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Publicado por CelestialBeing hace 5 años Firefox 64 bit (Firefox 64bit x64 3.6.3) En el sitio de descarga de Windows 7. Es oficial?

Me tropecé con una descarga de 64 bits FireFox en el sitio de descarga de Windows 7 - http://www. windows7download. com/win7-firefox-64bit-x64/tafschzm. html - Es esto oficial? Porque de acuerdo con el sitio de descarga de Mozilla, todavía no hay un horario para un FireFox de 64 bits.

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No hay ninguna versión oficial de 64 bits de Firefox para Windows lanzada aún. Mozilla está en el proceso de desarrollar uno, pero no estará disponible hasta después de Firefox 4. La descarga que ofrece no es oficial.

Las compilaciones de 32 bits funcionan bien en cualquier momento. En este momento, las compilaciones de 32 bits son más rápidas en comparación con las compilaciones de 64 bits basadas en la misma fuente.

En cuanto a oficialmente compatible con 64 bits de lanzamiento de Firefox para Windows, así lo más temprano que puede ser es actualmente Firefox 12.0

Compruebe para las lanzamientos nocturnos de firefox, hay lanzamientos de 64 pedazos que exceden lejos las velocidades que he visto de un hojeador de 32 pedacitos, y permiten para casi todas las adiciones que uso también.

Boo1019, que no son oficialmente apoyado construye, ya que son principalmente para los probadores y devs y para las pruebas de rotura, ya que es posible romper 32 bits sin romper de 64 bits y otra forma. Si un servidor para esa construcción se cae o una regresión causada por un parche sucede, entonces no tiene la prioridad para trabajar de inmediato como las compilaciones regulares.

También necesita complementos de 64 bits para esas versiones.

Firefox / win64

Escritorio de Firefox: Win64

Ver resumen de antecedentes, análisis de mercado, metas y objetivos, aquí.


Para liberar Win64 en GA antes de finales de 2015 con el fin de ofrecer a nuestros usuarios una mejor experiencia con mejoras en la estabilidad, el rendimiento y la seguridad. Proporcionar estos beneficios en una fase de despliegue y evitar la rotura de nuestra audiencia general. Esto significa opt-in sólo hasta que estamos seguros de que hemos logrado la paridad con Win32 para nuestros usuarios.

Qué hemos logrado hasta ahora para alcanzarlo?

√ Bus de prueba resuelto √ Automatización de la liberación para Aurora y Beta √ Combinado a Nightly antes del lanzamiento del décimo aniversario y montado los trenes a Firefox 38 Aurora Developer Edition √ Win64 está disponible actualmente, aquí √ Restablecer temporalmente el soporte para el bug de Silverlight 1225293 √ Post GA Versión de Win64, aquí: https://www. mozilla. org/en-US/firefox/all/ √ Publicación del artículo en el blog: Firefox 64-bit para Windows Disponible con soporte para complementos limitados

Próximos pasos

Priorice el Instalador de Stub para ayudar a liberar las pruebas de automatización y la experiencia de descarga / instalación para nuestros usuarios, consulte: https://bugzilla. mozilla. org/show_bug. cgi? id=1140411#c7

Identificar una hoja de ruta a mediano y largo plazo

Plan de lanzamiento propuesto (a partir del primer trimestre de 2015)


Más ashok_srinath 2 más reciente Firefox 64-bit version for Windows

Me preguntaba cómo obtener una versión de 64 bits de Firefox, para Windows 7. Una búsqueda en Internet muestra que estos están disponibles en un par de sitios web: http://www. windows7download. com/ http: //www. firefox64bit. com

Estoy asumiendo que estos son genuinos, pero estoy confundido por qué no están disponibles en el sitio web de Mozilla. Busqué en el foro de soporte y encontré una respuesta que tiene un año de antigüedad (http://support. mozilla. org/en-US/questions/782154). Lo que indica que una versión de 64 bits podría estar disponible después de Firefox 12. A menos que esté confundido acerca de la nomenclatura de la versión que se utiliza, la última versión de Firefox es 24. Todavía no hay una versión oficial de 64-pero FIrefox disponible para Windows?

Gracias & amp; Recuerdos, Ashok

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todas las cosas

Полезные решения











Mozilla no publica una versión de 64 bits de Firefox excepto para pruebas. El lanzamiento "Nightly" está destinado sólo a los probadores y no se recomienda para el uso diario. Supongo que no se ha demostrado suficiente ventaja para soportar una versión de 64 bits para uso regular.

Mozilla no tiene una versión de Firefox 64-bit para sistemas operativos Windows. Mozilla tiene versiones alfa de nivel de Windows de 64 bits para Windows, pero actualmente se generan para verificar que los cambios de canal nocturnos no se están rompiendo en las versiones de 64 bits de Windows.

Hay algunas terceras partes 64-builds disponibles, como Waterfox, pero éstas no son versiones oficiales de Mozilla.

Puedo decirle que la especificación de una sola página HTML5 de W3C no se cargará en un navegador de 32 bits, o apenas lo hará, es un archivo HTML de 14MiB. Me gusta poder hacer ctrl-f en un documento para encontrar las cosas que necesito. La página múltiple no permite eso.

Que es razón suficiente para nosotros los diseñadores web.

Además, los programas de 32 bits no son tan seguros como los 64 bits de lo que leo.

Algunos de mis documentos HTML5 pueden llegar a ser muy similares.

Usted no puede dejar que los navegadores simples, estúpidos como IE le golpeen al golpe. Incluso cromo tiene un navegador de 64 bits (no muy bueno, pero aún mejor que IE).

También estoy ocupado actualizando la página web de mi empresa a HTML5 y necesito un navegador confiable para probar estos cambios.

Hola Arturius, IE10 y IE11 son navegadores muy sofisticados. Pero yo divago. Personalmente no creo que un navegador necesite una arquitectura de 64 bits a menos que el objetivo sea permitirle usar aún más memoria de las arquitecturas de 32 bits, y la mayoría de los usuarios que visitan aquí parecen sentir que Firefox ya usa suficiente memoria es.

Mozilla tiene Firefox de 64 bits para Linux y 32/64 para Mac OSX desde Firefox 4.0 lanzado el 22 de marzo de 2011. Las compilaciones de Win64 sin embargo todavía tiene algunos obstáculos a superar para la liberación.

Si instalo la versión de 64 bits, puedo actualizarla cada día con la última versión de Firefox cada noche o esto será un problema viendo que es una versión de terceros o simplemente una versión de prueba para Mozilla?

Hi maxmaggot, la versión Nightly es mantenida por Mozilla. Dado que contiene los últimos cambios con muy pocas pruebas previas, puede esperar más problemas de estabilidad (más fallos) que la versión lanzada.

Gracias por esto. Me quedo con los nightlies de 32 bits.

Nuevamente Gracias Max

C ++: en las ventanas de 64 bits, y dependiendo de su compilador, _WIN64 está definido para 64 bits de compilación, y no si es de 32 bits. Mingw-w64 se puede detectar mirando para ver si se define __MINGW32__. También define # __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR y __MINGW64_VERSION_MINOR si necesita una versión del compilador (no está seguro si esto corresponde a la versión de gcc). También, con mingw y mingw-w64, __GNUC__ se define como con cualquier compilador gcc. espero que esto ayude. Puse algo de este tipo de cosas aquí: common c ++ # definees

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Firefox 64-bit para Windows disponible

Hoy estamos lanzando Firefox 64-bit para Windows para ofrecer ganancias en rendimiento para usuarios con sistemas de 64 bits. Nos complace ofrecerlo a los usuarios de Windows 7 y superiores que busquen un rendimiento adicional para aplicaciones y juegos.

Firefox 64-bit para Windows, por diseño, tiene soporte limitado para complementos y los usuarios notarán que ciertos sitios que requieren complementos que funcionaban en versiones anteriores de 32 bits de Firefox podrían no funcionar en esta versión de 64 bits. Como hemos compartido anteriormente, Mozilla pretende eliminar el soporte para la mayoría de los complementos NPAPI en Firefox para finales de 2016.

Para descargar e instalar Firefox 64-bit para Windows, vaya a la página de Firefox Todos los sistemas.

Contamos con tus comentarios para seguir mejorando Firefox con soporte de 64 bits.

Lanzamiento de la primera versión de Firefox de 64 bits, aumento de velocidad prometedor y juegos web más robustos

Mozilla se ha unido a la fiesta de navegación de 64 bits con Firefox para Windows, pero sólo en Developer Edition por ahora.

The Developer Edition es una versión especial de Firefox con herramientas integradas para crear sitios web y aplicaciones web. Mientras que OS X y Linux ya tienen una versión de 64 bits, Mozilla está agregando una versión de Windows con soporte de 64 bits ahora.

La principal ventaja de la navegación de 64 bits es la capacidad de abordar más de 4 GB de RAM, lo que permite aplicaciones web más robustas. Como ejemplo, Mozilla apunta a los juegos que se ejecutan en el Unreal Engine de Epic, señalando que un navegador de 64 bits puede almacenar significativamente más activos en la memoria. "Para algunos de los más grandes de estas aplicaciones, un navegador de 64 bits significa la diferencia entre si o no un juego se ejecutará", escribió Mozilla en un blog.

Un juego de Unreal Engine que funciona dentro de Firefox de 64 bits.

Más allá de la memoria adicional, Mozilla dice que el navegador de 64 bits es simplemente más rápido, acelerando el código JavaScript a través de nuevos registros de hardware e instrucciones que no están disponibles con la versión de 32 bits. En una prueba de ciertas aplicaciones JavaScript, el rendimiento mejoró entre un 8 y un 17 por ciento.

No está claro cuándo la navegación de 64 bits llegará a la versión principal de Firefox para Windows. Pero dado que Developer Edition está en la versión número 38, y la versión estable está en 36, una versión mainstream es probablemente unos meses fuera. Si está ejecutando Developer Edition ahora y desea cambiar a 64 bits, Mozilla recomienda desinstalar el Win32 sin eliminar su perfil y, a continuación, descargar la versión de 64 bits.

Por qué esto es importante: Internet Explorer y Chrome ya ofrecen navegadores de 64 bits, por lo que puede ver Firefox como simplemente saltando en la tendencia. Sin embargo, está diciendo que Mozilla llamó al juego como una posible aplicación. El grupo ha sido un gran promotor de juegos en el navegador, colaborando con Unity en una herramienta para portar juegos a la web sin plug-ins y trabajando con Epic Games en una versión web de Unreal Engine 4. Poderoso juego basado en web ha Ha sido un sueño durante años, y la navegación de 64 bits es una pieza clave del rompecabezas.

Los botones de la tienda de Amazon se adjuntan mediante programación a todas las revisiones, independientemente de los resultados de las revisiones finales de los productos. Nuestra empresa matriz, IDG, recibe ingresos publicitarios por la actividad comercial generada por los enlaces. Debido a que los botones se adjuntan mediante programación, no deben interpretarse como endosos editoriales.

Jared Newman

Jared escribe para PCWorld y TechHive desde su remoto puesto en Cincinnati. Más de Jared Newman

Mozilla prevé Firefox de 64 bits para Windows, pide provisionalmente una versión estable para mediados de mayo

Mozilla anunció el lunes su primera versión preliminar para desarrolladores de una versión de Windows de 64 bits de Firefox.

El lanzamiento puso la edición de 64 bits en camino para aparecer como un pulido, listo para todos los navegadores a mediados de mayo.

"Hoy estamos contentos de anunciar que las compilaciones de 64 bits para Firefox Developer Edition están ahora disponibles en Windows, agregando a las plataformas ya soportadas de OS X y Linux", escribió Dave Camp, director de herramientas de desarrollo, y Jason Weathersby, Técnico evangelista, en un post a un blog de la empresa ayer.

Firefox 38's Developer Edition, antes llamado "Aurora", ahora viene en versión de 32 y 64 bits para Windows. Actualmente, el calendario de Mozilla, que lanza una edición recién numerada cada seis semanas, tiene Firefox 38 avanzando a través de las compilaciones "Beta" y "Central", con esta última - la edición más pulida - lanzada el 12 de mayo.

Cook y Weathersby promocionaron el Firefox de 64 bits como más rápido y más seguro, este último debido a las mejoras de eficiencia en la tecnología ASLR de Windows (distribución de espacio de direcciones) en 64 bits.

La mayor ventaja de un navegador de 64 bits en un sistema operativo de 64 bits es que puede abordar más de 4 GB de memoria disponible para una aplicación de 32 bits, permitiendo a los usuarios mantener abiertos cientos de pestañas sin bloquear el navegador o Cook Y Weathersby señaló, ejecutar aplicaciones web más grandes y sofisticadas, sobre todo los juegos.

Mozilla es el último bloqueo de 32 bits entre los cinco principales proveedores de navegadores.

Google envió un Chrome de Windows de 64 bits en agosto de 2014 y uno para OS X en noviembre, mientras que Safari de Apple y Internet Explorer de Microsoft (IE) han tenido ediciones de 64 bits en OS X y Windows desde 2009 y 2006, respectivamente. Opera Software, el fabricante noruego de navegadores conocido por su buque insignia del mismo nombre, también ofrece una edición de 64 bits en Windows.

El camino a un Firefox de 64 bits en Windows ha sido torturado. Aunque el desarrollador de código abierto ha tenido largas versiones de 64 bits para OS X y Linux, Mozilla suspendió el trabajo en uno para Windows en noviembre de 2012, sólo para retractarse y reiniciar el proyecto un mes después.

Una versión de 64 bits de Firefox en Windows ha estado disponible en el canal de creación "Nightly" de Mozilla, una edición muy sin pulir, durante años.

Mozilla tiene otro navegador abandonado que podría reiniciar: Firefox para un entorno táctil basado en Windows.

Oficialmente etiquetado como "Firefox para Windows 8 Touch", el navegador fue archivado hace casi un año, pocos días antes de su debut programado, cuando Mozilla citó la mala adopción de Windows 8 (y Windows 8.1) "Touch-first mode para la decisión.

Sin embargo, con Microsoft planeando lanzar Windows 10 a finales de este año - probablemente en septiembre u octubre - y agresivamente impulsar la aceptación al ofrecer actualizaciones gratuitas a los usuarios que ejecutan Windows 7 o Windows 8.1, Mozilla puede repensar el encofrado de Firefox en el toque.

En ese momento, Mozilla dijo que el código sería deshabilitado, disponible en algún momento posterior si Metro de repente tuvo un brote de crecimiento.

Mozilla no ha respondido a las preguntas sobre si tiene planes de reiniciar Firefox en touch para Windows 10.

Mientras tanto, Microsoft ha anunciado un nuevo navegador para Windows 10. El código llamado "Spartan", el navegador será un nuevo comienzo para Microsoft. Que dejará atrás el legado de apoyo, y al IE11 todavía disponible o su sucesor. Spartan, que aún no ha aparecido en la vista previa de Windows 10 para las tabletas de escritorio y grandes, será lo que Microsoft empuja como navegador de los clientes; Será mejorado y mejorado en un ritmo mucho más rápido que Internet Explorer.

Gregg Keiser cubre Microsoft, problemas de seguridad, Apple, navegadores web y noticias generales de tecnología para Computerworld.

Waterfox (64-Bit)

Revisión de los Editores

Waterfox es una versión de 64 bits de Firefox. Los desarrolladores del navegador modificaron el código fuente de Firefox específicamente para máquinas que ejecutan versiones de 64 bits de Windows. El software diseñado para las ediciones de Windows de 64 bits puede aprovechar la RAM más rápida y las velocidades de procesamiento y una mayor estabilidad en los sistemas de 64 bits. Simplemente convertir el código fuente de Mozilla para Windows de 64 bits no hace lo suficiente para hacer que Waterfox se aparte de Firefox y otros navegadores web basados ​​en Firefox; Otros ajustes únicos le ayudan a aprovechar la velocidad de los sistemas de 64 bits. Como dice el sitio Web de Waterfox, la velocidad es su misión.

Cuando abrimos por primera vez Waterfox, mostró nuestros marcadores y otros datos personales de Firefox. Cuando se trata de looks y extras, Waterfox no decepciona en una comparación de lado a lado con la última versión de Firefox. Waterfox tiene un parecido familiar con otros navegadores basados ​​en Mozilla, con un botón de inicio azul oscuro en lugar de naranja de Firefox. De lo contrario, Waterfox se ve y funciona como Firefox, incluyendo sus diversas características personalizables y opciones. Nuestros complementos, extensiones y complementos funcionaron también en Waterfox, incluidos los plug-ins de Microsoft Office y Silverlight. Waterfox también tiene actualizaciones regulares.

Podríamos decir con sólo unos cuantos viajes rápidos a sitios conocidos que Waterfox es rápido, así que visitamos algunos de nuestros sitios favoritos de prueba de velocidad de navegador para ver cómo se apila contra la competencia, incluyendo Firefox y nuestro actual valor predeterminado, Chrome. Para los resultados más reveladores, lanzamos la prueba de tortura HTML5 de Peacekeeper en cada una de ellas, enfrentando a Waterfox con el patrón de Chrome del sitio y nuestra propia copia de Chrome.

Esta herramienta de benchmarking en línea separa los teléfonos inteligentes de los escritorios de juegos con una serie de pruebas cada vez más agotadoras que tomó unos 5 minutos para ejecutar a través. Waterfox superó a Firefox, pero no a Chrome, tanto en velocidad como en capacidad de representación HTML5, aunque los resultados fueron lo suficientemente cercanos como para que sea una cuestión de elección. Las pruebas de velocidad cruda con el ancho de banda de CNET produjeron resultados mucho más cercanos. Chrome tenía un borde consistente, pero Waterfox es rápido, también. Subjetivamente, "se siente" rápido, lo que podría ser las ventajas de la operación de 64 bits. En cualquier caso, nos gusta mucho Waterfox. Si prefiere Firefox pero ejecute Windows de 64 bits, pruebe Waterfox.

Descripción del editor

De Waterfox: Versión de 64 bits de Firefox. El código fuente de Firefox se toma y se compila para ejecutarse específicamente para equipos Windows de 64 bits. Para hacer que Waterfox se destaque un poco más, se compila con optimizaciones para que se ejecute de manera más eficiente y más rápida que la compilación de Firefox como un programa de 64 bits. Waterfox fue la primera comunidad que Firefox construye para lanzar una versión de 64 bits de Firefox 4 cuando salió por primera vez.

Qué hay de nuevo en esta versión:

Qué hay de nuevo en Waterfox 43.0.4?

Corregido el fallo que ocurrió cuando un usuario no tenía un perfil existente de Waterfox o Firefox.

Actualizar el código base de las versiones de Windows y Mac a Firefox 43.0.4

Los paquetes de idiomas ya están disponibles para su descarga

Qué hay de nuevo en Waterfox 43.0.1?

Se han solucionado varias fallas con banderas de optimización menos agresivas (Eliminación de - Qprec-div - - Qip - Qopt-prefetch)

Qué hay de nuevo en Waterfox 43.0? Actualizaciones

. Ver todas las novedades & raquo

2016-02-29 12:02:50 | Por franxalot

| Versión: Waterfox (64-Bit) 34.0.4

No ha funcionado lo suficientemente bien o el tiempo suficiente para encontrar ningún profesional.

Muy lento para cargar Con frecuencia congela / restablece / se bloquea

He utilizado tanto Firefox y Waterfox durante muchos años y muchas versiones con Windows 7, 8 y ahora 10. WF fue mi favorito hasta esta actualización, ya que subido rápidamente y manejó todo lo que me lanzó en forma transparente. Esta última versión, sin embargo, tiene problemas que no desaparecen. Como se indicó anteriormente, es muy lento de carga y tiene otros problemas en uso. Frecuentemente se congela o se restablece a un cuadrado, perdiendo lo que estoy trabajando. Puede ser mejor / más rápido / más suave para algunas personas, pero no muestra ese lado para mí o mi portátil Asus. Si se desarrolla otra actualización de Waterfox, estoy dispuesto a probar una vez más, pero hasta entonces estoy usando Firefox.


2016-02-12 17: 23:54 | Por RoadRunnerUK1

| Versión: Waterfox (64-Bit) 34.0.4

Es rápido, utiliza poco poder y las primeras impresiones fue bueno - luego cayó plana

Altered Settings a mi uso personal - falló para guardar contraseñas, FROZE si la página web tenía un video activo jugando (como MSN hace), necesitaba un re-arranque para activar los cambios, no tiene una barra de favoritos (que podría encontrar) .

En general, muy decepcionados - fui por él después de leer la revisión de los editores, sólo va a mostrar - incluso él puede conseguir que equivocado!

Solía ​​ser genial; Ahora basura & # 34;

2016-01-26 15:02:49 | por wombatmatty

| Versión: Waterfox (64-Bit) 34.0.4

Ya no hay pros.

Con cada nueva versión de Waterfox, el rendimiento para mí va cuesta abajo, incluso en nuevas instalaciones con un nuevo sistema operativo. Tenía una veintena de máquinas diferentes y ahora estoy desinstalándolas todas para usar Firefox, que ahora tiene una versión de 64 bits.

Waterfox solía ser rápido, es decir hasta las últimas versiones. Parece que el desarrollador trató de obtener un poco demasiado elegante a partir de la búsqueda de la caridad (ahora terminó). Cada vez que abro el navegador, la configuración de búsqueda parece predeterminada (incluso en instalaciones recientes). A veces, cuando la búsqueda con la barra de búsqueda superior derecha me lleva a un motor de búsqueda completamente diferente O a mi configuración de búsqueda. Presionar de nuevo la búsqueda hace lo que debería haber hecho la primera vez.

Hay demasiados accidentes y congela ahora para mi gusto. Descargas muy a menudo fallan sin ninguna razón con la incapacidad de reiniciar a menos que busque el enlace y haga clic en él de nuevo. No es un sitio web en particular.

El proceso de waterfox también se queda atrapado en la memoria.

& # 34; Clon muy pobre & # 34;

Firefox Developer Edition 38: 64 bits y más

En conmemoración del décimo aniversario de Firefox, hemos presentado Firefox Developer Edition, el primer navegador creado específicamente para desarrolladores. En ese momento, también anunciamos planes para enviar una versión de 64 bits de Firefox. Hoy estamos contentos de anunciar la siguiente fase de este plan: las versiones de 64 bits para Firefox Developer Edition ya están disponibles en Windows, añadiéndose a las plataformas ya soportadas de OS X y Linux.

Una compilación de 64 bits es un paso importante para dar a los usuarios una rica experiencia de aplicaciones de calidad de escritorio en el navegador. Permita que también echemos un vistazo a algunas de las otras características que hacen de esto un lanzamiento que vale la pena anotar. Si aún no ha descargado el navegador Developer Edition, es un buen momento para probarlo. Aquí es por qué:

Ejecutar aplicaciones más grandes

Un navegador de 32 bits está limitado a 4 GB de espacio de direcciones. Que el espacio de direcciones es más reducido por los problemas de fragmentación. Mientras tanto, las aplicaciones web son cada vez más grandes. Browser-based games that deliver performant, native-like gameplay, such as those built with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, are often much larger than we expect from traditional web applications. These games ship with large assets that must be stored in memory so they can be synchronously loaded.

For some of the largest of these apps, a 64-bit browser means the difference between whether or not a game will run. For example, when porting to asm. js it’s recommended to keep heap size to 512mb in a 32-bit browser. That goes up to 2GB in a 64-bit version of Firefox.

Emscripten helps port C and C++ code to run on the Web and deliver native-like performance. For an in-depth look at how assets are stored and accessed using a variety of methods in asm. js/emscripten built applications, read Alon Zakai’s post on Synchronous Execution and Filesystem Access in Emscripten.

Gain faster execution and increased security

64-bit Firefox just goes faster. We get access to new hardware registers and instructions to speed up JavaScript code.

For asm. js code, the increased address space also lets us use hardware memory protection to safely remove bounds checks from asm. js heap accesses. The gains are pretty dramatic: 8%-17% on the asmjs-apps-*-throughput tests as reported on arewefastyet. com .

The larger 64-bit address space also improves the effectiveness of ASLR (address space layout randomization), making it more difficult for web content to exploit the browser.

Firefox Developer Edition additions and improvements

Beyond the new 64-bit capabilities, the Firefox 38 Developer Edition release implements many new features, as it does every 6 weeks when it is updated. Some of these are described below. For all the details and associated bugs in progress, you’ll want to visit the release notes.

WebRTC changes

In a post about WebRTC from 2013, we documented some workarounds and limitations of WebRTC mozRTCPeerConnection. One fix involved adding multiple MediaStreams to one mozRTCPeerConnection and renegotiating on an existing session.

The new version of Firefox Developer Edition fixes these issues. We now support adding multiple media streams (camera, screen sharing, audio stream) to the same mozRTCPeerConnection within a WebRTC conversation. This allows the developer to call the addStream method for each additional stream, which in turn triggers the onAddStream event for the clients.

Renegotiation allows streams to be modified during a conversation, for example sharing a screen stream during a conversation. This is now possible without re-creating a session.

Last week we announced that WebRTC requires Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) starting in Firefox 38. We’ll dig a little deeper into details of our WebRTC implementation in an upcoming article. Manténganse al tanto.

The BroadcastChannel API

The BroadcastChannel API allows simple messaging between browser contexts with the same user agent and origin is now available. Here’s more detail and some ideas for how to use the BroadcastChannel API in Firefox 38 .

Support for KeyboardEvent. code

KeyboardEvent. code is now enabled by default. The code attribute give a developer the ability to determine which physical key is pressed without keyboard layout or keyboard state modifications.

For more examples of uses cases see the motivation section of the UI Events Specification (formerly DOM Level 3 Events).

XHR logging

The Network Monitor already displays a great deal of information on XMLHttpRequests. but often the console is used to debug code along with network requests. In the latest Developer Edition of Firefox, the console now supports filtering XMLHttpRequests within console logging.

Let us know what you think

Many additional improvements are available in this version. Download it now. Tell a friend.

As always, you can take a close look at the Developer Edition release notes. Please be sure to share your feedback and feature ideas in the Firefox Developer Tools UserVoice channel .

About Dave Camp

Dave Camp is Director of Engineering for Firefox at Mozilla.

About Jason Weathersby

Jason Weathersby is a Technical Evangelist for Mozilla, evangelizing Firefox OS. He is also a committer on the BIRT project at the Eclipse Foundation, and has co-authored several books on BIRT integration. He is a proponent of HTML5, Open Source and all things related to web-based gaming.


Is there a recommended process to replace the 32bits version by the 64bits? Or just to install the new one and remove the previous will do the trick without problems?

Is there a bugzilla bug or request for releasing builds for arm-linux (armhf)?

Firefox 36 (what we have on ubuntu arm trusty) is a great browser, but it would be amazing to be able to download binaries of the nightly builds and the developer edition as well.

And while there, xulrunner and / or B2G Desktop would be great, for running gaia on chromebooks(last time I tried “make gaia“` it failed because of the wrong download and the lack of xpcshell).

@Robson – Thanks for asking! Here’s the recommendation:

& # 8211; Uninstall Win32 – Don’t remove your profile – Install Win64 (it’s a full installer vs. a update)

¡Gracias! It worked!

How to change default profile for Developer Edition? I would like to use this version of Firefox as my main browser, but “dev-edition-default” is always selected instead of the profile previously selected by me in profile manager.

unpack it, and replace the original installation directory with the unpacked one (e. g. rename the original directory or delete it).

On `about:preferences`-> General, disable “Allow Firefox Developer Edition and Firefox to run at the same time”.

MacBookPro 2014 13″ Retina OSX 10.10.2 keeps telling me that “FirefoxDeveloperEdition. app is damaged and can’t be opened”. Have removed Firefox 36 and downloaded 3 times now – trying 38.0a2.en-GB and. en_US with same result each time.

I just tried it from OS X 10.10.2 and it downloaded and ran fine for me. If you are on a flaky internet connection, you may be getting a corrupted binary. To verify this, first download the dmg as before and then get the checksum from the server here:

The first 3 lines contain the checksums for the dmg you downloaded, which you can then verify locally. The easiest option is to use md5 which comes with OS X, like this:

I’m having the same problem, tried both the en-GB and en-US downloads, the md5 hash matches but OS X 10.10.2 tells me that FirefoxDeveloperEdition is damaged and I should move it to trash.

The md5 sum matches, but it’s not being launched unless you allow apps from “anywhere” under System preferences > Seguridad & amp; Privacy > General > Allow apps downloaded from…

The system default is to allow apps from “Mac App Store and identified developers”.

One would hope this includes Mozilla? The standard Firefox runs fine with these settings by the way.

Thanks for your suggestions Panos

Connection is pretty stable & fast 4MB/s download average and have tried four times now. The Checksum was different though.

However FirefoxDeveloperEdition runs fine when I start from the firefox-bin executable -:)

Initial impressions very positive.

I’m having this same problem with OS X 10.10.2.

The MD5 checksum of the. dmg matches (d5b99c6cacfe00e272f65e6c22a5f757) and the disk image verifies and mounts just fine. But when I copy the. app to my disk and try to run it, it fails verification and gives me the same “damaged” error as Graham above.

I’ve deleted, re-downloaded, and reinstalled several times and each time it’s the same problem.

You’ll need to change your OS X security settings.

System Preferences > General > Allow apps downloaded from Anywhere > then right click or option click the dmg you downloaded, and select “Open”.

It should ask you a question – do you want to open this? & # 8211; and, of course, you do!

You can always switch the security settings back to something more secure if you like.

I am also getting that it is “damaged and can’t be opened”, I downloaded several times and same thing each time.

Same here. 10.10.2 refuses to launch the downloaded FirefoxDeveloperEdition. app

I’m having the same problem in 10.9.5. I tried downloading from here: https://ftp. mozilla. org/pub/mozilla. org/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-aurora/firefox-38.0a2.en-US. mac. dmg and had the same error. Confirmed that MD5 checksum matches.

@Graham Greensall – Sorry you are having this issue. Although it’s not occurring consistently or for everyone, you’re not the only one. Feel free to follow along with this bug: https://bugzilla. mozilla. org/show_bug. cgi? id=1138535

I will update comments if the bug status changes. Thanks for pointing this out.

I replied earlier to Panos pointing out that FirefoxDeveloperEdition works fine when run from firefox-bin.

Looks a great version.

Tried the http: option but that didn’t work. However followed the bug thread and the nightly build posted there works fine. Great work!

Is this a true 64 bit browser? Does it suffer from any of the problems as detailed in this thread?

Thanks in advance!

It happened to me as well. I ran `/Applications/FirefoxDeveloperEdition. app/Contents/MacOS/firefox - ProfileManager` and created a new profile. It worked for me.

Hope that helps.

That’s great. Thank you all for your work.

But I can’t display PDF files in the browser on 64bits versions. Is there a trick ?

Same problem ““FirefoxDeveloperEdition. app is damaged” and wrong md5 checksum. But only when i’m using a https link, which is default. If i download it from http – everything is fine. Looks like ssl hijacking attack…

This worked for me – http download worked, https didn’t. Thanks for the tip.

Same history for me with:

& # 8211; firefox-38.0a2.en-US. mac – mac

The weird thing is that with the same dmg i’ve installed on my macbook.

Anyone in here rename the file from “FirefoxDeveloperEdition” to “Firefox Developer Edition”. is the only thing I did before the fail. (

As I say before, I’ve installed on my mac book, just grabed a zipped copy on my desktop and tada!!

As a Linux user, i’m using a 64 bit version of Firefox since years :). I’m curious why the Windows 64 version was so delayed; isn’t this just a taget architecture setting of the compiler? And both GCC and Clang should support Windows64 nowadays … what part am i missing?

My understanding of the situation is the main issue is there’s still so much 32 bit stuff under Windows. Plugins in particular. Linux world, there are far fewer 32 bit only blobs. Not to mention a much smaller impacted userbase.

It *is* a bit frustrating though, ’cause this cuts both ways. Since Firefox was 32 bit on this 64 bit Windows install I just did, I installed Java 1.8 32 bit. Which meant Eclipse 32 bit… it just cascades.

Oh, and it definitely isn’t architecture. They’ve had 64 bit nightlies for Windows for five years now, and I’ve always used them on 64 bit Windows machines, and without any problems. AFAIK the reason it took five years was that up the last year or two there weren’t enough good reasons to take on the burden of 32/64 bit support for Windows. Bien. Similar situation with our modest open source project (Hedgewars). We still only distribute 32 bit for Windows. OSX and Linux are of course 64 bit, but Linux is managed by the distros and OSX is exclusively 64 bit these days. Doing both is kind of a hassle, and 32 bit is good enough for our purposes.

“Your firefox profile cannot be loaded…” on a new install on W8. Tried the firefox - P and get nothing. Seems to me fixfox should come up under an internal generic profile like a safe mode and allow the user to create a profile and not stand on formalities.

Hi, do you know if we can expect a 64-bits version of the stable browser soon, or is it still very experimental?

Comments are closed for this article.

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Installing 64-bit Java

Let’s face it, the 32-bit days are over. If you are running 32-bit Windows, upgrade to 64-bit and join the 21st century.

Go to this link to download the Java SE (Software Environment) sometimes called the JDK (Java Development Kit). We want this kit because it provides us with the high performance “Server VM”.

Click on the JDK (Java Development Kit). At the time of this writing, Java 8 Update 45 was available.

Under Java SE Development Kit 8u45 which appears, you will likely want to download the Windows x64 kit after you check “Accept License Agreement”. The kit is free.

This kit is named “ jdk-8u45-windows-x64.exe” and after you download it, then you will want to “Run as Administrator”.

To completely disable ALL 32-bit Java, you can look into “Program Files (x86)\Java” carpeta. This is 32-bit Java. You may rename this folder as “Java32″. Having done this, 32-bit Java cannot be found.

In your \Windows\syswow64 folder, you may also delete java. exe, javaw. exe and javaws. exe if they exist, which would be 32-bit Java also.

When you install the jdk kit “jdk-8u45-windows-x64.exe” (version change will be different filename), run “As Administrator”. If you are lucky, nothing will hang, and you will get an installation in “Program Files\Java” carpeta. This is where Windows puts 64-bit software.

Looking into the “bin” folder, you will find java. exe, javaw. exe and javaws. exe. I recommend you copy these 3 files into \Windows\system32 folder (you need permissions to do this). This is where Windows keeps its 64 bit system software (despite the name system32, it is 64-bit software, on Windows 64 bit version).

Then you want to run the Command Prompt, by getting a link to \Windows\system32\cmd. exe. This is the 64-bit command prompt, despire the “system32″ folder name.

In the command prompt, type these 2 commands:

java - client - version

java - server - version

Ideally, in both cases you will see that you have the Server VM. Now, the reason we want this, is that there will be NO “Client VM” available, so all Java you run will be forced to use the higher performance “Server VM” such as HyperScalper software which is very complex. The verification looks like this:

C:\> C:\>java - client - version java version “1.8.0_45″ Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

C:\>java - server - version java version “1.8.0_45″ Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_45-b15) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.45-b02, mixed mode)

Then use the Windows Control panel Java item and select the Update Tab. DISABLE Java updates by saying never remind for updates, and confirm that you do NOT want updates. This will prevent Java from updating itself, unknown to you, and causing a mismatch between the files in system32 and the files which may be installed by an update. Professionals NEVER use auto-update, so they know what is installed on their systems.

Installing 64-bit Java May 22nd, 2015 hyperscalper

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Before installing, make sure that MT4 is completely uninstalled.

Depending on your browser you will see the download displayed in a specific location.

If you are using Internet Explorer :

When the download is complete, a window will appear asking you if you would like to Run or Save the file.

Click “RUN” and follow the prompts on the screen.

If you are using Google Chrome :

Locate the download in the bottom left hand corner of the page.

Right click/double click on “MT4Install (1).EXE” to open the Install wizard.

Follow the instructions to complete the install.

If you are using Mozilla Firefox :

Access the download by clicking on the green - downward facing arrow in the top right hand corner.

Right click/ double click on “MT4Installl (1).EXE” to open the Install wizard.

Follow the instructions to complete the install.

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Browse Fileforum

Mozilla Firefox (64-bit Beta) 44.0 Beta 6

Windows 7/8/Vista/XP / Freeware / 6,329 downloads

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source Web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is the second most widely used browser.

To display web pages, Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine, which implements most current web standards in addition to several features that are intended to anticipate likely additions to the standards.

Reviews of Mozilla Firefox (64-bit Beta)

Working well for me on Win10 Home Edition. Keep up the good work!

Reviewing 42.0 Beta 1 (Sep 24, 2015)

Running happily on my old dinosaur E6500. We'll likely see it go to 64-bit if they can figure out the 32-bit > 64-bit plugin stuff. We've only ever had a 32-bit Firefox and now that plugin and add-on devs have a shot at native 64-bit, they're playing catch up. The inclusion of SQLite 3.8.11 (https://www. sqlite. org/releaselog/3_8_11.html ) will yield even better performance. Win win!

Reviewing 41.0 Beta 8 (Sep 12, 2015)

I thought I'd give Firefox a go after being ditching It several years ago & although the speed & performance has improved greatly there is one major issue I'm having, Plugins such as Java, Silverlight & VLC Media Player are not showing up In the plugins tab In the extensions manager. I've been a long time user of Cyberfox & I've never had this issue when using Firefox bases web browser & all the plugins I use are compatible with 64bit browsers.

Reviewing 41.0 Beta 5 (Aug 28, 2015)

Running perfectly on Windows 10 here. I've tried IE, Chrome, Opera and Edge, for me they are all lacking in comparison to Firefox. It's fast and reliable.

Reviewing 41.0 Beta 4 (Aug 26, 2015)

Used to be browser of choice. but lately they have driven me to search for an alternative browser. This locks up, consumes ridiculous amounts of memory, and has become virtually useless on Windows 10. Rather than fix these issues, the devs has focused on feature building with no obvious benefit to the user.

Chrome too restrictive with "secure' features,

Discuss Mozilla Firefox (64-bit Beta)

Mar 3, 2015 - 11:04 PM

Really don't get all these reports about one fork of 64-bit Firefox breaking addons while another doesn't. Waterfox and Cyberfox behave identically for me, which is actually kind of a downer. If a site won't load correctly on one, it won't on the other, either. I imagine Mozilla's own 64-bit build won't be any different..and little wonder. These third party forks re-use 95% of the base FF code. All they do is tweak a few default settings, maybe use a slightly older version of a few modules (or a bleeding edge one) in their releases. The actual memory addressing stuff can affect overall performance and stability but has virtually nothing to do with how individual add-ons behave.

Firefox 45.0.1 (64-bit)

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google, Yahoo and Bing search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Designed to protect your privacy:

Do Not Track A Firefox innovation, Do Not Track lets you indicate a preference about the way your personal info is collected and used online.

Private browsing Sometimes it’s nice to go undercover. Turn this feature on to protect your browsing history from others.

Forget Button Remove browsing information from your computer after the fact. Use it when you’ve visited a site that you don’t want in your history.

Secure connections Use instant Website ID to make sure a site is what it claims to be and to check if your connection to it is secure.

World class protection Anti-phishing & anti-malware features protect you from trojan horses and spyware and warn you about potentially fraudulent sites.

Automatic security updates Firefox updates automatically to make sure you always have the latest and greatest security fixes.

Mozilla's Firefox finally enters the 64-bit era on Windows

Mozilla has finally, finally introduced a 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows with the recent release of Firefox 43. There were already 64-bit versions for Mac and Linux. Windows users, however, were left with 32-bit Firefox like a bunch of suckers.

¡No más! Users running Windows 7 and up can download and install Firefox 64-bit. It’s not clear if Mozilla’s Firefox site is set-up to auto-detect a 64-bit Windows system. For now, it’s easier to grab the new version from the all downloads page. Just scroll towards the bottom until you find “English (US)” and click the Windows 64 icon.

If you're running Firefox 42 and do an in-place upgrade to version 43 you’ll remain on the 32-bit version.

The impact on you at home: Once you install 64-bit Firefox—assuming you are also running a 64-bit version of Windows—it will be hard to tell the difference between it and the 32-bit version. Most of the big improvements happen behind the scenes, although the 64-bit version should be able to keep more tabs open without slowing as well as run web apps that require 64-bit support. 64-bit programs are able to address more than 4GB of memory, allowing for better performance.


The one thing you will notice is that some plugins simply won’t work with Firefox's 64-bit version. This is part of Mozilla’s plan to cease support for NPAPI plugins such as Java and Silverlight. (Other browser makers are taking similar actions .) That said, Flash will continue to be available owing to its popularity for web video.

Beyond the 64-bit switch, Firefox 43 also brings search suggestions to the Awesome Bar, and better on-screen keyboard compatibility for touch devices running Windows 8 and up.

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Ian Paul Contributor

Ian is an independent writer based in Tel Aviv, Israel. His current focus is on all things tech including mobile devices, desktop and laptop computers, software, social networks, Web apps, tech-related legislation and corporate tech news. More by Ian Paul

Mozilla finally ships 64-bit Firefox for Windows

Mozilla today shipped Firefox 43, the first edition that lets users download a production-grade 64-bit version for Windows.

While Mozilla did not cite the 64-bit support with any fanfare, it was the biggest difference between Firefox 43 and its predecessors.

A preview of the 64-bit Firefox for Windows was issued more than nine months ago. when Mozilla's usual schedule would have meant a May release.

The biggest advantage of a 64-bit browser on a 64-bit operating system -- like Windows and Apple's OS X -- is that it can address more than the 4GB of memory available to a 32-bit application, letting users keep open hundreds of tabs, and run larger, more sophisticated Web apps, notably games.

The appearance today of the Firefox 43 ends Mozilla's climb to catch up with rivals, who had offered 64-bit browsers long before, in some instances years. Google, for example, shipped a Windows 64-bit Chrome in August 2014 and one for OS X in November of that year, while Apple's Safari and Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) have had 64-bit editions on OS X and Windows since 2009 and 2006, respectively. Opera Software, the Norwegian browser maker known for its same-named desktop flagship, also offers a 64-bit edition on Windows.

Mozilla was the last holdout among the top five browser builders.

Its path to a 64-bit Firefox for Windows has been contorted. Although Mozilla has long had 64-bit versions for OS X and Linux, the developer shelved work on one for Windows in November 2012, only to recant and restart the project a month later .

A 64-bit Firefox was important for Mozilla if only because of its push to retain users switching to Windows 10. which like previous editions of Microsoft's OS, comes in 32- or 64-bit versions.

Other improvements and changes in Firefox 43 include support for more intensive content-and-ad-tracker blocking using "lists" from San Francisco-based Disconnect, which also powers the "Private Browsing" mode introduced last month with Firefox 42.

Firefox 43 beefs up the browser's built-in blocking of ad trackers, but the big news is the appearance of a 64-bit version for Windows, a project years in the making.

Firefox 43. including the 64-bit version for Windows, can be downloaded from Mozilla's website.

Gregg Keizer covers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld.

Mozilla launches 64-bit Firefox Developer Edition for Windows

Mozilla today released Firefox Developer Edition 38, which for the first time includes a 64-bit flavor for Windows. You can download the new version now directly from Mozilla. org .

So, what does a 64-bit version of Firefox offer for the user? The short answer is: running larger applications, faster execution, and increased security.

A 32-bit browser is limited to 4GB of address space, and while this may be surprising to some, web applications are getting bigger and bigger to the point where this can actually be an obstacle. Browser-based games, for example, especially those with native-like gameplay, are often much larger than typical online apps mainly because they have high-quality assets that must be stored in memory for synchronous loading.

Here’s a game built with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine running on the Firefox Developer Edition:

“For some of the largest of these apps, a 64-bit browser means the difference between whether or not a game will run,” Mozilla says. 4GB isn’t the only limit worth remembering: Heap sizes, for example, are recommended to be 512MB in a 32-bit browser, while they can go up to 2GB in a 64-bit version of Firefox.

As for execution time, Mozilla says 64-bit Firefox is faster because it can access new hardware registers and instructions. This significantly speeds up how quickly JavaScript code can run.

The increased address space also lets Firefox use hardware memory protection and improves the effectiveness of ASLR (address space layout randomization). The end result means it is harder for malicious web content to exploit the browser.

Here is the full changelog for Firefox Developer Edition 38:

New: 64bit Windows builds (download here )

New: BroadcastChannel API implemented (more at hacks. mozilla. org )

New: Implemented srcset attribute and element for responsive images

New: Implemented DOM3 Events KeyboardEvent. code

Changed: autocomplete=off is no longer supported for username/password fields

Changed: URL parser avoids doing percent encoding when setting the Fragment part of the URL, and percent decoding when getting the Fragment in line with the URL spec

Changed: RegExp. prototype. source now returns “(?:)” instead of the empty string for empty regular expressions

Changed: Page load times improved by speculative connection warmup

Developer: Optimized-out variables are now visible in Debugger UI

Developer: XMLHttpRequest logs in the web console are now visually labelled and can be filtered separately from regular network requests

Developer: WebRTC now has multistream and renegotiation support

Developer: copy command added to console

Mozilla launched Firefox Developer Edition in November, replacing the Firefox Aurora channel, which sat between the Nightly and Beta channels. Firefox development starts with Nightly. which consists of the latest Firefox code packaged up every night for bleeding-edge testers; Nightly is followed by Developer. which includes everything that is labeled as “experimental” and aimed at developers to try out; then Beta is released for wider testing. Finally the schedule is capped off with the release channel for the broader public.

A 64-bit Firefox for Mac OS X and Linux has been available for years, but on Windows the feature never made it past the Nightly channel. In November 2012, Mozilla quietly killed off 64-bit Firefox. only to reverse the decision a month later after massive backlash from users.

More recently, the company changed its tune. With today’s 64-bit Developer Edition, we can expect 64-bit builds of Firefox for Windows later this year.

Firefox 38 is slated to arrive in May, which would be the soonest a 64-bit Firefox for Windows could be made available. It could, of course, be delayed further. Until it arrives, Windows 64-bit users can use 32-bit Firefox, as well as both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Opera.

So I'm a bit of a Firefox loony, maybe visible from my post history.

I've been a "hardcore" web browser, ever since using NetCaptor (a shell replacement for Internet Explorer which offered tabbed browsing, IIRC the first tabbed browser) Anyhow, I like Chrome performance but GREATLY dislike my ability to customise it, specifically tab control (which tab will the app go to if I close the current tab, left or right? will a new tab open in the foreground? what if I middle click a URL, foreground / background?)

I've loved FireFox for years, but the 32bit builds are frankly, unstable dog shit for me, crash extremely regularly. I switched maybe 12 to 18 months back to WaterFox, some dude compiling up the 64bit code of FireFox and packaging it. It runs exactly the same as FireFox for me, all plugins work and it virtually never crashes. Problem is, as an "extreme" browser (anywhere from 30 to 300 tabs open at a time) FireFox / WaterFox can get slow. REALLY slow, CTRL-TAB to change tab? Can take .5 to 3 seconds. Clicking some buttons can be slow to react. Generally after a few seconds of switching into a tab though, it responds /mostly/ ok (Don't even think about Flash Video in a tab though, I just put that into Chrome and drop it on to a second monitor) I just checked, I currently have 393 tabs open (working on getting this down) of all the things I'm currently reading / researching etc.

So to get to the point. I was hoping that E10s (Electrolysis, multi-threaded Firefox) would fix my problems, when it finally got better. I installed said nightly builds and I have to report that sadly. The performance difference between WaterFox and standard 64bit FF Nightly 45 (with E10s) virtually identical to one and other. I've confirmed E10s is on and being a nerd but without programming skills, I kind of blindly, optimistically figured, hey, latest builds, 64bit official, e10s, I bet if anything nightly might be less stable but fast as hell! Not in the slightest, it really is virtually identical :/ the one surprising thing I'd say is it's stable as heck for me. I notice almost no different between WaterFox and Nightly 45. Note: I did try this, with and without my plugins to make FF nice and usable.

For what it's worth, my #1 plugin I can't live without is Tab Mix Plus. That fine control on tab behaviour and the fact I'm an extensive keyboard shortcut guy, makes the browser far, far more usable for me. I'd say I browse between 4 to 12 hours a day, every day.

Please note, I do COMPLETELY realise that running in excess of 30 to 50 tabs is ridiculous, but back 6 years ago, I could do this under FF32 and while it was unstable, the performance of the primary UI for FF was fine. All I want the damn code to do is HIGHLY prioritise the current tab in front of the user and HIGHLY prioritise the ability to switch tabs, preferably the ones nearby (left, right of the active tab) - the process of going between them shouldn't be slow. Considering I've got 4 threads at my disposal here, it's a bit of a shame.

At least it's stable and at least I can control the behaviour and look, how I like. I think Googles stubborn attitude towards Chrome is ghastly, personally.

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Re: ( Score: 3. Interesting)

by Anonymous Coward writes:

No, a browser not being able to handle 50 tabs is ridiculous. That's like a document editor that fails after 100 pages (or all the text editors that crap out when you have 0.5MB of text on a single line). I use Firefox with under 2500 tabs. Anything over 1500 and Firefox starts crapping all over itself, but I've been up to around 2500 before (most of these are suspended tabs, though they seem to take up far more resources than they should. Suspended tabs should be the equivalent of bookmarks but they ar

by Anonymous Coward writes:

At first I used windows, then I suffered massive tab loss while doing a research project. Next I used the Tab Group Manager plugin (tabs of tabs), which is awesome, but sadly the developer never came back after a natural disaster and it now has compatibility issues. Session manager and Tab Mix Manager are good enough for me now. If Firefox starts swapping when it's taking up GBs of memory then it doesn't crash. When it doesn't swap it crashes. I don't know why it works sometimes and not at other times.

Please note, I do COMPLETELY realise that running in excess of 30 to 50 tabs is ridiculous, but back 6 years ago, I could do this under FF32 and while it was unstable, the performance of the primary UI for FF was fine.

Whoa. FF32 had a time travel feature?

I think Googles stubborn attitude towards Chrome is ghastly, personally.

Does this sound like Microsoft and IE 15 years ago to anyone else?

The version number almost says it all. How can you get excited about a new Firefox release with any feature, when it's just another rapid release. It could have true hard AI and no one would notice any more. It would get lost in the staggeringly mediocre array of non-features nobody wants, forced UI changes, broken addons, and developers that decide they know more about what people want than the users do.

Firefox adopted Google's rapid release cycle on a project that it was neither technically nor culturally suited for. One has to actually admire their dogged persistence to holding course in the face of what is an almost a completely unified chorus of "WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE. ".

I recommend Palemoon. A fork of the previous Firefox LTR, it has refused to add features unless they make sense, is compatible with most addons, and has its own growing body of its own addon developers that are quite loyal to the project for the simple reason that the project remains loyal to them. That's not to say that it's a static browser. Just one that took the best of what Firefox was and decided to continue in the direction of sensible goals and not alienating its user base.

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by Anonymous Coward writes:

Sadly palemoon has decided not to support MSE (Media Source Extensions), which means no 1080 hd videos from youtube. This may not be huge issue for some but is killer for me. Every browser sucks in some ways..

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Mozilla Firefox Free Download

Requirements: Windows 10, Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows Vista (32 bit/ 64 bit)

About Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is one of the best and most popular browsers in the world. Firefox is convenient, stable and innovate. At the same time the main advantage and disadvantage of Firefox - it's plug-ins and add-ons. Even if you are not installing any add-ons – Firefox still will be the secure and fast browser. Mozilla Firefox is very reliable and you will rarely see any errors or crashes. Usually, all bugs and flaws are briefly fixed by regular updates.

Firefox is an open-source, that’s why it has a strong community and lots of add-ons and plug-ins. TO be exact there is more than 200 000 add-ons and plug-ins which will help you to customize the appearance and functionality of the browser. Also, with the help of those you can basically make your own browser, adapt Firefox for yourself, for your needs. Some plugins such as Adblock, NoScript and others, allows you to make Firefox the most secure browser and downloading plug-ins such as DownloadHelper allows you to download games, music and video from YouTube and other sources.

Also, with Mozilla Firefox you will be able to open simultaneously multiple tabs without influencing the performance of the browser. Sometimes it is very useful, for example when you do some work and use various sources of information like Wikipedia, google and other sites. Of course these days most of the browsers support multiple tabs, but most of them just freezing and crashing when you open too many.

Mozilla Firefox allows you to do a lot of things, there are various guides, tutorials, hints and tips how to improve and make it unique and effective for yourself. The smart search bar on the right side of the address bar will help you to find anything on the internet. You can use multiple search engines. Firefox Sync will grant you an access to the browsing history, bookmarks, open tabs, passwords and other from multiple computers and mobile devices.

Users’ privacy protection is on the first place for Mozilla Firefox, by fixing the flaws in some web standards, thereby eliminating the ability to access your browsing history and bookmarks.

Mozilla Firefox is probably the most extensible and customizable browser on the planet. You can customize control panels, add additional extensions and themes. Like the telescopic fishing-rod, Mozilla Firefox can turn from a small compact browser to the amazingly, multifunctional tool that will help you to explore the World Wide Web. Worth to mention, that Mozilla Firefox was selected as Editor’s Choice by CNet with 5 stars and “Spectacular” rating.

Why do you need to download the latest build of Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10? Because the latest build is the most recent version of Mozilla Firefox with lots of improves in performance, stability and security.

Which version of Mozilla Firefox I should download for my 64 bit Windows 10? For 64 bit version of Windows 10 you should download 64 bit version of Mozilla Firefox.

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Mozilla backpedals on Firefox 64-bit for Windows, will keep nightly builds coming after all

Last month, Mozilla Engineering Manager Benjamin Smedberg quietly announced that the 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows would never see the light of day. After what he referred to as “significant negative feedback,” Smedberg has announced he has reviewed that feedback, consulted with his release engineering team, and has decided on a modification to the original plan: Firefox 64-bit for Windows may still never be released, but nightly builds will live another day.

According to a Google Groups post on the mozilla. dev. apps. firefox discussion board titled “Update on turning off 64-bit Windows builds,” the main reason for the change of plans appears to be that certain users regularly run into the 4GB memory limits of 32-bit builds due to hundreds or even thousands of tabs. Smedberg says Mozilla “does not have the resources to actively support this use case” but that making these builds “is not a significant burden” on the Release Engineering group.

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As such, he has decided on the following modifications to his original plan (which was to stop building win64 nightlies and bring existing win64 nightly onto win32 builds using a custom update):

Migrate all existing users of win64 nightly channel builds to the win32 nightly channel builds via automatic update.

Continue to build win64 Nightly builds and updates on the nightly channel. Users who need the 64-bit builds will have to download it after the migration point (date TBD).

Change the default first-run and update page for win64 builds to explain to users that they are not supported.

Disable the crash reporter for win64 builds

Enable click-to-play plugins by default in the win64 builds.

Discontinue the win64 tests and on-checkin builds to reduce release engineering load. By default, do not generate win64 builds on try.

win64 builds will be considered a tier 3ï build configuration.

The last point is worth expanding on from Mozilla’s Supported build configurations page: “Tier-3 platforms have a maintainer or community which attempt to keep the platform working. These platforms may or may not work at any time, and often have little test coverage.”

This is hardly an ideal solution, but it is a very welcome compromise. Firefox 64-bit users were up in arms when we broke the news about the change.

As we noted in our last article, some 50 percent of testers use the 64-bit builds, but many aren’t doing it to be part of the testing community: they just consider the builds the best product available for their needs. Here is what I wrote at the time:

While the percentage is likely so high since a 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows has never been released, Mozilla is still making a troubling decision here. The company may end up alienating a good chunk of its enthusiasts, or at least those that haven’t yet fled to Google’s Chrome.

Firefox users are thus left without much of an option. They can switch to OS X or Linux, both of which have full versions of Firefox 64-bit. Windows 64-bit users meanwhile can only consider Internet Explorer and Opera. since both Chrome and Safari don’t offer 64-bit flavors.

Mozilla is successfully avoiding all that. While some have likely already deserted Firefox after learning of what’s happening with 64-bit builds for Windows, the majority will likely stick around now with this change.

Moving forward, Smedberg says Mozilla will continue to test the 32-bit builds to make sure they work well on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. For better or for worse, he says all Windows 8 testing will occur on the 64-bit version.

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Forex Software Security

Forex Software Security

An overview of the security needs of Forex software

Foreign exchange software should be designed for the utmost security, privacy, integrity and if necessary, recovery of data. Clearly, any security holes can mean millions of dollars in losses.

Secured data exchange

The common method for securing the exchange of data is to encrypt it. Encryption means that the data transferred over the communication line is encoded in a special way at the sending end, and decoded using the same algorithm in reverse at the receiving end. The data that goes through the communication channel is meaningless to an eavesdropper, even if he does succeed in intercepting the data. Unless the eavesdropper can decode the data, he cannot read it. The encryption strength is dependent upon the length of the encryption key. The key that is used to encrypt/decrypt the data is a very long number. The longer the number, the harder it is, exponentially, to decode the data. Lengths of keys vary between 32, 64, 128, 256 bit and so on. The minimum length for good security is 64-bit. The problem with selecting a very long key is the computing power that is required to encode/decode the message. So selecting a very long key can mean slow processing time. Privacy and data integrity have their own software protocols but are generally handled in the same way as described above.

Data recovery

Important data should be backed up in more than one location. Physical disasters such as earthquakes, software/hardware failures should be able to be managed by backing up the data in more than one physical location.

FXEM ® seguridad

FXEM ® treats the issues of data security, privacy, integrity and backup with the utmost attention and care. This is achieved through:

Ensuring authorized access only. FXEM ® uses two layers of top class firewall protection: one at the server level and one at the application level.

For user authentication and data transfer, FXEM ® uses an advanced SSL.

Separating the application servers (the servers that handle our clients' online activity) from the transaction information, this is stored on a different data server.

We make sure that whatever happens, failure, disaster, etc. your transactions are intact, secure, and backed up.

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Firefox Browser Brings 64-Bit Goodness to Windows in Stable Form

At long last

It's taken a long time, but Mozilla has finally released a 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows in non-beta form.

Mozilla had previously offered 64-bit builds of Firefox for Mac OS X and Linux, but this is the first time it's been available in stable form for users of Windows 7 and above.

That said, there are some limitations in transitioning from 32-bit to 64-bit.

"Firefox 64-bit for Windows, by design, has limited support for plugins and users will notice that certain sites requiring plugins that worked in previous 32-bit versions of Firefox might not work in this 64-bit version. As we’ve shared previously, Mozilla intends to remove support for most NPAPI plugins in Firefox by the end of 2016," Mozilla stated in a blog post .

It's been an interesting road up to this point. Mozilla's been toying with 64-bit flavors of Firefox in Windows for nearly a decade, but none of the previous builds ever graduated out of beta. Some even stalled in alpha, and for a short period in 2012, Mozilla made the decision to stop developing a 64-bit version altogether.

More recently, Mozilla promised to deliver a 64-bit build of Firefox for Windows by the end of the year, and here it is with just over two weeks to spare.

So, what's the payoff for downloading the 64-bit build? Just like the 64-bit version of Windows, Firefox can properly address more than 4GB of RAM. Casual users aren't likely to notice a difference in performance, though in theory, the 64-bit build should allow for more tabs to be open without taking a performance hit.

Beyond that, developers should be able to build more complex web goodies, including games, though for now the biggest payoff is being able to say, "Hey, I'm running a 64-bit version of Firefox!" Awesomesauce.

The 64-bit version is introduced in Firefox 43, which also brings about Private Browsing with Tracking Protection, improved API support for m4v video playback, the ability to choose search suggestions from the Awesome bar, and a few other new features.

Be advised that n-place upgrades will keep you on the 32-bit build. To grab the 64-bit version of Firefox, go the download page and click the 64-bit download arrow next to your language of choice (or just click here for English ).

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Itand installer are in no way associated with or. Adobe Flash Player Manually Firefox Problem Windows 7 32 Bit. using Windows 7 Home Premium and I use Firefox and. on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit Firefox 4.0. Windows 64-bit; Firefox Free Download English (US) OS X; Firefox Free Download English (US) Linux;. Linux 64-bit; Firefox for Android Get it free on Google Play;Flash Player Manual Firefox 64 Bit Windows 8 64-bit I am running win 7 64 bit (home premium). plus Firefox 36.0.1. frequent slow script errors is theBuy cheap Windows Pro 10 OEM 64-bit, FQC-08930 for a low price. Buy genuine Microsoft software at a sale discount. the Firefox 64-bit versions are designed. Windows 8/7 64-bit edition and Windows. You should be noted that 64-bit Firefox only support. Adobe Flash Player Manual Firefox Windows 7 64 Bit >>>CLICK HERE<<<. my new Im using Windows 7 Home Premium and I use Firefox and Chrome. through Firefox..firefox for windows 7 home premium 64 bit

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Fast Firefox faceoff: Nightly vs. Pale Moon vs. Waterfox

Although computers running the 64-bit version of Windows 7 have become more common, there aren't many Windows-compatible browsers compiled to run on 64-bit processors. (The exception for now has been Internet Explorer 9.)

This includes Firefox. However, "official" is the key word since Mozilla has developed alpha versions of Firefox that support Windows 64-bit, and there are two other browsers built by independent developers based on Firefox's open-source code.

We took a look at three Firefox variants made for 64-bit processor computers running a 64-bit version of Windows, giving each a series of tests to rate its speed and performance. (One caveat, Firefox Nightly releases a new version almost every day, so your results may vary.)

There are a lot of sites that purport to test the speed of a web browser (i. e. running it through a battery of tests to rate how quickly it can render images, run CSS, execute JavaScript, etc.). Because these three browsers are based on Firefox code, we tested them on Mozilla's own benchmark site, Kraken. You can read details at its official wiki. We ran the Kraken test three times -- twice in a row, the third after rebooting the computer -- and picked the lowest number result. (Under Kraken, the lower number is the better rating, representing the fastest performance.)

We also timed how long it took for each browser to cold-start after Windows was rebooted, and then checked its memory usage with just one blank tab open.

We then timed how long it took to load and fully render the main page of our own site, www. networkworld. com, with the browser's history and cache cleared. (We did this three separate times.) We checked the memory usage of each with one tab open on networkworld. com.

None of the browsers had any extensions installed when we tested them. In the case of the second browser, Pale Moon comes with a built-in toolbar extension. It could not be uninstalled, but it could be disabled which we did prior to testing.

The system we tested these 64-bit browsers on was a Dell Inspiron 1440 notebook, running a 2.20GHz Pentium Dual-Core T4400, with 4GB RAM. The OS was Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit version.

If you decide to install any of these 64-bit browsers, we suggest you still keep the 32-bit version of Firefox on your system. Most of your favorite Firefox extensions should work under the 64-bit browser, but many media plug-ins which normally run on Firefox 32-bit may not work with these 64-bit counterparts. So you may want to install the 64-bit version of Flash. Otherwise, some Flash sites and media may not run when you use one of these 64-bit web browsers.

Firefox Nightly (Version 12.0a1, dated 1/28/2012)

Mozilla puts out a new 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows 64-bit almost every day. or night, as it were. These fall under the codename Nightly, which is Mozilla's designation for frequently released Firefox alphas. As of this writing, the version number of the Firefox code base which Nightly uses is 12.0. (By comparison, the official stable release of Firefox is 9.0.1.) Nightly browsers may include experimental features, but skirt the edge of stability since they are not fully tested.

Adding confusion to this, Mozilla has another alpha category for Firefox, called Aurora, which releases under a more frequent schedule than Firefox Beta, but less than Nightly. Aurora is at Version 11, but it does not have a 64-bit version that runs on Windows 64-bit. Mozilla also does not provide a 64-bit version of Firefox Beta for Windows 64-bit. (Firefox Beta is presently at Version 10.0.)

Because it's updated almost daily, expect Nightly's stability to be volatile -- one day it could work great for you, but the next day after you update it with the latest release, it may not (until maybe the next day after you update it again. ).

Here are the performance results:

Kraken benchmark result: 5844.7 milliseconds

Time to load from cold start: 4.5 seconds

Memory usage with one blank tab open: 48MB

Time to open networkworld. com: 5.8 seconds

Memory usage with one tab open on networkworld. com: 96MB

Pale Moon (Version 9.1)

Pale Moon comes from a developer who has been creating builds of Firefox and other Mozilla programs -- Thunderbird and SeaMonkey -- optimized for specific processors ever since Firefox was at Version 1.5. His 64-bit Firefox for Windows 64-bit is based on the Firefox 9.0.1 code base, which is the stable version officially released by Mozilla for Firefox 32-bit.

A benefit of Pale Moon is that it keeps to itself -- it functions separately, keeping any add-ons you install on it apart from any other version of Firefox that you may have on your computer, and not loading the add-ons and user profiles associated with the other Firefox.

There's a caveat to the memory usage results below: When Pale Moon runs, it also runs one or more separate processes in the background of Windows called ""Plugin Container for Palemoon". These processes ranged in number of one to three, and sizes from 8M to 25MB, when we tested the browser.

Here are the performance results:

Kraken: 6187.6 milliseconds

Time to load from cold start: 5.5 seconds

Memory usage with one blank tab open: 76MB

Time to open networkworld. com: 5.8 seconds

Memory usage with one tab open on networkworld. com: 106MB

Waterfox (Version 9.0)

The developers of Waterfox claim their 64-bit spin on Firefox is the fastest. It's built on the Version 9.0 stable release of Firefox. As of Jan. 7, Waterfox became the de facto "unofficial official" 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows 64-bit when it became a project accepted by Mozilla.

After installing it, we got a system error when trying to run Waterfox for the first time: "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing. " The FAQs on the Waterfox site lists the solution, which requires installing Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64). This seems a bit odd since neither Nightly nor Pale Moon required this. Once we plugged in this package, Waterfox then loaded without a problem.

Kraken: 6058.4 milliseconds

Time to load from cold start: 4.4 seconds

Memory usage with one blank tab open: 55MB

Time to open networkworld. com: 5.2 seconds

Memory usage with one tab open on networkworld. com: 107MB


Pale Moon rated the slowest in the Kraken test and took the longest (by just a second more over Nightly and Waterfox) to load from a cold start. It appears to use the most memory over the other two 64-bit browsers, and the mysterious background processes that it runs probably need to be considered and added to its overall memory-use tally.

The latest Nightly we tested slightly beat Waterfox on Kraken, but the latter browser loaded the fastest from cold start (though by a millisecond, which is negligible, of course). Nightly uses less memory when it has one blank tab open, and less when displaying an open page, compared with Waterfox where the opposite situation appears to occur.

Of course, all of these stats are negligible and subject to change (especially with Nightly being updated so often). Practically speaking, it looks like a toss-up between Firefox Nightly and Waterfox -- that is, using a 64-bit browser with experimental, in-development code over a more reliable, stable base.

So Waterfox is the closest to an official 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows 64-bit that's based on the browser's latest stable release (9.0) -- until Mozilla rolls out its own version, if ever.

Wen is a freelance writer. He can be reached at howard@wen. com .

Howard Wen reports for several technology publications. His website can be found at www. howardwen. com .

Firefox 8 for Windows x64: Has 64-bit browsing finally come of age?

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Over the last couple of weeks, Mozilla has finally stepped up its 64-bit testing process. There are now five slaves dedicated to building Firefox for Windows x64, which means that from Firefox 8 and onwards, you’ll be able to pick up 64-bit builds that are functionally identical to its 32-bit cousins but operating in native 64-bit CPU and memory space.

Update 25/11/2011: It seems the 64-bit build of Firefox 8 for Windows never came to fruition — and we’re not sure why. You can grab a 64-bit build of the current Nightly. and it works very well, but there’s no word of when Windows x64 will be officially supported. One day, perhaps.

When I first took 64-bit Firefox for a workout last year, it wasn’t the best of experiences: it crashed, JavaScript performance was abysmal, and it was generally sub-par compared to the stable, 32-bit branch. Today, however, Firefox 8 64-bit is stable and it’s fast; it’s really, really fast. Even more importantly, though, there are now stable 64-bit browser plug-ins for Flash and Java. In other words, there’s very little reason to not use Firefox 8 x64; you can download a copy from the Nightly site (it won’t interfere with your stable install), grab Flash 11 beta for Windows x64 and Java 6 for Windows x64. and start surfing. Es así de simple.

Just how fast is the 64-bit version of Firefox 8? About 10% faster than the 32-bit version — but instead of taking our word for it, take a look at the comparative results from the Peacekeeper suite. the most comprehensive browser benchmark. The following results are from the ExtremeTech test rig which houses an Intel i7 930 with 6GB of RAM and an Nvidia GTX 460.

The results speak for themselves: Firefox 8 64-bit is about 10% faster than Firefox 8 32-bit. The 64-bit build beats the 32-bit build in every regard except for the Data benchmark, which tests the JavaScript engine’s alacrity with arrays. The Social Networking benchmark is also JavaScript-intensive, but it tests encryption and filtering functions, which the 64-bit build seems to be better at. The most evident and important improvement is in the 64-bit build’s handling of the DOM Operations benchmark; it’s almost 25% faster, which results in almost every dynamic website loading faster and feeling more responsive.

In other benchmarks, the difference between 32- and 64-bit builds is less noticeable. Most IE Test Drive benchmarks resulted in similar scores, with the 64-bit build sometimes creeping ahead by a few percent. With the slightly-dated SunSpider JavaScript benchmark. Firefox 8 32-bit was about 5% faster than its 64-bit brother: 171ms vs 180ms. With the Kraken JavaScript benchmark. however, the 64-bit build destroys the 32-bit version by a good 10%. In almost every regard, then, the 64-bit build seems to be faster than the 32-bit build — and while it might be entirely objective, the 64-bit build really does feel faster too.

Memory-wise, the story isn’t quite so happy: the 64-bit build of Firefox definitely uses more memory. With the same set of tabs, Firefox 64-bit had a memory footprint of 320MB, compared to just 230MB for Firefox 32-bit. The plugin-container was also twice the size under Firefox x64: 100MB when playing a YouTube video compared to 50MB for Firefox 32-bit. This could be due to the 64-bit build of Flash Player, however — or it could be that the new memory management features in Firefox 8 have not yet been turned on in the 64-bit build.

It’s important to note that Mozilla doesn’t yet support 64-bit Firefox, but with an army of Windows 64-bit build bots now churning out test and Nightly builds, the wheels have certainly been set in motion. The earliest we’ll see an official 64-bit build of Firefox for Windows is with Firefox 8, which is due in November. Still, if you’re not using your computer for mission-critical work, download a 64-bit Nightly build of Firefox for Windows and give it a spin. You will be pleasantly surprised.

It’s crazy: almost every modern computer now has a 64-bit processor under the hood, but only Firefox on Linux and Safari on Mac are 64-bit applications; 64-bit Chrome and Opera simply don’t exist, and the 64-bit version of Internet Explorer 9 has a broken JavaScript engine. Some 90% of desktop and laptop users are still using Windows machines, and the bulk of their time is spent in a 32-bit version of Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome. With 64-bit Firefox it looks like the vast majority of computer users might finally start using the full potential of their hardware, which is certainly a good thing.

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The WMP plugin for FF has actually been updated to include support for HTML5 throughput http://www. interoperabilitybridges. com/html5-extension-for-wmp-plugin

Works just fine in FF Nightlys – even the x64 builds. You just need to first install Nightly Tester Tools and activate the “Force Addon Compatibility” opción. Many plugins work just fine, they just haven’t yet tested themselves or upgraded the FF version compatibility in the addon file.

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Everything you need to know about 64-bit versions of Firefox for Windows

The stock Firefox browser, with that I mean the releases that are available for download on the Mozilla website directly, can be run on 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems. While that is the case, it is a 32-bit application that Mozilla offers on its website.

There are 64-bit versions of Firefox, and they are made available by Mozilla for Linux distributions and Mac OS X. If you are looking for a Windows 64-bit version on the other hand, you won't find it advertised on the official project website, and will have a hard time finding references made to it on the site as well.

That does not mean that it does not exist. Mozilla was about to shut down the building of 64-bit Firefox builds for Windows, but user outcry over this made Mozilla revert the decision .

Before we look at that, it is necessary to find out about the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Firefox, or applications in general.

Difference between 32-bit and 64-bit applications

First, it needs to be mentioned that most 32-bit applications run fine on 64-bit operating systems, but that no 64-bit application will run on a 32-bit system.

One of the advantages of 64-bit software is that it may have more memory at its disposal, provided that that enough is installed on the 64-bit operating system. The physical memory limit of 32-bit versions of Windows is 4 Gigabyte, while 64-bit versions of Windows support more than that. How much more depends on the version you are using. Windows 8 Professional 64-bit supports 512 Gigabyte for example, while Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 192 Gigabyte.

Technically, the 4 Gigabyte limit refers to the addressable memory space which the installed RAM, video cards, PCI memory range and other factors attribute to. That's the reason why you won't see 4 Gigabytes of available RAM on 32-bit versions of Windows even though you have installed that much, as part of it is used by other components. (see this for a detailed explanation )

If you are running Firefox on a 32-bit Windows operating system, it can use 3 Gigabytes of memory at the most. If you run it on a 64-bit Windows system, it can use up to 4 Gigabytes of RAM.

While it is unlikely that most users will run into the limits, new technologies such as web gaming and other real-time activities may increase the RAM needs of the browser, and may push browsers towards 64-bit eventually.

A 64-bit version of Firefox that runs on a 64-bit Windows has much larger limits, from about 8 Terabytes to up to 128 Terabytes. (see this page for more information )

It may take some time until we get there in regards to consumer PCs, but it is not that unlikely anymore that PCs have more than 4 Gigabyte of RAM installed.

Conclusión. if Firefox uses a lot of RAM on your system, you may want to consider using a 64-bit version of the browser to avoid the memory limit.

There may be other benefits: 64-bit applications can perform 64-bit register operations, which is faster than performing the same operation on a 32-bit system.

Firefox 32-bit compared to 64-bit

If you compare 32-bit versions of Firefox to their 64-bit builds on Windows, you will find out that they differ in several aspects:

64-bit builds are only available for the Nightly channel. They are not provided as stable, beta or aurora builds.

You can only run "some" plug-ins on 64-bit versions of Firefox, and not all of them. While Adobe Flash and Java will work, others may not if they don't support 64-bit software.

The crash reporter is not enabled on 64-bit versions of Firefox.

Firefox 64-bit on Windows is not officially supported by Mozilla (which means you are on your own).

The 64-bit version of Firefox for Windows is considered a Tier-3 platform by Mozilla, which means that it "may or may not work at any time".


You can download the latest Firefox 64-bit build on Mozilla's Nightly download page. This is the only -- official -- location where you can do so.

Locate the Windows 64-bit (Standard) build on the page and click on it to download it to your system.

Nota . Nightly versions of Firefox are not suitable for productive environments. While they are fairly stable, you will run into issues every now and then that may break them.

If you run the browser on a system with Firefox installed, you will notice that it will share the profile with that version automatically. You cannot run both versions side by side at the same time, unless you run one of the two versions with the - no-remote - p test command (test is the name of the second Firefox profile that you want to load).

Third-party forks of Firefox exist that provide access to a 64-bit version. You can download the 64-bit version of Pale Moon for example. The browser is compatible with all 64-bit operating systems from Windows Vista on and supports all the things that Firefox supports as well.

This may also be an option for Firefox users who do not like the new Australis interface that will be enabled in Firefox 29, as Pale Moon won't switch to that.

Closing Words

Eventually, Mozilla will re-evaluate 64-bit editions of the web browser, and at one point in the future make the decision to move it to a higher build tier and offer it as a stable version next to 32-bit versions of the browser. It is not clear if that will happen in 2014, or later though.

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About Martin Brinkmann

Martin Brinkmann is a journalist from Germany who founded Ghacks Technology News Back in 2005. He is passionate about all things tech and knows the Internet and computers like the back of his hand. You can follow Martin on Facebook. Twitter or Google+

You are here: Home > Firefox > Everything you need to know about 64-bit versions of Firefox for Windows

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Responses to Everything you need to know about 64-bit versions of Firefox for Windows

smaragdus January 1, 2014 at 10:55 am #

Happy New Year, Martin! All the best to you, to your family and to your great blog!

XenoSilvano January 1, 2014 at 6:21 pm #

The title of this article gave me the impression that it would be about Mozilla's intention to release a stable 64-bit version of Firefox sometime within the year. It was only when I was nearing to the end that I realised that the author had mentioned absolutely nothing of the sort throughout most of the entire article, lol, I thought to myself ‘wait a minute, did I miss something or did Martin leave out a very important detail here?’. Only when you get to the very last paragraph is the possibility of 64-bit version of Firefox even speculated about, Ah man! My expectations were far too high!

If you have ever bought a product expecting to find an item that was not included into the package then you have a good idea of how I felt when reading this article (who knows, maybe that item got into one of the folds of the packaging or is hiding behind some Styrofoam or something), only after giving up do you flip the cover over to affirm that the item your looking for is indeed advertised on the package do you discover the phrase ‘item not included with product’ written in small letters on the bottom right hand corner(!)

As much as I would like a 64-bit version of Firefox, I’m just not willing to go Nightly, I’ve been down that road before and I didn’t particularly enjoy it.

On a side note, I downloaded a couple of 64-bit versions of Firefox based alternative browsers and I couldn’t get any of them running on Windows 8.1, have they worked for anyone else?

On another note in regards to the browser, I’ve noticed that Firefox 26 keeps crashing whenever I use the search bar, the only search bar related add-ons I am using is ‘add to search bar’, Firefox continues to crash despite me having disabled the add-on, is anybody else getting that?

XenoSilvano January 1, 2014 at 6:40 pm #

I have no idea why Mozilla would shutdown the development of a 64-bit version of Firefox, 64-bit is obviously the way forward, the most significant benefit being the amount of RAM allocated, most computers now a days come with a 64-bit processor and more and more software development teams are creating software specifically for 64-bit architecture.

A 64-bit version of Firefox is of interest to me because I recently invested in 8gb of RAM for my laptop, even though that laptop has 64-bit processor it was running on a 32-bit version of Windows 8.1 (lol) which I upgraded from a 32-bit version of Windows 8, I wouldn't be able to get access to all of that 8gb of RAM beyond 4gb due to the limitations of 32-bit architecture and seeing as you can't 'upgrade' a 32-bit OS to a 64-bit OS, I therefore had to resort to installing a clean copy of the 64-bit version of Windows 8.1. I needed the extra RAM because I tend to do some RAM intensive work from time to time.

Prior to upgrading the RAM I was completely clueless as to what 64-bit architecture meant, so I decided to investigate about it. Now, if my understanding is correct, 64-bit processors run 32-bit programs through ‘emulation’ and not natively, despite there being a marginal performance difference between 32-bit and 64-bit architecture, having a program that was specifically created to run natively on 64-bit architecture is obviously the better choice as opposed to through 32-bit emulation.

If the people who conceptualised the 32-bit architecture never had the foresight to envision a future beyond 4gb of RAM for the PC of the average user (which is still a more than reasonable amount for the average user), then I can't even imagine what the computing demands are going to be like for the average user in the future using 64-bit architecture, will the PC of average user ever exhaust the limits of that architecture to the point for need 128-bit architecture(!?) given the insatiable nature of human endeavour, I think the answer is yes!

Yay, and now we all set sail for yet another voyage around The Sun on spaceship Earth, here is to the hope that this endeavour turns out to be a more exciting and prosperous one than the last for all of those who made it out of 20(13) alive.

Mike Corbeil February 8, 2014 at 4:05 am #

-no-remote Firefox command line option:

I first learned of it at http://www. mozillazine. org. it's knowledge base section, and the option initially was or seemed to be preceded by two hyphens, --no-remote, rather than a single hyphen. So I just checked the website again to verify this and the option is shown as preceded by a single hyphen, albeit two still works correctly.

Anyway, people can learn a little more about the option and related bugs by doing a Web search of mozillazine. org or kb. mozillazine. org (knowledge base) for "-no-remote". Using the main domain rather than the KB one, people will be able to also get any related forum links, f. e. Those will often be excluded when searching only the KB domain url.

It's useful and not only for testing purposes. I often make use of it for normal Web surfing when wanting to do some using a different Firefox profile. It permits having and making use of different Firefox bookmarks files.

MozillaZine is a Firefox user community website, rather than provided by Mozilla; and it's a useful website for FFx users to know about. It's been available for a decade or more.

Actually, it's for all Mozilla software products, instead of only for Ffx.

When Ffx users think to possibly have add-on or extension problems, then MozillaZine is a website to check. There's an add-ons compatibility information page, f. e. It lists add-ons for which there're known compatibility problems. Descriptions for the problems are provided. This usually includes which add-ons a problematic extension has compatibility problems with or causes problems for.

-no-remote isn't an add-on. It's a built-in feature that Mozilla developers intended only for themselves but which any Ffx user can make use of.

I thought that option only permitted one additional instance of Ffx to be run, but the following page certainly seems to indicate that any number of different Ffx instances can be simultaneously opened.

Tested. I already had a second instance of Ffx open and just tried with a third profile. Definitely works.

Making use of different profiles means we can have different bookmarks files. Being able to run more than one instance of Ffx at a time or side-by-side means be able to use different bookmarks files without needing to close or end the first instance of Ffx that a user has started. And being able to do this permits using different profiles for different uses. This, in turn, can help users to avoid creating very large bookmarks files.

It doesn't seem to be a problem any longer for me, not with the more recent and powerful PC obtained in 2011, albeit a second-hand machine from a few years earlier; plus also using XP. But it used to be a problem to have huge bookmarks files and we could then easily find help at MozillaZine, f. e. where we'd learn that we should export the boomarks file to create a backup of it and then start a new file again, or just clean out what we didn't want to retain for presently used file. Doing this many years ago helped to improve Ffx start-up time quite a lot; but, while there may still be a little start-up delay because my main bookmarks file being sizable, say, it's very bearable today.

This - no-remote feature has existed with Ffx or Mozilla products for a decade or more and it isn't only for 64-bit versions of the products.

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64 bit Mozilla Firefox browser official

Mozilla has been thinking about developing a 64 bit Firefox browser for quite some time now, and with the imminent launch of Windows 10, the company seems to have decided to speed things up. Mozilla has announced that the 64 bit Firefox browser it has been developing will be ready by Spring 2015.

Firefox 37 is scheduled to launc on March 31, 2015 and it seems that it will sport the 64 bit configuration Mozilla was trying to integrate for so long. Even though Mozilla is a little late to the party, with Chrome and Internet Explorer having already launched 64 bit browser, the new Firefox browser will surely turn some heads when it arrives. Mozilla has been known to offer great services in Firefox and currently is the biggest competitor to Chrome.

Supposedly, Mozilla decided to announce and launch a 64 bit Firefox browser because the company thinks that with the launch of Windows 10, Microsoft will be dropping x86 or 32 bit configurations altogether. In that case, Mozilla Firefox would be left standing alone in the face of competitors way ahead. Fact of the matter is that Microsoft is unlikely to drop 32 bit support, because it’s still not that outdated as everyone thinks and many people will continue manufacturing and buying 32 bit systems in the future, in my opinion.

In any case, Windows 10 is unlikely to drop 32 bit configurations in favor of a stand-alone 64 bit configuration because it would be a feat to do, since it would require a complete re-design of the OS architecture. Nonetheless, Mozilla will be ensuring their future if they release a 64 bit Firefox browser, since many computers that will be using Windows 10 will probably be 64 bit systems. It’s a win-win situation for most, since Firefox is the favorite browser of many and a good alternative to Internet Explorer and Chrome.

Mozilla could have made this announcement earlier, and released a 64 bit Firefox browser earlier, because the software has probably been nearly finished for the past few months. Since the Windows 10 announcement prompted the rush to release the 64 bit Firefox browser, we will see whether the browser will be truly optimized or will require daily updates. Mozilla aims to keep providing free services to people all over the internet, so Firefox 37 will most likely come as any other Firefox update or release – gratis.

Mozilla Firefox For Windows 7 64-bit

Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP 64-bit / Vista 64-bit / Windows 7 64-bit / Windows 8 / Windows 8. www. mozilla. com/firefox/ MD5 Checksum. Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Windows 64-bit; Firefox Free Download English (US) OS X; Firefox Free Download English (US) Linux;Mozilla. Register or Log in; Other Applications. Thunderbird; Firefox for Android; SeaMonkey;. Add-ons for Firefox; Themes; Windows_7; Windows_7 by. (US) Windows 64-bit; Firefox Free Download English (US) OS X; Firefox Free Download English. Youll receive an email from mozilla@e. mozilla. org to confirm your. Mac OS X, Windows 10, Windows 7 (32 bit), Windows 7 (64 bit), Windows 8. Speed-optimized 64-bit version of Firefox portable. Firefox 64 bit (Firefox 64bit. 64bit FireFox download on Windows 7. version of Firefox for Windows released yet. Mozilla are in the process. Firefox Developer Edition 38: 64. One would hope this includes Mozilla? The standard Firefox runs. Since Firefox was 32 bit on this 64 bit Windows. Firefox 64-bit, free and safe. Windows 7; Windows 8; Firefox 64-bit is also compatible with. Windows XP;. free download mozilla firefox 2015 64 bit;Open issues/risks. Plug-in support will be a major issue here. We do not want users to have a worse view of 64-bit builds than they do of 32-bit. development log for mozilla products such as Firefox porting to Windows for x64 platform. You can get Firefox for Windows x64 build from download page. mozilla firefox for windows 7 64-bit

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By Nick Peers | Mar 09, 2016

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Do you ever wonder how programs make it through the testing process? Mozilla’s decision to speed up development of the Firefox browser gives users an unique opportunity to get a close look at this process. But despite the much-vaunted emergence of developmental builds like Firefox Beta and Firefox Aurora for wider public consumption, there’s still a lot of testing to be done even before a version of Firefox reaches alpha, or Aurora, status.

This testing is done using nightly builds – developers make changes to the code during the “day”, and then at “night” a fresh build is uploaded to the Mozilla servers for developers and hardcore enthusiasts to test. It’s important to know at this point that many of the code changes have not been tested – they’ve been incorporated into the main build, but that’s it. It's now up to the hardy souls who run Firefox Nightly to try out the changes and report back on any stability issues they encounter.

The Nightly build will install alongside other Firefox builds, specifically the Aurora build and the Beta/Stable build. However, it will share access to existing Firefox settings, meaning there is a risk you could lose these if something catastrophic was to happen.

With this in mind, we’d strongly recommend you only install Firefox Nightly on a test machine, or in a virtual environment such as that provided by VirtualBox. Once done, you can safely road test it, secure in the knowledge you’re not going to screw up your main computer by doing so.

Nightly introduces Firefox 48.0a1. You can see what's planned for this version by visiting the Fixtures/Release Tracking page, although note that most of these features are not implemented in Nightly.


Most people should leave Firefox Nightly well alone, but if you’re experienced enough and dead keen to contribute to Firefox’s development, it’s worth checking out – with care.

Specification: Firefox Nightly 48.0a1 (64-bit):

Platforms: Windows XP, Windows Vista (64 bit),Windows 7 (64 bit),Windows 8,Windows Server, Linux Version: 11.0a1 Licence: Open Source Developer: Mozilla (Firefox Nightly) Date Added: Mar 09, 2016

Download Firefox Nightly 48.0a1 (64-bit) for Windows

Download Firefox Nightly 48.0a1 (64-bit) for Linux

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Review: Firefox's unofficial 64-bit variant Waterfox

Mozilla Firefox is a very popular browser with its legion of fans. Though with that said, thanks to the open source nature of Firefox, there are bound to be fan-made and supported offshoots of the official browser with their own tweaks and improvements. One such unofficial project is called Waterfox. and its main objective is to offer a Firefox experience, only this time in a 64-bit package for Windows. Of course, 64-bit binaries are able to access much more memory than their 32-bit counterparts, potentially resulting in a positive change in performance.

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Putting it to the test

To put that theory to the test, I decided on using the Peacekeeper web browser benchmark by Futuremark Corporation on both the latest version of vanilla Firefox, version 11, and the 64-bit Waterfox build, also based on the latest version of Firefox, in order to measure the performance of each. For reference, I ran the tests on a computer touting a quad-core Athlon II clocked at 3.2 gigahertz, eight gigabytes of memory and Windows 7 Professional 64-bit. Although both browsers performed very similarly in real-world testing, the Peacekeeper benchmark begs to differ, and the results might surprise you.

The Peacekeeper benchmark covers various aspects of the browser, including but not limited to HTML5 canvas and video as well as DOM operations and text parsing. There were a few HTML5 video tests that failed on both Firefox and Waterfox, but these failures were due to the lack of H.264 support in the browsers and were to be expected. After running each browser through the paces for several minutes, Peacekeeper generated the total scores of 1624 and 1415 for both Firefox and Waterfox respectively. This is a point difference of over 200, which is a bit disconcerting, considering that a 64-bit variant of Firefox was anticipated to have the edge in this contest.

línea de fondo

So the moral of the story is this: just because the binary is built for a 64-bit operating system doesn't necessarily indicate that the performance of the application is going to be better than its 32-bit counterpart. This is especially true if the Waterfox team decided to make unofficial modifications to the original source in a manner that could reduce performance.

It could be that the quality of the code is lacking or simply not mature enough. Over time though, it is possible that with more time and effort, the code will mature more and a 64-bit unofficial port of Firefox will make more sense from a performance perspective. For now, however, it's best to stick with regular Firefox, particularly if you want to get updates and patches as soon as they are available, rather than waiting on a third-party to work them in later on.

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About Matthew Nawrocki

An avid technology writer and an IT guru, Matthew is here to help bring the best in software, hardware and the web to the collective consciousness of TechRepublic's readership. In addition to writing for TechRepublic, Matthew currently works as a Cus.

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An avid technology writer and an IT guru, Matthew is here to help bring the best in software, hardware and the web to the collective consciousness of TechRepublic's readership. In addition to writing for TechRepublic, Matthew currently works as a Customer Success Professional for Ultimate Software in Santa Ana, California.

You are here: Home / Articles / Software / How to tell if Firefox is 32-bit or 64-bit

How to tell if Firefox is 32-bit or 64-bit

December 16, 2015

Mozilla published the Windows 64-bit installer for Firefox to the Download page with yesterday’s release of Firefox 43.0. You must have a 64-bit version of Windows to take advantage of the new version of the browser.

There are two cosmetic bugs with the 64-bit version of Firefox that have been posted for a while without resolution. The first bug addresses installing the 64-bit bit version of Firefox when you have an existing 32-bit version installed. The installer will upgrade Firefox to the 64-bit version but install it to C:Program Files (x86), breaking Windows conventions of installing 64-bit applications to C:Program Files. The second bug is asking for a designation of which bit browser you are using in Firefox’s Help, About.

Since both of those bugs make it difficult to tell which version of the browser you are using, here are two different ways to identify 32-bit vs 64-bit Firefox.

User Agent

In Firefox type about:support into the address bar. This will open up a page with a lot of information about your browser. From the User Agent line under Application Basics, you can see if this is the 32-bit version or 64-bit version running.

The 32-bit Firefox running on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 shows WOW64 in the User Agent.

The 64-bit Firefox running on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 shows Win64; x64.

The 32-bit Firefox running on a 32-bit Windows will not include the Win64; x64 in the user agent.

Programs and Features

Another place that you can check is the Control Panel, Programs and Features. To uninstall a program, you can see the software name listed.

The 32-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x86 en-US).

The 64-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x64 en-US).

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Firefox 36.0 For Windows 8 64 bit Filehippo Free Download

Firefox 36.0 For Windows 8 64 bit Filehippo Free Download

Firefox 36. 0 For Windows 8 64 bit is really a fast, light and uncluttered open source internet browser. At its general public launch in 2004 Mozilla Firefox was the first browser to difficult task Microsoft Internet Explorer’s prominence. Since then, Mozilla Firefox has featured consistently featured inside the top 3 most popular browsers globally and this is set to remain thanks to your release of Safari 30. The key features who have made Mozilla Firefox so popular will be the simple and useful UI, browser swiftness and strong stability capabilities. The browser is very popular with developers because of its open resource development and productive community of innovative users.

Firefox 36.0 For Windows 8 64 bit puts of lots of resources into building a simple but effective UI aimed at making browsing quicker and easier. They created your tab structure that’s been adopted by most other browsers. In the past few years Mozilla has also focused on maximizing browsing region by simplifying toolbar controls to merely a Firefox button (which has settings and options) in addition to back/forward buttons. The URL box features a direct Google searching together with an auto predict/history feature called Awesome Tavern. You will discover bookmarking, history in addition to refresh buttons on the right side with URL box. To the right with the URL box is really a search box which means that you can customize your search engine optimization options. Outside of that a view button controls what we see below your URL. Next to which you have the download historical past and home keys.

Firefox 36.0 For Windows 8 64 bit delivers impressive page load speeds because of the excellent JagerMonkey JavaScript. Start up swiftness and graphics rendering can also be among the quickest out there. Firefox manages complex video and web content using layer-based Direct2D in addition to Driect3D systems. Crash protection guarantees only the plugin causing the situation stops working, not the rest of the content being browsed. The tab system and Awesome Bar are already streamlined to launch/get results quickly too.

Firefox was the first browser to introduce a personal browsing feature which means that you can use the net more anonymously in addition to securely. Minimizing the probability of another user, stealing your identity as well as finding confidential information. Content security, anti-phishing technology in addition to antivirus/antimalware integration guarantees your browsing experience is usually as safe as possible.

One of the most beneficial features of your Firefox UI is customization. Simply right click on the navigation toolbar to customize individual components or just drag and drop items you need to move around. The inbuilt Safari Add-ons Manager means that you can discover and install add-ons inside the browser together with view ratings, tips and descriptions. Learn about the top recommended add-ons for Mozilla Firefox on TechBeat. Thousands of customizable themes allow you to customize the appear and feel of your browser. Site authors and developers can produce advanced content in addition to applications using Mozilla’s available source platform in addition to enhanced API.

Firefox 36.0 For Windows 8 64 bit Filehippo Free Download

64 bit builds

From MozillaZine Knowledge Base

You can run a 32 bit version of a Mozilla application using a 64 bit kernel (Windows 7 x64 etc.) though a 64 bit version "supposedly" increases performance. However, unless the the application is able to take advantage of the wider registers (typically multimedia encoding/decoding, cryptographic, or number crunching applications), you may not see any performance improvement. If you had poor performance before you might not notice any improvement. Typically you only want to use a 64 bit version if you are running a 64 bit operating system or the application exceeds the 4GB virtual memory space limit.

Code that uses a lot of pointers will consume more memory. 64 bit pointers are larger than 32 bit pointers, so there's more memory to move around, causing a potential performance hit. The effective processor cache size will also be reduced.

Code that is not careful about memory packing/alignment can run less efficiently as 64 bit.

Code that uses large data types (64/128 bit WORDs) will be faster because you don't need to play the 'split it into 32 bit WORDs' game.

A 64 bit version might be faster due to it being optimized for CPU's that support x86-64 (it has twice as many general purpose registers and SSE/SSE2 registers as a x86 CPU, and they're all twice the width).

64 bit builds for Mac OSX and Linux are available at http://releases. mozilla. org/pub/. Official 64 bit builds of Firefox for Windows are available on the normal download page starting with version 43.0. There aren't any official 64 bit builds of Thunderbird and SeaMonkey for Windows. [1] [2].

Unofficial 64 bit builds of Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey for Windows are available at wiki. The Third Party/Unofficial Builds forum has optimized 3rd party builds that may include some 64 bit builds for Windows.

WaterFox and Pale Moon are optimized 64 bit versions of Firefox for Windows. Start64 and Firefox 64 have several 64 bit builds of Firefox (nightly, WaterFox etc.) for several operating systems. Start64 also has 64 bit Thunderbird builds.

Many Linux distros provide their own 64 bit builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, and SeaMonkey in their repositories.

64 bit Daily builds (Thunderbird) are available at http://ftp. mozilla. org/pub/mozilla. org/thunderbird/nightly/latest-comm-central/. These should be considered experimental and may break for a while if 64 bit specific issues are encountered.

Extensions and themes

Most extensions and themes don't care what operating system you are using, or whether you are using a 32 bit or 64 bit application.

You can not use a 32 bit build of Lightning with a 64 bit build of Thunderbird or SeaMonkey. There are official 64 bit builds of Lightning available for Linux and OS X but they're for nightly builds. Nightly builds are automated untested builds. Unofficial 64bit builds of Lightning for Linux are available at here. Also look in the contrib subdirectory of the latest release in releases. mozilla. org

The Unity Launcher Integration add-on for Thunderbird used to only support 32bit kernels. Supposedly the latest version also works with 64bit kernels. [3]

The Enigmail extension supports Linux x86-64 but doesn't support 64 bit OS X.


You need to use a 64 bit version of a plug-in if you use a 64 bit Firefox build. The Adobe and Foxit web sites auto-detect whether you use 32 or 64 bit.

Waiting for Official Firefox 64-Bit? Try Waterfox, A Faster Variant of Firefox

With each new release of Firefox by Mozilla, we see better performance, stability and security. But, despite all these improvements, Firefox is still resolutely a 32-bit browser. Yes, Mozilla is still working on Firefox 64-bit, but for some reason, they haven’t officially released any 64-bit builds for Firefox. If you can’t wait, you can grab a nightly build of the 64-bit available for Windows and Linux from Mozilla servers.

Many people will hesitate to use a nightly build for regular use. For those who wants stability and don’t want to try a risky nightly build, Waterfox might be an answer. Waterfox is an actual Firefox version, optimized for 64-bit systems and aims to fill the void. The release cycle of Waterfox is in sync with Firefox’s official release cycle. With last week’s Firefox 9 release. the Waterfox project developers released version 9.0 of its own software. Convincing enough to try? We guess, it is. Let’s quickly go through the main features of Waterfox.

The developers of Waterfox have tweaked Firefox source code to work better with 64-bit processors. For the technical persons, the developers have compiled the code base with SSE, SSE2, x64 favoring and the following optimization flags: /Og /Oi /Ot /Oy /Ob2 /Gs /GF /Gy. It’s built especially keeping Windows x64 system in mind, that means, you are effectively running the browser in its full potential complete with all the performance improvements.

All Firefox add-ons are supported by the browser. You can also use all the major plugins such as Adobe Flash, Sun Java, Microsoft Silverlight, since they all have supported 64-bit binaries available. One more feature to rejoice off is, you don’t have to do anything to migrate your existing Firefox profile. Since, Waterfox uses the same profile that your existing Firefox installation does. This convenient feature has one risk factor too. If you uninstall Waterfox and by mistake select the remove personal data check box, your Firefox profile will also get deleted. So, keep in mind not to select that check box.

According to the developers, “for some people with older systems, the 64-bit version loads quicker and is much more responsive than the 32-bit build. For people with newer systems, it allows them to use the full potential of their systems.” So, if you are having a 64-bit system running Windows 7/Vista x64, you should definitely try Waterfox. In fact, we have seen in benchmarks. the 64-bit variant of Firefox out-performing the 32-bit variant.

There’s one major requirement before you install Waterfox on your computer. The browser requires Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) installed, otherwise you’ll get an error message involving msvcr100.dll. To fully enjoy Waterfox, you also need to install dedicated 64-bit builds of Flash, Silverlight and Java. You can find the download links to all of them at the Waterfox download page. The download page also links to dictionaries and languages packs. The main software is available only in US English only, so if you are looking for localizations, you will need them.


Mozilla Firefox Free Download

Requirements: Windows 8/8.1, Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows Vista (32 bit/ 64 bit)

Mozilla Firefox Description

Mozilla Firefox web-browser is known to by the vast majority of Internet users. However, the benefits and value of the browser in daily work with the Internet is not clear to everyone. Firefox has many different plugins and extensions that will allow everyone to personalize it according to their needs. At the same time regardless of the settings, Firefox will continue to be very reliable and fast browser. So, problems such as freezes or slow performance with 20 open tabs will not happen if you use Mozilla Firefox.

Firefox is the progressing browser. The developers of this browser were first to introduce innovations that simplify the work of web designers and also they directed a lot of effort to promote html5 programming format, which over time has become quite popular. Having achieved success in this regard, the development team decided to not stop and promote in the Internet a new WebM format that allows users to enjoy viewing HD videos online. Thus, users who installed Mozilla Firefox, can be satisfied with the fact that they use the product, which is constantly moving up with modern trends. All of the updates and new versions are downloaded in silent mode, without attracting too much attention and in no way affecting the quality of the work. Users in most cases will not even notice that update process was started.

Mozilla Firefox browser can automatically correct images and graphics displayed within browser. Through the effort of browser developers, Firefox got a new graphics engine, which is much faster and with a higher level of accuracy displays pictures and text. Of course, this greatly increases user’s browsing experience and let see the Internet in a new way. Another important feature of Mozilla Firefox is that it has built-in features to support multisensory engines of Windows 8/8.1. All this makes Firefox a modern browser which is able to meet the needs of the most demanding users.

Mozilla Firefox is a modern, fast and reliable web browser that pleases by plenty of useful features, sophisticated user interface and constant updates, every time bringing a new flavor to the work of Firefox. For those who are focused on fast Internet with the highest level of service and protection, Mozilla Firefox is the best one.

What’s new in the latest version of Mozilla Firefox for Windows 8/8.1? We recommend you to download the latest version of Mozilla Firefox for your PC, because it comes with new redesigned interface, numerous security and bugs fixes and other crucial updates that improves stability and performance of the browser.

What version of Mozilla Firefox I should download if I am running 64 bit Windows 8/8.1? You can use both x64 and x32 versions of Mozilla Firefox if you have 64 bit Windows 10, however it is highly recommended to download the latest version of Mozilla Firefox x64, because it was specifically designed for 64 bit operating system and you might see a great improvements in the performance of the browser.

Copyright © 2015 • Firefox is registered trademark of Mozilla.

halt&blue screen-firefox on AMD 4200 64 bit with MS XP pro 64 bit Name: walter Email: walter_at_baziuk. name Product: Firefox Summary: halt&blue screen-firefox on AMD 4200 64 bit with MS XP pro 64 bit Comments: after using firefox for a day, it starting to crash more often and give me a blue screen each time. this now occurs with 2 mintues after starting firefox. xp pro does not catch the firefox crash. xp pro dies with a blue screen halt - no way to catch what/where the issue is. has it been tested with xp pro 64 bit? has it been tested on a 64 bit 2 cpu AMD? i have uninstalled firefox as i need to use the new PC. Desafortunadamente.

Firefox 64-bit support Name: Albert Wiersch Email: supportathtmlvalidatordotcom Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox 64-bit support Comments: I'm surprised there's no Windows 64-bit support in Firefox 3.5. Please provide an x64 Windows version of Firefox. Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a response to this feedback but if you wish to provide one you must BCC (not CC) the sender for them to see it.

Firefox or not Firefox Name: M B Fletcher Email: mf38794atntlworlddotcom Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox or not Firefox Comments: You asked why I took it off but did not ask more than the basics. I put security but in fact I put on Fire fox today and found a GOOGLE front page for searching when I had nothing there before. I wondered if I had been hijacked or you had done a very stupid update. I still do not know for sure. I do not ever use Google that I know of. The biggest spy on computers in the world and you should know better. If I find it is correct on Firefox I will go back to IE. A.

Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit) Name: Dmitry Viazmin Email: dmitrydotviazminattutdotby Product: Firefox Summary: Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit) Comments: Hi, It would be great to get a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit). Do you plan to do that? Best Regards, Dmitry Viazmin Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a.

Proper Adobe Flash in 64 bit KUbuntu Linux with Firefox on 64 bit AMD processor? ; jor What is the proper way to get Adobe Flash running in 64 bit KUbuntu Linux with Firefox on a 64 bit AMD processor? Adobe says they have discontinued work on their 64 bit version for now. Is it ok to use the only version of AF 10.1 they make available for linux on a KUbuntu 10.4 AND 64 bit version, running FF? On #firefox on irc: kbrosnan: 32 bit won't work by default, your distro may have a way to run 32 bit firefox or a program called nspluginwrapper can allow you to run 32 bit flash in 64 bit firefox Any idea what the proper way for Ubuntu is? Thanks :).

SQL 8 support for 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please SQL Anywhere Associates. Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please. Thanks Vairam Is there any particular 64 bit OS that you are interested in hearing about? - Mark VS Vairam wrote: > & Gt; SQL Anywhere Associates. & Gt; Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical > white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any > Por favor. & Gt; & Gt; Thanks > & Gt; Vairam WINDOWS all flavours.

SQL 8 support for 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please SQL Anywhere Associates. Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please. Thanks Vairam I believe that SQL Anywhere Studio is currently only released in a 32-bit format. TO the extent that 32-bit applications can run on a 64-bit OS, you can use ASA on a 64-bit system. -- Reg Domaratzki, Sybase iAnywhere Solutions Certified SQL Anywhere Associate Please reply only to the newsgroup ASA Patches and EBFs. http://downloads. sybase. com/swx/sdmain. stm -> Cho.

Unittests and 64-bit support for Gecko 2.0 / Firefox 4 The topic of Windows 7 unittest status on https://wiki. mozilla. org/Platform/2010-07-13 reminded me of a related question, which is status of unittests on 64-bit platforms. If 64-bit is going to be supported for Gecko 2.0 / Firefox 4 (is it?), it seems like it ought to be passing tests. If so, should we be tracking progress of this like we're tracking progress of getting Windows 7 to pass tests (above)? The current status (from looking at TBPL) seems to be: * Linux 64-bit is at parity with 32-bit * OS X 64-bit (which we test on 10.6) is at parity with 32-bit (which w.

Firefox Deer Park Alpha 2 crashes on Win Xp 64 bit when opening logmein web site Name: Andrea Borghi Email: andreab_at_compuserve. com Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox Deer Park Alpha 2 crashes on Win Xp 64 bit when opening logmein web site Comments: Hi Here is teh trap I get when trying to open a session in Logmein. com using the firefox plugin on winxp64: I have the full user dump if needed: ModLoad: 00000000`00400000 00000000`01536000 C:\Program Files\Deer Park Alpha 2\firefox. exe ModLoad: 00000000`78ec0000 00000000`78ff9000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll. dll ModLoad: 00000000`78d40000 00000000`78eb2000 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll ModLoad.

Taskbar Corruption when using Firefox. Intermittent. Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows 7 RC 64 bit. HP laptop Name: George Product: Firefox Summary: Taskbar Corruption when using Firefox. Intermittent. Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows 7 RC 64 bit. HP laptop - Intel 965 with Dual Core 2.4Ghz and 4GB RAM Comments: Occassionally when starting a new windows in firefox, the task bar will flicker and corrupt. Clicking on a non-firefox app which is fill screen stops the flickering, then I can usally (not always) return to the firefox tab and it is ok. I am running latest Intel graphics drivers from Microsoft (released yesterday) Problem existed before and still exists. Not really sure if it is.

Firefox 64 bits Name: Jean-Sebastien Email: simply_jsathotmaildotcom Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox 64 bits Comments: Hello, I am now running on Vista 64 bits, and I would really like to see a Firefox 64 bits. Lots of people are changing from a 32 bits to a 64 bits OS, and it's sad to see that nowhere I've seen mentioned that Mozilla is working on a 64 bits version. Until the 64 bits version comes out, I'll be using IE 64x. Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1 From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/.

firefox 64 bit Name: woodysixstring@yahoo. com Email: woodysixstringatyahoodotcom Product: Minefield Summary: firefox 64 bit Comments: don't know yet Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1 x64; en-US; rv:1.9.3a1pre) Gecko/20091008 Minefield/3.7a1pre From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a response to this feedback but if you wish to provide one you must BCC (not CC) the sender for them to see it.

64 Bit Firefox I have just downloaded the 64 bit Firefox in preparation for installing on a 64 bit machine I am building to run Windows 7 64 Bit. Can I export my bookmarks (Json) from a 32 bit Firefox and then import them into the 64 bit version? Gracias. This is an OpenPGP/MIME signed message (RFC 2440 and 3156) --------------enigD990DB9D72A55280967D5C0B Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Jack Gillis wrote: > Can I export my bookmarks (Json) from a 32 bit Firefox and then import = them=20 > into the 64 bit version? ye.

A 64 bit Firefox when? Name: XSnrg Product: Firefox Summary: A 64 bit Firefox when? Comments: I think you people who make this browser would of had more than enough time to figure out how to create a reliable and fast 64 bit Firefox. When is Firefox 4 going to be out? Has it even been out and I'm not aware of it? It seems like I would know anyway. Please let people know! Most people have updated computers that can handle 64 bit these days. I expect your developers to have it set and ready before the end of this year. If not I'm going to have to suffer a little with IE 64 bit. Eso.

New: Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Nightly 29 64-bit (web browser) Released

PortableApps. com is proud to announce the release of Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition Nightly 29 Alpha 1 Pre 64-bit. It's the latest 64-bit alpha nighly build of the Mozilla Firefox browser bundled with a PortableApps. com launcher as a portable app. so you try it out without affecting your standard local or portable Firefox install. It's packaged in PortableApps. com Format so it can easily integrate with the PortableApps. com Platform. And, as always, it's open source and completely free.

Mozilla®, Firefox® and the Firefox logo are registered trademarks of the Mozilla Foundation and are used under license.


Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured web browser that's easy to use. It has lots of great features including popup-blocking, tabbed-browsing, integrated search, improved privacy features, automatic updating and more. Plus, thanks to the PortableApps. com launcher bundled in the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition, it leaves no personal information behind on the machine you run it on, so you can take your favorite browser along with all your favorite bookmarks and extensions with you wherever you go. Learn more about Mozilla Firefox.

Multiprocess In Nightly - You can turn on multiprocess mode in the nightly build by setting browser. tabs. remote to true in about:config and then restarting Firefox.

Why 64-bit?

As per our long-standing policy on 64-bit apps laid out in 64-bit Software: Where It Fits Into Portable Apps. we do not make available 64-bit only apps, we only do user-friendly dual-mode 32-bit//64-bit apps so they always work. So why a 64-bit build of Firefox Nightly? It's primarily to help with testing the 64-bit builds with a wider audience to better enable bug finding and fixing.

It's important to note that this build will not work on 32-bit Windows machines and you'll have no way of knowing if it will work without checking the machine's details or just trying it. The 64-bit builds of Firefox are not as stable or consistent as the 32-bit builds. The 64-bit builds often test slower on many browser speed tests as a result. No stable, beta or even alpha builds of 64-bit Firefox are expected anytime in the near future.

PortableApps. com Installer / PortableApps. com Format

Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition is packaged in a PortableApps. com Installer so it will automatically detect an existing PortableApps. com installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in PortableApps. com Format, so it automatically works with the PortableApps. com Platform including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Nightly 64-bit is available for immediate download from the Mozilla Firefox®, Portable Edition Nightly section. Get it today!

I just wondered if it were possible for you to combine the versions. I have four different versions of Firefox and keeping profiles synced between them is a pain.

For example, have you seen winpenpack's X-launcher? It allows several apps to be installed into the same folder. So you could install all Firefox versions each with its own launcher but they all use the same profile.

So you could have Firefox standard, Firefox test, Firefox nightly 32 & 64 installed each with its own launcher but with a central profile. No need to worry about whether a password saved in one version needs adding to other versions to keep in sync.

X-launcher's folder has a 'bin' folder for storing each app version and a 'lib' folder for settings and a central profile. Perhaps the PAL could install each Firefox into the same firefoxportable folder. Each version would install a new launcher named after the version and install app into the app folder again into a firefox**** folder. This would allow all versions to use a single profile.

I understand not everyone would want this kind of install so perhaps the option to choose standard or combined installation? Just a thought.

Generally, I have been using nightly since you added it and had no problems. Actually, it made me learn how to export bookmarks and passwords without moving the entire profile so as to have a clean install. I do like the new look but couple points I dislike, but they're Firefox in general. I think all windows should opened as new tab like addons is. Open the downloads and a window opens, WHY.

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

January 1, 2014 - 8:37am

sl23 I think all windows should opened as new tab like addons is. Open the downloads and a window opens, WHY.

You can open about:downloads in a tab. You can also pin (or bookmark) that tab for easy access.

sl23 So you could have Firefox standard, Firefox test, Firefox nightly 32 & 64 installed each with its own launcher but with a central profile. No need to worry about whether a password saved in one version needs adding to other versions to keep in sync.

There are multiple ways you could achieve this with, but none would be recommended if you care about your data. Maybe you'd be better off with regular Firefox installations.

a) You could use symbolic links (https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/NTFS_symbolic_link ). b) You could use Firefox Sync. c) You could install all the desired (non-portable) versions locally and point your profiles. ini file to the portable profile. The portable profile would be shared by all your Firefox versions. d) You could.

Though keep in mind that any way of sharing the same profile between different versions of Firefox will ultimately lead to data loss. Profile data can safely go from prior versions to future ones. It can't move from future versions to past versions, because whenever database formats, versions or similar changes, past version can't recognize the file from the "future" one. File/data gets discarded and it starts anew.

My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.

January 4, 2014 - 4:51am

My point was actually that clicking the toolbar button opens a list of downloads with text asking to Show All Downloads, clicking this opens a window, not a tab, which it should do in my opinion. The same for History and Bookmarks.

I find it strange that the Addons opens as a tab but nothing else does, at least not by default.

I see your point Re:combining Ffx. I didn't think about compatibility with older versions!

Gracias por tu ayuda.

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

January 1, 2014 - 1:19pm

You can already install multiple different versions of Firefox and point them to the same profile. Just use the FirefoxPortable. ini file and set your profile path within FirefoxPortableNightly64 to something like:

It should be noted that you should absolutely not do this, though. Nightly and Aurora release in particular can easily corrupt your profile or alter it in a way so it no longer works with stable Firefox. The whole point is to keep them separated.

Note that the PA. c Launcher does the same thing you referred to with keeping App and Data separated and that this type of functionality in our apps predates the existence of WinPenPack.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

January 4, 2014 - 4:36am

I get your point, thanks John, I guess I'll leave it as is!

EDIT: One question regarding Nightly, the autoupdate is on and all previous versions of Ffx have it turned off for stability or security I think the reason was. Should I turn Nightly's autoupdate off?

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

January 20, 2014 - 4:01pm

i am wondering how you will push out the updates for Nightly. Will you, for this one, allow for the updater inside of Nightly to work but have it update its own local files or will you just push out the updates through the PA. c updater?

January 20, 2014 - 4:09pm

When a new nightly filename is done, you will be automatically updated. For updating from one nightly to another, you'd need to reinstall a new copy over the old yourself. You can keep doing that from the same PA. c Installer, though, as it auto-downloads the current Firefox Nightly for you automatically.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

January 20, 2014 - 7:34pm

from what i could understand from your comment (yes i am in college but yet i had trouble understanding the wording, i blame the internet making my brain into mush lol) the updater from the help>about firefox will work. Update: i just got it. i need to have a copy of the installer on me at all times. i dont know why it double posted, sorry my bad if it is.

January 20, 2014 - 11:15pm

Firefox Nightly does not auto-update from one nightly build to the next. Just major version jumps. This applies to both portable and local installs.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

January 21, 2014 - 6:07am

i know i was just wondering if you allowed the updater within the Nightly app to work for this situation

January 21, 2014 - 10:58am

Once again, you ARE free to use the updater built into any of our Firefox Portables. But the updater within Nightly DOES NOT update from Monday's nightly to Tuesday's nightly. It will only update on a major version jump. The only way to continuously update a nightly build is to manually install it every day.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

January 24, 2014 - 3:24pm

You didn't answer my question though :-/

Some time ago, probably few years maybe, I remember reading that Ffx should absolutely NOT be allowed to update internally due to either stability or security issues, can't remember which now.

But I noticed that Nightly, after which I checked the normal version of Ffx, that the Auto Update is ON.

If FirefoxPortable Auto Updates, will it install to the PortableApps folder or system folder? uTorrent has issues with this and my mother in law constantly keeps getting messages to update uTorrent which reinstalls locallly and messes up the portable install!

I'm curious why you'd need to keep updating the Paf installer if apps like Ffx update themselves?

Gracias por tu tiempo

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

January 24, 2014 - 3:30pm

Yo si. As I already said above, you can use the internal in any of the Firefox portables. It'll just leave a blank folder behind on the local PC. It's been that way for years. Note that it won't update the Firefox Portable launcher bits (which are regularly updated), so you should update Firefox Portable regularly, too.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

January 24, 2014 - 5:07pm

Excellent, thanks, I do update the paf apps so that's not a problem.

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

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64-bit Firefox for Windows should be prioritized, not suspended

The Red Panda, or Firefox, is an adorable inhabitant of forests in foothills of the Himalayas.

The stable, supported, mainstream version of Firefox on Windows is a 32-bit application. Even if you use 64-bit Windows, if you use Firefox, you're using a 32-bit browser. The exception is if you're using the Nightly build of Firefox. This represents the latest, cutting-edge version of the browser, and it's available in two versions: a 32-bit one, and a 64-bit one.

However, this won't last much longer. Mozilla announced last week it was no longer going to produce 64-bit Nightly builds of Firefox for Windows; nor will it run automated tests of 64-bit Firefox. The browser's future on Windows is resolutely 32-bit. Linux and Mac OS X, in contrast, both have official 64-bit versions.

Several reasons were given for this discontinuation: many plugins have no 64-bit version, Mozilla's bug reporting and tracking infrastructure provides no clear distinction between 32-bit and 64-bit problems, bugs go unfixed because the 64-bit Windows version is not deemed a priority, and JavaScript performance in the 64-bit builds is substantially slower than in the 32-bit version. Further, Mozilla developers say they won't fix any bugs that only manifest in 64-bit versions. Firefox developers say a fully supported 64-bit version of Firefox won't be released in the first half of 2013 and it probably won't make the second half either.

This is an unfortunate decision by Mozilla. 64-bit support is not important to all applications, but when it comes to Web browsers, it has a valuable role to play. At its core, the difference between 32- and 64-bit comes down to memory. Each 32-bit process gets 2 32 bytes (that is, 4GB, of memory to use). Each 64-bit process gets 2 64 bytes, 18EB, four billion times more memory, to play with. Of that 4GB that 32-bit processes can use, there's a further limitation: 32-bit Windows reserves 2GB or 1GB for itself, giving each 32-bit application only 2 or 3GB to use. 2GB is the default; to get 3GB, the application needs to opt in, and Windows needs to be booted in a special mode. On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit applications that opt in to 3GB support actually get almost the entire 4GB to themselves.

64-bit security

Why does memory matter so much for browsers? There are two reasons. One is common to all browsers; the other is more specific to Firefox. The first reason, the universal reason, is a little thing called security. Security flaws in browsers are an unfortunate fact, so operating system and browser developers both implement various features to try to reduce the impact of these security flaws. For example, one could run the browser in a low privilege sandbox so that malicious exploits cannot easily write to the user's hard disk.

One of these protective measures is called Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, and it works by moving DLLs and application memory into unpredictable locations within the 4GB that each 32-bit application has available to it. This makes exploitation harder, but on 32-bit systems the protection is limited. With only 4GB of space, there aren't that many random locations to choose. DLLs, for example, still need to be packed relatively close together, to ensure that there are large tracts of free space open for applications to store their own data in.

This lack of randomness is compounded by the fact that these days, 4GB just isn't that much memory. Filling all the memory with data that the attacker controls is now feasible. In a process known as heap spraying . attackers fill the victim application's memory with large blocks of code that do nothing, followed by their exploit code. This gives attackers much greater flexibility: instead of having to work out the exact memory location of their exploit, they just have to be somewhere close. As long as they find a location in the "do nothing" block, their exploit will run correctly.

In the world of 64-bit, this all changes substantially. With 18 exabytes (theoretically; real processors impose tighter constraints) of memory, there's plenty of room to scatter DLLs liberally making them needles in an unimaginably large haystack. A new Windows 8 feature called "High Entropy ASLR" does precisely this. The vast amount of memory also prevents any realistic attempt at heap spraying—the amount of memory is too large, and the amount that an attacker can fill up is too small.

For many applications, the stronger security provided by HE-ASLR and 64-bit computing probably isn't hugely valuable. As a practical matter, most applications have little meaningful exposure to the kind of attack that ASLR and HE-ASLR are meant to hinder. But Web browsers are a huge exception to this: they're huge vectors for malware, because they're routinely used to connect to networked resources that are beyond the control of any end-user.

Browsers need all the security mechanisms that developers can throw at them, and by sticking with 32-bit code, Firefox is unable to take advantage of some of the security features that Windows 8 has on offer.

64-bit stability

About time we mentioned there were two main issues with 32-bit on Firefox. That second problem is specific to this OS: Firefox is getting too big for a 32-bit memory space. Firefox does opt in to using 3GB of memory if it can, and 4GB when run on 64-bit systems, but this isn't enough. Except for plugins, everything Firefox does has to run within a single process: every tab you have open, every Firefox window you have open, every image, every script, every download, they're all sharing 4GB of memory. With lots of tabs—or complex pages and scripts, or even bugs within Firefox itself that cause memory to be allocated but then never freed when it's no longer needed—that 4GB can run out. As you approach the limit, Firefox gets slower and slower, as it has to work harder to make more memory available. Eventually it runs out, and typically, it crashes. (This limitation was one of the big reasons I switched back to Chrome, in spite of my preference for Firefox's appearance and interface.)

64-bit Firefox, by virtue of having so much more memory available, would essentially never run out of memory.

Mozilla is working to alleviate the issue somewhat. Since version 13, Firefox already has on-demand loading of tabs: restart the browser and any tabs that you don't look at don't actually get loaded, saving memory. Mozilla developers are also planning a feature that would unload tabs you aren't currently using, again making more memory available. But these are both stopgap measures. These are of little assistance when tabs legitimately require lots of memory, or when multiple tabs are in regular active usage.

A robust solution to this problem does not strictly require the use of 64-bit. Chrome on Windows is also a 32-bit browser (though there is some effort underway to produce a 64-bit version), but because Chrome strives to have one process per tab, the resource constraints are much less acute. Instead of having to fit everything within 4GB, Chrome only needs to fit a single Web page within 4GB. Different tabs each get their own 4GB to operate in. This doesn't offer Chrome the security benefits of using 64 bits, but at least prevents it from running out of memory.

Mozilla once embarked on a project to bring this kind of capability to Firefox. It was called Electrolysis, but the project has been all but cancelled. It's unlikely to offer salvation any time soon.

Opera, which shares Firefox's mostly-single-process design, has a fully-supported 64-bit version, so like Chrome, it too avoids the resource constraints. Unfortunately, Opera does not support HE-ASLR and so does not take advantage of all that 64-bit has to offer.

Internet Explorer has a multi-process design (indeed, it was the first mainstream browser to use such a design, reaching the market even before Chrome). Internet Explorer 9 and below are, for the most part, 32-bit browsers to ensure plugin compatibility, but Internet Explorer 10 can operate as a fully 64-bit browser by enabling Enhanced Protected Mode. 64-bit Internet Explorer also enables HE-ASLR.

Molehills, not mountains

And what of Mozilla's reasons for ditching 64-bit Windows builds? That the 64-bit version isn't a priority is apparent from the lack of supported build, but using that as an argument to discontinue creating 64-bit builds feels almost circular. The appropriate response would be to make it a priority, not ignore it entirely. Many other developers manage to properly distinguish between 32- and 64-bit crash reports and bugs, so it hardly seems credible for Mozilla to imply that it's somehow beyond its abilities.

JavaScript performance is important, and Internet Explorer 9 had a similar dichotomy between 32- and 64-bit performance. The JavaScript compilers used in modern scripting engines produce executable code from the JavaScript, and this executable code has to change depending on the bitness of the browser. Microsoft did the necessary work for 32-bit Internet Explorer, but not the 64-bit version, so that version omitted the compiler. In Internet Explorer 10, both 32- and 64-bit versions have the compiler and boast excellent JavaScript performance. There's no fundamental issue preventing Mozilla from doing so; it's just that the organization is allocating resources elsewhere .

Plugin availability is another issue, but it's an issue that leans even more heavily in favor of switching to 64 bits. The Java and Flash plugins, in particular, have suffered numerous security flaws in the past, and been significant infection vectors in their own right. Just like the browsers that host them, they're some of the pieces of code that most need the extra protection that 64-bit software has available. The latest versions of Flash, Java, and Silverlight all support 64-bit browsers.

And if those three aren't sufficient (and for many users, they will be) the solution chosen by Opera for its plugins is appealing. Though Opera, like Firefox, uses a single process for all tabs (rather than a tab per process), it also, like Firefox, runs plugins in separate external processes. Opera's trick is that the bitness of those processes doesn't have to match the bitness of the main Opera process; 64-bit Opera can spawn plugins in a 32-bit process. This isn't perfect, as it means that those 32-bit plugins don't get the security benefits of being 64-bit. But it allows a transition, and it means that the browser itself, and the plugins that are 64-bit ready, can take advantage of the greater security on offer in the meantime.

Mozilla maintains, and is going to continue to maintain, 64-bit builds for Mac OS X and Linux. Windows, however, is where the majority of Firefox's users actually are. As of October 2011. Firefox users running 64-bit Windows 7 outnumbered all Firefox users of Mac OS X and Linux combined, by a factor of about two to one. 64-bit users of Firefox's Nightly build currently outnumber 32-bit Nightly users. The 64-bit Windows target is substantial. Far from downplaying the significance of 64-bit and pushing the delivery of a 64-bit Windows Firefox into 2014 or beyond, Mozilla should be prioritizing the 64-bit browser, and striving to match Microsoft and Opera's progress. Firefox still has a lot of users ; they deserve the security and stability that 64-bit browsers can provide.

Download Mozilla Firefox 44.0.2 (64 Bit) for Windows

Mozilla Firefox made secure the multi-tabbed browsing. But what really made Firefox are its extensions/add-ons that allow so much more functionality and customization beyond simple web surfing. Plus, it's more secure and gives a faster browsing experience than before.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed by Mozilla Corporation for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux-based computers. Mozilla Firefox stands out from other web browsers by having up to 6,000 customizable add-ons filed under categories like news, privacy, security, tools, blogs, entertainment, humor, and many others. Also, its Smart Location Bar allows the user to go back to previously visited websites without the need for the URL.

Mozilla Firefox is also equipped with anti-malware and anti-phishing tools, as well as a download manager, a spellchecker and an RSS Feed Reader. In addition, its latest version now places the tabs on top of the address bar for easier navigation.

It also features an enhanced add-on manager that helps users manage and organize all their Mozilla Firefox add-on better. Other features of this freeware include enhanced support for HTML5, multi-touch support and an optimized Javascript interpreter named TraceMonkey.

Furthermore, Mozilla Firefox

Screenshots for Mozilla Firefox

Home » Browser » Firefox » Mozilla Firefox 64-bit Performance Compared to 32-bit

Mozilla Firefox 64-bit Performance Compared to 32-bit

Mozilla Firefox has been around for over a decade and has built up a huge following of loyal users in that time. It used to run Internet Explorer close for top Windows web browser but these days has slipped to distant third behind Internet Explorer and more recently Google Chrome. There’s a lot to like about Firefox with the thousands of available add-ons. but also it’s had it’s fair share of problems with various performance and memory related issues over the years.

An area where Firefox fell behind is making the browser a full 64-bit application to work better with 64-bit versions of Windows. A well coded 64-bit application should theoretically perform better and more efficiently than it’s 32-bit counterpart on a 64-bit operating system, usually at the expense of a bit more memory. Internet Explorer has had a 64-bit mode for several years, Chrome also has a version that was released in 2014. Firefox was the only major browser to not have a 64-bit version, until recently.

Since version 42, Firefox has an official 64-bit version that you can download and install instead of the 32-bit version, although it’s currently not available on the main Firefox download page and is a bit hidden away in the Mozilla release pages. With this long awaited release, the question now is, does the 64-bit Firefox perform any better than the 32-bit version?

To find out we’ve put Firefox through a number of well known benchmarks and a few of our own to see what the differences are between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We’ve included Waterfox which takes the Firefox source code and compiles it with 64-bit optimizations so it should run more efficiently and faster on 64-bit Windows computers. For comparison Firefox Nightly 64-bit has also been included to see if test versions are improving in speed and efficiency. To run the benchmarks each browser was installed on a clean and fully updated Windows 7 Professional SP1 64-bit. The hardware was an AMD Phenom II X4 955 CPU @3.2Ghz with 4GB of 1333Mhz memory and a 7200RPM HDD. We tested Firefox 42.0 32-bit, Firefox 42.0 64-bit, Firefox Nightly 45.0a1 64-bit and Waterfox 40.1.0, all settings were left at their defaults.

The JetStream test is from Webkit and the successor to Sunspider. It’s a series of Javascript benchmarks covering a range of workloads and scenarios, including tests from Octane 2 and Sunspider. Each test runs itself 3 times and an average score is given.

Kraken was developed by Mozilla themselves but this test adds the time taken to complete each test together and gives a total score in milliseconds, so lower is better.

The company behind 3DMark and PCMark, Futuremark, developed this benchmarking tool. It tests things like DOM operations, HTML5, text parsing and rendering. Peacekeeper is no longer supported by Futuremark but still works.

Octane is Google’s own Javascript testing suite which replaces the popular V8 benchmark offering 9 additional tests and 4 more than Octane version 1.

The BrowserMark suite tests a number of areas including browser resize, page load and requests speed, Javascript performance and tests for DOM, CSS and graphics speed. It should automatically choose your nearest regional server, manually select one if you want a different region.

RoboHornet is a relatively new benchmark test and still in alpha. The default Core suite tests many areas including tables, DOM, CSS, canvas, scrolling and Javascript.

This is another testing suite produced by Mozilla and runs a number of its own tests, Sunspider tests and V8 tests. Each benchmark runs itself at least 5 times which explains why the whole process takes around 15 minutes to complete. We used the Recommended Tests option.

8. Single Tab Memory Usage

This memory test is rather simple, Firefox is opened and left at the standard start page, after about 10 seconds to let things settle, the used memory for the Firefox. exe process is read in Task Manager.

Note: Firefox Nightly is at a disadvantage in these memory tests because it loads an additional plugin-container. exe which rises and falls in memory usage as the number of tabs changes. As it consumes extra RAM this process is included in the results.

9. 5 Tabs Open Memory Usage

This test is again quite simple, the Raymond. cc homepage is loaded into 5 tabs and then after a few seconds the memory usage of Firefox is recorded.

10. 25 Tabs Open Memory Usage

Similar to the test above apart from 25 tabs are open at once.

11. Application Start Time

Measures the time taken in seconds to load Firefox or Waterfox for the first time after a reboot (cold start).

Results and Summary

As you can see from the results in all 11 tests above, the 32-bit version of Firefox won an impressive 8 of the tests, only losing its number one position in the Kraken and Peacekeeper benchmarks and the cold start time. The memory usage results were also better and if you scale them up, the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit versions with multiple large website tabs open could be hundreds or even thousands of Megabytes. 64-bit could help if your browser constantly consumes several Gigabytes of RAM but they are mostly extreme circumstances.

Waterfox, which has been around for a few years and specifically compiled for 64-bit, cannot compete with the 32-bit version. The Nightly Firefox does show some improvements over the official 64-bit release, so things should improve over time. Any Firefox 64-bit version still appears to be very much a work in progress and it’s difficult to recommend installing any x64 version if you are specifically looking for higher performance. We should see some performance improvements in the future, but Firefox 64-bit doesn’t appear to give you a faster browsing experience at this time.

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Firefox For Windows is Now 64-bit

When it comes to web browsers on Windows, both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer had been offering 64-bit web browsing experience for quite a while. Mozilla Firefox, on the other hand, had remained firm on 32 bit until now.

However, all of that has changed, and now, Mozilla Firefox on Windows is finally 64 bit. The latest version of Firefox for Windows is 64 bit. and it can take advantage of the latest hardware that your machine has, as long as you are running Windows 7 or higher.

As the end user, what does this mean for you? To be frank, the web browser in itself will not offer any noticeable advantage in terms of speed of operation. However, you do get better security features, better app compatibility and various other features that 32 bit browsers do not offer otherwise.

Other than that, Firefox for Windows also offers certain other new features: you can block many other web trackers under the Private Browsing session, and also choose search suggestions whilst typing in the address bar. For users of touchscreen devices, Firefox for Windows now brings up the keyboard right when you need it.

While the new set of features is indeed an impressive lot, Firefox for Windows still trails behind Google Chrome in terms of popularity, and it surely has a lot of catching up to do. Considering the fact that Firefox is realizing the importance of touchscreen devices and making UX changes accordingly, Firefox does have a chance of gaining a bigger market share and establishing itself as a viable web browser for the apex spot.

You can download and install Firefox 64 bit for Windows from this page .

What do you think of the latest version of Firefox? Given it a spin yet? Share your views in the comments below!

Sufyan bin Uzayr is a writer, developer, and coffee-lover. He has authored several books and writes for various publications. Sufyan blogs at Code Carbon ; you can learn more about his work at his website .

http://luke-watts. com/ Luke Watts

I think Firefox has always performed better than Chrome. Firefox rarely crashes unlike Chrome. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen that “Oh Snap!” Durrrr face dialog. Other times Chrome inexplicable takes for ever to load all pages regardless of internet speed and connectivity. I don’t know why developers and the general public still blindly think it’s somehow better than Firefox.

Firefox looks nicer too. Open them sideby side and Chrome looks quite bad. Fonts are blurry and everything is faded somewhat.

Also the Firefox Dev Tools are seriously better. The Developer Edition has everything I need and more.

Worst browser: Safari.

The Calculator - Questions and Answers

Is the Calculator difficult to use? Does it slow me down when I am placing trades?

Traders are able to use the Calculator in their trading at the speed of light and actually set up their trades faster than they used to do by hand. Once you get familiar with it, you'll be at that speed too. New things frequently seem complicated at first, but once we get to know them, they become second nature. And the learning curve for these tools is a gentle one.

And then there's the question of errors. In talking with many traders and our own experience, we've found that the mistakes we all make when we're moving too fast are the ones that really bite us and end up being very costly.

Our approach is all about helping traders eliminate those mistakes as much as possible. One mistake avoided will more than make up for the cost of the Calculator.

Will using the Calculator keep me from taking losses in my trading? It uses the term "Loss-Recovery Strategy".

No, not at all – nothing can keep you from taking losses other than your own experience and luck. Think of a "Loss-recovery strategy" like a sharp Samarai sword. If you know how to use it properly you can do wonders – if you don't, you could cut your leg off. It's all in how you use it. There is no guarantee made or implied in your use of the Calculator or the Trade Log that you will not take a loss. They are simply tools to let you calculate how much you are risking per trade. This in turn makes it easier for you to understand the risk you take and trade responsibly.

Forex is an unpredictable business and entering and exiting the actual trade, as well as determining correct position size and leverage is your complete responsibility. Please read this risk warning: Click Here .

Does the Calculator actually place trades for me on my MT4 broker?

No, the Calculator helps you determine where your entries, stops and take profit values should be, but it's always up to you to actually enter the trades on your broker's platform and pull the trigger yourself.

Does the Calculator work with any kind of trading strategy? Is it specific to one teaching?

There's really nothing specific about any mentor's trading method that is tied in to the Calculator. We have tried to think about all our experiences in our years of trading and all the styles of trading we have learned and heard about and from that made one all-encompassing great tool for about 90% of those styles.

Everyone - regardless of how they trade - benefits from knowing their ideal lot size as they go into a trade so they do not risk more than a certain amount they can live with if the trades fails, whether they do a cost average or just a single make-it-or-stop trade.

Many people use stop and reverse or cost average, and all of them need to know where their break-even point is and what their risk is. Many people feather-in to a trade and need to be able to place multiple positions without ballooning their risk.

And there are methods that we use, and know other people use, such as the open-leg cost average technique, or straddling a trade on either side, that we have included in the calculator pages.

We've been using variations of this Calculator – our early prototypes – for years because risk management has always seemed critical to us and rarely understood. Do you think there's a correlation between about 95% of people not understanding what money management is about and 95% of people failing at Forex? Hacemos.

Does the Calculator teach me how to trade a cost-average or stop-and-reverse strategy?

No, you have to know the basics of how to trade yourself. This is not an instructional program. While these strategies may seem to be self-evident, there is an art to them that can make all the difference between success and failure. If you plan to use them, we strongly recommend that you study and train with a professional.

Does the Calculator factor in margin and leverage?

For awhile we were looking into adding a margin warning as well as a drawdown warning. But then the further we tried to develop it, the more it came to our attention that every broker uses a different set of rules about when they margin your account. You could have 3 brokers all offering 100:1, and one of them would give you a margin call at 90% drawdown, another at 25% drawdown and another would close you down at 50%.

Compound that with the surprising but true fact that you can ask different people within the same company what their policy is and get different and conflicting answers. We know from personal experience and with talking to some professional traders who play as close to margin call as they can and NEED to know that level precisely. Our finding: it is extremely challenging to try to get an accurate answer from a broker.

Compound that FURTHER by the fact that some brokers do not even issue a margin call even when your account hits a point at which they say they will. AND some pull you sooner than they say they will.

All in all, it is just too complex an issue for us to include in the Calculator. Instead, we have gone with the straightforward approach of reporting how much drawdown you risk, relative to your stated equity, you risk. If your trading style puts you that close to a potential margin call, you need to try to learn from your broker at what level that will be. You'll be able to translate that information into some specific percent drawdown and then use the drawdown warning feature of the Calculator from there.

There are actually two different ways that the word "leverage " is used within the forex industry, which further compounds the confusion. To read more about leverage in forex, click here. The Calculator takes a different approach and measures direct capital at risk, which is the most precise and most easy to understand method available.

Since leverage isn't a option in the calculator. is there any further calculation needed to accurately assess my risk based on how much leverage I will be using per trade?

There are two distinctly separate concepts here. Risk and Leverage. Many traders confuse them. Leverage is not risk and you do yourself a disservice to think of it as such. That is why we make the Calculator solely based on risk, not leverage.

Leverage is an expression of your relationship with your broker and can be most accurately rephrased like this: "What will my broker charge me to borrow money from them to enter my position?" The answer is along the lines of 1:10, 1: 20, 1: 50, etc. Think of it just like a bank loaning you money to buy a house. Some people are aggressive and look for a bank that tells them they need no money down to finance their home - that's like using 1:100 leverage or higher. Others say they want to pay down 30% or more of their home's value up front and finance the rest - that's like using 1:50 leverage or less. Leverage is all about the loan.

On the other hand, RISK is something that's between you and you. Not you and the broker. You decide how much you are willing to lose per trade, set that percentile into the Calculator, and we take care of the rest. Using a risk profile like this lets your account grow most quickly and exponentially while controlling downside dangers. IF you are maintaining your risk as you trade you can use the most leverage a broker will give you and trade with ease.

Using a super low leverage will NOT prevent you losing your money. The power of retail forex is the opportunity to use higher leverage than equities allow. If you know what you're doing (Money Management, analysis of trades with the Trade Log and good use of the Tester, etc.) the higher leverage of spot forex becomes one of your strongest advantages. If you don't know what you're doing, even low leverage will not save you.

We go into these topics in a lot more detail and with great graphics, etc. in several of the videos we offer to our Forex Smart Tools customers in the Money Management section of the Video Library, which becomes available to you when you purchase the Tools.

Can the Calculator help me place trades that have separate take profits?

A common trading strategy used is to have three entries per trade with three separate take profits – one entry with a 15 pip take profit, the second with a 20 or 30 pips take profit and the third you let run for the long term gains or have a set take profit at 50 or 60 pips. Then once the first take profit is reached the stop loss is moved up to point of entry plus 1 or 2 pips of profit. We've used this approach in our trading too and actually in our backtesting of it we found it to be very effective compared to some other exit strategies.

With this strategy, you may have different take profit targets set but give all those positions the same stop loss. You can use the Calculator to assess your overall risk and manage those trades efficiently and smartly.

The Trade Log will be able to calculate for you that if you go in 1 lot for 20 pips take profit, 1 lot for 40 pips take profit and 1 lot for 60 pips take profit, it's the same as going in 3 lots for a total of 40 pips take profit.

That's an obvious example though. What if you took your first trade out at 1.5 lots for 20 pips take profit, your second lot out for 40 pips take profit and your third 0.5 lots out at 67 pips take profit?

Do you know how many working pips that is – how much 'work power' you got out of that trade? How many pips is that comparable to if you just took your original 3 lots out at the same price? Those are the questions that are of interest to us!

The Trade Log gives us the answer and shows us we made 35 working pips. Even though your last leg went all the way to 67 pips, you would have done better by taking them all out at the same time for 36 pips. This is the kind of powerful tool we think traders deserve and this calculation is built into the Trade Log. Some traders will realize that changing their exit strategy will net them more profit, while other traders will get confirmation that their exit strategy is just right.

Does the Calculator use the equity based on the most current trade?

In the Calculator, the equity figure is automatically imported from your broker's platform if you use an MT4 broker. As we show in our money management series of trainings, the more frequently you update equity the better this works for true Adaptive Positioning. If you don't use MT4 you can automatically update your equity by keeping the Trade Log up to date with your current completed trades and linking the Calculator to the Trade Log. You can also manually modify equity as you trade. The Forex Tester can also automatically update equity on your test runs too.

Are commission costs factored in to my trade plans on the Calculator?

The Calculator does not account for rollover or commission fees, so from time to time the actual break-even point for you might vary by a few pips depending on how long you've been in a particular trade and whether you've had a commission charge applied to your trade while you were holding it. We explain this and how to work with this in our educational videos.

Is it possible to use fractional lot sizes?

Yes, your Calculator will work with exactly the same lot settings that your broker offers to you. The smaller the fraction or part of a lot you can trade, the more advantageous this is for Adaptive Positioning.

Does the Calculator adjust for widening spreads during volatile conditions?

Yes, the Calculator does - but it does not include every single wiggle of spread. Por qué? Because the spread on many platforms changes so often that it would make you crazy watching it. We have created our own average of the spread value over the last several seconds. This way it stays pretty true to what your broker is showing. It will not accommodate pre-news or news spikes in spread because that change can happen very quickly and be extremely volatile. The Calculator works very well in normal trading conditions to stay true to what you see.

Do you bring live price feeds into the Calculator for exotic currency pairs or gold and silver too?

The Calculator allows you to correctly position size and plan trades for any spot forex currency pair that your broker offers. It automatically detects this information for you. The live prices are dependent on the broker you choose as your DDE feed source. If your DDE source (i. e. the MT4 platform you tie into) doesn't show that currency, the Calculator cannot show its price either.

At this time, gold and silver are not featured in the Calculator.

I have one broker I use with AUD funds and another with USD funds. How will the Calculator handle that?

The Calculator allows you to set up an unlimited number of individual brokerage accounts (equity and currency), each with a name or number code on the setup page, then just choose that broker from a drop-down menu from any of the Calculator pages. Each brokerage setup can hold unique infomration, such as which equity you hold your assets in, what kind of lots you trade (units, minis, standard, spread-bet, etc. and other factors.

I have a broker that gives me better spreads than the DDE info they publish shows. Will this throw off the Calculator?

It's actually the case that the spread is more important to the Calculator than the live prices. Live prices are only used in the Calculator in the following capacities:

1) We error check for you that the price you enter is approximately correct, by checking what you enter against current price - but the tightest we monitor is within 100 pips of current price. This is user-selectable and extends up to 800 pips for longer-term traders. Or it can be disabled all together. In any event, getting the moment by moment change in live price is not all that critical for that.

2) As a courtesy, we display the spread in the upper left corner - but it's not used in any of those calculations. It's just visual if you want a quick reference.

3) If you are doing stop and reverse multi-leg trades, you can use a special alert feature we include for alarms. This does rely on live price - but if you do not use multi-leg stop and reverse or cost average trades like this, you won't be using the alert feature anyway.

So - the simple thing is just to disable live – look at the screen shot for the Currency Rates page and notice the box we provide called 'live' take a pair offline. Then you manually enter the approximate live price bid and ask, setting it up with the spread you normally get. That way YOU control the spread value that is used by the Calculator.

We have videos explaining this technique in more detail that we make available to our users.

The Trade Log - Questions and Answers

Is the Trade Log just a fancy Excel spreadsheet?

No, not at all. The Trade Log is actually a database, not a spreadsheet.

We love spreadsheets − don't get us wrong. We're actually quite expert in working with them. But we have seen a lot of problems in trying to use them for trade journals: 1) They are cumbersome and ugly, so you are not inspired to continue using them − and soon stop. 2) If you are not a spreadsheet expert, it is easy to mess things up and use incorrect equations. 3) It's easy to put values into the wrong cells. especially when you're tired after trading. 3) There is no error checking to make sure you haven't entered a wrong value. 4) It is not easy to associate trade screenshots with each unique trade − let alone several. 5) When a spreadsheet gets large, it gets cumbersome to work with and slow. 6) When you're ready for analysis, you have to sort your entire spreadsheet to extract meaningful data. 7) It's hard to print reports about parts of your data (like just one strategy) without printing everything. 8) You can't easily publish the results of a single trade to share with a fellow-trader. We could go on and on about the problems about spreadsheets used for Logs. Trust us! We've solved each and every problem we encountered when we went to the format of the database that we use for the Trade Log.

Is the Trade Log the same as a trade journal?

You could say that the Log was a journal, if by journal you mean just someplace where you record each trade. But it's also much more powerful than a simple journal. That's because the Forex Smart Tools Trade Log is also a relational database, so you can sort your trades by any criteria, such as entry time, currency, strategy, entry trigger, etc. You can also easily see your results by the day, the week, the month, the year - by broker, by strategy. You name it. And yet - even with all this power - it's incredibly easy to use and intuitive.

Are trades entered manually into the Trade Log?

Yes and no. You can enter your trades manually on your own customized input page. You decide what factors are important to you and you design your own Trade Log using our pre-selected options or add your own parameters.

You can also import your trades directly into the Trade Log, so you don't have to manually enter them one by one.

Right now there are five formats we import: MT4 FXCM Strategy Trader FXCM Trading Station II Forex Tester Oanda

We also offer a Software Development Kit (SDK) so programmers can create their own import wizard for their own brokerage platform.

What about Interactive Brokers?

We started working with a couple different Smart Tools' users who began using Interactive Brokers and hired us to create the Trade Log import wizard for them. But both of them stopped using IB, so our work along those lines also stopped because we needed info from them that they couldn't provide and couldn't get out of the IB customer support staff either.

They each told us that they got frustrated with the complexity of the reporting from IB, and indeed when we looked into trying to decipher it to make our wizard we too threw up our hands more than once.

Bottom line… as of now we don't directly support Interactive Brokers. Lo siento.

Can the Trade Log record multiple screenshots and then print them as PDFs?

Yes, the Trade Log holds as many screenshots for each trade as you would like. And there is a function to export your trade as a PDF that includes all the details you recorded about the trade, as well as half-page pictures of the screenshots you included. The PDF makes it easy to share your trades with friends or mentors, or keep a notebook going too.

Does the Trade Log take screenshots for me?

No, the Log doesn't take screenshots itself. But almost all charting packages now contain that feature within them. If yours does not, we have info for you about free screenshot programs you can use, or you can use a program like Snagit to take them.

Within the Trade Log, as you're inputting the data about that trade, you click the + icon to add that screenshot to the Log. Then a standard dialog comes up and you locate that screenshot you just saved. Then you can toss the original image file away, because the Trade Log then stores it with a unique name in a unique folder of its own, so that it can always associate that screenshot with that trade.

Can the Trade Log store video movies too?

Not directly. Because videos can get very large and take up a lot of your disc storage, we recommend that you store them on a cloud server, such as Amazon S3 or Google or use a service such as Screencast to store your videos (they have good software to take them with too). Then you store the URL address of that video you've uploaded to your cloud as a parameter within the Trade Log, so you can easily pull it up from there. TheTrade Log has a special parameter type called URL so you can access your cloud movies from within the Log. You can also store movies on your own hard drive and set a pointer within the Trade Log to bring them up for you. Yes, we've tried to think of everything.

Taking your own videos is a wonderful idea. As one of our trading buddies says: "No one will teach you more about trading than you can teach yourself". And to break down each of your trades and talk to yourself about it is very, very fruitful.

Can the Trade Log record several different trading accounts then consolidate the results?

One of the things that annoyed us was trying to compile the statements from multiple brokerage houses at the end of our tax year. It is painful beyond belief, isn't it. Particularly because each broker has its own style of reporting. We've had complicated tax years trying to deal with up to five different brokers.

So we have created a solution in the Trade Log, the companion piece to the Calculator. At the end of any period - day, week, month or year, you can run a summary report and view all your accounts combined together, so you can get a picture of how your overall trading is going. You can generate one standard style of report, even if you run each broker separately, so that at tax time you and your accountant do not need to spend time figuring each format out separately.

All your recording and computations are done in your native currency, which you choose at the beginning on the setup page. We have made it customizable for taxes, as well as strategies and other things you may want to track. We have a few tax considerations that we know about that we have pre-programmed in already, such as the 1256 for U. S. citizens. Otherwise, there will be blank lines where you can set up your own tax code names and the program will ask if you want to use them as you enter your trades.

How many different currency pairs does the Trade Log handle?

There is no limit to the number of currency pairs you can use with the Trade Log. We've build in the major twenty pairs commonly traded, and then we also provide you with a settings menu by which you can add any other pairs that you may also be following, including gold and silver.

Will the Trade Log record trades taken from an EA?

The Forex Smart Tools Trade Log is designed to automatically import your trades from your account history (for certain brokers). You will be able to select which accounts or sub-accounts you want to select, so if you have other trades going and do not want to import your EA trades that would be easy to select by simply choosing which accounts to import or not import.

Can commission costs be factored in?

Yes, the Trade Log lets you record commissions and swap/roll-over rates. In the Trade Log, we recommend that you reconcile to exactly the values your broker uses. You separately input gross profit or loss, commission or fee, and swap rates.

Is it possible to use fractional lot sizes?

Yes, the Trade Log works with the same increment of lot sizes or unit sizes that your broker uses. You can also use fractional pip values for those brokers that report prices to 3 or 5 digits.

Does the Trade Log show floating profit and loss?

The Trade Log does not automatically maintain floating profit / loss, because it does not directly communicate with a live price feed. We wanted to make it as uncomplicated as we could and that would be the only situation within the function of the Log that would require an ongoing live feed, so we decided not to go that route.

That being said, it is easy to do a quick tally of net profit or loss by simply putting in the approximate prices you see right now in your charts as the exit price for each open trade. This is always easy to modify as the trade progresses, and can be input without putting in a closing time. Then the analysis page can quickly show you the net sum of all your open trades - that's a feature we do have built-in.

I've been keeping my trade journal in an excel spreadsheet. Can I import that into the Trade Log?

It's theoretically possible, because some of our broker import wizards are based on importing csv files - but the layout has to be very specific and exacting. We have a SDK (Software Development Kit) we offer, so you or a programmer friend could look through it and see if you can match up your data to those same specification, or create your own wizard from the examples to import your spreadsheets.

Another possibility: depending on who your broker has been for those trades - if it's MT4, FXCM or Oanda you could generate a report with those trades from the past and import them directly from the broker's report.

If you'd like to look at our SDK now please click here to download: Software Development Kit

Does the Trade Log keep track of change of equity with every broker and the sum of all of them? I have many I use at once.

Each broker is treated like an account - with as much precision as you'd keep a checkbook in Quicken or an accounting program. So every trade you place is tracked in the overall equity change of the associate broker account. And of course, if you have other incoming or outgoing journal entries with your broker there's a place to add those in too, such as depositing more funds, pulling out a salary, noting adjustments you get from your broker, etc. The Trade Log is meant to serve you not only to analyze trades, but also to make tax time reporting at year's end much easier, so we're all about making precision easy for you to input and maintain. And yes, the sum of all brokerage accounts is always available for any time period you may wish to see, through both the summary and analysis pages.

How does the software help me with managing trades with three brokers, demo and live (6 accounts total)?

You can have any number of brokers' accounts going in the Trade Log. At any time, you can easily select any one of them to view the result of trades within just that one broker or net them together to see the overall result. The great thing is that you can also look at any one parameter across all brokers' platforms too. Let's say you have a particular strategy you want to evaluate and you've placed trades using that strategy - among others - in several accounts. It's hard to know just how that one strategy is doing because your results are spread out. But the Trade Log lets you isolate just one strategy, regardless of what platform you entered the trade on, and look just at how well it performs for you. Also, no problem about the accounts being live, demo, or even test accounts you set up on the Forex Tester simulator. You can mix them in too, or isolate any of them.

Can the Trade Log bring in trades automatically in real time?

No, you import your broker's statement to bring trades in. It's not as straight forward as a lot of other programs might make it out to be, because we offer the sophisticated option of being able to group trades together into an allocation bundle. We could design the Trade Log to bring each trade in live, but letting you bundle your trades as you see them is a whole other matter. With the Trade Log as it is now, you have total control over how you think of trades - because you bring in trades from your statement, rather than having it work on auto-pilot automatically.

As an example, you might scale out of a trade in 4 parts. Your broker will report those to you as four individual trades, and if the Trade Log just brought all your trades in automatically, then you'd also have four separate trades. Compare that to allocation breakdown that the Trade Log now offers you. As you bring in your statement you can tell the Trade Log that all those four trades are really the parts of one trade. All your results are then calculated on the whole trade and hold all four scale-outs as one. This is much more true-to-life. We don't always give you the simplest solution - but we always try to give you the BEST solution to be able to truly evaluate how your trading is going and how you can improve and be more profitable.

How does the Trade Log compare with an online service like My Forex Dashboard?

This is a partial list of some things we have noticed. We'll refer to Forex Smart Tools as FST, and My Forex Dashboard as MFD.


Who owns MFD? Are they forex traders or are they web coders who have captured a market. With FST you know the answer. The owners and developers of FST are active traders registered with the NFA and CFTC;

FST provides an extensive library of educational money management videos. MFD does not;

FST is a collection of two software applications that you hold privately on your own personal PC. This means that your data and information about your trading accounts are not on the web where you must rely on the security of someone else's server to keep your information private;

MFD charges an annual recurring fee for their service rather than outright ownership like FST offers;

Ownership of FST includes two licenses for two computers - MFD makes you pay extra for the 2nd license;

MFD is based on Excel spreadsheet software instead of the fully-featured database that you get from FST. See the question above for general discussion of spreadsheets;

Comparing the FST Trade Log with the MFD trade journal:

MFD doesn't store screen shots of individual trades like FST allows you to do;

MFD doesn't let you group many individual trades into one aggregate trade group like the FST Trade Log does with the allocation breakdown feature, which is so great if you ever scale into a trade, scale out of a trade, do stop and reverse or cost average;

MFD doesn't allow you to design your own parameters for describing each trade you take. The FST Trade Log allows you to create unlimited parameters of your own choosing;

MFD doesn't let you view individual accounts on their own or choose to group accounts for aggregate comparisons like FST does. FST even allows you to hold different accounts in different currencies and will compute the common exchange rate among them all so you can see your net profit and loss of all accounts together in one currency.

MFD doesn't do specific summary analysis based on any of your own chosen parameters such as type of strategy used;

Comparing the FST Calculator with the MFD calculator:

MFD calculator does not factor in bid and ask for you depending on whether you are buying or selling. FST Calculator does;

FST Calculator plans your multi-leg trade out with the Scale-In Calculator so that you don't exceed your risk;

FST Calculator accommodates both Spread Betting brokers and traditional brokers;

FST Calculator finds your break even price for your cost averaging trades;

FST Calculator shows live pip values & rates so accurate risk is maintained;

MFD calculator is not designed for specific strategies such as Cost Average, Scale-In or Stop-and-Reverse;

The Forex Tester - Questions and Answers

Is this the same program sold on the Forex Tester website?

Yes, it's the same program. But we offer it for a 12% discount off of their retail price. Por qué? Because we have seen what a difference the Tester made in our own trading and we don't want anyone to be without it.

And we also offer you our own training videos and support. So many people tell us we have a really great way of explaining things in easy-to-understand videos, so we wanted to make the use of the Tester easy for people too. Of course you can also explore the training videos available on the Forex Tester website too. But our videos are only available to people who have bought the Tester directly from us.

Do MT4 indicators or EAs work on the Forex Tester?

This is not an MT4 program and MT4 indicators do NOT work with it. It is a free-standing separate program that comes with its own indicators. MT4 EAs do not work on the program either, but an API is provided so that you may code your strategy to work on the tester or hire a programmer to modify it for you. If you know the programming language C++ or Borland Delphi, it is not hard to translate MT4 indicators for use with FT2.

There are also independant consultants who you can hire to code your strategies or indicators for you into the correct language. If you buy the program from us we will be glad to give you a few names. There is also a forum you can check for help with this.

What standard indicators come with the program?

AC (Accelerator Oscillator) AMA (Adaptive Moving Average) ADR (Average Daily Range) ADX (Average Directional Movement Index) Adaptive Moving Average 2 (AMA2) Alligator ATR (Average True Range) Awesome Oscillator Bears Power Bollinger Bands Bulls Power CCFp CCI (Commodity Channel Index) Elder's Force Index Envelopes FATL Fractals FTLM-STLM Heiken Ashi Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Keltner Channel (original) Linear Regression Channel MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) MA Crossover Signals MFI Momentum Moving Average (Simple, Exponential, Weighted, Smoothed) with shift option OBV (On Balance Volume) PCCI PFE (Polarized Fractal Efficiency) Pivot Points Pivot Points Intraday Price Channel Price Daily Range Parabolic SAR Range Bars ROC (Rate of Change) RSI (Relative Strength Index) Solar Wind Stochastic Oscillator TDI (Traders Dynamic Index) Time Box Range Expansion Index Ultimate Oscillator W%R (Williams' Percent Range) ZigZag

And more are available from a public forum.

Can I see multiple time frames simultaneously on the Tester?

Yes, you can open several chart windows for a currency at the same time and each can be set to its own time frame. It will be just like your live platform. You can open many such windows like this at once.

Can I see multiple currencies simultaneously on the Tester?

Yes, you can open several chart windows for different currencies at the same time and each can be set to its own time frame as well. It will be just like your live platform. You can open many such windows like this at once. If you open a lot of different pairs you may find some slowing down of the playback depending on your RAM and computer settings.

Are The Forex Smart Tools compatible with the new Forex Tester Version 3?

Yes, both the Trade Log and the Calculator work seamlessly with the Forex Tester 3. Click below to see a screen shot of the Forex Tester 3 working with the Forex Smart Calculator to allow you to calculate accurate position sizing for your risk profile, even using historical pip values. The Trade Log also allows you to import statements from the Tester for in-depth strategy analysis:

Do I need to subscribe to the premium data plan too?

No, there are years and years of free data that are available to you when you buy the Forex Tester. If you trade higher time frames this data will probably be all you need. If you trade shorter time frames like a 1 minute chart or 5 minute chart or if you want to have accurate variable spreads used in your testing, then you may want to also have one of the premium data plans though. Read more about this service here: DATA PLANS .

If I get a new computer can I move my license for the Tester to it?

Si por supuesto. There is no charge for moving your license from one computer to the other. We de-activate the license for the first computer and issue you a registration ID for the new one.

Your Trade Smarter page talks about a Back Tester. Is this the same program you offer for free?

If you are on our email list, you have access to a different free backtester that works with MT4. If you work with both simulators for awhile, you'll quickly see why we encourage you to upgrade to the paid version: Forex Tester 2. If you'd like to try that free program, sign up to our list and we'll send you that link.

Will the Tester throw my timing off?

"I ask because I heard a professional trader say that he thought it did. & Quot;

Well, think about asking Lance Armstrong to ride a bike with training wheels - of course he's going to hate doing so. But if you've been riding a tricycle, then going to a real bike with training wheels is a big step, and a very worthwhile step. Yes, you learn something about timing from watching real time charts that you don't learn with the Tester, but you learn so much about pattern recognition and decision making based on working with the Tester. Neither one (simulator or real) is a replacement for the other, nor are they meant to be. You will develop a valuable component of your overall skill-set from each approach to learning.

Which currency pairs are available to test?

Data from January 2001 is available for free for these pairs:

Many more pairs are available as part of the Standard or VIP Data Plans. For the list of those pairs, please click here. For more info about the Data Plans, please click here .

I tried the demo version, but I can't see enough candles in the past to analyze.

In the demo mode you only have access to one month of data, so that's why you are seeing this restriction. When you own the Tester you have access to years worth of data. You can start testing at any date you like.

When you click Start Test you see a dialog box and one option is 'Define first date to start'. You have a slider bar to choose your start date or you can enter it directly, as shown below. The date that the candles go back to (the first candle on the far left side of the chart) is determined by you when you generate ticks - we show you how in our instructional videos, which you have full access to when you buy the program.

How can you really base future price action on past history?

Well, it's true - you can't literally. But what we see as price action is simply the result of masses of people acting on basic psychology based on fear and greed. These are deep-rooted emotions that are not likely to change all that much in the near future. That's why we keep seeing the same patterns in the market repeat themselves over and over again. So if you expect something to work in the future, your odds are better if you saw it also work in the past.

Personally, we'd much rather hang our hats on a nail that we knew held things up for the past 10 years than on a nail that we saw kept falling down over that time period. No? There are many 'flash in the pan' strategies that worked for awhile - then stopped working as market conditions changed: Carry trade / correlation trades / news spike trades, etc. (Yes, these are all approaches to trading we have personally used in the past that just don't work well anymore now).

Testing on historical data will help you clarify for yourself if your strategy is based on principles that are likely to endure or are ones you better ride fast and hard like a pony-express horse until it runs out of power, then be ready to jump onto the next hot pony.

Can I store multiple profiles on the Tester like MT4 lets me do?

The Forex Tester does not offer profiles (saved groupings of different chart styles), but it does allow you to save templates - and the templates also hold the information about what time frame the chart uses, so you can quickly set up a group of charts including the indicators and time frame of each chart with the use of templates.

How can I find a different indicator I want to use that I don't see already listed?

The Forex Tester web site has a very active forum with the participation of many active programmers. The program gives you access to the forum to find specific indicators you may wish to use. There are also private programmers with libraries of indicators for sale.

I have a custom indicator for MT4. Will it work on the Tester?

The Forex Tester is not built to use MT4 indicators. You could hire someone to re-code your custom indicator for you into the programming language that the Tester uses and then you'd be set. The computer language can be C++ or Delphi.

Are Renko or Range Bars available on the Tester?

At this time, the Tester is capable of displaying true range bars, but not renko bars. It is a feature that may be added in a future version.

Range bars show price action based on the number of ticks per candle, rather than how much time has elapsed per candle.

Does the moving average indicator allow for shifting?

You're going to love the moving average option. Unlike MT4 that only lets you shift horizontally, Forex Tester 2 also lets you shift a moving average vertically. There are many strategies, such as those shown by Gerry Appel (who created the MACD) that use two MAs vertically offset from each other. It's hard to find an indicator for that in MT4. Forex Tester lets you do that - automatically built in.

Click to see a screen shot of what this can look like:

Do I need to synchronize my Tester charts to my live platform?

There is no need to synchronize your charts to your live platform. This program is entirely free-standing so you don't need to refer to your live charts. If you do want the charts to display the same GMT time offset as your live broker, you are able to make a time shift adjustment to the Tester data to accomplish this. In our training videos we explain how to do this.

I tried the free trial and the prices seem to be off compared to my live broker

Ahh. but if you compare two or three live brokers with each other, you'll probably find a price difference between them too. Check this out: Below you will see three charts from early October 2010: FXDD, GoMarkets and Forex Tester 2. All have the same three swing high and low points marked with prices. As you will see, they are all within a couple pips of each other but are not the same exact price.

In our trading, we normally keep 2-3 different brokers platforms open at once to compare prices and we often see these kinds of price discrepancies between them - it's the nature of an unregulated market. One of the biggest price discrepancies that appear between different brokers is what happens over the weekends. Each broker makes their own choice about when to close over the weekend and when to open again and an hour difference can make prices appear very different if you are comparing the opening of a week. On all the three charts below, notice how different the candle action is over the weekend from one to another - the weekend is marked by the double vertical lines.

If you buy the Forex Tester from our site, we provide you with access to video instruction that shows you how to coordinate the times you see on Forex Tester to your own broker's charts if you so choose. If you are going to compare one "opening" price with another "opening" price, you have to make that adjustment - because the default might be putting 'opening' at an entirely different time than you are seeing it on your own broker.

Forex Tester is also offering a premier data service that gets data directly from six major brokerage houses, so if yours is among them you could see your actual data if that is important to you, so that is an option if greater precision is important to you. We also offer you a substantial discount for these premium data plans. READ MORE ABOUT THE DATA PLAN OPTIONS

Can the Tester run on a Mac?

The Forex Tester does not run native on the Mac OS and it is not supported for Crossover or as a Winebottle. Of course, if you use Boot Camp or one of the emulation programs like Parallels or VMWare, you'll have no problem running the Tester. The emulation program 'Windbottler' also does not work as a solution.

Can the Tester run on a VPS?

Yes, Forex Tester works fine on a virtual private server (VPS) but usually a VPS is not powerful enough to perform tests with a large number of indicators or a lot of historical data all at once.

Is this an immediate download I can use right away? Or is this a boxed program which is delivered to one's door?

The program is an immediate download, not a shipped product. You could be up and running within the hour if you like. In fact, you can click the download button on our site and have immediate access to the trial version right now.

In a webinar you gave, you mention having hours of training videos. Is that for the tester?

The many hours of training videos we referenced were related to Money Management principles and the use of the Calculator and the Trade Log. We have also included several videos on working with the Tester, as well as our own Q & A section. The full video library is available only to Calculator/Trade Log owners. We make the videos and webinars that are about the Forex Tester available to anyone who has purchased the Tester through our site. The company Forex Tester also has some videos but most people find them confusing and too fast-paced. That's why we created our own videos for our customers. But of course their videos are available to you too so you can have both sources of information.

Do Dean Malone's Synergy indicators come with the program?

Not all of them, no. But the TDI is now available.

You can also have heiken-ashi candles, pivots and the price action channel on your Tester charts. While this isn't everything, it's about 80% of what Synergy traders use in their trading.

Do Craig Harris' indicators come with the program?

Craig Harris' indicators do not come with the Forex Tester. We have created a basic template in Forex Tester 2 using the standard indicators that do come with the program to show you how close you can get on your own, simply using the moving averages, the fractals and the stochastic and drawing a few other lines in by hand.

Click to see a screen shot of what this can look like:

Our Forex Tester friends have programmed a great new custom indicator for us called TimeBox that will work perfectly to show you the Tokyo Channel on your Tester charts now. When you buy the Tester from us, we have a 10 minute video showing you how to use the PFMC-style template we have created for you. You can simply install the template and you're good to go. It does not contain Craig's indicators but it's similar.

System Requirements – Questions and Answers

What are the system requirements?

Both programs will run on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8. Windows 8 users are cautioned to make sure to install the Tools from the desktop, not from the Modern UI. We cannot yet guarantee the Tools to be compatible with Windows 10.

The Forex Smart Tools Calculator and Trade Log use an embedded web browser for the user interface. By default Windows XP ships with IE6, which has limited functionality as a stand-alone browser and when embedded in applications. So if you have never upgraded beyond IE6, you will need to do so (IE upgrade ). By upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer the additional functionality needed for the Calculator and Trade Log will be available. Vista and Windows 7 have more functional browsers already installed by default. This does not mean you need to make IE your default browser. When you install the IE upgrade and it asks if you want to make it your default browser, just say "No" and then close it forever.

We recommend you use FireFox or Chrome as your default browsers, but it's up to you. But yes, you do have to have IE at least installed on your computer.

Is this software Mac-compatible?

The Forex Smart Tools do not run native on the Mac OS but it is now possible to run MT4 in Crossover. We have a Forex Smart Tools' user that has written instructions on using the Forex Smart Tools on a Mac with Crossover as well. If you are interested, we will send instructions when you buy or lease the program.

Of course, if you use Boot Camp or one of the emulation programs like Parallels or VMWare, you'll have no problem running our software. The emulation program 'Windbottler' does not work as a solution. You will probably want to run Windows in any event, because the Calculator operates best when using an MT4 connection for live feeds, a recommended optional feature – though not a requirement.

The emulation program PlayOnMac does not work for the Forex Smart Tools because PlayOnMac seems to be bound to IE6, and the Smart Tools must use IE7 or higher. Installing IE7+ in PlayOnMac seems to crash it, so it's hard to go further with this approach.

Do the Calculator and Trade Log use much processor power or take up much size on my computer?

No, the programs do not use up much processor power. They are very clean and lean programs. We've even written our own DDE interface to minimize processor load in retrieving live price data. The hard drive storage required for the database file for the Trade Log can grow over time, if you choose to include many screenshots with your trades.

Do I need to use a Metatrader MT4 broker with your programs?

No, not at all. You may use any broker you like and we have structured the Forex Smart Tools Calculator and Trade Log to work with any setup - any kind of lot sizes - any kind of display of candles. If you use a non-MT4 broker, you may wish to open up a free demo version of MT4 on the side because that is what we use to pull our live price feeds into the Calculator. But actually the use of the Calculator is not strictly tied into using live prices on an ongoing basis once the initial currency pairs are first established. We'll show you more about that in our tutorial videos once you get started with us.

Does the software work with MT5?

Our software does not directly work with MT5 right now. We started working towards that a bit ago, but then started using MT5 in our own trading, and hated the platform so much we thought 'Why would anyone want to use this now?!' LOL.

Our Trade Log is not platform specific, so it doesn't matter what platform you use, though if you do use MT4 then you have the option to do automatic trade importing. The Calculator can work independent of any live feeds - you simply manually input approximate prices and your spread - they actually don't need to change that often for the needs of the Calculator. If you do want live feeds, we are set to use the DDE interface that MT4 provides.

Rudely enough, MT5 does not have that automatic DDE option. But we have heard that there are EAs that you can run to export DDE, so using a third party EA is an option.

If the MT5 platform becomes more strongly supported, we will of course create a bridge for it.

When you say that the software is locked to a computer, what do you mean?

The license is tied to the computer hardware and file system of each individual computer. If you have to do a clean re-install of your same operating system, your same license would still work when you re-install the system. If you no longer have that license information, then we would re-issue your license to you without charge since it's the same license. If you need a new license, we disable the original license number and start fresh with a new license for you.

I run my Windows on a VPN - will the Calculator and Trade Log work on a Virtual Private Network?

Our applications are designed as single-user desktop applications, not as client-server applications. They were not designed to run on a server and are licensed on a per-computer basis. Our recommendation is to install and run it directly on your laptop. We do have some customers who use the Forex Smart Tools on a VPN though and generally are finding this to work OK.

Can the programs run on a 64 bit machine?

Yes - we haven't seen a problem with 64 bit machines at all.

Do both applications work with my broker – Oanda (or other brokers who use units instead of lots)?

We have a live account with Oanda ourselves and have for many years. One of the things we appreciate about their platform is how they use UNITS for their lot sizes. 100,000 units = 1 standard lot; 10,000 = 1 mini lot; 1,000 = 1 micro lot. When a trader strives to put the power of Adaptive Positioning to work for them, the finer or more precisely they can express their position size, the more benefit they get from this approach. As far as we know, Oanda is the only broker that lets you divide even the increment of a micro lot into 1000 parts. Esto es genial. Knowing about how Oanda works, we have designed the Calculator from the ground up to be able to work well with it.

When you use the Calculator with Oanda, there are only TWO things that you would have to set that are different from an MT4 platform. See the screen shot below. Oanda displays their candles as the average of the bid and ask prices, so the setting for My Charts Show = average; and with Oanda the setting for My Orders Use = units. Everything else is the same. And you can see, they are both simple drop-down menus to use.

The Trade Log is automatically set up to work with many brokers already - you will not need to make any changes to settings.

You will need to set up an MT4 demo platform on the side though, even if your broker is Oanda, so that you can have live price feeds delivered to your Calculator, if you choose to do that.

We now offer direct importing of Oanda statements into the Trade Log. For maintaining the Calculator equity, we do have the link between the Calculator and the Trade Log, so if you input your trades into the Log, the updated equity can be fed directly into the Calculator so you can position size with great accuracy.

How do I set up the Calculator and Trade Log on two computers?

We automatically issue you two licenses for the Forex Smart Tools at the time of purchase. If you purchase using the Lease installment plan you can choose whether to receive one or two licenses during your lease term. When your lease is complete you are then entitled to two licenses.

You can use the Calculator at the same time on both computers without problem.

You can also use the Trade Log at the same time on two computers - but we do not offer a way to automatically synchronize the data between Trade Logs running on different computers - so be cautious about doing so. If you are traveling for awhile and want to take your Trade Log with you, you can export your data from your desktop version, then import it into your laptop version and work on it there. Then reverse the process when you get home.

I live in China. Can I still use the Tools there?

For the Forex Smart Tools to be able to access our licensing server, several of our Chinese customers have found that they need to run VPN or a proxy server for them to make the connections and gain authorization for them to work. You can look at http://www. ffvpn. com/freetrial. There is a free account the VPN vendor provides, or you can purchase the VIP numbership which costs about 20 Yuan RMB per month.

Is there a way to back up information? Files can get corrupted or fail.

Information backup: The information that the Forex Smart Tools Calculator uses is actually not the kind that has lingering value. You're in a trade, you're out of a trade and onto the next trade. All that information is pretty transitory. So no backup is really needed. One great feature we've included though is that all your residual settings - even specific trade entry and exit values - are preserved during any software updates to the Calculator.

The Forex Smart Tools Trade Log on the other hand, certainly does need regular backup. We offer an EXPORT DATA feature so you can easily archive all your information with one click. Of course it will be up to each user to do this archive and to be smart enough to keep a copy of their archive somewhere other than on their hard drive. It's important that you are also safeguarding that backup data file too.

Our Company & Policies - Questions and Answers

Is there a free trial period?

No, but we have a new lease plan that allows you to try the Forex Smart Tools for a $25 per month lease fee (82Вў a day). See Lease for more info .

If I get a new computer can I move my license for the Forex Smart Tools to it?

Si por supuesto. There is no charge for moving your license from one computer to the other. We de-activate the license for the first computer and issue you a new license for the new one.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Sorry, no. There is not a money-back guarantee. If you are unsure about your purchase of the Forex Smart Tools, we suggest you invest the $25 for a one month lease. You can cancel it before the second month begins with no further penalty. And if you decide to convert to full ownership within that first month, you can do so without paying the additional service fee we charge for the installment plan/lease option. See Lease for more info .

If you are unsure of your purchase of the Forex Tester, we recommend downloading the free trial version of the Tester first and seeing if you like it. Lee mas.

What about updates - will I have to pay for them if there are any?

No, all regular updates to your version number will be included without additional charge. At this time we are not planning any major updates - they work great as they are. In our experience, sometimes adding more bells and whistles to a software program is more counterproductive than truly useful.

I run a trading firm and need a third license. What is the cost?

If you need a license for three or more computers, we offer additional licenses for $190. However, they also must be issued to the same owner and the same email address. If you are interested in this option, please buy the Forex Smart Tools then we will invoice you directly for the additional cost of the third license.

Other Questions and Answers

I get lost trying to follow webinars - I'm worried I won't be able to learn these programs, but I know I really need them.

We understand that everyone has their own style of learning and everyone learns at a different speed. When we give a live webinar, it's very hard to find a common ground - that's why we have put more of our time into creating a video library for you than in presenting live webinars.

When you buy the Forex Smart Tools you'll have access to our Video Library and each aspect of the use of each Forex Smart Tool has its own video. Most of the videos are 3-10 minutes long at most so we just focus on one thing to learn at a time in each video. It's a great way to learn because you can stop the video and go try what we show you on your own, then start the video back up. You can listen to it at your own pace and you can listen to it over and over again until it makes sense. And if it still doesn't. no worries - just ask us.

We don't make those videos available to the public though - just to the people who buy the Forex Smart Tools. We've put a lot of work into creating them and we don't just give them away free. Many of the videos are about Money Management principles too - critical information to understand and master!

If you find that you still have more questions than have been answered in our videos and written material and want some personalized hand-holding, we offer that as well. You can read about our Private Coaching in the use of the Forex Smart Tools and/or Forex Tester here (click )

Is it possible to use the Smart Tools with Futures or with the indices (DOW, S&P, FTSE)?

At this time we are geared totally toward the spot Forex market, but we have plans for expanding both the Forex Smart Tools Trade Log and the Calculator and making them modular, so traders in other arenas can use them as well. Everyone who is working with these tools tells us there is nothing like them out there - and of course that's our experience too as forex traders ourselves. These are head and shoulders above every other tool out there because everything else is a variation of an excel spreadsheet - we've totally lifted the need we all have as professional traders away from that limited model and gained so much power and ease-of-use in the process.

Do you (the developers of the Forex Smart Tools) trade the Forex live?

Yes, we absolutely trade live. That's where all the inspiration for these tools comes from - we saw what our own needs were and couldn't find tools that met our high standards, so with our techno geek knowledge, we made our own. We have also been in several trade rooms over the years and seen where our fellow traders had problems that made them lose money. We have built in every conceivable advantage we could to help all of us traders avoid these mistakes.

We are Evelyn and Mindy, full-time professional Forex traders, and members of the NFA as Associated Persons of our firm MINLYN LLC, which is registered with the CFTC and is a member of National Futures Association (NFA) as a CTA (Commodity Trading Advisor).

We started our forex career in 2005 and in our own experience, we saw that no one had created the tools we needed to quickly make precise trading decisions based on intelligent Money Management – so we created them ourselves. They come from real-life trading experience and are designed to be intuitive, easy-to-use, accurate and offer a high degree of customization to fit your own style of trading. For us, these tools made the difference between being consistently profitable in our trading – and not! We ourselves use them every day we trade. They’ve helped us avoid many of the mistakes we used to make with hand-calculations or spreadsheets – and in forex, one mistake can cost a lot. We hope that you will experience this same quantum leap in your trading too.

You can read more of our background in our blog

I saw you do a presentation where you showed your special ADR info and stats on best hours to trade – but I can't find that on your site.

We offer the link to our special statistical analysis of the Average Daily Range trends and patterns to those on our mailing list. Just sign up to the mailing list and you'll be redirected to the link for that information. You can then bookmark it and check it whenever you like. See the Trade Smarter page for more of these resources we offer you.

Those of you who own the Forex Smart Tools Trade Log and Calculator will find the direct link to this information listed as "Resources" under the Help menu of your Trade Log or Calculator.

I discovered when most of my losses occurred.

"WOW - I'm speechless. You are truly giving the opportunity to average guys like me to have a clear road map to master trading without ANY HYPE – just clear, concise, and practical ways to trade like a professional. Thank you."

Derechos de autor y copia; 2009-2016 MINLYN LLC dba Forex Smart Tools • All Rights Reserved • Risk Disclosure • Mi cuenta

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100% protection of your personal data. We do not share or mention the information about our clients on-line. Our client base is confidential information available for our staff only. Each member of our team has signed the written non-disclosure agreement of the information about our clients. Make sure nobody will know that you appealed to us.

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Every student knows it's not easy to find a quality custom essay writing service. But now you can finally stop searching and wasting your time and money as you've come to the right place!

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High-quality work by the custom essay writer specializing in this area. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your paper, we offer revisions free of charge . The paper will be revised until you're completely satisfied with it. If the writer does not meet your requirements, another writer will revise the paper.

100% protection of your personal data. We do not share or mention the information about our clients on-line. Our client base is confidential information available for our staff only. Each member of our team has signed the written non-disclosure agreement of the information about our clients. Make sure nobody will know that you appealed to us.

Like no other cheap essay services, we give you numerous opportunities to save!

It's you who states the final price of your order - yes, you! Our services are fairly priced as we hire only qualified professionals. But we understand your queries about the price as well, that's why you can change the price of your assignment and reduce it by 50%! If you think, I want someone to write my essay that wouldn't cost me a bomb - don't waste any second and contact us straightaway.

How do I save?

State longer deadline - our urgent order is more expensive than those with weeks of deadline. It's a good idea to place the order as soon as you've got the task from your professor :)

State your academic level. Papers of master's degree are more difficult, thus more expensive. No need to order them if you are a college student.

Ask for discount code. If it's your first time to our website, feel free to contact our live chat to get a discount code for your order.

Collect points. Click on earn points button and learn more about our extra discount program. Now sharing is not only caring, but also saving!

These are only a few ways to save on your essay. Contact our support team via live chat to know more!

What if I need essay editing service?

No problems at all - we also staff qualified editors. Send your paper and get it proofread, polished in writing style and free from mistakes!

Our college essay service has helped hundreds of students already. We will be glad to assist you with paper of any difficulty!

Firefox x64 for Windows 7? (Download)

Recently, Firefox 3.6 Beta 5 has been released. Great work Mozilla, but what I’m really looking forward to is to use my 64-bit firefox in Windows 7. There is a Firefox x64 for Windows 7? Yep, there is one!

Firefox x64 responds a lot faster on Windows 7 and is definitely a good reason to switch to Windows 7 x64. Because the firefox is getting so slow, I was about to switch to Opera! (decent brower in my opinion)

Download Firefox x64 for Windows 7

They have a 64-bit edition of Firefox 3.5, Firefox 3.6 and Firefox. next (3.7). I didn’t really understand why they label it Firefox 3.7, because as far as I know Firefox 3.6 is supposed to be Firefox. next. Maybe. next simply stands for the next increment.

How to install x32 Firefox extensions in Firefox x64?

Well, of course there is a reason why many people haven’t switched to the 64-bit edition yet. Most extensions are written for a x32 browser and don’t support the x64 firefox.

Luckily, there’s a simple solution to install the x32 extensions anyway. You should download and install the Nightly Tester Tools extension that allows you to run x32 extensions in a x64 browser:

If you should have problems with the installer, you have to wait for the next update. Some people can install it, some can’t.

64-bit Java and Flash Plugin

Java and Flash are the most important plugins for a browser nowadays. You can read more about 64-bit Java here:

Unfortunately, Adobe still haven’t released a flash plugin for Windows x64, only for Linux x64. That’s why we dediced to start a petition:

Published: Saturday, December 19th, 2009 Last Modified: December 19, 2009

Written by: Oliver Krautscheid Oliver is the founder and lead editor of this site. He is interested in finding new ways to break Windows, find common errors and help others to fix them. Aside from that, he loves to fully customize systems with Rainmeter and Dreamscene, find out more about ancient civilizations like the Chachapoya, sharpen his digital photography skills and create software with a small group of selected developers. If you would like to connect with him to discuss anything, send him a mail!

Follow me on Twitter for daily updates:

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Firefox Nightly 48.0a1 (64-bit)

Not for the faint of heart – we recommend running Firefox Nightly in a test bed environment only.

Do you ever wonder how programs make it through the testing process? Mozilla’s decision to speed up development of the Firefox browser gives users an unique opportunity to get a close look at this process. But despite the much-vaunted emergence of developmental builds like Firefox Beta and Firefox Aurora for wider public consumption, there’s still a lot of testing to be done even before a version of Firefox reaches alpha, or Aurora, status.

This testing is done using nightly builds – developers make changes to the code during the “day”, and then at “night” a fresh build is uploaded to the Mozilla servers for developers and hardcore enthusiasts to test. It’s important to know at this point that many of the code changes have not been tested – they’ve been incorporated into the main build, but that’s it. It's now up to the hardy souls who run Firefox Nightly to try out the changes and report back on any stability issues they encounter.

The Nightly build will install alongside other Firefox builds, specifically the Aurora build and the Beta/Stable build. However, it will share access to existing Firefox settings, meaning there is a risk you could lose these if something catastrophic was to happen.

With this in mind, we’d strongly recommend you only install Firefox Nightly on a test machine, or in a virtual environment such as that provided by VirtualBox. Once done, you can safely road test it, secure in the knowledge you’re not going to screw up your main computer by doing so.

Nightly introduces Firefox 48.0a1. You can see what's planned for this version by visiting the Fixtures/Release Tracking page, although note that most of these features are not implemented in Nightly.

Most people should leave Firefox Nightly well alone, but if you’re experienced enough and dead keen to contribute to Firefox’s development, it’s worth checking out – with care.

Spotlight: Free Full Software

Free Full Commercial Software

WhatsApp Messenger is the world's most popular instant messaging app for smartphones.

You can use it to send and receive text and voice messages, photos, videos, even call your friends in other countries, and because it uses your phone's internet connection it might not cost you anything at all (depending on whether you'll pay data charges).

It's easy to set up and use. There's no need to create and remember new account names or pins because it works with your phone number, and uses your regular address book to find and connect you with friends who use WhatsApp already.

You can talk one-to-one or in group chats, and because you're always logged in there's no way to miss messages. Even if your phone is turned off, WhatsApp will save your messages and display them as soon as you're back online.

There's plenty more (location sharing, contact exchange, message broadcasting) and the app is free for a year, currently $0.99/ year afterwards.

Forex Web Based Software Systems

Here you will find an overview into modern Forex software systems and the easy-forex Trading Platform.

Foreign Exchange (Forex) software is designed to allow end users to trade currencies online in a real time. secure, private and efficient manner.

The major issues that a foreign exchange software platform should address are:

Real-time. providing constantly up-to-date exchange rates in increments of a few seconds. These rates, in contrast to traditional bank rates, are actual, tradable Forex quotes. Once you decide to trade on a currency you can "lock" in a rate and this will be the actual rate at which the transaction will take place.

Security, privacy and data integrity. for any user performing financial transactions over the Internet, this is a main issue. This point is further emphasized with Forex trading software, where the amounts traded may be significant. Forex trading software must be designed with the highest level of data security, integrity and privacy. Most systems use at least one layer of at least 64-bit SSL encryption, as well as various data backup and recovery methods and procedures.

24x7 availability: providing updated Forex quotes 24x7 and allowing a trade any time of the week.

Web-based versus downloaded Forex software

Forex software comes in two main forms - web-based and client-side Forex software:

Web-based Forex software system

Web-based Forex software means that all the operations are performed on the vendor's website, pending user verification. That means that users are offered a familiar, web-based interface, to perform their desired operations. The advantages of such a system are:

No need to download and install proprietary software

Log in anywhere, anytime. A web-based system allows instant access to a users account, from any Internet connected computer.

Familiar and friendly, web-based user interface.

Client side Forex software system

Client-side Forex software is a program that a user downloads and installs to gain access to the Forex markets. The software communicates with the vendor's server offering Forex services.

Easy-forex & reg; Plataforma de negociación

Easy-forex & reg; offers a web-based Forex trading system. We believe in making foreign exchange easy, so we offer a friendly, fast, secure, no-download, web-based Forex system to allow even the novice Forex investor easy access to the Forex markets.

With regard to our backend, easy-forex ® has two different server farms in different locations to ensure backup and recovery. Each server farm uses load-balancing software to balance the load handled by each node and to ensure an immediate, real time response to any user operation.

Avertissement sur les risques: les produits Forex, matières premières, options et les CFD (trading OTC) sont des instruments à effet de levier et comportent un risque important de pertes pouvant atteindre la totalité du capital investi ; ces produits s’adressent donc à des investisseurs avertis. Veuillez vous assurer de comprendre parfaitement les risques encourus et n’investissez pas de fonds que vous ne pourriez pas vous permettre de perdre. Veuillez-vous référer à notre complète décharge de responsabilité. EF Worldwide Ltd

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Browser problem with Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate

I recently upgraded my OS from Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit to 64-bit. I have never had any problems with the 32-bit version, but I needed a new HDD and so with the new HDD got the 64-bit version of the OS.

For some reason, browsers (all of them) seem to stop working quite consistently. After using the browser (any one, I've tried, Firefox, Waterfox, Chrome, IE) for a while (anywhere from 1 hour to a couple of days, the browser would suddenly stop working. It doesn't exactly crash, but it keeps spinning like it is trying to connect to the internet but can't, even though I've pinged the internet from the command line and am able to connect and get a reply.

I thought it was a network problem, so switched network cables and ports on my router, that did not help.

I thought it was a 64-bit issue, so I went to Waterfox, which is the 64-bit version of Firefox, that does not help, still experiencing the same problem.

The only thing that fixes it, is if I reboot my computer.

Más sobre. browser problem windows bit ultimate

20 October 2013 11:43:04

Can't find your answer. Pedir.

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Iceweasel is Firefox, but rebranded. Firefox is a trademark and the little icon is copyrighted. Debian don't want to provide copyrighted material that are not under the GPL. The application is the same, exactly the same exept the name and logo.

All you need is to install the 64bit version of flash, it will work.

one further note about this. the FF fork that Debian is currently using is out of date. you will be better of apt-get remove iceweasel (and their thunderbird fork as well) and install from source pure FF and t-bird.

yes it is true once you do this, apt-get update/upgrade will no longer update FF or t-bird, but that is ok as they update them self without the need for apt-get or any other package manager from any Linux distro.

the biggest issue with the fork that Debian is using for FF is that most of the top add-ons no longer work with the older vs that Debian is forking from as they have all been upgraded to function with 3.5 and no longer function with 3.0.x as that is the most current vs of Iceweasel from the debian repositories.

What configuration was that viewed on? 64-bit Linux or 32-bit Linux? What version of Iceweasel? What was "this plugin" referring to, the backport plugin or something downloaded from Adobe and installed using Adobe's installer scripts?

I can view the link you posted using Iceweasel(3.0.14),using the flashplugin-nonfree from the Debian Testing repositories. This is on my Amd64 machine.

the biggest issue with the fork that Debian is using for FF is that most of the top add-ons no longer work with the older vs that Debian is forking from as they have all been upgraded to function with 3.5 and no longer function with 3.0.x as that is the most current vs of Iceweasel from the debian repositories.

Which add-ons exactly? The main two i use are no-script and adblock plus work just fine with Iceweasel(3.0.14).

Estupendo. One reason I don't use Chrome/ium is there are two many processes, eventually consuming all available RAM + swap (even on a 32bit OS). I once counted 39 processes and every one of them allocate tens of megabytes, eventually hundreds for managing resources such as graphics, running bad javascript code etc.

When even swap is exhausted, every action such as moving the mouse cursor takes 5-10 seconds or more. I have to ctrl-alt-f1 to a text console (if the computer still responds to that and the screen i

Multiprocess was introduced a while ago ( Score: 2. Informative)

The multiprocess option was introduced a while ago. I tried it for about an hour, but any time I had more than about 5 threads open, it would hang the computer, and I couldn't do anything. This could be because I was on a relatively underpowered laptop, but. I am just going to stay away from it till it's more mature. It's honestly the only thing in Nightly that has made me look for a way to turn it off.

We prefer Firefox, but I was about to switch my wife over to using Chrome as it has become impossible to figure out which of the dozens of tabs she has open was slowing everything down, even with ad-blocking enabled. It will be interesting to see how the multi-process support impacts memory overhead, though, as Firefox has had the lead on Chrome in that area.

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impacts memory overhead, though, as Firefox has had the lead on Chrome in that area.

Never thought I'd see that sentence. Man, how far Firefox has come! (or how far Chrome has fallen?)

It depends a lot on how you use things. If you just open one tab and browse in it, then Firefox is likely to use more memory.

But as you open more and more tabs the overhead of the extra processes in chrome make it use way more memory fast.

Just look for the tab which is running the Flash plugin and close it.

plus "e10" still doesn't play well with copy/paste nor gmail compose window editing. ah well, i admire their dogged efforts.

Pale Moon has been available in x64 for a long time now, and doesn't have advertisements bundled into it.

I'll just stay put.

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Palemoon crashes a lot on my machine, Firefox doesn't. which is weird, given that Palemoon is essentially a rebranded Firefox.

I switched to Chrome a while back when it came out. It supported most of the then new HTML5 features, most importantly, playing youtube videos without flash. At first I used chrome sparingly, it took a bit to get used to. Then, after a few vulnerabilities were found in FF which could allow attackers to read the memory of other tabs, I switched. The internet is a dangerous place, multiprocess sandboxing of tabs made perfect sense. I also really liked its UI which was much more simple: tabs, URL bar and a few controls like forward, back and reload along with a settings button.

But it came with a cost. I connected it to my google account and it also integrated with my phone and tablet bringing my bookmarks, passwords and other credentials across all of my devices. So I am hooked on the convenience of Google integration, for better or worse. Worse most likely. Plus logging into sites that use Google is very convenient. I'm addicted.

So going back to FF for me will be difficult.

My only concern with multi process is memory footprint. FF is great for low memory systems like virtual machines and older systems. Chrome is a memory hog and easily uses a gigabyte or more. Right now with 8 tabs open I have 12 chrome processes, two are close to consuming nearly 300 megs each, one nearly 200 and the remaining are anywhere from 12-87 megs. I assume the three large processes are the ones running the show (windows, IPC, etc). The largest being the parent process that spawns the others. The smaller 8 processes are the actual tabs. That is pretty much 1 gig of RAM for 8 tabs. I have computers and VM's with less running various test systems. FF on those machines clocks in at 250-300 megs under heavy use.

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I am surprised Chrome uses more RAM than Firefox. I like the addons and customizations in Firefox and SeaMonkey. I still can't stand Chrome. (

The so-called paradox of freedom is the argument that freedom in the sense of absence of any constraining control must lead to very great restraint, since it makes the bully free to enslave the meek. The idea is, in a slightly different form, and with very different tendency, clearly expressed in Plato. Less well known is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. & Mdash; In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. We should claim that any movement preaching intolerance places itself outside the law, and we should consider incitement to intolerance and persecution as criminal, in the same way as we should consider incitement to murder, or to kidnapping, or to the revival of the slave trade, as criminal.

Karl Popper, Vol. 1, Notes to the Chapters: Ch. 7, Note 4

Paradox is not necessarily a fallacy, [wikipedia. org] and blind moral relativism [rationalwiki. org] is not a good thing. There is no need to be tolerant of the views of murderous dictators, rabid extremists, or any other group which opposes freedom and tolerance. Resisting bigots results in more tolerance, not less (although if you're a bigot you might think the distribution is unfair).

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Wow, I think less of RationalWiki after reading that.

There's a big difference between tolerating intolerant actions and tolerating intolerant words and ideas. If you want to say, "All the Jews deserve to die," that's just your opinion. It's not a very nice opinion. Most people don't share it. But, in a free society, you should be free to express it, because that's what it means to have a free society.

If you start killing or planning to kill specific people, Jews or otherwise, well, then, we have a probl

Remind me again who has lost their right to hold opinions here?

I didn't say he didn't have a right to hold his opinion. I didn't throw him in jail or get him fired for it. I just said he's wrong.

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Firefox for Windows finally has an official, stable 64-bit build

Today, with the release of Firefox 43, almost a decade after the idea was first mooted, there is finally an official 64-bit build of Firefox for Windows. To download it, you'll have to head over to the Firefox website and explicitly grab a 64-bit installer ; if you just do an in-place upgrade you'll just get the normal 32-bit flavour.

64-bit Firefox for Windows is mostly identical to 32-bit Firefox for Windows, except that very few plug-ins will work with 64-bit Firefox. This is by design: Mozilla is in the process of dropping Firefox's support for NPAPI plug-ins. NPAPI support is being dropped due to (ostensible) stability and security concerns. Amusingly (or ironically), though, 64-bit Firefox does still support one plug-in: Flash. Sites that use other NPAPI plug-ins, such as Silverlight or Java, are being told by Mozilla to "accelerate their transition to Web technologies."

Over the years there have been a number of unofficial and alpha/beta builds of 64-bit Firefox for Windows, but they've always been aborted before they made it to the stable release channel. Back in 2012 an executive decision was made to halt 64-bit builds entirely due to "significant negative feedback" and a frustrating user and tester experience—but a few months later that decision was reversed and the 64-bit builds continued, albeit very quietly.

In 2014 Mozilla confirmed that a stable build of 64-bit Firefox for Windows was finally on its way, with a planned release of "before the end of 2015." It looked like Mozilla was on target for a 64-bit version of Firefox 41, which was released in September, but alas it wasn't to be. Today, though, with the release of Firefox 43, it has actually happened.

Well done Mozilla: that's one big headache finally out of the way. Next up: Shipping Electrolysis (e10s ), the long-overdue update to desktop Firefox that will allow it to use multiple threads/processes, like Chrome.

Adobe Flash Player For Windows 7 64 Bit Firefox Docs

Flash Player Administration Guide - Adobe

Apr 9, 2015. Flash Player Catalog for Microsoft System Center Updates Publisher. 64 - bit Windows - %WINDIR%\System32\Macromed\ Flash . required by Windows Vista, Windows 7 . and as an uninstall mechanism. and Firefox /Mozilla plug-ins, you can download an executable installer (EXE file) or an MSI.

Flash Player “Square” 64 - bit Support FAQ -.

and they run well on 64 - bit Windows with Flash Player 10.1. Accordingly, Flash Player 10.1 currently runs well on Windows 7 64 - bit using any of these 32- bit browsers. Flash Player 10.1, now available at http://get. adobe. com/flashplayer/. this 64 - bit Flash Player “Square” preview on Ubuntu 10 with the Firefox 3.6.6.

Dec 18, 2015. Windows 7 /8 32 bit and 7 /8 64bit. (please note. Firefox ESR 38.x on Windows / Mac. • JRE 1.8.0_66. application. • Adobe Flash Player 13+.

SMART Notebook 11 for Windows and Mac computers.

11.4 ActiveX control or the Adobe Flash Player 11.4 Firefox plug-in, the. Windows XP SP3 (32 bit ), Windows Vista SP2 (32 bit ) or Windows 7 SP1 (32 or 64 bit ).

Feb 25, 2016. For Windows 7 64 - bit . 64 - bit Internet Explorer 8; Firefox 3.5 or 3.6. – 256 MB. These graphical features require the Adobe Flash Player plugin.

Review the “ Adobe Flash Player Settings Dialog Box Unresponsive (Mac OS X. Inbox Not Working with Internet Explorer 9 on Windows 7 64 bit ” section on page 28- 7 . • If MMC does not load on Firefox with Mac OS X, see the“MMC Does Not.

by Adobe Flash Player 11: Platform & Supported Browsers. Windows . Windows 8. Windows 7 . Internet Explorer 8.0 or later, Chrome 30 or later, Firefox . 17.x or.

Adobe Connect Diagnostic Test Adobe Connect.

This tool will test your connection with Adobe Connect, Flash Player version. Windows 8.1 (32- bit / 64 - bit ), Windows 8 (32- bit / 64 - bit ), Windows 7 (32- bit / 64 - bit ). • 512MB. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, 11; Mozilla Firefox ; Google Chrome.

Setting up for Adobe Connect meetings - Department.

Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional, or Ultimate (32 bit edition, 64 - bit edition with 32 bit browser). • Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later. • Mozilla Firefox 3.x. • Adobe Flash Player 9 or later. Microsoft. Mozilla Firefox 2.x, 3.x.

SuccessMaker 7 Home User. Adobe . Flash . Flash Player . and Reader are trademarks or registered trademarks of. Firefox (32- bit Windows ; 64 - bit Mac OS X).

SafariВ®5.x. x. Firefox В®10 ESR. Adobe Flash Player В®10.1.x. x. Adobe В®Reader 9.x. Windows В® Operating System. Windows 7 . 32- bit or 64 - bit . Firefox 10 ESR.

Mozilla® Firefox ® 9 and higher with 128- bit encryption. • Enabled. Windows Vista 64 - bit with Service Pack 2 (SP2) or higher. Windows 7 ®. Windows 7 32- bit or higher—512 MB. Windows 7 . Adobe Flash Player is not required. Sin embargo.

Required plug-ins: Flash Player 10.1 or higher at minimum ( Flash Player 11 is recommended), Adobe Reader 10 or higher at minimum ( Adobe Reader 11 is. Windows . Internet Explorer 8 was moved into maintenance mode with. A 64 - bit browser (Safari or Firefox . for example) is required to run Java 7 on Mac OS X.

NOTE: While the 32- bit and 64 - bit versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 can be used to run Firefox . 32- bit builds of Firefox 20 are supported at this time.

Software Available (Salem) - Chemeketa Library

Student Computer Center Software List. Adobe Illustrator CS6 ( 64 Bit ). Adobe . Internet (Chrome, Firefox . IE). Adobe Flash Player 15 ActiveX. QuickTime 7 .

Adobe Flash Player is required for English in a Flash and some resources. Accelerated Reader 360 on iOS: iPadВ® 2+ running iOS 7.x or later. Students must use Safari 6 or later, Chrome 23 or later, Firefox 27 or later, Silk on. Renaissance Place is compatible with 64 - bit Windows operating systems when accessed in.

The list includes applications like Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash . iTunes, Google products, VLC and many more. Java (TM) 7 Updates x64. Microsoft. Sony Ericsson PC Suite. Adobe Flash Player ActiveX. Mozilla Firefox (Danish)(App-V 5.0).

Adobe В® Connect - MeetingConnect. net

Sep 19, 2011. Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7 (32- bit / 64 - bit editions with. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6, 7 . or 8 (32 bit only); Mozilla Firefox 3, 4, 5, or 6;. Adobe Flash Player 10.1 for all users (hosts, presenters, participants, and.

Well-known browser plug-ins include the Adobe Flash Player . such as Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash Player . Windows Media Player . Real Player . y. JRE version 7 is the recommended version for features that depend on it. incompatibilities between 64 - bit Java and 32- bit Chrome. Firefox and Safari browsers do not.

Firefox is a registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation. Adobe . Reader and Flash are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the. Windows 7 Professional (32- bit / 64 - bit ). Adobe Flash В® Player 11.1.x (32- bit / 64 - bit ).


Password Questions 1. Are Usernames and Passwords "case sensitive"? No, you may disregard whether characters are upper or lower case, and you may interchange upper and lower case any way you wish. You must, however, use the correct characters in the correct order.

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Software Issues 1. What Operating Systems will Forex By Design Charts run on? Forex By Design is programmed to use the Microsoft. NET framework and is supported on 32 bit and 64 bit Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 Operating Systems.

We have reports of Forex By Design Charts running successfully on Windows 2000, Millennium Edition and even on Windows 98, but we do not support those operating systems. We also have reports of Forex By Design Charts running successfully on Macs using a bridging software, but again, we do not support that setup.

2. Are there firewall issues with Forex By Design Charts? If you are using a local firewall such as Zone Alarm, Norton, or MacAfee you will likely be alerted to a new process wanting access. If that occurs, choose the option that will "Always Allow" Forex By Design Charts to access the internet or your system. Advanced users and system administrators may want to know that Forex By Design Charts requires your firewall be set to allow outbound connections from ports 32705 and 32706.

3. I am having trouble installing Forex By Design Charts at work. Can you work with my IT Administrator? Yes, please have your IT Admin send an email to Support@fxbdsupport. com .

4. My Charts have stopped updating. What causes this? The Charts stop at 5:00 PM ET every Friday when the market closes, and any other time the market is closed, such as special holidays. Occasionally we do not have incoming prices to report at that time. This is a rare occurrence, but it can happen and has happened.

5. Why else would my Charts stop? If your computer loses its connection to our Price Server, your Charts will stop. The most common reason for loss of connection to our Price Server is temporary internet degradation between your computer and the Price Server. Your Charts should restart automatically as soon as your internet connection has been re-established.

The Forex By Design Charts software shows you your connection status by color codes. Keep a watchful eye on the status bar at the bottom of your main Forex By Design Charts window.

6. Do you have specific Computer Internet connection recommendations? Forex By Design Charts is a professional grade data flow system. It requires a much more reliable internet connection than simply browsing websites. A reliable broadband connection is required for best results. DSL, Cable, or T1 are recommended. Dial up and satellite connections are not recommended, and can cause problems.

Avoid using a connection where any part of it is wireless, if at all possible. Air Cards can be particularly problematic, since they are the equivalent of using a cell phone dial up connection.

Be sure you are using the latest version of Forex By Design Charts. If you have received an email or a message telling you to update your installation, be sure you do it. It is very easy to do. See the FAQ section "Upgrade Instructions".

7. Can I check my internet speed? Yes, you can check your bandwidth, which is your upload and download capacity, by going to: www. dslreports. com/stest . I highly recommend checking your internet speed at different times of the day. You may discover when to expect problems, and you will know if you are getting what you are paying for.

8. Can I get help from your Support Department? Yes, send an email to Support@fxbdsupport. com. Be sure to quote your username and any errors and describe the issue to facilitate your support.

Firefox x64bit - 64-bit Firefox is now operational under x64 - Windows 8 Downloads

Firefox x64bit 3.0.10

Firefox x64bit - Full description

The main point is that the 64-bit Firefox is now operational under 64-bit Windows and is being continuously worked on. The current version is called Minefield; we are looking forward to later versions.

Win64 build doesn't work on 32bit Windows even if you use processor that supports Intel EM64T or AMD64. If you want to use this, you have to install Windows x64 version.

Firefox x64bit for Windows 8 - Post your review

Firefox x64bit Windows 8 related downloads

Mozilla Firefox x64 is a free and open source web. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web.

to make browsing better for you. The Firefox browser is created by Mozilla, a non-profit organization. and opportunity on the Web. What is Firefox . We’re a global community of thousands who.

Be sure to upgrade to the latest Firefox . featuring improved security, stability, personalization and more. Firefox 3.6 is built on Mozilla's Gecko 1.9.2 web.

Firefox beta includes dozens of major features and improvements. respond to your feedback for future versions of Firefox . Once you download Firefox . you're part of our.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web.

to make the Web a better place. Firefox is available in over 70 languages, thanks to. the content of the sites you visit. Firefox Button (Windows and Linux) All your menu items.

to make the Web a better place. Firefox is available in over 70 languages, thanks to. the content of the sites you visit. Firefox Button (Windows and Linux) All your menu items.

Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser. Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web.

Mozilla rolls out dev-only 64-bit Firefox for Windows

Mozilla has revved its Developer Edition version of the Firefox to 38 and for the first time introduced a full 64-bit build of the browser for Windows.

Aside from matching Google, which has offered a 64-bit version of Chrome since last August, Mozilla's native 64-bit build of Firefox boasts three key features: faster execution speed, better security, and the ability to run larger programs.

An advantage of using 64-bit applications is their use of a larger address space on a server or desktop. For a browser like Firefox, this translates into having more tabs open at once and running more ambitious in-browser applications. But other advantages of 64-bit apps include better leveraging of address space layout randomization (ASLR), a common technique for protecting against software exploits. Mozilla touts this as a boon for 64-bit Firefox, and Chrome's 64-bit edition has similar functionality.

Firefox Developer Edition, now in a 64-bit version, comes with a slew of tools specifically aimed at Web developers such as a built-in IDE for creating Firefox OS applications.

The third big boon for a 64-bit Firefox is increased execution speed for JavaScript -- specifically, JavaScript written using Mozilla's asm. js extensions, which allow highly optimized JavaScript to compile to code that runs close to the speed of native C. Mozilla has touted asm. js for porting C/C++ code to the Web, and Microsoft has elected to include extensions for asm. js in its Chakra JavaScript engine. (Chrome may be following suit as well.)

Mozilla provided a big example for 64-bit asm. js: "browser-based games that deliver performant, native-like gameplay, such as those built with Epic Games' Unreal Engine," featuring assets that are "often much larger than we expect from traditional Web applications." With 64-bit address space at one's disposal, it's easier to load and process those assets, but there are ostensibly other applications for a larger address space beyond gaming.

Firefox was previously available in 64-bit editions for Mac OS X and Linux, but Windows still accounts for the majority of Firefox's market share. An earlier effort to put a 64-bit edition of Firefox into the hands of Windows users stalled in 2012. with the lack of 64-bit plug-ins for Firefox cited as a big reason.

But strong backlash from users prompted Mozilla to reconsider, although it has made no promises as to when a 64-bit version will be released to the general public. Native HTML5 functionality has eclipsed traditional plug-ins -- from replacing Flash to playing back encrypted video content -- so it's easier to deliver a native 64-bit browser.

Mozilla is holding off on delivering a 64-bit browser for users to focus on higher-priority projects -- for example, Firefox OS. set to debut next year on phones in major markets.

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Firefox Portable - 64 bit version

I've been using Firefox Portable for several years now as my "primary" browser regardless of what machine I use it on with great success. My question is related to using the 64 bit version of Firefox (which I do presently use with the Firefox Portable runtimes or whatever they're called).

I use custom VS2010 compiled builds posted online that are far more efficient and roughly 20-30% faster than the stock Mozilla provided builds, meaning the ones that PortableApps releases as portable versions. It's easy to do this: the custom VS2010 builds are released as an archive with the firefox folder inside which contains the core browser.

I create a "new" Firefox Portable installation with the latest version available (8 for the moment), then go into the App\Firefox folder and delete the core files, replacing the contents of that directory with the core files from the custom VS2010 compile build files, and then execute the FirefoxPortable. exe and voila.

But, what I've noticed - and it's NOT a problem, so please understand this isn't a request for support for some big serious issue here - is that when looking at Task Manager I still see firefox. exe *32 shown - in other words, the loader is functional but it's still not "pure" 64 bit obviously. The browser I use IS 64 bit, through and through, but now my question boils down to this:

Can someone more knowledgeable than myself find a way to compile the Firefox Portable runtime - I really don't know what to call that thing, sorry - so it's fully 64 bit?

What I mean by runtime is this:

If I do a clean installation of Firefox Portable, it will obviously create the FirefoxPortable folder with all the files inside it including those inside the App\Firefox folder which is the core browser.

Now, if you delete everything inside the Firefox folder you're left with just the "runtime" components for the portable app itself - that's what I mean by runtime.

Or can someone just compile the FirefoxPortable. exe file so it's fully 64 bit, that might work as well.

Again, this is NOT a problem; everything works fine and dandy as it is. I'm just somewhat nitpicky about looking at Task Manager and seeing *32 anywhere - I'm trying to ensure my machine's performance is top notch as best it can be, and anytime the *32 appears that means the Wow6432Node in Windows x64 is going to be called into action and I'm trying to lessen that to every extent possible.

So, if anyone can help I would greatly appreciate any assistance.

Thanks, and have fun, always.

It's a definitive no and will be for quite a while. Simply because there's no noticeable benefit. There's no plans for NSIS to become 64-bit. And I mean no plans at all, not even a future roadmap. Because it's unnecessary. Most 64-bit apps still use 32-bit installers and even 32-bit components. Maybe in 2014 when XP is end-of-lifed and the OSes that are majority 64-bit installs, but not anytime soon. More details on 64-bit portable software is here: http://portableapps. com/node/24371 The bottom line is that beyond people obsessing over seeing *32 in task manager, it's a lot of noise over nothing for most software.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

I never said it was impossible. Just because something is possible does not mean it is worth the effort. Most 64-bit apps are simply not worth the effort at the moment. Firefox 64-bit loses out on tons of plugins and has no noticeable performance benefit for the end user. That's why Mozilla itself doesn't have an official 64-bit Firefox build. The bottom line is that there's no reason for us to expend the effort on an unofficial app like 64-bit Firefox. It's a waste of resources. You've offered no reason for doing it other than not wanting to see *32 in your task manager, which is a very silly reason, and you don't even address the negatives (forget using your 32-bit plugins, for instance).

If you'd like to do it, please feel free. Keep in mind that it would be illegal to distribute it branded as Firefox or with the Firefox name, though, as it would have to be an unofficial build (Mozilla does not build official 64-bit releases). So it would have to be called IceWeasel or something. That's another reason why we won't do it right now.

At some point, 64-bit apps may have better performance and a larger install base (currently under 20%) to justify the extra effort and double the size that the apps take up on a portable device. If you re-read that link I gave you, you'll see that this has already been given a lot of thought and we don't do all apps as 64-bit for very good reasons. Even once we do them, the launcher will remain 32-bit so that it can run on every computer and automatically select between the 32-bit and the 64-bit version of the app (see apps like 7-Zip Portable and JkDefrag as examples of this).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

November 18, 2011 - 11:21am

Last seen: 4 years 4 months ago

Joined: 2011-11-17 07:30

/me points to all the

/me points to all the "official" Mozilla Firefox Nightly builds currently in progress and notes they've been 64 bit for some time now leading up to a final actual "official" 64 bit version of Firefox in a few more weeks time.

I get the point, really, I do. Been using 64 bit software for close to 20 years now since the "pre-dawn of 64 bit architectures" with the DEC Alpha - I even have one around here someplace along with some Pentium Pro keychains too (best pure 32 bit processors ever made).

As for plugins, I only have one: Flash, and that'll be deprecated soon enough I suppose, even Adobe knows the party's almost over for that, their pulling out of the mobile side of things is just the first step. Tons of extensions, sure, but plugins I have no use for.

Like I said, I get it, this was just a question about making it possible, that's all. I spent some time doing research last night and I already resolved the issue with the 32 bit executable acting as the launcher so, that's a wash.

November 18, 2011 - 11:48am

Last seen: 12 min 57 sec ago

Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

There is no scheduled timeline for an official Firefox x64 build. Nightly x64 builds of it have been available for a very long time now, but that doesn't mean the version that is currently in nightly is going to have an official x64 release. Some folks speculated it would be available with Firefox 8 (it isn't and won't be). Some folks guess maybe version 9, but again, there are no x64 builds in the beta pipeline for it, so no x64 for version 9. Some people are hoping for version 10, but again, there are no x64 builds of version 10 either. It's all Win32 only and it will be for the foreseeable future.

There won't be an official x64 build of Firefox anytime soon, let alone in a few weeks. And you'll note that Firefox 8 x64 only had about a 10% improvement over x86 on synthetic benchmarks, which means in real world usage it will be much lower and a user will be unable to notice it.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

November 18, 2011 - 9:34pm

Last seen: 35 min 44 sec ago

Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48

"wall of negativity"? I see facts, and a reasonable conclusion …

I don't see any "wall of negativity" in John T Hallers posts; in fact I see a nice display of the pertinent facts, and a reasonable conclusion based on those facts.

Also you may notice that 1 PortableApps. com is a little bit under-manned at the moment, and that there already a lot of stuff on the PortableApps. com plate.

So in the end it boils down to the following:

Q: Is it necessary? A: No. Q: Does it make a significant difference? A: No. Q: would making it take time that could be put to more important matters? A: Yes. Is it possible? A: Currently: No.

And considering the technical limitations currently preventing it, and the issues that would be caused by implementing (e. g. when running on x86 hardware, the launcher would error out with ‘…\FirefoxPortable. exe is not a valid Win32 application.’, which many would think meant a corrupted file & they'd complain) it if (or when if you prefer) it becomes possible, I personally don't think it's a good idea. Add that to the fact that Mozilla has no current plans for making an Official Release of Firefox for the x86_64 architecture, and the Pro-FFP-x64 team isn't looking so hot anymore. (Sorry, I'd like to see FFP-x64 [albeit as a hybrid x86/x86_64 version with an x32 launcher] too; but it's just not practical [let alone fully x64 being impossible] yet.)

A lot of unofficial builds take awful shortcuts to improve performance. There are 32-bit Firefox builds that will similarly see performance gains. An official Firefox build in x64 would see under 5% performance improvement, and even then mostly in JavaScript handling. Most apps see hardly any performance increase from x86 to x64. The few who do are ones that completely max the CPU like video rendering and file compression. A browser doesn't do that except on a couple pages here and there. So, while it may show up in a specific metric, that metric doesn't reflect actual experience in the slightest. In everyday usage, the 64-bit version is indistinguishable from the 32-bit version. This is why there are no 64-bit official builds.

And, as Chris said, NSIS doesn't compile to 64-bit and is unlikely to anytime soon.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Online Forex Software

By: Charley Warady

The need for online Forex software seems, at first glance, pretty obvious. The Forex market is traded online, therefore a need for software exists. However, there are some intricacies even as far as whether or not you can get the software and how to use it.

Online Forex software i s designed to allow end users to trade currencies online in a real time, secure, private and efficient manner. When shopping around for Forex brokers who offer their own software, these are the key concerns every trader should have.

What to look for

Make sure the online Forex software you choose is providing constantly up-to-date exchange rates in increments of a few seconds. These rates, in contrast to traditional bank rates, are actual, tradable Forex quotes. Once you decide to trade on a currency you can lock in a rate and this will be the actual rate at which the transaction will take place.

Make sure of the security, privacy, and data integrity of any online Forex software you choose. Any user performing financial transactions over the Internet, whether it's eBay or trading Forex, already knows this is a concern that can't be ignored. This point is further emphasized with online Forex trading software, where the amounts traded may be significant. The software must be designed with the highest level of data security, integrity and privacy. Most systems use at least one layer of at least 64-bit SSL encryption, as well as various data backup and recovery methods and procedures.

Make sure the software is available all day every day. There is nothing more frustrating than software that fails during a time you want to trade.

What about Macs

As far as online Forex software goes, people with those wonderful MacBooks are still out of luck. It's a market that is ready for the entering, but so far everyone with a Mac has to use the web based Java program of their favorite Forex broker. It is amazing that there isn't software for Macs, but that's the way it is. Windows still has a hold on Forex.

The same is true of mobile devices as is true with the Mac. It's all web based operations.

Which is better

Concerning mobility and universal use, the web based platform is probably the only way to go at this point. However, having downloadable online Forex software always seems to be more stable with any consistent and constant use. It's true that you have to have a dedicated computer to utilize it, but so far the majority of Forex traders are trading from the same spot every day. It's their work day and they have a work station in which to trade.

The rule of thumb is to have a Forex broker who offers both. You want to have an option and these days, there's no reason why you shouldn't. Whether it's online Forex software or web based Java platforms, stability and reliability will be your biggest asset. Do your research and use the demos.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son las opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

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Meta trader 4. tips and tricks, period converter.

In this blog I'm gonna explain how create additional time frame not supported by meta trader 4, we all know that meta trader only supports, M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1,W1 and MN.

If we wanna create another time time not supported by meta trader such as H2. H8. D2 or yearly chart, then we need " period converter " indicator. by multiplying H1 with 2 we can get the H2 time frame for example..

First of all download P4L PeriodCon indicator from the link below:

then put the indicator in this directory :

C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators, If you use windows 7 64 bit or

C:\Program Files \MetaTrader 4\experts\indicators, If you use windows 7 32 bit

Remember MetaTrader 4 in program files might be your broker name.

After that close meta trader and open it once again..

Now I'm gonna explain how to create the yearly chart:

1- Open new window with monthly time frame for any pair you want.

2- Go to custom indicators, look for P4L PeriodCon indicator, double click on it. under common, make sure that " Allow dll imports" is checked. under inputs, we will change period multiplier to 12 since we need the yearly chart which is 12 times of the monthly, then click OK.

3- Then go to File. choose "open offline " double click on it. then a small window will open, look for EURUSD x12,Monthly. and click on open, a new chart will open named "EURUSD x12,Monthly offline" now you can add your indicators or template or customize the chart as you want .

Note: You should keep the original chart that we added to it " P4L PeriodCon " indicator open. If you close it. then price won't move at the offline chart.

The last point. go to Tools> Options > Gráficos we wanna change "Max bars in history & Max bars in chart " to the maximum number we can use for example. 9999999999 then OK!

We do this step to let meta trader use all the data in the history. this step is useful if you wanna create big time frames such as yearly or for back testing.

If you don't have too much data in meta trader. simply you can download old data from meta quotes server. go to Tools> History center. click on the pair you want, then click the download button. and meta trader will start downloading old database from meta quotes server, It's recommended to use this step on a demo account.

You have 2 options:

1- You need MTF indicator, search google and you'll find a lot.

2- The second tip is by multiplying the time frame on your screen with the time frame you want to show on your screen, example:

If you open the 1 hour time frame and you wanna show the 50 EMA of the 4 hour on the 1 hour screen. 4 hour is 4 times of the 1 hour. then we multiply 50 with 4 = 200, so the 200 EMA on the 1 hour time frame is the same as the 50 EMA on the 4 hour chart, another example, If you wanna show the 20 SAM of the daily chart on the 1 hour chart, 20 X 24 = 480, so the 480 SMA of the 1 hour chart is exactly the same as the 20 SMA of daily chart.

thanks for sharing this information )

very useful. how to add 10 second chart?

Comment by Jose on January 4, 2013 at 10:47pm

Thx this, im set up.

are you know (or somebody) what is the method in android mt4?

(and change black backgound color in chart panel. )

Unfortunately. Zoom into charts to check the close/open/high/low of previous charts. draw lines, change chart candle colors, back grounds, turn off grid etc.

All these basic features are missing.

Metaquotes said "6 months ago" These problems will be resolved in the future.

Thanks Haitham! very useful support. )

I follow your guide but i cant open the indicator.

I added P4L indicator to "Custom indicator" in MQL4, after i restart MT4, P4l still cant not open. Please help me show this problem, i'm really interest with this indicator.

Mq4 files stopped working with MT4 starting from MetaTrader 4 Build 600, Meta quotes make such change. just to make trade execution faster than before.

To make mq4 files work with MT4. you need to compile them to ex4 files.

Anyway. you can download P4L PeriodCon. ex4 from this link :

It works 100%. If it doesn't work with you for any reason. tell me and I'll show you how to force it to work.

Using Our Data With AmiBroker

Norgate has developed an integration system for AmiBroker that creates a database for each of our data products. The integration scripts that we provide automatically populate a large number of useful Amibroker symbol lists (Markets, Groups and Watchlists) and provide Watchlist updates. They also maintain each database for symbol and name changes, new listings, delistings etc.

Our integration scripts will ONLY work with AmiBroker version 5.60 or higher (6.00 or above HIGHLY recommended) . If you have an earlier version of AmiBroker, you can get the latest official release from the AmiBroker downloads area .

The integration scripts work with both the 32 and 64-bit versions of AmiBroker.

Please Note! You need to have Internet Explorer installed and functional on your machine, even if you don't use it as your default browser.

There are separate integration scripts for each of our ASX, SGX, US, Futures and Forex services. If you have subscribed to more than one service, then you will need to run each relevant script (this will not interfere with your existing AmiBroker workspaces - new ones will be created). Installers for the various integration scripts are available from our Downloads area .

Click on a link below to find instructions (and illustrations) on how to integrate our data with AmiBroker.

What maintenance do I need to do each day/week? Run the maintenance script (Tools > XXX-PremiumData) to pick up any code changes, name changes, new listings and delistings as well as changes to the index constituents and watchlists. As the majority of the database maintenance is done over the weekend, we recommend that the maintenance script is run every Monday (as a minimum).

I seem to be missing some recently listed/changed symbols. What do I need to do to be able to see them? Run the Maintenance as above.

My AmiBroker database is missing a lot of data (or seems to be corrupt). How can I fix this? Run the maintenance script (Tools > XXX-PremiumData) to refresh the AmiBroker database.

If the AmiBroker database still appears to be corrupt, you can always create a fresh one. The instructions below refer to the US-PremiumData database but are equally applicable to any AmiBroker PremiumData database.

If the database in question is currently the default AmiBroker database, select another one in AmiBroker to be the default (Tools > Preferences > Data). This can be reversed later. Note: If you don't have another AmiBroker database to use as the default, simply create an empty folder on your machine and give it a name like "tempdefault". Then select that folder to be the default database.

Make sure that AmiBroker is closed.

Go to the AmiBroker folder (c:\Program Files\AmiBroker) and rename the existing US-PremiumData sub-folder to something like US-PremiumData(BAD) so as to set it aside.

Run the US-PremiumData integration script (which you can get from the Downloads area of our website ). This will create a fresh US-PremiumData database under the AmiBroker folder.

You may have had your own Watch Lists (tls files) in the "\US-PremiumData(BAD)\WatchLists" folder. If so, copy them across to the new "\US-PremiumData\WatchLists" folder. Similarly with Layouts.

Start AmiBroker and open the US-PremiumData database (c:\Program Files\Amibroker\US-PremiumData).

Click Tools > US-PremiumData to perform symbol maintenance on this database (Tools > US-PremiumData).

Once everything is up and running, you can safely delete the "c:\Program Files\Amibroker\US-PremiumData(BAD)" folder.

My AmiBroker database is still not displaying charts after running the Tools > XXX-PremiumData maintenance script. How can I fix this? In AmiBroker go File > Database settings and ensure that the Data source is set to "MetaStock data plug-in" (and not "local database") and Local Data Storage is disabled. If not, change them, click OK and then run Tools > XXX-PremiumData.

I am missing the Tools > XXX-PremiumData entry. How can I fix this? Sometimes after upgrading (or reinstalling) AmiBroker, the Tools menu gets reset. You can manually add the symbol maintenance script to the Tools menu as follows:

Hide ASX Stocks

Go Tools > Customize Click the Tools Tab Click the New button Call the item ASX-PremiumData In the Command item put: wscript. exe In the Arguments item put: //E:javascript Stocks-PremiumData. js ASX In the Initial directory put: C:\Trading Applications\\bin Click Close Then go Tools > ASX-PremiumData

Hide SGX Stocks

Go Tools > Customize Click the Tools Tab Click the New button Call the item SGX-PremiumData In the Command item put: wscript. exe In the Arguments item put: //E:javascript Stocks-PremiumData. js SGX In the Initial directory put: C:\Trading Applications\\bin Click Close Then go Tools > SGX-PremiumData

Go Tools > Customize Click the Tools Tab Click the New button Call the item US-PremiumData In the Command item put: wscript. exe In the Arguments item put: //E:javascript Stocks-PremiumData. js US In the Initial directory put: C:\Trading Applications\\bin Click Close Then go Tools > US-PremiumData

Go Tools > Customize Click the Tools Tab Click the New button Call the item Futures-PremiumData In the Command item put: wscript. exe In the Arguments item put: //E:javascript Futures-PremiumData. js In the Initial directory put: C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Scripts (or C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Scripts) Click Close Then go Tools > Futures-PremiumData

Go Tools > Customize Click the Tools Tab Click the New button Call the item Forex-PremiumData In the Command item put: wscript. exe In the Arguments item put: //E:javascript Forex-PremiumData. js In the Initial directory put: C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\Scripts (or C:\Program Files (x86)\AmiBroker\Scripts) Click Close Then go Tools > Forex-PremiumData

When I run Tools > XXX-PremiumData, Internet Explorer opens a blank window and nothing happens. What should I do? This issue can arise when there is a problem with Internet Explorer or some sort of so-called "browser helper object" has been installed into Internet Explorer (possibly by some sort of malware, spyware, adware or other "add-on"/toolbar that may have been inadvertently installed). Such add-ons interfere with the normal operation of Internet Explorer (which we use to display the status of the maintenance script). Microsoft have details on how to fix this here .

How do I reorder the watchlists? Using Windows Explorer, navigate to "C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\XXX-PremiumData\Watchlists" and edit the "index. txt" file. This must be done while AmiBroker is not running. You can move your preferred watchlists to the top of the list (be sure to move the items and not copy them as the system cannot handle duplicate entries). Alternatively, if you just want to reorder the watchlists alphabetically, just delete the index. txt file.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average only shows a few days of data. How can I see more? Prior to Amibroker v5.60 there was a bug in the MetaStock data plugin. To workaround this, click File -> Database Settings and set the number of bars to 31000.

How can I use Markets, Groups, and Watchlists in an Exploration? Due to the automated set of markets, groups, and watchlists, it is now very easy to specify in an Exploration a filter to limit your scan to a specific set of securities.

Click here for some examples

On the ASX data, explore only Fully Paid Orindaries have closed above their 30 day moving average Filter = InWatchListName("Fully Paid Ordinary") AND C > MA(C,30)

On the ASX data, explore only those securities that can be shorted on CMC Markets and have closed below their 30 day moving average Filter = InWatchListName("CMC ASX Share Shortable CFDs Underlying") AND C MA(C,30)

On the US data, explore only only exchange-traded securities (ie no OTC) that have closed above their 30 day moving average Filter = GroupID(0) == 1 AND C > MA(C,30)

On the US data, explore only NYSE traded securities that are within the S&P 1500 index and that have closed above their 30 day moving average Filter = MarketID(0) == 5 AND AND InWatchListName("S&P 1500") AND C > MA(C,30)

On the US data, explore only those securities which have CBOE Equity options available to be traded and are in the S&P 500, that have closed above their 30 day moving average Filter = InWatchListName("CBOE Equity Options Underlying") AND InWatchListName("S&P 500") AND C > MA(C,30)

I receive the error message "Automation server can't create object" or "Could not start initial objects" when trying to run the Tools > XXX-PremiumData from within AmiBroker. How do I fix this? Firstly, make sure that Internet Explorer is installed in your machine and fully functional, even if you don't use it as your default browser.

Otherwise, this error may be due to parts of the Windows Operating System not being properly installed or modified by a badly behaving program. We have only seen this twice with Windows Vista users and we suspect it is due to a not-so-Vista-compatible piece of software interfering with the registry.

Here was how it was fixed

Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, right-click on Command Prompt, and then click Run as Administrator.

Type the following command and press ENTER. regsvr32 scrrun. dll

Note that this may result in an error message being reported. Esto es normal.

Now reboot your PC, start AmiBroker, then try the Tools > XXX-PremiumData again.

For 64-bit Windows type: cd c:\windows\syswow64\ then RegSvr32 scrrun. dll

How do I access the watchlists in my AFL code? You can reference the watchlists by name. To do this, put a filter into your scans/explorations with: Filter = InWatchListName("watchlist name here"); for example: Filter = InWatchListName("S&P 500");

How can I increase the scanning/backtest speed of AmiBroker?

Put your data on a SSD drive (or purchase a SSD drive to replace your main system drive). Your exploration will run approximately 8 times quicker.

Prevent your virus scanner from performing real-time scanning of both AmiBroker Database and the actual data storage locations (e. g. C:\Program Files\AmiBroker\ASX-PremiumData and C:\Trading Data). Since there are no executable programs in these folders, scanning them is superfluous. Your exploration will run approximately 2 times quicker.

Click Tools > Preferences then click on the Data tab. If you increase the In-memory cache size to 20000 (max symbols) that should cover growth in this area for a while. 20000 is the maximum limit within AmiBroker. The Max MegaBytes can also be increased. Perhaps try increasing this to 1000MB (if you have at least 2GB of RAM) and increase further if you have more RAM. The 64 bit version of AmiBroker allows you to increase this to many Gigabytes - 4000MB is a good choice if you have the RAM to spare. There are just over 37000 symbols in the US listed+delisted database right now back to 1950, taking up around 1900MB of storage space, so if you have the RAM you may be able to bump up the values to accomodate these sizes. This will cause the second and subsequent backtest/scan to perform at lightning-quick pace.

For most trading systems/scans you do not need the full data history for any given security. This can be set in File -> Database Settings. For example, if your scans only require the last year of trading history, try changing the number of bars to 300. When you wish to perform backtesting, remember to increase this level.

Use the a 64 bit operating system and the 64 bit version of AmiBroker. Our own tests have shown the 64 bit version to increase performance by 30%. Note: This requires you to have purchased or upgraded to the AmiBroker Professional Edition.

How do I speed up scans/explorations of the Australian Stock Exchange database? The ASX database contains a lot (20,000+) of exchange traded options (ETOs) and Warrants (3000+). If you don't trade them and don't need the ETO and/or Warrant data we recommend you remove it with the following steps:

Start Windows Explorer (or click your My Computer icon) and navigate to Drive C, Trading Data, Stocks, ASX.

Delete the ETOs and/or Warrants Folder as preferred.

Start Premium Data.

Click the Configuration Tab.

Ensure that "Warrants" and/or "Exchange Traded Options", as preferred, are unticked for both intraday and end of day.

Click the Save button.

Exit Premium Data.

Start AmiBroker and click Tools > ASX-PremiumData. This will then remove the ETOs and/or Warrants from your AmiBroker database too.

How can I transfer my AmiBroker database to a new computer?

Show transfer steps

Hide Transfer Steps

The instructions below refer to US Stocks, but are equally applicable to ASX or SGX stocks and are broadly applicable to Forex or Futures.

These steps cover the transfer of both the AmiBroker symbols database and the underlying MetaStock-format price database. The latter may be installed rather than copied across.

Network your old machine and your new one, or use some external medium to handle the transfer (large USB memory stick of 4-8GB or an external USB hard drive).

Back-up the entire "AmiBroker" folder to the external medium (usually c:\Program Files\AmiBroker or c:\Program Files(x86)\AmiBroker).

Back-up the entire "Trading Data" folder to the external medium (usually c:\Trading Data).

Install AmiBroker on your new machine (get the AmiBroker program installer from the AmiBroker website ).

Transfer the contents of the "AmiBroker" folder from the external medium to the "AmiBroker" folder on the new machine (C:\Program Files\AmiBroker).

Transfer the "Trading Data" folder to the new machine (c:\Trading Data).

Install the Premium Data updating application on the new machine (get the program installer from the Downloads area of our website ).

Configure the Premium Data updating application so that its recognizes the data history location (open the application, click the Configuration tab and make sure that the entry for "Stocks Folder" reads - "c:\Trading Data\Stocks").

Run an update with the updating application.

Run the Amibroker integration script (which you can get from the Downloads area of our website ).

Start AmiBroker and open the US-PremiumData database (c:\Program Files\Amibroker\US-PremiumData).

Click Tools > US-PremiumData in AmiBroker to perform symbol maintenance on this database (Tools > US-PremiumData).

How do I setup ASX Delisted stocks?

Show ASX Delisted Stock Setup

Hide ASX Delisted Stock Setup

We do not officially support the ASX delisted securities within AmiBroker due to code overlap issues (whereby new stocks having the same symbol as delisted stocks cannot co-exist in the same database). Note: Work is underway to resolve the overlapping code issue. However, if you still want to access them and understand this limitation you can add them to your database by clicking:

File > Database Settings

Click Configure

Click Add Folder

Navigate to C:\Trading Data\Stocks\Delisted Securities\ASX

double click on MASTER

Click the Retrieve Symbols

Click OK

Click OK

The delisted symbols will now be shown in Market 0 - Unassigned Stocks.

How do I backtest on delisted data?

Assuming you have purchased your delisted data installed and updating within the Premium Data program, follow these steps:

Hide ASX Delisted Stock access

Ensure you complete the steps shown above in "How do I setup ASX Delisted Stocks"

In your backtest formula, you will have a Buy condition. Buy = eg. Buy = Cross( MACD(), Signal() ); Change this to

Buy = AND (MarketID(0) == 0 OR MarketID(0) == 1)

Then run your backtest against All securities (no filter set)

Hide US Delisted Stock access

In your backtest formula, you will have a Buy condition. Buy = eg. Buy = Cross( MACD(), Signal() ); Change this to

Buy = AND (MarketID(0) == 3 OR MarketID(0) == 4 OR MarketID(0) == 5 OR MarketID(0) == 12 OR MarketID(0) == 13) This will ensure the backtest only runs against Major exchange-listed (ie AMEX, NASDAQ, NYSE, NYSE Arca) and delisted securities.

Then run your backtest against All securities (no filter set)

After running a backtest I still have an open position in a delisted stock. How can I get my backtest to exit this position?

Sometimes when you are backtesting with data that includes delisted stocks, you end up with an open position that is never closed. Here is some code that should be added to your trading system to simulate exiting the position on the final bar:

// For backtesting, we never want to be left holding a delisted stock, // however not all versions of AmiBroker allow us to detect whether a security is delisted // To simulate this we will provide a sell signal on the // second last bar only if the last bar's date is >= 30 days from today's date. // Also, we will not enter on the second or last bar of the trade // as we will then be unable to exit the position if trade delay is set to 1 day. // This code has been collaboratively developed by Norgate Investor Services // www. premiumdata. net and its users and is made freely available to the AmiBroker community. // Known issue: For highly illiquid securities that trade very infrequently will be considered to // be inactive. This is probably fine for the purposes of backtesting as you would not want to be // attempting to trade a rarely-traded security.

NonTradedPeriod = 30; //in calendar days SecurityIsInactive = LastValue(DateTimeDiff(Now(5),DateTimeAdd(DateTime(), NonTradedPeriod, inDaily))) >= 0;

OnSecondLastBarOfInactiveSecurity = BarIndex() == (LastValue(BarIndex()) -1) AND SecurityIsInactive; OnLastTwoBarsOfInactiveSecurity = BarIndex() >= (LastValue(BarIndex()) -1) AND SecurityIsInactive;

Buy = Buy AND NOT OnLastTwoBarsOfInactiveSecurity; Sell = Sell OR OnSecondLastBarOfInactiveSecurity;

// If you have a short selling system you will also need to include the following:

Short = Short AND NOT OnLastTwoBarsOfInactiveSecurity; Cover = Cover OR OnSecondLastBarOfInactiveSecurity;

My futures data keeps showing non-trading days such as holidays and weekends. How can I remove them?

In AmiBroker there is an option under the View menu to "Pad non-trading days". If you uncheck this your charts will go back to normal.

When backtesting Futures, I receive the error message "not entered because requested size is less than minshares/minposvalue" or "not entered because of insufficient funds or wrong position size/value". How do I fix this?

Futures can only be traded in whole contracts (i. e. "round lots"), so the RoundLotSize in AmiBroker is set to 1 (unlike stocks where RoundLotSize=0). Backtests on Futures can be quite sensitive to this setting.

Here are some things that you can check: Do you have enough equity to cover the margin required for a round lot? What is your base currency set to (Tools > Preferences > Currencies)? If your base currency is different to the currency of the Futures contract then your available equity may have been reduced due to the currency conversion.

When backtesting, Error 47 occurs. I am using SetForeign/RestorePriceArrays.

When SetForeign is used, AmiBroker needs to keep the contents of the foreign symbol referenced in SetForeign in its in-memory cache. If the number of foreign symbols accessed exceeds the cache size then error 47 will be given. You should increase the In-memory cache size in Tools -> Preferences -> Data. Ensure that the max symbols and max megabytes has enough size to cache all symbols. You can monitor the usage of the cache by clicking Tools -> Performance Monitor.

Where can I get help on using AmiBroker? For help with using AmiBroker see the AmiBroker website. The AmiBroker staff are also quick to respond to support emails. Some good books have been written on AmiBroker by Howard Bandy: Introduction to AmiBroker. Quantitative Trading Systems and Advanced AmiBroker . There are also some AmiBroker user forums available on the Internet - AmiBroker Yahoo Group. The Chartist Forum (AmiBroker forum) and the Unofficial AmiBroker Users Forum . Should you require it, paid assistance is also available from AmiBrokerCoding. Com. TheChartist and Alvarez Quant Trading .

I am using Dolly 14 and Marketscalper Pro on 2 monitors for both Binary and Scalping. They work very good, very accurate. You don't have to spend crazy money nor open new account tie with 3rd company. If you have question, you can question here. You wll get right answer.

Why asking any question? About a super signals like commercial products being spammed "between the lines"? Sorry, but that really has nothing at all with trading


Hi Techmac, I started as a newbie and lost some money on Binary Options. After that, I have been searching for indicators, reading, studying, watching charts, simulating. like hell. All my spare time for the last six months. I have learned a lot and my determination is greater than ever. I never give up, if I don't succeed in a few months, so be it. It won't let me down. You know it's also difficult in Forex, 80 % of the traders lose, I have read somewhere. Binary Options is even more difficult. There are a lot of crooks. There are only a few 'good' brokers and HUNDREDS of bad ones. These lure you with every means they have. So please, if someone wants to trade Binary Option, it's not a gambler. Maybe I will trade Forex too, I might do both. In both cases, you have to make a prediction if price will go up or down. Making predictions, isn't that gambling ?


Hi Techmac, I started as a newbie and lost some money on Binary Options. After that, I have been searching for indicators, reading, studying, watching charts, simulating. like hell. All my spare time for the last six months. I have learned a lot and my determination is greater than ever. I never give up, if I don't succeed in a few months, so be it. It won't let me down. You know it's also difficult in Forex, 80 % of the traders lose, I have read somewhere. Binary Options is even more difficult. There are a lot of crooks. There are only a few 'good' brokers and HUNDREDS of bad ones. These lure you with every means they have. So please, if someone wants to trade Binary Option, it's not a gambler. Maybe I will trade Forex too, I might do both. In both cases, you have to make a prediction if price will go up or down. Making predictions, isn't that gambling ?

This time I was not talking about learning. I was talking about risk and risk control. Risk in binary options is disproportional and much higher than in forex.

Regarding trading. just one example. https://www. forex-tsd. com/metatrader. tml#post612240. That is forex trading (what I call a risky account - I always have 2 accounts. one for less risky long term trading and one for a kind of "playing" - where I can take higher risks and sort of pump out the steam - with much smaller initial deposit of course )

So to conclude. if someone wants binaries, so be it. But I do not recommend it to anybody. Too risky compared to forex


I've just started using Dolly v14 and love it so far. The one thing I would like to correct though: on my screen, the text with the prices for e. g. buy stop etc. run into the other text. Here's how it looks on my MT4 (hopefully the attachment is visible!). Is there anything I can do to spread the text out a bit? I've looked through the options and tried making the text a smaller font but that didn't help the overrun problem. I'd welcome any ideas on how to make this more readable for me.


I've just started using Dolly v14 and love it so far. The one thing I would like to correct though: on my screen, the text with the prices for e. g. buy stop etc. run into the other text. Here's how it looks on my MT4 (hopefully the attachment is visible!). Is there anything I can do to spread the text out a bit? I've looked through the options and tried making the text a smaller font but that didn't help the overrun problem. I'd welcome any ideas on how to make this more readable for me.

Hi, This is not a problem I have encountered before, may I ask what operating system on your computer ( Windows 7/8 etc ) are you using? What MT4 build are you using? There appears to be an issue with objects in the X offset position plus I notice the Dolly times list appears to be compressed for the object Y offset.


I've just started using Dolly v14 and love it so far. The one thing I would like to correct though: on my screen, the text with the prices for e. g. buy stop etc. run into the other text. Here's how it looks on my MT4 (hopefully the attachment is visible!). Is there anything I can do to spread the text out a bit? I've looked through the options and tried making the text a smaller font but that didn't help the overrun problem. I'd welcome any ideas on how to make this more readable for me.

Hi, This is not a problem I have encountered before, may I ask what operating system on your computer ( Windows 7/8 etc ) are you using? What MT4 build are you using? There appears to be an issue with objects in the X offset position plus I notice the Dolly times list appears to be compressed for the object Y offset. Another option would be to try the latest Dolly v 15 and Dolly v16 at this link and see if that solves your problem. https://www. forex-tsd. com/metatrader. tml#post697215


Hi, This is not a problem I have encountered before, may I ask what operating system on your computer ( Windows 7/8 etc ) are you using? What MT4 build are you using? There appears to be an issue with objects in the X offset position plus I notice the Dolly times list appears to be compressed for the object Y offset. Another option would be to try the latest Dolly v 15 and Dolly v16 at this link and see if that solves your problem. https://www. forex-tsd. com/metatrader. tml#post697215

I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit and MT Build 670 on Axi Trader.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you have!


I'm using Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit and MT Build 670 on Axi Trader.

Thanks in advance for any ideas you have!

Hi Donna, I downloaded the Axi Trader MT4 and loaded on the Dolly version 16 to see if there was a problem with their MT4 and there were no alignment issues. I am using Windows 7 professional 64 bit the same as you so I really do not know why you are getting the alignment issues. Perhaps it could be you have selected a smaller/larger text size for your windows displays?


Hi Donna, I downloaded the Axi Trader MT4 and loaded on the Dolly version 16 to see if there was a problem with their MT4 and there were no alignment issues. I am using Windows 7 professional 64 bit the same as you so I really do not know why you are getting the alignment issues. Perhaps it could be you have selected a smaller/larger text size for your windows displays?

The default font size was it -- thank you so much for looking into it! I switched it back from medium to small and it's perfect now.


Hello i just joined. can some one Tell me how to set up Dolly Indicator. I downloaded and added to MT 4 but its not loading i installed this in XM MT4 build 600 and also FXCM MT4 build 670. its not working. Please help in setting up if any videos to setup Dolly then please share


Hello i just joined. can some one Tell me how to set up Dolly Indicator. I downloaded and added to MT 4 but its not loading i installed this in XM MT4 build 600 and also FXCM MT4 build 670. its not working. Please help in setting up if any videos to setup Dolly then please share

Did you enter the correct password (as explained here. Dolly new MT4 )?


hi i didnt seen an option to insert password. please tell how to do. i have installed Dolly in XM MT4 Build 600. but i cant add it in to chart. its showing in Navigation window. please help Which Broker MT4 is needed to work. por favor ayuda


hi i didnt seen an option to insert password. please tell how to do. i have installed Dolly in XM MT4 Build 600. but i cant add it in to chart. its showing in Navigation window. please help Which Broker MT4 is needed to work. por favor ayuda

When you drag it to chart, go to input tab of options and enter the password in its option field (like on the picture) :


Copyright 2005-2015, MQL5 Ltd.

Forex Trading | MetaTrader Indicators and Expert Advisors ( http://www. fxfisherman. com/forums/index. php )

- MetaTrader and ZeroCode ( http://www. fxfisherman. com/forums/forex-metatrader/metatrader-zerocode/ )

- - MT4 / EA compatibility with 64-bit Vista on an AMD Phenom quad-core desktop ( http://www. fxfisherman. com/forums/forex-metatrader/metatrader-zerocode/5331-mt4-ea-compatibility-64-bit-vista. html )

04-20-2009 02:28 PM

MT4 / EA compatibility with 64-bit Vista on an AMD Phenom quad-core desktop

I'm thinking of purchasing a new desktop computer with an AMD Phenom quad-core processor running 64-bit Vista. The sole purpose will be to run multiple instances of MT4 each running an EA against a separate account.

Does anyone have any comments about any compatibility issues I may run into? I thought the quad-core processor with 64-bit Vista would be the way to go, given the multiple MT4 instances. But would a duo-core Athlon with 32-bit Vista serve the purpose well enough (and obviously without any compatibility concerns)?

TechRadar pro

Mozilla Firefox heading for 64-bit Windows glory in May

Firefox Developer Edition 38 out now

Mozilla has outed its new Firefox Developer Edition 38, the first version that includes support for a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows.

The addition of a 64-bit version for Windows users will be a boon for native game developers who want to deliver slick speeds and desktop quality experience from apps within the browser window itself.

The improved experience is possible because the recommended heap size in the older incarnation of Firefox is 512MB, whereas the 64-bit heap size can go up to 2GB.

It also brings with it faster task execution, increased security and the whole browser experience just feels that little bit faster when set against the older edition.

Hitting all PCs in May

Reports back in October 2014 claimed Mozilla was planning to bring 64-bit support with Firefox 37 originally by March 31 2015, but it will actually be hitting the release channel during the week of April 7.

Firefox 38, meanwhile, is expected to arrive to end user PCs in May after landing on the beta channel in the big April 7 week. Until then Windows users that want a slice of the 64-bit action can already take advantage of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome or Opera already running in the souped up state.

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I downloaded Firefox version 43.0.4, 64-bit from their official site and installed it. Before this, I had the Firefox 32-bit version. My OS is Windows 10, 64-bit.

I did not remove the 32-bit old version, just installed a fresh new 64-bit. When I run the browser, I don't see information anywhere confirming that I'm running the 64-bit version.

Can you tell me where I can find information about the bit version of the browser that is being run?

asked Jan 8 at 6:21

In Firefox, type about:support in the the URL window. If you have the menu display turned on, this is also accessible under Help | Troubleshooting Information. The Application Basics section at the top will show you the version you're running.

User Agent

Now that the 64-bit version has been officially released, it carries the same version number as the 32-bit version. So if the version numbers on your computer are the same, you can determine 32-bit vs. 64-bit from the User Agent entry in that section:

32-bit Firefox running on 64-bit Windows (8.1, can't verify 10), shows WOW64 in the User Agent.

64-bit Firefox running on 64-bit Windows (8.1, can't verify 10), shows Win64; x64.

32-bit Firefox running on 32-bit Windows will not include the Win64; x64 in the user agent.

Control Panel

Another place you can differentiate them is the Control Panel | Programs and Features | Uninstall a program. The software name is listed:

32-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x86 en-US).

64-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x64 en-US).

If you have something other than the US English version, the letters after the x86 or x64 will be different. (Source: How to tell if Firefox is 32-bit or 64-bit )

Task Manager

Start the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc).

32-bit Firefox will display as firefox. exe *32 .

I'm on Linux and can't readily verify this, or check whether 64-bit Firefox appears as firefox. exe *64. If anybody checks this and posts a comment, I'll update this information if needed.

Build Platform Target

It looks like there's yet another place to identify this, which you found, and I'll add it here for completeness. If you enter the URL about:buildconfig (which also has a link in the Application Basics section), it has a section called Build Platform Target. This includes a similar identification indicator. A 64-bit Firefox will include the identifier x86_64 .

answered Jan 8 at 6:38

@dimawebmaker: Are you referring to the Build Platform Target on about:buildconfig? I'm running Linux, and mine shows up as x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu . which is consistent with my User Agent entry: Linux x86_64 . Looks like my package manager upgraded to 64-bit automatically when it became available for Linux. Interesante. There are supposed to be issues with 32-bit add-ons (only 64-bit add-ons work with 64-bit Firefox). I've had a ton of add-ons forever and all still work, so apparently, that's more of a theoretical issue. (cont'd) – fixer1234 Jan 8 at 8:58

How to tell if Firefox is 32-bit or 64-bit

Mozilla published the Windows 64-bit installer for Firefox to the Download page with yesterday’s release of Firefox 43.0. You must have a 64-bit version of Windows to take advantage of the new version of the browser.

There are two cosmetic bugs with the 64-bit version of Firefox that have been posted for a while without resolution.

The first bug addresses installing the 64-bit bit version of Firefox when you have an existing 32-bit version installed. The installer will upgrade Firefox to the 64-bit version but install it to C:\Program Files (x86), breaking Windows conventions of installing 64-bit applications to C:\Program Files.

The second bug is asking for a designation of which bit browser you are using in Firefox’s Help, About.

Since both of those bugs make it difficult to tell which version of the browser you are using, here are two different ways to identify 32-bit vs 64-bit Firefox. User Agent

In Firefox type about:support into the address bar. This will open up a page with a lot of information about your browser. From the User Agent line under Application Basics, you can see if this is the 32-bit version or 64-bit version running.

The 32-bit Firefox running on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 shows WOW64 in the User Agent.

The 64-bit Firefox running on a 64-bit Windows 8.1 shows Win64; x64.

The 32-bit Firefox running on a 32-bit Windows will not include the Win64; x64 in the user agent.

Programs and Features

Another place that you can check is the Control Panel, Programs and Features. To uninstall a program, you can see the software name listed.

The 32-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x86 en-US).

The 64-bit Firefox is listed as Mozilla Firefox 43.0 (x64 en-US).

@DavidPostill: I also read that it is supposed to upgrade Firefox to 64-bit (looks like we found the same 404 Tech Support reference). However, the OP reports that the 32-bit version is still there and it is what is being run after the 64-bit installation (see their comment on my answer). Any thoughts? I wonder if the "upgrade to 64-bit" wording just means that the 64-bit version is installed, and it is an upgrade over the 32-bit version. & Ndash; fixer1234 Jan 8 at 19:04

@fixer1234 I'm not exactly sure. I don't use standard install locations (I use c:\apps\firefox and I backed up the 32 bit version and chose to install the 64 bit version in the same directory. So I don't know if a default 64 bit install will also install "over the top" – DavidPostill Jan 8 at 19:08

Mozilla releases 64-bit Firefox for Windows with latest Developer Edition

Mozilla has finally released a 64-bit version of their Firefox web browser for Windows, joining other major browsers including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Opera in offering 64-bit variants.

However, at this stage the 64-bit version of Firefox is a Developer Edition build, which is one of Mozilla's beta builds of Firefox. While the Developer Edition channel is far more stable than the Nightly channel, it's not the same as the main builds of Firefox that users will typically download. As such, 64-bit Firefox could be considered as being in the beta phase at this stage.

If all goes to plan, Mozilla will release a stable version of 64-bit Firefox for Windows with Firefox 38, scheduled for release in May. At that point it will sit alongside the already-released 64-bit variants for OS X and Linux.

Firefox 38 Developer Edition, complete with 64-bit addressing, brings support for web applications larger than 4 GB, which is great for developers wanting to build large browser-based games. Thanks to new hardware registers and a larger address space, Mozilla claims the 64-bit version is also faster and more secure than before.

The latest Developer Edition also includes some WebRTC changes and fixes, as well as a few other improvements for developers. Anyone interested in upgrading to the 64-bit version of Firefox can do so via Mozilla's Developer Edition page .

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Mozilla Firefox 64-bit Builds, Linux, Mac, Windows, Download

Users of 64-bit operating system who always wanted to use a 64-bit edition of the popular web browser Firefox were previously restricted to using only the builds provided by their operating systems or, the ones available through the Mozilla-x86-64 project. Mozilla Firefox 64-bit builds for Linux, Mac and Windows is now available on the official Firefox Nightly FTP server. Mozilla plans to distribute the final version of Firefox 64-bit editions with the release of Firefox 4 later this year.

If you install the experimental version of Firefox 64-bit you will notice that most of the browser plugins are not compatible and only Java and a non-final Flash version are being supported.

Firefox 64-bit for Windows, Linux and Mac can be downloaded from the official Mozilla FTP server .

Nota . The first Firefox 64-bit nightly build is experimental at this time, so is not meant for work environments. Firefox 64-bit editions for Windows is currently having a missing msvcr100.dll file problem. But you can solve it by downloading it from Microsoft .


Firefox Developer Edition Brings 64-bit Windows Builds

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64-bit builds for Firefox Developer Edition are now available on Windows.

Plans for the builds were announced back in November 2014, when Mozilla first released details of their browser made "by developers, for developers." Windows joins existing support for OSX and Linux.

In the article Firefox Developer Edition 38: 64-bits and more authors Dave Camp, director of developer tools at Mozilla, and Jason Weathersby, technical evangelist for Mozilla, write that a "64-bit build is a major step toward giving users rich, desktop-quality app experiences in the browser".

For game developers, a 64-bit browser is a big bonus, Camp and Weathersby say.

A 32-bit browser is limited to 4GB of address space. That address space is further whittled down by fragmentation issues. Meanwhile, web applications are getting bigger and bigger.

Browser-based games that deliver performant, native-like gameplay are often much larger than we expect from traditional web applications. These games ship with large assets that must be stored in memory so they can be synchronously loaded.

64 bits means the difference between a 2GB heap size, and a 512mb heap in a 32-bit browser when porting to asm. js. This can determine whether a game will run in a browser. Firefox Developer Edition's 64-bit builds use Emscripten to help port C and C++ code to run on the Web and deliver increased performance for games.

Ashraf Samy Hegab, founder of 3D game creation platform Playir. told InfoQ that for the current majority of web games, and the generation of mobile games to be ported to the web, Mozilla's 64-bit Firefox browser will make "no difference", as the 32bit memory limits are a factor away from being a bottleneck.

However, Hegab says this is not the case with the growing support for HTML5 games in advanced game engines.

UnrealEngine, and their new business models, allow for free entry-level development usage. Alongside the emerging platforms of VR gaming pushed by Oculus and Valve, there is an expected trend for more advanced games to be developed for the web.

With 64bit browsing, and supporting technologies such as WebGL, asm. js and WebRTC. The potential for console grade games to be distributed through web browsers is becoming more and more likely.

Security is another advantage to the 64-bit browser. Camp and Weathersby report that because of an increased address space, the effectiveness of ASLR is also improved: in turn making it more difficult for web content to exploit the browser.

The Developer Edition 38 release also brings a number of other additions. Among them are multistream and renegotiation support for WebRTC, visibility for optimised-out variables in Debugger UI and visual labelling in the command logs for XMLHttpRequest logs.

The Network Monitor tool gives details of network requests from Firefox, how long each request takes, and details of each request -- and because it is a useful for debugging code, filtering XMLHttpRequests within console logging is now available.

In addition, Firefox Developer Edition 38 brings fresh support for Ruby, with CSS Ruby enabled by default, and support of HTML5 ruby tags. More information about this can be found in the post Ruby support in Firefox Developer Edition 38 by Xidorn Quan .

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A 64-bit version of Mozilla Firefox is not yet available for end users in stable form, but today the company has updated its Developer Edition lineup with such a version for Windows users.

Mozilla Firefox Developer Edition 64-bit can now be downloaded by users of the most popular desktop platforms out there, as the app was already available on Linux and OS X. Windows users are provided with exactly the same feature package, but the 64-bit version obviously brings a number of significant advantages that could be at some point implemented in the stable build for consumers too.

My System Specs You need to have JavaScript enabled so that you can use this.

Computer Type Laptop System Manufacturer/Model Number Lenovo W530 OS Windows 10 CPU i7-3720QM Memory 16 GB Monitor(s) Displays 27" VIZO Screen Resolution 1920-1080

Hard Drives SSD 300 GB Internet Speed 50 mb

fyi. A 64-bit version of Firefox known as Waterfox has been available for some time now. They just recently updated it to v36 to match Firefox. There's also another 64-bit version known as Cyberfox -- but I haven't used that one.

My System Specs You need to have JavaScript enabled so that you can use this.

Computer Type PC/Desktop System Manufacturer/Model Number Self-built using Gigabyte motherboard OS Windows 8.1, Win10Pro CPU AMD 1090T six-core 64-bit Motherboard Gigabyte GA-890GPA-UD3H Memory 12GB Graphics Card AMD R7 240 Sound Card Onboard Realtek ALC892 Monitor(s) Displays LG 24", Samsung 24" Screen Resolution 1920x1080, 1920x1200

Keyboard Corsair K40 Gaming Mouse Logitech wireless PSU OCZ 700W Case Antec Cooling Four case fans, one CPU fan Hard Drives Crucial SSD, Kingston SSD, WD 1TB HD Internet Speed 50MBits Browser IE v11, Chromium Antivirus MBAM

Firefox 42.0 (64-bit)

Mozilla Firefox is a fast, full-featured Web browser. Firefox includes pop-up blocking, tab-browsing, integrated Google, Yahoo and Bing search, simplified privacy controls, a streamlined browser window that shows you more of the page than any other browser and a number of additional features that work with you to help you get the most out of your time online.

Designed to protect your privacy:

Do Not Track A Firefox innovation, Do Not Track lets you indicate a preference about the way your personal info is collected and used online.

Private browsing Sometimes it’s nice to go undercover. Turn this feature on to protect your browsing history from others.

Forget Button Remove browsing information from your computer after the fact. Use it when you’ve visited a site that you don’t want in your history.

Secure connections Use instant Website ID to make sure a site is what it claims to be and to check if your connection to it is secure.

World class protection Anti-phishing & anti-malware features protect you from trojan horses and spyware and warn you about potentially fraudulent sites.

Automatic security updates Firefox updates automatically to make sure you always have the latest and greatest security fixes.

Firefox Flash Fix for Windows 64-bit

Last weekend a customer got in touch about an Adobe Flash problem with Windows 7 64-bit.

Firefox 3 patch for Windows 64-bit editions

As regular readers will know, Flash fixes seems to be a bit of a thing on the Blogberry – by far the most popular articles of all time!

Because 64-bit environments in Windows are relatively new, this is has been the first opportunity that thetechangel. com has had to troubleshoot the issue.

After much research for the customer in question, a conclusion was drawn that all my methods, and other available methods either didn’t work (as in they we too old) or simply were too complicated to execute.

The customer as an alternative to Internet Explorer 64-bit (which wouldn’t run flash) had already tried Firefox v3 on their machine and encountered the same problem of any Flash content not working (usual BBC iPlayer, YouTube, etc).

The problem with Firefox from Mozilla is that they are working on a 64-bit version of the ever popular browser, and Adobe are yet to release a Flash Player 10 version which is also compatible with Windows 7 64-bit (I am aware of ‘Minefield’ for those in the know). Adobe has long since promised an update for 64-bit users with this problem.

In the end it was the case of I had to build the patch / fix myself. It worked for the customer, and it may do for you!


Any Windows edition, either Vista or 7, which is 64-bit (not a 32-bit Windows Edition with a 64-bit processor onboard)

Firefox 3 and it should be the most recent edition

You must be either the administrator, or with administrator privileges

You should make sure that any existing Adobe Flash installations are removed before proceeding (Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features)

If it works, feel free to express your joy in the comments below. If it doesn’t work, say so too, I am curious!


Download the patch from the above link and save it your desktop or downloads folder.

Close all Firefox windows. You must make sure Firefox is closed before installing

Open the patch.

Accept the terms and conditions.

Install (do not change the destination folder).

Start Firefox as you normally would and about:plugins into the address bar. Look for the Shockwave Flash plug-in and if it is enabled.

If it is, then please proceed to YouTube for a full on test.

If it isn’t then restart the computer and try YouTube in Firefox.

Either way, joy or sorrow, please feel free to comment below and share this page with others who maybe in the same boat*.

*As a friendly [copyright] reminder please do not link directly to the download, or copy instructions from this page. Only link to this page.

For Ubuntu 9.10 running 64-bit, I had the same issue with Firefox 3.5.x, when trying to view some flash videos, like those on tv. adobe. com.

Solution was to download the flash plugin for linux:

I used the tar. gz version and uncompressed and un-tar’ing the library. I saved the old version of libflashplayer. so from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ and then copied in this one. I retried Flash from Firefox and it worked (though I don’t see the pause button displayed).

Note: if you run the install script that comes with the library, it says that it is not supported on a 64 bit architecture and exits w/o installing.

26 January 2010 at 3:37 pm

Hey Tech Angel. You seem to be “Da Man”. I Like Windows Explorer, not Firefox:( Do you have any idea on a time frame when there will be a fix for windows 7 and 64bit explorer setups. Can you just magicly fix it for us all:)?

26 January 2010 at 5:26 pm

Dan, wish i could help you on this one, but I don’t think I can. I can’t offer a solution yet, but if I can I will let you know.

Keep yourself checking back here for any possible updates.

26 January 2010 at 5:05 pm

26 December 2010 at 12:01 am

Hi Thetechangle, I am sorry to report that this patch didn’t work for me.

I am running Windows 7, 64 bits, running Firefox 3.6.13. My computer is tops (self-built)!

I quit all browsers, uninstalled the “Adobe Flash Player 10”, installed the patch, and typed in the address bar “about:plugins”—although I haven’t yet re-installed the Flash player—and am getting this: ” Shockwave Flash

File: NPSWF32.dll Version: Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32

MIME Type Description Suffixes Enabled application/x-shockwave-flash Adobe Flash movie swf Yes application/futuresplash FutureSplash movie spl Yes ”

Restarted Firefox, but cannot see flash video, reinstalled Adobe Flash Player 10, still no video.

I also repeated the whole process with rebooting (after the first un-installation of Flash), but to no avail.

I also replaced my IE 8 with IE 9 Beta (with the Flash Player already installed) and I cannot see flash videos on IE either. IE9 asked me to install…. the Flash Player (although it’s already installed), so it installed for me the “Adobe Flash Player 10 Active X” (what’s the difference between the Plugin and the ActiveX?).

The bottom line is that, whatever I do, I can’t see flash videos on either IE9 or FFOX.

At this point, I would like to UNINSTALL your patch. Could you please tell me how to do that?

Thanks again for your help,

26 December 2010 at 8:38 am

It’s me again, Thetechangle, and this time, good news. I discovered that decreasing the security settings of my Flash Player gets both FFox and IE Flashing just fine. Problem is that I went through so many operations that I can’t really tell if it was the Patch or just easing up on the Flash Player security settings.

I still would like to know how to uninstall the Patch. That will also enable me to verify what was the underlying cause.

Thanks again and Merry Christmas to you and to all.

28 December 2010 at 3:20 pm

update: everything is working so far, now my bluescreen (pc crashing for pretending hardware adversity) with the information bout graphic card driver time out changed into a usual pc crashing before, it crashed imediatly after opening a flash file, now im able to use flash obejct but after severall minutes my pc somtetimes still crashes. with other browsers i mstill ot able to wathc it (with usual adobe flash)

11 January 2011 at 6:44 am

Adobe came out with a Beta Flash Player for 64-bit systems. Its working fine for me so far, I hope it does the same for the rest of you. Heres the link to the download page: http://labs. adobe. com/technologies/flashplayer10/

7 April 2011 at 7:38 am

david jenkins says:

I was using firefox 3.6.15 when I used your patch. Forgot to shut down firefox before installing patch but everything worked fine for the first time in a long time. Thanks for a great solution. Firefox issued a security patch to take it to 3.6.16. which caused the youtube video crashes again. I reinstalled your patch and everything is fine again. I don’t use firefox 4 as it will not allow the use of Hide IP NG like 3.6 will. I have an acer aspire 8934g 64 bit with ati mobility radeon 5850 graphics running win 7 x64 ultimate. My version of flash is tried many installs and reinstalls of flash none worked. I thought it was a problem with the graphics card causing the crashes but Acer were of little help when I cantacted them under warrantee. I have none of the problems on my 32 bit other system which has an nvidia card. I am now a happy bunny except fo the fact that I cannot get my HP solution centre to function or reinstall but at least my wireless printer works fine except for scanning. Keep up the great work

22 May 2011 at 3:21 am

The fix worked perfectly, but since a new version of firefox came out (4), it still works on that one as well. Figured Adobe already fixed the issue so I tried installing the new version of Flash (10.3) but I already had my whole computer crashing just like old times.

Been almost a year and a half, any chance you can come up with a fix for the new version of Flash and Firefox. There is no other version of Flash that seems to work on my lappy without it randomly crashing in the middle.

22 June 2011 at 11:29 am

I was using the libmysql. dll to read and write to a mysql db. However when fetching the rows sometimes returns empty rows althought the data is set correctly in the db.

We (other programmer and me) tested it through and throught with the same data in all rows but this method seems to be instable for no detectable reason - we where not able to find any patterns!

This is why we try to use the MySQL wrapper from Russel: https://www.

1. mysql_wrapper. dll and a working libmysql. dll are in experts\libraries

2. DLL imports are allowed

3. MySQL Database runs and works fine

When starting the script we always get error: "cannot load library 'mysql_wrapper. dll' (error 193)" and MT4 stops the Script.

As it is a windows api32 error we looked it up:

ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT 193 (0xC1) %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

For us it seems that it can import the dll but then there comes up some error.

How could this be solved to make the MySQL wrapper run on Win7?

mql4 is a 32 bit application so requires a 32 bit dll. Check your compile/link settings. Compiler's/linkers default to 64 bit on 64 bit OS.

thx for your reply,

our libmysql. dll is the 32-bit version from the official mysql site. The mysql_v2.0.4.mqh is, besides of the db access data, unchanged! The libmysql. dll used by its own in a mql4 script works as well. so on our opinion there cant be a 32/64bit problem.

Do we have to recompile the mysql_wrapper. dll for windows 7/.net in visual studio?

We recompiled it and it still gives us error 193 although we can use it in a c++ application and it works fine! Algunas ideas? I think it would be worth getting this to work for win7 as it would be a stable way to use mysql dbs in mql!

OK, we have ported this thing to win7 know, was a pain in the ass, but now works great! Could not upload it to the code base though. if somebody is interested, write me a pm. i would like to share it!

Did you mistakenly install in \program files* on Vista/Win7?

does anyone have a running version of dll to run MySQL wrapper on Win 7 64-Bit ?

I have contacted Haemse by private message some days ago but I think he is currently not reading the forum.

I would really appreciate any help from you.

Kind regards, deutchman.

PS: i have checked the forum db, I still haven't found better thread than this one.

Nobody here uses SQL and can help on Win 7.

I am rather surprised to not find any infos about running SQL in combination with Win 7.

Gracias de antemano.

I was using the libmysql. dll to read and write to a mysql db. However when fetching the rows sometimes returns empty rows althought the data is set correctly in the db.

We (other programmer and me) tested it through and throught with the same data in all rows but this method seems to be instable for no detectable reason - we where not able to find any patterns!

This is why we try to use the MySQL wrapper from Russel: https://www.

1. mysql_wrapper. dll and a working libmysql. dll are in experts\libraries

2. DLL imports are allowed

3. MySQL Database runs and works fine

When starting the script we always get error: "cannot load library 'mysql_wrapper. dll' (error 193)" and MT4 stops the Script.

As it is a windows api32 error we looked it up:

ERROR_BAD_EXE_FORMAT 193 (0xC1) %1 is not a valid Win32 application.

For us it seems that it can import the dll but then there comes up some error.

How could this be solved to make the MySQL wrapper run on Win7?

Have you tried to put the "mysql_wrapper. dll" to "C:\Windows\system32\ " instead of "experts\libraries" ?

I think Russel told us to put it in "C:\Windows\system32\ ".

Firefox 64 bit for ubuntu

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Accurate signals. Opciones binarias amigo, cientos de plataformas diarias forex trading hamiltonhillslodge. 8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;8212;- Corredores de opciones Forex en general se pueden dividir en dos categorГ­as diferentes: los corredores de divisas kbuntu ofrecen las plataformas de negociaciГіn de opciones de divisas en lГ­nea y los corredores de divisas que sГіlo corredor de comercio de divisas a travГ©s de la opciГіn de oficios telefГіnica realizada a travГ©s de una mesa de operaciones corretaje.

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Mozilla 64-bit Firefox Developer Edition for Windows

As expected Mozilla has now unveiled the Developer Edition of 64-bit Firefox for Windows (v 38). The 64-bit build allows users to get a more richer, desktop-quality app experience in the web-browser, the 64bit version of the browser allows running of larger applications, better performance, and increased security vs it's 32bit sibling.

According to the official announcement by Mozilla, the 64 bit version of the web-browser offers the following benefits over it's 32 bit counterpart:

Run larger applications

A 32-bit browser is limited to 4GB of address space. That address space is further whittled down by fragmentation issues. Meanwhile, web applications are getting bigger and bigger. Browser-based games that deliver performant, native-like gameplay, such as those built with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine, are often much larger than we expect from traditional web applications. These games ship with large assets that must be stored in memory so they can be synchronously loaded.

For some of the largest of these apps, a 64-bit browser means the difference between whether or not a game will run. For example, when porting to asm. js it’s recommended to keep heap size to 512mb in a 32-bit browser. With 64-bit that goes up to 2GB in a 64-bit version of Firefox.

Emscripten helps port C and C++ code to run on the Web and deliver native-like performance. For an in-depth look at how assets are stored and accessed using a variety of methods in asm. js/emscripten built applications, read Alon Zakai’s post on Synchronous Execution and Filesystem Access in Emscripten.

Gain faster execution and increased security

64-bit Firefox just goes faster. We get access to new hardware registers and instructions to speed up JavaScript code.

For asm. js code, the increased address space also lets us use hardware memory protection to safely remove bounds checks from asm. js heap accesses. The gains are pretty dramatic: 8%-17% on the asmjs-apps-*-throughput tests as reported on arewefastyet. com.

The larger 64-bit address space also improves the effectiveness of ASLR (address space layout randomization), making it more difficult for web content to exploit the browser.

I download Windows 7 64-bit down from MSDN last night and decided to put it on my MacBook. The install went fine. After reading various blogs, and the fact that the Apple Window drivers are only 32bit (“Boot Camp x64 is unsupported on this computer model” :( ), I decided to re-install Windows 7 32-bit – mainly due to the fact that I can’t live without a working trackpad. The 64bit task bar on the MacBook looks plain – due to the lack display drivers.

Windows 7 32-bit install was easy, and the MacBook drivers work without any issue – helped by 6.1 I suspect.

Yeah, but the 6.1 still causes problems. I talked to a Microsoft guy at the PDC who told me that Windows 7 was great, except his team’s software wouldn’t install without a change. They were checking the Windows version and failing because it was beyond 6.0. He wasn’t aware that the Windows logo certifications explicitly forbid this kind of check. They should dogfood those logo-certs. they are painful for ISVs and apparently aren’t well understood internally.

Apple released a 64 bit version of the boot camp software; see here.

Were you able to boot and install straight from the 64 bit image or did you have to modify it using the guide linked to from my blog?

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Mensaje de navegación

Firefox 64-bit support Name: Albert Wiersch Email: supportathtmlvalidatordotcom Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox 64-bit support Comments: I'm surprised there's no Windows 64-bit support in Firefox 3.5. Please provide an x64 Windows version of Firefox. Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090715 Firefox/3.5.1 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a response to this feedback but if you wish to provide one you must BCC (not CC) the sender for them to see it.

Firefox or not Firefox Name: M B Fletcher Email: mf38794atntlworlddotcom Product: Firefox Summary: Firefox or not Firefox Comments: You asked why I took it off but did not ask more than the basics. I put security but in fact I put on Fire fox today and found a GOOGLE front page for searching when I had nothing there before. I wondered if I had been hijacked or you had done a very stupid update. I still do not know for sure. I do not ever use Google that I know of. The biggest spy on computers in the world and you should know better. If I find it is correct on Firefox I will go back to IE. A.

Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit) Name: Dmitry Viazmin Email: dmitrydotviazminattutdotby Product: Firefox Summary: Create a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit) Comments: Hi, It would be great to get a production build of Firefox for Microsoft 64-bit OSs (Vista 64, MS Windows 2008 Server 64-bit). Do you plan to do that? Best Regards, Dmitry Viazmin Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 From URL: http://hendrix. mozilla. org/ Note to readers: Hendrix gives no expectation of a.

I am glad firefox released a 64 bit browser Name: Nathan Haynes Email: littlecrash84atgmaildotcom Product: Bon Echo Summary: I am glad firefox released a 64 bit browser Comments: I believe Mozilla to be one of the best software companies around at this current time. And i am glad they are pursuing the 64 bit world of technology. Browser Details: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1;.NET CLR 2.0.50727;.NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2).

Proper Adobe Flash in 64 bit KUbuntu Linux with Firefox on 64 bit AMD processor? ; jor What is the proper way to get Adobe Flash running in 64 bit KUbuntu Linux with Firefox on a 64 bit AMD processor? Adobe says they have discontinued work on their 64 bit version for now. Is it ok to use the only version of AF 10.1 they make available for linux on a KUbuntu 10.4 AND 64 bit version, running FF? On #firefox on irc: kbrosnan: 32 bit won't work by default, your distro may have a way to run 32 bit firefox or a program called nspluginwrapper can allow you to run 32 bit flash in 64 bit firefox Any idea what the proper way for Ubuntu is? Thanks :).

SQL 8 support for 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please SQL Anywhere Associates. Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please. Thanks Vairam Is there any particular 64 bit OS that you are interested in hearing about? - Mark VS Vairam wrote: > & Gt; SQL Anywhere Associates. & Gt; Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical > white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any > Por favor. & Gt; & Gt; Thanks > & Gt; Vairam WINDOWS all flavours.

SQL 8 support for 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please SQL Anywhere Associates. Is SQL 8 support 64 bit OS and 64 BIT OS, 64 BIT BUS Support, technical white paper, documentation, examples and success stories for SQL 8 if any please. Thanks Vairam I believe that SQL Anywhere Studio is currently only released in a 32-bit format. TO the extent that 32-bit applications can run on a 64-bit OS, you can use ASA on a 64-bit system. -- Reg Domaratzki, Sybase iAnywhere Solutions Certified SQL Anywhere Associate Please reply only to the newsgroup ASA Patches and EBFs. http://downloads. sybase. com/swx/sdmain. stm -> Cho.

halt&blue screen-firefox on AMD 4200 64 bit with MS XP pro 64 bit Name: walter Email: walter_at_baziuk. name Product: Firefox Summary: halt&blue screen-firefox on AMD 4200 64 bit with MS XP pro 64 bit Comments: after using firefox for a day, it starting to crash more often and give me a blue screen each time. this now occurs with 2 mintues after starting firefox. xp pro does not catch the firefox crash. xp pro dies with a blue screen halt - no way to catch what/where the issue is. has it been tested with xp pro 64 bit? has it been tested on a 64 bit 2 cpu AMD? i have uninstalled firefox as i need to use the new PC. Desafortunadamente.

Unittests and 64-bit support for Gecko 2.0 / Firefox 4 The topic of Windows 7 unittest status on https://wiki. mozilla. org/Platform/2010-07-13 reminded me of a related question, which is status of unittests on 64-bit platforms. If 64-bit is going to be supported for Gecko 2.0 / Firefox 4 (is it?), it seems like it ought to be passing tests. If so, should we be tracking progress of this like we're tracking progress of getting Windows 7 to pass tests (above)? The current status (from looking at TBPL) seems to be: * Linux 64-bit is at parity with 32-bit * OS X 64-bit (which we test on 10.6) is at parity with 32-bit (which w.

Firefox/Thunderbird and Firefox update. release date pushed out to Tue. 12/19 We have final candidate builds and are wrapping up QA, but will not be able to hit the original release date. the new tentative release date for Firefox/Thunderbird and Firefox is *Tuesday, December 19*. More info about the release can be found at http://wiki. mozilla. org/Firefox: Thanks! - Jay Jay Patel napsal: > We have final candidate builds and are wrapping up QA, but will not be > able to hit the original release date. the new tentative release date > for Firefox/Thunderbird and Firefox is *Tue.

Taskbar Corruption when using Firefox. Intermittent. Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows 7 RC 64 bit. HP laptop Name: George Product: Firefox Summary: Taskbar Corruption when using Firefox. Intermittent. Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows 7 RC 64 bit. HP laptop - Intel 965 with Dual Core 2.4Ghz and 4GB RAM Comments: Occassionally when starting a new windows in firefox, the task bar will flicker and corrupt. Clicking on a non-firefox app which is fill screen stops the flickering, then I can usally (not always) return to the firefox tab and it is ok. I am running latest Intel graphics drivers from Microsoft (released yesterday) Problem existed before and still exists. Not really sure if it is.

64 bit firefox Name: Mohamad Product: eBay Companion Summary: 64 bit firefox Comments: Ebay companion does not work with 64 bit firefox. Browser Details: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070718 Fedora/ Firefox/

Firefox 64 bits Is Firefox 64 bit officially supported? As far as I understand what I found under: http://wiki. (or elsewhere with Google search) in unofficial, i. e. not coming from the Mozilla project. Any hint/info is welcome. -- ANDREAS On 11-06-13 3:00 PM, yianniotis@mozilla wrote: > Is Firefox 64 bit officially supported? As far as I understand what I > found under: http://wiki. > (or elsewhere with Google search) in unofficial, i. e. not coming from > the Mozilla project. Any hint/info is welcome. _Mac_.

64 bit Firefox Name: Karanbir Gill Email: gill_karanbirathotmaildotcom Product: Firefox Summary: 64 bit Firefox Comments: Today's market is full with 64bit Windows Vista. Any computer that has 4GB RAM installed is comes preinstalled with a x64 OS. MY REQUEST (I AM SURE OTHERS TOO) IS THAT MOZILLA SHOULD RELEASE AN OFFICIAL X64 (64 BIT) VERSION OF FIREFOX. THIS WOULD GIVE FASTER PERFORMANCE AND FULL USAGE TO THE OWNERS OF 64 BIT SYSTEMS AROUND THE WORLD. Also, the X64 version of Firefox would be a good competitor to the 64 bit Internet Explorer! Once again, we would greatly appreciate a.

Minefield – A 64-bit Firefox

If you’re running a 64-bit OS like Windows Server 2008 x64, Vista x64, or any others you might see some performance improvements by your applications also being 64-bit. One such application would be Mozilla Firefox. The 64-bit version is not built by Mozilla, but uses the same code and is compiled for 64-bit operating systems. It received the name Minefield.

It keeps up with the latest versions, as you can tell by the screenshot. I’m running version 3.0.6 which is the latest version. There are also 64-bit builds of the beta Firefox 3.1 available as well. The site posts metrics comparing the performance of the x64 version as you can see for yourself. All the changes are made in the back-end, so the user-interface is identical to the official 32-bit release (except the renaming and a different icon).

The thing that sets Firefox apart: its extensions. Extensions are platform independent and work across different OSes, including 64-bit ones. All of my extensions are working just fine after installing Minefield. Plug-ins, however, are a different story. Plug-ins like Java and Flash will need to be re-installed with their 64-bit counterparts.

Unfortunately, a 64-bit Flash player doesn’t exist yet. You can read more about that with this Adobe Knowledge Base article. Flash works on a 64-bit operating system, but not with a 64-bit browser.

You can download Minefield. the 64-bit version of Firefox, from Mozilla x86-64.

You can also download Shredder . the 64-bit of Thunderbird. This is based off of the Thunderbird 3.0 beta.

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Firefox 4 will be the first version of Firefox web browser that is going to have full support for 64-bit (x64) operating system. Currently, Firefox 3.6 and earlier version of Firefox web browser only offers 32-bit (x86) version software. However, the final version of Firefox 4 is scheduled to be released only by end of the 2010, and only if development is on track.

It should be noted that 64-bit Firefox will install only on 64-bit operating system. If you’re using a 32-bit operating system, even if with a processor that supports Intel EM64T or AMD64, then the Firefox x64 is of no particular interest. 64-bit computing has been gaining pace since the introduction of Windows Vista, and has gained momentum with Windows 7 and in particular Windows Server 2008 R2, which available solely as 64-bit product. However, even if you’re running 64-bit system, the 64-bit version of Firefox also requires 64-bit versions of plugins and extensions, where may current plugins and extensions may not compatible with 64-bit browser yet.

So where to download 64-bit setup installer of Firefox?

Obviously, once Firefox 4 is officially released, the x64 Firefox setup installer will be available for download from official Firefox homepage at http://www. mozilla. com/firefox/

However, prior to official availability of 64-bit Firefox, the developers have in fact compiled the Firefox x64 build, and released the x64 build via nightly builds archive. However, do note the the nightly builds directory contains precompiled binaries of Firefox, which are completely untested, and definitely not for production use.

Users who interested to install and run 64-bit version of Firefox web browser can download the build from ftp://ftp. mozilla. org/pub/firefox/nightly/latest-mozilla-central/ .

The x64 nightly builds of Firefox for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux are available for download, in the names typically ends with. win64-x86_64.installer. exe (firefox-4.0b2pre. en-US. win64-x86_64.installer. exe). mac64.dmg (firefox-4.0b2pre. en-US. mac64.dmg). linux-x86_64.tar. bz2 (firefox-4.0b2pre. en-US. linux-x86_64.tar. bz2) respectively.

And finally, with nightly builds, there is an update to the Firefox everyday.

Mozilla Outs 64-Bit Firefox For Windows In Development

Hot on the heels of Google making a native 64-bit version of Chrome available back in August, Mozilla has let loose the fact that an official 64-bit build of Firefox is coming. It's about time, too - even Internet Explorer has had a native 64-bit version for quite some time.

To be fair, a 64-bit version of Firefox hasn't been hard to come by up to this point. A visit to the project's nightly channel could have hooked you up with what you needed, and alternative browsers based on Firefox have also made 64-bit available to users. With the fact that an official stable 64-bit Firefox is en route, though, it's a solution that fans of the browser can truly trust.

In the official project wiki. it's seen that 64-bit development has become a big focus, but there's still no hard date of when normal users will be able to snatch such a version. Why is 64-bit so important? Performance is a big reason, as is stability. Interestingly, a note is listed on the page that says a 64-bit version of Firefox could beat the launch of Windows "9", in case Microsoft retires 32-bit versions - which as the Windows 10 Preview highlights, hasn't happened.

If you're wanting to give a 64-bit Firefox a go, now that you know it's an actual focus of Mozilla and a stable version is en route, you can head on over to the nightly page and grab the latest version. The file you'll want is "firefox-XX. X.en-US. win64-x86_64.installer. exe". As the nightly browser is actually called "Nightly" and is installed to its own unique directory, your stable version of Firefox will be left in tact.

If you’re currently using any 64-bit version of Windows you may have noticed there are two “Program Files” folders, one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit apps. Why does Windows need to sub-divide them? Read on to see why.

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-drive grouping of Q&A web sites.

The Question

SuperUser reader Stephen Jennings noticed the “Program Files” division and wanted to get to the bottom of things:

I know that on a 64-bit version of Windows the “Program Files” folder is for 64-bit programs and the “Program Files (x86)” folder is for 32-bit programs, but why is this even necessary?

By “necessary”, I don’t mean “why could Microsoft not have made any other design decisions?” because of course they could have. Rather, I mean, “why, given the current design of 64-bit Windows, must 32-bit programs have a separate top-level folder from 64-bit programs?” Put another way, “what would go wrong if I somehow avoided the redirection mechanism and forced everything to install to the real C:\Program Files\ ?”

There are plenty of questions on Super User and elsewhere that assert “one is for 32-bit programs, one is for 64-bit programs”, but none that I can find give the reason. From my experience, it doesn’t seem to matter whether a 32-bit program is installed in the correct place or not.

Does Windows somehow present itself differently to a program running out of “Program Files (x86)”? Is there a description that shows exactly what’s different for a program installed in “Program Files (x86)” instead of “Program Files”? I think it’s unlikely that Microsoft would introduce a new folder without a legitimate technical reason.

It’s true there are plenty of explainer articles focused on the difference between the two–such as our treatment of the subject here –but why exactly does Windows sport dual folders?

The Answers

If you’re looking for the short and sweet answer, turn to SuperUser contributor David Schwartz:

Short answer: To ensure legacy 32-bit applications continue to work the same way they used to without imposing ugly rules on 64-bit applications that would create a permanent mess.

It is not necessary. It’s just more convenient than other possible solutions such as requiring every application to create its own way to separate 32-bit DLLs and executables from 64-bit DLLs and executables.

The main reason is to make 32-bit applications that don’t even know 64-bit systems exist “just work”, even if 64-bit DLLs are installed in places the applications might look. A 32-bit application won’t be able to load a 64-bit DLL, so a method was needed to ensure that a 32-bit application (that might pre-date 64-bit systems and thus have no idea 64-bit files even exist) wouldn’t find a 64-bit DLL, try to load it, fail, and then generate an error message.

The simplest solution to this is consistently separate directories. Really the only alternative is to require every 64-bit application to “hide” its executable files somewhere a 32-bit application wouldn’t look, such as a bin64 directory inside that application. But that would impose permanent ugliness on 64-bit systems just to support legacy applications.

Another contributor, Oliver Salzburg, delves into the programming side of things and why exactly Microsoft would go about structuring the folders as they did:

After looking at this answer and comment thread the next day, I realize a possible major oversight in my answer. I falsely assumed a programming background and when I was talking about you in my comments, I didn’t mean the user, but the programmer.

I don’t work for Microsoft and I have no clue what the real reasoning behind these folders is, but I think the reason to have these folders is so obvious that I have no problem arguing it.

So let’s break it down!

Folders are awesome! Let’s agree on something. Folders are great! We don’t need them, we have enough possible file names to put every single file on the root of your hard drive, so why have folders at all? Well, they help us order our stuff. And ordering stuff is great. It helps us to process things more easily. This is especially useful when working with a machine that requires structure.

Separating data and logic is great! A paradigm often found in programming, is to separate data from logic. You want one part that knows how to do something and you want another part you can do something with. This is also found in the file system.

We have folders for application (logic) and folders for our valuables (data):

So, it seems like folders are awesome and it makes sense to put programs in their own little folder. But why have 2? Why not let the installer handle that and put everything into one Programs folder?

Installers aren’t magicToday, we often use small programs to install our larger programs. We call these small programs installers. Installers aren’t magic. They have to be written by programmers and are applications (with possible bugs) like any other application out there. So let’s look at the situation an imaginary programmer would have to face with and without the current system:

1 Program Files folder

The developer maintains 2 installers. One for the 32bit and one for the 64bit version of his application. The 32bit installer will write to C:\Program Files\App\ and the 64bit installer will write to C:\Program Files\App\sixtyfour\ .

2 Program Files folders

The developer maintains 1 installer. The installer will always write to %PROGRAMFILES% and depend on the operating system to expand the path accordingly (you actually don’t use environment variables for these cases, you’d use SHGetKnownFolderPath with FOLDERID_ProgramFiles to retrieve the correct path). Everything finds it’s place automatically and the pattern is identical with every application you install .

Consistency makes senseWhen you learn something, that usually implies that an observed behavior was consistent. Otherwise there is really nothing to observe and learn. The same is true for our little file system. It makes sense to always put the same stuff into the same folders. That way, we’ll know where to look when we’re looking for something.

The system for 32/64 application distinction furthers this goal. Applications are separated into 2 locations to avoid conflicts in names, binary loading behavior and security (to some extent).

I still don’t get it. This seems useless

You should never forget one thing. People are incredibly stupid. This includes users, super users and especially programmers.

This is why we need stuff like file system redirection to even make our systems usable.

Programmers will just go in there and try to load C:\Windows\system32\awesome. dll and not care about if they’re running on a 32 or 64 bit system. They would try to load the 64bit DLL and simply crash. Some programmers want to use some Office DLL, no problem, they know where to find it! C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Office\14.0\wizards. dll … and another crash!

All these requests by 32bit application are redirected into the 32bit counterparts to avoid application crashes.

We need some fixed folder names to build such a system. If there is no folder structure to support this redirection, then how are you going to make it work?

Okay, now I get it. But why not use C:\Program Files\x86\ then?

Now we’re getting philosophical…

What would go wrong if I somehow avoided the redirection mechanism and forced everything to install to the real C:\Program Files\ ?

Most likely nothing (as long as other applications don’t depend on a fixed location for that application).

The WOW64 mechanism hooks into CreateProcess and will perform more sophisticated (more sophisticated than checking the folder name of the executable) checks on the executable image to determine if it is 32 or 64 bit.

Yeah, but I mean, like, ALL applications!

What would happen if I put both diesel and gas into my car?

What would happen if I try to use both alternating and direct current on the same line?

What would happen if I keep both my cat and my fish in the same aquarium?

Some questions don’t require answers. It is not intended to be done, don’t do it. There is nothing to be gained here. The amount of problems such a change could cause will always outweigh any possible benefits someone could see in this.

For more responses and interesting insights into the programming decisions and logistics of structuring the folders, hit up the full discussion thread at SuperUser here .

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Mozilla Firefox v45.0 for 32-Bit & 64-Bit

Mozilla Firefox (or simply Firefox ) is a free and open-source web browser developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox is available for Windows, OS X and Linux operating systems, with its mobile versions available for Android, and Firefox OS; where all of these versions use the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards, but an additional version released in late 2015 – Firefox for iOS has also been made available – that doesn't use Gecko. Firefox was created in 2002, under the name "Phoenix" by the Mozilla community members who wanted a standalone browser rather than the Mozilla Application Suite bundle. Even during its beta phase, Firefox proved to be popular by its testers and was praised for its speed, security and add-ons compared to Microsoft's then-dominant Internet Explorer 6. Firefox was released in November 2004, and was highly successful with 60 million downloads within nine months, which was the first time that Internet Explorer's dominance was challenged. Firefox is considered the spiritual successor of Netscape Navigator, as the Mozilla community was created by Netscape in 1998 before their acquisition by AOL. As of January 2016, Firefox has between 9% and 16% of worldwide usage as a "desktop" browser, making it the second most popular web browser. Firefox is the most popular browser with Samoa, Germany, Eritrea and Cuba at 61.05%, 38.36%, 79.39% and 85.93% of the market share, respectively. It is also the most popular desktop browser in many other African, and a few Asian countries. According to Mozilla, as of December 2014 there were half a billion Firefox users around the world. With Internet Explorer declining, Firefox reached second place in February 2016, as a desktop browser.

Mozilla Firefox 32-Bit

Firefox 64-bit Needed for Windows7 – NOW

December 26, 2009 By J Powers

I remember when I decided to move to Firefox over Internet Explorer. IE6 was not cutting it and Mozilla was showing promise. Add to it all the security issues for some projects I was working on and the plugins to test code. I never thought I would move away from Firefox at that point.

Until Windows7 64-bit.

Everyone talked about how Firefox crashed, and in all reality, I didn’t see that problem. That was until I hit 64 bit mode. Firefox is still a 32 bit application, so I expected a few crashes during the inception.

Then the crashes started happening a little more than usual. I would be working – especially on a page that housed Flash – and the system would stop responding. I would restore what I was working on, but the same process would happen again within minutes. Just the other day I had the browser crash 6 times in an hour – halting my work every time.

Add to it the memory it starts to eat up. I pulled up Task Manager and watched how – while I was doing nothing in the program – the system was allocating more memory for it. Now you might think that it was because of Flash or a plugin I had installed, but I turned off all plugins and was on my homepage – which is a page I created with nothing but HTML links.

I decided to look for a 64 bit version of Firefox. One area said they are not even thinking of going 64 – at least not until version 4. I did find the alternate projects to FF 64. I installed a program called “Minefield”, which made me nervous to begin with. Who names a testing platform “Minefield”?

Alas, it wasn’t any better. I had no Adobe flash and it crashed within a few pages.

I don’t get it. It’s the only 32 bit program that crashes on a regular basis. I even tried compatibility mode, but the browser would still stop responding.

The big issue was the memory hog it became. I went to the about:config option to try and find a key that would limit or release memory. There was none that I could find. I might have overlooked it – anything is possible. But as far as I know, nothing to change how it works memory.

I didn’t think this would be a big issue for Mozilla. 64 bit OS has been around for a couple years now, and they have Firefox 64 for Linux and Mac users. But not for PCs

Therefore, for now I am using Chrome on the main system. Since the laptop is still 32 bit Windows XP, Firefox will be the browser of choice on that machine. It doesn’t crash there. I personally don’t like Chrome, but if I had to order the browsers I would use and like, it would be Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE and then Safari.

Still, I implore Mozilla to get on the 64 Bit kick and get this browser out. I also want you to try and figure out why Firefox eats memory like a high scoring Pac-Man game. I like the plan of going to the ribbon style menu, but if it still causes crashes, I’ll have no choice but to switch off Firefox. After all, I cannot start working in a browser that might stop responding, especially if I am in the middle of writing a blog post.


live tech support says

I haven’t tried any of them but I would imagine you’d also need 64 bit of your favorite add-ins.

the old rang says

Let’s see… You use micro-soft’s so called ‘operating system’ Windows 7 (which is really only a patch to the somewhat more than usual defective Vista)…

Microsoft has done everything it could to destroy:

1) Netscape… (Illegally or by whatever means) 2) Open Source…(Illegally or by whatever means) 3) Firefox… (Illegally or by whatever means) 4) Macintosh… (Illegally or by whatever means) 5) Linux… (Illegally or by whatever means) 6) Any Competition…Period…(Illegally or by whatever means) 7) Any Manufacturers that sell computers w/o ‘their’ o/s, exclusively… (Illegally or by whatever means)

And, you have figured out that their o/s doesn’t handle ‘your’ desires (probably because you don’t know how to overcome the (possibly deliberate) settings required (hint: check our Axcel 216, Xen2000), so you are demanding that the victims of Redmonds somewhat less than honorable methods of doing business, cater to your ignorance about how to fix their os??

Something like asking the condemned to dig their own graves, sharpen the axe, tie the noose and other quaint tasks…

I used Windows for many years, looking for the best way to set up the stupid settings… (I no longer care, but, have they set the thing up not to run in 16 bit mode by default, yet. They had not in XP, NT, 2000, or 98… silly setting by default for computers that could not run them at all, for the most part)

Alas, I now Run with Ubuntu, FireFox, (3.6 AND 3.7) in 64-bit, because… It works, WELL with no where near the security troubles, calling home, necessary tweaking, or silly ol’ bsds…

Yes, there are problems, usually fixed real quick…

Windows still has some from YEARS ago (never heard of an overflow, have you??)

And, Linux has yet to call a critical fault, an ‘ENHANCEMENT’…

James Gentile says

What a clueless reply old rang, MS has it’s methods called illegal by competitors, fanboys and antitrust lawyers looking to make a name for themselves. Even if MS did do ‘wrong’ (which is subjective anyway) it’s irrelevant to this issue and is only brought up because crybaby fanboys can’t get anyone to use their crappy pet OS. Your technical arguments are just plain retarded, NT (win 2k, XP, vista, 7) is 32-bit or 64-bit, no 16-bit code at all. Linux problems are hardly fixed, let alone fixed quickly (audio, stable driver api, graphics drivers, e. g.) Windows 7 works well, as did Vista, and XP (considering it’s 8 years old), it does not require tweaking, don’t know what you got that idea, linux and mac have just as many security flaws as Windows if not more (this is where the anti-MS fanboys switch tunes and start saying linux and mac developers look harder for bugs), also Windows does not BSoD any more than linux and mac kernel panic, and usually, in both cases it’s because of drivers or bad hardware, not the OS. And what do you mean ‘never heard of an overflow, have you’. Every OS suffers from buffer overflows, you are clearly a clueless *nix fanboy, and linux has no enhancements to speak of anyway, to use your words.

Y’all need to suck it up & quit whining. I mean, according to y’all, ya got the greatest OS ever so ya should be using MS IE8 to go along with the program. How do ya expect MS to survive if y’all are not using their browser. 8-)

Well, here I am typing this in Firefox 3.5 on Windows 7 x64. In parallel I am running Shiretoko a. k.a. Firefox 3.5 64-bit. Neither is crashing. So, unless you are working on some code that you are testing with your browser and that is causing your problems, I don’t know what are you talking about. Shiretoko does not have any Flash – there is simply no 64-bit Flash (go Adobe). However, this does not crash anything, for any web page with flash content Shiretoko just shows some icon and a message that a plug-in is missing.

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