Wednesday, November 16, 2016

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FXDD Forex Trading Aplicaciones móviles para Android

Supervise y ejecute transacciones de divisas en tiempo real con su dispositivo habilitado para Android

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Trading Forex en su dispositivo Android habilitado dispositivo no podría ser más simple. Comercio Forex en tu dispositivo móvil Android con aplicaciones móviles de FXDD. Los pares de divisas comerciales de todo el mundo son fáciles con las aplicaciones móviles FXDD para Android, y la tecnología es más rápida que nunca para ayudarlo a aprovechar las oscilaciones de las tendencias rápidamente. Descubra dónde los mercados de divisas se dirigen con las últimas plataformas de comercio móvil de FXDD y no se pierda un paso en los mercados internacionales. Usted no tiene que sentarse y esperar detrás de la pantalla de su computadora para tomar ventaja de los movimientos de divisas y de divisas. No demores. Hacer operaciones desde casi cualquier lugar utilizando aplicaciones móviles de Android.


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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, su nivel de experiencia y su tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORIAL: FXDD proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El desempeño pasado no garantiza resultados futuros y FXDD aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, gerentes de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FXDD declina expresamente cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

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Aplicación Forex android, gestión de divisas para empresas.

Jul 11, 2013. Si a usted le gusta hacer algo de dinero al convertirse en un comerciante de divisas, entonces estas 13 aplicaciones de Forex para Android, iOS, Windows Phone y otros lo harán. Mantenga un ojo en los tipos de cambio actuales para las principales monedas. & # 8211; Reloj en tiempo real del mercado & # 8211; Calcular con las tasas de conversión más recientes & # 8211; Noticias de Forex actualizadas La aplicación gratuita de moneda XE para dispositivos Android le permite realizar un seguimiento de las tasas de mercado en vivo para cada moneda mundial.

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MetaTrader 4 Android OS

La más amplia gama de dispositivos para el comercio de Forex

La aplicación Android OS de MetaTrader 4 es una plataforma comercial completa para dispositivos móviles con tecnología Android. La aplicación le permite elegir entre cientos de empresas de corretaje y miles de servidores. Ofrece todo lo que necesita para una exitosa operación de Forex: un conjunto completo de pedidos, historial de transacciones, gráficos interactivos, análisis técnicos y la más amplia selección de dispositivos móviles compatibles.

Los operadores que utilizan el MetaTrader 4 Android disfrutan de una potente funcionalidad para operar en Forex en cualquier momento y en cualquier parte del mundo. Toda la selección de análisis y opciones de comercio está en su dispositivo Android ahora!

Operaciones móviles con las funciones de MetaTrader 4

Control completo sobre una cuenta comercial

Comercio desde cualquier lugar 24/5

Todos los tipos de órdenes y modos de ejecución

Historia de los oficios

Gráficos de símbolos interactivos

3 tipos de cartas: barras, candelabros japoneses y líneas discontinuas

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Noticias de los mercados financieros

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Gráficos interactivos

Los gráficos interactivos controlan los cambios en la tasa de cambio en tiempo real. La aplicación ofrece tres tipos de gráficos: barras, candelabros y líneas que le permiten comerciar directamente con ellos. Puede escalar y desplazar fácilmente los gráficos, así como alternar entre nueve marcos de tiempo - de un minuto a un mes.

La aplicación Android OS de MetaTrader 4 le permite configurar e implementar su estrategia comercial de la manera más precisa. El programa apoya los 30 indicadores técnicos más esenciales y 24 objetos analíticos: líneas, canales, formas geométricas, así como herramientas Gann, Fibonacci y Elliott. Todo puede aplicarse tanto a la ventana de la carta como a los demás, mientras que los esquemas de color también se pueden ajustar a su gusto. Puede abrir hasta 10 ventanas con indicadores simultáneamente. Esto facilita el análisis más exhaustivo posible, proporcionándole la máxima ventaja.

Esto hace que el comercio móvil sea más intuitivo y amplíe significativamente las capacidades analíticas.

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Para implementar cualquier estrategia que necesita un sistema de comercio móvil MetaTrader 4 flexible emparejado con un conjunto completo de órdenes y funciones comerciales. Órdenes de ejecución instantánea le permiten el comercio de Forex continuamente, mientras que los pendientes de aliviar de la necesidad de gestionar constantemente su comercio. Su solicitud de negociación se ejecutará incluso si la aplicación está cerrada. Las posiciones abiertas se pueden modificar cambiando los niveles de Stop Loss y Take Profit para establecer sus ganancias o minimizar sus pérdidas.

Toda la información sobre la cantidad de órdenes y posiciones abiertas, precios abiertos, volúmenes y estado de la cuenta se puede encontrar en la ventana Comercio, mientras que la ventana Historial le permite ver el historial detallado de todas las operaciones realizadas anteriormente.

Implementar cualquier estrategia! El flexible sistema de comercio MetaTrader 4 para Android le ayudará.

Si no tienes acceso a Google Play, descarga MetaTrader 4 en formato APK (para Android 4.0 y versiones posteriores)

Descargar aplicaciones Forex gratis para Android

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Como una persona como usted que ha luchado con entrar en el comercio de Forex, he buscado alto y bajo para encontrar las mejores estrategias para arreglar.

Cómo buscar aplicaciones de Forex en Google Play Android Market?

Hay cientos de aplicaciones de Forex, juegos y software disponibles en Internet como Big-Ass Sandwiches, Micro Compass, Student Interview Guide, Free App Widget 4 Amazon. Lee opiniones, calificaciones de clientes, capturas de pantalla y videos relacionados con Forex aplicaciones. Otros usuarios también buscan aplicaciones de Animal, Universidad, Ejército, Música y Skype. Android es ahora uno de los mayores sistemas operativos móviles. Así que habrá algunos problemas acerca de cómo elegir las mejores y más apropiadas aplicaciones de Forex para su teléfono móvil Android o dispositivos tablet, incluyendo MT7A, T8620, ZTE V9500 y ALCATEL_ONE_TOUCH_6030X_Orange. Posiblemente la información dada le ayudará a elegir las aplicaciones de Forex android apropiadas fácilmente y rápidamente. Sólo tienes que seguir nuestra guía paso a paso.

Paso 1: Versión de Android: primero debe determinar qué versión de Android es necesaria para su dispositivo antes de descargar e instalar.

Paso 2: Debe ser compatible con varias aplicaciones. Elige cualquier aplicación Forex disponible en Google Play que tenga un alto nivel de compatibilidad.

Cómo instalar manualmente Forex Apps Android?

En el primer paso, usted tiene que instalar una aplicación de explorador de archivos de descarga de aplicaciones de Forex o cualquier otra aplicación de su elección como el pastor alemán, pimientos Jalapeño, uvas y gallo aplicaciones y juegos. Explorador de archivos como el Administrador de archivos de Android, el Explorador de archivos de ES o el Administrador de archivos de Astro, desde el Android Market hasta el dispositivo Android y conecte su teléfono celular a su PC como unidad de disco USB con el cable USB incluido.

Descargue cualquier aplicación de Forex Android de su elección en su formato de archivo APK a la tarjeta SD de su teléfono eligiendo la opción para guardarla en su computadora y navegar a la unidad de su teléfono. Como alternativa, puede guardar el archivo en su computadora y enviarlo a su teléfono a través de Bluetooth o correo electrónico. Ahora desconecte el dispositivo de su computadora. Por otro lado, también puede guardar el archivo de apk de juego de Forex en su computadora y enviarlo a su teléfono a través de Bluetooth o correo electrónico. Desconecte su teléfono celular de su computadora.

Por último, abra su cajón de aplicaciones en su teléfono Android. Inicie la aplicación de administrador de archivos y utilícela para buscar la ubicación de los archivos Forex APK. Abra el archivo con el administrador de archivos y el proceso de instalación se inicia fácil y rápidamente.

Descargar aplicaciones de Android usando Google Play en su computadora

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Android FX

Divisas o Forex es uno de los mercados financieros más rápidos y más rápidos del mundo. Participar en el mercado Forex está actualmente disponible no sólo en las PC, sino también en dispositivos móviles con diversos sistemas operativos, como Android. "Android FX" es un término que significa literalmente Forex trading en un dispositivo móvil con sistema operativo Android. De hecho, no existe tal término, sólo se aplica entre los comerciantes que significa lo anterior.

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El amplio uso de los teléfonos inteligentes facilitó el comercio y fue accesible para todos en todas partes. Como se sabe, IFC Markets ofrece dos plataformas de negociación NetTradeX y MetaTrader 4, la primera de las cuales fue diseñada por IFC Markets. NetTradeX Android Mobile plataforma de negociación es una aplicación móvil de NetTradeX terminal comercial que ofrece el entorno necesario y herramientas para el comercio en los mercados financieros. NetTradeX Android Fx tiene las siguientes características clave:

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MetaTrader 4 Android FX

Hoy en día los comerciantes y los inversores tienen la oportunidad de descargar y obtener las tecnologías de comercio de Forex de MetaTrader 4 en los dispositivos impulsados ​​por el popular sistema operativo Android. MetaTrader 4 Android tiene las siguientes características clave:

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La oportunidad de tener una amplia variedad de smartphones y Tablet PCs

Debido al desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías de comercio y su gestión se ha convertido en mucho más fácil. Hoy en día los comerciantes y los inversores son libres de realizar sus operaciones en movimiento.

IFC Markets es una compañía financiera innovadora líder que ofrece a los inversionistas privados y corporativos un amplio conjunto de herramientas comerciales y analíticas. La compañía ofrece a sus clientes operaciones de Forex y CFD a través de su propia plataforma de trading NetTradeX, que está disponible en PC, iOS, Android y Windows Mobile. La compañía también ofrece la plataforma MetaTrader 4 disponible en PC, Mac OS, iOS y Android. Puede comparar las ventajas de ambas plataformas.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

IFC Markets no presta servicios a los residentes de los Estados Unidos.

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2005-2015 & copy; FXOpen Todos los derechos reservados. Varias marcas registradas de sus respectivos propietarios.

Advertencia de riesgo:. La negociación en el mercado de divisas implica riesgos sustanciales, incluida la posible pérdida completa de fondos y otras pérdidas y no es adecuado para todos los miembros. Los clientes deben hacer un juicio independiente sobre si el comercio es apropiado para ellos en función de su situación financiera, experiencia de inversión, tolerancia al riesgo y otros factores.

FXOpen Markets Limited. Una empresa debidamente registrada en Nevis bajo la compañía C 42235. FXOpen es miembro de la Comisión Financiera.

FXOpen AU Pty Ltd .. una empresa autorizada y regulada por la Australian Securities & amp; Comisión de Inversiones (ASIC). AFSL 412871 & ndash; ABN 61 143 678 719.

FXOpen Ltd., una compañía registrada en Inglaterra y Gales bajo la compañía número 07273392 y está autorizada y regulada por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera (previamente, la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros) bajo la firma FCA número de referencia 579202.

FXOpen no proporciona servicios para residentes de los Estados Unidos.

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Todas las horas son GMT. La hora actual es: 12:39 AM.

Tema: Forex Android B. O. T. 2009

Forex Android B. O. T. 2009

Su respuesta a continuación le agradezco.

Lo hice descargar, e instalado el Forex Android B. O. T. de Forex Social.

Sin embargo cuando ejecuto ese software no produce resultados.

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There’s a really Unique Indicator known as Dr. Forex Signals. Just about all you must do is actually adhere to the actual Arrows produced about the Dr. Forex Signal Collection. Red-colored Arrow to market and also the Eco-friendly Arrow to purchase. You may also make use of this Indicator upon every other Program a person hAve.

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The following post is a paid advertisement. The content was provided by the advertiser.

Trading 212: Tradez Forex et plus sur la route meilleure application de trading forex android.

Binary options, which emerged in 2008, disproved these popular beliefs thanks to their simplicity. All that the investor has to dois to predict the direction of movement of the chosen asset price over a given period, and make a stake. Ifthe prediction is correct, the amount invested is easily increased by +92%. It often takes mere moments to get the profits – the life cycle of an option starts at 30 seconds. If the prediction is incorrect, the money at stake is lost. Butthe losses can be easily calculated and to limit them one should never trade more than, say, 1% of the total funds available. Meilleure application de trading forex android.

If you are not self-confident enough, it is best to begin with minimal bets. The demo account trading is rather an opportunityto play than to get ready for winning under real conditions. When you trade for real money from the very beginning, you’remore careful and won’t risk 10% of the funds or more in the hope to win back your losses. You learn to controlyour emotions and the process by investing in small equal bets. This approach will keep you away from gambling fever, which makespeople lose all their money in a day. Here we assume that your aim with binary options is learning to invest carefullyand profitably (over time!), and not hunting for quick money.

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the TradeStation Mobile app lets you access. Allows an application to use the account. Magazine – Current Android news Apps – Find new apps for .

[1] The possibility to work with indicators and draw overlay lines on the charts is available only in the iOSversion.

For successful quotation analysis, the trader has to see the chart history. The longer the period, the better.

Trusted Forex & CFD Signals app helps you predict the market trading Forex & CFD with LIVE.

Free to all TradeStation brokerage customers, the TradeStation Mobile app lets you access core features of our award-winning desktop platform, synchronized to your online account in real time. Set price and volume alerts or use your Android device to chart, trade, and monitor your portfolioon the go.

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· Push-notifications about the most highly profitable assets Meilleure application de trading forex android.

All you need for this is a simple, quick, and convenient platform with minimum bets, provided by a reliable broker. The broker’s reliability can be confirmed with European certificates such as CySEC (no certificate — no guarantees of withdrawal).In this article I’ll show you all the rest.

For those who just want to “have fun” with deposits below 0, IQ Option has an exciting gameplay with cheerful Mario-style music.

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Sure, trader apps should constantly update their data. But slow trading process is far from enjoyable.

The only thing that’s left is to summarize our comparison. For this purpose I’ve made up a table containing allthe characteristics, which I believe, are the most important. The table also includes the names of test leaders — thosewho deliver the best results in each of the parameters:

GMO Click introduces Forex app for Android-based watches

Forex brokers have been reconsidering the meaning of the phrase “Time is money” lately, with GMO Click Securities, subsidiary of GMO Click Holdings Inc (TYO:7177), joining the raft of companies to launch applications specifically designed for wristwatches.

Unlike its Japanese rival Rakuten Securities or UK-based expert in online trading IG Group Holdings plc (LON:IGG), which have introduced trading apps for Apple Watch, GMO Click is targeting the users of Android Wear gadgets. The broker today announced the rollout of FXWatch, a Forex application for Android-based watches.

The main function of the app at this point (after all, it is the first version of the solution) is purely informative. It provides access to exchange rates of all the currency pairs on offer on FXNeo, the OTC Forex platform of the broker. Detailed info about the price movements of a given instrument can be obtained from charts that work with different timeframes.

As Android Wear devices have screens in several shapes, the FXWatch designer team has provided traders with an option to select different “Watch Faces” that fit with a certain shape.

Of course, clients of the broker would be anxious to see what the future holds for the novel app, especially whether and when it will start offering actual trading.

For the time being, it is clear that the field of rivalry in online trading has shifted to traders’ wrists. Watch ticking may soon be marking seconds and… cents.

To download the FXWatch app by GMO Click, click here .

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Have you been the hectic Forex investor on the run? Nowadays, there are lots of Android Forex applications that will help a person evaluate as well as handle your own Forex jobs wherever you’re! That’s correct, regardless of whether you’re travelling to operate, in your lunch time split or just without having a chance to entry your own broker’s internet system, you are able to industry presently there after which in your Android gadget. There are numerous associated with agents providing superb Android applications that will help in order to industry the same as you’re at the pc, as well as there’s also applications that will help to remain along with what’s happening within the marketplaces too. Here’s the actual break down from the best Android Forex agents as well as applications. However prior to all of us enter that people recommend an extremely unique agent having a really unique Android software: Plus500. This particular agent may be the biggest agent on the planet as well as centered on cellular programs really earlier. As well as that’s the end result.

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There are lots of Android Forex applications which will help you to handle your own deals in your cellular, however the Best amongst these types of continues to be the actual Metatrader four Remote control application. MT4 Remote control permits you the entire performance from the Metatrader four system in your Android gadget, such as starting jobs, controlling jobs, environment cease as well as restrict purchases, checking Forex graphs and much more. This particular application decorative mirrors the actual performance from the pc Metatrader system, and therefore it’s user-friendly as well as simple to use. More to the point, this hyperlinks straight into your own Metatrader four buying and selling accounts.

When it comes to Forex agents which assistance Android Forex buying and selling, there’s absolutely no much better agent compared to Oanda FXTrade. Oanda is really a leader within the Forex buying and selling globe within providing very restricted propagates and incredibly advantageous buying and selling problems with regard to each brand new as well as sophisticated Forex investors as well. On the wonderfully created Android Forex buying and selling application, it is possible in order to purchase and sell as much as fifty four various foreign currency sets, look at expert graphs along with particular fundamental Indicators as well as make use of cease as well as restrict purchases with regard to a lot of industry administration elegance.

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Dukascopy’s Swiss Forex app now available on Android watches

When Dukascopy Bank SA updated its Swiss Forex mobile application for iOS devices so that it can be used by owners of Apple Watch. it promised to make the application available on Android-powered watches too.

The Swiss company has stayed true to its promise, as the relevant update to the Swiss Forex app for Android gadgets was released on Wednesday, November 25 th. And, yes, the app now supports Android smartwatches.

Other novelties in the latest version of the application include enhancements to the user interface, the Market Watch, the Currency Index and the settings.

The Swiss Forex app aims to offer traders the most up-to-date Forex market information in real-time. Traders get access to a comprehensive set of FX tools including quotes, charts, news, calendars and video reviews provided by Dukascopy TV studio.

You can find out more about Dukascopy’s Swiss Forex application by clicking here .

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FX Empire - La empresa, los empleados, las subsidiarias y los asociados, no son responsables ni serán responsables conjunta o solidariamente por cualquier pérdida o daño como resultado de la confianza en la información proporcionada en este sitio web. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no necesariamente se proporcionan en tiempo real ni es necesariamente precisa. FX Empire puede recibir compensación de las compañías que aparecen en la red.

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Tutorial Metatrader 4 Android

Metatrader 4 Android sudah lama diluncurkan, kini sudah mengalami update sehingga tampilannya lebih mudah dipahami dan enak dipakai trading forex.

Berikut ini tutorial metatrader 4 android untuk trading forex secara mobile di smartphone atau tablet android :


1. Jalankan aplikasi playstore di smartphone atau tablet android anda, pilih menu Apps, ketik dikolom pencarian “Metatrader”. lalu pilih Metatrader 4 dari Metaquotes Software corp

3. Setelah proses install selesai, Tap Open

5. Ketikan ” Fbs ” lalu pilih Fbs-Real

6. Masukan nomor akun trading dan password trading, lalu tap Sign-In dibagian bawah

7. Jika berhasil login, dibagian kiri atas akan terlihat Nomor akun dan nama anda

8. ada tiga halaman utama metatrader android yang harus anda ketahui, yang pertama adalah halaman Quotes. Ini menampilkan pair forex yang bisa ditransaksikan beserta harganya

9. Yang kedua adalah halaman Charts, menampilkan Grafik harga sebuah pair forex. Grafik harga ini digunakan untuk menganalisa kemana arah harga selanjutnya apakah mau naik atau mau turun.


1. Jalankan metatrader nya, klik option menu di kiri atas, lalu pilih menu paling atas yang ada akun nama atau nomor akun yang sedang aktif

2. Klik tanda + dibagian kanan atas

3. Pilih Open A Personal Demo Account

4. ketik “Fbs” lalu klik Fbs Demo

5. Silahkan isi formulir pembuatan akun demo. Jenis akun pilih micro. Lalu klik tombol Create Account

6. Akan muncul data akun demo anda. Silahkan Klik Ready untuk otomatis login ke metatrader

7. Inilah tampilan awal metatrader berupa halaman Quotes / tampilan harga setiap pair forex

Jika koneski internet anda bagus maka akan langsung tampil secara lengkap seperti dibawah ini, tapi jika koneksi internetnya kurang maka perlu waktu sekitar 5 menit untuk tampil sempurna.


1. Buka menu Charts lalu lakukan analisa. Prediksikan apakah grafik mau naik atau mau turun

Jika grafik mau naik maka lakukan BUY, jika grafik mau turun maka lakukan Sell.

Pada contoh dibawah ini kita anggap grafik mau turun, maka transaksi yang harus dilakukan adalah Sell

2. Untuk membuka posisi Sell caranya Klik tombol New Order dipojok kanan atas, maka akan muncul form order

penjelasan tentang form order

3. Selanjutnya silahkan atur volume transaksinya lalu klik tombol Sell

Pada contoh dibawah ini volume transaksinya 1 lot

4. Selanjutnya buka menu Trade untuk melihat Posisi transaksi yang sedang berjalan / sedang dilakukan beserta potensi hasilnya.

Jika nilai potensi hasilnya adalah negatif maka itu menunjukan Potensi Rugi. Sebaliknya jika nilainya positif maka itu menunjukan potensi profit.

Perlu diketahui bahwa setiap kali melakukan transaksi, hasilnya akan langsung minus itu karena adanya spread (komisi broker). jadi, setiap kali kita melakukan transaksi, kita itu membayar komisi pada broker di awal. Semua broker menerapkan sistem spread seperti itu.

5. Proses berikutnya adalah menunggu sampai hasilnya positif. Jika besarnya profit sudah dirasa cukup, maka siap-siap lakukan Close

Pada contoh dibawah ini hasilnya positif $22

6. Cara melakukan Close yaitu klik lalu tahan / tekan posisi transaksi atau tekan angka profitnya selama 3 detik sampai muncul pilihan, setelah itu Klik Close Order

7. Akan muncul konfirmasi, klik Close

9. Inilah hasilnya. Saldo modal bertambah karena adanya profit.

pada contoh dibawah ini kita bisa melihat bahwa potensi profit sebelum dilakukan Close itu sebesar $22. namun karena ada perubahan harga selama rentang waktu proses Close, maka profit yang masuk adalah sesuai harga terakhir saat terjadinya Close.

Cara transaksi dengan memakai Stoploss

1. Lakukan analisa pada grafik, lalu klik icon New Order dipojok kanan atas

2. Rubah volume transaksi lalu klik Sell. Karena dari hasil analisa kami memprediksikan grafik akan turun.

4. Pada halaman Trade akan terlihat posisi transaksi yang sedang berjalan

5. Untuk memasang StopLoss, tentukan dulu nilai stoplossnya. Klik icon cross hair, lalu arahkan dimana letak stoplossnya

Pada contoh dibawah ini stoplossnya di ujung atas candlestick berbadan besar, atau diharga 1,49697

6. Selanjutnya klik dan tahan selama 3 detik Posisi transaksi atau nilai profitnya sampai muncul pilihan. Setelah muncul pilihan, klik Modify Order

7. Masukan nilai Stoplossnya lalu klik Modify

9. Pada halaman trade, jika anda klik posisi transaksi yang sedang berjalan, akan muncul detail dari posisi transaksi tersebut. Termasuk muncul nilai stoplossnya.

10. Fungsi stoploss adalah agar posisi transaksi anda bisa Close otomatis seandainya harga bergerak berlawanan arah dengan prediksi anda, sehingga bisa membatasi dari kerugian yang terus membesar.

Jika ternyata harga bergerak sarah dengan prediksi anda, maka hasilnya tentu saja profit. Jika profitnya sudah cukup besar silahkan lakukan Close

Pada contoh dibawah ini potensi profitnya sudah cukup besar yaitu $524, oleh karena itu lakukan Close

11. Klik dan tahan selama 3 detik pada Posisi transaksi atau pada angka profitnya sampai muncul pilihan. Setelah itu klik Close Order

14. Dengan transaksi yang hasilnya profit, maka saldo modal atau balance menjadi bertambah

15. untuk melihat detai hasil transaksi yang telah dilakukan, silahkan buka menu History

Itulah penjelasan tentang metatrader di android beserta cara trading forex di android.

Metatrader android kini desainnya lebih simple dan lebih mudah digunakan dibandingkan dengan versi sebelumnya. Kami yakin anda bisa menggunaan metatrader android dengan baik.

Silahkan coba otak-atik metatrader android tersebut, jika nanti ada masalah dengn metatradernya, tinggal di install ulang saja.

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Two months ago the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform got the mobile version for iOS and users of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch received the powerful tool for Forex trading. Could we forget about Android OS in that situation? "No way", - our developers said and released MetaTrader 4 for Android. Therefore, the product that has become favorite for many traders now can operate on any device powered by the Google's operating system.

From today, all Android users can trade, analyze the market using charts, watch the quotes 24 hours a day and examine the history of performed deals without giving up their favorite MetaTrader 4 platform. All mentioned features are available in MetaTrader 4 for Android, which provides you the possibility of online trading in any place and at any time. By downloading MetaTrader 4 for Android for free you get a convenient and reliable working tool that will always be with you. The owners of Android powered tablet PCs have even more reasons for joy - the application has native support of these devices!

We want to assure you that the work on the mobile platform continues: the implementation of technical indicators is the question of the nearest future. Besides, the functionality of the program will be expanded providing new opportunities for mobile traders. Stay tuned – the news about the upcoming events are going to be exciting.

If you like the application, please, rate it in the Android Market. This will help other traders to pay attention to it and thereby expand the Android community of MetaTrader 4 platform users. ¡Gracias de antemano!

Two months ago the most popular MetaTrader 4 trading platform acquired the mobile version for iOS and users of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch received the powerful tool for Forex trading. Could we forget about Android OS in that situation? "No way", - our developers said and released MetaTrader 4 for Android. Therefore, the product that has become favorite for many traders now can operate on any device powered by the Google's operating system.

From today, all Android users can trade, analyze the market using charts, watch the quotes 24 hours a day and examine the history of performed deals without giving up their favorite MetaTrader 4 platform. All mentioned features are available in MetaTrader 4 for Android, which provides you the possibility of online trading in any place and at any time. By downloading MetaTrader 4 for Android for free you get a convenient and reliable working tool that will always be with you. The owners of Android powered tablet PCs have even more reasons for joy - the application has native support of these devices!

We want to assure you that the work on the mobile platform continues: the implementation of technical indicators is the question of the nearest future. Besides, the functionality of the program will be expanded providing new opportunities for mobile traders. Stay tuned – the news about the upcoming events are going to be exciting.

If you like the application, please, rate it in the Android Market. This will help other traders to pay attention to it and thereby expand the Android community of MetaTrader 4 platform users. ¡Gracias de antemano!

Racer II (2.3) and Xperia Mini (2.1). cant find in Anroid Market the App. -(

Please wait a while. It takes some time for the appliaction to distribute among all Google. Play (Android Market) servers around the world.

alexey_petrov : Please wait a while. It takes some time for the appliaction to distribute among all Google. Play (Android Market) servers around the world.

finally was installing on Racer 2.

Guys, you was testing the app with more small display sizes?

Not even possible to log in into my existing account. bcause i press "Login to existing account", on the right side i see then a SMALL input field for the server. and thats it. Not possible to scroll somewhere nor a button to find or search or else.

Yes, you right, there is some problem with user interface. We are now working on it and i hope on the next update everything will be fine with small-size Androids. Thanks for feedback.

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/ Metatrader 4 for Android

Metatrader 4 for Android

Experience the outstanding convenience of Forex trading with Metatrader 4 on your Android-driven device! Forex trading has never been easier with MT4 Mobile for Android!

You can enjoy a complete set of trade orders, trading history, interactive charts and the widest variety of supported devices - all that is MetaTrader 4 for Android. Wherever you are and whatever you do, Forex will always be with you!

1 Go to Google PlayStore

Tap your PlayStore icon and go to the Store.

2 Search for Metatrader 4

Type "Metatrader 4" in the store search field, the store will find the Metatrader 4 android application for you.

3 Find Metatrader 4

Click on search results and you will see the app window like this.

4 Download the app

Click on the Install button and then on the accept and download button to start downloading the application.

5 Wait for the app to download

If you have done everything right so far, you will see a screen like this.

6 Run the app

After your Metatrader 4 for Android is installed onto your device you can open a new account or login with your existing account

7 Find OctaFX servers

Type "octafx" into the server search bar and, after the servers are found, select live or demo server (live - for live account, demo - for demo accounts).

8 Login to your account

Enter your MT4 login and password to login to your account

9 Enjoy your Metatrader 4!

If you are doing everything right, you will be logged into your account. From here you can enjoy Metatrader 4 trading app on your Android-driven device!

Risk notice: Forex margin trading involves substantial risks. Forex margin trading exposes participants to risks including, but not limited to, changes in political conditions, economic factors, acts of nature and other factors, all of which may substantially affect the price of availability of one or more foreign currencies. Speculative trading is a challenging prospect, even to those with market experience and an understanding of the risks involved.

Superbot Signal Forex


Superbot Signal Forex merupakan sebuah aplikasi android untuk memberikan petunjuk signal untuk buy atau sell dalam trading forex berbagai broker dengan mengunakan analisa fundamental. Dengan mengunakan berbagai fitur bantuan untuk analisa fundamental dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi loss pada saat trading. Forex Signal SuperBot is an android app to give instructions to buy or sell signal in forex trading broker by using a variety of fundamental analysis. By using a variety of features to support fundamental analysis with the aim to reduce the loss in trading.

What's New

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Is Forex Android Automated Trading System A SCAM!?

Published February 16, 2009 | By admin

Hello For the past 6 months I have been hearing a lot of talk about some forex signal system super code, the commercial traders are using and that there would be a retail version available and now I hear! It is available but the only site I found says I have to be a certified trader with NFA certification like a series 3 or 7 license. Is it only for money managers? Or can retail traders use this automated trading signals bot as well. If you know someone who is using it or if you have access please tell me how and where to get a copy of forex android thanks

The Forex Android system works very well. im sure one day they will start charging for this. even if they ever did it would be worth every penny. the problem with it right now is that its free and if they keep that up it will put every signal service out there in forex land out of business.. I have been using it for about 7 months. I first heard about it on http://www. tradingsocial. com when a guy in the video chat room was showing it off and making live calls in the room with it. I have been using it ever since. I have since deleted all of my metatrader indicators and EA’s because they don’t compare to the simplicity and accuracy of the android. You can download the forex android system here! http://www. traderchatforum. com/ I noticed if you mention the word android on a forum like baby pips or forex factory they will delete! Immediately. I guess they don’t want other traders to know about this system and that explains why you never heard of it. Make a post or a comment about forex android on a popular forex forum and watch how fast it disappears. The conspiracy and plot thickens.

You can download the system here! http://www. traderchatforum. com/

Forex Platform For Android

Download MetaTrader 4 PC, iPad, iPhone or Android OS version to get powerful and convenient for technical The Most Popular Forex Trading Platform .

Mobile trading for FOREX delivers the great features available on the full trading platform. We have specifically designed apps for iPhone, iPad and Android

Open Google Play on your Android. or download the app here. Locate Metatrader 4 in Google Play by entering the term metatrader 4 in the search field; Hacer clic

The Pepperstone App for Android gives you leading forex trading technology and access to your MT4 trading account, on Home / Trading Platforms / Android

Mobile trading with the MetaTrader 5 for Android is an exciting possibility to trade in the Forex and Stock markets using smartphones and tablet PC's powered by

iPhone®, iPad®, Android ® and BlackBerry® mobile forex trading platforms. Tight spreads, real-time smartphone trading. Explore your free trading app today!

Trading Station Mobile lets you quickly access the forex market, to place and manage trades on an intuitive Trading Station's mobile platform lets retail traders quickly and easily access the forex market. Trades Android ™ phone and tablet.

Trade Forex and CFDs with MT4 for Android. Stay in Forex and CFD Australian regulated broker MT4 for Android - MetaTrader 4 Mobile Trading Platform .

Trade Forex and CFDs with MT4 for Android. Stay in tune with the The appns on Android 2.1. MT4 for Android - MetaTrader 4 Mobile Trading Platform .

Android Trader allows you to work on Forex and other financial markets and is fullypatible with MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 terminals for PC.

11. 2013. - As mentioned before, there are lots of Forex apps out there. Many of them are available on different platforms. such as Android. iOS, BlackBerry

FxPro offers mobile versions of its main trading platforms. The Android operating system revolutionised mobile devices, much like MT4 changed the world of

Forex applications for the iPhone and Android have taken off in popularity over the From broker platforms to educational tools, this article will take a look at 15

Trade Forex. CFDs, Share, de Oil, Gold, Indices on your Smartphone or Tablet platforms after 30 days. Read our Privacy Policy. iPhone / iPad. Android .

Here's the breakdown of the top Android Forex brokers and apps. But before we get into that we highly rmend a very special broker with a very special

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Fx trading platform for Android Metatrader 4 help you trade from anywhere without any limits. Download it and start making money immediately on the move.

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GAINSY MT4 Mobile Platform for Android phones and devices – MetaTrader 4 Forex trading technologies can now be downloaded on your devices powered by

Our free, award-winning Android trading app available on Google Play. You can have access over 7500 markets and place trades on the move with IG.

Yadix forex broker provides a variety of forex trading platforms to suit your with the Yadix MT4 Mobile Apps for iPhone and iPad and for all Android devices.

NetTradeX Trading Terminal for Android is a trading platform designed to Download · Download Forex App Android Download Trading App for Android .

An Android trading software app that links and syncs directly with your MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Forex account. Download now for smartphones like Samsung and

Find here theplete list of Brokers who support trading via Android. Pick the best broker for you. Enter Now!

MT4, MT5, Currenex, iPhone Android .

AGEA offers forex (foreign exchange), index andmodity contracts, and financial With this mobile trading platform. all Android users can trade, analyze the

Using DMM FX's service, you may not only easily manage your money from your Android device, but also experience one of the biggest platform providers in the

Orbex's MetaTrader 4 Forex trading technologies can now be downloaded on Android devices showing trading history, trade orders and charts.

Download MetaTrader 4, the most powerful and user-friendly platform for Forex & CFDs trading.

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Get AxiTrader's customised mobile trading app for Android phones at the Play store & enjoy great Forex trading on your Android device MT4 Platform .

Trade Metatrader 4 over your Android phone with the Mobile VPS app from Gallant. Our VPS platform allows you the full MT4 platform. and full EA management.

Whether you arenning an Android powered smartphone, tablet, or both; this is the app for you. By using the FX Arena Android platform. eres capaz de

Your favourite trading platform is now available to download on the popular Android Download the MT4 on your Android mobile or tablet and trade forex at the

7. 2012. - Install. One of the most popular Forex trading platforms. MetaTrader 4, is now available on your Android phone or tablet absolutely free of

Metatrader 4 For Android is forex trading on the go. Where ever you go with MT4 Android you can always have access to the trading market.

MetaTrader 4 Android. Forex

BlueMax MetaTrader 4 for Android Phone allows you to connect to the live Forex Market. One of the most popular Forex trading platforms MetaTrader 4 is now

Simply download and install the PowerGadgets Mobile from the Android Market and point your device to a URL and you will have immediate access to corporate

F provides its clients with the industry's most reputable, award winning and sought after Forex and CFD platforms - the Metatrader 4 (MT4). The MT4

22 і. 2015. - The broker today announced the rollout of FXWatch, a Forex application for Android - based watches. The main function of the app at this point

Our trading platform includes a professional grade charting package, advanced risk mngmt and more CFD and forex trading apps for iPad iPhone and Android

home Platforms MX Android Trader With MX Android Trader, traders can execute all the usual trading operations live with real-time pricing quotes of all

15. 2013. - Innovations by these Android FX brokers as they are known, has allowed the development of forex trading platforms thatn on the Android OS

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Our FX trading App for Android Tablet devices has been designed with your Advantage Web trading platforms and our City Index Application for Android tablet

20. 2013. - 2: Bloomberg Mobile (iOS / Android / Windows Phone / BlackBerry The leading Swiss forex broker. Dukascopy, have made a version of their

I am using an Android tablet, and it is so strating that all platforms for android are actually mobile version. For example, MT4, MT5, cTrader,

IC Markets providing MetaTrader 4 Android application that give you access to our market leading spreads directly from your Android Forex Trading Platform .

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IKO Android Trader is an Androidpatible Forex and CFD trading platform. Enhance your Forex trading services and go mobile with IKO Android Trader

NSFX Ltd. is one of the first Forex brokers to offer a full featured Android a broker to trade with it's ever more essential to ensure a mobile platform is available.

ActTrader (Panthera). Java-, Android

DailyFX - Forex Market News and Analysis. English Flag Yes, at this time we only have an android tablet platform available. Why does it only

The TB Android Trader is perfect for traders who value real-time access to the in the TB Android Trader makes it a powerful standalone platform. more than 1: 400; Trade Forex, modities and CFDs; Extensive list of shares from all world

MetaTrader 4 Forex Ltd – Windows XP, Vista, 7 MetaTrader 4 Android – Google Android .

In this section, for FREE, you can download the best trading platforms and forex indicators to make money on the forex market! MetaTrader for Android .

In this situation, mobile platforms are really indispensable and their possibilities are essentially no different to the desktop version of the MetaTrader 4 trading

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MetaTrader 4 Android - world's most popular platform for trading in the Forex market on the most popular smartphone platform - Android .

Our NatureForex Android Platform isparable with our full function of MT4 Client Terminal. You will be able to fully access the financial markets and make

Forex - ratings. iPhone, Android –

11. 2015. - There are three main choices for Forex mobile trading: Android. iOS MT4/MT5 mobile on Android and iPhone, and both platforms work well.

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Our state-of-the-art trading platform helps you trade intuitively and effortlessly. Any5 web browser (PC, MAC, iOS and Android phones and tablets) Algo trade orders; FX Options Board; Option chain for Stocks, Futures and Index

Home » Platform » MetaTrader 4 For Android Download MetaTrader 4 to your Android phone or tablet and enjoy Forex Key Features on MT 4 for Android .

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MetaTrader 4 - the world's most popular Forex trading platform - is now available for Android from Titan FX. Download this free app and trade forex today!

MT4 for Android is a specially designed application for users of mobile It supports the feature-rich and intuitive operator interface of the MetaTrader4 platform .

To start the process of trading on your Android. download and install MetaTrader 4 for your Major benefits of using the MT4 on your Android mobile platform.

Download best Forex trading platform MetaTrader and start making money on Forex! plete Capabilities of «MetaTrader 4 for Android »: Trade on real and

AX1 trader platform ensures that you have one of the biggest pools to fish for profits on your trades. AX1 trader AX1 Trader for Android launched Click Here · FOLLOW A fast and efficient Forex Trading Platform with a thinking Cap: Delving

Download MetaTrader 4 Platform MetaTrader 4 – - MT5 terminal · Multiterminal · Forex Android

Fully functional Forex trading, efficient arsenal of the most critical technical analysis tools (30 MetaTrader 4 Mobile Trading Platform for Android OS Devices.

MetaTrader 4 forex trading platform. Android and iOS Platform It is the same MT4 platform that you are so used to, but now available directly in your browser.

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MetaTrader 4 Android Google Play store ( Android Market) .

RoboForex — Forex Trading for real robots Android Trader is a mobile trading platform for Android - based devices, patible with MetaTrader 4 trading

25. 2015. - XM. Android MT4 Platform. Trade Forex on MT4 on your Android .

Trade Interceptor is the only trading platform which was created from the Choose among our rmended brokers to trade forex, modities and binary

Androide. - xStation; Forex · .

NSTrader for Android

Trade Forex on Your Android Device with NSTrader

NSFX Ltd. is one of the first Forex brokers to offer a full featured Android application. With NSTrader Android App your smartphone just became a smart trading device. Manage your account, profile and essentially your trading portfolio from the palm of your hand.

NSFX Ltd. was founded by ex-traders for current traders. We understand the needs of the modern day trader in an era of smartphones and wireless technologies. NSFX and our clients operate in fast paced world where markets are more vulnerable to events than ever before and changes occur incredibly fast. Traders who switch off from their investments while the markets are open do so at their own risk, which is why we always recommend that our clients install a mobile application.

NSFX believes in the adage 'anytime, anyplace, anywhere' and today when choosing a broker to trade with it's ever more essential to ensure a mobile platform is available. There are potential missed trading opportunities every day that simple connection and access can overcome.

We have developed our NSTrader platforms to be available 'On-The-Go'. Clients can either login to their MyNSFX account from any web enabled smartphone or download our custom mobile apps for enhanced account management and trading.

The Android experience is well suited to Forex trading for users with high expectations of functionality and cross platform integration. With NSTrader Android App clients can take their trading portfolio on the move whether through a smartphone or tablet.

NSTrader Android App Features

[+]Full Access to Trading Portfolio

[+]Customer Support During Market Hours

[+]Access to Live Market Quotes

Android Device running OS:

[+]Proprietary Trading Technology

[+]Full Featured Built-in Charts

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NSFX is regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority (License Number IS/56519). RISK WARNING: Trading in Forex and Contracts for Difference (CFDs), which are leveraged products, is highly speculative and involves substantial risk of loss. It is possible to lose all your capital. Your capital is not guaranteed and may go down as well as up. Por lo tanto, Forex y CFDs pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Only invest with money you can afford to lose. Así que asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario. NSFX Ltd. does not provide its services to citizens of the US. Copyright © 2012-2016 NSFX All Rights Reserved. Términos y condiciones | Risk Disclosure * Prices displayed on the website may be affected by changes in currency exchange rate and price movements thereby affecting your investment return therefrom. NSFX Ltd is registered in Malta, 168 St Christopher Street, Valletta VLT 1467, MALTA | Company Registration Number: C/56519 MFSA License Number: IS/56519

BFSforex Android Trader

Trading anytime, anywhere!

Stay in tune with the Forex market while trading with flexibility and security with the BFSforex MT4 Android Trader. Available in 10 languages, the Android Mobile Trader delivers the power to trade at your convenience with the familiar features of the MetaTrader 4 client terminal. The BFSforex MT4 Android Trader ensures the Forex market is easily available at the touch of a button. Take full control of your trading today - Download the BFSforex MT4 Android Trader now!

BFSforex Android Trader key features :<

Monitors updating prices online for available financial instruments, and even creates your Favorites

Opens/closes instant and market orders; places/removes/amends working orders; buy/stop, sell/stop, buy/limit, sell/limit, stop/loss, take profit

Monitors and manages open positions, exposure and equity

Creates various chart types

Provides a wide range of technical indicators

Monitors online and financial news

Monitors live prices on forex, CFDs and metals

Places/modifies/deletes pending orders

Generates activity reports.

How To Access BFSforex Android Trader

Step 1

Open Google Play on your Android, or download the app here.

Locate Metatrader 4 in App Store by entering the term metatrader 4 in the search field,

Click the Metatrader 4 icon to install the software to your Android.

Step 2

Now you will be prompted to select between Login with existing account /Open a demo account,

On clicking either Login with existing account/Open a demo account, a new window opens,

Enter BFSforex in the search field,

Click the BFS-Demo icon if you have a demo account, or BFS-Live if you have a real account,

Step 3

Start trading on your Android.

BFSforex Android Trader Technical Requirements

BFSforex is a global financial services company, depending on its professional technology, automation features and low-threshold, to participate in the international foreign

exchange transactions, not only won the admiration of customers, but also won the praises by various circles of society. which is a shining star in the FX market.

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* Note:rading on the Forex market involves significant risks, including complete possible loss of funds. El comercio no es adecuado para todos los inversores y comerciantes. By increasing leverage risk increases (Notice of Risk). The service is not available for US residents

BFSforex provides you with educational resources to help you become familiar with all the trading features and tools in the trading platform. With the BFSforex practice account you can test any trading strategies you wish in a risk-free environment. Please bear in mind that the results of the transactions of the practice account are virtual, and do not reflect to any real profit or loss or real trading environment, whereas market conditions may affect both the quotation and execution. Forex products are leveraged products and trading forex therefore involves a high level of risk that may not be suitable for everyone. BFSforex recommends that you ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before making any decision concerning BFSforex's products. Independent advice should be sought if necessary.

Register Trading Office Login Trading Office Download BFSforex MT4

Metatrader Android

Untuk semakin memudahkan para client saat ini para broker forex menyediakan platform trading Metatrader Android jadi tidak hanya bisa trading di komputer atau laptop dengan sistem operasi windows saja. Jadi apabila kita saat ini memiliki perangkat seperti tablet epad atau handphone Android maka bisa kita gunakan untuk trading forex di handphone dan tablet android.

Untuk platform trading Metatrader Android lama yang dibuat oleh developer xooge yang dulu bisa didownload di masing-masing broker saat ini sudah tidak bisa digunakan lagi. Sedangkan kelebihan untuk platform metatrader android dari metaquotes yang baru saat ini dapat digunakan untuk menjalankan account trading di banyak broker.

Beberapa broker forex yang bisa digunakan di platform Metatrader Android antara lain :

Berikut ini adalah cara install metatrader android.

Visit Google Play melalui icon Play Store di HP Android anda atau melalui https://play. google. com/store

Search Metatrader for Android dengan kata kunci “ metatrader metaquotes “.

Maka akan muncul gambar seperti berikut. Lalu install metatrader for android sesuai jenis account yang anda gunakan ( Metatrader 4 atau Metatrader 5 ). Lakukan proses installasi sampai proses download dan install sukses.

Setelah proses instalasi selesai buka aplikasi metatrader for android di HP atau tablet epad android anda.

Masuk ke Login an Existing Account dan cari lalu search broker yang anda gunakan dengan mengetikan nama broker.

Selesai, sekarang anda bisa melakukan trading dimanapun dengan gadget android anda. Anda juga dapat menambahkan indikator di metatrader android dengan indicator yang biasa anda gunakan di PC atau laptop windows, hanya saja tidak tersedia Metatrader Android EA sehingga anda tidak dapat menginstall Robot EA serta costum indicator di Metatrader Android anda.

Incoming :

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Aston Forex – Android App to Forex Trade Anywhere

Aston forex is a trading application, that allows you to get connected to the Aston forex web trader and your Meta Trader (MT) accounts, receive latest foreign exchange rates, trade and view your history of trade and much more. You get the advantage of trading functionality with portability. Using this application is quite simple. If you do not have an Aston forex account, or are new to forex trading you can just log in as a guest and see how the app works. As you start the app, it asks you to log in or view as a guest. You get access to latest foreign currency rates, which are updated every few minutes. You can watch all the data live which includes forex rates from all over. You can watch as each currency moves up or down, and also view the closing rates of various currencies on any particular day. If you log in with your Meta Trading (MT) account, you can view your balance and its details anytime. You can also order currency directly from your android device.

Aston forex mobile trader has some very nice features such as you can view the ‘charts’ which show the history of any currency. The charts show you both up to date data along with historic data. You can chose to see the fluctuations in the currency on the basis of mid day, weekly, monthly or even check their yearly progress. The charts include data for as early as 1999 for these currencies. The application is greatly customizable.

With a platform like Aston forex, you never feel limited. You can trade anytime and anywhere that you want to. You can get this app free of charge; it has all the features of the trading software which the computer version has. You don’t have to be logged into your PC or laptop, if you want to check the rates of any currency. With Aston forex all your forex requirements are in your pocket. With an app like Aston forex you have the advantage of doing any technical research that you need to do, directly. You have access to all the rates and charts live; and they are constantly updated. As the data is updated so is your account, so even if you feel the need to clear up or add to your foreign exchange account in the middle of the day, you can do so with its ‘order’ feature. All you need is a Wi-Fi connection. The ease of use of this application was also a pleasant surprise. If you are new to forex, you can very easily follow the trends through this device to get a better understanding of the markets.

If you have been worried about currency exchange trade and how to go about it; this app will turn out to be extremely helpful. With an app like Astonforex it is possible to manage your forex account, keep track of it and manage it from anywhere in the world.

Google Nexus S Android Review. The Best Mobile Phone for Trading Forex?

We have managed to get our hands on the new Google Android phone that has been launched in partnership with Samsung - the Google Nexus S. It’s a nifty phone for sure, but is it any good for trading forex online?

Well, lets start with the actual phone.

If you want a cutting edge piece of kit, the Google Nexus S smart phone has plenty to brag about. It runs the latest version of Android, 2.3 Gingerbread (run, run as fast as you can - you can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread man, as the song goes..and this phone is certainly lightning fast). It has a big, beautiful screen, it’s packed with features and being a Google phone, you’ll be first in line for all the new software updates.

The Web browser in Android 2.3 is supersonic, and it easily matches the speed of the iPhone 4′s browser. And, unlike Apple phones, this phone will play Flash content which is a real bonus for forex traders - alot of charting sites and brokers use flash on their webpages to illustrate what happening on the currency markets. It will open up a whole world of information for you if you are on the move.

The Google Nexus S is basically a Samsung Galaxy S on steriods, with a curvy shape that molds better to your face. It’s a fine phone - probably the most powerful device on the market.

But enough about the phone - what’s it like for trading forex? Well, the iPhone App Store has been running longer, and still had a greater choice of brokers and forex apps than its Android competitors, but we don’t expect this situation to last long. Android phones are forecast to outsell their iPhone rivals in 2011 and beyond, so we fully expect the forex app development to continue to accelerate and to even overtake its rival over the coming year.

There are already quite a few good forex apps in the Android Market app store. For currency pair prices and charting you have the excellent Swiss Forex android app from Dukascopy . We’d also highly recommend Trade Interceptor Forex from Riflexo Jsc for its superb charting (all for free). The beauty of the new Nexus S, is that you can see flash content, so you are going to be able to trade off standard web pages anyway. If you are looking for customised mobile forex apps, there are still more on the iPhone, but we reckon that this situation will reverse shortly. Brokers that have Android apps at the moment include MobiTradeOne, Oanda, FXCM and ActForex.

In summary - in terms of forex, the Samsung Google Nexus S Phone is the champion in waiting. It’s the most powerful phone out there, but you’ll need to wait a few months for the brokers and app developers to catch up. If you are looking for a phone with immediate forex apps, go for the iPhone. If you want a phone that will shortly be leading the pack on forex, we’d go for this latest Android phone. The fact that you can see flash content, and considering the speed of new forex apps development, leads us to hedge our bets that this phone will be the one that everybody else is chasing in the coming months.

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Los precios de pop up son los que han mostrado en el MarketWatch así que si quieres ver esto desde el otro lado de la habitación puede hacer una maravilla de crispers re grandes y poner en su pantalla en algún lugar y se puede seleccionar para tener siempre en la parte superior Su computadora para comprobar los precios de D tal vez usted quiere tener los precios de pop-up en su computadora estar mirando algunas otras palabras que está haciendo las computadoras en esto se abrirá en realidad usted puede controlar los precios que usted está Mirando a esas son las principales características como el MarketWatch divertirse aprender todo lo que pueda acerca de cada una de estas áreas y se convierten en un mejor comerciante, porque usted está preocupado por el comercio no se preocupa por qué botones para hacer clic. Hablaré contigo más tarde.

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Rimantas Petrauskas is the author, a Forex trader, programmer, entrepreneur, father and a husband. He has been creating software for currency trading and signal delivery since 2009, and has created hundreds of trading robots for his customers. He strongly believes that with a Positive Mental Attitude we can achieve any goal.


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La compra, venta o asesoramiento con respecto a una moneda sólo puede ser realizada por un corredor / distribuidor autorizado. Ni nosotros, ni nuestros afiliados o asociados que participan en la producción y mantenimiento de estos productos o de este sitio, es un corredor / agente de bolsa o asesor de inversiones registrado en cualquier estado o jurisdicción sancionada por el gobierno federal. All purchasers of products referenced at this site are encouraged to consult with a licensed representative of their choice regarding any particular trade or trading strategy. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Entender claramente esto: La información contenida en este producto no es una invitación para intercambiar ninguna inversión específica. Negociación requiere arriesgar dinero en la búsqueda de ganancias futuras. Esa es tu decisión. No arriesgues dinero que no puedas perder. Este documento no tiene en cuenta sus circunstancias financieras y personales. Está destinado únicamente a fines educativos y NO como asesoramiento individualizado de inversión. Do not act on this without advice from your investment professional, who will verify what is suitable for your particular needs & circumstances. Failure to seek detailed professional personally tailored advice prior to acting could lead to you acting contrary to your own best interests & could lead to losses of capital.


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Some traders, rather than running their own software programs, subscribe to a remote alert service. Subscription to the service enables them toreceive arbitrage trading opportunity alert signals in the same manner as they would using their own software programs, the difference being that thealert signals are provided by software running at another location outside of the trader's own computer or network.

Forex Arbitrage Software - One-leg arbitrage forex arbitrage software programs.

Real-time Updates - Since most arbitrages that will interest you will last around 15 minutes or less, your software should have real time updates. Itshould show you only currently available arbs and not outdated messages. Lately there has been a flood of new arbitrage alert services and arbitragesoftware. Unfortunately, many of these sports arbitrage services or software fail in providing the basic thing. They show out of date messages insteadof currently existing opportunities. So before you buy software or arbitrage alert service, you should check out sports arbitrage software free trial. Forex arbitrage software programs.

In addition, the alarms mentioned above are available in Admiral Markets MetaTrader 4 Supreme Edition offering.

Forex arbitrage software programs - Read more

Description forex arbitrage software programs

Free Trial - Sports arbitrage software or alert service should provide free demo trial or some kind of free service so you can test all or some of itsfeatures and decide which software is the best for you. Because there are many online services that don't fulfill the basic thing of finding arbitrageoptions, you should be able to test the software/service before you buy it. The purpose of sports arbitrage alert system is to help you make moremoney. If it can't do that basic thing, than it is complete waste of your time and money. Beginners in arbitrage betting can use free trials whiletrading with small stakes. You will gain valuable experience and learn how to eliminate unnecessary risks if you start trading with small stakes. Also, remember to make some preparations before you take free trial or buy sports arbitrage software. All necessary preparations are explained in ourarbitrage guide.

11/01/2016 · How to Calculate Arbitrage in Forex. Arbitrage trading takes advantage of momentary differences in the price quotes of various forex (foreign exchange …

Other Features - Professional arbitrage programs also have other features that enable interaction between traders and much more. The most important ofall other features is the one that helps you in scalping bookmaker bonuses. In order to release bookmaker's bonus you have to place a couple of bets. Scalping or bookmaker bonus feature helps you make arbitrage or break even trades that will release your bonuses.

FAP Turbo is the best forex arbitrage software on the market today for a number of reasons. First, it’s important to understand how FAP Turboworks to automatically place and end trades for you in the market. forex arbitrage software programs.

forex arbitrage software programs. It relies on a complex mathematical algorithm which is based on successful trading techniques from real investors of the forex market. Once it findswhat it believes to be a high probability trading opportunity, it invests accordingly using your own capital.

There are programs which offer a free trial period alongside other incentives to purchase. In addition, you will find free Forex arbitrage softwarequite easily, but the quality is likely to be debatable. Others may provide a free demonstration model to get the user acquainted with the chosenprogram. You should be wary of programs that appear too good to be true. A popular one to look out for are programs with large numbers of novicetestimonials saying they have made huge profits.

Watch forex arbitrage software programs

Choosing Forex software is a very complicated process and sorting through the vast number of programs the internet has to offer can be extremely timeconsuming. That being said, you shouldn't let this discourage you if this is what you want to do. You may find that the best Forex arbitrage softwarecan help you achieve what you want in Forex trading. We hope to have provided you with some useful information, so that you know what type ofarbitrage software is available. Be careful with what you choose - and be cautious not get caught up in a scam, but rather something that can proveuseful for you. Forex arbitrage software programs make money.

These programs carry out every aspect of investing for you including analytics to get in and out of investments at peak times to ensure that theyrealize the maximum profit. forex arbitrage software programs.

Alerts are notifications you receive if anything occurs concerning your FX trading. They are designed both for individual traders, as well as fortrade leaders and educators who have an intention to broadcast important and relevant trade information to followers. Traders are able to producerule-based alarms that prompt any number of actions. If we exemplify the Alarm Manager, we should outline that this software notifies the trader aboutevents, executes trading actions like placing some new orders and closing concrete existing positions. In addition, this software can send updates tofollowers via SMS, Twitter or email.

Traders who are not comfortable with having trades automatically executed, preferring instead to make all final trading decisions themselves, use whatis known as trade alert software. Like automatic trading software, trade alert software constantly scans different markets, instruments and brokersfor arbitrage trade opportunities. When it detects an arbitrage opportunity, rather than executing the trade automatically, it merely signals an alertof the opportunity to the trader, who then makes the decision whether or not to trade the opportunity.

Since arbitrage trading opportunities generally only exist for a very brief period of time, often just a few seconds, it is too time consuming fortraders to do arbitrage calculations on their own. Therefore, traders use a variety of software programs that can instantly detect and calculatearbitrage opportunities. One type of software program employed by arbitrage traders is automated trading software. This kind of software is loadedonto a trader's brokerage trading platform, and whenever the software program detects an arbitrage opportunity, it instantly initiates the requiredtrades on the trader's behalf. This type of program is designed to overcome one of the primary challenges of arbitrage trading: the timely andaccurate trade execution necessary to take advantage of trading opportunities that may only exist for a few brief seconds.(forex arbitrage software programs make money.|)

There are many reasons why to use arbitrage betting software but the most important are increased profit and saved time. Finding arbitrage bets mayseem like finding a needle in a haystack. Just imagine that every day there is 50,000 bets available from all of the online bookmakers. The number ofbets is probably much bigger since there is so many online bookmakers. 1% out of all bets available every day will provide the opportunity forarbitrage trade. Unless you use sports arbitrage software, finding that 1% of bets is time consuming and tedious work. Actually, finding surebets is90% of work you have to do, the remaining 10% is placing the bets and keeping track of you account balances. The second reason why to use alertservice is increased profit. Sports arbitrage service will at least double your profit since you will have many arbitrage opportunities.

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TAG forex

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX, or currency market) is a global decentralized market for the trading of currencies. Esto incluye todos los aspectos de compra, venta e intercambio de monedas a precios actuales o determinados. In terms of volume of trading, it is by far the largest market in the world

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Android m 6.0 marshmallow update release date for motorola moto x, g, e series for us cellular, at&t, verizon, sprint, and t-mobile, At this point, most of the newer android phones have been receiving their upgrade to version at&t, verizon, sprint, and t-mobile. in fact, it was early as november 12 of last year that reports stated that motorola rolled out the marshmallow upgrade.

Samsung galaxy s6 and s6 edge android 6.0 updates move to t-mobile testing, Been refreshed to show that android 6.0 for the galaxy s6 and s6 edge are now in the “t-mobile testing” phase of the update process. unfortunately for owners of the galaxy note 5 and galaxy s6 edge+, those phones are still in the “manufacturer.

T-mobile galaxy s7 edge review: samsung sets the bar for all smartphones, People often complain of wide bezels on phones, but that cannot be challenge samsung for the title of the best android smartphone. the samsung galaxy s7 edge is available in silver, black, and gold on t-mobile for $779.99. at&t charges $794.99, verizon.

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Us phone carriers to get android marshmallow 6.0 update for lg phones - The u. s.’ five big-name cell phone carriers – at&t, verizon, sprint, us cellular and t-mobile – are readying themselves for the release of the android 6.0 marshmallow update. the update will be applied to lg phones – g3, g4, g4 stylo, v10 and g flex 2..

Android m 6.0 marshmallow update release date for motorola moto x, g, e series for us cellular, at&t, verizon, sprint, and t-mobile - At this point, most of the newer android phones have been receiving their upgrade to version at&t, verizon, sprint, and t-mobile. in fact, it was early as november 12 of last year that reports stated that motorola rolled out the marshmallow upgrade.

Samsung galaxy s6 and s6 edge android 6.0 updates move to t-mobile testing - Been refreshed to show that android 6.0 for the galaxy s6 and s6 edge are now in the “t-mobile testing” phase of the update process. unfortunately for owners of the galaxy note 5 and galaxy s6 edge+, those phones are still in the “manufacturer.

T-mobile galaxy s7 edge review: samsung sets the bar for all smartphones - People often complain of wide bezels on phones, but that cannot be challenge samsung for the title of the best android smartphone. the samsung galaxy s7 edge is available in silver, black, and gold on t-mobile for $779.99. at&t charges $794.99, verizon.

Marshmallow for samsung galaxy s6 edge+? android 7.0 is already reaching! - On t-mobile's software update page, the carrier has listed the phones as being in the "testing" stage for what's more, that same report suggests the galaxy note 6 will launch with android n on board. with the release of the galaxy s7 series, samsung.

T-mobile samsung galaxy s7: locked bootloader confirmed - Galaxy s7 fans who got their phones from t-mobile have found out a pretty disturbing thing: samsung s7 flagships that come from t-mobile also come with a locked bootloader which limits the things that you can do with your phone. this is dire news but it.

T-mobile customers can sign up for mlb. tv premium for free during opening week - But if you so desire the phone will at least let you use another carrier's sim. 5 hours ago 1 by jen karner check out the hidden world of the mysterious forest, or keep it simple with timr in our android wear watch face roundup. 6 hours ago 1 by jared.

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