation d'évènements nous permettant de récolter des fonds indispensables à notre survie. Cette expérience, parfois éprouvante, est incontestablement compensée par le bonheur de voir nos rescapés reprendre goût à la vie au milieu de nos prairies.

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Saturday, 04 May 2013 14:26 Yeshe Choesang, The Tibet Post International

Dharamshala: - The United States Commission on International Religious Human Rights (USCIRF) has said religious freedom conditions in Tibet are worse now than at any time over the past decade.

This second US report came just two weeks after the Secretary of State John F. Kerry, said under the pretext of maintaining social stability, the Chinese government engaged in the severe repression of Tibet's unique religious, cultural, and linguistic heritage.

"Since 2008 protests in Tibetan areas, the government's control of the doctrines, worship sites, and selection of religious leaders of Tibetan Buddhism, and its arrests and detentions of individuals who oppose government policy or support the Dalai Lama, have nurtured deep resentments among Tibetans," the US commission said in its 2013 annual report issued on 30 April.

The US commission reviews the facts and circumstances of religious freedom violations and makes policy recommendations to the US President, the Secretary of State, and Congress.

It also documented self-immolation protests by Tibetans against the Chinese government reprssive rule.

"Hundreds of monks and nuns were arrested and detained in the aftermath of 2008 demonstrations. At least 283 Tibetan Buddhist monks, nuns, and trulkus are currently imprisoned in China, according to the Congressional Executive Commission on China prisoner database.

Despite requests, the Chinese government has not provided full details or a credible accounting of those detained, missing, or disappeared," trials have not been open, and those accused are give adequate legal representation," it said.

It said the Chinese government continues to deny repeated international requests for access to the "disappeared" Gendun Choekyi Nyima, whom the Dalai Lama designated as the 11th Panchen Lama when he was six years old.

"Despite the efforts of the U. S. and other governments, no formal dialogue took place between the Dalai Lama's representatives and Chinese government and Communist Party officials during the past year.

The environment for productive exchanges deteriorated markedly, given the new religious freedom restrictions and the government's public denunciations against the Dalai Lama," it said.

The commission recommended that China again be designated as a "country of particular concern" because of its systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom.

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In a PowerPoint 2010 presentation, you can insert a linked Excel worksheet or a portion of data from a linked spreadsheet, and copy a selection of cells to a slide. Here’s a guide discussing in 3 parts:

Part 1 Insert a linked Excel worksheet to PowerPoint 2010 To insert and link a saved Excel spreadsheet onto your PowerPoint slide, do the following:

Note – The linked object in your presentation displays all data from the active, top spreadsheet in the linked Excel workbook.

1. In PowerPoint 2010, on the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Object .

2. In the Insert Object dialog box, select Create from file .

3. Click Browse . and in the Browse dialog box, browse to and then select the Excel workbook that contains the information that you want to insert, and then click OK.

4. In the Insert Object dialog box, select Link and then click OK .

To edit a linked Excel spreadsheet, do one of the following: • To edit the data from within Excel, right-click the object on the slide, point to Linked Worksheet Object . and select Edit . • To update the data on the slide to match the data in the original Excel file, right-click the object on the slide, and click Update Link .

Part 2 Insert a linked selection from a spreadsheet to PowerPoint 2010 To insert and link a selection of data from a saved Excel spreadsheet, do the following:

1. In Excel, open the workbook containing that data that you want to insert. 2. Select and copy the data that you want. Keyboard shortcut You can press CTRL + C to copy the data.

1. In PowerPoint 2010, click the slide where you want to paste the copied worksheet data. 2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow below Paste . and select Paste Special . 3. In the Paste Special dialog box, under As, select a Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object. 4. Select the Paste link check box and click OK.

To edit a selection of cells from a linked Excel spreadsheet, do one of the following: • To edit the data from within Excel, right-click the object on the slide, point to Linked Worksheet Object . and select Edit. • To update the data on the slide to match the data in the original Excel file, right-click the object on the slide, and click Update Link .

Part 3 Copy a selection of Excel cells onto a slide in PowerPoint 2010 To paste a copy a selection of Excel data onto your PowerPoint slide, do the following:

Note - Data copied and pasted onto a PowerPoint slide does not automatically update when the data is changed in the Excel workbook. To link the data on the PowerPoint slide to the original Excel data source, see Insert a linked selection from a spreadsheet.

1. In Excel, open the Excel workbook that contains the information that you want to copy.

a. Select and copy the data that you want. Keyboard shortcut You can press CTRL + C to copy the data.

segundo. In PowerPoint 2010, click the slide where you want to paste the copied worksheet data.

do. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow below Paste.

re. Under Paste Options, do one of the following:

1. Select Keep Source Formatting if you want to copy the data as a PowerPoint table, but want it keep the appearance of the original Excel spreadsheet.

2. Select Use Destination Styles if you want to copy the data as a PowerPoint table, but want it to assume the appearance of the PowerPoint presentation.

3. Select Embed if you want to copy the data as information that can be edited in Excel.

4. Select Picture if you want to copy the data as an un-editable picture.

5. Select Keep Text Only if you want to copy all the data as a single text box.

Reprint Policy: All posts on this blog are created for non-profit sharing by the blogger staff of Moyea Software. You can reprint them without any fee, but are required to quote each source link on Moyea PowerPoint E-Learning Center (http://www. dvd-ppt-slideshow. com/blog/ ) and keep all original hyperlinks within.

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EU-Africa Business Forum looks to PPPS to take e-learning to rural Africa


Image: By BiztechAfrica

Microsoft has co-chaired a round table discussion in Brussels on the need for private and public partnerships (PPPs) to deliver relevant, sustainable and scalable solutions that will promote e-learning in Africa. The round table resulted in the proposal of an EU pan-African solution that will allow school to have access to devices, connectivity, and e-learning services. The round table is one of the key side events at this year’s EU-Africa Business Forum.

The round table was jointly led by Microsoft’s Africa Initiatives Legal and Corporate Affairs Director, Louis Onyango Otieno, alongside SES’ Vice President for Institutional Relations, Christine Leurquin. The session brought together representatives of African governments and their respective ministries of education, multilaterals, information technology and telecommunications specialists, financial institutions and other private sector players.

It gave participants the opportunity to discuss connectivity and affordability challenges in the roll-out of e-schools across the continent. With devices, connectivity and e-learning services identified as some of the key barriers in promoting universal access to education, the forum provided a platform to open up dialogue between European and African public and private actors on how to improve access to the internet, and its related services. Microsoft is already piloting three solar-powered TV white spaces trials on the continent as part of the 4Afrika Initiative. The pilots in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, aim to provide low-cost, broadband access to neighbouring schools and universities.

Specifically, participants addressed the need for infrastructure, resourcing and the related financing required to deploy education solutions. The creation of an enabling policy environment that promotes infrastructure development, access to dynamic spectrum, as well as online safety and cyber security will be critical to meeting this goal.

Speaking at the event, Louis Onyango Otieno said,” The goal of the round table is to take away outcomes and solutions that will ultimately help Africa achieve the MDG’s agenda for universal education by advocating for connectivity, access and services that are relevant and affordable. Access to capital remains a major obstacle for African businesses and entrepreneurs to invest in and deploy low-cost technologies.”

Last month, Microsoft partnered with Intel East Africa and the Kenya Private Schools Alliance, to launch the 4Afrika Youth Device Program, which provides a bundle of affordable devices, educational applications, online services, data plans and smart financing to Kenyan learning institutions. Other partners include Safaricom, Mitsumi Distribution, Equity Bank and M-Changa, a mobile fund-raising app.

“The collaboration of these partners is key to the success of the 4Afrika Youth Device Program in making it practical and affordable for learners and educators. We are excited to have been able to share our experience and learnings during the roundtable, and look forward to participating in the growth of e-learning on the continent,” says Otieno.

The 5th EU-Africa Business Forum has attracted over 500 high level participants from the business communities across Europe and Africa. The event is happening back-to-back with the 4 th Africa-EU Heads of State Summit in Brussels, Belgium.


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American Science and Engineering’s Proven Detection Systems Assist Governments and Local Authorities with Detecting Drugs, Explosives, Currency, and…

BILLERICA, Mass. Dec. 30, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — American Science and Engineering, Inc. (NASDAQ:ASEI ) (“AS&E”), a leading worldwide supplier of innovative X-ray detection solutions, today announced the most notable seizures around the world for 2015 as reported in the news or from customers. With a proven track record and best-in-class technology, AS&E’s cargo, parcel, and personnel inspection systems help governments, corporations, and military organizations around the globe to protect borders, ports, checkpoints, critical infrastructure, and high-threat facilities.

“AS&E continues to innovate to support ;our customers with their most challenging inspection problems,” said Chuck Dougherty, AS&E’s President and CEO. “Our range of inspection systems and technologies are delivered in a variety of form factors that include small portable devices, large fixed-scanning portals, or mobile platforms that can be used as a stand-alone solution or in combination to meet our customers’ unique requirements. AS&E’s detection systems play a critical role in our customers’ overall security efforts because of their proven success in finding drugs, currency, and explosives, and exposing trade fraud.” ;

1. Over $9 million in trade and tax revenue in three months: In a three-month operation, a customs organization in Africa exceeded their annual revenue target by collecting more than $9 million in trade and tax revenue. A single ZBV ® mobile cargo inspection system scanned more than 12,000 containers moving through the port, helping officials quickly and efficiently perform manifest verification, and facilitate the collection of duties and taxes.

2. Thousands of kilos of chemicals used to create VBIEDs seized: In the Middle East in November 2015, the ZBV mobile scanning system’s Z Backscatter® technology helped detect chemicals used to make vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) that were hidden in the back of a truck.

3. Over $1 million in U. S. currency seized in the Middle East: In December 2015 at a key checkpoint in the Middle East, the ZBV system detected over $1 million in U. S. currency hidden in the rear panel and fender of a vehicle. ;

4. Cocaine valued at $2.13 million seized in Hong Kong . At the Hong Kong International Airport, AS&E’s Gemini® parcel and baggage inspection system detected 2.2 kilograms of suspected cocaine worth approximately $2.13 million. The cocaine was found in false compartments in a backpack.

5. Drugs discovered among baggage on buses in China . In July 2015, the Yunnan MOPS Drug Enforcement Agency used the MINI Z® handheld imaging system to scan baggage at various checkpoints along bus routes and successfully seized drugs hidden in the luggage on a passenger bus. ;

6. Heroin valued at $700,000 found in a container in Malaysia . The Royal Malaysian Police leveraged the ZBV® mobile cargo and vehicle inspection system to help uncover 34 kilograms of pure heroin worth RM 3 million ($700,000) hidden among hay and horse feed in a container from Pakistan. ;

7. Heroin valued at $360,000 discovered in a vehicle door in Texas: In January 2015, 11.25 pounds of heroin with a street value of $360,000 were seized with the help of our Z Portal ® system that scanned a vehicle arriving at the port of entry from Mexico. The heroin was hidden in the driver-side rear door compartment. ;

8. U. S. Public Safety officials find $275,000 in cooler lining: Using our MINI Z handheld scanner, U. S. Public Safety officials discovered $275,000 of U. S. currency concealed in the lining of a cooler in the cab of a truck.

9. Over 800 kg of cocaine seized in Peru: The narcotics division of the Peru National Police seized more than 800 kilos of cocaine with the ZBV mobile system. The seizures were a result of drug raids that took place in Cusco and Ayacucho as part of an overall effort to combat drug trafficking in the region.

10. Over 9,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes seized in Poland: Poland Customs discovered 9,000 packs of smuggled cigarettes, valued at €23,600 ($26,000), with the help of the ZBV mobile cargo and vehicle scanner. The cigarettes (commonly smuggled across borders to avoid paying duties and taxes), were hidden in a secret, remote-controlled hatch in the roof of a truck driver’s cab.

Visit our seizures page for additional information on our Most Notable Seizures in 2015. For regular updates on seizures throughout the year, follow us on Twitter @ase_detects .

*These seizures represent only a small fraction of the seizures that take place every day. Thousands are not publicly reported so that our customers can maintain effective operations. While many of the above seizures are among those publicly reported, in some cases AS&E is unable to disclose the customer in order to ensure the security of their continuing missions.

American Science and Engineering, Inc. (AS&E) is the trusted global provider of threat and contraband detection solutions for ports, borders, military, critical infrastructure, law enforcement, and aviation. With over 50 years of experience, AS&E offers proven, advanced, X-ray inspection systems to combat terrorism, drug smuggling, illegal immigration, and trade fraud. AS&E systems are designed in a variety of configurations for cargo and vehicle inspection. parcel inspection. and personnel screening. Using a combination of technologies, these systems provide superior detection capabilities, with high-energy, dual-energy, and Z Backscatter® X-rays — pioneered by AS&E. Learn more about AS&E products and technologies at www. as-e. com and follow us on Twitter @ase_detects .

Safe Harbor Statement : The foregoing press release contains statements concerning AS&E’s financial performance, markets and business operations that may be considered “forward-looking” under applicable securities laws. ; AS&E wishes to caution readers of this press release that actual results might differ materially from those projected in any forward-looking statements. Factors which might cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements contained herein include the following: significant reductions, delays or cancellations (in full or in part) in procurements of the Company’s systems by the United States and other governments; disruption in the supply of any source component incorporated into AS&E’s products; litigation seeking to restrict the use of intellectual property used by the Company; limitations under certain laws on the Company’s ability to protect its own intellectual property; potential product liability claims against the Company; global political trends and events which affect public perception of the threat presented by drugs, explosives and other contraband; global economic developments and the ability of governments and private organizations to fund purchases of the Company’s products to address such threats; the potential insufficiency of Company resources, including human resources, capital, plant and equipment and management systems, to accommodate any future growth; technical problems and other delays that could impact new product development and the Company’s ability to adapt to changes in technology and customer requirements; competitive pressures; lengthy sales cycles both in United States government procurement and procurement abroad; ; future delays in federal funding, the market price of the company’s stock prevailing from time to time, the nature of other investment opportunities presented to the company from time to time, ; the company’s cash flows from operations and market and general economic conditions. These and certain other factors which might cause actual results to differ materially from those projected are detailed from time to time in AS&E’s periodic reports and registration statements filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which important factors are incorporated herein by reference. AS&E undertakes no obligation to update forward looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events, or changes in future operating results, financial condition or business over time. Readers are further advised to review the “Risk Factors” set forth in the Company’s most recent Form 10-Q and Form 10-K, ;which further detail and supplement the factors described in this Safe Harbor Statement. ; Among other disclosures, the Risk Factors disclose risks pertaining to that portion of the Company’s business that is dependent on United States government contracting as well as international customers.

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Mensaje de navegación

‘Banks violates FEMA Act in Rs. 32000 forex derivatives scam says RBI’: Karan Jain

Lawyer Karan Jain

As scams continue to rock our nation, here is another one that has been brewing for a while. The Reserve Bank of India has been investigating violations of the extant rules by several banks in India. As a direct result of these violations, several gullible importers, exporters and other companies were sold foreign exchange derivative contracts in 2008 resulting in massive losses. What recently has come to light is the fact that the banks seem to have violated not only the apex banks guidelines themselves but also the FEMA Act! What is pertinent to note is that the RBI itself has not vetted any of the contracts that were sold. The scam is estimated to value approximately Rs 32000 crore. Some of the erring banks have been penalized negligible amounts ranging from Rs 5 to Rs 15 lakh.

In an interview, noted lawyer Karan Jain, who filed for information on the matter under the RTI Act, tells us of the responses he has received on a number of issues by the RBI. The responses were in relation to RIA No. 249-2011/12 filed by Mr Karan Jain.

Here are excerpts of the interview:

1. Under what sections/provisions of the RBI/FEMA Act has a fine of Rs 5 to Rs 15 lakh been levied on 19 banks, been based on?

Karan Jain: The RBI claims that the action that was taken against the banks was based on the report of the Annual Financial Inspection which was conducted under Section 35 of the Banking Regulation Act of 1949. Since the information that was received was of top priority clearance only, it has been held in fiduciary capacity. Any further disclosure will end up in prejudicing the economic interests of the state and the bank’s competitive position. Further information was exempt from disclosure. The amount of the fine is in relation to how far the violation goes.

The RBI has imposed penalties under Section 47A (1) (b) read with Section 46(4)(i) of the Banking regulation Act for contravention of various instructions issued by the Reserve Bank in respect to derivatives.

2. Were the contracts also investigated for violations of FEMA?

Karan Jain: The Reserve Bank has clearly stated in it’s reply that compliance function in certain banks had failed to ensure strict observance of the provisions of FEMA. However, the RBI has not replied as to whether any action was taken or penalties imposed for violation of the FEMA.

3. Have the banks that have been penalized right now in effect been fined or found guilty in relation to similar cases of derivative contracts in India or abroad?

Karan Jain: Once again the RBI claims not to have access to the relevant information.

4. Does it fall under the purview of the RBI to vet all products sold by banks? If yes, then shouldn’t have derivative products been reviewed? Who is to be held responsible for RBI’s failure to do so?

Karan Jain: As per the response I received from the RBI, they claim not to be responsible for the review of all the products that are sold by banks. By inference the RBI seems to be clearly stating that it was the responsibility of the banks to vet the legality of the products that they were selling thereby raising a very important issue of whether a central regulatory body is the way forward in this industry.

5. What are the penal provisions under the Indian legal system for illegally selling derivative products and who is responsible for their enforcement?

Karan Jain: Surprisingly, the RBI has indicated that they did not have the required information to answer this question! They also stated that the question was not specific. It is in the nature of seeking legal opinion which is not “information" as defined under the RIA2005.

6. Has the RBI been able to put together a set of rules to prevent such violations in the future?

Karan Jain: Though RBI claimed that the information sought was not really specific in nature, they mentioned that the derivative guidelines had recently been altered as with Circular DBOD No. BP BC 27 / 21.04.2011-12 dated August 2 nd 2011.

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With all this talk recently about Shift children and how they will affect this time in history, it is a wonder why more hasn't been said about them. Perhaps they want it that way. There are others referred to as "Indigo" and "Crystal" children; yet if it were left to these children, they would avoid such labels.

So-called Shift children are the complete spiritual package. In truth, they cannot be defined. Shift babies began coming into this realm around 1982. Their personalities were Shift-oriented. Hence, they broke the mold of the average newborn and came into this world with only a miniature veil attached to their personalities. Soon, even that veil dissipated and they awakened to their purpose. They are aware of what is going on in the world and are bringing their personalities to bear on the rest of us.

A s Master Kirael tells the story of the Shift babies, see if you can identify these magical children. If you know someone who is graduating from college with no real goal in mind, yet is certain he or she will be successful, you are probably looking at a Shift-child personality. If you know someone who is secure living at home and contributing to the household with such love that his parents are happy to let him stay forever, you are probably looking at a Shift-personality. If you know a young person who is working at a job, silently waiting for the older generation to get out of his way, you are probably looking at a Shift child.

The so-called Crystal children are teachers; yet they will teach with a new, innovative and different agenda. They will know how to work with children like themselves. The so-called Indigo children are the warriors of the light. They are calling for change in profound and moving ways, with their voices and through their paintings and writings.

Listen to Master Guide Kirael and his medium, Kahu Fred Sterling as they tell us who these Shift children are, where they are, and when they will make themselves known to the world.

Here are the tracks contained on this enlightening CD:

Master Kirael’s Welcome - Opening Statement (4:30)

Operating at Different Levels (6:23)

Young Adults: Some Advice (3:42)

Truth and the Third Eye (5:16)

Listening at Heart Level (4:56)

Shift Parents, Shift Kids (3:52)

Active Omni Brains (2:13)

Channeling Higher Awareness (4:38)

Higher Operating Brain Capacity (7:18)

Natural Healers (4:58)

Tips for Baby Boomers (8:03)

Self-Programming Their Genes (5:24)

Playtime in the 3rd Dimension (4:31)

Their Philosophy (2:13)

Multi-Leveled Communications (4:19)

Master Kirael’s Closing Statement (2:14)

Children of the Great Shift (CD) HCOL-73-0810 $15.95

Children of the Great Shift ( MP3) 77-0810 $8.95

Multi-Fiber Arrangement - MFA

BREAKING DOWN 'Multi-Fiber Arrangement - MFA'

Under the MFA, the United States and the European Union restricted imports from developing countries in an effort to protect their own domestic industries. Under the agreement, each developed country was assigned a quota or quantities of a specific item which could be exported to the U. S. and EU.

A security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets.

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Highly liquid assets held by financial institutions in order to meet short-term obligations. The Liquidity coverage ratio.

The competitive advantage that one company has over other companies in the same industry. This term was coined by renowned.

A tax credit in the United States which benefits certain taxpayers who have low incomes from work in a particular tax year.

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