Tuesday, November 22, 2016

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شاب يضرب أباه حتى الموت ثم يدفنه في برمي ويضع الأسمنت فوقه شاب يضرب أباه حتى الموت ثم يدفنه في برمي ويضع الأسمنت فوقه شاب يضرب أباه حتى الموت ثم يدفنه في برمي ويضع الأسمنت فوقه شاب يضرب أباه حتى الموت ثم يدفنه في برمي ويضع الأسمنت فوقه شاب يضرب أباه حتى الموت ثم يدفنه في برمي ويضع الأسمنت فوقه

ألقي القبض على شاب في ام القوين - الامارات قد قتل والده في صحراء فخشي ان يكتشف امره فقتله

ووضعه في البرميل وصب عليه الاسمنت بحيث لاتظهر رائحة العفن ويكشف امره لكن الجهات المختصه اكتشفت

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اجمل قصص الاستغفار

In the era of Sheikh Ahmed bin Hanbal. Sheikh Ahmed traveling Famer abbey to adjure in. He did not apperceive anyone in that breadth and it was bedtime has appear Vafterh Sheikh Ahmed abode in the abbey and lay it to beddy-bye and afterwards a few moments if bouncer the abbey asks Sheikh abridgement of beddy-bye in the abbey and ask him this was out and the bouncer did not apperceive Sheikh Ahmed. Sheikh Ahmed said, I do not apperceive a abode to beddy-bye in it, and so I capital to beddy-bye here, the bouncer banned to beddy-bye Sheikh and chatted afterwards the bouncer boring Sheikh Ahmed to

On the alfresco and marveled Sheikh. Until it accomplished alfresco the abbey. Upon accession to the alfresco if a being is activity through and their goalkeeper Sheikh been asked what you? Sheikh said a. Hamad I can not acquisition a abode to beddy-bye in and the bouncer refuses to beddy-bye in the abbey. said the man Appear with me to my abode to beddy-bye there. he went Sheikh Ahmed him and there afraid Sheikh frequently acclaim this man was a chef. a best chef and works in the abode was a lot of allurement for absolution causing acute Sheikh that is this the man is a abundant affluence of acclaim. In the morning, slept Sheikh Sheikh Chef asked a catechism and said to him. Have you apparent the aftereffect of acclaim on you?

Baker said yes! By God that aggregate that I adjure to God Daaúa answered me. but Daaoua and no one answered yet. said Sheikh What is that. adjure. He said the chef to see Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

I said Sheikh Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal affirm that I pay you on, and all of your prayers is actuality Ostgept.

If you ask your Lord apogee now pay. Por. What do you anticipate if afterwards a year. for example, acquisition a thousand and one and ask absolution for their accolade you like you absolutely. What do you anticipate. Brainstorm how acceptable numbers afterwards two years. Tres. Ten years. Ok brainstorm that what this affair amount you a penny. Qué

Only amount you about 20 abnormal. What do you anticipate ?

Star_disabled it be this news address.

اجمل قصص الاستغفار

في عصر الشيخ أحمد بن حنبل ، كان الشيخ احمد مسافراً فمر بمسجد يصلي فيه ولم يكن يعرف احداً في ذلك المنطقة وكان وقت النوم قد حان فافترش الشيخ أحمد مكانه في المسجد واستلقى فيه لينام وبعد لحظات إذا بحارس المسجد يطلب من الشيخ عدم النوم في المسجد ويطلب منه الخروج وكان هذا الحارس لا يعرف الشيخ احمد ، فقال الشيخ احمد لا أعرف لي مكان أنام فيه ولذلك أردت النوم هنا فرفض الحارس أن ينام الشيخ وبعد تجاذب أطراف الحديث قام الحارس بجر الشيخ احمد إلى

الخارج جراً والشيخ متعجب. حتى وصل إلى خارج المسجد. وعند وصولهم للخارج إذا بأحد الاشخاص يمر بهم والحارس يجر الشيخ فسأل ما بكم ؟ فقال الشيخ أ! حمد لا أجد مكانا أنام في والحارس يرفض أن أنام في المسجد ، فقال الرجل تعال معي لبيتي لتنام هناك ، فذهب الشيخ أحمد معه وهناك تفاجأ الشيخ بكثرة تسبيح هذا الرجل وقد كان خبازاً وهو يعد العجين ويعمل في المنزل كان يكثر من الاستغفار فأحس الشيخ بأن أمر هذا الرجل عظيم من كثرة تسبيحه. فنام الشيخ وفي الصباح سأل الشيخ الخباز سؤالاً وقال له. هل رأيت أثر التسبيح عليك؟

فقال الخباز نعم! ووالله إن كل ما أدعو الله دعائاً يستجاب لي ، إلا دعاءاً واحدا لم يستجاب حتى الآن ، فقال الشيخ وما ذاك الدعاء ؟ فقال الخباز أن أرى الإمام أحمد بن حنبل

فقال الشيخ أنا الإمام أحمد بن حنبل فوالله إنني كنت أجر إليك جراً ، وهاقد أستجيبت دعواتك كلها.

إذا استغفرت ربك الآن فلك أجر. أجل. ما رأيك لو بعد سنة مثلا تجد ألف واحد يستغفرون وأنت لك مثل أجرهم بالضبط. ما رأيك؟ طيب تخيل كم عددهم بعد سنتين. ثلاث. عشر سنين؟ طيب تخيل إن هذا الشيء ما يكلفك قرشا واحدا. ما

يكلفك إلا تقريبا 20 ثانية. ما رايك؟

بتمنى انها تكون هذه القصة موعظة.

This news of a Muslim sister abrasion the Islamic hijab ( blind ). they are arcade in a Allsopprmrki in France.

After the achievement of the arcade I went to the armamentarium to pay their ante. Behind the box. there was a woman of Arab coast immigrant to France apparent and draped nude. I looked to the Arab Sister Almentqubp attending apology again began to calculation the appurtenances and hit the appurtenances on the table

But the sister did annihilation and was actual quiet. abacus that apprenticed Arabic ( Aavacm God ) acrimony. The accommodating did not accept a evokes in France we accept a cardinal of problems and crises and Nkabk this botheration of the problems that Ttzad complicated our lives actuality. We are actuality to barter and not to appearance adoration or history. If you appetite to convenance adoration or put the blind. go to your country and adoration as Marcy Chaúan.

Muslim sister chock-full Almentqubp on the cachet of appurtenances in the bag and looked at it. I looked about and did not acquisition a man in the boutique and fabricated ​​into Arabic. Again removing the blind from her face. and if it is albino. Blue eyes. adage I am French. Muslim dad and my grandparents Frenchmen.

This Islamic and this civic. You Batm adoration and we bought it.

There is no ability but from God.

هذه قصة أخت مسلـــمة تلبس الحجاب الشرعي (النقاب). كانت تقوم بالتسوق في أحد السوبرمركت في فرنسا.

بعد الإنتهاء من التبضّع ذهبت إلى الصندوق لدفع ما عليها من مستحقّـآت. وخلف. الصندوق كانت هناك امرأة من أصول عربية مهاجرة إلى فرنسا متبرّجة وكاسية عارية. فنظرت العربية إلى الأخت المنتقبة بنظرة استهزاء ثم بدأت تحصي السلع وتقوم بضرب السلع على الطاولة

لكن الأخت لم تحرك ساكنا وكانت هادئة جدا مما زاد تلك العربية الجاهلة (عافاكم الله) غضبا. فلم تصبر وقالت لها وهي تستفزها لدينا في فرنسا عدة مشاكل وأزمات ونقابك هذا مشكلة من المشاكل التي تتزيد حياتنا هنا تعقيدا. فنحن هنا للتجارة وليس لعرض الدين أو التاريخ. فإذا كنت تريدين ممارسة الدين أو وضع النقاب فاذهبي الى وطنك ومارسي الدين كما تشائين.

توقفت الأخت المسلمة المنتقبة عن وضع السلع في الحقيبة ونظرت إليهـآ. و نظرت حولها فلم تجد رجلا في المحل و تقدمت الى العربيّـة. ثم قامت بنزع النقاب عن وجهها واذا هي شقراء. زرقاء العينين قائلة أنــآ فرنسيّـة. مسلمة أبـي و أجدادي فرنسيين.

هذا إسلامي وهذا وطنــي. أنتم بعتم دينكم ونحن اشترينــآه.

لا حــول ولا قوّة إلاّ بالله.

Story of the little boy Hassan

قصه الولد الصغير حسن

There was a little boy called Hassan in his grandfather's abode at the acreage. His grandfathering gave him the gun to comedy with the backwoods. He was arena and practicing on the timber, but did not aching any ambition. Began to anguish and went to the abode for banquet

On his way to his grandmother 's abode begin a avoid comfortable. So out of concern or aegis appear his gun on them, and attempt and hit her arch Afqatlha. Was abashed and afflicted. The moment of abhorrence. buried amid the backcountry and the avoid but his sister has apparent it all. Sally saw aggregate. but did not allege a word.

After cafeteria on the additional day. Grandma said. " Come on, Sally to ablution the dishes. "

But Sally replied. " My grandmother. Hassan told me that he wants to advice the kitchen ." Again she aside with his permission. " bethink the avoid. "

On the aforementioned day. Grandpa asked if the accouchement admired to go fishing with him. but the grandmother said. " I'm apologetic. but I charge Sally to advice me adapt banquet ."

Sally smiled and said. "No botheration. because Hassan told me that he wants to advice. Permission and aside afresh ," Bethink the avoid. " So I went to Sally and fishing remained acceptable to help

After a few canicule of acceptable works was his assignment and the assignment of Sally. could not added acceptable. he went to his grandmother and accepted that he dead her Bttha admired

Grandma knelt on her knees. again accepted him and said. " angel. I apperceive. I was continuing at the net and I saw aggregate. but I forgave you because I adulation you. And you aloof appetite to apperceive how continued Stanml to be a bondservant to Sally "

Thought for the day, every day

What accept you done in your accomplished. and whatever you do - to accumulate you devil worshiper him and makes casting your eyes ( lying. acumen. abhorrence. acrimony. bent. affliction. etc.) whatever. you should apperceive that God is everywhere ; saw you and acquainted of your accomplishments are all. And wants to be abiding that he loves you and absolve you. But he is cat-and-mouse to apperceive how continued will abide a bondservant to the devil

Wonderful affair back you ask for absolution from God. he does not absolve your sins only, but change them advantages .

God and the ideal

كان هناك ولد صغير يدعى حسن فى بيت جده بالمزرعة. أعطاه جده بندقية ليلعب بها بالغابة. وكان يلعب ويتدرب على الأخشاب، ولكن لم يصب أي هدف. بدأ باليأس وتوجه إلى البيت للعشاء.

وهو بطريقه للمنزل وجد بطة جدته المدللة. وهكذا من باب الفضول أو الأمنية صوب بندقيته عليها، وأطلق النار وأصابها برأسها فقتلها. وقد صدم وحزن. وبلحظة رعب، أخفى البطة بين الأحراش ولكن أخته شهدت كل شيء. سالي رأت كل شيء لكنها لم تتكلم بكلمة.

بعد الغذاء في اليوم الثاني، قالت الجدة: "هيا يا سالي لنغسل الصحون."

ولكن سالي ردت: "جدتي، حسن قال لي أنه يريد أن يساعد بالمطبخ". ثم همست بإذنه "تتذكر البطة؟؟؟"

وفي نفس اليوم، سأل الجد إن كان يحب الأولاد أن يذهبوا معه للصيد، ولكن الجدة قالت: "أنا آسفة، ولكنني أريد من سالي أن تساعدني بتحضير العشاء".

فابتسمت سالي وقالت: "لا مشكلة. لأن حسن قال لي أنه يريد المساعدة. وهمست بإذنه مرة ثانية: "أتتذكر البطة؟؟؟؟". فذهبت سالي إلى الصيد وبقي حسن للمساعدة.

بعد بضعة أيام كان حسن يعمل واجبه وواجب سالي، لم يستطع الاحتمال أكثر، فذهب إلى جدته واعترف لها بأنه قتل بطتها المفضلة.

جثت الجدة على ركبتيها، وعانقته ثم قالت: "حبيبي، أعلم، كنت أقف على الشباك ورأيت كل شي ولكنني لأني أحبك سامحتك. وكنت فقط أريد أن أعلم إلى متى ستحتمل أن تكون عبدا لسالي"

فكر لليوم وكل يوم

ماذا فعلت في ماضيك، ومهما فعلت - ليبقيك الشيطان عبداً له ويجعل نصب عيناك (الكذب، الدينونة، الحقد، الغضب، عدم التسامح، الآلام. إلخ) مهما كان، يجب أن تعلم أن الله موجود في كل مكان؛ رآك وعلم أفعالك كلها. ويريدك أن تتأكد أنه يحبك وأنه سامحك. ولكنه ينتظر ليعلم إلى متى ستبقى عبداً للشيطان.

الشئ الرائع أنك حين تطلب المغفرة من الله، هو لا يغفر خطاياك فقط بل يبدلها حسنات.

و لله المثل الأعلى

Do you apperceive why the advocate cutting atramentous clothes??

هل تعلم لماذا يرتدى المحامى ملابس سوداء ؟؟

In 1791. accurately in France was a French board sitting in the balustrade of his drag the air and accidentally attestant a affray amid the two concluded with the killing of one being and fled the analgesic.

A abrupt bodies to booty the abode of the abomination and the victim went to the hospital to do advice him but he had his aftermost animation and died.

Police charging that person's savior was innocent of the allegation. and abominably it was the adjudicator who will aphorism in the case, as the French law alone recognizes Baldlaúl and clues. The adjudicator may aphorism on the innocent being to afterlife.

Although the adjudicator himself is a attestant to the crime, which occurred in advanced of his abode.

As the canicule canyon beneath the adjudicator reprimanded himself addled in this grave aberration. and in adjustment to blow from the affliction of censor. Admitted to the accessible that he had erred in this case. was bedevilled to afterlife an innocent being. he railed accessible assessment adjoin him and accused him that he does not accept the secretariat no censor.

One day, during the application of one of the issues was that the adjudicator himself is the admiral of the cloister. begin a advocate who stood in advanced of him in adjustment to appeal the case. cutting a atramentous bathrobe.

The adjudicator asked him. Why are cutting this atramentous bathrobe.

He said his advocate. To admonish you of what you did afore and unjustly bedevilled to afterlife an innocent being.

Since the adventure became the bathrobe is atramentous uniforms in the acknowledged profession, he confused to France and added countries in the world

في عام 1791 وبالتحديد في فرنسا كان أحد القضاه الفرنسيون جالسا في شرفة منزله يستنشق الهواء وبالصدفة شاهد مشاجرة بين شخصين انتهت بقتل أحدهما وهرب الشخص القاتل …

فأسرع أحد الأشخاص إلى مكان الجريمة وأخذ القتيل وذهب به إلى المستشفى لإسعافه ولكنه كان قد لفظ أنفاسه الأخيرة ومات.

فاتهمت الشرطة الشخص المنقذ وكان بريئا من هذه التهمة ، وللأسف فقد كان القاضي هو الذي سيحكم في القضية، وحيث أن القانون الفرنسي لا يعترف إلا بالدلائل والقرائن. فقد حكم القاضي على الشخص البرئ بالإعدام.

على الرغم أن القاضي نفسه هو شاهد على الجريمة التي وقعت أمام منزله.

وبمرور الأيام ظل القاضي يؤنب نفسه المعذبة بهذا الخطأ الفادح، ولكي يرتاح من عذاب الضمير. إعترف أمام الرأي العام بأنه أخطأ في هذه القضية، وحكم على شخص برئ بالإعدام، فثار الرأي العام ضده واتهمه بإنه ليس عنده أمانة ولا ضمير.

وذات يوم أثناء النظر في إحدى القضايا وكان هذا القاضي هو نفسه رئيس المحكمة، فوجد المحامي الذي وقف أمامه لكي يترافع في القضيه مرتديا روبا أسودا.

فسأله القاضي. لماذا ترتدي هذا الروب الأسود؟

فقال له المحامي. لكي أذكرك بما فعلته من قبل وحكمت ظلما على شخص برئ بالإعدام.

ومنذ تلك الواقعة وأصبح الروب الأسود هو الزي الرسمي في مهنة المحاماة ومن فرنسا انتقل الى سائر الدول في العالم أجمع.

Tuesday, 14 January 2014 التسميات: General articles

( EFE ) - The Portuguese brilliant Cristiano Ronaldo. the Real Madrid amateur today that the Golden Ball won by this evening, " alone accolade ," would like to allotment with his colleagues in the club and the Portuguese civic aggregation.

Cristiano said. in animadversion to the approach ( L'Equipe ) French "I acquainted the breeze of affections because my mother and my son were there. so I cried. I am appreciative and blessed ," the award-winning that wins it for the additional time. afterwards actuality crowned in 2008.

He explained, " It's an alone accolade. but I would like to allotment with my colleagues at Real Madrid and the Portuguese civic aggregation. Culminated in the accolade because I deserve. as able-bodied as adapted ( Lionel ) Messi and ( Franck ) Ribery and two chief players for a abundant division advanced ."

He Cristiano " Each award-winning carries a appropriate acidity. and there is no one greater accent compared by the added ."

"The aboriginal affair I won was abundant. and this was an affect added because my mother and my son were present ."

And concluded the cartel of Cristiano Messi for the accolade for four years in the aeon from 2009 until 2012.

(إفي) - أكد النجم البرتغالي كريستيانو رونالدو، لاعب ريال مدريد الإسباني اليوم أن الكرة الذهبية التي فاز بها مساء اليوم "جائزة فردية"، يود مشاطرتها مع زملائه في النادي الملكي والمنتخب البرتغالي.

وقال كريستيانو، في تصريحات لقناة (ليكيب) الفرنسية "لقد شعرت بتدفق المشاعر لأن والدتي وابني كانا هناك، لذا بكيت، أنا فخور وسعيد" بالجائزة التي يفوز بها للمرة الثانية، بعد أن توج بها عام 2008.

وأوضح "إنها جائزة فردية ولكن أود مشاطرتها مع زملائي في ريال مدريد والمنتخب البرتغالي. توجت بالجائزة لأنني أستحقها، وكذلك استحقها (ليونيل) ميسي و(فرانك) ريبيري وهما لاعبان كبيران قدما موسما كبيرا".

وأشار كريستيانو "كل جائزة تحمل نكهة خاصة، ولا يوجد واحدة على قدر أكبر من الأهمية مقارنة بالأخرى".

وأضاف "الأولى التي فزت بها كان أمرا عظيما، وهذه كانت مثيرة للعاطفة بدرجة أكبر لأن أمي وابني كانا متواجدين".

وأنهى كريستيانو احتكار ميسي للجائزة طوال أربعة أعوام في الفترة من 2009 وحتى 2012.

Forex traders this anniversary cat-and-mouse for the U. S. application address and the account of the Fed

U. S. dollar was trading at low levels adjoin best aloft currencies bygone in quiet alpha to an active anniversary and bread-and-butter data. There is a achievability that there is a big bulk movements in the forex bazaar this week, but ante may acceleration afore the cadence on Wednesday because the barter antithesis is one allotment of the U. S. data, which is set to be appear on Tuesday. This agency that the U. S. bill may get signals movement of U. S. band yields for ten years. The connected U. S. Treasury yields to ten years in decline, the U. S. dollar has been declining. The account of the FOMC affair of the Open Bazaar of the December application address and the U. S. Non-Farm Payrolls abstracts are added important for the U. S. abridgement in the abstracts table. While centered primary focus on the application report, U. S. Non-Farm Payrolls, however, we accept that the account of the affair could accept a big aftereffect on the U. S. dollar compared with the U. S. jobs address because the Fed was corrective his plan to abate purchases of assets and allay the quantitative abatement action at its aftermost meeting. Investors are now acquisitive to apperceive the akin of action and action to abate purchases of assets.

We apperceive that all the associates voting in the Federal Open Bazaar with the barring of "Rosenjerin" adopt to booty the accommodation to abate purchases of assets, and is believed Bernanke said purchases of assets will be bargain by 10 billion U. S. dollars in anniversary affair until the achievement of the program, but bethink that this Aqtrahaolas academic decision. It is February 1, will not accept to Bernanke's articulation in any decisions, abnormally budgetary policy. But showed Affair Account Committee Federal Open Bazaar there a ample bulk of abutment in favor of abbreviation purchases of assets by the end of 2013 will access the action of traders to animate the acme of the U. S. dollar and advance the U. S. dollar / Japanese yen aloft the akin of 105, but if there is a amends ample and beyond the makers of budgetary action their abhorrence to break on in a agreed aisle with account to purchases of assets, the U. S. dollar has been subjected to added pressure. Did not abutment "Rosenjerin" Fed Chairman in Boston this accommodation aftermost ages that he feels that the unemployment amount is actual aerial and aggrandizement is actual low. In ablaze of the accident of 1.3 actor dollars to assure adjoin unemployment, with the alpha of the year, unemployment is still the better cephalalgia for the axial bank, and there are abounding analytic affidavit for which some adopt budgetary action makers await on bread-and-butter abstracts to advance their own decisions to abate purchases of assets. At the aforementioned time, there are some like the active of the Fed Lacker, who accept that the apathetic amount of bread-and-butter action would be a acumen to apathetic the amount of abridgement of asset purchases. But about will not be Rosenjerin or Lacker voting associates of the Committee on the Federal Open Bazaar this year. Plosser is a voting affiliate has said aftermost Friday that the Fed was adopting absorption ante aggressively to restore some of the absent ability afterwards Bernanke cut absorption ante to zero. Although added colleagues complex and this point of appearance with him, he starts from the dollar started the fresh year able rise. The cessation that the Fed tends to abate the quantitative abatement will depend argumentation to abate your purchases of assets in December on how to barter the U. S. dollar this week.

Will be the application address for the U. S. Non-Farm Payrolls a big role in abstraction expectations for a amount abridgement of Fed purchases this year. According to the ISM Non-agricultural area this morning, slowed bottomward the U. S. account area action in December, but connected advance in the activity market. The ISM basis of non-manufacturing area to 53 from 53.9, but the account Application rose to 55.8 from 52.5. And an abridgement abased on the casework sector, this is the capital account is accordant to able U. S. application address of the non-agricultural sector, and this indicates that the address on Friday may appear a abruptness upward. If the address came out on Friday to apprehend the acceptable it has renewed appeal for the U. S. dollar may advance to a added acceleration in the U. S. dollar / Japanese yen.

Trading was today after the contest about in the forex bazaar. breadth the movement of bill pairs were aural attenuated ranges. traders remained on the sidelines in the bazaar afore the advertisement of important contest after this anniversary. The alone barring is the Australian dollar. which was decidedly weaker compared with bygone. as it fell against the 0.8900 akin.

The Australian dollar fell / U. S. dollar admitting the added good - than-expected account that came in the barter antithesis abstracts. breadth the almanac apprehend -0.12 billion Australian dollars against expectations account -0.030 billion Australian dollars. as imports fell by 1%. while exports remained apathetic. The abatement in the Australian dollar because of the sales operations of the archetypal calculations. which was aggravating to hit the stop accident at 0.8900. The Australian dollar was articular in the trading ambit amid 0.8800-0.900 during the accomplished several weeks. but it is still accessible to added affairs if the Australian bread-and-butter abstracts connected to appearance signs of slowing down.

With EUR / USD abiding aloft the 1.3600 akin. breadth the German unemployment amount connected to improve. German unemployment amount fell to -15 thousand against expectations account -1 A, which shows that the better abridgement in the euro breadth connected to aggrandize steadily. But still the account about the breakable aggrandizement. breadth the customer amount base in December account of 0.8% against expectations of 0.9 %, while account the ambassador amount base fell to -0.1%.

The deflationary armament in the euro breadth a antecedent of affair for activity makers in the arena. breadth this is the brand of a abridgement of appeal ante. And admitting the actuality that the bearings in the borderline countries - abnormally Spain - accept bigger in contempo times, Italy and France abide to appearance apathetic advance amount in this arena and the charge for added bread-and-butter bang.

And accordingly it will be absorbing to see if they will canyon Governor Mario Draghi European Central Bank for accretion apropos about anticlimax in the abutting affair on Thursday. Some analysts accept hinted that the European Central Bank ability accede an added cut in absorption ante to 10 base credibility to activity deflationary armament. Thus, any activity that may advice abate the amount of the euro would be blackballed amid the euro-zone companies which face difficulties in consign markets due to the abrupt force of the European bill.

During the U. S. trading affair today, will be appear alone on the U. S. barter antithesis and U. S. bread-and-butter optimism analysis. At the moment it seems that the bill is affective in a actual attenuated ranges. breadth traders activate to abate the access and avenue of trades in apprehension of important bread-and-butter contest appointed to be appear at the end of this anniversary .

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Tokyo investors eye forex market, Fed meet next week

The broader Topix index of all first-section shares rose 0.19 per cent, or 2.48 points, to finish at 1,313.72. It climbed 1.55 per cent over the week.

12 Sep, 2014, 04.42PM IST

RBI eases forward forex contracts norms for importers

Providing importers with greater flexibility in hedging, RBI today allowed them book fo.

27 May, 2014, 08.23PM IST

Energy exploration and production spending to rise 6 per cent this year: Barclays

Oil and gas cos will increase exploration and production s.

18 Jun, 2014, 04.24PM IST

Gas price to dent RIL, but EPS, return on capital employed may still double: Barclays

In a research note, Barclays said that the government o.

21 Oct, 2014, 07.26PM IST

Don’t expect all reforms on day 1, they will come: Jaideep Khanna, Country Head of Barclays

Improving the velocity of capital by pushing the.

20 Oct, 2014, 04.00AM IST

Forex of $3 billion at stake: India to push for cut in crude premium rates

With global prices declining and India finding cheaper alternative.

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Raghuram Rajan says monetary stimulus may backfire, provoke forex savings

Aggressive monetary policy by developed nations may hurt growth by.

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Yuan posts strongest one-day gain since March on new forex rules

The see-saw moves also marked one of the currency's most volatile days since.

30 Dec, 2014, 03.14PM IST

Russian apex bank, FinMin refrain from conducting forex interventions

The Russian central has spent over $80 billion defending the rouble thi.

29 Dec, 2014, 01.10PM IST

Barclays may start cutting jobs in investment-banking unit

Barclays, the UK's second-biggest lender by assets, will start cutting hundreds of.

4 Jun, 2014, 04.00AM IST

Barclays cuts several hundred investment bank jobs: Sources

Barclays Plc has this week cut several hundred jobs in its investment bank as par.

3 Jun, 2014, 01.07PM IST

Barclays to pay $20 mn to settle US class action over Libor manipulation

Barclays Plc has agreed to pay nearly $20 million to resolve a US cl.

8 Oct, 2014, 10.32PM IST

Forex reserves fall to $318.58 billion as of August 22: RBI

India's foreign exchange reserves fell to $318.58 billion as of Aug. 22, compared.

29 Aug, 2014, 05.21PM IST

Markets weekahead: Economic data, ECB meeting key for debt, forex

SC is due to rule on September 1 on whether to cancel coal block allocation.

28 Aug, 2014, 04.47PM IST

US revival, lower forex losses and stability at Mphasis may turn things around

A year ago, only a third of the analysts or 34% had a bearish.

24 Dec, 2014, 01.30PM IST

Weak GDP, high WPI worrying: Barclays

Rahul Bajoria of Barclays said that broader equity markets seeing robust inflows

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Is it the right time to invest in IT stocks? Barclays upgrades TCS, Wipro

IT stocks have remained clear underperformers in the last three mon.

29 May, 2014, 01.08PM IST

Barclays plans to counter EU bonus cap

The EU brokered a draft deal in Feb to outlaw banker bonuses that are more than twice fixed pay which.

25 Nov, 2013, 11.04AM IST

Two senior Barclays Asia-Pacific investment bankers quit: Source

Head of corporate finance Johan Leven and Asia-Pacific head of financial ins.

27 May, 2014, 02.03PM IST

Is it the right time to invest in IT stocks? Barclays upgrades TCS, Wipro

Modi’s sweeping victory “is a more transformational outcome for Ind.

24 May, 2014, 03.05PM IST

Barclays Plc slapped with $44 million fine over gold price fix

Barclays has been fined 26 million pounds ($43.8 mn) for failures in internal.

23 May, 2014, 05.50PM IST

Barclays fined 26 million pounds over gold price failings: Regulator

The benchmark gold price is set twice daily by four banks, including Bar.

23 May, 2014, 01.51PM IST

I think everyone believes India is a very strong market: Richard Taylor, global co-head investment banking for Barclays Bank

Top line growth.

11 Dec, 2014, 04.40PM IST

Russia's central bank conducts $1.96 billion in Forex interventions on December 15

The central bank has spent more than $80 billion in interv.

17 Dec, 2014, 01.30PM IST

Asia forex edge higher; yuan hits 5-month high

The Taiwan dollar advanced on strong domestic stocks, while the Malaysian ringgit rose on soli.

19 Aug, 2014, 10.13AM IST

Forex reserves increase by $2.8 bn

India’s foreign exchange reserves have increased by $2.8 billion to $309.5 billion, the RBI said on Friday.

19 Apr, 2014, 02.25AM IST

HDFC Bank launches ForexPlus card for Haj, Umrah pilgrims

Pilgrims can use the card to make all payments during the pilgrimage in a convenien.

17 Aug, 2014, 07.27PM IST

Global banks back most of G20 plans to reform forex benchmark

$5.3 trillion-a-day foreign exchange market is world's largest & least regulate.

13 Aug, 2014, 05.33PM IST

Barclays names new heads for equity sales and trading in Asia Pacific

Barclays Plc has appointed John Chang and Vikesh Kotecha to lead its eq.

13 May, 2014, 08.26AM IST

After building a global empire, Barclays seeks to dismantle it

The British bank announced plans to take an ax to its investment banking busin.

10 May, 2014, 12.29AM IST

India Inc's forex debt raising to hit $20 billion next year: RBS

Indian corporates are likely to raise a record USD 20 billion from offshore.

10 Dec, 2014, 09.10PM IST

Barclays axes 19,000 jobs, reins in Wall Street ambitions

Barclays reined in its ambitions to be a Wall Street powerhouse and signalled a ret.

9 May, 2014, 03.55AM IST

RBI net bought $2.7 billion in spot forex in October vs $1.4 billion on month

Reserve Bank of India's outstanding net forward purchases were.

10 Dec, 2014, 06.11PM IST

Barclays CEO Antony Jenkins says bonuses will "closely track" group performance

Jenkins said Barclays' smaller investment bank will focus on.

8 May, 2014, 03.47PM IST

Barclays says could sell or float its European units

"A sale or an IPO would be a potential option for the assets we have in there," Barclays.

8 May, 2014, 12.45PM IST

Barclays axes 19,000 jobs, reins in Wall Street ambitions

Chief Executive Antony Jenkins, in his second strategic review since taking over as.

8 May, 2014, 11.58AM IST

Barclays to axe 19,000 jobs under revival plan

Barclays increased its expected job cuts this year to 14,000, from 12,000 announced in Februar.

8 May, 2014, 11.56AM IST

Another selloff in emerging forex likely, but less severe: Poll

The risk of another selloff in emerging market currencies in the coming year.

6 Aug, 2014, 08.14PM IST

Barclays maintains overweight on Havells

Barclays has maintained its overweight rating on Havells on grounds that launch of new products would help fuel growth as demand for fans remain flat.

25 Jun, 2012, 06.01PM IST

Forex reserves near $300-billion mark

The total foreign exchange reserves had increased by $ 1.838 billion to $ 297.28 billion in the previou.

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Forex reserves near record high, cover over eight months of imports

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RBI to continue increasing forex reserves cover: Bank of America - Merrill Lynch

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YouTube Video

Please watch this video to see what you can do with this EA. Please note that video shows the EA and an indicator. The indicator was changed to an EA to improve the historic information available but the funtionality is identical

The Expert Advisor is now available for purchase:-

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You really can not afford to be without it.

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Daily Economic Roundup – July 22, 2010

Posted 6 years ago | 10:56 PM | 21 July 2010 No Comments

Winner, winner, chicken dinner! The USD showed the markets that it had an ace up its sleeve yesterday, as it chalked up wins across the board. Thanks to a healthy bout of risk aversion, EURUSD folded from its opening price of 1.2892 to close at 1.2768. More…

3…2…1…BLAST-the-euro-rally-OFF. Judging from yesterday’s price action, markets are expecting the European banks to crash and burn the EU stress tests even before the results take flight tomorrow. More…

As risk aversion directed the currency market’s traffic yesterday, the Pound virtually had no choice but to take a backseat to the dollar. The bears drove GBPUSD from the intraday high of 1.5335 and parked the pair at 1.5177 to end the day. More…

The yen was high up on the charts like a rockstar carried by a moshpit of bears yesterday! It gained 43 pips against the dollar, 60 against the euro and 158 against the Pound. And with all those pips, the yen just couldn’t help taunt its counterparts by singing, “That’s what you get when risk aversion kicks in! Whoo-oooh-oooh!” More…

Just like its national sweetener, the CAD was as sweet as maple syrup… To the bears! Yesterday, USDCAD went on a sugar rush and dashed from an intraday low of 1.0352 only to crash at 1.0478 at the end of the day. More…

Why, oh why, couldn’t the Aussie stay high? Despite printing a better than expected leading index yesterday, the Australian dollar crumbled against the heat of risk aversion that softened the comdolls. AUDUSD played along a 70-pip range before dropping to its .8781 close. More…

NZDUSD traded lower yesterday as risk aversion blindfolded the bulls’ and kept them from charging the Kiwi. The pair opened the day at .7160 and consolidated around it for the most part of yesterday’s trading. But, when the American session started the pair tumbled down to close the day at 0.7139. Tsk, tsk. More…

The Franc must be a big fan of DJ Khaled’s because it was singin’ “All I do is win!” all over the charts yesterday! It was one of the biggest winners during yesterday’s trading sessions, gaining against almost all of the other major currencies. It was even able to squeeze out a narrow win over the Greenback as USDCHF fell 21 pips to close at 1.0504. More…

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OPEC 168th Meeting concludes

The 168th Meeting of the Conference of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was held in Vienna, Austria, on Friday, 4th December 2015 under the Chairmanship of its President, HE Dr. Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu, whom the Conference congratulated on his appointment as Nigeria’s Minister of State for Petroleum Resources by HE President Muhammadu Buhari.

The Conference also congratulated HE Eng. Eulogio Del Pino on his appointment as the People’s Minister of Petroleum and Mining of Venezuela, HE Eng. Carlos Pareja Yannuzzelli on his appointment as Ecuador’s Minister of Hydrocarbons, and HE Anas Khaled Al-Saleh on his appointment as Acting Minister of Oil of the State of Kuwait. The Conference thanked their predecessors in office, HE Eng. Pedro Merizalde-Pavón of Ecuador, HE Dr. Ali Saleh Al-Omar of Kuwait, HE Diezani Alison-Madueke of Nigeria, and HE Asdrúbal Chávez of Venezuela, for their contribution to the work of the Organization.

In approving Indonesia’s resumption of its full Membership in the Organization, the Conference extended a warm welcome to its Delegation, headed by HE Sudirman Said, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of Indonesia.

The Conference elected HE Dr. Mohammed Bin Saleh Al Sada, Minister of Energy and Industry of Qatar, as President of the Conference for one year, with effect from 1st January 2016, and HE Ali I. Naimi, Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, as Alternate President, for the same period.

The Conference considered the Secretary General’s report, as well as the report of the Economic Commission Board, whose Members the Conference thanked for their efforts. The Conference deliberated on the current status of negotiations at the COP-21/CMP-11 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris and underscored the importance for all OPEC Member Countries to be actively and positively engaged in the negotiations. It stressed that climate change, environmental protection and sustainable development are a major concern for us all. The Conference emphasized the significance of continued dialogue with other oil-producing countries and the importance of maintaining its energy dialogue with China, the European Union, the Russian Federation, and other industry participants and international organizations. It also welcomed the first high-level meeting of the OPEC-India Energy Dialogue later this month.

In examining the current status of the oil market, the Conference respected the input and ideas of all Member Countries to find ways and means to deal with the challenges they are facing in the global oil market today. The Conference observed that, since its last meeting in June, oil and product stock levels in the OECD have continued to rise. The latest numbers see OECD and non-OECD inventories standing well above the five-year average.

Having reviewed the oil market outlook for 2015, and the projections for 2016, the Conference observed that global economic growth is currently at 3.1% in 2015 and is forecast to expand by 3.4% next year . In terms of supply and demand, it was noted that non-OPEC supply is expected to contract in 2016 . while global demand is anticipated to expand again by 1.3 mb/d.

In view of the aforementioned, and emphasizing its commitment to ensuring a long-term stable and balanced oil market for both producers and consumers, the Conference agreed that Member Countries should continue to closely monitor developments in the coming months.

In view of the fact that the Organization’s Statute requires the change of the Secretary General after two terms and, given the fact that HE Abdalla Salem El-Badri has served the full terms, the Conference has, therefore, agreed that he continues as Acting Secretary General until the end of July 2016, when a new Secretary General will be elected by Member Countries.

The Conference appointed Eng. Mohamed Hamel, Algerian Governor for OPEC, as Chairman of the Board of Governors until 31st December 2016, and Estevao Pedro, Angolan Governor for OPEC, as Alternate Chairman for the same period.

The Conference approved the Budget of the Organization for the year 2016.

The Conference decided that its next Ordinary Meeting will convene on Thursday, 2nd June 2016 in Vienna, Austria.

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Johor will emerge as the first state in Malaysia to produce "Kings Oyster" mushroom, thus strengthening its desire to become the biggest food producer in the country. Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said the efforts in the production of mushroom would be implemented via a cooperation between a local company, Green World Bio-Tech Sdn Bhd, and China Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences. "Johor is a biotechnology centre and it must be capitalised fully in the agriculture sector as it not only can meet the country''s food demand, but also improve Johor''s economy," he said today. He said this after witnessing the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two companies here. Green World was represented by its Chairman Datuk Dr Abdul Shukor Abd Rahman while China Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences was represented by its Deputy Chairman Prof Guo Honghai. According to Mohamed Khaled, the aspects of biotechnology would be utilised fully in producing the mushrooms, which is to be undertaken on a 8.08-hectare site at Alaf Estate near Jalan Kota Tinggi-Kulai next year. Meanwhile, Dr Abdul Shukor said the cooperation between Green World and China Shandong aimed to produce about 20 tonnes of mushroom per day from 2015. The production would be increased in phases to reach the same production level as the China Shandong plantation in China, which hit 50 tonnes per day, he said. On the application of biotechnology in the agriculture sector, Mohamed Khaled said it had been applied whereby pineapple farming can now be made on all soil types and not dependent on peatland. This would help Johor expand its pineapple plantations as well as enabling more participation in this fruit farming which previously is only known to be suitable on peatland, he said. It would also help in maintaining Johor''s status as the biggest pineapple producing state, said Mohamed Khaled.

Al Hilal Bank Signs an Exclusive Sponsorship Agreement with the International Motor Show – Abu Dhabi 2016

Al Hilal Bank signed an agreement to become the exclusive sponsor of the International Motor Show – Abu Dhabi 2016, whereby Sari Asaad Arar, Chief Business Officer, and Saeed Al Marzouqi, Custom Events Chairman, represented the Bank and the Show respectively. Held between March 31 st and April 2 nd at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, the event will feature some of the most prominent auto manufacturers in the world.

Khaled Abdulla Al Khoori, CEO of Al Hilal Bank said: “Al Hilal Bank spares no effort in supporting major events to help achieve its mission of contributing to the growth and evolution of the UAE, whether on the local, regional or international levels. Our sponsorship of this important show reinforces our support of all the initiatives and events that shed light on the leading role of Abu Dhabi, making it a favorite destination for hosting key global events and solidifying its prominent position on the international level.”

Saeed Al Marzouqi, Custom Events Chairman, expressed his delight with Al Hilal Bank’s exclusive sponsorship of the International Motor Show – Abu Dhabi 2016 to be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Centre from March 31 st to April 2 nd with the participation of the industry’s leading companies.

He stated that Al Hilal Bank’s support and sponsorship of this event, which is one of the most important in the Middle East and features many key economic initiatives, is considered a valuable addition that contributes to the exhibition’s success.

“We are pleased to announce our alliance with Al Hilal Bank, the leading bank in Abu Dhabi and the UAE. It is our long term vision to develop this partnership for many more editions and in turn, keep providing our customers with the best services and help boost the already thriving tourism and commerce industry of Abu Dhabi and the UAE,” added Al Marzouqi. “Through the platform of the International Motor show Abu Dhabi, Al Hilal bank will provide all its customers and visitors with the best auto loan products and services, at special rates exclusive to the show. This is certainly the best opportunity to buy your new car.”

Al Marzouqi thanked the representatives and management of Al Hilal Bank for their active response and participation in this event through their exclusive sponsorship. He also expressed his gratitude to Sari Asaad Arar, the Bank’s Chief Business Officer who signed the sponsorship and partnership contract.

Al Marzouqi aspired for more cooperation with Al Hilal Bank, one of the most important financial institutions in the country, which benefits the national economy.

The International Motor Show – Abu Dhabi 2016 encompasses two side events: Custom Show Emirates, which is considered the largest event specialized in the tuning and customization of cars and motorcycles in the Middle East, and the Middle East Car of the Year Award.

The International Motor Show is a unique platform to launch the latest vehicles and showcase existing models to thousands of visitors. It will also serve as an exciting opportunity for consumers to purchase their new vehicles through exclusive offers.


About The Author

PalFX FZ LLC is a leading financial information services company, registered in the Creative City of Fujairah – United Arab Emirates. Our mission is to provide traders with information and analysis that can help them in their day to day trading. Our target customers are Arabic traders; and we are the only media outlet that provides full coverage of the international market information in Arabic. Our team consists of a highly qualified financial analyst known in the Middle East region through their frequent appearances in interviews in the financial media. Our reports are published in newspapers and online portals; and we are the sole providers of analysis reports for the FOREX market in Arabic. We also serve the needs of our clients by allowing them to provide unique reports and services to their own customers.

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Economic Transparency

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Globalisation has also been used to describe growing income inequality between the world's rich and poor; the growing power of multinational companies relative to national government; and the spread of capitalism into former communist countries. Usually, the term is synonymous with international integration, the spread of free markets and policies of liberalisation and free trade. The process is not the result simply of economic forces. The driving force of globalisation has been multinational companies, which have constantly, and often successfully, lobbied governments to make it easier for them to put their skills and capital to work in previously protected national markets. Related journals of Globalisation Journal of Global Economics, Health Economics & Outcome Research. Journal of Globalization Studies, Journal of Global Studies, Journal of Critical Globalisation Studies

Game theory

Game theory is a technique for analysing how people, firms and governments should behave in strategic situations i. e. in which they must interact with each other, and in deciding what to do must take into account what others are likely to do and how others might respond to what they do. For instance, competition between two firms can be analysed as a game in which firms play to achieve a long-term. This theory helps each firm to develop its optimal strategy for pricing its products and deciding how much to produce; it can help the firm to anticipate in advance what its competitor will do and shows how best to respond if the competitor does something unexpected. It is particularly useful for understanding behaviour in monopolistic competition . Related journals of Game theory Journal of Stock & Forex Trading, International Journal of Game Theory. International Game Theory Review, Journal of Game Theory, Games and Economic Behavior

Journal Highlights

& Copy; 2014 Myfxbook Ltd. Todos los derechos reservados.

ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Deal or no Deal

The oil markets are rallying on the possibility of a deal regarding the fiscal cliff and the possibility of no deal between Israel and Hamas. You can try to pick which one is the big deal of the day or you can trade for the box where lovely Carol Merrill is standing or you can look at the chart and see that we may finally be putting in that bottom on crude. The bottom probably has more to do with the possibility that the US can come up with a deal to avoid going over the fiscal cliff than the possibility of a war that no one seems to really want but may not be avoided.

Crude oil likes it is finally going to make up its mind. Finally almost on seasonal cue oil looks like it is ready to go up. As Israeli forces amass near the Gaza strip the market is wondering if there will be a way out of this mess and no win situation. January Brent Crude filled the gap left by the December expiration reflecting the on-going risk factors. The AP reported that President Obama defended Israel’s airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. But he warned that the escalating the offensive with Israeli ground troops could deepen the death toll and undermine any hope of a peace process with the Palestinians.

Egypt may be an important player to avoid a wider conflict. The AP reported that Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, a former leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, has condemned Israel’s offensive in the Gaza Strip in recent days and has sent high-level delegations in support of Hamas, the Brotherhood-aligned Islamist group that rules Gaza and that Israel considers a terrorist organization. But Morsi has sought peace, not war, and few in Cairo interviewed Sunday seemed to think it should be any different.

But Morsi can help people in Gaza through aid or money. We don’t want to be involved in a war,” Mohammed said. “Egypt is not stable economically.” The Egyptian government has been walking a fine line between giving as much support as possible to Hamas and Gaza without violating a 1979 peace treaty with Israel. The deal strictly limits Egypt’s military presence in the Sinai Peninsula, which borders the Gaza Strip and Israel. Many Egyptians resented Mubarak for what they saw as an overly subservient attitude toward the neighboring country. During Israel’s three-week military campaign against Gaza in 2008-2009, Mubarak was seen as acquiescing to it.

This time around, Morsi has recalled Egypt’s ambassador in Tel Aviv and sent his prime minister to visit Hamas’s offices in Gaza City, which were subsequently destroyed in an Israeli airstrike. He has been trying to broker a cease-fire and will host U. N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon in Cairo on Monday. Also Monday, Mohamed Saad Katatny, the head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, will visit Gaza. But Morsi has stopped well short of taking an aggressive military stance against Israel. Actions have been symbolic rather than explicit. On Sunday, the administrator of his Facebook page posted a photograph of him meeting with Lt. Gen. Reda Mahmoud Hafez, the Egyptian minister of state for military production, and another of him meeting with Ramadan Abdullah Shallah, the head of the Gaza-based Islamic Jihad movement, and Khaled ­ Meshal, the leader of Hamas. When it comes to the Fiscal cliff it seems we are rallying again on Hopium! A term that I was credited with creating but was really created by John Kass of the Tribune and fed back to me by a client but is the perfect word that explains today’s rally. Gosh. I feel we are getting more like Europe everyday! President Obama and Speaker John Boehner is getting us giddy with optimism. The Can is getting ready to be kicked!

Dow Jones is reporting that the “International Energy Agency said it had serious concerns about Australia's failure to meet the group's minimum emergency stockpiles commitments and called on the government to take urgent measures to boost its oil inventories. "While Australia has been working with the IEA to address its stockholding obligation, the review strongly urges the government to take immediate action to become fully and systematically compliant with its stockholding commitment," the IEA said in a report.” Come on Australia! Pony up.

Mr. Flynn is one of the world's leading energy market analysts, providing individual investors, professional traders, and institutions with up-to-the-minute investment and risk management insight into global petroleum, gasoline, and energy markets.

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Global stock markets: for the day tended Asian stocks to decline in the forefront of Japanese stocks and the Nikkei to fall below the levels of 14 thousand points with falling U. S. stocks and hurt shares of companies exporting from the rise of the yen amid an atmosphere of caution among investors because of the volatility witnessed in Japanese markets in recent times, and the direction of Japanese investors to sell the U. S. dollar and close at 13589.03 points, or a rate of 5.15% change - and the Topix index also fell by 3.01% - to 1143.37 points levels. And Chinese shares also fell, particularly the Shanghai index to 2317.75 levels, the index rate of change prolapsed% 0.27 -, and the Hong Kong index at 22486.50 levels, the index change rate 0.30% -. For U. S. Equity FD dropped and that because of the loss of stocks with dividends higher yielding some of its luster after recent gains for U. S. Treasury yields, and the Dow Jones industrial average was down by% 0.69 - to the levels of 15302.80 points, and the index of the S & P 500 low rate of change% 0.70 - at levels of 1648.36 points, and the Nasdaq was also closed lower by 0.61% - to 3467.52 points levels. Lama and for European shares have tended yesterday near to retreat due to fears of a reduction procedures economic stimulus in the United States, is expected to be gains in the short term is very limited too, was closed FTSEurofirst 300 index was down% 1.79 - to the levels of 1224.19 points, the index closed Euro Stoxx 50 was down 1.7% - at levels of 2787.80 points, while the FTSE British fell% 1.99 - at levels of 6627.17 points, while Germany's DAX 1.7% - at levels of 8480.87 points, the CAC-French% 1.89 - at levels of 4050.56 points.

USD: Yesterdays whistled (the greenback) U. S. Dollar to retreat on a large scale, after rising yesterday due to U. S. economic data that came better than expected and related indicator of consumer confidence and rising house price index of America, this has increased the single currency against the U. S. dollar 1.2977 dollar, extending gains after the activation of purchase orders to stop losses when broke earlier 1.2910 dollars, and the dollar against the yen fell Aktrmen% 1.20 - to close at 101.15 yen, while fell more than that at 100.71 yen, and thus recorded the nearest level during the last week. And against the Swiss franc fell an average daily change 1.56% - to close at 0.9616 has reached levels lower at 0.9599. The Canadian dollar versus Hui Bamudall the daily% change 0.44 - to close at 1.0351, has reached up to 1.0420. And do not forget the pound against the dollar has risen to levels of 0.61% + to close at 1.5131 has reached more than 1.5145, and down in the morning, before the release of economic data at 1.5007 levels. Against the Australian dollar moved higher rate of change% 0.19 + to close at 0.9632, while the highest price at 0.9670 levels, and the lowest level before the issuance of any data at abyss 0.9725 levels. And against New Zealand at the end of up when stability when the Moderate change% rise 0.27 + to close at 0.8097 has reached levels higher than that when Mistoat 0.8162, low at 0.8048 levels. This shows the weakness of the dollar and look at the U. S. central bank and the resulting monetary stimulus and to this day all eyes are moving towards economic news and resulting in the market, a day before the last of the month and give up the centers open in the market, particularly the annual GDP by 12 o'clock: 30 GMT, and also requests for weekly unemployment Grace at 12:30 GMT, at the same time jobless claims continued, Amacher GDP price purchases quarter, and by 14:00 GMT Home Sales interim annual report, and pending home sales monthly, and finally and not least the Treasury bill auction 7 years category by 17:00 GMT, it is possible to affect the impact on the U. S. dollar and strength in the market during the day.

Euro: Yesterdays saw the single currency to rise in early Asian trading, ignoring negative data issued by the euro zone, the euro rose against the U. S. dollar after it rebounded from lows below 1.2837, where the General Organization for Economic Cooperation report issued by reducing the outlook for expectations for future growth Italian economy to become the second reduction in a month, and the Authority has reduced outlook for the growth of the economies of the euro area compared to its report last six months, data showed Spanish and related sales of annual retail decline compared with the previous reading, and also has increased the change in the unemployment rate for Germany Compare with the previous reading, and shut down the single currency against the U. S. dollar at 0.67% change + closing at levels of 1.2941 dollars, has reached a little higher at $ 1.2977. The single currency against the pound at the close at levels slightly elevated, to close at levels of 0.05% + at levels of 0.8551 pounds, though it tended to rise more than that to arrive at levels of 0.8595. The single currency against the Japanese yen fell to close at 0.61% change - at levels of 130.94 yen, has aired more than that at 130.39 yen. And against the Swiss franc euro has dropped many daily average of 0.92% - to close at 1.2442 francs, and fell to levels more so because of the strong news from Switzerland. The single currency against the Australian dollar strong rise when the rate change% 0.46 + closing at 1.3431 levels has risen more than that to arrive at levels of 1.3480. While the euro against the Canadian dollar at a high daily change% 0.22 + to close at 1.3395, has reached more strongly than that price and he did not arrive for many months to reach at 1.3485. And against the New Zealand dollar to close at 0.38% change + at high levels 1.5978, and while he was at low levels and slid at low levels at 1.5871. Today, attention to economic news for the day and volatility yesterday, the single currency is this day is a day rich in news events for the weekend and the end of the month, primarily from Switzerland by at 05:45 GMT on GDP annual and quarterly, and then from Britain's house prices at the national level Monthly and annual by 06:00 GMT, and Spain's gross domestic product (GDP) Sony quarterly, and also the consumer price index annual homogenized by 07:00 GMT, and Italy PPI monthly and annual By 08:00 GMT, and the Union EU by 09:00 GMT Confidence Index economy for the month of May, the confidence index industry Chehrmayo, the consumer confidence index for the month of May, the business climate index for Chehrmayo, and Portugal also consumer confidence index for the month of May, the index business confidence for May by 09:00 GMT GMT, and Italy by 10:10 GMT bond auction of the 10-year Treasury bill auction category of 5 years, and last but not least of Britain's consumer confidence index for the month of May by 23:00 GMT, the issuance of this news today volatility of the market for the day at its recent kisses for this month. الترجمة من Google للمؤسسات:مجموعة أدوات المترجممترجم مواقع الويبمستكشف السوق العالمية

Asian stocks pared gains on Friday, with low amenities, while Japanese stocks rose supported by upbeat economic data, which showed a rise in consumer prices in Tokyo and industrial production by about progress beyond expectations. The gains came after U. S. markets had closed yesterday's highs despite disappointing data for the economy. Gold penetrates the barrier of $ 1,400 an ounce due to the dollar declines, and also to the expectations of increased support from the Federal Central Bank of the economy and resorting to gold as a hedge against inflation.

The pair euro against the U. S. dollar strong gains in trading yesterday, and managed to breach the level of psychological resistance at 1.30, which would be the level of support at this stage, which puts us in front of potential hikes in the near future, the intersection traffic rates 4 with the movement of 9 and 18 days to top outweigh these gains. The expected targets are the 1.3114 level as the first target, and then 1.3228 as the second target, they Fibonacci retracement of 38.2% and 50% of the downside wave from 1.3711 to 1.2745 1.3013 level will be a pivotal role in the level of trading today and keep the pair traded higher than outweighed rising until 1.3086 and 1.3133 contact. On the other hand break the 1.3013 level to the bottom may reflect pair and likely from falling to the level of 1.2966 and 1.2893 contact. الترجمة من Google للمؤسسات:مجموعة أدوات المترجممترجم مواقع الويبمستكشف السوق العالمية

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Posted in Financial/Banking/Stock Market

Subscription of Bangladesh Fund starts today Star Business Report

The much-awaited public subscription of Tk 5,000-crore Bangladesh Fund will start today, said Investment Corporation of Bangladesh yesterday.

Finance Minister AMA Muhith is expected to attend the programme at Hotel Radisson.

The public subscription will be for Tk 3,500 crore, as the sponsors have contributed Tk 1,500 crore.

Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission has asked the Bangladesh Insurance Association to submit a proposal of investment in the stockmarket from the fund of life insurance.

“We have urged the regulator to allot 5 percent investment opportunity in every initial public offering,” said Sheikh Kabir Hossain, president of BIA.

Eighteen life insurers have built up a fund of Tk 140 billion by setting aside part of their premium income for future payment obligations.

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People now get electronic fund transfer facilities Author / Source. BSS

DHAKA, Oct 1: Bangladesh Bank (BB) is now offering debit transaction facility under its electronic fund transfer (EFT) network to provide people an easy, faster and hassle-free service, especially for giving tax, utility bills and remittance transfer. Debit transaction facility is a new addition to Bangladesh Bank’s (BB) EFT system that was introduced from February this year under Bangladesh Electronic Fund Transfer Network (BEFTN). BB also introduced automated clearinghouse under BEFTN last year to settle cheque quickly.

“Debit transaction facility is now on operation. This paperless service will not only ease payment of tax and various bills but also reduce transaction cost for both organisations and their clients,” said BB executive director Dasgupta Asim Kumar.

“It is faster and less expensive,” he said, adding that for example, if a bank charges Tk 100 for providing a service, it will come down to only Tk 5 under this new transaction system,” he added.

Large public utility service providers such as WASA, Titas and Power Development Board (PDB) can easily collect their bills from their hundreds of thousands of consumers under debit transaction service.

Their consumers, the ultimate sufferers, will not have to stand in queue in bank concerned at the end of each month to clear bills, the BB official said.

Under this system, a customer will have to give his account details with an authorisation to the service provider for deducting a certain amount from the account at the end of each month. If the service provider has an account with same bank of its consumer, it will submit these account details to its bank which will transfer the authorised amount to the service provider’s account each month.

If their accounts are with two different banks, the service provider’s bank will send consumer’s account details to EFT unit of BB which will settler the bill payment through debit transaction system. “This system will help clear hundreds of thousands of payments in a click on an online system,” he added.

“What is essentially needed to make it functional is an agreement between the organisation and customer on transferring of a certain amount of money at the end of each month,” Dasgupta said, adding that if any confusion arises or in case of over - billing, the customer can contact the service provider to settle the issue.

He said this paperless service is very-cost effective. Present billing system is complicated as it needs completing a long process from paper bill preparation and delivery the same to clients.

For example, the BB executive director said, Titas needs to spend Tk 1.5 crore each year for paper bill preparation and giving delivery to its clients. But this cost comes down to a few thousand Taka, as this service reduces paper, delivery and also manpower costs.

Experts suggest local shipbuilders explore new destinations other than Europe.

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Bangladesh emerges as promising avenue for Diaspora bonds

Bangladesh Bank Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman, now in Washington, said that Diaspora bond is a promising fund mobilisation option both for the government and the private sector in order to fulfill the requirement of higher investment in the country.

“Bangladesh’s growth aspirations and the recent sharp pick up in her real sector investments require higher investment levels than can be mobilised from domestic savings; and the Diaspora bond issue is a promising fund mobilisation option,” he said.

The central bank governor was addressing a seminar on ‘Diaspora Bonds: Operational and Implementation Challenges’ held in the World Bank Headquarter in Washington DC on Thursday, according to a message received here yesterday (Friday).

Bangladesh Bank governor Dr. Atiur Rahman and Central Bank of Kenya governor Prof. Njuguna Ndung’u spoke at the seminar about the prospects of Diaspora bonds in Bangladesh and Kenya. The seminar was chaired by World Bank managing director Mahmoud Mohieldin.

World Bank’s Lead Economist Dilip Ratha presented case studies of the Philippines, Ethiopia, Nepal and India, while Otaviano Canuto, Vice President and Head of Network, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management, gave an overview of the World Bank’s role in promoting Diaspora bonds throughout the world.

Speaking about the prospects of Diaspora bonds in Bangladesh, Dr Atiur said that bond issuance abroad is among the options under consideration for financing the government’s infrastructure investment projects (including those in PPPs) in power generation, toll bridges, toll roads that will generate future income streams to pay off debts and other costs.

“Ring fencing of revenues for debt repayment should make these bonds attractive to the Diaspora and other non-residents, individual and institutions.”

He said that while dealing with license applications for new banks, Bangladesh Bank will consider prioritising applications proposing external fund raising by issuance of Diaspora bonds for long term financing of local private sector investment projects.

Given Bangladesh’s current sovereign rating (BB-) with stable outlook, the BB governor said: “We expect borrowing costs in external bond issues to be bearable, not far from costs of sovereign borrowing.”

He also welcomed any help that the World Bank group might offer in issuance of Diaspora bonds.

Dr Atiur said that Bangladesh has emerged as one of the promising avenues for promoting Diaspora bonds with steady, resilient economic growth over the past few decades.

Bangladesh has two US Dollar bonds (‘USD Premium and Investment bonds’) in issue, mainly targeting the Bangladeshi Diaspora abroad but open also for investment by any non-resident individual or institution regardless of nationality.

Available on tap through banks in Bangladesh authorized to deal in foreign exchange or their branches and correspondents abroad, the 3-year Premium and Investment Bonds fetch interest in US Dollar respectively at 7.5 and 6.5 per cent annual rate at maturity. The interest on Premium Bond is payable only in equivalent Bangladesh Taka.

Premature redemptions are permissible, at interest rate lowered by 0.5 per cent for each year short of maturity.

Total outstanding balance of the two bonds stood at US$ 149.2 million as of end August 2011. The sale volume remains modest in absence of aggressive marketing, another likely reason being that the bonds are not freely tradable, though useable as collaterals.

Sales restrictions on such foreign bonds in the US and other advanced Western countries hosting the better off segments of Bangladeshi Diaspora may also be among the reasons. — UNB

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Crown Forex - Don't believe the 1 pip spread lure

Crown Forex - Don't believe the 1 pip spread lure

Been trading on Crown Forex for some time now, and sure enough, discovered that the old adage "if if it too good to be true, it probably isn't" holds true once again.

The Lure: One pip spreads on all 7 majors

The Bait: Demo trading with near perfect execution ('made' 125k just messing around on demo one session, when the price was bouncing about 15 pips either way. and trading 100 lot orders)

The Hook: Far from instant execution. and even the worst requote system I have seen in my limited broker experience (4 different ones).

The Reel: Even during relatively 'slow' markets, my RFQ (request for quote) would take upwards of 10 to 15 SECONDS before execution. Mind you, this is when the price wasn't moving AT ALL. No, the dealers would sometimes just wait to see if it moved against my request, and fill. or, in my direction, and requote. Did you hear that? Wait FIFTEEN seconds when the price was stagnant to see which way it would move. If it moved FOR me, requote. If against, instant fill (before I could cancel. which they wouldn't always allow anyway, in keeping with the above scam)

The Net: Even if at times I would accept the requote, if the market was still moving IN THE DIRECTION I anticipated, I would get subsequent requotes. and again, each time it could literally take 5 or more seconds to 'see' if the market was continuing in my direction. For those of you not understanding the implications, allow me to boil it down. The supposed ONE pip spread in effect at times became 7, 8, 10 or MORE pips!!

In the Boat: I even have a screen shot of a requote where they are offering a price TWO pips above even the current market price. Wow, how gullible do those dealers think I am?

Flopping on the bottom of the boat, gasping for air: This may be a naive revelation. many may already suspect or know this to be fact. No importa. My conclusion of this all leads me to believe this: Crown Forex, and I am sure many others out there, are not dealing off your position. Meaning, when you buy, they aren't selling at the same time. Y viceversa. No, since 80 to 90% or more of forex traders quit, go bust, or give a substantial amount of money to the market, I am convinced that the dealers are taking the other side of your position, assuming you don't know what you are doing and won't last long any way. Does any one else here see a conflict of interest? Seems to me, your dealer should be on your side, trying to keep you in the game, because in theory they SHOULD be making their money on the spread, high volume, and obviously longtime customers. In fact, I am convinced, that is not the case. They are not on our side, "working" for us so to speak (remember, spot Forex dealing is very competitive, so let's not forget who the CUSTOMER is!); in fact, quite the opposite.

Our only retaliation? Hurt their business by informing the community of forex traders, thereby reducing the lure of "one pip spread" to the scam that it is. You are better off finding yourself a dealer with quick fills of 2 to 3 pips, than to open an account with Crown Forex, as their spreads effectively are much, much larger than this.

If anyone is curious, I do know of a dealer who is WYCIWYG (What you Click is What you Get). I am just starting to trade with their platform. so, my lesson learned from all of this is to make sure the advertisement is in keeping with reality before you make any recommendations.

Ok, so help me "pay back" the dishonest dealing practice of Crown Forex by spreading the word on every forum you frequent. I know I plan to.

Arab Financial Brokers Reviews

Arab Financial Brokers (AFB), a closed shareholding corporation registered under the Kuwait commercial law. AFB was created to address the increasing number of currency and futures trading demands in the Middle East and in the Arabian Gulf in particular, and to cater for clients’ heavy investment in the futures and spot Foreign Exchange (forex) markets. AFB was also formed to bring integrity in products and improved customer service to forex clients, in an emerging market for individual speculation. Arab Financial Brokers (AFB), a closed shareholding corporation registered under the Kuwait commercial law. AFB was created to address the increasing number of currency and futures trading demands in the Middle East and in the Arabian Gulf in particular, and to cater for clients’ heavy investment in the futures and spot Foreign Exchange (forex) markets. AFB was also formed to bring integrity in products and improved customer service to forex clients, in an emerging market for individual speculation. Arab Financial Brokers (AFB), a closed shareholding corporation registered under the Kuwait commercial law. AFB was created to address the increasing number of currency and futures trading demands in the Middle East and in the Arabian Gulf in particular, and to cater for clients’ heavy investment in the futures and spot Foreign Exchange (forex) markets. AFB was also formed to bring integrity in products and improved customer service to forex clients, in an emerging market for individual speculation.


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Accept All EA's

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Arab Financial Brokers K. S.C. C.

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Forex, Metals, Forex Exotics, Equities, Energies, Soft commodities

Maximum Trade per Ticket (Standard Lots)

Fixed – as low as 1 pip

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Hedging, Scalping & News Trading Permitted

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5 Reviews on “ Arab Financial Brokers Reviews ”

This so called Khaled El Rached Chairman of the board of directors in the company decided to prohibit clients from withdrawing their funds. This started a while back with my clients from Malaysia and now from Syria and Jordan. They ruined all their reputation because of one employee! I closed my IB account at the company

They do not accept scalping, I am not happy with it but that is the only thing that I do not like in this broker, other things I like very much. They got very very fast executions and the spreads I can afford because it low, good to know also their platform is good, works well with my EA.

Probably one of the best Islam based trading I tried ever. I like it, so convinced in open an live account coz the demo account is very nice to me. I just deposit minimum of 50 dollars but I will deposit more when I earn already. I am still on my first week, and no problem to me, everything is perfect to me today I am live trading now.

Very cheater, no information to me about the no scalping policy when I was in demo account, only they told me that scalping is not allowed when I got opened my live account. when hedging, the AFB increase and they said that they have fixed spread. Very very bad coz spreads increase and I do not know about it.

Great service man, fast easy and fun to do trading and one very good thing from them, always fast server, never down for the whole duration I’ve been trading with Arab Financial Brokers.

&dupdo; 2016 FxPips. com. Todos los derechos reservados.

Risk Disclaimer . La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.


Characterized these programs as easily as severe and clarity which is not in need of special experience in the computer or the Internet to deal with them is designed primarily for the use of the average person with limited experience in the computer. and you will always find complete instructions on how to use these programs from the brokerage company that deals with it. And we'll talk about that later.

We have provided these capabilities. which were among the dreams a few years ago an opportunity for many people to deal with the brokerage firms may be at the other end of the world without the need to restrict the companies in the country. as was the case in the past which gave more room for choice and sparked competition among companies Mediation for the provision of better services and to reduce the cost of which is required stores to pay for these services.

Having become familiar with a lot of information on the mechanism for trading in stock markets in general and the principles of margin trading system. We can now move to the second part and the main body of this book. the part of the relevant trading currencies on a margin. which will be after reading and understanding what it is eligible to start to go into practice in this exciting world.

In the past, dealing between you and the brokerage company is by dial-up or by using fax. decide when to buy shares of a company for example you are connecting up with the brokerage company and ask them to do to purchase the required quantity of the shares of this company at the price you decide.

Now, as a result of the evolution of the Internet bringing the deal between you and the brokerage company is a special program by the platform to access it from a brokerage firm and you download download on your computer.

When you open an account with the brokerage firm you have chosen the company will ask you to download the software you own on your computer and give you a password of your own password you will use to connect to the brokerage firm securely.

This program will save you a direct and immediate connection between your computer and which will be connected to the Internet and the brokerage company in which you can select the purchase and sale orders and review your account and previous operations that you have made. Etc.

Any of the type of item you want to be traded. you can not do so only through the company will be the mediator between you and the stock market that deal in them. one can not generally go to the stock exchange directly and begin buying and selling directly. but this is done by private companies and licensed and experienced high - called Brokerage firms Brokerage firms. and that will execute the purchase and sale orders. which order and doing a lot of other services to you.

And the process is basically as follows.

* choose a brokerage firm that want to deal with it. * open an account in your name to it, shall be the amount that is wiling to. * The follow-up to the exchange, which would like to trade in and ordered the brokerage firm to sell or buy the product that you want at the price you choose. * will the brokerage firm through their representatives present in one form or another in the stock market to the implementation of your orders. * profit will be added to your account or set off against losses resulting from trading from your account at brokerage firms. * You can. of course, to withdraw the amount deposited in the brokerage company or add it any time you wish.

Any of the type of item you want to be traded, you can not do so only through the company will be the mediator between you and the stock market that deal in them, one can not generally go to the stock exchange directly and begin buying and selling directly, but this is done by private companies and licensed and experienced high-called brokerage firms Brokerage firms. and that will execute the purchase and sale orders, which order and doing a lot of other services to you. And the process is basically as follows: * Choose a brokerage firm that want to deal with it. * Open an account in your name to it, shall be the amount that is wiling to. * The follow-up to the exchange, which would like to trade in and ordered the brokerage firm to sell or buy the product that you want at the price you choose. * Will the brokerage firm through their representatives present in one form or another in the stock market to the implementation of your orders. * Profits will be added to your account or set off against losses resulting from trading from your account at brokerage firms. * You can, of course, to withdraw the amount deposited in the brokerage company or add it any time you wish.

Was the tremendous development of communication technology and programming a key role in the evolution of the Internet and spread around the world. This has had a major role in bringing about a radical change in a lot of things economic, cultural and even political. The Internet is now the "network of networks" that links between all human beings in all their countries and cultural backgrounds gain a human can not do without him, but increasingly rely on day after day. And became trading in international stock exchanges from more areas of economic exploitation of the spread of the Internet. Where anyone can buy and sell any type of goods, from anywhere in the world and in any exchange wishes. All one needs is a computer and an Internet connection. Whether you want to trade stocks, or commodities or currencies, The Internet has become the main place and safe to do so

Introduction Technical Analysis Types of technical indicators and characteristics Mac d MACD Alheisto gram histogram The arithmetic mean of moving average Index Albolinger Band BOLLINGER BANDS Statistical index slow Slow Stochastic Index size equilibrium OBV Index Alturn the trin Index Price oscillator Index PPO Index Money Flow Index Index torque or acceleration momentum

Strength Index RSI ratio.

The speculative trading in the currency market is the aspiration of deep challenge where the proceeds of supersaturated medium can be reached through the experience and knowledge as well as the possibility of identifying potential risks. For this you have to take into consider investment objectives. and determine the level of experience and adventure before entering into this market. and most importantly, do not invest money that you are in dire need of them and is willing to lose.

In addition, the margin trading system means that any market movement will have an impact on the relative money deposited. This may serve for you any might be useful to your advantage as it may be against you, meaning that double-edged sword. and can lose all the initial margin and your own. and it is encouraging to see that you are using strategies to reduce and minimize the potential risks such as stop losses or limit losses.

This abridged article does not limit all risks and all forms of business investment. In light of the potential risks that you take in mind these interactions in the case of understanding of the nature of the contracts (and contractual relationships ), which entered into and the degree of your exposure to risk.

You have to take in mind if the trade is suitable for you in light of your experience and your goals, your finances. and all other conditions.


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Forex Trading Techniques: Three efficient cases

Type: Questions and Answers Duration: 1 h, 0 min Moderator: Maud Gilson

Alexander Elder Technique: Effective filter. Introducción

Alexander Elder, is a famous trader that has wrote the bedside book “Trading for a living”. One of the numerous systems and techniques he describes in this book, is this trading system based in a filtered way to get into the market, that we can describe like this:

Getting into the market, bull or bear is based on a combination of Momentum of 14 sessions, and a MA of 13 or 20 sessions; it works like this:

1. When Momentum crosses the 100 line, is an alert 2. The price, must close below or above the selected MA (this requirement is called first momentum condition filter) 3. When conditions, 1 and 2 are accomplished, we get into the market, bull or short. 4. We have submitted this strategy to a big number of test, and we find out it gives very good results, in EUR and GBP charts, in 30 minutes and 1 hour, with a 25 pips for trade. 5. Stops must be placed whenever a condition disappears.

Walles Wilder Technique: Directional Movement Tendency detector

J. Walles Wilder developed the Average Directional Index (ADX) in order to evaluate the strength of the current trend, be it up or down. It's important to determine whether the market is trending to or if it is moving sideways, because different indicators give more useful information depending on what’s the market doing. ADX is derived from two other indicators, also developed by Wilder, called the Positive Directional Indicator (sometimes written +DI) and the Negative Directional Indicator (-DI). ADX combines, the +DI (blue line in the chart, representing the bullish directional movements) and the – DI (bearish directional movements, red line in the chart) and then smoothed the information with a moving average, that shows an average of the tendency strength. Because of the use of both + DI and – DI, ADX (green line in the chart) it doesn’t give a certain information about the tendency, but determinates the exact strength. Generally, readings over 40 indicates a strong tendency, and readings under 20 a poor one. To take a tendency since it’s beginning, you must look for ADX coming over 25. On the contrary, you can assume the actual tendency weakness when it’s starts to come down from 40.

Interpretation: Image: http://transcripts. fxstreet. com/images/a10.gif

1. Selling cross: - DI (red line) crosses over +DI (blue line). Notice that green ADX line shows a range over 25% 2. Buying cross: +DI (blue line) crosses over – DI (red line) and after, +DI crosses over ADX, confirming the tendency is going on with its directional movement. 3. Selling cross: and then – DI crosses over green ADX line, shows the movement is holding on. 4. ADX line crosses over 40 and come back: shows a possible exhaust of the tendency. 5. False signal and signal correction: notice that the indicator immediately gives an out of the market signal, in a loosing trade, and at the same time, gives a contrary into the market signal: meaning you have to leave the bullish trade, and go short. 6. Buying cross: see how the ADX line works as a resistance for the +DI line, and then, the price can not find new maximums and the movements gets LATERAL

D’Agostino Technique (IT). Horizontal analysis intraday tendencies

Dr. M. d’Agostino, cofounder of Trader College, has developed a trading technique, denominated IT (intraday trading). Is a short term strategy, that takes advantage of two conditions: at first, it looks for the maximums and minimums of the last four sessions, candles or bars, in a 1 hour chart, excluding the actual one.

1. You have to establish support and resistance, in the maximum and minimum of those last 4 sessions. That’s the first condition that gives us a market alert. 2. Use as filter a MA of 10 sessions, typical price (Max+Min+Close/3), and then wait for the break of the support and resistance established in 1. and the price to be at 8 pips from the typical price. 3. Taking bullish positions: when the price has broke the resistance of the last 4 sessions maximum (excluding the actual one) and passed over 8 pips from the TP moving average. 4. Taking bearish positions: when the price has broke the support of the last 4 sessions minimum (excluding the actual one) and passed down 8 pips from the TP moving average. 5. Stop Loss: this system is quiet secure, because the stop must be placed 17 points plus spread under (bullish) or above (bearish) the into the market price. Or, when the hour session is finished, above (bearish trades) or beside (bullish trades) the 10 typical price MA 6. Take profit: We recommend to put a trailing stop every each 15 pips (that means, moving your stop loss in the way of the trade) securing at least 10 pips from the into the market price. Example: buy 1.2050, initial stop loss 1.2030, actual price 1.2065, then move your stop to 1.2060, and so on.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:56:29 AM) Thank you for joining today’s Live Q&A Session. We will begin with the pre-registered users’ Questions in approximately 5 minutes. Meanwhile please read the text speech that you will find on the left of this chat window

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:56:39 AM) Thank you for your participation.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:57:04 AM) Please find the whole speech of our guest in the left box of the chat. Be sure to read the whole speech at once without any interruption, making its reading and comprehension easy. You won’t miss a single thing from our guest host.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:57:27 AM) Our guest host will first start answering a selection of the pre-registered user’s questions.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:57:36 AM) When reading the speech please jot down any questions you may have so you are ready to post them live.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:57:45 AM) Our guest will answer live Questions sent to the FXstreet Moderator during the course of the session.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:57:54 AM) For those who are unfamiliar with chat sessions like this, please feel free to ask questions at anytime to the moderator.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:58:32 AM) Some good new I am pleased to announce that the full transcripts are back for all who would like to enjoy their contents. Please check out our new web blog and post comments and make it a interesting educational place for traders to meet. available after the session

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 9:59:41 AM) Today I am delighted to welcome our guest speaker Adrian Aquaro, Head of Trader College LLC and True Market LLC

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 9:59:46 AM) Good morning, good afternoon or good evening. My name is Adrian Aquaro, from Trader College, and I´m very pleased to be here with you again.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:00:06 AM) Today, we will be talking about three types of analysis techniques.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:00:20 AM) We have some pre registered questions.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:00:38 AM) So, we will begin answering them, and after, you can make live questions. Let´s begin

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:00:56 AM) Q: ADX crosses. How many points or pips means a efectively cross? What are the better time frames for this technique? Thanks - Jose Manuel

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:01:20 AM) A: Well, it will depend of the time frame you use. For example, if you are working with 30 minutes chart, an effectively cross could be about 25 points.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:01:40 AM) If you work with hour chart, 40 points, and for 4 hour chart, 85/90 points.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:01:56 AM) Actually, you can use ADX in all time frames

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:02:29 AM) but if you are a day trader, you have to work in hour, 30 and 15 minutes charts

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:02:48 AM) Q: For a day trader, what chart should s/he should be initially looking at to make an entry point decision? ahmed. a.salman

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:03:07 AM) A: If you are a day trader, you should look at 4 hour chart to see which is the main trend for the next 12 hour.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:03:27 AM) Then, you can trade using 30 and 15 minutes charts, they are the most effective ones.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:03:45 AM) This type of trades allows you to enter a trade and go out of the market in a few minutes, looking for 15 pips, and putting a stop loss close to the actual price, about 12 or 15 points.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:04:14 AM) Q: What indicators & decision rules should I use to maximize profit on 15 Min & 30 Min chart trades? ngaproperties

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:04:34 AM) A: In these charts, we recommend to use stochastics, if you have a no trend market, and momentum if you have a trend market.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:04:48 AM) Also, MACD could be a good indicator in this small charts.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:05:18 AM) As you can see in the text, D`Agostino technique is so useful in short time frames

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:05:53 AM) Thank you so much for that Adrain

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:06:00 AM) lets open the floor to questions

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:06:20 AM) interaction is the key to a educational session

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:06:26 AM) Please post your quetsions noq

cdp (Mar 7, 2006 10:08:24 AM) In D´Agostino technique I don´t understand the relationship between the Tp and the MA of 10 sessions. Could you explaint it, please? The MA must be an exponential simple MA? Gracias. cdp

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:09:09 AM) well, we use the 10 period simple moving average as a filter

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:09:32 AM) and you have to wait until price crosses this ma to enter a trader

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:10:12 AM) the main thing in this technique, is to wait until price goes above or under the max or min taking the last 4 candles

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:10:21 AM) but also, we have this ma as a filter

Guest (Mar 7, 2006 10:10:44 AM) Does the D'Agostino Technique work best at certain times of the trading day? Gracias. Jerry

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:10:51 AM) Does the D'Agostino Technique work best at certain times of the trading day? Gracias. Jerry

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:11:02 AM) As you can see in the text, D`Agostino technique works better in small time frames,

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:11:17 AM) and usually, our day trader use it

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:11:54 AM) we recommend to use this technique in 30 and 15 minutes chart

gcx (Mar 7, 2006 10:12:18 AM) If you use the stochastics in 30 m chart, what is a good setting? gracias

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:12:35 AM) there are two or three combinations

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:12:56 AM) first, you can use only one stoc. and a fast one can be 5-3-3

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:13:21 AM) this stoc. will give you several signal, but no all of them will be good

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:13:33 AM) also, you can combine 5-3-3 and 14-7-3

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:14:02 AM) using 14-7-3 as trigger, and 5-3-3 as a filter

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:14:21 AM) and you can use stoc 8-3-3, is useful in small charts.

Valeria (Mar 7, 2006 10:14:50 AM) Would like to know how to interpret MACD lines and the strategies i should adopt as trader

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:15:04 AM) You can use MACD in different forms.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:15:24 AM) At first you can take the signal line crossing zero line, so when you have a cross above zero, you have bearish signal, and vice versa.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:15:48 AM) Also, you can identify over sold and over bought zones.

Valeria (Mar 7, 2006 10:16:59 AM) What do you consider a better tool for tradinf fundamental o technical analysisi

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:17:23 AM) A: I think that fundamental analysis is very important, and you have to follow all macro data before trading.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:17:41 AM) But really, we use technical analysis to follow the market and to trade.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:18:06 AM) For example, we use an indicator combination, as MACD, Stochastics and CCI, and you can use MA and EMA, combined with Bollinger Bands

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:18:32 AM) There are several systems, but the main thing is to have a system, always.

varun (Mar 7, 2006 10:19:35 AM) what are the best times to trade the market ?

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:19:46 AM) well, of course, it depends of your trading strategy

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:20:09 AM) if you are a day trader, you have to work with hour, 30 and 15 minutes charts

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:20:40 AM) if you want to put long time trades, you have to use weekly, and daily charts

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:20:55 AM) actually, we prefer to use small time frames, and short time trades

Lou (Mar 7, 2006 10:22:58 AM) Do you find it easier to learn only a few strategies and stick to them or use many different ones, especially for day trading?

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:23:51 AM) I think that is usefull to know all about all indicators and several techniques, but, really, it is better to work using only one

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:24:23 AM) this way, you can make a right back testing, and try your own strategy

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:24:46 AM) if you use many strategies, you will not find THE strategy

TraderX (Mar 7, 2006 10:25:22 AM) hello Adrian. I believe the DMI system gives too many false signals especially when used in trading on smaller time frames, but it is good using daily charts. wt u say?

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:26:42 AM) if you refer to D Agostino technique, i think that it will give you better signals in short time frames,

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:26:58 AM) we tried it in several charts, from 5 minutes to daily charts

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:27:22 AM) and we discovered that it`s better in hour, 30 and 15 min charts

jmga (Mar 7, 2006 10:27:58 AM) how many pips do you consider a MA was broken in the Elder Technique?

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:28:55 AM) if you use a 30 or 15 min chart, you can consider broken this MA when you have a new candle above or under the MA, and 7 or 8 pips after.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:29:28 AM) if you work in 4 hour or daily chart, you need this new open, and al least 20 pips

khaled200200 (Mar 7, 2006 10:31:34 AM) can you give us example of using CCI and the best set to it. what work best with it of the other indicators..thanx..khaled

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:32:05 AM) you can combine CCI with MACD, for example, in all time frames.

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:32:30 AM) if you are working in small time frames, you have to set CCI with 14 or 21 period

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:33:02 AM) and if you trade using 4 hour chart, or daily chart, you can set it with 10 periods

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:33:40 AM) when CCI line crosses zero line, and MACD signal crosses zero line too, you have a right signal

jmga (Mar 7, 2006 10:34:18 AM) D'Agostino Technique. Do this technique need a volatile market? Do you consider this technique works between the european close and the asian open, for example?

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:35:04 AM) well, it s not necessary to have a volatile market, really

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:35:51 AM) i consider that this technique works rigth in all session, but we prefer to use it in american session, as many other techiniques

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:36:22 AM) because this session is the one which has more volume

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:36:32 AM) but actually, it works in all session

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:37:05 AM) Thats all we have time for today

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:37:21 AM) I would like to thank Adrain for hosting todays session

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:37:34 AM) thank you guys for attending and posting your questions

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:37:48 AM) If your question was not answered during the course of this chat, please contact Email Adrian for a personalized answer: email:

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:38:36 AM) info@tcollegeweb. com

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:39:10 AM) Some good new I am pleased to announce that the full transcripts are back for all who would like to enjoy their contents. Please check out our new web blog and post comments and make it a interesting educational place for traders to meet. Transcripts. http://www. fxstreet. com/chat/transcriptlist. asp Available in 1 hour

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:39:12 AM) I´d like to thank you very much for being here today, and I hope we will be here again very soon

Adrian Aquaro (Mar 7, 2006 10:39:23 AM) Thank you again, and see you.

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:39:52 AM) Please register now for a very special session if you would like to join us you MUST register here

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:41:00 AM) http://www. fxstreet. com/webinars/upcoming-webinars. asp

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:41:04 AM) see you all there

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:41:19 AM) Thanks REMEMBER limited seating only 40 can enter

FXstreet Moderator (Mar 7, 2006 10:41:27 AM) See you all!

China's forex reserves drop to three-year low

Press Trust de la India | Beijing Jan 07, 2016 07:48 PM IST

China's foreign exchange reserves, the largest in the world, posted the sharpest monthly fall in over three years in December at $3.33 trillion, official data reported today.

The fall in December extended a month-on-month decline of $87.2 billion dollars registered in November.

Foreign exchange reserves fell to $3.33 trillion at the end of last month, the lowest level in more than three years and down by $108 billion from November, the People's Bank of China said.

The yuan has been heading south since the central bank revamped the foreign exchange mechanism in August to make the rate more market-based.

The yuan has been losing ground as the Chinese economy is expected to register its slowest pace of growth in a quarter of a century in 2015, state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

Meanwhile, the US raised interest rates in December and more rises are expected in 2016.

The onshore yuan, traded in the Chinese mainland, declined 4.05 per cent against the greenback in 2015.

China lowered the value of its currency by 0.51 per cent against the US dollar, marking the biggest drop since August.

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ICD: what’s next for the Islamic finance market?

Having shown its resilience by withstanding external financial shocks, and with cities across the world showing increased interest, it appears that Islamic finance is here to stay

The history of Islamic finance goes back more than 1,400 years, when the general population was mostly active in goods trading. However, modern Islamic finance has seen a rapid resurgence, particularly since the mid-1970s, and today one can claim that Islamic finance is present on a global basis across all segments of the financial markets. In fact, the industry has seen tremendous growth in the past 20 years, with total assets rising from $150bn in the 1990s to exceeding the $2tn mark in 2014.

More recently, global financial centres, such as London, Singapore, Hong Kong and Luxembourg have begun to show increasing interest in serving as financial hubs for Islamic finance. This has been spurred by successes in the sukuk (bond) market, which had a particularly commendable performance last year, reaching $104bn from 630 issues at the end of October 2014. Given the impact that the industry is having, World Finance sat down with the CEO of the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), Khaled Al-Aboodi, to discuss how Islamic finance aims to continue its success.

What do you think the potential of the Islamic finance market is? We can see that Islamic finance is getting more and more recognition worldwide, especially due to its social and ethical aspects and also importantly for its impact on the real economy. As the Islamic finance industry expands its outreach and becomes more mainstream across the Muslim world we will certainly see more product innovation and a reduction in transaction costs, which should result in greater depth in the various segments of the markets. With more governments recognising the added value of Islamic finance as a comprehensive financial system, which can run parallel to their conventional system, more policy attention is being paid to introducing an Islamic finance legal and regulatory framework, which should lead to better corporate governance and risk management across the industry.


Islamic finance assets in 1990s


Islamic finance assets in 2014

The positive demographics of the global Muslim population, which will reach 26 percent of the total global population by 2020 and of which over 60 percent are under the age of 30, will continue to drive demand for Islamic finance in terms of sophistication and product offering. I believe the industry has gained the traction and maturity to rise to a much higher level within the next few years and the growing interest of key global financial centres will further accelerate the growth and the internationalisation of Islamic finance.

What part has the ICD played in the development of Islamic finance? ICD as the private sector arm of the Islamic Development Bank Group (IsDBG), is the premier multilateral financial organisation, which operates under the principles of Islamic finance in the private sector arena. The ICD supports the private sector of its member countries in terms of providing financing and investment and also providing advisory services in various fields of activities such as advising governments on sukuk issuances, privatisation programmes and setting up of special economic zones.

The IsDBG has been a pioneer in the Islamic finance industry since its creation 40 years ago. ICD, which was created more recently in the year 2000, has been leading the way in the private sector of many of its member countries by setting up financial institutions such as Islamic banks, leasing companies and investment companies in addition to providing term financing, all in accordance to the principles of Islamic finance.

Moreover, recognising the acute shortage of properly qualified Islamic finance professionals and its negative impact on the industry, ICD, three years ago, launched a special programme called the Islamic Finance Talent Development Programme with a view to develop and fill the gap in terms of the required human capital to take the Islamic finance industry forward on a strong footing.

Can you expand on ICDs key achievements to date? ICD is now in its 14th year of operation and recorded another year of positive results in 2013 and is also expecting positive results in 2014. As a multilateral development financial institution, we do not measure our success and achievements only in financial terms, but most importantly in terms of the developmental impact of our interventions in our member countries.

I can confidently claim that ICD has been able to continue providing effective services and support to its member countries despite the challenges arising from the broader socio-economic environment in which it is operating. In addition to the enduring negative effects of financial crises, some of our member countries are facing continued political turmoil and armed conflicts. Nonetheless we remain focused on our mandate to promote the development of the private sector in our member countries while observing our short-term priorities to ensure that ICD remains effective and relevant towards its long-term objectives. Over the last 13 years ICD has expanded its geographical reach across the world (see Fig. 1) and its accumulated gross approvals at the end of 2013 stood at approximately $3bn allocated in various modes of finance (see Fig. 2) to over 300 projects across 25 countries.

In line with its core strategy, ICD has been focusing more resources in the financial sector with the objective of fast tracking funds to the small - and medium-sized enterprises (SME) sector. In addition to providing lines of credit to local banks in its member countries for onward financing of SMEs, ICD as part of its overall strategy has been setting up leasing companies, investment companies and Islamic banks to act as its ‘channels’ to reach a greater multitude of beneficiaries.

ICD has been active in setting up funds to improve SMEs access to term financing and equity investments. As an example, ICD established the first SME investment fund in Saudi Arabia, a SAR 1bn ($266.5m) quasi equity and debt sharia compliant SME fund. This fund will invest in targeted SMEs showing high-growth potential for contributing substantially to job creation among the youth and with a strong developmental impact to ensure overall social and economic stability.

What products and services do you offer? As mentioned earlier, ICD was set up as the private sector arm of the IDB Group to focus primarily on private sector development with a view to creation of employment and reduction of poverty in its member countries. ICD offers a wide array of products and services that supports the establishment, expansion and modernisations of private enterprises. ICD intervenes through various modes of financing including equity participation and quasi equity, term financing, corporate financing, and various types of advisory services including technical assistance.

What is the ICDs role in the development of the private sector? The private sector is unanimously recognised as a critical driver of sustainable economic development that drives economic growth for the improvement of people’s living conditions.

ICD is the leading multilateral financial institution offering a multitude of Islamic finance investment and financing products and continues to play an important role for the development of the private sector in its member countries. ICD has also been successful in mobilising resources to bring highly needed investments in certain member countries through the comfort it provides to other foreign investors by its own participation in these projects. ICD also offers advice to governments and private sector organisations to encourage the establishment, expansion and modernisation of private enterprises, the development of capital markets and the adoption of best management practices.

What is ICDs strategy and how do you see it changing in the years ahead? I believe that increased liberalisation and greater awareness of Islamic banking in non-Muslim countries and the developments in the Islamic capital markets will certainly lead to greater adoption of Islamic finance across the world.

We plan to continue our successful partnership with our member countries and expand our activities into new regions. We are also directing our efforts to expanding our partnerships with non-Muslim and non-member countries, as a means of supporting the internationalisation of Islamic finance.

We will continue our efforts to support and improve the living standards of people in our member countries through the development of the private sector by ensuring that Islamic finance remains inclusive and accessible to all, particularly the lower income groups and small businesses. I strongly believe that it is only by bringing the financially underserved population into the economic mainstream that we can truly contribute towards more sustainable and equitable economic growth, which is at the heart of Islamic finance.


Physical Gold has been used historically as:

1- Widely accepted form of exchange 2- Protection against inflation 3- Jewelry: to symbolize wealth and a vehicle to store value in countries where access to banks is not so accessible.

The recent financial crisis and the uncertainty it has created regarding inflation and economic growth, brought back gold as the protector of wealth against inflation and as a good investment for diversifying one’s portfolio. On the extreme end, some analysts went as far to say that investors should hold 80% of their wealth in gold amidst the prevailing economic uncertainty and the continuous printing of Fiat money by central banks.

This renewed interest in gold created a new form of gold rush. Investors flocked to replace some of their equity and cash holdings in their portfolios to gold investments. These investors were faced by the question:

Which is the best vehicle to trade and invest in gold: Gold ETF or Gold Futures?

History and Liquidity Gold Exchange Traded Funds, ETFs, started in November 2004 when (GLD) Gold shares started trading. “The objective the SPDR Gold Trust is for the Shares to reflect the performance of the price of gold bullion, less the Trust’s expenses,” the fund prospectus indicates. In other words, the main purpose of the fund is to track the gold price, and to serve as an alternative to owning physical gold. The monies invested in the fund are used to buy equivalent amounts of gold and holdings are adjusted frequently to reflect total investment. Each share represents approximately one tenth of an ounce (Cost of gold less 0.40% management fee) and the fund has total net assets of $54.81B as of the December 8, 2010 settlement price. That is the equivalent of 41.41 million ounces of gold in reserve with the daily volume range of 10M to 25M shares (1M troy ounces to 2.5M Troy ounces).

On the other hand, Gold Futures are the obligation to buy or sell 100 Troy ounces of gold at a certain price in a certain date in the future. Gold Futures started trading on the Commodities Exchange in 1974, coinciding with the lifting of a 41-year ban on private gold ownership by US citizens imposed by President Franklin Roosevelt’s administration during the great depression.

Gold futures are traded electronically virtually 24 hours during the day and are highly liquid. The price is quoted in dollars and cents per ounce and the average daily volume according to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, where the contract is traded, is 200,000 contracts or 20 Million Troy Ounces. Gold Futures dwarfs the ETF market in terms of size and liquidity.

Like stock trading, ETF trading does not provide the same amount of leverage that futures trading offers. Securities brokers will lend up to 50% of a security’s or an ETF’s value in order to enable clients to trade it. Like any other loan though, there is an interest cost associated with it.

Futures are traded on margin. Investors who deposit the margin required by the exchange, around $6000/Contract/100 Troy ounces, have the ability to control 100 ounces of gold. At the current price of $1393, a $6000 initial margin requirement allows you to control $139,300 worth of gold without interest cost. Equities don’t have this benefit. You pay interest cost on borrowed money. For comparison purposes, a $6,000 investment in GLD buys you around 45 shares of GLD which corresponds to less than 5 ounces of Gold. Having said that, leverage is a double edged sword; while it is great to have when the market direction is in your favor, it is devastating when the market direction is against you. At the same time, gold investors do not have to utilize the full leverage offered by the futures contracts. The futures contract offers investors the flexibility to tailor their own leverage level in accordance with their risk tolerance.

Cost and Price Tracking Issues

In addition to brokerage fees, gold ETF investors are subject to the management fee of the fund itself. Such fees are normally 0.4% for GLD and higher for other Gold ETFs. Like any other business, the fund incurs marketing fees, administrative fees, management fees, and various other expenses. Since gold as an asset does not produce income or interest, gold might have to be sold to cover such expenses thus diminishing the value of the fund over time and creating a tracking error between actual gold prices and the value of the shares.

On the other hand, gold futures contracts incur no management or marketing fees as is the case with gold ETFs. Investors pay a commission per contract bought and per contract sold. Futures commission rates vary by broker but are still less than the total 0.4% management fee charged annually by ETFs and the brokerage fees charged to buy Gold ETD though a stock broker. For example, let us assume that the commission rate is $9.99 to buy a gold contract and another $9.99 to sell a gold contract. That brings the commission to $19.98/RT. At the current price of $1387/ounce, commissions are $19.88/$138,700, that is 0.014%. So even if a contract had to be rolled over 3 times a year, the cost associated with it is less than the ETF fees.

GLD ETF shares are traded on the NYSE Arca and can be traded from 4:00 am ET to 8:00 pm ET. While you can trade the ETF in the pre-open and after-hours session, liquidity is still a major hurdle. In addition, there is no trading between 8:00 pm to 4:00 am. So if there were any major developments around the globe during that time, an investor can not react to the news and trade the GLD ETF because the market is closed!

Gold futures trade virtually 24 hours during the day. Trading for the week begins on Sunday at 7:00 pm ET and continues to 6:15 pm ET the following day. After a 45 minutes break, trading resumes at 7:00 pm to repeat the cycle until the Friday of the week when trading halts at 5:15 pm ET to resume Sunday at 7:00 pm ET.

The liquidity of the gold futures contracts combined with the 23 hours and 15 minutes trading access, make futures the vehicle of choice for serious and active gold traders and investors.

GLD Gold ETF offers the ability to take delivery of the actual physical gold. This has to be done in an arrangement with a broker and not directly with the trustee and in multiples of 100,000 shares or 10,000 Troy ounces.

In contrast, gold futures are available for delivery in multiples of 100 troy ounces at any exchange licensed depository. The process is seamless and does not involve a third party like the case with GLD ETF.

Pattern Day Trader Rule 2520 set by the SEC

Gold ETF traders are subject to Rule 2520 set by the exchange. The pattern day trader rule applies to anyone who buys and sells a particular security in the same trading day, and does this four or more times in any five consecutive business day period. The main rule is that in order to engage in pattern day trading you must maintain an equity balance of at least $25,000 in a margin account.

Gold futures traders are not subject to SEC Rule 2520. Gold day traders can buy and sell the contract as many times as they desire without maintaining $25,000 in their account.

UAE to get tough with cash flows


The UAE has planned to implement a new regulation from September to improve monitoring of suspicious cash flows as travellers leaving the country will have to declare large amounts of money, Central Bank officials said during a conference on anti-money laundering in Dubai on Sunday.

Inbound and outbound travellers, under the new regulation, will be required to declare cash in excess of Dh100,000 from September 1 this year.

The new regulation raised the limit on undeclared cash by 150 per cent as the present limit is Dh40,000 and it only applies to arriving passengers.

“Any passenger arriving or leaving the UAE will have to declare cash or any other financial tool carried by them that exceeds Dh100,000 as of September 1,” said Abdul Rahim Al Awadi, Executive Director and Head of the Anti-Money Laundering and Suspicious Cases Unit at the UAE Central Bank. The UAE Federal Customs Authority Acting General Manager Khaled Al Bustani said that the new regulation “is merely for statistical purposes as the UAE doesn’t ban passengers from bringing in or taking out cash and any other financial tools”.

The revised regulation titled: ‘Declaration by travellers entering or leaving the UAE carrying cash and monetary/financial bearer instruments’ is a culmination of efforts of the National Anti-Money Laundering Committee, the Central Bank of the UAE, the Federal Customs Authority and the various Customs Departments in the Emirates.

Addressing the anti-money laundering conference, UAE Central Bank Governor Sultan bin Nasser Al Suwaidi said: “The UAE has a vibrant and a well-diversified open economy. As a major trading and financial centre, the UAE attaches great importance to the regulatory environment and has put in place a strong legal, regulatory and institutional framework to counter money laundering and combat terrorist financing and thereby protect its institutions from any reputation risk.”

Senior bankers and analysts welcomed the move and said Dh100,000 is a reasonable limit to check misuse of money. It will also help to boost tourism in the country as now tourists can bring more money to spend in the UAE, they added. “The announcement will strictly enforce anti-money laundering measures. The limit is very reasonable and you have to justify for what purpose you are carrying that large amount of cash,” Narayan Pradhan, Deputy General Manager, Union Bank of India and head of GCC Operation, told Khaleej Times.

Pradhan also mentioned that carrying more cash into or out of the UAE will benefit tourists from those countries where the regulators of those countries do not have restrictions on inflow or outflow of foreign currency equivalent to Dh100,000.

Mohammed Ali Yasin, chief investment officer at CAPM Investment, also said that the move will help to boost tourism in the UAE and now tourists will have more money to spend.

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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta. Todos los datos e información se proporcionan "tal cual" con fines exclusivamente informativos y no se destinan a fines de negociación ni asesoramiento.

Islamic Development Bank to raise up to $1.2 billion - Chief Executive Khaled Al-Aboodi

The private sector arm of the Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank plans to tap Islamic capital markets to raise as much as $1.2 billion in long-term funds during its current financial year, its chief executive told Reuters.

The Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD) will also explore a capital increase as it expands its economic development activities, with a proposal to be presented to shareholders in June 2015.

Established in 1999, the ICD has been implementing a new strategy to help widen the appeal of Islamic finance by establishing banks, leasing companies and insurers that following Islamic principles.

On Monday, Fitch Ratings assigned an AA credit rating to the ICD, which has a low level of leverage but which is expected to grow as the institution increases its lending activities.

This would require a more active presence by the ICD in the capital markets during its current financial year, which started in October.

"This rating will pave the way for ICD to tap the Islamic capital markets," said Chief Executive Khaled Al-Aboodi.

"Under our borrowing program recently approved by the board, we plan to raise long-term funds from the markets of up to $1.2 billion equivalent."

The ICD first accessed the Islamic debt capital markets in September, when it obtained a $100-million three-year murabaha financing facility from the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ. Murabaha is a common cost-plus sale arrangement in Islamic finance.

The ICD will consider both syndicated Islamic loans as well as issuance of sukuk, or Islamic bonds, Al-Aboodi added.

"Given that our funding strategy aims to diversify our funding sources, we will be pursuing both solutions, subject naturally to cost efficiency considerations."

The ICD is among the best capitalised multilateral development banks, but lacks a legally binding support mechanism to address capital shortages, Fitch said in its rating note.

In the medium term, capitalisation could weaken due to strong lending growth, which is likely to require a capital increase contemplated to be $1 billion for the 2016-2019 period, Fitch said.

As of October, the major shareholders of the ICD were the IDB and Saudi Arabia with a 46.7 per cent and 18.7 per cent share of paid-in capital respectively.

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2015.10.19-23 Weekly Commentary. Market Analysis

Last week CPI reports were published from several key world economies. Inflation boost and deflationary risks are the key economic issues of world leading economies.

The biggest inflationary issues are in Europe. Apart from weak economic growth inflation is still in a negative zone. There was a negative inflation in September in France, Spain and Italy and the similar situation is in the UK as well.

Similar situation is in the US as there are massive concerns about the inflation. By the way, US Federal Reserve decided to postpone the rate hike is September due to problems with low inflation. Considering the latest data it is very unlikely that Fed Reserve will hike the rates in October or December as well.

What is more, monthly US Retail Sales data was worse than expected as well.


For the whole week US Dollar gained only 5 points against Euro, so there was a doji candlestick on weekly chart. As it was mentioned above there were a lot of CPI reports published from EU and the USA which are still not that good. This week, on the 22nd of October, European Central Bank meeting will take place and as it is expected the possibility of launching additional economic measures, something like QE program, will be discussed.

On the chart above the start of the trading week is highlighted with blue vertical dotted line. 1.15000 is still considered to be the main level of resistance, but last week the rate did not test it as there was a turnaround in price movement direction at the level = 1.14950. Levels of support are highlighted with yellow dotted lines = 1.13139 and 1.12724 .

Some crucial decisions are not expected to be taken during the ECB meeting. Most likely these will be the ideas or options to consider which will be confirmed and approved by the end of the year. But it has to be clear that ECB meeting has a massive psychological impact on the market and there will be plenty of traders who will try to make some profit on it, so high volatility on 22nd of October is expected.


New Zealand Dollar gained a bit more than 100 points against US Dollar last week. Since the start of October there were no important economic news from New Zealand and this uptrend is more likely to be due to weak US Dollar. Fundamentally, the uptrend on the chart below is a correction and the impact of weak economic US economic data.

On Monday the stock exchange of New Zealand will be closed and low volatility during the Pacific trading session is expected. On Tuesday New Zealand Trade Balance report will be published – the first massive economic report in October.

According to technical analysis the rate is still in the uptrend and it is close to the line of support at the moment. What is more, the rate bounced from the upper line of Bollinger Bands indicator and got back to the moving average line as expected.

The main line of resistance = 0.6900 and the main line of support = 0.6700


Russian Air military forces together with Syrian army keep destroying the strategic positions of “Islamic government” accurately. The biggest difference between current situation and the overall situation last week is that market participants do not consider this operation that risky, as this operation is under complete control and there is no threat to oil production in this area.

Despite this fact overall situation is still concerning and significant decrease of oil prices is not expected and expensive oil is a positive sign for Russian Ruble and other commodity currencies. RUB gained 5 Rubles against US Dollar in October and this might be an ideal timing for Russian Central Bank to cut the key rate during the Russian Central Bank meeting which will take place in the end of October.

For this asset technical analysis should not be taken into the consideration that much as fundamental factors prevail. But it has to be mentioned that moving average line is showing the overall downtrend and RSI is showing that there is still room for further rate decrease.

Important psychological level of support is 60.00 and level of resistance = 66.00

ECB meeting on the 22nd of October is the key economic event this week. It is expected that EURUSD, EURGBP, XAUUSD and NZDUSD will be the most volatile assets this week.


Calendario Económico en Tiempo Real proporcionado por Investing. com.

2 pensamientos sobre & ldquo; 2015.10.19-23 Weekly Commentary. Market Analysis ”

Khaled Mahmood Butt says:

Hi, (1) Do you deal automated robot account. (2) Do you deal forex trading. (3) What is the cost for managed account. (4) Do you have any insurance cover for capital loss if you have then what is the cost. (5) can i see my account live on the net. (6) what is the minimum /maximum contribution i can make towards my investment.

Thank you Khaled

Hello, Khaled, 1. No, but it is going to appear soon (in a month); 2. Only binary options; 3. We don’t provide managed accounts; 4. We have Return % – up to 45%, you can manage it; 5. What do you mean? You can make translation by yourself, if you want; 6. Don’t understand what you mean exactly – minimum/maximum investment – $1/$1000%; max revenue – 95%

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How can we prevent further violence in the Arab world?

The violence unleashed in Arab countries in the last four years may turn out to be just a first taste of what is to come. Escalating brutality and the actions of governments have put Arab citizens under immense pressure. Without a change of course, the outcome could easily be further conflict and a new wave of uprisings – this time not peaceful.

Not since the end of World War I have Arab countries undergone such a momentous upheaval. Conflict has broken out in no fewer than nine Arab countries, and the carnage has reached unimaginable levels of inhumanity. Tensions are mounting even in countries that are nominally at peace. Long-standing value systems are weakening, and once-solid societal foundations are crumbling.

Fighting in Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, and Yemen has torn apart entire communities. Ethnic cleansing perpetuated by the Islamic State has reversed centuries of religious, ethnic, and cultural intermingling, and pushed close to two million people from their homes.

Indeed, although the Middle East and North Africa is home to just 5% of the world’s population, it has produced more than one-third of its refugees. In Syria alone, 11 million people have been forcibly displaced within and outside the country.

These population movements are exacerbating preexisting social tensions across the Arab world. In Lebanon, for example, the arrival of more than one million Syrians has sparked worries that the country’s sectarian balance could be altered, undermining its fragile political system.

These huge demographic upheavals are irrevocably transforming the region’s social and political identity. Indeed, throughout the region, warring parties are relying on sectarian identity politics to mobilize support, further polarizing populations along religious, ethnic, and ideological lines. Saudi Arabia and Iran are using Yemen’s internal divisions over historic political and socioeconomic grievances in their proxy war there, presenting the conflict as a manifestation of the historic Sunni-Shia rift.

Even in countries not at war, poisonous identity politics is becoming increasingly widespread and accepted. In Egypt, for example, the public has been broadly supportive of a brutal crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood and its Islamist supporters.

These convulsions are further impoverishing Arab countries and limiting future opportunities for their citizens. Some 21 million Arab children are out of school, and more than 50 million Arabs are considered poor. In Syria, 80% of the population is unable to meet its basic needs. In Yemen, more than one-third of the population – some 11.5 million people – suffered from food insecurity prior to the conflict. Another two million have since been added to the tally.

This turmoil has created a fertile breeding ground for militarized and radicalized youth. Tunisia, the fêted success story of the Arab uprisings, has contributed the largest number of foreign fighters to the Islamic State – an estimated 3,000 (mainly young) people. Anecdotal evidence shows that many of the parties in the various conflicts are using children to fight their wars. In Yemen, around one-third of the fighters are children. The Islamic State boasts that it is training children for future battles.

Rather than trying to ease dissatisfaction or attempt reconciliation, Arab governments are using brute force to shut down every possible space for dissent or debate. In the name of national security, citizens are stripped of their nationality, demonstrators are shot in the street, and thousands are held in arbitrary detention. In Egypt, danger lurks in the squares, universities, football stadiums, and even bathhouses, with the security services having detained anywhere from 22,000 to 41,000 citizens in the last year.

Torture and forced disappearances are also widespread. In Syria, 85,000 individuals are said to have disappeared since the beginning of the conflict. Another 12,000 have been brutally tortured.

Shutting out citizens from formal democratic processes is forcing political discontent further into the shadows, where it risks becoming militarized. In Egypt, there have been growing calls for more violent and radical responses to the government’s clampdown. In Jordan and Morocco, the authorities are facing a rising challenge in containing militant tendencies. Indeed, as political leaders choose military repression over engagement, they will increasingly lose ground to groups like the Islamic State, the only entities in the region offering a clear – albeit brutal, and regressive – vision of the future.

At this point, an end to current hostilities in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen requires national, regional, and international consensus. But averting further catastrophic violence in the region will require that governments go back to basics, introduce inclusive political processes, end state-sanctioned violence, ensure due process, and address socioeconomic injustices.

Obviously, that is a tall order. The scale of the challenges requires courageous thinking, bold initiatives, and ingenuity by national and regional political and development leaders. Otherwise, violence will engulf the region and far beyond.

This article is published in collaboration with Project Syndicate. Publication does not imply endorsement of views by the World Economic Forum.

Author: Maha Yahya is a senior associate at the Carnegie Middle East Center

Image: A man shepherds sheep as the sun rises over the semi-desert region of eastern Syria November 11, 2010. REUTERS/ Khaled al-Hariri.

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Kuwaiti FX broker wins key to Europe

In this section

Founded in 2005, Arab Financial Brokers (AFB) provides online brokerage and trading services, alongside micro trading services through its AFB and AFB Multi Terminal online trading platforms. Its clients can be found in 52 countries – they vary from individual speculators to asset managers, white labels and introductory brokers. And as a mark of the company’s progress, were awarded Best Arabic Online Platform and Support (2009, 2010) at the Middle East Forex Trading Awards.

A closed shareholding corporation registered under Kuwaiti commercial law, AFB was created to address the increasing number of currency and futures trading demands in the Middle East (and in the Gulf Region in particular) and to cater for clients investing heavily in the futures and spot forex markets.

According to General Manager Abdullah Abbas, AFB’s management team identified the opportunity for a regional trading platform that would develop a niche market geared for individual forex traders and speculators.

“At Arab Financial Brokers, our goal is to provide the best online brokerage services for investors by offering competitive conditions and high quality services while building a long term relationship with our clients,” says Mr Abbas. “Our management team created a new generation of brokerage firms that resolved customers’ needs for speed, accuracy and accountability in order to pursue forex pricing and trading.

“At the same time, we leveraged relationships with strategic alliances and experienced forex professionals, and employed a team of experts to serve our customers in the Middle East, Gulf Region and countries worldwide.

“Our founding principles are aimed at initiating the best technological infrastructure and utilising the most advanced forex trading software, while at the same time delivering the best possible client services,” él dice. AFB provides an online trading platform for individuals, introducing brokers and financial institutions that want to speculate on the exchange rate between two currencies.

In doing so, traders buy and sell currencies with the hope of making a profit when the value of the currencies changes in their favour, whether from market news or events that take place in the world.

The forex market is the largest market in the world with daily volume of over $1.7trn making it one of the most exciting markets for trading.

“The main advantage of the forex market is that it is a true 24-hour market,” explains Mr Abbas. “No matter what time it is, there are always buyers and sellers somewhere in the world actively trading forex, which means that investors can respond to breaking news immediately.”

Forex Islamic and swap free accounts Aiming to meet the needs of Muslim forex traders, and in strict compliance with Islamic Shariah Law, AFB offers swap-free Islamic accounts to traders, for whom interest and swaps contravene their religious beliefs. They also give their owners an opportunity to hold their positions for an unlimited amount of time.

“We are like no other world traders,” says Mr Abbas. “We respond to our Arab and Islamic clients’ needs and in compliance with the Islamic Shariah, we have the opportunity to run our own forex accounts, referred to as Forex Islamic Accounts.

Low trading rate of $50 Alongside offering this vital service for their Muslim clients, AFB provides individual investors with access to all major capital market sectors. It focuses on providing retail clients with professional tools to profit from multiple markets, not just forex.

AFB provides its customers with the chance to start trading at a rate as low as $50, through its Micro Account service.

“Our Micro Account is a great opportunity for traders from all over the world to trade smaller transactions online under real market conditions and there is a minimum investment of only $50 to open an account,” says Mr Abbas. “Traders can deposit and withdraw funds easily and quickly when it is convenient for them via our website, making it more straightforward than ever to get started.”

For the more serious investor, a fast, reliable and secure online trading platform is also available in the form of AFB Trader. This platform enables clients to trade all major forex, energy, metal, soft commodity, equity and indices right from their desktop.

“Our advanced online trading platform, AFB Trader, provides a unique trading experience delivering fast, reliable and secure trades in an easy to use interface,” says Mr Abbas. “It gives our clients access to real-time tradable prices and the power to trade global markets from one integrated account 24 hours a day.”

Traders are also able to get full access to their account and all the services provided by AFB, at anytime from anywhere, through AFB’s mobile service.

“Our AFB Wap technology allows anyone with a mobile phone to check the current market quotes around the clock and get access to real time prices worldwide,” says Mr Abbas.

Individual investors The key to AFB’s popularity with independent affiliates is its ability to deliver reliable, competitive currency pricing and quality in its products and services, says Mr Abbas. “Traders who use AFB achieve maximum security and reliability to get the information needed for instant results,” él dice. “Our systems utilise a fast order execution and trading structure supported by multiple redundant server clusters, internet connections and backup power systems.”

As a leader in foreign currency trading, Arab Financial Brokers is also able to offer smaller transactional sizes and allow traders of almost any size, including individual speculators or companies, the opportunity to trade the same rates and price movements as the large players who once dominated the forex market.

But what makes AFB so successful? The advantages of dealing with his firm, according to Mr Abbas, are clear. “Our strength and stability is structured and based on the foundations of the Kuwaiti trading regulatory authority laws and our activities, trading and services policy is built and committed to maintain security and protection for our client’s investments,” él dice.

“Aside from our swap-free accounts, we offer added benefits which include 24 hour trading online and via the telephone, instant fills, free news and research resources, a low minimum investment, multilingual support… We also provide real-time streaming quotes, charts, account information and management, a fully secured platform and full product range, varying from foreign exchange to future contracts, and instant online support is available through our experienced and knowledgeable staff members.”

Good customer service is especially vital, he says: “We have clients in 52 different countries, including some in Europe and the USA, however our main customers come from the Middle East, North Africa and the Far East such as India and Pakistan, so in turn we provide 24 hour customer support in a wide range of languages; English, Arabic, Indonesian, Indian, Mauritian, Urdu and Turkish.”

Key to Europe All of these services have made AFB one of the world’s leading forex brokers, but it also has plans to expand further over the coming months.

Following on from its success in attaining the Cyprus Investment Firm registration license [CIF] from the CySEC in 2010, AFB has set its sights on London.

“The license from Cyprus was the first ever CIF license to be issued to a firm from the State of Kuwait,” says Mr Abbas. “[It] will help us spread our means and attract more clients, mainly from Europe, Russia and the USA.”

So the future looks bright for AFB; with a registration license from Cyprus obtained, one from London on the horizon and its wide range of unique client services, AFB are sure to keep providing one of the best online brokerage services for investors in the Middle East and around the world.


Saudia Receives 1st Dreamliners As Kingdom’s Aviation Industry Expands

Saudia Receives 1st Dreamliners As Kingdom’s Aviation Industry Expands

The airline expects to carry 30-M passengers in Y 2016

Saudi Arabian Airlines (Saudia) has received its first Boeing (NYSE :BA) Dreamliners as part of efforts to increase its fleet from 119 planes to 200 by Y 2020.

The Saudi national carrier received 2 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners and a 777-300ER, while a 3rd Dreamliner will be delivered to Saudia within the next week.

Saudia upped its expansion efforts last year with the delivery of 50 aircraft from Airbus as part of an $8.2-B deal, the largest aviation deal to be secured via Islamic financing.

The airline said it expects to carry more than 30-M passengers in Y 2016.

With the Kingdom’s aviation sector seeing significant growth, Saudi Arabia’s civil aviation authority has begun privatization plans, starting with part of Riyadh’s King Khaled International Airport this year, to support state finances amid the Crude Oil price slump.

The authority also plans to privatize Jeddah and Dammam airports by Y 2017.

Saudi Arabia has already privatized units of Saudi Airlines Catering and Saudi Ground Services.

Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex

Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.

Khaled El Shalakany's '20x20' Gets New Marketing Push

Book shares original, thought-provoking collection of short stories, photographs

CAIRO, Egypt (PRWEB) March 11, 2016

Author Khaled El Shalakany has always believed in the artistic similarity between a very short story and a still photograph. For him, they both capture a slice of imagination, leaving the rest to the readers. This belief prompted him to write "20x20 - Short Stories and Photographs ," (published by Trafford Publishing) an interesting and thought-provoking collection of short stories and photographs.

This book shares an original and thought provoking collection of short stories and photographs with an astounding range from Chairman Mao as the Blue Buddha, time travel to change history, to Archangel Azrael known as the angel of death who is driving a taxi in Cairo .

"The stories in this book are intended to be very short and interesting," El Shalakany points out. "Similarly the pictures are from different countries. It offers both literary and visual appeal as it examines different aspects of the human condition."

In his career as a lawyer, El Shalakany has experienced the difficulty of being concise and efficient in expression. He has learned to appreciate the inherent beauty in such simplicity. He hopes that the collection of short stories and photographs in "20x20" will convey some of this meaning to the readers.

"20x20" By Khaled El Shalakany Softcover | 6 x 9in | 176 pages | ISBN 9781425192389 Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author Khaled El Shalakany is an engineer and a lawyer. He is educated in Cairo, Toronto and Cambridge. He lives by the Nile in the town of Basoos north of Cairo.

Trafford Publishing, an Author Solutions, LLC, author services imprint, was the first publisher in the world to offer an "on-demand publishing service," and has led the independent publishing revolution since its establishment in 1995. Trafford was also one of the earliest publishers to utilize the Internet for selling books. More than 10,000 authors from over 120 countries have utilized Trafford's experience for self publishing their books. For more information about Trafford Publishing, or to publish your book today, call 1-888-232-4444 or visit trafford. com.

EUR/USD It is likely to continue to 1.3200 or even 1.3300. After which a rebound to 1.3100 is possible.

USD/CHF It expect to extend its move down to around 1.1480 area

GBP/USD it is likely to go up to 1.4700 or even 1.4800 after down to 1.4580 area. Stop loss at 1.4520

USD/JPY It is likely to down to around 97.20 or below. after this the rebound to 98.00 area is possible.

USD/CAD It is likely to extend its move down to around 1.2100 or may be below after it hit the resistance at around 1.2290

AUD/USD If it hit around 0.7085, it is possible to go up to 0.7180 area. Stop loss at 0.7050 GainScope. com


Mensaje de navegación

salam. saya mau tanya bagaimana cara menganalisa indicator stochastic oscillator? dan penggunaan time frame berapa yang paling akurat untuk menganalisa pergerakan market? dan mohon penjelasan nya sedikit tentang formula pattern yang anda gunakan? kalau sy ngerti nanti kayaknya sy akan langsung open live account di gainscope, dan mengikuti analisa2 dari gainscope. thanks BEST REGARDS


Pak Andrie, kami rata-rata menggunakan analisa formula pattern teknikal yang kami kembangkan sendiri, disamping itu kami juga memperhitungkan beberapa faktor dari kejadian sebelumnya dan juga dari fundamental yang mendukung untuk hari tersebut.

Tetapi secanggih apapun analisa dan signal yang kami berikan, jangan lupa untuk selalu kontrol risk management di account anda, karena signal kami kadangkala juga bisa meleset. Risk management itu salah satu kunci sukses dalam bertrading Forex.

Terima kasih atas apresiasi Bapak terhadap kami

Thanks a lot to gain scope. almost all the analysis were profited today. Is it possible to share what is the exact timing that u post your analysis. As most of the time i miss it.

Good Job guys and thanks Again.

Estimado señor. Almost all of our analysis are come up at about 7am to 10am GMT+7, because we must review and analize the market first, so it is need a few hours before released. And sometimes it can come up at around 12pm. We suggest that if you don’t want to miss it, you can subscribe to our Forex Subscription Newsletter, so you will get further notification in your email (may be through your blackberry device) if there is an updated signal or analysis.

Thank you for your appreciation to us

Selamat untuk semua,

Sekarang waktu Malaysia menujukan 11.40am dan dilihat chart di EU market udah memcacah / melepasi digarisan harga yang tertinggi waktu semalam (1.3160)–100%tapi yang pasti harga masih belum memcacah digarisan 1.3100…. kapan yang paling sesuai untuk masuk market. atau tunggu sehingga harga memcacah digarisan 1.3100.

Bapak bisa masuk pasar tadi dengan Buy EUR/USD, dan Target Profit diperkirakan akan mencapai di 1.3200, setelah itu kemungkinan akan rebound balik ke 1.3100 (sekarang posisi sedang floating profit diatas +20 point)

(Klik Disini untuk menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia)

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Former Presidential hopeful Khaled Ali sat down with Egypt Independent and expressed his views about the current political situation, namely the constitution, the protest law and reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ali, a prominent lawyer and political activist, expressed that the constitution recently amended was not appropriate for Egypt as it allows legislators to draft rights and freedoms. He also expressed his disappointment in the article allowing military trials for civilians. Ali stressed that protests are a right that should not endanger the lives of protesters, which the new protest law does as he argues it justifies killing protesters in some instances. Finally, he added that reconciliation with the Brotherhood is inevitable as the government will one day have to reconcilate with all citizens and treat them all equally.

Constitution campaigns have already started, even before approving it. Will this motivate Egyptians to pass the constitution and achieve stability?

Since the breakout of the revolution, a considerable part of society has paid bitter price for the Egyptian political conflict. Factories, workshops and companies have closed. Workers have been laid off. A big part of employees at tourism sector have been laid off. A significant segment is worried about their social and economic situations. They are able to end the differences on constitution referendum, whatever its texts were, to achieve its dream of achieving stability.

Do you think the situation will settle down in the case constitution passes?

Unfortunately, no. The constitutional declaration issued by the military council, which was followed by the Muslim Brotherhood constitution, did not lead the country toward stability. The constitution should be a contract of social justice to express social consensus, to balance between the state authorities and to guarantee rights and freedoms of people.

How do you the constitution regarding the wording?

The draft that I reviewed is inappropriate for Egypt. I wish it wouldn’t have been written in the traditional way, ignoring the modern school which put an end to the era of authorizing the legislator to draft the rights and freedoms. It will not survive. For instance, Brazil’s constitution stipulated protection of workers’ wages in 29 paragraphs.

Do you accept bringing civilians to military trials as stated in the draft constitution?

This cannot be accepted by all means. Many countries like Sweden, Austria and Germany ban military trials. Military trials are for military personnel even if it was against armed forces. Civilians should be brought to normal judiciary not military.

What’s the nature of military judiciary?

Military judiciary is special for military personnel. The military commander should accept the verdict. He can ratify or lighten the ruling. He can also order retrial.

What do you think of the new protest law adopted by the president recently?

The protest law aims at restricting the right to protest and penalizing whoever practices it. It would justify killing him in some instances.

Are there special standards to deal with protests?

Por supuesto. I got a judicial verdict from the State Council under the Muslim Brotherhood rule which ordered referring article no.102 of police law, which allowed police use of arms while dispersing protests, to the Supreme Constitutional Court. The ruling stated standards of protests dispersal and its mechanisms. It stressed necessity that police apply the law without confiscating rights. Police should not be granted permission to kill under the name of protest dispersal.

And what are these standards?

There are several standards, on the top of which is not to humiliate the protester or unjustifiably assault him or her. Whoever practices this right, his life should not be endangered. While the new law restricts rights of gathering, staging sit-ins, strikes, marches and protests. It permits police to kill and makes it a judge and enemy at the same time.

How does it restrict gathering?

Sí. If I invited more than 10 people to my house to discuss an issue about my village, it should be a ‘personal invitation’? Penalty code applies. We could all be brought to trial.

Could the law be attributed to necessity to keep the production?

Any law has social role. There is a suitable timing for applying it. It’s unreasonable to ban the practice of these rights under the revolutionary situations. This is imagination. If you constitutionally recognize the right to strike, how do you penalize whoever hampers production then considering this violation against the protest law, although striking at work means stopping work which will lead consequently to hampering production. We are facing mentality that deals in a mighty and deluded way. It thinks that oppression establishes stability, being the easy way. However, \ security will not take place without justice and responding to social demands.

Was the law targeted to oppress the Muslim Brotherhood or all people?

The Brotherhood members are faltering since ouster of Morsy. But the law targets all social and political groups.

Is the law different from its previous ones?

You know, the gathering law issued in 1914, before founding the League of Nations or issuance of Human Rights Universal Declaration, stated the maximum penalty is six-month imprisonment, while the current law’s penalty reaches seven years.

Do you support reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood?

At some moment, there will be no escape from reconciliation with all citizens, but with conditions that guarantee justice, penalty and that measures apply to everyone without discrimination. This applies to whoever committed crime since Mubarak until now, not only the Muslim Brotherhood. When the law is applied to those out of the regime, it has no value. People who are part of authority always escape penalty.

Some people reject reconciliation with the Brotherhood claiming it’s a terrorist group?

We should know that no one will get rid of specific faction. It’s not beneficial. Accusing a whole faction of terrorism is illogic. Although the Muslim Brotherhood committed dictatorial inhumane practices when they were ruling, revolution erupted against them. Now they are not in office. We should not make the same mistakes that we opposed them for, or what would be the difference between them and us.

How do you see the post-interim period scenarios?

It’s difficulty lies in social, not political, conflict. Whoever can provide and guarantee demands will achieve security.

When would a third revolution erupt?

In case the current regime failed to guarantee the urgent social demands that are related to social security.

Can you send two messages to the Muslim Brotherhood and current regime?

The Brotherhood should perform self-criticism and allows new leaders take decisions to restore what it missed. The current regime should not believe that vanity of power achieves stability, or else it will fall quickly and protests will be staged against it faster that what you believe.

Are you going to run for president?

What occupies me now is how to confront policies of impoverishment and social marginalization, adopted by the state. Talks about any elections is too early, that’s why I did not make my decision. The possibility that I do not run for the coming presidential elections is as much as possibility of running for elections. I will not take or declare my decision before end of constitution referendum and parliamentary elections.


Dawn News

IT is becoming difficult to tell where the State Bank stands on some of the biggest economic issues facing the country today. Inflation may well be coming down, and the bank is clear enough in pointing towards the reasons behind the sustained declines seen in this area. But inflation is not the only indicator coming down. Foreign investment and exports are also registering steep declines, as is private-sector utilisation of bank credit. Deposit growth has slowed quite fast since July and large-scale manufacturing remains in the doldrums. What does one make of an economy where consumption is high but investment is low? Where remittances and borrowing are financing imports as exports languish? These are important questions and the State Bank has taken some trouble to avoid addressing them in any meaningful way in its latest monetary policy statement. Instead, the announcement of a rate cut — which was expected — is couched within an analysis of the economy that is part hope and part prayer.

In previous announcements, the State Bank used to point towards declining manufacturing numbers by saying that lower interest rates would help reverse that trend. When sustained lower interest rates did not cause an uptick in manufacturing activity, this time they changed the variable on which they have pegged their hopes; instead, we are being told that better law and order and improved energy supplies is likely to give further “traction” to manufacturing. Where exactly will the “improvement in energy supplies” come from? Simply a decline in global prices? How come that decline hasn’t produced such “traction” in the past one year? Or will it be the China corridor projects that will spur growth? In which case we might be in for a bit of a wait. Any expectations of a revival in exports are similarly pegged on a distant hope — “US economic recovery and through further gains in EU’s GSP-Plus scheme”. Coming on the heels of a large meeting between the prime minister and industry leaders across the country, this analysis of the core ailment that continues to afflict the economy comes across as evasive. It is as if the State Bank wishes to opt out of the resultant conversation for fear of offending any of the parties involved. This is unacceptable behaviour on the part of a key institution; those at the helm at the central bank are reasonably expected to not be so fearful in discharging their most rudimentary obligations.

Published in Dawn, September 13th, 2015

Comments (5) Closed

Sep 13, 2015 08:31am

Terrifically written! Central bank of any state is a custodian of its money matters. SBP in Pakistan enjoys this splendid and spectacular status Federal Government of Pakistan adopts anticipatory as well as precautionary measures for the expansion and contraction of money supply and money circulation and commands SBP for the optimal implementation of these scores and statistics in their true letter and spirit Unfortunately SBP is showing cold shoulders to the charged up and sparked up team finance of PM. SBP is a regulatory authority for financial affairs parallel with fiscal tools and techniques of central government Central bank performs the role of a heart in the financial circulatory system of an conomy, so it should play its role professionally and with deep devotion. Reducing inflation rate, mountains of foreign exchange reserves and reservoirs, remittances and effective handling of interest rates are not the fundamentals of SBP, but a balanced and bombastic monetary mechanism

Investing in the Middle East - Presented by: The Aol. On Network

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Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power plants

Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power plants

Jordanian official: $ 2.8 billion per year reduction in the cost of operation of the nuclear reactor

President of the Jordanian Nuclear Energy Commission Khaled Toukan said that proven reserves of uranium in the center of the country is about 40 thousand tons as there are estimates of the presence of the same amount in other parts of the Kingdom.

Khaled Toukan also said in a statement on Saturday on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum held at the Dead Sea, that these quantities have been assessed and confirmed after 5 years of studies and exploration areas in central Jordan.

He pointed out that they have done in an earlier time digging a trench 6000 and 4000 followed by digging a trench center of Jordan and took 40 000 sample for the purposes of exploration of uranium, which will be used for the operation of the nuclear reactor, which has taken his decision created to generate electricity.

The estimated cost of establishing a nuclear reactor in the first stage at about $ 10 billion.

The Jordanian government has signed with the Russian government in March Framework Convention to build and operate the first nuclear power plant in Jordan.

Toukan said during the signing of the agreement that Jordan chose Ross Atom Russian government in October 2013 as the best company advanced an international competitive tender to build the first nuclear power plant in Jordan based on the offer of the company, at a cost of $ 10 billion electric capacity of two thousand megawatts.

Corporation “Rosatom” contribute 49.9% of the total cost of the project while the Jordanian government contributes with 50.1% for the construction of two reactors station includes the ability of each and every one of them a thousand megawatts.

The energy bill amounted to Jordan over the past year about 4 billion dinars (about US $ 5.6 billion), 40% of its budget amounting to about 10 billion dinars (about US $ 14 billion), according to official data. Jordan and covers the entire needs of crude oil from Saudi Arabia being the non-oil countries, and strives to find alternative sources of energy, especially with the Egyptian gas, which was a reliable electric power outages.

Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power plants

Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power plants

Reduction of Capital Costs of Nuclear Power plants

CBI probing alleged Rs 1,000 crore fraud at state-run Syndicate Bank

Reuters | New Delhi Mar 08, 2016 01:54 PM IST

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is investigating alleged fraud at state-run Syndicate Bank that involves more than Rs 1,000 crores ($148.4 million), a police spokeswoman said on Tuesday.

The CBI is searching 10 locations that include bank branches and homes of bank employees, CBI spokeswoman Devpreet Singh told Reuters.

The alleged fraud includes the use of fake bills and providing overdraft limits against non-existent life insurance policies, Singh said.

Syndicate Bank did not immediately respond to a request seeking comment. Its shares were down 3.8% by 0814 GMT, compared with a 0.3% fall in the benchmark NSE index.

($1=67.3800 Indian rupees)


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Dawn News

ISLAMABAD, Nov 11: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said on Monday Pakistan attached special importance to its relations with Kuwait as is marked by growing trade and close cooperation in the defence sector.

During a meeting with Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, the Prime Minister of Kuwait, Mr Sharif said Kuwait hosted a large Pakistani community, who were making positive contribution to the development of Kuwait besides supporting Pakistan’s economy through remittances.

Bilateral and regional matters came under discussion during the meeting, said a press statement.

Mr Sharif stressed the importance of increasing investment to impart greater vigour to the economic partnership between the two countries.

The Kuwaiti premier conveyed good wishes of the Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, for the people and government of Pakistan.

He reiterated the commitment of the Kuwaiti government to further strengthening ties between the two governments and peoples. He said Pakistan had been a trustworthy friend and the people of Kuwait kept Pakistanis in the highest regards.

The Kuwaiti delegation included Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs; Mustafa Jaseem Al-Shamali, Minister for Oil; Khaled Abdullah Al-Sager, First Vice Chairman of Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Anas Khalid Al-Saleh, Minister for Commerce and Industry; Ambassador Khaled Sulaiman Al-Jarallah and Under-Secretary of the Foreign Affairs Ambassador Mohammad Ahmed Al-Mejren Al-Roumi.

The Pakistani side included Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed, Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Science and Technology Minister Zahid Hamid, Special Assistant to PM on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi, and Board of Investment Chairman Muhammad Zubair.—APP

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Bank of Baroda case: CBI searches 10 locations in NCR

Press Trust de la India | New Delhi Mar 06, 2016 01:42 PM IST

CBI sleuths carried out searches at 10 locations in the NCR region in connection with the case of alleged illegal remittances to the tune of Rs 6,000 crore to Hong Kong and Dubai from a branch of Bank of Baroda.

A CBI spokesperson said on Sunday that searches were carried out at the offices and residential premises of certain suspects in the case.

"It was found during the investigation that around 8,500 foreign remittance transactions were made from 59 bank accounts (approximately) of various firms and companies against import of goods and software from Hong Kong and Dubai," the spokesperson said.

"The investigation revealed further involvement of around 11 private persons and entities (companies)," she added.

The official said that about Rs 40 lakh in cash, rubber stamps of around 44 different companies, 15 PAN cards and various documents were recovered during the searches along with pen drives and hard drives.

"In addition, foreign currencies of China, the US, Europe, UAE, Nigeria, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka were also found. The documents are being scrutinised," ella dijo.

CBI had registered a case against 59 current account holders and unknown bank officials and private persons on a complaint from Bank of Baroda.

"It was alleged that 59 current account holders and unknown bank officials conspired to send overseas remittances, mostly to Hong Kong, of foreign exchange worth approximately Rs 6,000 crore in an illegal and irregular manner in violation of established banking norms under the garb of payments towards suspected non-existent imports," ella dijo.

World Bank report warns Pakistan of ‘substantial’ fiscal risks

Sovereign guarantees against the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) investment and a likelihood of ramping up spending ahead of the next general elections could carry substantial fiscal risks for Pakistan, warned the World Bank (WB) on Thursday.

In its latest report titled Global Economic Prospects 2016, the Washington-based global lender has highlighted challenges and opportunities that CPEC offers to Pakistan. “Sovereign guarantees associated with CPEC could pose substantial fiscal risks over the medium term,” it noted.

State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Governor Ashraf Wathra, and former finance minister Dr Hafiz Pasha have also expressed similar views about the implications of the CPEC investment on Pakistan’s external and fiscal accounts.

Wathra had said there was a need to divulge more details on debt and investment portions of CPEC, stressing the need for more transparency on part of the government. Pasha had projected that loans contracted under CPEC will push the country’s total external debt to $90 billion.

Commenting on the WB report, Pasha said Pakistan can offset the impact of the loans by increasing its exports by at least 50% in the next three to four years. He added that the game-changing project has financial implications for the country that have to be highlighted for better management of debt.

However, the government remains unable to give a well-thought out strategic trade framework, particularly at a time when exports are nose-diving. The last framework expired in June last year.

WB also warned that the hard won fiscal consolidation gains may be lost if spending ramps up in the period ahead of the 2018 elections.

The lender highlighted the opportunities for Pakistan in the next few years. It argued that over the near to medium term, the country stands to benefit from rising investments from China under CPEC, the return of Iran to the international economic community and persistently low international oil prices.

CPEC investment is estimated at around $45 billion until 2030. This includes $11 billion mostly public investment and $33 billion private investment in energy projects. The government has to give sovereign guarantees against the private investment including payments against power produced by the plants set up under CPEC.

WB said stronger growth and investment in Pakistan is predicated on reforms to strengthen the business climate, an improvement in the security situation, implementation of CPEC and an associated easing in energy constraints. It warned that these developments might not materialise as expected.

The lender noted that macroeconomic adjustment in Pakistan under an International Monetary Fund programme was progressing, while efforts to crack down on violent crime in Karachi are supporting investor confidence. It said CPEC agreement has further bolstered investor optimism, and, if implemented, has the potential to lift long-term growth.

WB cautioned that fiscal deficits and public debt levels remain high. It said the debt-to-GDP ratio at 65% was high, which was the result of years of fiscal slippages. It said recently industrial activity has slowed in India and Pakistan, while external trade remains weak.

The global lender also highlighted challenges that the South Asia region faces in intra-regional trade. As a share of GDP, intra-regional exports are smaller than anywhere in the world, it noted. On average, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh’s exports to each other amount to less than 2% of total exports.

Average trade costs between country pairs in South Asia are 85% higher than between country pairs in East Asia, reflecting border barriers, poor infrastructure and transport connectivity, and generally poor business environments.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 8 th. 2016.

Read full story

Pasha said Pakistan can offset the impact of the loans by increasing its exports by at least 50% in the next three to four years. . How realistic is that? Pakistan’s exports have been declining and is dominated by textiles which is a highly competitive business with major players like China, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh insuring that even nominal growth will be a challenge. Recommend

Noor Capital Markets "NoorCM" is glad to have participated as a diamond sponsor in the 1st International Exhibition and forum for Financial Investment - Syria 2009, under the patronage of the Syrian Ministry of Finance. which took place in the Dedeman Hotel (le Meridian)– Damascus – Syria.

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Here by you can find a selected group of pictures to share this event with us:

On the occasion of Launching Noor Capital Markets "NoorCM" from Noor Investment, the company held a press conference on the 27th of January 2010. The conference was an open session held between our management and the Kuwait & Arab media; A lot of interesting questions & issues were discussed during the event, But everybody was interested in the subject of online trading particularly “global & local multi-asset class e-Trading “ which is a NoorCM specialty.

You can find below a selected group of pictures to share this event with us:

MetaTrader 5 Launched on Borsa Istanbul (BIST)

6th October 2015

The official ceremony marking the MetaTrader 5 integration with the Middle East's largest exchange Borsa Istanbul (BIST) is taking place today in Istanbul. During the event, one of the key Turkish brokers Noor Capital Markets has sent a request for the first futures contract via the MetaTrader 5 trading platform. This means that traders working with BIST financial instruments are now able to use the powerful platform with loads of built-in services.

Noor Capital Markets is subsidiary and service provider of Amwal International Investment Company KSCC. Amwal specializes in private equity, financial services and development projects in MENA region, headquartered in Kuwait City. Amwal is a public listed company on the Kuwait Stock Exchange. regulated by Capital Markets Authority and is licensed by the Central Bank of Kuwait.

Disclaimer: Forex, CFDs Online trading, although can be very profitable, may also involve a significant risk of losing your investment.

Noor Capital Markets' online MetaTrader Platform is the most advanced trading platform in the market today. We are offering our customers and traders a much diversified portfolio of underlying assets including but not limited to: Stocks, Commodities, Indices and currencies (Forex). Our platform is ideal for day traders, brokers and investors wishing to maximize their earnings by working from home or workplace. Please note that the price/quotes that is offered by us is not necessarily the real time of the underlying asset but rather the price that NoorCM is willing to offer the relevant option.

Copyright 2010-2013 Noor Capital Markets. Todos los derechos reservados.

Qatar Development Bank, Islamic Corporation’s Deal to Bolster SME

Qatar Development Bank, signs memorandum of understanding with Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector to bolster development and growth of small and medium enterprises in Qatar

QATAR Development Bank, QDB, has signed a memorandum of understanding, MoU, with the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, ICD, the private sector arm of Islamic Development Bank, IDB, Group. The new agreement is a joint strategic collaboration in examining innovative means and opportunities to support small-and-medium enterprises, SMEs, in Qatar.

The MoU commits the two institutions to share knowledge and expertise relating to the SME sector in Qatar. A work group composed of key stakeholders and experts from each party will be formed in order to work on the feasibility of co-developing an investment and financing vehicle that will focus on supporting and developing SMEs and local businesses. The preliminary work to be undertaken by the joint parties will cover, although be not limited to, the following: concept design, market analysis, structure and governance, as well as potential positioning and product development. The MoU will enhance the ability of both organisations to achieve its respective objectives and mandate.

The MoU was signed by Khaled Mohammed Al-Aboodi, chief executive officer and general manager of the ICD, Abdulaziz Nasser Al Khalifa, the chief executive officer of QDB.

Abdulaziz Bin Nasser Al-Khalifa, CEO of Qatar Development Bank, said: “We are delighted to partner with the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, ICD, which includes in its membership a number of countries that strive to offer all assistance to young entrepreneurs. Qatar Development Bank aims to empower local SMEs and entrepreneurs to help achieve Qatar’s National Vision 2030. Through this Memorandum QDB will conduct a compatibility study for the Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector, ICD, programmes, and find the best applicable ways to utilise the findings in supporting the local SMEs, especially in providing funds to this important and vital sector, in order to develop the skills of the Qatari entrepreneurs and empower them to grow and compete successfully in the regional markets, in accordance with international standards.”

During the signing ceremony, Khaled Al-Aboodi, the CEO of ICD, said: “ICD and QDB share a mission of supporting the private sector, in particular SMEs. We look forward to enhancing our cooperation through this new and innovative initiative as there are great opportunities for local businesses to benefit.”

Qatar Development Bank was established in 1997 as the Qatar Industrial Development Bank, a 100 percent government-owned developmental organisation. Its primary aim was to develop investments within local industries, thereby accelerating growth and economic diversification in Qatar through support for private sector.

ICD is a multilateral organisation and a member of the Islamic Development Bank, IDB, Group. ICD has an authorised capital of $4 billion. Currently, the shareholders of ICD are the IDB, 52 member countries and five public financial institutions. The mandate of ICD is to support economic development and promote the development of the private sector in its member countries through providing financing facilities and/or investments which are in accordance with the principles of Shari’a.

— Feb 1, 2016 @ 15:55 GMT


(1/27/2016 4:28:00 PM)

The Central Bank of West Africa’s CFA-franc zone (BCEAO) has signed an agreement with the Jeddah-based Islamic Corporation for the Development of the Private Sector (ICD), to help finance Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through a $100 million Islamic fund.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by Tiémoko Meyliet Kone, Governor of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) and Khaled Al-Aboodi, CEO & General Manager of the ICD, reads, “the ICD will commit an initial $30 million for the SME fund and would help seek additional investors to increase the amount to $100 million while the implementation monitoring was entrusted to the BCEAO.”

This new move by the BCEAO to promote SMEs is a significant step towards the eradication of poverty and improved economic transformation within West African states. For most countries in the region, this would foster economic growth and create jobs for young people.

The decision of Saudi Arabia to boost SME’s in West Africa presents an ample opportunity for the ICD to further expand its activities across the region, which lags behind the Middle East and South-east Asia in Islamic finance, despite West Africa being the home to a quarter of the world’s Muslims.

The Central Bank also committed to supporting SMEs by providing incentives to credit institutions, as well as developing complementary leasing and venture capital instruments.

Both institutions acknowledged the importance of SMEs/SMIs in economic growth in general and the private sector development, particularly in member countries of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). They emphasized their common will to work towards strengthening their cooperation, including financing of the economies of the Union while providing knowledge and mobilizing resources to support SMEs/SMIs.

Al-Aboodi also noted that the MoU will strengthen the ICD’s support towards the regional economies of the WAEMU while providing knowledge and mobilizing resources to support SMEs.

Egypt to Implement Commodity Exchange in 2016

The Egyptian government has been taking concrete steps towards the establishment of a commodities exchange in 2016, Minister of Supply Khaled Hanafy said on Tuesday.

Alexandria, Egypt - The steps to establish the commodity exchange have been taken in cooperation with the Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority (EFSA), the Egyptian Exchange (EGX), and global consultancies to draw on their experience, Minister of Supply Khaled Hanafy said during the Capital Markets & Financing Growth conference on Tuesday.

The commodity exchange program is meant to accelerate development in Egypt and is expected to be launched during 2016, Hanafy noted.

According to the minister, the commodity exchange will be focused on providing an infrastructure for grain products of which trades in Egypt are worth billions of pounds. He also pointed out that agricultural lands in Egypt are firmly fragmented, as they function in a "perfect competition market".

Egypt thus suffers from a distortion of a huge amount of product and services' prices which forced the government to work on setting a guideline for prices and products.

The commodity exchange will be activated as soon as the exchange's infrastructure and the development of mechanisms for pricing grain securities are completed.

In order to prepare a large logistic center in Damietta to receive and trade the grains for both import and export purposes, serious negotiations with global consultancies have already been conducted, Hanafy said.

The ministry will amend law no. 203 regulating public sector companies to allow for increasing holding companies' capital in the exchange market, Hanafy noted.

The government-owned Food Industries Holding Company (FIHC) focuses primarily on adjusting the status of the real commodity market and providing alternative products and goods at competitive prices. Consumer cooperative companies under the ministry of supply that aim to provide goods and products to citizens at low prices are now recording reasonable profits.

According to Hanafy, the global trade chains are currently coordinating with several consumer cooperatives to sell their goods in the local market.

To contact the author of this story, email matus. mader@wbponline. com

20:00:51 NASDAQ CLOSES 0.1% LOWER AT 4,767











Central Banks

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Kuwait Named Anas al-Saleh Acting Oil Minister

Kuwait Named Anas al-Saleh Acting Oil Minister

Policy change not expected as deputy premier and finance minister takes on additional role

Kuwait has replaced its Oil minister with finance minister and deputy premier Anas al-Saleh as the country is squeezed by falling prices, state news agency KUNA reported. Minister Ali al-Omair has been moved to the position of public works minister and minister of state for parliamentary affairs amid a parliamentary reshuffle.

Though the agency did not say why he was leaving the Oil minister post, close sources revealed that al Omair was expected to be replaced 10 days ago.

It is understood al-Omair tried recently to introduce some changes to the management of state Oil companies but was blocked. The departure is not expected to provoke any change in the policy of the OPEC member.

Kuwait ’s Crude Oil policy is set by the country’s Supreme Petroleum Council.

Al-Saleh will perform the acting role alongside his current positions. KUNA also reported that Electricity, Water and Public Works Minister Ahmad Khaled al-Jassar had resigned. Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah al-Mubarak was named acting electricity and water minister.

Of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Kuwait has been one of the countries hardest hit by 17 months of falling Crude Oil prices, leading to calls from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on governments to cut back on subsidies, government spending and consider levying taxes.

As a result, the government’s budget for Y 2015 could hit a deficit of $27-B and last week the Kuwaiti dinar fell sharply against the USD. marks last seen since the Y 2009 global economic crisis. However, the country remains one of the richest of the Gulf energy exporters and is expected to cope easily with an era of cheap Crude Oil.

By Eleanor Dickinson

Paul Ebeling, Editor

Pattern Recognition Analyst, equities, commodities, forex

Paul Ebeling is best known for his work as writer and publisher of “The Red Roadmaster’s Technical Report” on the US Major Market Indices™, a highly-regarded, weekly financial market letter, where he enjoys an international audience among opinion makers, business leaders, and respected organizations. Something of a pioneer in online stock market and commodities discussion and analysis, Ebeling has been online since 1994. He has studied and worked in the global financial and stock markets since 1984.

Category Archives: Market updates

By Majid Al Shabib Riyadh-Saudi Forex: The Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) benchmark rose in February by 4.90% or 434.98 points to end the month at 9313 points, compared with 8878.5 points at January-end. Thus, the index TASI continued its winning streak to the second successive month, after it dragged for four months at the end of 2014. The market rally was spurred by the rise of most stocks, as eleven moved higher topped by energy (+19.

By Mohamed Idris Riyadh-Saudi Forex: Below are the major events to be seen in the Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) during the week March 1-5, 2015: Source: Saudi Forex Exclusive Comments are automatically published on Saudi Forex. Info, at the responsibility of comment-writers. Therefore, they do not reflect any opinion or recommendation on Saudi Forex. Info's part.

By Mouaz bin Saad – Mohamed Al Araby Riyadh-Saudi Forex: Ali Al-Zahrani, CEO, Money & Business Training Center (MBTC) said telecom operator Zain KSA took the capital reduction move as its only option to amortize its accumulated losses. The telecom company’s shareholders have approved the reduction in capital to SAR 5.8 billion. According to the analyst, the effectiveness of such a move would not be measured before seeing the results of the upcoming two quarters, especially as the.

Further to the announcement published on Tadawul's website on 24-02-2015 related the annual financial results of the period ending on 31-12-2014 where the announcement mention that Operational profit (loss) (14,354,598) while the correction is Operational profit (loss) (12,143,583). Source: Saudi Stock Exchange Comments are automatically published on Saudi Forex. Info, at the responsibility of comment-writers. Therefore, they do not reflect any opinion or recommendation on Saudi Forex. Info's part.

Saudi Arabia’s Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) announced it received a letter from Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) replacing its representative in Mobily board Khaled Omar Al Kaf, non-executive board member, with Khalifa Hassan Al Shamsy, effective as of Wednesday, February 25, 2015. Al Kaf has submitted his resignation on February 21, 2015. The new appointment will be considered in Mobily’s upcoming shareholder meeting. Photo Credit: Arabianeye-Reuters Comments are automatically published on Saudi Forex. Info, at the responsibility of comment-writers. Therefore, they.

Riyadh-Saudi Forex: The Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) rose on Wednesday, unhurt by the trading suspension on Mobily stock. However, Mobily stock halt was evident in the liquidity of the telecommunication sector, as it fell by more than half to SAR 240.8 million, compared with SAR 732.7 million out of which 39.4% or SAR 289 million was controlled by Mobily. Analysts said earlier that Mobily’s announcement that it incurred losses instead of profits was shocking for investors.

In front of a crowded audience at the Journalists Syndicate on Monday, lawyer and activist Khaled Ali announced his candidacy for the upcoming presidential election.

“My entire platform is built on the basis of social justice,” said Ali. The difference between his and other candidates’ perceptions of social justice is that his program is a leading policy and guiding principle, “not just decoration,” él dijo.

As the founder and director of the Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights, and a legal activist for much of the last two decades, Ali made a name for himself as a staunch advocate for social justice, especially in the public sector.

He also led the case against government corruption during the Mubarak years, taking government officials to court for illegally selling public land and public sector factories.

Most notably, Ali was able to get verdicts on cases that returned some large companies to the public, such as mega-retailer Omar Effendi, the Nile Cotton Weaving Company and many other factories. He was also a driving force behind a 2001 ruling to grant professionals’ and workers’ syndicates more freedoms, as well as a 2010 decision to increase the national minimum wage.

Running as an independent, Ali believes he is strengthened by his history as an activist, crusader for the poor and a force for change.

“I am the simple folk’s candidate,” él dijo.

The main points of his platform include making Egypt a regional hub for economic cooperation, protecting natural resources and mineral wealth, reversing corrupt government deals from the past, rehabilitating farmland, and solving unemployment while ensuring workers’ rights. His campaign announced that a final, full platform would be released at the end of March, while releasing working papers on each individual point in the platform at five to 10 day intervals in the meantime.

Many representatives of workers’ and farmers’ unions traveled a long way to attend Ali’s announcement and endorse his candidacy in appreciation of the work he has done with them in the past.

“He repeatedly stood with workers from our areas and fought to get their rights. That is why I made the trip over to stand with him. He is the right man, and will always fight for the right causes,” said Samir Naguib, who heads the Quarry Workers Syndicate in Minya Governorate. Naguib made the four-hour trip from Minya to attend the announcement.

Many of Ali’s supporters chanted repeatedly throughout his announcement, “A poor peasant, a president from Tahrir!”

In his speech, Ali maintained his anti-military rule rhetoric, saying that it is in the military’s best interest to not sour its relationship with civilians as the police have already done. He was also critical of the military’s ownership of industry and manufacturing facilities.

“All public economic institutions will return to the government,” he argued. “When the military won in 1973, the public sector supported it economically.”

Ali was careful to state his support for the private sector, and that he does not oppose it in any way.

The announcement came exactly a day after Ali’s 40th birthday, meaning he just met the age requirement to run and will be the youngest candidate in the race. However, as a relatively unknown figure outside certain circles, the real test will be meeting the other requirements of a serious candidate.

Before handing in his official candidacy papers, Ali must gather at least 30,000 endorsements from at least 15 governorates, or from 30 MPs, to be able to officially run. Coming from a simple rural family in the Daqahlia Governorate and working in a legal NGO with modest funding, Ali and his campaigners acknowledge they will be running at a financial disadvantage.

For a lesser-known and poorly financed candidate to announce himself only two-weeks before nationwide campaigns begin, many of his supporters acknowledge it will be a high mountain to climb.

“He announced his candidacy a bit late,” said Magdy Saleh, a member of the Pharmaceutical Workers Syndicate. “Not many are familiar with labor movements, so we will have to work extra hard to spread the word and make his work known.”


Eng. Fathallah Fawzy is currently the Chairman of the Lebanese Businessmen Friendship Association.

He is a board member of the Egyptian Real Estate Association, Head of Construction Committee in the Egyptian Business Association

Eng. Fathallah is a visionary who enjoys a shrewd investment mentality with a proven track of unique success in formulating strategies, building & energizing teams, leading and developing others to achievement of goals and objectives with a strong monitoring ability while he maintains strong focus on business growth and development.

Raouf Abou Zaki. CEO. Al-Iktissad Wal-Aamal Group

رؤوف أبو زكي

الرئيس التنفيذي مجموعة الاقتصاد والأعمال

Hisham El Moukammal. President. Lebanese-Egyptian Businessmen Association

Mr. Hicham El-Moukammal is the President of Lebanese - Egyptian Businessmen Association.

He has Financial & Managerial Expert, Specializes in Accounting & Auditing, Feasibility Studies.

Mr. El-Moukammal is Founder of Professional Auditors International Group. He is also CEO of Crowe Horwath Professional Auditors.

He is the General Secretary of Lebanese Tax Association and He is Board Member of Lebanese Economic Forum.

Mohamed Choucair. Chairman. Federation of Chambers of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture in Lebanon (FCCIAL)

Mr. Choucair is currently the President of the Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry – ASCAME.

He is also President of the Federation of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture in Lebanon – FCCIAL, President of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut & Mount Lebanon – CCIA-BML, President of the Board of Trustees of the Lebanese Arbitration Center at the Beirut & Mount Lebanon Chamber, Vice President of the Office of Economic Cooperation for Mediterranean and Middle East – OCEMO and Vice President of the Franco – Lebanese Chamber of Commerce – CCFL.

Mr. Choucair was "Console a Disposizione"– of the Republic of San Marino, Board Member & President of the Industrial Committee – CCIA-BML. He was named "Chevalier dans l’Ordre National du Mérite’’ by the President of the French Republic, Mr. François Hollande.

Ahmed El Wakil. President. General Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce

Mr. Ahmed El Wakil is currently the President of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce.

He is also the Chairman of Union of African Chambers of Commerce, Agriculture, Industry and Professions (UACCAIP), President of Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria; and Chairman of Egyptian-Syrian Business Council, Chairman of Wakalex Export & Import Co. and Vice President of Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME).

He is Founder and Shareholder of Talaat Harb Cotton Company. He is also Chairman and Board Member of several institutions.

H. E. Dr. Khaled Ziade. Ambassador. Embassy of Lebanon, Egypt

H. E. Dr. Mohamad Badr Eddine Zayed is currently the Ambassador of Egypt in Lebanon.

H. E. was Assistant Foreign Minister for the Affairs of neighboring countries and was Chairman of The State Information Service in Egypt.

H. E. Dr. Zayed is Former Ambassador of Egypt to Pretoria, Yemen, Ottawa and Riyadh.

H. E. holds a Bachelor degree in Economics and Political Science from Cairo University in 1978, and Diploma in Political Arab Studies from the Institute of Arab Research and Studies 1980, and Master Degree in Political Science - Faculty of Economics and Political Science from Cairo University in 1984 and Ph. D. in Political Science - Faculty of Economics and Political Science from Cairo University in 1990.


H. E. Dr. Alain Hakim. Minister of Economy & Trade

H. E. Dr. Alain Hakim is currently Minister of Economy and Trade in Lebanon.

H. E. is also the Group Assistant General Manager at Credit Libanais Group, Chairman-General Manager of Hermes T. T-Credit Libanais subsidiary and Board of Directors member of several Credit Libanais subsidiaries.

H. E. is a Professor and Lecturer at Saint-Joseph University, Faculty of Business and Management and a Professor and Lecturer at Saint Joseph University, Lebanese Banks Association, Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Bancaires.

H. E. holds a Doctorate degree in Business and Management from Saint Joseph University.

H. E. Eng. Tarek Kabeel. Minister of Commerce and Industry

Session two: Opportunities for the Development of Trade, Investment and Services between Egypt and Lebanon - Role of Banks

الجلسة الثانية: فرص تنمية التجارة والاستثمار والخدمات بين مصر ولبنان - دور المصارف في تنمية التجارة والاستثمار بين البلدين

Moderator & Speaker: Eng. Nabil Itani. Chairman and General Manager. Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL)

Mr. Nabil Itani is the Chairman and General Manager of Investment Development Authority of Lebanon (IDAL ), Lebanon’s national investment promotion agency, where he has actively been designing, overseeing, implementing and supporting new strategies to attract investments to the country in multiple sectors.

He has been a key decision maker and participant in a number of legislative committees in the architectural profession in Lebanon and the region. His achievements in this context encompass his contribution to a proposal amending legislative decrees on construction laws, and to the by-laws, regulations, and structure of the Order of Engineers and Architects. He is a member of the Union of Arab Architects and the Union of International Architects.

Mr. Itani’s career spans over three decades of professional achievement in the architectural field.

المهندس نبيل عيتاني

رئيس مجلس الإدارة والمدير العام المؤسسة العامة لتشجيع الاستثمارات في لبنان (إيدال) لبنان

الاستاذ نبيل عيتاني ،مهندس معماري يشغل حاليا منصب رئيس مجلس إدارة و مدير عام المؤسسة العامة لتشجيع الاستثمارات في لبنان "ايدال" ، حيث يعمل على تصميم واشراف وتنفيذ و دعم استراتيجيات جديدة لجذب الاستثمارات إلى لبنان في قطاعات متعددة .


H. E. Mrs. Raya Al Hassan. Former Minister of Finance

H. E. Raya Haffar El-Hassan is currently the Financial Consultant and Member of the Board of Directors of BankMed, and MedInvestment Bank. H. E. was Minister of Finance in Lebanon (2009-2011).

Mrs. El-Hassan was Advisor to the Minister of Economy and Trade and a program specialist for the Economic Governance and Pro-Poor portfolio at UNDP Lebanon. In the mid 90’, she was responsible for overseeing the implementation of tax and expenditure management reforms and in setting up and operating a UN debt management system at the Ministry of Finance. As Project Director within the Office of the Prime Minister (2003-2009), she oversaw several UN, World Bank and EU public sector reform projects and worked on the elaboration and the implementation of the government’s economic and social reform agenda under the Paris II and III International Donor Conferences for Lebanon.

H. E. holds a master’s degree in business administration, from the George Washington University and a bachelor’s degree in business administration from the American University of Beirut.

Eng. Hussein Sabbour. Chairman. Egyptian Businessmen Association

Eng. Hussein Sabbour is the Chairman of the Egyptian Businessmen Association.

He is currently the Chairman and Managing Director of Al Ahly for Real Estate Development Co. and Chairman of several contracting companies including: Oriental Resorts for Touristic Development, Al Ahly Urban Investment Co. and South Sinai Management and Development Co.

Eng. Sabbour is also the Vice Chairman of the Federation of Arab Businessmen and serves on several boards including: the Egyptian British Chamber of Commerce and the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones (GAFI).

He holds a B Sc. in Civil Engineering from Cairo University.

المهندس حسين صبور

رئيس مجلس الإدارة، جمعية رجال الأعمال المصريين مصر

المهندس حسين صبور هو رئيس مجلس إدارة جمعية رجال الأعمال المصريين.

يشغل المهندس صبور حاليا منصب رئيس مجلس الإدارة والعضو المنتدب لشركة الأهلي للتنمية العقارية ورئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة شركات هندسية من بينها: شركة أورينتال ريزورتس للتعمير السياحى، شركة الأهلي للإستثمارات العمرانية و شركة جنوب سيناء للإدارة والتنمية والإستثمار.

كما يشغل منصب نائب رئيس إتحاد رجال الأعمال العرب وهو عضو في مجالس إدارة عديدة بينها: غرفة التجارة المصرية البريطانية و الهيئة العامة للإستثمار والمناطق الحرة.

تخرج من كلية الهندسة جامعة القاهرة.

Walid Abushakra. Chairman. Esol Education FZ

Mr. Abushakra is the Chairman of Esol Education which started and managed outstanding American and International accredited schools, in Egypt, Lebanon, Cyprus, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Gaza and now Hong Kong enrolling over 10,000 students.

He was inducted to the Hall of Fame in America. The International Schools Association (NGO of the United Nations) granted him the award of distinguished Service to International Education in 2007. He also received the award of Outstanding Contribution to International Education from the Mediterranean Association of International Schools (MAIS).

Recently, “Esol Education” entered a joint venture partnership with “The American University of Beirut” to establish and manage educational institutions outside Lebanon.

Abbas Fayed. Vice Chairman & Managing Director. Bank Audi - Egypt

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SEC Charges Stock Promoter With Deceptive Ads Who Traded Facebook And Twitter IPOs

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged a stock promoter based in Santa Barbara, Calif. with fraudulently raising nearly $3.5 million from investors purportedly to purchase Facebook and Twitter shares prior to their initial public offerings (IPOs).

The SEC alleges that instead of purchasing the shares in the secondary market as promised, Efstratios “Elias” Argyropoulos and his firm Prima Capital Group misappropriated investor funds. They used the money primarily for day trading of stocks and options as well as to pay off certain investors who complained when they didn't receive the promised Facebook or Twitter shares.

Argyropoulos agreed to settle the SEC's charges and be barred from working for an investment adviser or broker-dealer, and financial penalties will be determined at a later date.

“Argyropoulos capitalized on the high demand for pre-IPO Facebook and Twitter shares to steal investor money and secretly fund his own day trading,” said Michele Wein Layne, Director of the SEC's Los Angeles Regional Office.

The SEC's complaint charges Argyropoulos and Prima Capital with violating the antifraud provisions and broker-dealer registration provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Argyropoulos and Prima Capital agreed to settle the charges without admitting or denying the allegations, and the settlement is subject to court approval.

The SEC separately announced an administrative proceeding against Khaled A. Eldaher, a registered representative living in Austin, Texas. The SEC Enforcement Division alleges that while working for a registered broker-dealer, Eldaher reached a side agreement with Argyropoulos to solicit investors and receive 50 percent of the mark-up on Facebook shares he sold. Eldaher sold $362,887.50 worth of Facebook shares and was paid $15,478 by Prima Capital. He was later terminated by the broker-dealer for selling securities other than through the firm. The Enforcement Division alleges that Eldaher's sales of unregistered securities violated Section 15(a)(1) of the Exchange Act. The matter will be scheduled for a public hearing before an administrative law judge for proceedings to adjudicate the Enforcement Division's allegations and determine what, if any, remedial actions are appropriate.

The SEC's investigation was conducted by Tony Regenstreif and supervised by Victoria A. Levin of the Los Angeles Regional Office. The Enforcement Division's litigation against Eldaher will be led by Karen Matteson.

&dupdo; 2016 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.


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