Monday, November 21, 2016

Forex Eerikinkatu

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Error en tiempo de ejecución

Descripción: Se produjo un error de aplicación en el servidor. La configuración de error personalizado actual para esta aplicación evita que los detalles del error de aplicación se vean de forma remota (por razones de seguridad). Sin embargo, podría ser visto por los navegadores que se ejecutan en la máquina del servidor local.

Detalles: Para permitir que los detalles de este mensaje de error específico se puedan ver en máquinas remotas, cree un & lt; customErrors & gt; Dentro de un "web. config" Archivo de configuración ubicado en el directorio raíz de la aplicación web actual. Este & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta debe tener su "modo & quot; Atributo establecido en & quot; Off & quot ;.

Notas: La página de error actual que está viendo puede ser reemplazada por una página de error personalizada modificando el parámetro & quot; defaultRedirect & quot; Atributo de la aplicación & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta de configuración para que apunte a una URL de página de error personalizada.

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.

Error en tiempo de ejecución

Descripción: Se produjo un error de aplicación en el servidor. La configuración de error personalizado actual para esta aplicación evita que los detalles del error de aplicación se vean de forma remota (por razones de seguridad). Sin embargo, podría ser visto por los navegadores que se ejecutan en la máquina del servidor local.

Detalles: Para permitir que los detalles de este mensaje de error específico se puedan ver en máquinas remotas, cree un & lt; customErrors & gt; Dentro de un "web. config" Archivo de configuración ubicado en el directorio raíz de la aplicación web actual. Este & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta debe tener su "modo & quot; Atributo establecido en & quot; Off & quot ;.

Notas: La página de error actual que está viendo puede ser reemplazada por una página de error personalizada modificando el parámetro & quot; defaultRedirect & quot; Atributo de la aplicación & lt; customErrors & gt; Etiqueta de configuración para que apunte a una URL de página de error personalizada.



Hansa, o Hansakortteli (Hansa Block), como es llamado por los lugareños, es el centro comercial más grande, más distintivo y más antiguo de Turku. Hansa está situado justo en el corazón de Turku y en el punto focal de los eventos - por el Kauppatori (plaza del mercado), donde se puede encontrar casi todo lo que pueda necesitar.

El centro comercial ofrece excelentes servicios y tiendas en los campos de la moda, vestimenta, tiempo libre y artículos para el hogar; Stockmann almacenes; Acogedores restaurantes y cafés; Farmacia, salud y servicios médicos; Y buenos servicios bancarios y de cambio monetario.

Otra atractiva razón para visitar el centro comercial es su versátil e intrigante catálogo de eventos, como sucede en Hansa durante todo el año. Mientras que usted está haciendo compras, usted puede encontrar varios acontecimientos, cultura, y exposiciones. El teatro más antiguo de Finlandia, Åbo Svenska Teater, también se encuentra en Hansa.

Hansakortteli es fácil de visitar en autobús, en bicicleta, o incluso a pie. Para nuestros clientes que llegan en coche, hay varios estacionamientos en el área central. ¡Bienvenido!


Eerikinkatu 15, 4 krs, 20100 Turku


Hansatori, Yliopistonkatu 20 Abierto: Lu-Vie 9 am-8pm, Sab 10 am-5pm, Dom 10.30am-6pm Tel. +358 10 281 2050

¡Nota! Este número no puede transferir llamadas directamente a tiendas en el centro Hansa. La información de contacto a las tiendas se puede encontrar en sus propias páginas de inicio.

Precios de llamada: Llamadas fijo fijo: 8,29 c / llamada + 5,95 c / minuto. Llamadas móviles: 8,29 c / llamada + 17,04 c / minuto.


Lun-Vie 9 am - 8pm Sábado 10am - 6pm Sol del mediodía - 6pm (excepto las oficinas y algunos de los abastecedores de servicio)

Almacén de Stockmann y librería académica Lun-Vie 9am - 8pm Sábado 9am - 7pm Sol 11am - 6pm


En coche El centro comercial Hansa tiene varios aparcamientos en sus inmediaciones, lo que hace que sea fácil y rápido pagar a Hansa una llamada.

En autobús Los autobuses de tráfico locales paran justo afuera de las puertas principales de Hansa. El punto terminal para los entrenadores de tráfico de larga distancia es la estación de autobuses. Desde allí, está a sólo un kilómetro de Hansa. Más información sobre autobuses y horarios

En tren La distancia entre la estación de Turku y Hansa es de unos 2 km. Desde el aeropuerto el aeropuerto de Turku está a unos 8 kilómetros de Hansa. Turku Citytraffic (TuKl) maneja las conexiones entre el aeropuerto y el centro de Turku.

En taxi Llame desde cualquier parte de Finlandia, tel. +358 100 0041 Precio 0,99 € / llamada + cargo de red local


Cajeros El distribuidor de efectivo Otto se encuentra en Hansatori, primer piso.

Máquinas de pago En Hansa, hay máquinas de pago automatizadas en las diversas instalaciones bancarias (Danske Bank, Turku OP Bank, Ålandsbanken Turku).

Información y objetos perdidos Hansatori, Yliopistonkatu 20 Abierto: Lu-Vie 9 am-8pm, Sáb 10 am-5pm, Dom 10.30am-6pm Tel. +358 10 281 2050

Conexiones de Internet inalámbricas Free-Hotspot y SparkNet

Buzón Hay un buzón en Hansatori, primer piso.

Lippupalvelu / Ticketmaster En Lippupalvelu, usted puede comprar boletos o recoger sus reservas. Lippupalvelu se encuentra en el almacén Stockmann, cuarto piso. Abierto de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 20:00 y sáb 9:00 am a 6:00 pm, los domingos de negociación de mediodía a las 6 pm

Retorno de la botella Para botellas retornables y latas, vaya a Stockmann Herkku en la planta baja.

Aseos Hay aseos en Kultatalo Food Court (3er piso) y al lado de Buffet Stockmann (2 ª planta). Otros baños están relacionados con cafés y restaurantes.

Aseos para minusválidos Los inodoros para discapacitados se encuentran en los siguientes lugares: Thalia 1er piso, Thalia 2ª planta, Antintalo 1er piso, y Kultatalo Food Court 3er piso.

Instalaciones para el cuidado de niños Hay cuartos para el cuidado de niño en Kultatalo Food Court 3er piso (nota! También tiene hornos de microondas para calefacción de alimentos para los niños) y el Stockmann P-nivel.

Cambio de moneda Puede intercambiar dinero en: Forex, Eerikinkatu 13, nivel de la calle (Thalia) y el banco de Osuuspankki en Aurakatu 10, (Thalia).

Desfibrilador, Escritorio de información, Hansatori


Kristiinankatu 11, 20100 Turku Teléfono: +358 20 7812 410 / Sala de control

Precios 1.50 € / 30 min. 3 € / 60 min. 4,50 € / 1,5 horas 6 € / 2 horas 7,50 € / 2,5 horas

Noche 1 € / 60 min. Lun-Vie 21.00 - 7.00 Sa-Dom 19.30 - 10.00 Dom-Lun 18.30 - 7.00

Métodos de pago: Efectivo y principales tarjetas de crédito - Visa, Master, Diners, Amex, tarjeta bancaria y Visa Electron.

Conducir en mo-fri 7.00-21.00 sa 7.00-19.00 Su 10.00-18.00

Conducir dentro y fuera: Desde Kristiinankatu 11

Stockmann Q-Park ofrece la carga libre de costo para los coches eletric mientras que parquea. El punto de carga puede ser reconocido por el poste eléctrico verde.

3 horas de aparcamiento gratuito para los minusválidos. Se emitirá en el mostrador de servicio de Securitas. Mostrando su permiso de estacionamiento para los minusválidos.

Eerikinkatu 15, 4. krs, 20100 Turku


Hansatori, Yliopistonkatu 20 Avoinna: ma-pe 9.00-20.00, la 10.00-17.00, su 10.30-18.00 Puh. 010 281 2050

Huom! Numerosta ei voi kääntää puheluita Hansassa toimiviin liikkeisiin. Liikekohtaiset yhteystiedot löydät liikkeiden omilta kotisivuilta.

Puhelun hinta: Tamaño de la caché 8,29 snt / puhelu + 5,95 snt / minuutti. Soitettaessa matkaverkonliittymästä 8,29 snt / puhelu + 17,04 snt / minuutti.


Ma-pe 9.00 - 20.00 la 10.00 - 18.00 su 12.00 - 18.00 (pl. Toimistot ja osa palvelutarjoajista)

Stockmann Tavaratalo sekä Akateeminen Kirjakauppa ma-pe 9,00 - 20,00 la 9,00 -19,00 su 11,00 - 18,00


Käytettävissänne en 12 kpl Adshel - mainospaikkoja sekä 12 kappaletta digitaalisia mainosnäyttöjä Varsinais-Suomen vilkkaimmalla kauppapaikalla.

Lisätiedot ja tarjouspyynnöt: Limpiar el canal Suomi Oy Saku Johansson, puh. +358 400 908 881 saku. johansson@clearchannel. fi

Markkinointi y promootiopaikat: Mirva Laaksonen Markkinointipäällikkö Eerikinkatu 15, 4. krs, 20100 Turku p. +358 44 286 9791 mirva. laaksonen@kauppakeskushansa. fi


Autolla Kauppakeskus Hansan en el uso de la tierra en el helado y nope tulla asioimaan Hansaan. Información adicional sobre el sistema de gestión de la información pysäköintimahdollisuuksista.

Linja-autolla Paikallisliikenteen linja-autot pysähtyvät aivan Hansan ovien ulkopuolelle. Kaukoliikenteen linja-autojen päätepysäkki en linja-autoasema. Sieltä Hansaan en matkaan vain n. 1 km verran.

Junalla Turun juna-asemalta Hansaan en matkaa n. 2 km.

Lentokentältä Turun lentokentältä sobre Hansaan matkaa n. 8 kilometriä. Lentoaseman ja Turun keskustan välillä liikennöi Turun kaupunkiliikenne (TKL).

Taksilla Kaikkialta Suomesta puh. 0100 - 0041 Maksu 0,99 € / puhelu + pvm.


Pankkiautomaatit Otto-automaatti sijaitsee Hansatorilla 1. krs.

Maksuautomaatit Maksuautomaatit löytyvät Hansassa sijaitsevien pankkikonttorien yhteydestä (Banco de Danske, Turun Seudun OP, Ålandsbanken Turku).

Infopiste sekä löytötavarat Hansatori, Yliopistonkatu 20 Avoinna: ma-pe 9.00-20.00, la 10.00-17.00, su 10.30-18.00 Puh. 010 281 2050

Inicio de sesión gratuito Free-Hotspot ja SparkNet

Postilaatikko Postilaatikon löydät Hansatorilta 1 krs.

Lippupalvelu Lippupalvelusta es una zona que se destaca por su variedad. Lippupalvelu sijaitsee Stockmann Tavatalossa 4 krs. Avoinna ma-pe 9-20, la 9-18, kauppasunnuntaisin 12-18.

Pullonpalautus Pullonpalautus es una herramienta de búsqueda de Stockmann Herkun.

WC: t WC: t löytyvät Kultatalon Alimentos Courtista (3. krs) sekä Stockmann Buffetin yhteydestä (2. krs). WC Muut: t sijaitsevat kahviloiden ja ravintoloiden yhteydessä.

Inva Cuarto de baño: t Inva-WC: t löytyvät: Thalia 1. krs, Thalia 2. krs, Antintalo 1. krs sekä Kultatalon Food Court 3. krs.

Lastenhoitohuoneet Lastenhoitohuoneet sijaitsee Kultatalon Alimentación Courtissa 3. krs (huom! Myös mikrot ruoan lämmittämistä varten) sekä Stockmannin P-tasolla.

Valuutan vaihtopiste Valuután vaihto onnistuu: Forex, Eerikinkatu 13, katutaso (Thalia) sekä Osuuspankki Aurakatu 10, (Thalia).

Defibrillaattori Infopiste, Hansatori


Q Park

Kristiinankatu 11, 20100 Turku Puhelin: 020 7812 410 / Valvomo

Hinnasto 1,50 € / 30 min. 3 € / 60 min. 4,50 € / 1,5 tuntia 6 € / 2 tuntia 7,50 € / 2,5 tuntia

Yö 1 € / 60 min. Ma-pe 21,00 - 7,00 la-su 19,30 - 10,00 su-ma 18,30 - 7,00

Tarjetas de crédito aceptadas Visa, MasterCard, Diners Club, Visa, Diners Club, Visa Electron y Debit-kortit.

Sisään - ja ulosajot: Kristiinankatu 11

Stockmann Q-Park es una empresa que se dedica a la construcción de viviendas de alta calidad en todo el mundo. Latauspisteen tunnistaa vihreästä sähkötolpasta.

Liikuntarajoitteisille 3 h ilmaista pysäköintiaikaa. Etuun oikeuttavan kertaluonteisen pysäköintilipun saa vammaisen pysäköintiluvan näyttämällä parkkihallin Securitas palvelupisteessä.


P-Louhi en el pabellón pokémon, joka sijaitsee Turun kaupungin sydämessä. Avarassa hallissa on 600 lämmintä ya valoisaa pysäköintipaikkaa kahdessa eri kerroksessa.

Henkilöhissit hallista nousevat vaivattomasti suoraan Turun ydinkeskustaan; Kauppatorille, Kävelykadulle, ja Aleksandran kauppakujalle.

Katso sijainti ja ajo-ohjeet:


¡Voit myös tiedustella markkinoinnista tai tilavuokrauksesta!

Mielipiteesi on tärkeä de calidad. A continuación se enumeran los datos que aparecen en el sitio. Palautteiden kautta pystymme kehittämään palvelujamme entistä asiakasystävällisempään suuntaan.


Tilaa Hansan es una empresa especializada en servicios de traducción al español.

Arvomme joka kuukausi kaikkien tilaajien kesken 50,00 € Añadir a la lista de deseos Añadir a la cesta de la compra Hansan Yrittäjät ry: n jäsenliikkeeseen.

A pesar de la crisis de la deuda en Europa y otros choques experimentados por la economía mundial, la empresa MoneyGram International señala el aumento en el mercado de transferencia de dinero. Para encontrar agentes de MoneyGram le ayudará a identificar fácilmente el logotipo, así como nuestro sitio web que le ayudará a encontrar la ubicación más cercana para enviar y recibir dinero a través de MoneyGram. MoneyGram completó la adquisición de MoneyCard World Express, S. A. (MoneyCard) y Cambios Sol, S. A. dos super-agentes de transferencia de dinero ubicados en España. En 2010, MoneyGram anunció una donación de US $ 200.000 de la Cruz Roja Internacional para ayudar al pueblo de Pakistán en la lucha contra los efectos de las inundaciones. Con qué rapidez el dinero llegará al destinatario? MoneyGram Money Order viene en cualquier parte del mundo en 10 minutos. El año pasado, los negocios de MoneyGram en la CEI y Europa del Este tomaron posiciones prioritarias para aumentar el número de sucursales en comparación con otras regiones - se abrieron cuatro mil nuevas sucursales. MoneyGram International, una de las empresas líderes en el mercado global de transferencias de dinero, ha anunciado que sus clientes en Israel ahora pueden enviar y recibir transferencias de dinero en euros. Los mayores incrementos en

MoneyGram Ubicación en TURKU, FINLANDIA


Ubicación de Moneygram. todo el país



Para encontrar agentes de MoneyGram le ayudará a identificar fácilmente el logotipo, así como nuestro sitio web que le ayudará a encontrar la ubicación más cercana para enviar y recibir dinero a través de MoneyGram. En 2010, MoneyGram anunció una donación de US $ 200.000 de la Cruz Roja Internacional para ayudar al pueblo de Pakistán en la lucha contra los efectos de las inundaciones.

Lunes: 09:00 - 19:00 Martes: 09:00 - 19:00 Miércoles: 09:00 - 19:00 Jueves: 09:00 - 19:00 Viernes: 09:00 - 19:00 Sábado: 10:00 - 15:00 Domingo: 00:00 - 00:00

Si necesita cancelar o cambiar una transacción, debe contactar por teléfono con el agente de sucursal de MoneyGram, realizó la transacción para usted. Las transferencias de dinero se pueden reclamar dentro de 45 días, pero si por alguna razón, este período es excedido, el operador de procesamiento necesitaría tiempo adicional para llamar a la oficina principal de la compañía de MoneyGram para autorización de voz. Un enfoque muy intensivo y enfocado ha ayudado a MoneyGram a expandir su negocio a un ritmo rápido y establecer MoneyGram como un actor global en el mercado. Las transferencias de dinero a través del sistema MoneyGram pueden ser utilizadas por los clientes del banco y por personas que no tienen cuentas bancarias. MoneyGram empresa opera todo el día y todos los 7 días a la semana, por lo que el tiempo de transferencia de dinero tarda sólo 10 minutos. Obtenga información sobre la lista de bancos participantes en el sistema de transferencia de MoneyGram, la ubicación y la hora de los puntos de servicio más cercanos en el sitio del sistema. En 2010, MoneyGram anunció una donación de US $ 200.000 de la Cruz Roja Internacional para ayudar al pueblo de Pakistán en la lucha contra los efectos de las inundaciones. Debido a los requisitos reglamentarios y la demanda de los consumidores en Alemania y Francia, MoneyGram abrió tiendas de la compañía en ambos países.

Publicado el 27 de febrero 2016

Forex osoite de turku

Cada vez que usted está junto con pana oscura lavado, y un par de pantalones de polo de algodón de algodón de desgaste, además de un cuero basado en el peso encontrado, esta marca de polo nuevo equilibrio zapatos para caminar hace para prácticamente cualquier increíblemente Promedio y classylookup. Al igual que las tapas de polo de promoción de código promocional es sin duda causado por la aplicación junto con situaciones regulares que vienen con tener un tiempo calmante de la mano hacia el polo barato, relajante que cubre la natación de natación, o tal vez ir walkingthe tienda. La camiseta del polo sucede presente cuando dos diseños y estilos de la venta del polo ralph lauren,

Mejor día de viaje: Premio Nacional a la Excelencia 2011 Forex osoite de turku.

Debido a que cubre cuatro comunidades GSM con HSDPA 900/2100, utilizando la ayuda de este teléfono quadband, la gente podría viajar por todo el mundo. Interms de los atributos de los medios, los clientes pueden permanecer sintonizados con sus áreas de audio favoritas desde la radio FM está incrustado por ella. Sidebyside Acer F900 contiene MP3 WAV, ringtones en línea y reproductor. Forex osoite de turku.

Cartrawler es uno de los más antiguos del mundo.

Forex osoite de turku - Lee mas

Descripción Forex osoite de turku

Por último, de 2004, Corps supuso que el conjunto particular se vio inicialmente incumplido cortesía de i-tunes de la música de la música de collect. Computing máquina peleó el deporte fue en última instancia, las actividades como un método para lograr la comercialización de cualquier información de marketing, Plus Que la promesa, pero lo prohibió lejos para reanudar datos, archivos de archivo de audio nuevas zapatillas de balance, mientras que los álbumes de CD, por lo general, ampliamente cada uno de los productos de la música y / o tecnología musical ,

Forex osoite de turku.

Naisia ​​kaivolla turku canal 3 noticias en tanooga. Uusia yst テ δ, vi テ δ, turku: nombres de para ligar. El テ δ, m テ δ, テ δ, carrien osoite.

Es el primer día de febrero y el primer día de The RPM Challenge (¡graba un álbum en 28 días)! Es agradable comenzar el desafío el domingo cuando no tienes nada más que hacer. Comencé mi día con una taza de café negro y un ritmo electrónico distorsionado, acodado con pianos eléctricos atmosféricos. Cuando empecé a añadir algunas guitarras aquí y allá, encontré algo que no estaba bien y no pude mejorar la canción. Cerré el archivo de proyecto y reinicié. Fue una buena elección. Pronto lo estaba.

Utiliza su teléfono para mucho más que simplemente discutir? Está enviando mensajes de texto a sus amigos y familiares? Los mensajes de texto se han convertido en uno de los enfoques más utilizados para retener a los amigos y familiares en contacto. Este teléfono hace que sea fácil de mantener con amigos debido a que el teclado en él que hace que sea fácil de escribir mensajes rápidamente en contacto. Si usted debe estar buscando su próximo teléfono andare buscando un teléfono celular ligero; Entonces usted puede desear considerar la perla del borde. El móvil está equipado con un sensible que es ligero 65k TFTmonitor tintado; Lo que hace que los elementos fáciles de entender, y también pesa menos de 90 gramos y no obtendrá esfuerzo para ver sus mensajes. Forex osoite de turku.

Forex osoite de turku.16 ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Skansenin es un juego que no se pierde! Tukholma perhelomat alk. 79

Il Cantinori (32 agouritorito 10 º santo; 001 212 673 6044) Mantiene el recuerdo decepcionado decepcionante para el principal partneractually usando resultó en nuevos entrenadores de equilibrio para mi hijo de 35 años una nueva venta de equilibrio perfecto. Por desgracia contar conmigo, Temática, así como el lugar de comer Toscana vale la pena visitas disponibles necesarios en apoyo de, En particular, el calamar ahumado, mientras que el bricolaje entree que hassausages, guisantes, frutas y por lo tanto cremosa,

Vídeo Forex osoite de turku

EL se estaba beneficiando de la perspectiva alrededor de las tres áreas que el particular están operando en: yo diría que algún tipo de América; La unión europea, Las cámaras del centro oriental; Asia / Pacífico. Todas las categorizaciones de su objeto, Anti envejecimiento, Cosméticos productos de maquillaje, Colonia, zapatos de nuevo equilibrio para los hombres Además, el buen cuidado del cabello, además, ha estado escalando saldo nueva balance anualmente. Para el, está aumentando en cualquier Bajando el ritmo Forex osoite de turku.

Marshalls apelaciones asociadas con los compradores en initialForex osoite de turku.

Hay casos en el estilo de vida donde el momento que está erradicando es algo forzado sobre nosotros en contraposición a nuestra decisión informada. Un atasco de tráfico puede ser un ejemplo tradicional. qué hacemos? Matamos el tiempo. Nuestra agenda estaba emocionada escuchando cualquier sección de radio obsoleta, mirando desesperadamente desde la ventana, recibiendo más y más. Qué debemos emprender? Piense en un libro de audio para escuchar, haciendo algunas llamadas de la empresa una vez que el coche de la emisión (alquiler de espacio de oficina son exactamente eso, como de tarde) o estudiar cualquier producto relacionado con el trabajo que tiene junto con usted en el coche? Este poderoso tiempo se suma a todos, en lugar de desperdiciado o 'asesinado' tiempo.

Hemos oído hablar del IPAD, que es realmente una versión más fina y brillante de nuestros cuadernos que eran humongous y Jurassic. Este pedacito de obra maestra técnica no sólo conseguiría uno a alturas diversas de la libertad de cuadernos de peso, informó por los usuarios, es más rápido y thinnerlighter; Pero además hará verificando mails, navegando, observando películas y leyendo publicaciones muy simple! Como si eso fuera insuficiente, usando un montón de aplicaciones para ir a través, hay este "ForEx IPAD".

6 Isona tahdon asua Prinsessa Ruususen linnassa. Disneyland Resort Paris alk. 799Forex osoite de turku.

Uno de los escritores nuevo equilibrio en línea y los cantantes y, así como los fabricantes de llegar a shreds deshacerse de la tienda esencialmente, muy pocos de los contemporáneos hace un intento fueron, muy bien, discutible. Soy ralph lauren outlet en línea lamentable estación de trabajo. Una tienda de fábrica de ralph lauren hace pocas semanas, el hecho de Victoria hecho a regañadientes problema principal una camisa de polo buena apología después de dirigir 20 años de edad Karlie Kloss en su pista de aterrizaje en línea en un muy Encima de eso muy poco otra cosa).

Viaje de comercio o negocios

Puedes recoger bayas silvestres

Información práctica


Los bancos finlandeses están abiertos de lunes a viernes 09.15 & # 8211; 16.15 (el horario de oficina puede variar según la región), cerrado los sábados y domingos.

Todos los servicios bancarios están disponibles en las sucursales de bancos como Sampo, Nordea Bank Finlandia, OKO Bank Group y Ålandsbanken, pero la mayoría de los bancos en Finlandia ahora se hace en línea a través de computadoras domésticas o de empresa, así como terminales de pago ubicadas en sucursales .

Los finlandeses utilizan menos efectivo físico en sus transacciones que cualquier otra nación, pero los cajeros automáticos para la retirada de efectivo están bastante extendidos y están marcados por el signo OTTO. La mayoría de las principales tarjetas de crédito, incluyendo Visa, MasterCard y EuroCard se pueden utilizar para el pago en la mayoría de las tiendas y restaurantes.

Gracias a las normas de la UE, retirar el euro de un cajero automático le cuesta lo mismo en cualquier lugar de la UE como lo hace en su propio país desde un cajero automático que no pertenece a su banco. La tarifa de transacción para hacer un pago por tarjeta de crédito o débito en la UE en euros es la misma que en su propio país. Por supuesto, los cargos pueden diferir entre los bancos.

Antes de Viajar a Finlandia

Sobre la base del Acuerdo de Schengen, el paso fronterizo hacia y desde Noruega y Suecia es posible en cualquier parte de la frontera cuando se exportan o importan únicamente mercancías libres de impuestos. La frontera entre Finlandia y Rusia sólo puede cruzarse por carretera en los puntos oficiales. Vea los enlaces en el lado derecho.

Finlandia es uno de los países miembros de la Unión Europea (UE).

Los viajeros que entran desde otro país de la UE pueden importar compras exentas de impuestos sin restricciones de cantidad o valor. A través de la nueva legislación de la UE, incluso las restricciones anteriores sobre bebidas alcohólicas y productos de tabaco han dejado de aplicarse. Sin embargo, estos productos sólo pueden ser importados exentos de impuestos como regalos, o para los viajeros & # 8217; Propios o sus familias & # 8217; utilizar. Vea los enlaces en el lado derecho.

Los estados miembros de Schengen & # 8211; Austria, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Islandia, Italia, Letonia, Liechtenstein, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Noruega, Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal, Suecia Y Suiza & # 8211; Han acordado conjuntamente las normas relativas a la circulación de nacionales de terceros países en sus territorios y han decidido qué países Los ciudadanos están obligados a presentar una visa. Además, cada Estado Schengen ha decidido qué documentos de viaje deben presentar los ciudadanos de distintos terceros países al entrar en el país. Vea los enlaces en el lado derecho.

Nota: Los viajeros que planean un viaje a través de la frontera con Rusia deben tener una visa. Es aconsejable conseguirlo en la Embajada de Rusia en el país de origen del viajero, ya que se tarda al menos ocho días laborales en obtener una visa en Helsinki.


Si está planeando una visita de invierno, es buena idea estar preparado para un clima frío. Los edificios finlandeses están tan bien caldeados que querrás arrojar algunas de esas capas cuando entras, no importa lo frío que esté afuera. Las botas calientes e impermeables son una ventaja en los frondosos otoños del sur, mientras que la piel u otros revestimientos gruesos son una buena idea siempre que las temperaturas bajan por debajo de menos diez grados Celsius.

Las chaquetas gruesas y acolchadas también son bastante indispensables donde quiera que estés en el invierno, y realmente esenciales en los inviernos de Laponia. Si usted está planeando probar algunos deportes de invierno, usted podrá comprar la ropa y el calzado apropiados del especialista cuando usted llega en Finlandia. Permanecer seco es una prioridad en los otoños a veces tormentosos, cuando Goretex y otros materiales impermeables entran en sus los propios. En verano, el desgaste casual es prácticamente el mismo que en otras partes del norte y centro de Europa - pantalones ligeros, pantalones cortos, tee-shirts & # 8211; Pero las tardes pueden ser frescas, por lo que es una buena idea tener un suéter y / o chaqueta a mano. Vea el video & # 8220; Cómo vestirse para el invierno en Finlandia & # 8221; en el lado derecho.

Tarjetas de crédito

American Express, Diner's Club, Eurocard, Acceso, Master Card y Visa se aceptan en hoteles, restaurantes, grandes tiendas y grandes almacenes. Visa Electron también es aceptado en muchas tiendas y grandes almacenes.


La unidad monetaria finlandesa es el euro (EUR), dividido en 100 centavos. Vea el enlace a la derecha: Forex

Comedor & amp; ganando

Los restaurantes no tienen requisitos generales en cuanto a vestimenta, aunque algunos establecimientos de alto mercado pueden preferir hombres para usar chaqueta y corbata.

El horario de cierre del restaurante varía de 22.00 a 03.00. Los clubes nocturnos están abiertos hasta las tres o cuatro de la mañana. Algunos restaurantes de baile y discotecas pueden cobrar una cuota de admisión de entre 1,5 y 5 euros, y clubes nocturnos hasta 10 euros.

Los cargos por servicios están incluidos en las tarifas de los hoteles y también en los precios de los restaurantes, pero aunque no se espera, no hay nada que impida a los clientes dar un consejo adicional si piensan que el servicio lo garantiza.

El impuesto sobre el valor añadido se añade a las facturas y normalmente se incluye en el precio total de las mercancías y productos en las tiendas y restaurantes finlandeses. El tipo estándar del IVA, cuyas siglas son ALV en finlandés, es del 22 por ciento, con una tasa del 17 por ciento para los alimentos y piensos y del 8 por ciento para el transporte.

Las mascotas no son generalmente bienvenidas en restaurantes finlandeses.

En Finlandia, una persona de 20 años puede comprar bebidas alcohólicas de cualquier tipo en una tienda de Alko. Las personas de más de 18 años de edad pueden comprar bebidas alcohólicas suaves que contengan como máximo 22 por ciento de alcohol en volumen, como vinos y cervezas. La venta de vinos y licores a menores de 18 años está prohibida por ley. A los clientes se les puede pedir que muestren un pasaporte, una tarjeta de identificación o una licencia de conducir como prueba de edad.

La venta al por menor de bebidas alcohólicas en Finlandia es un monopolio en la misma línea que en los demás países nórdicos (con la excepción de Dinamarca). Las ventas minoristas de alcohol se llevan a cabo a través de las tiendas Alko. La cerveza media también se vende en supermercados y otras tiendas. Las tiendas Alko están abiertas de lunes a viernes 09.00 & # 8211; 18.00 (20.00), sábados 09.00 & # 8211; 16.00 (18.00).

En Finlandia cualquier persona que haya alcanzado la edad de 18 años puede comprar bebidas alcohólicas en un restaurante. Los restaurantes sirven cerveza desde las 09.00 y otras bebidas alcohólicas a partir de las 11.00. El servicio de alcohol termina media hora antes del cierre del restaurante.

Visitantes discapacitados

Finlandia atiende bien a las personas con discapacidad, y la legislación garantiza que este sea el caso. Los servicios públicos y el transporte tienen relativamente buena cuenta de las personas con problemas de movilidad.

Agua potable

El 80% de las aguas de Finlandia están clasificadas como excepcionalmente limpias. La mejora de la protección del agua ha dado como resultado una mejora en la calidad del agua emitida tanto por la industria como por los municipios.

Los indicios más claros de eutrofización se pueden encontrar en el Golfo de Finlandia y en el archipiélago.

Agua mineral embotellada está disponible en tiendas y restaurantes, pero el agua del grifo finlandesa es de la más alta calidad y se puede consumir libremente en todo el país.

Emergencias y servicios médicos

Para ponerse en contacto con los servicios de emergencia de cualquier país de la UE desde cualquier teléfono fijo o móvil, llame al 112 gratuitamente. Información sobre la asistencia sanitaria disponible en Helsinki las 24 horas: tel. +358 (0) 9 10.023.

Todos los hospitales tienen doctores en servicio todo el día. En casos de emergencia, los pacientes deben ser dirigidos a un centro de salud oa una unidad de emergencia hospitalaria.

Para detalles de los servicios dentales de 09.00 a 21.00, llame al tel. +358 (0) 9 736 166.

24 horas de tratamiento de emergencia de hospital para los extranjeros con los médicos de turno las veinticuatro horas:

Hospital Central de la Universidad de Helsinki: Töölö

Hospital (accidentes graves) Topeliuksenkatu 5, Helsinki tel. +358 (0) 9 4711

(Medicina y cirugía) Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki tel. +358 (0) 9 4711

Los números de teléfono en otras ciudades están disponibles en los hoteles

Los medicamentos se venden en las farmacias (Apteekki). Algunas farmacias tienen horarios de apertura tardíos. En Helsinki, la farmacia de Mannerheimintie 96, tel. +358 (0) 300 & # 8211; 20 200, tiene servicio las 24 horas.

derechos de todos

Uno de los grandes conceptos en Finlandia se denomina Derechos Humanos & # 8217; s de Everyman & # 8221 ;. Todas las mujeres también. Esto le da permiso para vagar libremente, recoger bayas y champiñones, y disfrutar de la paz y la tranquilidad de los bosques, lagos y ríos. Gracias a los Derechos de Everyman & # 8221; Usted tiene una libertad mucho mayor para vagar en Finlandia que en la mayoría de los otros países.

Los derechos de Everyman & acutes es un concepto que se desarrolló sobre los siglos, un código no escrito creado por una población escasa que vive en un país extenso, densamente boscoso. Sólo algunas cosas a tener en cuenta. Usted puede escoger bayas silvestres & # 8211; Pero no puede escoger las manzanas o ciruelas de alguien. Usted puede ir de canoa y acampar, pero no demasiado cerca de la casa de alguien. No dejar la basura, y dejar el lugar de la manera que lo encontró.


En Helsinki moneda extranjera y viajeros & # 8217; Los cheques se pueden intercambiar en varias oficinas de cambio de moneda en el centro de la ciudad, incluyendo Forex

* En la estación de tren * en Mannerheimintie frente a la tienda departamental Stockmann * en la explanada.

Otros puntos de intercambio están en

* Aeropuerto de Helsinki-Vantaa * El almacén grande Stockmann * Terminal de transbordador de Katajanokka * Terminal de ferry de Olympia.

Turku: Forex / Dirección Eerikinkatu 12, Lunes & # 8211; Viernes 09.00 & # 8211; 19.00, Sábados 08.00 & # 8211; 15.00.

Tampere: Forex / Dirección Hämeenkatu 14b, Lunes & # 8211; Viernes 09.00 & # 8211; 19.00, Sábados 09.00-15.00.

En los pueblos más pequeños, los bancos pueden ser los únicos puntos de intercambio. Los hoteles suelen intercambiar pequeñas cantidades, pero es aconsejable cambiar dinero en su país de origen o en el aeropuerto Helsinki-Vantaa.

La unidad monetaria finlandesa es el euro (EUR), dividido en 100 centavos. Vea el enlace a la derecha: Forex

Normas sanitarias

Antes de partir en un viaje, los viajeros deben averiguar sobre las autoridades de seguro de enfermedad en su propio país y si ese país ha celebrado un acuerdo de seguridad social con Finlandia que cubre la asistencia médica durante una estancia temporal y, en caso afirmativo, .

Finland is one of Europe’s safest countries in terms of health and hygiene. No vaccinations or inoculations are required before arrival. Finnish pharmacies are well stocked with all the basic medicines, but note that some medicines that are available in stores and supermarkets in other countries – such as Aspirin and various ointments – are only available in pharmacies in Finland.


Finland is officially bilingual: Finnish is the first language of 92%, and Swedish of 5.5% of the population. About 1,700 people in Lapland speak Sami (Lapp) languages. Swedish-speaking Finns, of which there are about 300,000, are concentrated mainly along the coastlines of the south and the south-west archipelago and along the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia to the west. Swedish is the official language on the Åland Islands.

Since Finnish is the mother tongue of only about five million people in the world, the ability to speak foreign languages is essential for Finns. This is an advantage to foreign visitors, because many Finns speak English, German or some other European language.

Unlike Swedish, Russian, English and almost all other European languages, Finnish does not belong to the Indo-European family. Together with its close relative Estonian and distantly related Hungarian, it is a member of the Finno-Ugrian group of languages, spoken by only about 20 million people in total.

Finnish has a reputation for being a difficult language, with many declensions and long words. You don’t have to learn how to pronounce these words, but to help you get started, here’s the word for hello: “Hei”. If you want to be cool, you can say “Moi.” After a delicious dinner, it’s always polite to say “kiitos”, pronounced “keetos”.

Lost property

In Helsinki the Found Property Service (Löytötavarapalvelu) is at Mäkelänkatu 56, 00510 Helsinki, tel. +358-(0)600 41006 (service number euro 1.97/min + local net charge, in 2012), fax. +358-(0)600 14108. Open from Monday to Friday 09.00 – 18.00.

Elsewhere in the country, contact the local police station if your belongings go missing. » See more: Found Property Service


Basic road and city maps are available in bookstores all over Finland. Sea and boating charts are for sale in the main ports, in most large bookshops and ship’s chandlers in Finland. Good tourist maps of Helsinki are available from the dispenser in the concourse of the main Railway Station in the capital, and are also included in the Helsinki This Week listings guide, available for free in all hotels. Town maps, excursion maps, road maps and routes, nautical charts etc. on: Maps on suomi. fi


During the summer, mosquitoes are a nuisance in the countryside, especially in the north of Finland. In cities there are almost no mosquitoes. Finnish mosquitoes are a nuisance rather than a hazard, but you can protect yourself from mosquito bites by wearing long sleeves and trousers, especially at dusk, and using mosquito repellent, which is available in shops and at kiosks. The pharmacies also sell cream for easing the effects of the bites.

Postal Services

Poste Restante: In Helsinki at the main Post Office, Mannerheimintie 11 F, 00100 Helsinki, open from Monday to Friday 09.00 – 18.00, in other towns at the main post office. Yellow mail boxes for daily collections. Stamps are available at post offices, book and paper shops, R-kiosks, stations, hotels.

Public and National Holidays

There are a dozen official holidays in Finland, 10 church holidays and only two other national holidays, May Day on May 1st, also known as Vappu, and Independence Day on December 6th. » See more: Finnish National Public Holidays

Shopping hours

Numerous Finnish products such as food, hides, skins, leather, undressed and dressed fur, yarns, fabrics, footwear, furniture, toys, sports goods and drinks, are exported and are recognised for their consistently high quality. Finland is well supplied with shops all the way from the industrial south to the most northern parts of Lapland.

Opening hours below are a general guide, and there may be local and seasonal variations.

* Weekdays: from 07.00 – 09.00 to 20.00 – 21.00 * Saturdays: from 09.00 to 15.00 – 18.00 * Sundays: closed

* Sundays (some shops): 12.00 – 21.00 throughout the year

* On public holidays: closed

* On Christmas Eve and Midsummer Eve: closing time at 13.00

Railway Station tunnel in Helsinki: daily until 22.00

Alko Stores (the only outlets for wines and spirits): Mon – Thu: 09.00 – 18.00 (20.00), Fri: 09.00 – 20.00, Sat: 09.00 – 16.00 (18.00)

Tax-free shopping and export service

Anyone permanently resident outside the EU and Norway can shop tax free in Finland, thus saving about 12 (max. 16) per cent on purchases of over 40 e.

Only stores with TAX FREE SHOPPING signs will provide customers with a cheque covering the VAT refund; this can be cashed on leaving the last EU country visited. The cheque, together with the goods purchased, should be presented at the point of departure. The refund will be paid in cash. Tax-free purchases must be taken out of Finland or the EU in unused condition.

If the goods are carried out of the EU from any country other than Finland, Sweden, Norway or Denmark, the cheque must be stamped by the customs upon departure from the last EU country. The cheque can also be cashed at Global Refund offices at all main airports.

Export service: Goods can be sent direct to an address abroad or to a traveller’s plane or ship. The sales tax of 23 per cent is then deducted.

Value added tax is added to invoices and normally included in the displayed total price for goods and products in Finnish shops and restaurants. The standard rate for VAT, the initials for which are ALV in Finnish, is 23 per cent, with a rate of 13 per cent for food and animal feed and 9 per cent for transport.


Taxis can be obtained by telephone (see telephone directory under Taksi) or from taxi ranks. The central taxi reservation number in Helsinki is 0100 0700. Easy way to the airport, book and pay your ride in advance – Order Your Taxi.

Your hotel reservation staff will be able to provide you with local booking numbers. Yellow Taxis is an independent taxi service operating from and to Helsinki airport, telephone 0600-555 555. This service operates on a share basis.

All taxis have an illuminated yellow sign clearly marked ‘Taksi/Taxi’. When the sign is lit the taxi is vacant, but taxis will often head for the nearest taxi rank before actually picking up passengers. Payment can be made using Finnish bank cards and major international credit cards as well as cash.

The fare rises gradually on a kilometre basis, as indicated by the meter, and depending on the number of passengers. Yellow Taxis from and to Helsinki airport operates on a share basis, and fares depend on the number of people in the car.

At night from 20.00 to 06.00, on Saturdays from 16.00 and on Sundays there is a higher basic fare. Tipping is not necessary for Finnish taxi drivers. You can of course round the bill up to the nearest full amount if you feel you’ve been treated with good service and smooth ride.

Finnish taxis are comfortable, safe and modern cars. Fitted with the latest GPS navigation systems, even the most remote addresses are easily found. But due to the Finnish language, which may be rather difficult to pronounce, it is advisable to write down the address of your destination.


Calls from Finland

By direct dialling:

1. dial the international prefix 00 2. the country code (without the general prefix 0) 3. the trunk code (without the general prefix 0 or to Spain without 9) 4. the subscriber’s number

For international number enquiries and tariff information dial 020208.

To call Finland from abroad first dial the international prefix of the country you call from, second the country code to Finland (358), third the trunk code without the prefix 0, fourth the subscriber’s number.

To make an automatic call in Finland, the trunk code is used with the prefix 0. To book a manual long-distance call dial 020222. For tariff information, dial 9800-8353. For number enquiries dial 020202. For information on mobile phones dial 9800-7000. Besides telephone booths and hotels, calls can be made from local post and tele offices.

The trunk prefix for calls made within Finland is 0, and the international access code for calls out of Finland is the pan-European prefix 00. Callers to Finland abroad should first dial the country code, 358, and then the area code, without the first (0).

Time zone

Time in Finland is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The time difference between Eastern U. S. Standard Time and Finnish Standard Time is 7 hours.

Daylight saving time (DST) begins across the EU on last Sunday of March when clocks are moved forward an hour and it ends on last Sunday of October when clocks are put back an hour. The 24-hour timetable is usually followed, so shop signs might read as follows, for example: 09.00-21.00 (meaning from nine to nine), or 07.00-19.00 (seven to seven).


Tipping culture is almost non-existent in Finland, although it has become more common recently. Service charges are included in hotel room rates, restaurant and taxi prices, so tips are not expected, but can be given if you think the service has been especially good. A cloakroom fee of about 2 euros for restaurant doormen should be clearly indicated in the cloakroom area.

Posted on February 10, 2016

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In the early 2000s, high-frequency trading still accounted for fewer than 10% of equity orders, but this proportion was soon to begin rapid growth. According to data from the NYSE, trading volume grew by about 164% between 2005 and 2009 for which high-frequency trading might be accounted.[23] Asof the first quarter in 2009, total assets under management for hedge funds with high-frequency trading strategies were 1 billion, down about 21%from their peak before the worst of the crises.[26] The high-frequency strategy was first made successful by Renaissance Technologies.[27] Manyhigh-frequency firms are market makers and provide liquidity to the market which lowered volatility and helped narrow bid-offer spreads, makingtrading and investing cheaper for other market participants.[26]

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In June 2014, high-frequency trading firm Citadel LLC was fined 0,000 for violations that included quote stuffing. Nasdaq's disciplinary actionstated that Citadel "failed to prevent the strategy from sending millions of orders to the exchanges with few or no executions." It was pointed outthat Citadel "sent multiple, periodic bursts of order messages, at 10,000 orders per second, to the exchanges. This excessive messaging activity, which involved hundreds of thousands of orders for more than 19 million shares, occurred two to three times per day."[98][99]

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Such performance is achieved with the use of hardware acceleration or even full-hardware processing of incoming market data, in association withhigh-speed communication protocols, such as 10 Gigabit Ethernet or PCI Express. More specifically, some companies provide full-hardware appliancesbased on FPGA technology to obtain sub-microsecond end-to-end market data processing.

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According to some sources, the programs can inspect major orders as they come in and use that information to profit.[82] Currently, the majority ofexchanges do not offer flash trading, or have discontinued it. By March 2011, the NASDAQ, BATS, and Direct Exchange exchanges had all ceased offeringits Competition for Price Improvement functionality (widely referred to as "flash technology/trading").[83][84] Mi simple sistemas de trading.

On September 24, 2013, the Federal Reserve revealed that some traders are under investigation for possible news leak and insider trading. Right afterthe Federal Reserve announced its newest decision, trades were registered in the Chicago futures market within two milliseconds. However, the news wasreleased to the public in Washington D. C. at exactly 2:00 pm calibrated by atomic clock,[85] and takes 3.19 milliseconds to reach Chicago at the speedof light in straight line and ca. 7 milliseconds in practice.[86] Contrary to claims by high-frequency trader Virtu Financial,[87] anything faster isnot physically possible. mi simple sistemas de trading.

However, after almost five months of investigations, the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission(CFTC) issued a joint report identifying the cause that set off the sequence of events leading to the Flash Crash[66] and concluding that the actionsof high-frequency trading firms contributed to volatility during the crash.

Tick trading often aims to recognize the beginnings of large orders being placed in the market. For example, a large order from a pension fund to buywill take place over several hours or even days, and will cause a rise in price due to increased demand. An arbitreur can try to spot this happeningthen buy up the security, then profit from selling back to the pension fund. This strategy has become more difficult since the introduction ofdedicated trade execution companies in the 2000s which provide optimal trading for pension and other funds, specifically designed to remove thearbitrage opportunity.

As HFT strategies become more widely used, it can be more difficult to deploy them profitably. According to an estimate from Frederi Viens of PurdueUniversity, profits from HFT in the U. S. has been declining from an estimated peak of bn in 2009, to about .25bn in 2012.[31]mi simple sistemas de trading.

In the United States in 2009, high-frequency trading firms represented 2% of the approximately 20,000 firms operating today, but accounted for 73% ofall equity orders volume.[citation needed][28] The major U. S. high-frequency trading firms include Chicago Trading, Virtu Financial, Timber Hill, ATD, GETCO, Tradebot and Citadel LLC.[29] The Bank of England estimates similar percentages for the 2010 US market share, also suggesting that in EuropeHFT accounts for about 40% of equity orders volume and for Asia about 5-10%, with potential for rapid growth.[22] By value, HFT was estimated in 2010by consultancy Tabb Group to make up 56% of equity trades in the US and 38% in Europe.[30]

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Ganimecebecikurankursu |18. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Das schließt jedoch die Entdeckung, dass sie eineneigenen Willen hat. A multitude of exit strategies can be utilised to exit the test trade. This could be as low as 1 of the actual stock price. Butnow I stck flat broke with no codd that I can see. Stategies robert prechter 3,5gb steve nison candle.

I am trying to view a Java Applet but nothing happens. I know that my web browser is Java enabled. What could this be? Your web browser has a storage facility on your hard drive that stores graphics and text from web sites that you visit. This storage facility is called the cache, or TemporaryInternet files. The reason web browsers have a cache is that it is quicker and easier to load images, applets, etc. from cache on your hard drive than downloading them again. Over time, your browser'scache gets full and the information gets outdated. This can cause problems with Java applets and canresult in that Applets are freezing or not working at all. The solution to this is to clear cache and reload the page. If this does not work, try clearing your cache, closing your browser and then revisiting the page. Internet Explorer 4.x or greater 1. Select Tools (or View if you are using IE 4.x), then click Internet Options. 2.Select the General Tab. 3. Click on the Delete Files button to clear the cache. 4. Remember to select the "delete all offline content" checkbox. Netscape 4.x or greater 1. Select Edit, then click Preferences. 2. Select Advanced, then click Cache. 3. Click on ClearMemory Cache and Clear Disk Cache buttons to clear the cache. Back to top

FX prima de opciones

Forex option trading has emerged as an alternative investment vehicle for many traders and investors. As an investment tool, forex option tradingprovides both large and small investors with greater flexibility when determining the appropriate forex trading and hedging strategies to implement.

GB - Curso de análisis técnico 4aParte Analisis cuantitativo FX prima de opciones.

Most forex options trading is conducted via telephone as there are only a few forex brokers offering online forex option trading platforms. Fx prima de opciones.

Moves to different price categories take place at the discretion of Saxo Bank and always take effect from the beginning of the following month withoutany adjustment in commissions already paid.

Fx prima de opciones - Lee mas

Descripción FX prima de opciones

Opción Forex Definido – Una opción de divisas es un contrato financiero moneda dando al comprador de la opción de la divisa el derecho, pero nola obligación, de comprar o vender un contrato específico punto de divisas (el subyacente) a un precio determinado (precio de ejercicio) en o antesfecha (fecha de vencimiento). La cantidad que el comprador de la opción de la divisa paga al vendedor de la opción de la divisa de los derechos delcontrato de opción de la divisa se llama la opción de la divisa “premium”.

FX prima de opciones.

El mercado de opciones de divisas comenzó como una receta más (OTC) vehículo financiero para los grandes bancos, las instituciones financieras y grandes .

ResMed comprende que, en lo que respecta al tratamiento de la apnea del sueño, las necesidades de las mujeres son únicas. Somos la primera empresa endiseñar una mascarilla especial para la mujer y estamos orgullosos de ofrecer el primer sistema de tratamiento integrado para ella, con aún másopciones para brindar un tratamiento del sueño cómodo y personalizado.

Online Contract Options are traded on these monthly volume-based commissions;

Foreign currency options expires worthless if, at the time the foreign currency option expires, the strike price is “out-of-the-money.” Insimplest terms, a foreign currency option is “out-of-the-money” if the underlying foreign currency spot price is lower than a foreigncurrency call option’s strike price, or the underlying foreign currency spot price is higher than a put option’s strike price. Once aforeign currency option has expired worthless, the foreign currency option contract itself expires and neither the buyer nor the seller have anyfurther obligation to the other party.

Potencial cuánto gana con forex de ganancia máxima genio como lo es estrategia fondo, colocar una petición su corredor. Puedo saber más sobre elcomercio auxiliar. Potencial de genio como lo es estrategia señales, puertas comercio binarias, australia punto decimal estrategia, la opción. Ganancia máxima de opciones binarias australia he visto su video esto incluye comercio auxiliar.

Vídeo FX prima de opciones

La Opción Forex Ponga – Un divisas opción de venta da el extranjero opciones de cambio comprador el derecho, pero no la obligación, de vender uncontrato al contado de divisas específico (el activo subyacente) a un precio determinado (precio de ejercicio) en o antes de una específica fecha(fecha de vencimiento). El importe de la opción de comprador de divisas paga a la opción de vendedor de divisas para la opción de los derechoscontractuales en moneda extranjera se llama la opción “premium”. Fx prima de opciones.

Die meisten Forex Handel mit Optionen ist per Telefon durchgeführt, da es nur ein paar Forex Broker bieten Online-Forex-Handelsplattformen Option.

La única obligación financiera inicial de la opción del comprador en moneda extranjera es para pagar la prima al vendedor por adelantado cuando laopción de moneda extranjera se compra inicialmente. Una vez pagada la prima, el tenedor de la opción de moneda extranjera no tiene otra obligaciónfinanciera (no se requiere margen) hasta que la opción de moneda extranjera está bien compensado o expire.

The forex options market started as an over-the-counter (OTC) financial vehicle for large banks, financial institutions and large internationalcorporations to hedge against foreign currency exposure. Like the forex spot market, the forex options market is considered an “interbank”market. However, with the plethora of real-time financial data and forex option trading software available to most investors through the internet, today’s forex option market now includes an increasingly large number of individuals and corporations who are speculating and/or hedging foreigncurrency exposure via telephone or online forex trading platforms.

Please note that “puts” and “calls” are separate foreign exchange options contracts and are NOT the opposite side of the sametransaction. For every foreign exchange put buyer there is a foreign exchange put seller, and for every foreign exchange call buyer there is a foreignexchange call seller. The foreign exchange options buyer pays a premium to the foreign exchange options seller in every option transaction.

Delta – The delta of a forex option is defined as the change in price of a forex option relative to a change in the underlying forex spot rate. A change in a forex option’s delta can be influenced by a change in the underlying forex spot rate, a change in volatility, a change in theriskless interest rate of the underlying spot currencies or simply by the passage of time (nearing of the expiration date).

microsoft media en movimiento

When we talk about the first question, we often refer to assets, or the things that you are trying to protect. An asset is something you value andwant to protect. When we are talking about digital security, the assets in question are usually information. For example, your emails, contact lists, instant messages, and files are all assets. Your devices are also assets.

E3 2009: Project Natal Xbox 360 Announcement microsoft media en movimiento.

You may not be able to visit this page because of: Microsoft media en movimiento.

Our animated templates for PowerPoint 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2004 and 2003 feature several different layout designs and a set of static layout pages. The PowerPoint 2010 and 2011 templates are optimized to take full advantage of the enhanced video and transition features of PowerPoint 2010 and2011.

Microsoft media en movimiento - Lee mas

Descripción microsoft media en movimiento

Conducting a risk analysis is both a personal and a subjective process; not everyone has the same priorities or views threats in the same way. Manypeople find certain threats unacceptable no matter what the risk, because the mere presence of the threat at any likelihood is not worth the cost. Inother cases, people disregard high risks because they don't view the threat as a problem.

Fondo de pantalla con movimiento para microsoft. de Microsoft Imagen en movimiento de. usuario a lo utilizamos de media frente a la pantalla del .

In order to answer the second question, “Who do you want to protect it from,” it’s important to understand who might want to target you or yourinformation, or who is your adversary. An adversary is any person or entity that poses a threat against an asset or assets. Examples of potentialadversaries are your boss, your government, or a hacker on a public network.

The capability of your attacker is also an important thing to think about. For example, your mobile phone provider has access to all of your phonerecords and therefore has the capability to use that data against you. A hacker on an open Wi-Fi network can access your unencrypted communications. Your government might have stronger capabilities. microsoft media en movimiento.

microsoft media en movimiento. Write down what your adversary might want to do with your private data.

The motives of adversaries differ widely, as do their attacks. A government trying to prevent the spread of a video showing police violence may becontent to simply delete or reduce the availability of that video, whereas a political opponent may wish to gain access to secret content and publishit without you knowing.

Reloj microsoft media en movimiento

Write down a list of data that you keep, where it’s kept, who has access to it, and what stops others from accessing it. Microsoft media en movimiento.

A threat is something bad that can happen to an asset. There are numerous ways that an adversary can threaten your data. For example, an adversary canread your private communications as they pass through the network, or they can delete or corrupt your data. An adversary could also disable youraccess to your own data. microsoft media en movimiento.

The animated PPT templates will work with PowerPoint 2010, 2007 and 2003. The animated templates are also built to work with Macintosh PowerPoint2011, 2008 and 2004.

Our PowerPoint templates can also be opened and edited with Keynote, as Keynote can utilize PowerPoint files.

In a military context, for example, it might be preferable for an asset to be destroyed than for it to fall into enemy hands. Conversely, in manycivilian contexts, it's more important for an asset such as email service to be available than confidential. microsoft media en movimiento.

Make a list of who might want to get ahold of your data or communications. It might be an individual, a government agency, or a corporation.

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KENO is a number lottery offering winnings of up to one million euros every day. 20 numbers are drawn from a total of 70; customers can choose betweenone and ten numbers. The size of the win then depends on the number of hits, the amount of numbers crossed and the size of the stake. In contrast tothe well-known lotteries 'Lotto 6aus49' and 'EuroJackpot', KENO does not have fixed odds. Someone who bets 10 euros and chooses ten numbers will winone million euros if these ten numbers are among the 20 drawn. Customers can even win without having a single number correct: those who choose eight, nine or ten numbers and have no hits at all still receive a prize. KENO is not only the lottery with the most variants offered by Lotto24, it alsooffers exceptionally high chances of winning: the probability of a major win is 1:2.2 million. By contrast: the figure for 'Lotto 6aus49' is almost1:140 million. Lotto de forex 1.

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Descripción lotto de Forex 1

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Forex Trendy is a solution for those traders that are focusing on the best time to trade Forex. Without using indicators to identify the master trend, Forex Trendy is based on market action. The Forex Trendy is able to scan 34 currency pairs on multiple time frames that are ranged between 1 minuteand 1 month. Lotto de forex 1.

With its record jackpot of CAN million and 2 draws every single week, Canada's 6/49 Lotto has been churning out big-money winners since 1982. Thatmeans it's one of the oldest national lottos in the world. Not only that, but its 6/49 format is one of the easiest to play.

Short-Term Momentum Scalping in the Forex Market The Forex market moves fast… very fast. This strategy can help traders focus on, and entertrades in the strongest short-term trends that may be available - in one of the fastest markets in the world. The Forex market moves fast… very fast. This smh. com. au

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The firm has already started supplying B2B services to the new lottery messenger industry, with 5 active white labels and another 4 in the process ofsigning up by the end of the year. According to exclusive information obtained by Forex Magnates, the firm has already outsourced a second team ofdevelopers outside of Israel and now has two teams working on new technology.

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Información general

LOGOMO - the Congress venue The congress venue LOGOMO is an event center located next to the main railway station just a stone's throw from the city center. Street address is Köydenpunojankatu 14 . Logomo is an old locomotive workshop which nowadays serves a cultural space for all kinds of events such as congresses, exhibitions, musical and theatrical performances. From the city centre (Market Square), it takes approximately 15 minutes to walk to Logomo. Bus numbers 20 (direction Muhkuri) and 61 (direction Vienola) from the Market square go to Logomo. Tickets can be bought from the driver, single ticket à 3.00 eur. Please visit the Turku region traffic website for more information and timetables http://www. foli. fi/en. If you arrive by car, kindly note that parking in Logomo area is subject to a charge every day around the clock.

Turku - the congress city Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229.

Travelling Turku has an international airport and it is easy to reach by air via Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga or Gdansk. If you fly to Helsinki, from Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a shuttle bus to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour). From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line. The ferry takes about 10 hrs. For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring website .

Other transport links

Finnair Airline information and timetables

SAS Airline information and timetables

Air Baltic Airline information and timetables

Wizz Air Airline information and timetables

Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections

Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses

Taxi Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 8 p. m. there is a small additional charge.

Languages Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. In addition, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.

Currency The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques in the Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 13, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).

Voltage The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.

Insurance Please note that the congress participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the Congress Organizers. The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the congress or during the congress. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.

Cancellation In the event that the conference is cancelled by the Conference Organizers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Conference Organizers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Conference Organizer shall be limited to that refund.

Congress Office / Scand-LAS2015 University of Turku Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 A 20520 Turku

Tel. +358 2333 6342 fax +358 2251 0078

The symposium venue ICT building The symposium is held in the new ICT building in the Turku Science Park area, a stone’s throw from the Kupittaa railway station. Street address Joukahaisenkatu 3-5 Please see the exact location in the symposium map .

Turku - the symposium city Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represent the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information.

Weather in Turku Please visit the Finnish Meteorological Institute 's website for updated news on weather in Finland. See also the local weather (Turku) and get a 5-day forecast.

Languages Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. Furthermore, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.

Currency The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques either in banks or in Forex (currency exchange company, address: Eerikinkatu 12 . by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).

Voltage The electric current in Finland is 220V (230V), 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size

microsoft media en movimiento

The capability of your attacker is also an important thing to think about. For example, your mobile phone provider has access to all of your phonerecords and therefore has the capability to use that data against you. A hacker on an open Wi-Fi network can access your unencrypted communications. Your government might have stronger capabilities.

E3 2009: Project Natal Xbox 360 Announcement microsoft media en movimiento.

A threat is something bad that can happen to an asset. There are numerous ways that an adversary can threaten your data. For example, an adversary canread your private communications as they pass through the network, or they can delete or corrupt your data. An adversary could also disable youraccess to your own data. Microsoft media en movimiento.

Make a list of who might want to get ahold of your data or communications. It might be an individual, a government agency, or a corporation.

Microsoft media en movimiento - Lee mas

Descripción microsoft media en movimiento

Write down what your adversary might want to do with your private data.

Descargar gratis fondo pantalla 3d en movimiento. dispositivos en 30 Ene 2015 Microsoft añade una función para usar varios. Advert Media LLC an .

It is important to distinguish between threats and risks. While a threat is a bad thing that can happen, risk is the likelihood that the threat willoccur. For instance, there is a threat that your building might collapse, but the risk of this happening is far greater in San Francisco (whereearthquakes are common) than in Stockholm (where they are not).

The motives of adversaries differ widely, as do their attacks. A government trying to prevent the spread of a video showing police violence may becontent to simply delete or reduce the availability of that video, whereas a political opponent may wish to gain access to secret content and publishit without you knowing. microsoft media en movimiento.

microsoft media en movimiento. You may not be able to visit this page because of:

Our PowerPoint templates can also be opened and edited with Keynote, as Keynote can utilize PowerPoint files.

Reloj microsoft media en movimiento

Our animated templates for PowerPoint 2011, 2010, 2008, 2007, 2004 and 2003 feature several different layout designs and a set of static layout pages. The PowerPoint 2010 and 2011 templates are optimized to take full advantage of the enhanced video and transition features of PowerPoint 2010 and2011. Microsoft media en movimiento.

In order to answer the second question, “Who do you want to protect it from,” it’s important to understand who might want to target you or yourinformation, or who is your adversary. An adversary is any person or entity that poses a threat against an asset or assets. Examples of potentialadversaries are your boss, your government, or a hacker on a public network. microsoft media en movimiento.

In a military context, for example, it might be preferable for an asset to be destroyed than for it to fall into enemy hands. Conversely, in manycivilian contexts, it's more important for an asset such as email service to be available than confidential.

A final thing to consider is risk. Risk is the likelihood that a particular threat against a particular asset will actually occur, and goeshand-in-hand with capability. While your mobile phone provider has the capability to access all of your data, the risk of them posting your privatedata online to harm your reputation is low.

The animated PPT templates will work with PowerPoint 2010, 2007 and 2003. The animated templates are also built to work with Macintosh PowerPoint2011, 2008 and media en movimiento.

Conducting a risk analysis is both a personal and a subjective process; not everyone has the same priorities or views threats in the same way. Manypeople find certain threats unacceptable no matter what the risk, because the mere presence of the threat at any likelihood is not worth the cost. Inother cases, people disregard high risks because they don't view the threat as a problem.

Posted on February 24, 2016

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The Canadian Competition Bureau was reported on 15 July 2012 to also be carrying out an investigation into price fixing by five banks of the yendenominated Libor rates. Court documents filed indicated that the Competition Bureau had been pursuing the matter since at least January 2011. Thedocuments offered a detailed view of how and when the international banks allegedly colluded to fix the Libor rates. The information was based on awhistleblower who traded immunity from prosecution in exchange for turning on his fellow conspirators. In the court documents, a federal prosecutorfor the bureau stated, "IRD (interest-rate derivatives) traders at the participant banks communicated with each other their desire to see a higher orlower yen LIBOR to aid their trading positions." The alleged participants were the Canadian branches of the Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC, DeutscheBank, JP Morgan Bank, and Citibank, as well as ICAP (Intercapital), an interdealer broker.[48]

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Descripción lo swap nel forex

Feb 12, 2015 … Whether you trade forex, stocks or futures, don’t get distracted by fundamentals. … Instead of reading financialstatements and economic reports, practice your chart … Since the forex market is global, be aware of all high impa…

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Moderate inflation: 6.7% in June 2013. – Stable exchange rate—Dong depreciated by 1.6% percent in the past 12 months (average exchange rate bycommercial banks) – Significant increase in foreign reserves — from 2.2 months of import cover at the end of …

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In court documents filed in Singapore, Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) trader Tan Chi Min told colleagues that his bank could move global interest ratesand that the Libor fixing process in London had become a cartel. Tan in his court affidavit stated that the Royal Bank of Scotland knew of the Liborrates manipulation and that it supported such actions. In instant messages, traders at RBS extensively discussed manipulating Libor rates. In areleased transcript of a 21 August 2007 chat, Jezri Mohideen, who was the head of yen products in Singapore, asked to have the Libor fixed in aconversation with other traders:[61] Lo swap nel forex.

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The reference rate, published every day on the Bank of Ghana website is computed from data submitted by all banks. Each working day, all banks submitdata …

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Descripción Forex comerciantes en pune

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You may have read numerous reports with trader complaints covering a variety of manipulative broker techniques they encountered when trading in Forexand CFD markets, including stop-hunting, forced delays in trade executions, unjustified price spikes, artificial gaps, unexpected slippage and drasticsurge in spreads, among the many other shady practices that witnesses report. The chances are, few would know the underlying reasons behind suchbroker behaviours. In reality, it all comes down to the factors of opportunity and financial incentive. Since their profitability and their veryfinancial survival is driven by client losses, such brokers tend to misuse the technical facilities of B-Book systems, interfering with client trades, manipulating execution and even dressing up price quotes to maximise their own profits.

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Having a low financial educated public has led to the establishment of trading schools sprouting up within the country. These firms are typically runby a few traders that teach attendees the basics and more advanced technical and fundamental analysis. They will also refer students to brokers thatthey have relationships with. The main independent education providers are Bullbear Trading House, run by an experienced trader with technicalanalysis qualification, Webiglad Investments, run by a former banker at GT Bank, and Wayves Systems Enterprise, an education provider in Abuja. Explaining what attracts Nigerian’s to the trading schools, Fashe Itopa CEO/MD at Wayves Systems Enterprise explained “The new learners like my methodof teaching, I talk about the basics but always give them ideas and strategies on how they can make money.”

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As you can see above, clients altogether lost an astonishing 5,000 in one day of trading. B-Book brokers will transform these virtual clienttrades, where no actual market trading occurred in the first place, in broker’s own profits. The very next day, these funds are being used topay for even more advertising, selling the concept of easy money to trusting investors. This is precisely why the brokers that have some of thehighest online visibility due to heavy advertising, use B-Book models, while professional ECN brokers have relatively small presence online andadvertise their offers within reasonable budgets. High competition for advertising spots saw brokers’ marketing costs skyrocket, and it isgenerally the case that only market-making B-Book brokers, who essentially use client money to pay for advertising, are able to afford the cost.

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And once I have the flower in my possession, there will be no one who can stop me. And you, Flora, will rule by my side.

(tbh I don't think I've seen those red cups before? But I'm in the land of dunkin donuts anyway). I'm still hype about Red Lion beating DallastownFriday. Sunday football is 10x better with Red Zone.

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Información general

LOGOMO - the Congress venue The congress venue LOGOMO is an event center located next to the main railway station just a stone's throw from the city center. Street address is Köydenpunojankatu 14 . Logomo is an old locomotive workshop which nowadays serves a cultural space for all kinds of events such as congresses, exhibitions, musical and theatrical performances. Kindly note that parking in Logomo area is subject to a charge every day around the clock.

Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2015

Notifications of abstract acceptance: 18 February 2015

Early bird registration by 15 March 2015

Turku - the congress city Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229.

Travelling Turku has an international airport and it is easy to reach by air via Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga or via Gdansk. If you fly to Helsinki, from Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a shuttle bus to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour). From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line. The ferry takes about 10 hrs. For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring website.

Other transport links

Finnair Airline information and timetables

SAS Airline information and timetables

Air Baltic Airline information and timetables

Wizz Air Airline information and timetables

Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections

Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses

Local public transportation If you fly to Turku, there is a regular bus from the Turku airport to city centre (distance approx. 8 km), bus line nro 1 which runs about every 20 minutes. Tickets à 3 eur can be bought from the driver (cash, preferably coins). The bus continues from the city centre Market Square (along which the Sokos hotels Hamburger Börs and City Börs are located) toward the Turku Harbour and has a stop also on the Linnankatu street, by the hotel Radisson Blu Marina Palace (also just one block from the hotel Holiday Inn). More information about the local bus routes http://www. foli. fi/en.

If you arrive to Turku by train or by bus, please see the MAPs above where the stations are marked. Both the railway station and the bus station are within a walking distance from the hotels and the congress venue.

Taxi Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 8 p. m. there is a small additional charge.

Languages Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. In addition, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.

Currency The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques in the Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 13, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).

Voltage The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.

Insurance Please note that the congress participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the Congress Organizers. The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the congress or during the congress. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.

Cancellation In the event that the conference is cancelled by the Conference Organizers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Conference Organizers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Conference Organizer shall be limited to that refund.

Congress Office / IFHE-EU 2015 Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 A 20520 Turku

Tel. +358 2333 6342 fax +358 2251 0078

General Info

LOGOMO - the Congress venue The congress venue LOGOMO is an event center located next to the main railway station just a stone's throw from the city center. Street address is Köydenpunojankatu 14 . Logomo is an old locomotive workshop which nowadays serves a cultural space for all kinds of events such as congresses, exhibitions, musical and theatrical performances.

Turku - the congress city Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229.

The Turku airport will be closed for runway renovations from 30 June to 26 July (opening again on 27 July). During renovations all flights to Turku will be directed to Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

If you fly to Helsinki, from Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a shuttle bus to Turku (duration 2.5 hours, departures every hour) operated by Expressbus. Apart from Expressbus, additional bus transportation is provided for ICSM participants on Monday 30 June (departures from the airport at 10:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00) and on Saturday 5 July (departures from Turku at 10:00 and 13:30). Tickets for additional departures, Г 15 euros, can be reserved via the ICSM registration form or by contacting the Congress Office (congress-office@utu. fi).

From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line. The ferry takes about 10 hrs. For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring website .

Other transport links

Finnair Airline information and timetables

SAS Airline information and timetables

Air Baltic Airline information and timetables

Wizz Air Airline information and timetables

Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections

Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses

Taxi Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 8 p. m. there is a small additional charge.

Languages Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. In addition, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.

Currency The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques in the Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 13, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).

Voltage The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.

Insurance Please note that the congress participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the Congress Organizers. The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the congress or during the congress. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.

Cancellation In the event that the conference is cancelled by the Conference Organizers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Conference Organizers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Conference Organizer shall be limited to that refund.

Abstract submission deadline 14 February 2014 Early registration deadline 28 April 2014

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The more frequent opportunities arise, the more it describes the uneven pricing of currencies patterns. The arbitrage strategy may cause an investorto be stuck with his work in foreign exchange and earn profits because of pricing inefficiencies. Basically, it is a scenario which is described bythe issues of disequilibrium in the pricing strategies. Because of over or under pricing, some events are not in favor of traders. Investors usuallytry to take a backup tire to remain safe from contingent events. Forex software de arbitraje.

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Descripción Forex software de arbitraje

Un tipo diferente de arbitraje de la divisa es el arbitraje Intermarket Forex. Esto funciona en el mismo principio que el arbitraje Interbroker Forex, excepto en este caso el sistema de arbitraje de la divisa está recibiendo sus rápidos cotizaciones directamente del proveedor de liquidez. Así queincluso si se compara esto con cualquier corredor rápido, usted puede obtener las cotizaciones más rápidamente.

Y casi todos los corredores prohíben expresamente el arbitraje de divisas, por lo que pueden quedar rebotado si te pillan. Con el fin de luchar contra el arbitraje .

La actual "alta tecnología" del mercado de divisas, salas de comercio FX en todo el mundo han desarrollado su propio software para recibir unaalimentación digital en tiempo real de los precios FX del sistema EBS Spot de corretaje electrónico. El software analiza como una radio de la policíade las oportunidades de arbitraje triangular!

Usted puede obtener grandes ganancias con riesgos mínimos con los sistemas de arbitraje de divisas, pero sólo será de esa manera si estáncorrectamente construidos y utilizados. Vamos a llegar a ese embargo. Para empezar, vamos a echar un vistazo a el significado exacto de arbitraje de ladivisa. Forex software de arbitraje.

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You can enter when the blue line crosses the yellow line (buy order). Or you can enter when the blue line crosses the red line (sell order). Exit whenthe spread reverts to the mean (moving average white line). Stop when the loss is as far as the target price. In this strategy, I used the 1:1profit/loss ratio and I always use an Expert Advisor to generate sell and buy orders.

Reloj Forex software de arbitraje

Brokers de Forex obtienen sus precios de los proveedores de liquidez, como usted ya sabe. Pero hay un retraso minúsculo en el tiempo entre cuando elproveedor de liquidez fija el precio, y cuando se llega al corredor. En función de la latencia de un corredor, la capacidad del servidor, el retrasodel servidor, el número de solicitudes, la velocidad de procesamiento, y así sucesivamente, algunos corredores reciben sus cotizaciones más rápido queotros corredores lo hacen. Forex software de arbitraje.

The triangular arbitrage strategy involves the following steps:Forex software de arbitraje.

Si los precios del mercado no permiten un arbitraje de cambio de moneda extranjera rentable, se dice que los precios constituyen un mercado de librearbitraje. Un mercado de libre arbitraje es una precondición cuando un país quiere lograr un equilibrio económico general.

2. Dos activos que producen el mismo flujo de efectivo no se transan al mismo precio.

– Apalancamiento: es la cantidad de dinero obtenida (expresada en múltiplos) que supera al dinero invertido. El apalancamiento significa unaumento en los beneficios sin realizar ninguna inversión extra. Forex software de arbitraje.

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General information

University of Turku - the Congress venue

The Natural Sciences Building of the University of Turku is situated very close to the centre of the city, with easy access by foot or public transport from hotels and hostels in the city, address Yliopistonmäki.

Turku - the congress city

Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229.


Turku has an international airport and it is easy to reach by air via Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga or via Gdansk. If you fly to Helsinki, from Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is also a shuttle bus to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour). From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line. The ferry takes about 10 hrs. For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring website .

Other transport links

Finnair Airline information and timetables

SAS Airline information and timetables

Air Baltic Airline information and timetables

Wizz Air Airline information and timetables

Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections

Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses

Taxi Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 8 p. m. there is a small additional charge.

Weather in Turku


Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. In addition, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.


The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques in the Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 13, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).


The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.


Please note that the congress participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the Congress Organizers. The Congress Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the congress or during the congress. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.


In the event that the conference is cancelled by the Conference Organizers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Conference Organizers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Conference Organizer shall be limited to that refund.

The CTA 2015 Meeting venue Radisson Blu Marina Palace Hotel, is located right on the banks of the river Aurajoki, a few blocks from the city centre market square. Address: Linnankatu 32, 20100 Turku. To reserve accommodation in the hotel, please see the page "accommodation". The hotel has payable parking.

Turku - the meeting city

Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring 's website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229 .

Turku is within easy reach by air via Helsinki (Finnair), via Stockholm (SAS), or via Riga (AirBaltic) or Gdansk (Wizzair). From Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a shuttle bus to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour, tickets Г 31,50 euros). It is also possible to take the train, but then you will first have to take the bus to Helsinki city center and take the train from Helsinki main railway station.

Travelling from Helsinki there are hourly train connections to Turku. The travel time is 2 hours and the normal price ticket is about 30-35 euros. For low-cost buses from Helsinki to Turku, there are for example Onnibus and Г…bus ( only in Finnish!) . If travelling with low-cost companies, kindly notice the departure and arrival stops, which vary between different companies.

From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line.

For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring's website.

Finnair Airline information and timetables SAS Airline information and timetables Air Baltic Airline information and timetables Wizzair Airline information and timetables Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses

If you fly to Turku, there is a regular bus from the Turku airport to city centre (distance approx. 8 km), bus line nro 1 which runs every about 20 minutes. Tickets Г 3 eur can be bought from the driver (cash, preferably coins). The bus continues from the city centre Market Square toward the Turku Harbour and has a stop also on the Linnankatu street, by the congress hotel Radisson Blu Marina Palace.

Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 20.00 there is a small additional charge.

Please visit the Finnish Meteorological Institute 's website for updated news on weather in Finland. You can also get a 5-day forecast of the local weather in Turku.

Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. Furthermore, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.

The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques either in banks or in Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 12, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).

The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.

The time in Finland is GMT+2

Please note that the meeting participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the CTA2015 Organizers. The CTA 2015 Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the meeting or during the meeting. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.

Congress Office / CTA2015 Lemminkäisenkatu 14-18 A, 20520 Turku Tel. +358 2333 6342 / fax +358 2251 0078 E-mail: congress-office@utu. fi

В© University of Turku / Congress Office

General info


University of Turku, Turku School of Economics, Rehtorinpellonkatu 3, Turku

Please note that a table has been reserved at the conference venue for brochures of the related future events, book advertisements, calls for papers, or other similar material that participants wish to place for display.

Turku - the conference city

Turku, in the Southwest corner of Finland, is the oldest city and the first capital of the country. Today it is the capital of its region, the Southwest Finland. Turku is often said to be the only West European town in Finland as all medieval European towns have four things in common: a river for transport, a cathedral for religious power, a castle that represents the secular power and last but not least - a market place for acts of commerce. Turku has them all! Please visit the Turku tourist office Turku Touring website for more information, or see the film TURKU FINLAND URBAN LEGENDS SINCE 1229.


Turku has an international airport and it is easy to reach by air via Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga or via Gdansk. If you fly to Helsinki, from Helsinki-Vantaa airport there is a shuttle bus to Turku (2.5 hours, departures every hour). Please note: The Turku airport will be closed for runway renovations from 30 June to 26 July (opening again on 27 July). During renovations all flights to Turku will be directed to Helsinki-Vantaa airport.

From Stockholm you may choose to travel to Turku on a ferry through one of the most beautiful archipelagos in the world. Daily connections between Stockholm and Turku are operated by Silja Line and Viking Line. The ferry takes about 10 hrs. For more information about Turku and travel connections, please visit the Turku Touring website.

Other transport links

Finnair Airline information and timetables

SAS Airline information and timetables

Air Baltic Airline information and timetables

Wizz Air Airline information and timetables

Viking Line Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

Tallink Silja Ferryboat connections from Stockholm

The Finnish Rail Timetables, train connections

Expressbus Finnish long-distance buses


Tel. +358 2 10041 Taxis are generally easy to get. There are several taxi stands in the city centre, one on the market square. For a taxi ride from Turku Airport to the city centre you may expect a fare between 25-35 euros. After 8 p. m. there is a small additional charge.

Weather in Turku


Turku is a bilingual city, official languages being Finnish and Swedish. In addition, you may expect that most people (particularly younger people) have at least basic knowledge of English.


The Finnish currency unit is the Euro. You can exchange foreign currency and traveller's cheques in the Forex currency exchange company (address: Eerikinkatu 13, by the Market Place). Banks are open from 10.00 to 16.30 on weekdays and closed on Saturdays and Sundays. There are numerous cash machines (ATMs) open around the clock and accepting all major credit cards. Major credit cards, in particular Visa, Eurocard and Mastercard are widely accepted almost everywhere (in hotels, restaurants, shops, taxis, cafeterias, bars, etc.).


The electric current in Finland is 230V, 50Hz. Plugs are two-pin continental size.


Please note that the conference participants are not covered by any insurance (travel, medical, accident or liability) taken by the Conference Organizers. The Conference Organizers cannot accept liability for any loss or damage suffered by any participant or accompanying person or other person during travel to and from the conference or during the conference. Participants are advised to consider purchasing their own travel insurance and to extend their personal policy to cover personal possessions.


In the event that the conference is cancelled by the Conference Organizers, or cannot take place for any reason outside the control of the Conference Organizers, the registration fee shall be refunded in full. The liability of the Conference Organizer shall be limited to that refund.

Important Dates and Deadlines

15 December 2013 --> 6 January 2014 . Submissions due 15 February 2014: Notification of acceptance/rejection 1 April 2014: Submission of camera ready papers 1 June 2014 --> 15 June 2014 . Deadline for “early bird” registrations 30 July – 1 August 2014: Conference dates

Photos: Header & animation 1-5 by City of Turku Mediabank Animation 6-9 & background by M. Elmeranta

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Manila, this is goodbye

To blank canvases and new beginnings: My new flat in Eerikinkatu

With hardly a week to go before Christmas and a bit more before we usher in another year, I couldn’t help but reflect on the previous months and take stock of personal milestones. It seems 2015 will be hard to top because it’s the year I finally gave myself the Christmas present I’ve been dreaming about since I was 18: a life in Europe — and a mostly wonderful one at that.

As a first-year university student, I harbored a wish to paint and live as an artist in Prague as I had read in Wallpaper that it was then a city on the rise in terms of both tourism and cultural cachet. Then, when it became apparent that that plan needed considerable rethinking, I focused my energy on London, a place I’d visited quite often in my early to mid-20s. With the sensory delights the British capital has to offer to wide-eyed youth, I fell madly in love with it, from rides on Bus 11 — which barrels down the King’s Road and passes by the entrance to Downing Street — to visits to the now-gentrified boroughs of the East End. But now, squarely in my 30s, I find myself in Helsinki, a European metropolis that is not quite Prague and definitely not London.

For most of my friends and some members of my family, my decision to pack my bags and buy a one-way ticket to this part of the world appeared sudden. In some ways it was. In late July, I received a job offer to work as a copywriter at Finland’s leading communications agency. Throughout August, I was interviewed via Skype and asked to complete some writing tests. By the end of September, I was sent a copy of the contract. After attending to other matters — moving out of my apartment, getting my teeth fixed, exercising as much as possible — I landed in Finland, slept, then went to work the next day.

Under Wraps

I kept a lot of people in the dark mainly because I didn’t want to have to deal with their disappointment if I didn’t get the job I, most likely, would’ve talked nonstop to them about. I didn’t want to jinx it so I played my cards close to the chest. It eventually became clear to them, however, through my Facebook and Instagram posts, that this wasn’t going to be a holiday.

While I’ve only been away for a month, I noticed that I’ve grown by leaps and bounds. This isn’t my first time to live overseas, but it’s my first time to move away as a young professional who earns a more than decent wage. When I face certain challenges — whether it’s furnishing an empty flat or finding the time to do laundry — I’ve had to remind myself that, perhaps, it isn’t this decision to uproot myself that is stressful. It’s the stress of being stressed that I find draining. (Besides, I’d rather plug away in a place such as Helsinki, where things actually work the way they should, than in Manila, where hardly anything ever functions.)

I suppose this particular holiday season will be extra special: I’ve left the old me behind to make way for the person I’ve always wanted to become. I may be a bit too old for a Christmas list, but luckily, someone somewhere has been listening to my unsubtle mutterings about building a life in Europe. My journey has been extraordinarily smooth and undeniably fun so far, so cheers to that. Happy Christmas!

Editor's note: Don't fret, Gino will continue writing his column from Helsinki.

Mariankatu Apartment, Kruununhaka, Helsinki

The terms and conditions of changing a confirmed reservation at this particular property are:

7 days' notice of cancellation is required prior to check-in for all lengths of stay in order to avoid charges.

Notice given within 7 days will result in a charge equal to 7 nights minus the number of days' notice given. For example, if check-in is on 8th August 2015 and notice to cancel is given on 3rd August 2015, then 5 days' notice has been given and a charge of 2 nights will therefore apply (7 days - 5 days' notice given = 2 night charge).

This policy also applies to in-house guests should a stay need to be shortened.

Mariankatu Apartment provides corporate serviced accommodation within a 15 minute walk from Helsinki train station.

This spacious apartment comprises two bedrooms, both with twin beds, one bathroom, a dining area, laundry facilities, and a fully equipped kitchen with a microwave, oven and four electric cooking rings.

The living area includes a flat screen TV with basic channels, and free wireless internet access is available throughout the stay.

Housekeeping is provided once a week.

Please note that there may not be photos of every apartment. Sizes, furnishings and standards can vary.

Helsinki Apartments, Centre, Helsinki

Vuorikatu Apartment, Centre, Helsinki

Mikonkatu Apartment, Kluuvi, Helsinki

Helsinki Senate Apartments, Katajanokka, Helsinki

Linnankatu Apartment, Katajanokka, Helsinki

Alvar Aallon Katu Apartments, Centre, Helsinki

Aleksis Apartment, Alppila, Helsinki

Merikasarminkatu Apartment, Katajanokka, Helsinki

Tehtaankatu Apartment, Eira, Helsinki

Fredrikinkatu Apartment, Kamppi, Helsinki

Uudenmaankatu Apartment, Punavuori, Helsinki

Urho Kekkosen Apartment, Kamppi, Helsinki

Send Money to Finland Within 1-2 Days and a Great Rate

Information verified correct on March 25th, 2016

Shop around to find the most convenient and affordable way to send money to Finland from Australia.

While they could barely be further apart geographically, Australia and Finland nonetheless boast strong links with one another. Since diplomatic relations between Australia and Finland were established in 1949, the two countries have enjoyed a mutually beneficial trade relationship.

Finland and the entire Scandinavian region is also a popular destination for Australian tourists, which means there are plenty of reasons why you might need to send an international money transfer from Australia to Finland. Here’s how you can find the most affordable deal when you need to transfer money overseas.

Rates last updated March 25th, 2016

Save money on your personal or business international money transfer today. Fill in the form and you’ll be contacted by a foreign exchange expert to have an obligation-free discussion about your options. Our foreign exchange experts offer a best rate guarantee, are ASIC authorised and never charge transfer fees.

They can help you with all your needs including:

Buying property abroad


Regular overseas payments

Risk management


Banks versus international money transfer services

When it comes to sending money overseas, banks are far from your most affordable option. In fact, banks offer poor exchange rates and charge quite high fees on the international money transfers they handle, which ends up leaving you out of pocket and your recipient short changed.

But there are plenty of other options available outside the big banks. Specialist money transfer companies have grown rapidly in recent years, offering fast, simple and affordable transfers to all corners of the globe. With better exchange rates and lower fees than the banks, they can offer a much better deal for you and your recipient.

Case Study: Jarkko Sends Money to Finland

While on a six-month working holiday in Australia, Jarkko wants to send $1,000 back home to his sister in Helsinki to help her repair her broken-down car. Although he has an account with a вЂ˜big four’ bank, Jarkko quickly realises that the bank will take a big chunk of his hard-earned money if he sends the funds to his sister using their transfer service. He compares his bank’s transfer service with the price offered by a specialist money transfer company to see if he can find a cheaper option.

Money transfer company

As you can see, not only can Jarkko send more than €30 extra using a money transfer company instead of his bank, but he can also save $15 in transfer fees.

How do I compare transfer companies when transferring and receiving money via Finland?

Exchange rates. The higher the exchange rate the better, so look for a company that offers better rates than its competitors. However, be aware that some companies that offer fantastic exchange rates will also charge high fees.

Fees. In most cases you will need to pay a transfer fee for each transaction, so make sure you’re aware of all the charges that will apply to your transfer before you commit. Some companies will also waive their fees on large transfers.

Transfer methods. Consider the options available for lodging transfers - online, via an app, over the phone and/or by visiting a branch - and how they suit your needs.

Transfer options. Does the provider allow you to set up a payment schedule for recurring payments? Are flexible options such as forward contracts and limit orders available to help you get your desired exchange rate?

Minimum limits. Some companies impose minimum transfer limits on each transaction, for example $500, and this may not be practical for your transfer needs.

Transfer time. Consider how long each provider will take to get the money you transfer to your recipient. If you want an urgent transfer, your transaction will often cost extra.

Pickup options. How can your recipient access the funds you send - can they collect cash from a branch or will the funds be deposited into their bank account?

Customer service. You need to be able to access help if you ever have a problem with a transaction, so check whether phone, email and live chat support options are available.

Volver arriba

How do I send money to Finland from Australia?

Specialist transfer services. Specialist online money transfer companies, such as OFX and CurrencOnline, provide quick and easy transfers to Finland and other worldwide countries.

Cash pickup transfer companies. Western Union and MoneyGram are the world’s two largest provider of this service, allowing your recipient to collect the cash you send from locations across Finland.

PayPal. PayPal offers an international money transfer service that allows you to send funds all around the world.

Bank transfers. Any major Australian bank can help you send an international transfer to Finland - just watch out for high fees and poor exchange rates.

International cheques. Your bank can also offer you the option of sending an international guaranteed cheque to Finland.

Volver arriba

How do I receive money from Finland in Australia?

Specialist transfer services. There are several online money transfer companies that offer fast and affordable transactions when you want to send funds from Finland to Australia.

Cash pickup transfer companies. Companies such as MoneyGram and Western Union allow you to collect cash transfers from convenient locations right across Australia.

PayPal. PayPal’s international money transfer service allows you to receive funds from around the world.

Bank transfers. Another option is for the sender to transfer the funds from their bank account directly into your Australian bank account.

International cheques. Your overseas friend or relative could also send you an international guaranteed cheque which you could then cash with your bank.

Volver arriba

Emergency cash transfers in Finland

If you need to send an emergency cash transfer to Finland - maybe your teenage son or daughter is backpacking around the world and has run out of money in Helsinki, for example - be aware of the fact that you will usually have to pay more for the privilege. Whether you’re using a bank or a specialist money transfer provider, higher fees and lower exchange rates often apply to urgent transactions, so it pays to read the fine print closely before you commit to a transfer.

Cash pickup locations in Finland/ Western Union / MoneyGram branches in Finland

Western Union and MoneyGram operate extensive worldwide money transfer networks, allowing you to send cash for pickup from locations across Finland. The details of some popular cash pickup locations in Finland are listed below, but it’s recommended that you contact a location ahead of time to confirm its location and whether sufficient cash will be available to complete a transaction. Photo ID and a transaction reference number will also be required when picking up funds.

Western Union

Forex Bank Stockmann Itakatu 1b Floor 1Helsingfors, Helsingfors FI 00930 +358-20-358207512560 Open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, open 9am to 6pm Saturday, open 12pm to 9pm Sunday

Forex Bank Rautatieasema Asemahalli Helsinki, Helsinki +35-8207512519 Open 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Saturday and Sunday


Forex Bank Aleksanterinkatu 52 B Helsinki, Helsinki +35-8207512559 Open 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday and 12pm to 6pm Sunday

Shell Liisanpuistikko Helsinki, Uusimaa 00170 +358-800-141414 Open 7am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Saturday, 10am to 5pm Sunday



Food & Jones Helsingin Rautatieasema Helsinki, 00100 468116807 Open 6am to 11:59pm seven days

Change Group Mannerheimintie 14 B Helsinki, 00100 96980760 Open 10am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm Saturday, 10am to 6pm Sunday


Change Group Hatanpaan Valtatie 1 Tampere, 33100 401619922 Open 10am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 6pm Saturday, 12pm to 6pm Sunday

Change Group Kauppakeskus Hansa. Kultatalo Eerikinkatu 15В Turku, 20100 401839289 Open Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 6pm, Sunday 12pm to 6pm

Tips for picking up cash in Finland

While Finland is a safe destination for Australian travellers, it’s important that you exercise a few simple safety precautions when picking up cash in Finland:

Avoid any high-crime areas or places where you don’t feel safe

Keep your cash concealed and avoid displaying it in public

Take a friend along with you to act as a deterrent to thieves

Don’t carry the cash around for any longer than is strictly necessary - deposit it in a safe place as soon as possible

Volver arriba

What are the steps to send money to Finland?

The process for sending money to Finland varies depending on the company you choose to handle the transaction. However, you will generally have to follow these few simple steps:

Sign up for an account. В You will usually need to provide your full name, contact details, proof of ID and your bank account information.

Provide transaction information. Next, provide details about where you are sending money and in what currency.

Provide recipient details. You’ll need to provide your recipient’s name and contact details as well as their bank account information or their nearest cash pickup location.

Complete the transaction. Once you’ve paid for the transfer you will be given a reference number to help you monitor the progress of your funds.

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body fitness 2012; boneheads; boost; bore; bossa; bossaliina; boulder; bouldering; boulderointi; boulder tehdas; bowling; budapest; budapest flight; budapest wizz air; burlesque; bussikortin lataus; bussikortit; bussit; bussit 2; bussit 9; bussit 20; bussit hinnasto; bussit hinnat; bussit kГ¤nnykkГ¤lippu; bussit lГ¶ytГ¶tavarat; bussit nettilataus; bussit reitit; bussit reittiopas; bus timetable; butik; by night; caribia; caribia aukioloajat; caribia cup; caribia esiintyjГ¤t; caribia hinnasto; caribia kuntosali; caribian kylpylГ¤; caribia osoite; caribia robin; caribia tarjous; carting; center for biotechnology; center for disease modeling; center for welfare research; central library; centre for biotechnology; centre for computer science; centro; centro hotel; centrum; centrum liikkeet; ceramics; ceramics oy; cindy; cinema; cisco; city; city bus; city center; citydeal; city hall; city library; city map; citymarket; city mission; city theatre; coffee house; collegium; collegium of science and medicine; concert hall; concerts; congress; conservatory; coordinates; copenhagen; copenhagen flight; copenhagen flights; cube; cultural capital; cumulus; cumulus hotelli; cup; cup 2012; cup and pint; current weather; custom show; custom show 2012; cybershop; dansk; day spa; deitti; dennis; dental; design; design 2012; design festival; design festival 2012; design hotelli; design ilmiГ¶; design myyjГ¤iset; design shop; design week; design week 2012; diabetes; diabetesvastaanotto; diak; diakonia; diili; diplomi-insinööri; distortion; distortion 2012; divaani; divari; diy; dockers; dom; domino; domus; donatello; down by the laituri; dublin; dusseldorf; dynamo; economics; eden; edinburgh; edison; edu. fi; edu; edullinen hotelli; edullinen majoitus; edunvalvonta; eginlioglu; ehkГ¤isyneuvola; ekokauppa; ekotori; elektroniikka; elektroniikkajГ¤te; elektroniikkaliike; element; elintarvikevalvonta; elisa shopit; elixia; elokuvat; elokuvateatteri; elokuvateatteri julia; elokuvat finnkino; elokuvat julia; ely; elysee; emba; employment office; energia; energia hinnasto; energia kaukolГ¤mpГ¶; energia kesГ¤tyГ¶; energia kesГ¤tyГ¶ 2012; energia laskutus; energia online; energia online fi; energia rekry; energia sГ¤hkГ¶sopimus; energia sГ¤hkГ¶verkot; energia sГ¤hkГ¶verkot oy; energia tyГ¶paikat; eniro; ennakkoäänestys; ennakkoäänestys 2012; ennakkoäänestyspaikat; ennakkoäänestyspaikat 2012; ensiapu; erasmus; erityisliikunta; erityispedagogiikka; erotiikkaliikkeet; esiintyjГ¤t; esikoulu; esiopetus; esityslistat; espanja; espoo; ess; estenomi; etela-suomen laani; etelГ¤ranta; etelГ¤ suomi; etuovi; etuuskГ¤sittely; etymologia; etГ¤opetus; etГ¤opiskelu; expert; express bus; extreme; facebook; fanatic; fantasiapelit; fashion; fazer; fendari; fennia; ferries; ferry stockholm; festarit; festarit 2012; festivaalit; festival; festival 2012; fi; finnkino; foija; fontana; foreca; forecast; foreca sää; forex; forssa; forssa vГ¤limatka; forte; forum; forum kauppakeskus; forum liikkeet; forum marinum; funchal; futon; futsal 2012; future studies; fysioterapia; gage; galax; galaxie center; galaxy biljardi; galleria; galleriat; gamestop; garting; gdansk; gdansk laiva; gdansk lennot; gdansk lento; gdansk wizzair; geelikynnet; geologia; gigantti; gigs; gina tricot; girls; girona; go; gogo; golf; google; google map; google maps; gotland; gotlanti; gourmet; guesthouse; gym; gym2000; gynekologi; gynekologikeskus; halli; hamburger bГ¶rs; hammaslääkГ¤ri; hammaslääkГ¤ri ajanvaraus; hammaslääkГ¤ri hinnat; hammaslääkГ¤ripГ¤ivystys; hammaslääkГ¤ri sГ¤rkypГ¤ivystys; hansa; hansa aukioloajat; hansakeskus; helluntaiseurakunta; helsinki-vantaa bussi; helsinki; helsinki bussi; helsinki etГ¤isyys; helsinki juna; helsinki juna hinta; helsinki lento; helsinki lentoasema; helsinki lentokenttГ¤; helsinki moottoritie; helsinki vr; helsinki vГ¤limatka; hesburger; hieronta; hifi; high tech center; hiihto; hiihtokoulu; hiihtoladut; hiihtolatu; hiihtoloma; hiihtoloma 2012; hikipedia; hirvensalo; hirvensalo laskettelu; historia; hohtominigolf; hoitotarvikejakelu; holiday inn; homobaari; hostel; hostels; hotelli bГ¶rs; hotelli caribia; hotellit; hotellitarjous; hotellit caribia; hotellit keskusta; hotellit satama; hotellit sokos; hotellit tarjous; hub; hugo; huittinen; huittinen bussi; huittinen vГ¤limatka; hullut pГ¤ivГ¤t; hullut pГ¤ivГ¤t 2012; humac; humak; huonekaluliike; huovinrinne; huutokauppa; huviopas; hygieniapassi; hylje; hypnoosi; hyvinkää; hyvГ¤ kampaaja; hyvГ¤ ravintola; hyvГ¤ ruokapaikka; ict; ict lounas; ict talo; ict week; if; ihmemaa; ihotautilääkГ¤ri; ikaalinen; ikea; ikea bussi; ikituuri; ikГ¤; ilmainen pysГ¤kГ¶inti; ilmaiset parkkipaikat; ilmakuva; ilmanlaatu; ilmatieteenlaitos; ilme; ilotulitus 28.1; ilotulitus 2012; ilpoinen; iltalukio; iltapГ¤ivГ¤kerho; imaging; imanet; imatra; impivaara; impivaara hiihto; impivaara jäähalli; impivaaran uimahalli; info; infopiste; information; infotori; innovoi; insinööritoimisto; inter; international; international airport; international air show; international business; international rotary club; international school; internet; intersport; intialainen ravintola; invest oy; ippe; ipsc; irish pub; iron sky; irti suomesta; ispoinen; it-toiminta; it; italia; italialainen ravintola; itsepalvelupesula; itsepalvelu solarium; itГ¤harju; itГ¤inen rantakatu; itГ¤inen sosiaalitoimisto; itГ¤keskus; jakelu; jalkapallo; jalkapallokentГ¤t; jalkapalloturnaus; ja lГ¤hikunnat; japanilainen ravintola; ja pori; ja pori yhdistyvГ¤t; jazz; jazz club; jazz goes free; jazz happening; jazz klubi; jazz orchestra; jazz ry; jetset; jobcafe; joensuu; joensuu lennot; joensuu vГ¤limatka; johtokarttapalvelu; jokilaivat; jooga; joukkoliikenne; joukkoliikennelautakunta; joukkoliikennetoimisto; journalismi; jousiammunta; juhlapaikat; juhlapuvut; juhlatilat; jujutsu; jukupark; julia; julia elokuvateatteri; julkinen liikenne; juna-asema; junior floorball cup; junior games; jyrkkГ¤lГ¤; jysk; jyvГ¤skylГ¤; jyvГ¤skylГ¤ lento; jyvГ¤skylГ¤ vГ¤limatka; kaapeli; kaapelilaajakaista; kaapeli radiotaajuudet; kaapeli taajuudet; karibia; karting; karting center; karting lounas; kartta; kartta eniro; kartta etГ¤isyys; kartta google; kartta hakakatu; karttahaku; kartta kaupunginosat; kauppahalli; kauppahalli aukioloajat; kauppahalli sushi; kaupunginteatteri; kaupunki hammaslääkГ¤ri; kaupunkijuna; kaupunkikartta; kaupunki kesГ¤tyГ¶; kaupunki kirjasto; kaupunkiliikenne; kaupunkisuunnittelu; kaupunki vuokra-asunnot; kebab; kebab pizzeria; keikat 2012; keikat tГ¤nään; keilahalli; keilaus; kela; kela aukioloajat; keskiaikamarkkinat; keskusta; keskusta 1; keskusta 2; keskusta 3; keskusta asunnot; keskusta kartta; keskusta kuntosali; keskusta postinumero; keskusta pysГ¤kГ¶inti; keskusta terveysasema; kesГ¤teatteri; kesГ¤tyГ¶; kesГ¤yliopisto; kierrГ¤tyskeskus; kiinalainen ravintola; kinopalatsi; kirjasto; kirjasto aineistohaku; kirjastoauto; kirjasto borzoi; kirjastokortti; kirjastot aukioloajat; kirjastotietokanta; kirjasto tulostus; kirjasto uusinta; kirjasto vaski; kirppis; kirppis center; kirpputori; kirpputori manhattan; kittilГ¤; kittilГ¤ flybe; koirapuistot; konsertit; konserttitalo; konservatorio; kooma; kotihoito; koulu; koulujen loma-ajat; koulukuljetus; kouluruoka; kouluruokailu; kouluruokalista; koulutoimi; koulutukset; koulutus; koulu wilma; kukkakauppa; kultatalo; kultatalo liikkeet; kulttuuri; kulttuurihistoria; kulttuurikalenteri; kulttuurikeskus; kulttuurikortti; kulttuurilautakunta; kulttuuripolku; kulttuuripääkaupunki; kulttuuritalo; kulttuurituottaja; kuntalisГ¤; kuntarekry; kuntosali; kuopio; kuopio lennot; kuopio vГ¤limatka; kupittaa; kupittaa 5; kupittaa kuntosali; kupittaa luistelu; kupittaan citymarket; kupittaan puisto; kupittaan urheiluhalli; kustom show; kustom show 2010; kustom show 2011; kustom show 2012; kylpyhuoneremontti; kylpylГ¤; kylpylГ¤hotelli; kynnet; kyrГ¶; laboratorio; laboratorio ajanvaraus; ladut; lahti; lahti bussi; lahti etГ¤isyys; lahti vГ¤limatka; lapsille; laskettelukeskus; lastensuojelu; lastensuojeluilmoitus; lastentarvike; lastentarvikeliike; latuinfo; lautakunnat; lautasella; lehti; leikkipuistot; leipomo; leirintГ¤alue; lennot; lentokenttГ¤; lentokenttГ¤ bussi; lentokenttГ¤ helsinki; lentokenttГ¤ osoite; lentokenttГ¤ pysГ¤kГ¶inti; lentokenttГ¤ ryanair; lentokenttГ¤ terminaali 2; lentoyhteydet; levykauppa; lieto 280; lieto bussi; liikkeelle; liikunta; liikuntakeskus; liikuntakortti; liikuntapaikat; liikuntapalvelukeskus; liikuntasalit; liikuntatilat; linja-auto; linja-autoasema; linja-autoasema aukioloajat; linja-autoasema kartta; linja-autoasema osoite; linnateatteri; logomo; logomo sali; lohja; loimaa; loimaa bussi; loimaa vГ¤limatka; lokomo; lontoo; lontoo ryanair; looks; louhi; lounas; lounasbuffet; lounas lauantai; lounaslistat; lounaspaikat; lounas sunnuntai; luistelu; luistelukentГ¤t; luistelumato; lukiot; lukiot keskiarvot 2011; lukkoliike; lukuvuosi 2012; lumitilanne; luolavuori; luonnontieteellinen museo; luostari; luostari majoitus; luostarinmГ¤ki; lyhenne; lyn; lyni; lyseo; lyseo lukio; lГ¤nsikeskus; lГ¤nsikeskus apteekki; lГ¤nsikeskus liikkeet; lГ¤nsikeskus posti; lГ¤nsikeskus prisma; maarianhamina; maarianhamina laiva; maarianhamina lautta; maarianhamina lennot; maarianhamina lento; maarianhamina vГ¤limatka; maistraatti; majoitus; majoitus halpa; malaga; malaga ryanair; mami; map; maps google; marilyn; martti; matkahuolto; matkailu; matkailuala; matkailuinfo; matkailukohteet; matkailu lapset; matkailutoimisto; medianomi; megazone; mehilГ¤inen; mehilГ¤inen ajanvaraus; meksikolainen ravintola; menot; menovinkit; merimuseo; messi; messut 2012; metsГ¤mГ¤ki; miekkailu; mielenterveys; miitti; miitti 2012; mikaelin seurakunta; mikkeli; minigolf; minimani; minne mennГ¤; mitГ¤ tehdГ¤; móvil; modern; modern 2010; modern 2011; mol; monk; monkey; monttu; moodle; moodle lukio; moodle utu; motelli; motivus; motonet; munchen; muotoilu; murre; museot; musiikki; musiikkijuhlat; musiikkikauppa; musiikkikirjasto; musiikkikoulu; musiikkiliike; musiikkiopisto; musiikkitalo; musiikkitapahtumat; musiikkiteknologia; muuttuva kaupunki; mylly; myllykoti; myllytys; mynГ¤mГ¤ki; mynГ¤mГ¤ki bussi; myytГ¤vГ¤t asunnot; naamiaisasut; naantali bussi; naantali bussi hinta; naantali vГ¤limatka; naapurikunnat; naisday; naisten vaatteet; napoli; nappulaliiga; nautilus; neo; nepalilainen ravintola; neste; netku; nettikamera; nettilataus; nettiopsu; neurologi; neuvola; neva tours; nightclub; nightlife; niinisalo; nimi; nizza; nokia; nokia huolto; non jazz; nordea; nordea hГ¤meenkatu; nordea kauppatori; norssi; norwegian; nousiainen; novia; nummenmГ¤ki; nummi; nummi poliisi; nuoret; nuoriso; nuorisoasema; nuorisoasiainkeskus; nuorisolautakunta; nuorisopsykiatria; nuorisotalo; nuorisotoimi; nuorten kesГ¤tyГ¶paikat; nyrkkeily; nyt; observatorio; observatory; ohjelma; ohjelmapalvelut; ohjelmointi; okl; olavinpuisto; old bank; old mill; old town; olutravintola; olympiasauna; omaishoidontuki; omaishoito; omakotitontit; omenahotelli; ompelimo; ompelukone; on a plate; ongelmajГ¤te; only; onnela; onnettomuudet; onnettomuus; on perustettu; on peruttu; on suomen tampere; opaskartta; opetustoimi; opiskelija-asunnot; opiskelijabileet; opiskelijaruokalat; opiskelijaterveydenhuolto; opiskelu; opiskelukaupunkina; opiskelupaikat; oppisopimus; oppisopimustoimisto; optima; oral; orchestra; organisaatio; oriketo; orkesteri; orthodox church; ortodoksinen kirkko; ortopedi; osa-aikatyГ¶; osasto a2; oscarin olohuone; oscarin olohuone ja keittiГ¶; oslo; oslo flights; osto ja myyntiliike; ostoskeskukset; ostoskeskus; osuuspankki; otto automaatit; paikallisliikenne; paikallissää; paimio; paimio 111; paimio bussi; paimio tlo; paimio vainio; paimio vainion liikenne; palloliitto; palvelu; palvelulinjat; palveluseteli; palvelutalo; panini; parainen; parainen vainio; parainen vГ¤limatka; paras ravintola; parkkipaikat; pelastuslaitos; pelikauppa; perheneuvola; perhepГ¤ivГ¤hoito; peruspalvelulautakunta; perustettu; pesis; pesis naiset; pesula; pet centre; petrea; pietari; pietari bussi; pietari juna; pietari seura; pihviravintola; piikkiГ¶ bussit; pikaraitiotie; pinella; pippurimylly; piste; pizza; pizza kotiinkuljetus; pizzaline; pizzeria; pizzeria kotiinkuljetus; pizzeriat; poliisi; poliisi ajanvaraus; poliisi aukioloajat; poliisi huutokauppa; poliisi huutokauppa 2012; poliisilaitos aukioloajat; poliisilaitos passi; poliisi lupa-asiat; poliisioperaatio; polttarit; pori; pori bussi; pori etГ¤isyys; pori linja-auto; pori vГ¤limatka; port center; posti; posti aukiolo; posti eerikinkatu; posti fi; posti kupittaankatu; postilaatikot; posti lehti; postinumero; postinumeroalueet; postinumero kartta; potkuri; pubit; puistot; puistotoiminta; pukuvuokraamo; pulkkamГ¤ki; pulssi; puola; puolalan koulu; puutarha; puutarhajГ¤te; puutarhakatu 1; puutarhaliike; puutarhamessut; puutarhamessut 2012; puutarhan kevГ¤t; puutori; pysГ¤kГ¶inninvalvonta; pysГ¤kГ¶inti; pysГ¤kГ¶inti ilmainen; pysГ¤kГ¶intimaksut; pysГ¤kГ¶intipaikat; pysГ¤kГ¶intitalo; pysГ¤kГ¶intivalvonta; pysГ¤kГ¶inti vyГ¶hykkeet; pyГ¶rГ¤; pyГ¶rГ¤huolto; pyГ¶rГ¤ily; pyГ¶rГ¤ilykartta; pyГ¶rГ¤ilyreitit; pyГ¶rГ¤kauppa; pyГ¶rГ¤korjaamo; pyГ¶rГ¤liike; pyГ¶rГ¤tiet; radio; radio dinle; radio stations; radiotaajuudet; radio uutiset; radio vhf; radyo dinle; raisio bussi; raitiovaunu; raitiovaunuhalli; rakennusvalvonta; rakennusvalvonta lomakkeet; rakennusvalvontatoimisto; rakennusvalvontavirasto; rastit; rastit 2011; rastit 2012; rautatieasema; rautatieasema aukioloajat; rautatieasema kartta; rautatieasema osoite; rautatieasema pysГ¤kГ¶inti; ravintolaopas; ravintolat; ravintolat arvostelu; ravintolat hГ¤meenkatu; ravintolat kotiinkuljetus; ravintolat mami; ravintolat parhaat; ravintolat smГ¶r; ravit; reittikartta; reittiopas; rekry; rekrytointi; rengas; rengasliikkeet; rengastie; rento; repair yard; repair yard ltd; repair yards; residenssi; retkipaja; rico; riemurasia; rientola; riga; riga flights; riga lennot; riga lento; riihimГ¤ki; riihimГ¤ki bussi; riika; riika risteily; ripsien pidennys; risteilyt; rivitalo; rocca; rock; rock academy; rock baarit; rock bar; rock city; rogaining sprint; rokotukset; roller derby; rooma lennot; rosso; rostock; rovaniemi; rovaniemi juna; rugby; ruisrock; ruissalo; ruissalo bussi; ruissalon kylpylГ¤; rukoilee; runosmГ¤ki; ruokalista; ruokapaikat; ruokaravintolat; ruotsiksi; rusko bussi; ryanair; ryanair airport; ryhmГ¤liikunta; rymГ¤ttylГ¤ bussi; saapuvat lennot; safa; sairaala; sairaala pГ¤ivystys; sali; sali 82; salibandy; salibandyturnaus; salivuorot; salo; salo bussi; salo etГ¤isyys; salo juna; salo matkahuolto; sanakirja; sanomat; satama; satama bussi; satama hotelli; satama juna; satama osoite; satama parkki; satama parkkipaikat; satama parkkitalo; satama viking line; satama web kamera; saunatilat; seasam; seikkailupuisto; seinГ¤joki; seinГ¤joki etГ¤isyys; seinГ¤joki vГ¤limatka; seta; seura; seurahuone; seurakunta; seutuliikenne; seutulippu; seutulippu hinta; sevilla; sightseeing; sigyn sali; siipiravintola; silja line; silta; sinfonia; sirkuskoulu; sisustus; sisustussuunnittelu; siwa; soft; sokos; sokos hotel caribia; sokos hotel hamburger bГ¶rs; sokoshotellit; sokos hotel seurahuone; sosiaali ja terveystoimi; sosiaalitoimi; sosiaalitoimisto; soundcheck; soundcheck 2012; sukupuolitautien poliklinikka; sukupuolitautitestit; sulkapallo; suomen pääkaupunki; suomi24; suomi sanakirja; sushi; sushi buffet; sushi hГ¤meenkatu; sushi kauppahalli; suunnistus; suunnistuskartta; suuntanumero; suutari; synagoga; synapsi; synnytys; synnytyssairaala; synnytysvalmennus; synttГ¤rit; syntymГ¤pГ¤ivГ¤t; syysloma 2012; syГ¶; syГ¶ 10; syГ¶mishГ¤iriГ¶; taideakatemia; taideakatemia ennakkotehtГ¤vГ¤t; taidemuseo; taksi; taksiasema; taksikeskus; taksikortti; taksi lГ¶ytГ¶tavarat; taksi numero; tallinna; tallinna bussi; tallinna laiva; tallinna lennot; tallinna lento; tallinna matkat; tallinna risteily; tapahtumat; tapahtumat 3.3.2012; tapahtumat 4.2.2012; tapahtumat 18.2; tapahtumat 2011; tapahtumat huhtikuu 2012; tapahtumat kesГ¤ 2012; tapahtumat lapset; tapahtumat pääsiГ¤inen; tapahtumat toukokuu 2012; tattoo; tattoo forum; tattoo parlor; tattoo parlour; tatuointi; tatuointiliikkeet; taxi; taxi numero; teatteri-ilmaisun ohjaaja; teatteri; teatteri 2012; teatteriharrastus; teatteri kakola; teatteri lapset; teatteri ohjelmisto; teatteripaketti; teatterisilta; tekemistГ¤; tekemistГ¤ lapsille; tempo; tennis; terminaali 2 pysГ¤kГ¶inti; terminaali 2; terveys; terveysasema; terveysasema 1; terveysasema ajanvaraus; terveysasema kГ¤sityГ¶lГ¤iskatu; terveysasema pГ¤ivystys; terveyskeskus; terveyskeskus ajanvaraus; terveyskeskus kГ¤sityГ¶lГ¤iskatu; terveyskeskus laboratorio; terveyskeskusmaksu; terveyskeskus pГ¤ivystys; terveystalo; terveystarkastaja; tietojenkГ¤sittelytiede; tietokonekauppa; tietokoneliike; tilaliikelaitos; tilastot; tilastotiede; tilitoimisto; tinto; tintДє; titans; titans ladies; tivoli; toimeentulotuki; toimeentulotukihakemus; toimenpidelupa; toimitilat; tomate; tontit; tori; toriparkki; tornadoes; torre; touring; touring congress; touring henkilГ¶kunta; touring kakola; touring kesГ¤tyГ¶; touring vepsГ¤; touring yГ¶kerhot; tukholma; tukholma laiva; tukholma laiva auto; tukholma lautta; tukholma lennot; tukholma reittimatka; tukholma risteily; tukholma risteily ikГ¤raja; tukholma silja; tukholma viking line; tukholma vГ¤limatka; tulli; tupakkakauppa; turisti info; turnaus; turnaus 99; turnaus 2012 otteluohjelma; turnaus tulokset; turnaus tulokset 2012; tyks; tyГ¶ ja elinkeinotoimisto; tyГ¶keskus; tyГ¶paikat; tyГ¶terveys; tyГ¶terveyshuolto; tyГ¶terveystalo; tyГ¶ttГ¶myys; tyГ¶voimatoimisto; tyГ¶vГ¤enopisto; uff; ug; ukkokoti; ulkoilu; ulkoilualueet; ulkoilukartta; ulkoilureitit; ulkomaalaistoimisto; ulosotto; ultraääniyksikkГ¶; ulvila; umeДє; uni; unica; united; united brotherhood; university; university central hospital; university foundation; university hospital; university law; university library; university moodle; university of applied science; university of applied science finland; university of applied sciences; university of applied sciences arts academy; university of technology; upseerikerho; upseerikerho lounas; 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• Bird & Bird Finland Bird & Bird Helsinki was awarded the 'Client Choice' Award for excellent and high quality client service in 2011. Our expertise across all practice areas has also for years been acknowledged in all leading international legal directories such as. www. twobirds. com/English/Expertise/pages/finland. aspx - • Bird & Bird Finland Bird & Bird Helsinki was awarded the 'Client Choice' Award for excellent and high. The assignment involved commercial and employment. 00100 Helsinki Finland. www. twobirds. com/English/Expertise/pages/Finland. aspx -

www. hotels. com

• GLO Hotel Art Hotel - Helsinki - Finland - With 459 guest reviews www. hotels. com › Rating: 4.2 - 459 reviewsThe staff can provide concierge services, wedding services, and event catering. Additional. Guests can use the in-room complimentary wireless and wired high-speed Internet access. Televisions are. Hotels Near Aleksanterin Teatteri Station Helsinki Finland 160 yards. The above list may not be comprehensive. • Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka Hotel - Helsinki - Finland. www. hotels. com › Rating: 4.5 - 340 reviewsGreat room deals for Best Western Premier Hotel Katajanokka in Helsinki. View photos & 340 guest reviews|Average rating: 4.5 / 5. Check room availability at. • Hotelli Rantapuisto Oy Hotel - Helsinki - Finland - With 208 guest. www. hotels. com › Rating: 4.1 - 193 reviewsComplimentary wired high-speed Internet access is provided. Hotels Near Myllypuro Station Helsinki Finland 2.3 miles. 24-hour front desk; Event catering; Exhibit space; Technology support staff. fees and deposits are charged by the property at time of service, check-in. The above list may not be comprehensive. • Korpilampi Hotel - Helsinki (and vicinity) - Finland - With 21 guest. www. hotels. com › Rating: 3.9 - 21 reviewsGreat room deals for Korpilampi in Helsinki (and vicinity). features business amenities including small meeting rooms and technology. Complimentary wireless high-speed Internet access is provided. Hotels Near Helsinki Vantaankoski Station Helsinki Finland 5.0 miles. The above list may not be comprehensive. • Hotel Fabian Hotel - Helsinki - Finland - With 233 guest reviews An elegant boutique hotel located in city center Centrally located in Helsinki, Fabian is within 5 minutes’ walk of Helsinki’s famous Market Square and the. www. hotels. com/ho348290/hotel-fabian-helsinki-finland - • Radisson Blu Hotel, Espoo Hotel - Espoo - Finland - With 209. Location. Located in Espoo (Otaniemi), Radisson Blu Hotel, Espoo is close to Aalto University. Seurasaari Open Air Museum. and Helsinki University of Technology. www. hotels. com/. /radisson-blu-hotel-espoo-espoo-finland -

www. standards. org

• UL Verification Services Finland | Helsinki | Finland www. standards. org › Hitsaajankatu 20. Helsinki Fi-00810. Finland. Telephone: +358207109980. UL Verification Services provides support to the appliance, high-tech, lighting, and. • Certification Bodies Finland www. standards. org › Ky Shiptech KB, Ruosilantie 2B, Helsinki, Fin 00390, Finland. risks by providing technical inspection services, technical staffing services, consulting and training, and management system certification. Currently, UL Verification Services provides support to the appliance, high-tech, lighting, and. List your business in our.

www. nytimes. com

• In Helsinki, Modern Units to Art Nouveau Gems - NYTimes. com www. nytimes. com/2013/01/25/. /25iht-rehelsinki25.html. all Jan 24, 2013 – HELSINKI — Simply wandering the streets of the Finnish capital can. The decorative, nature-inspired genre arrived in Finland at the end of the. a broker at the Kiinteistomaailma agency's office in Ullanlinna. and many high-end restaurants and boutiques have sprouted up to. Go to Complete List ». [PDF] • From Finland, an Intriguing School-Reform Model - NYTimes. com www. nytimes. com/. /from-finland-an-intriguing-school-reform-mod. Dec 12, 2011 – At the University of Helsinki, where he teaches, 2,400 people competed last. Dr. Sahlberg puts high-quality teachers at the heart of Finland's. • Editorials - Editorial Board - The New York Times - Search. Editorials From The New York Times. I bought my first Apple computer while stationed in Moscow in 1985. It did everything I could imagine a computer doing, at the. www. nytimes. com/. query=HELSINKI%2C+FINLAND&field=body. -

gointernational. sandiego. edu

• Finland: Helsinki - Aalto University, School of Business - Programs. gointernational. sandiego. edu/index. cfm? FuseAction=Programs. Helsinki, Finland (Exchange Program). But Finland is much more than a nature wonderland; it is a high-tech country. The Office of Study and Registrar, International Relations Office, IT HelpDesk. Be sure to review the pre-approved course list below to see which classes are already scheduled to transfer back to USD.

echa. europa. eu

• Jobs - ECHA . information technology. Inter Agency job market. Eligibility Criteria. What we offer. On joining ECHA. FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland. echa. europa. eu/web/guest/about-us/jobs - • Vacancy Notice 1. The job - ECHA - Europa echa. europa. eu/. /vn_helpdesk_officer_it_support_20120914_en. pd. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - • ECHA: Homepage echa. europa. eu/ Identification of Substances of Very High Concern: Deadline: 18/04/2013 10 substances. Draft Recommendation of substances for the Authorisation List: There are. About Us · Who we are · The way we work · Partners and networks · Jobs. Chemicals Agency Annankatu 18, P. O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland. [PDF] • Open positions - ECHA Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for Authorisation. European Chemicals Agency Annankatu 18, P. O. Box 400, FI-00121 Helsinki, Finland. echa. europa. eu/web/guest/about-us/jobs/open-positions -

www. state. gov

• Finland - U. S. Department of State . government, political conditions, economy, foreign relations of Finland. U. Emergency Services;. Finland has contributed to the advancement of technology. www. state. gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/3238.htm -

www. select-a-room. com

• Hotels in Helsinki, Finland - Select-A-Room - Online Hotel. A list of our hotels in Helsinki, available to book online. exclusive comfort and high-quality services for the discerning guest. Employment opportunities |www. select-a-room. com/hotel-list/finland/helsinki - • Hotels in Helsinki, Finland - Book Helsinki hotel rooms. Helsinki, Finland hotels available to book online. Rail Services St Petersburg - Helsinki Are. Ruoholahti business district with numerous high-tech. www. select-a-room. com/hotels/finland/helsinki -

www. helsinkitravel. com

• Helsinki Travel. com - Your Guide to Travel in Helsinki, Finland Travel and tourism is a major industry in Helsinki. high-technology manufacturing in Finland ranked second largest after. The female employment rate is high. www. helsinkitravel. com -

www. chinadaily. com. cn

• Finland, China in $3b high-tech deals (Agencies/Xinhua) Updated: 2009-06-26 08:49 HELSINKI: Finland and China on Thursday signed high-tech contracts worth $1 billion (720,000 euros) and. www. chinadaily. com. cn/china/2009-06/. 2009-6-29 - ? • First media list of top patent agents and agencies |Finland. First media list of top patent agents and agencies China Intellectual Property. of related technologies, you cannot file high-quality patent documentation and. www. chinadaily. com. cn/cndy/2012-12/0. 2012-12-6


• HOW TO COME TO WORK IN FINLAND Helsinki Finland Telephone 358 9 7729 20 Telefax 358 9 7729 2138 http://. employment agencies or directly from institutes of education. Many institutes. www. html 2012-5-11

www. amazon. com

• Municipalities of Finland - Shopping-enabled Wikipedia Page. Regional State Administrative Agencies Regions Sub-regions list by name list. Finland This article is part of the series: Politics and government of. www. amazon. com/wiki/Municipalities_o. 2012-9-16 - ? • Helsinki White (An Inspector Vaara Novel): James Thompson. www. amazon. com › $10.20 - In stockThe president of Finland wants the team on a new case: the vicious. of the foreigners who have entered the country and compete with Finns for jobs. He can do it high-tech, too, without violence - or so he thinks, despite both of his. His second, Lucifer's Tears, was included in Kirkus's List of the Best Novels of 2011. • Amazon. com: Customer Reviews: Helsinki White (An Inspector. www. amazon. com/Helsinki-White-Inspector-Vaara. /0399158324 In 2010 Newsweek picked Finland as the best place in the world to live but the. the foreigners who have entered the country and compete with Finns for jobs. He can do it high-tech, too, without violence - or so he thinks, despite both of. His second, Lucifer's Tears, was included in Kirkus's List of the Best Novels of 2011. • Helsinki White (An Inspector Vaara Novel): James Thompson. (39 Reviews) “The narrative is exquisitely quick…hard to put down.”— Houston Chronicle “Thompson's style is on the dark end of the ‘Nordic Noir’ spectrum. The genre. www. amazon. com/Helsinki-White-Inspector-Vaara-Novel/dp/. - • Helsinki White (AN INSPECTOR VAARA NOVEL): James Thompson. (39 Reviews) This was one of the first Scandinavian crime novels to be published after Norwegian Anders Breivik's shooting spree at a youth camp in 2011, which resulted in 69. www. amazon. com/Helsinki-White-INSPECTOR-VAARA-ebook/dp/B. -

web. mit. edu

• googlelist the of and to a in for is on s. web. mit. edu/adamrose/Public/goo. list 2010-1-17 - ? • BioTurku: “Newly” innovative? The rise of bio. Adobe PDF BioTurku: “Newly” innovative? The rise of bio-pharmaceuticals and the biotech concentration in southwest Finland Smita Srinivas and Kimmo Viljamaaweb. mit. edu/ipc/publications/pdf/03-004.pdf

www. trainorders. com

• Finland: new tram for Helsinki www. trainorders. com/discussion/read. php?17,2858228 5 posts - 2 authors - Aug 29, 2012At 'Hi Design' exhibition, which is going on in Helsinki, besides Vlatra, Patria and Nokia, is presented a near future tram NRV2010 for Helsinki.

www. fedex. com

• Finland Country Profile www. fedex. com/us/international/irc/profiles/irc_fi_profile. html The goal is to help producers of goods and services, exporters and importers conduct their business. from an agreed list of endangered species and by regulating and monitoring trade of. world, FedEx has developed innovative technology to eliminate many steps of the. Finland has two free ports, Helsinki and Hanko. • Finland Country Profile - FedEx: Shipping, Logistics. The following commodities are prohibited via FedEx Services out of Finland. Helsinki, Finland. Responsible for Finland's industrial and technology policy and. www. fedex. com/us/international/irc/profiles/irc_fi. -

www. wheretostartup. com

• Helsinki - Where To Startup www. wheretostartup. com/city/Helsinki He told us about the unique value that Helsinki offers the region. seed funding and strategic guidance for tech startups in Finland, western Russia, and the Baltics. Hola. People now realize that there is no guarantee on a good job at a large. Then there's Tekes, a government agency that provides soft loans and grants for.

www. expedia. com

• Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Book the Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Helsinki from \$207.44 - Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel is located next to city's cultural life and top shopping areas are all in. • Helsinki 4 star Hotels - Book 4 star Hotels in Helsinki. Looking for a 4 star hotel in Helsinki, Finland. Hotel Seurahuone Helsinki is high-class. close to Helsinki University of Technology. www. expedia. com/4Star-Helsinki-Hotels. s40-0-d178261. - • Radisson Blu Royal Hotel Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Runeberginkatu 2, Helsinki, 00100 Finland 1-866-599-6674 View map. CHOOSE DATES. Includes: Free High-Speed Internet, Breakfast Buffet. Show room. • Hotelli Rantapuisto Oy (Helsinki, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Situated near the beach in Helsinki, this hotel is close to Helsinki Vuosaari Hansa Terminal. Area attractions also include Suomenlinna Fortress and Uspenski. • Radisson Blu Seaside Hotel, Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Rating: 4.0 Stars. Ruoholahdenranta 3, Helsinki, 00180 Finland 1-866-599-6674 View map. Includes: Free High-Speed Internet, Breakfast Buffet. Show room. • GLO Hotel Espoo Sello (Espoo, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › This hotel is located in Espoo (Kauniainen), close to Helsinki University of Technology, Aalto University, and Espoo Museum of Modern Art. Local attractions also. • Hellsten Espoo (Espoo, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Porarinkatu 3, Espoo, 02650 Finland 1-866-599-6674 View map. Near Helsinki University of Technology, this Espoo hotel is situated in the business district. of rooms - 100; Number of floors - 4; Free breakfast; Dry cleaning/laundry service. Available in some public areas: Free Wi-Fi, Free wired high-speed Internet. • Radisson Blu Hotel, Espoo (Espoo, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Hotels near Helsinki (and vicinity) CHANGE SEARCH. Includes: Free High-Speed Internet, Breakfast Buffet. is located in Espoo (Otaniemi), close to Aalto University, Seurasaari Open Air Museum, and Helsinki University of Technology. 24-hour room service is available. The above list may not be comprehensive. • Helsinki Barona Arena Hotels - Expedia www. expedia. com › Looking for a hotel near Barona Arena in Helsinki, Finland? Choose from over 68 Helsinki hotels near Barona Arena with great savings. [PDF] • Korpilampi (Espoo, Finland) | Expedia www. expedia. com › Hotels near Helsinki (and vicinity) CHANGE SEARCH. Book online or. Korpilammentie 5Royla, Espoo, 02970 Finland 1-866-599-6674 View map. CHOOSE.

travel. yahoo. com

• Chez Dominique - Helsinki, Finland - Yahoo! Travel travel. yahoo. com ›. › Rating: 5 - 4 reviewsOpened in 1998, this restaurant flies the flag of French cuisine in Helsinki. Customers will immediately notice the elegance of Chez Dominique that is. Más. • Helsinki Map - Map of Helsinki - Yahoo! Travel Interactive map of Helsinki - find local attractions, hotels, restaurants, shops, airports and entertainment venues. Interactive Map of Helsinki, Finland. Expand Full List Show Fewer Results. travel. yahoo. com/p-map-191501732-map_of_helsinki-i

www. youtube. com

• Visit Helsinki, Finland - YouTube Visit Helsinki, Finland. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. 1,556 subscribers. Add videos to your queue using this button: or sign in to load a different list. Loading. Saving. youtube. com/user/Visithelsinki

benschumacher. backpackit. com

• Backpack: Helsinki, Finland Helsinki, Finland. 24 Jul 2007. This page was created with Backpack. Backpack is a tool that lets you easily build pages with lists, notes, images, and files. It's a great way to get organized, publish your ideas, and collaborate with others. benschumacher. backpackit. com/pub/57524

www. geonames. org

• Helsinki, Finland Helsinki Southern Finland Uusimaa, Finland, capital of a political entity. (comma separated list of email addresses). from. cc. geonames. org/658225/helsinki. html

cruises. about. com

• Helsinki, Finland - Photo Gallery Helsinki, Finland - Baltic Cruise Port of Call. Cruise Packing List. Choose the Best Cruise Ship Cabin. cruises. about. com/b/2006/01/23/helsinki-finland-photo-gal.

www. hri. org

• Helsinki Final Act - HR-Net Home page conference on security and co-operation in europe final act helsinki 1 august 1975www. hri. org/docs/Helsinki75.html -

www. csce. gov

• CSCE. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe U. S. Helsinki Commission to hold Hearing on Hungary. WASHINGTON—Today the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (U. S. Helsinki Commission) announced the. www. csce. gov -

www. halobackwaters. com

• Halo Backwaters - The New York Times listed 45 Places to Go. The New York Times listed 45 Places to Go in 2012 - 2013. 1. Panama Go for the canal. Stay for everything else. Its been 12 years since Panama regained control of its. www. halobackwaters. com/world_travel_news/45_places_to_go. -

www. linkedin. com

• Timothy Gardner | LinkedIn View Timothy Gardner's professional profile on LinkedIn. Experience: New York Energy Correspondent, Thomson Reuters. www. linkedin. com/pub/timothy-gardner/3/895/144 - • mikko koskinen profiles | LinkedIn mikko koskinen 25 of 41 profiles | See all profiles on LinkedIn » View Full Profile; Mikko "Kobra" Koskinen Title Entrepreneurwww. linkedin. com/pub/dir/mikko/koskinen -

www. theitjob. com

• IT Manager jobs in Finland - Search IT Manager jobs, vacancies. www. theitjob. com/search/jobs_by_role/j/it+manager/. /fin_finland Jobs 1 - 9 – IT Manager jobs on the IT job in Finland with jobs, recruitment, employment, careers. Industry Job Sites | InternationalInformation Technology Jobs (ENG). You will find the current list of registered IT Manager jobs in Finland below. read more. Center within the Software and Services Group (SSG) in Helsinki. • IT jobs in Finland - Search Finland IT jobs and apply online www. theitjob. com/search/jobs_by_industry/c/fin_finland Jobs 1 - 31 – Information Technology Jobs UK and Worldwide. Below you will find the current list of registered IT jobs in Finland. read more. BTS Platform projects with more than 150 participants which deliverable is high qual. Open Source Technology Center within the Software and Services Group (SSG) in Helsinki.


• Bird & Bird - Legal500 www. - United Kingdom MANNERHEIMINTIE 8, 00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND. Warsaw, The. Katia Duncker leads Bird & Bird's practice, which provides a 'very high level of service'. • Bech-Bruun - Legal500 www. Within Banking and finance, Bech-Bruun is a first tier firm, Morten Krogsgaard and the ‘steadfast, dependable’ Steen Halmind and their team at Bech-Bruun. • Hannes Snellman Attorneys at Law Ltd - Legal500 www. - United Kingdom ETELARANTA 8, P. O. BOX 333, FIN-00131, HELSINKI, FINLAND. Wärtsilä, a matter which involved teams in the firm's Helsinki and Stockholm offices. Head of technology Kaisa Fahllund leads this 'highly customer-focused' team, and. Please choose from this list to view details of what we say about Hannes Snellman. [PDF] • Legal500 Within Banking and finance, White & Case is a first tier firm, White & Case’s smaller but highly focused and ‘expert’ team advises an A-list of domestic. www. - • Magnusson - Legal500 www. - United Kingdom ALEKSANTERINKATU 15 B, 00100 HELSINKI, FINLAND. and former Castrén & Snellman lawyer Jan Lindberg have a 'very high level of. Please choose from this list to view details of what we say about Magnusson. technology. Information technology · Real estate and construction. Real estate. Offices in Helsinki. • Bech-Bruun - Legal500 Within Banking and finance, Bech-Bruun is a first tier firm, Morten Krogsgaard and the ‘steadfast, dependable’ Steen Halmind and their team at Bech-Bruun. www. -

www. masterstudies. com

• Master in Finland - MasterStudies. com www. masterstudies. com/Masters-Degree/Finland/ Get all program and school information and contact the school in Finland directly here. Start your search now by browsing through the list below! 156 Results.

jobs. dell. com

• Information Technology in North America - It Project Mgmt. jobs. dell. com/…y/jobid3354805-it-project-mgmt-consultant-jobs IT Project Mgmt Consultant jobs in Round Rock currently available at Dell. Additional Round Rock Information Technology jobs also available at Dell. • Australia, Australia jobs at Dell - Information Technology. Looking for jobs in Australia? Dell has career information for you. jobs. dell. com/au/australia-jobs -

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www. consilium. europa. eu

• HELSINKI EUROPEAN COUNCIL. PRESIDENCY CONCLUSIONS. www. consilium. europa. eu/…data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/ACFA4C. htm The European Council recalls the importance of high standards of nuclear safety in. to the tax and benefit systems, service sector employment, organisation of work. Annex VI List…

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• Nervogrid - The most partner friendly white-label cloud service. www. nervogrid. com/ The fully white-labeled cloud service catalog – ranging from high-volume collaboration. customer specific price lists and even individual service subscription prices. better cloud…

techcrunch. com

• Guest Post: Finland – Freezing Cold, But So Hot Right Now. Although the average December temperature in Helsinki is below. the Tekes Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. Jobs; Services;techcrunch. com/2011/01/17/guest-post-finland-freezing. -

www. smithsonianmag. com

• Why Are Finland's Schools Successful? | People & Places. . a sprawling suburb west of Helsinki. live in poverty or take second jobs to make ends meet. Finland on the other hand values and. and technology. www. smithsonianmag. com/people-places/Why-Are-Finlands. -

www. dvb. org

• DVB - Digital Video Broadcasting - Finland Job Opportunities. virtual channels and On Demand Services. We believe that PushTV technology is important way to produce. mobile TV pilots in Helsinki. www. dvb. org/about_dvb/dvb_worldwide/finland -

www. cois. org

• Council of International Schools (CIS): Finland, IS Helsinki. International School Helsinki. Finland. seeks a. It offers a broad range of services yet is small enough to be accessible. Job Summary. The Lower School. www. cois. org/page. cfm? p=1020 -

www. airbnb. com

• Summer home for hobbits in Helsinki www. airbnb. com › Rating: 4.5 - 6 reviewsThe lanterns light up at dusk - high-tech solar power (or as high Yes. It is a Weber. Horst-Maria Weber. Horst-Maria Weber in action. Mixed collection of plates. • Apartment in the heart of Helsinki in Helsinki www. airbnb. com › Rating: 5 - 16 reviewsA clean and cozy fully furnished apartment located in the heart of Helsinki in the beautiful Siltasaari area of the Kallio suburb. The apartment is.

www. tourvideos. com

• Helsinki Finland Travel Videos Finland, Sweden, Norway and. www. tourvideos. com/Helsinki-travel-videos. html Travel videos of Scandinavia totally free, featuring Helsinki, Finland, sightseeing. Fortunately, Helsinki's modern town planners have done an excellent job of. in apartment buildings located near shops and services, with convenient mass. because Helsinki is so far north, nearly as high as Anchorage, Alaska, and the.

www. studyabroad. wisc. edu

• Finland, Helsinki / Aalto University Exchange - UW Study Abroad www. studyabroad. wisc. edu/programs/program. asp? program_id. The Aalto University was created from the merger of three Finnish universities: The Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki University of Technology and The.

www. helsinkidesignlab. org

• HDL Blog - Helsinki Design Lab Helsinki Design Lab helps government see the 'architecture of problems.' We assist decision-makers to view challenges from a big-picture perspective, and provide. www. helsinkidesignlab. org - • Brickstarter - Helsinki Design Lab www. helsinkidesignlab. org/lists/tags/brickstarter After giving a talk at the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice, Bryan. to talk to Sitra and a few other representatives from relevant sectors in Finland. then draws in secondary or tertiary matters like infrastruture, buildings and so on. placement opportunity with the Helsinki department of Social Services.

www. ets. org

• TOEFL Destinations Directory Adobe PDF TOEFL ® Destinations Directory The directory of more than 8,500 universities, agencies and other institutions that accept TOEFL scores. www. ets. org/Media/Tests/TOEFL/pdf/univ0708.pdf

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• participant list fig 2009 - FIG Home Page Adobe PDF List of Participants FIG Working Week 2009 Surveyors Key Role in Accelerated Development Eilat, Israel, 3-8 May 2009 1/17 FIG Working Week 2009www. fig. net/news/eilat_2009/fig_2009_participant_list. pdf • PARTICIPANT LIST ALGERIA - FIG Home Page Adobe PDF PARTICIPANT LIST Page 1 of 25 ALGERIA Mr DehniI Abdelatif Centre of Spatiales Techniques Mr Abderahmane Agoudjil Ordre. Geometre. Expert. Foncier/From Algeriawww. fig. net/news/stockholm_2008/participantlist. pdf

www. railway-technology. com

• Rail Industry Projects - Railway Technology The latest innovations and future developments in the Rail industry from Railway Technology, containing in-depth project information and specifications, and project. www. railway-technology. com/projects -

koti. netplaza. fi

• FINDIANS BRIEFINGS - V02I04 koti. netplaza. fi/

findians/Briefings/Archives/V02I04.html Aug 25, 1996 – Read Findians Briefings - Forthright Fortnightly From Finland. He bought his return air ticket to Helsinki via New York from an. kilometres from Oulu City to the airport (imagine this high tech city of the Arctic. Another endless list. Not only that, the idea is to start domestic servant employment agencies.

ec. europa. eu

• Mr - European Commission - Europa ec. europa. eu/transparencyregister/public/. /statistics. do;. action. The area of products and services is diverse and ranges from high quality carpeting. and Technology 1545 0 AUSTRIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK FINLAND. decision-making processes of the European institutions, and a list of those. luonnonsuojeluasiantuntija Kotkankatu 9 00510 Helsinki FINLAND 358 400. • *** The action plan is dated 19 June 2009 - European Commission. ec. europa. eu/. /annex_1_-_summary_of_implementation. pdf - Estonia File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - • IST Event 2006 | EUROPA - Information Society European Commission - IST Event 2006. IST 2006 - Strategies for Leadership. Over 4,500 delegates. almost 50 conference sessions. ec. europa. eu/information_society/istevent/2006/index_en. htm - • Enterprise and Industry - European Commission European Commission - Enterprise and Industry - This website provides information on the EU's enterprise policy, entrepreneurship, business support, innovation. ec. europa. eu/enterprise/index_en. htm - • Jobs - EURAXESS - European Commission ec. europa. eu/euraxess/index. cfm/jobs/jvSearch/page/2 5076 results – Job vacancies & Fellowship Programmes. View the results as: List Map. University of Technology | Research field: Other | Application deadline: 29/03/2013 | Nr. of offers: 1. Created from a high-profile merger between three leading universities in Finland – the Helsinki School of Economics, Helsinki [. ].

www. tem. fi

• 2 the demographic landscape of europe: projections www. tem. fi/files/29766/Kaupungit_ja_demografia. pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - • Ministry of Employment and the Economy - Front page The website www. tem. fi communicates about matters within the Ministry on Employment and the Economy’s remit and informs about the Ministry’s tasks, organisation. www. tem. fi/?l=en -

rem. sef. pt

• Satisfying Labour Demand Through Migration – Produced By The rem. sef. pt/PagesPT/DocsPT/. /labour_demand_migration. pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobatoccupation lists where labour shortages exist (Austria, Belgium, Finland, France. authorities (Statistics Offices, Ministry Departments), academia, the. potential and deliver high levels of employment, productivity and social. in the field of information and communications technology. In Helsinki, the municipalities.

www. eslfocus. com

• Teaching English in Scandinavia: Opportunities in Finland When I lived in Copenhagen I had employment in a non. yet for the diligent or curious job seeker offers rewards. Finland is at the top of every. and services. www. eslfocus. com/. opportunities_in_finland-511.html -

www. vtt. fi

• VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland - Business from. VTT provides high-end technology solutions and innovation services. employment, and wellbeing. 23. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed an. www. vtt. fi/?lang=en -

www. braintrack. com

• Finland Universities And Colleges | BrainTrack Finland has initiated a national strategy to create an 'information society' which is based on their population having high levels. The capital of Helsinki is. www. braintrack. com/linknav. htm? pprevid=50&level=3 -

www. bbc. co. uk

• Finland: Life beyond Nokia? - BBC 12 Dec 2012. The Slush conference in Helsinki provides a window on Finland's future. Five hundred companies and. Of those, 3,700 jobs are in Finland, which is around 40% of Nokia's Finnish workforce. Last April the company began a. www. bbc. co. uk/news/technology-20553656 -

fi. linkedin. com

• Sami Miettinen - Finland | LinkedIn fi. linkedin. com/in/miettinen Finland - PartnerView Sami Miettinen's (Finland) professional profile on LinkedIn. Corporate Finance Director first in the London and then in the Helsinki office of SEB Enskilda. • Paul James Brennan - Finland | LinkedIn fi. linkedin. com/in/jollydragon Finland - Most Foreign Candidate at Helsinki ElectionsView Paul James Brennan's (Finland) professional profile on LinkedIn. to recommended job candidates, industry experts, and business partners. Most Foreign Candidate at Helsinki Elections. primarily to the largest financial services institutions, globally - I have worked on. Finnish Hi-tech Start-up Community logo. • Tom Laine - Finland | LinkedIn fi. linkedin. com/in/tomlaine Finland - Serial entrepreneur, Linkedin and social media expertise in employer branding and recruitmentOctober 2011 – June 2012 (9 months) Finland. Multi Solution provides specialized consulting services related to hi-tech ICT, and with special focus in 4 main. [PDF] • Juhana - Finland . Information Technology and Services. Senior Medical Officer at National Agency for Medicines, Helsinki, Finland. Kauniainen High Schoolfi. linkedin. com/pub/dir/Juhana/+ - • Markku Silen - Finland | LinkedIn Helsinki School of Technology. media and high tech industry knowledge. Information Technology and Services industry April 2007 – Present (6 years) Owner fi. linkedin. com/in/markkusilen -

www. euro. who. int

• Health systems in transition - Finland - World Health Organization. www. euro. who. int/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/80692/E91937.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobatby L Vuorenkoski - 2008 - • Mental health. facing the challenges, building solutions. report www. euro. who. int/document/e87301.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatThe Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization welcomes requests. The prevalence of mental health disorders is very high in. Europe. Of the. do not have a therapeutic drug policy or an essential drug list. The quality of. European Region gathered in Helsinki, Finland for the first WHO European Min-.

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• What The US Could Learn From Finland About Education | Nuevo. www. newrepublic. com/article/politics/. /education-reform-Finland-U. Jan 28, 2011 – But perhaps most striking on the list of what makes Finland's school system unique is. particularly in the country's high-tech sector, which is distinguished by Nokia in. Flanking highways out of Helsinki are research centers for these. Subscriber Services · About The New Republic · Advertise · Jobs and.

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• Pohjola Pankki Oyj (POH1S. HE) Quote| Reuters. com Pohjola Pankki Oyj (Pohjola) is a Finland-based bank. It provides banking, non-life insurance and asset management services for corporate and institutional customers. www. reuters. com/finance/stocks/overview? symbol=POH1S. HE - • Cargotec Oyj (CGCBV. HE) Quote| Reuters. com Cargotec Oyj is a Finland-based company engaged in the provision of cargo and load handling solutions and services. The Company has four business areas, namely Marine. www. reuters. com/finance/stocks/overview? symbol=CGCBV. HE -

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• Putin: Red Army losses in Finland to be honored - KansasCity. com Russian President Vladimir Putin has voiced support for building memorials to honor Red Army soldiers who died in a 1939-1940 war with Finland. www. kansascity. com/. /putin-red-army-losses-in-finland. html -

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• Today's Snapshot - Snapshot: Helsinki, Finland | Future Cities www. ubmfuturecities. com/document. asp? doc_id=524475 Mar 1, 2013 – Snapshot: Helsinki, Finland. Future Cities Friday. Hi Nicole, I just managed to pull in this article for your ready reference. There are places in.

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www. economist. com

• Finland and American intelligence: Secret history | The Economist www. economist. com/blogs/. /12/finland-and-american-intelligence Dec 1, 2011 – Science & technology. Starting at the end of the 1940s, U. S. intelligence services were. the Military Attaché's office in Helsinki to expedite delivery from Finland. The American intelligence was on high alert, and agents had been. tried to get the Finnish “low altitude flight obstacle list” – probably for. • Finland’s fortunes are affected by one firm. What about. NOKIA contributed a quarter of Finnish growth from 1998 to 2007, according to figures from the Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA). Over the same period. www. economist. com/node/21560867 -

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• National Board of Patents and Registration in Finland: SME. National Board of Patents and Registration in Finland: SME Project Background for the Co-operation Project. The background for the project is on discussions between. www. wipo. int/sme/en/best_practices/finland_sme_project. htm - • The Economic Benefits of Innovations' Development: Case. - WIPO www. wipo. int/edocs/mdocs/arab/en/. ip. /wipo_ip_dam_07_4.ppt File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint -

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• The ATP's Business Reporting System - NIST Advanced. The ATP's Business Reporting System: A Tool for Economic Evaluation Paper presented at Conference on Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Datawww. atp. nist. gov/eao/helsinki. htm -

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• Finland - Diabetes Daily - A better life starts today. Prehistory (from 8500 BCE) According to archaeological evidence, the area now composing Finland was first settled around 8500 BCE during the Stone Age as the ice. www. diabetesdaily. com/wiki/Finland -

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• Finland: Maps, History, Geography, Government, Culture, Facts. Information on Finland — geography, history, politics, government, economy, population statistics, culture, religion, languages, largest cities, as well as a map. www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0107513.html - • Time Line of Worldwide School Shootings | Infoplease. com The following table lists the worldwide school shootings from 1996 to the present. Find the date, location, and a short description of each incident. www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0777958.html -

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• Finland definition of Finland in the Free Online Encyclopedia. Finland, Finnish Suomi (swô`m?), officially Republic of Finland, republic (2005 est. pop. 5,223,000), 130,119 sq mi (337,009 sq km), N Europe. encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary. com/Finland -

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• List of tuition free Universities in Sweden, Norway, Finland. Get a full list of tuition free universities and colleges in Europe (Sweden, Norway and Finland) here. A number of Universities and colleges in Europe offer tuition. www. afterschoolafrica. com/2010/05/list-of-tuition-free. -

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• GlobaLex - Finnish Law on the Internet www. nyulawglobal. org/globalex/finland. htm He holds a law degrees from the University of Helsinki [LLM] and the. These were retained even after Finland had been ceded to Russia, as the Swedish. Secondary legislation: The decrees, decisions and regulations of Ministries and Central. A more recent entry in the field of legal information service is Edilex, which.

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• Roaming Redbirds take winning Homecoming photo in Helsinki. stories. illinoisstate. edu/. /roaming-redbirds-take-winning-homecomi. Oct 18, 2012 –. they took a photo in front of historic Senate Square in Helsinki, Finland. Casteel and Davis did the math on the time change – Helsinki is. a big deal at Casteel's high school in western Illinois, which has since. Davis is a veteran tailgater himself, but there's still one thing to scratch off the bucket list.

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• Management team - Senseg senseg. com/company/management-team Mr. Kapanen has 14 years of R&D experience in high technology industry. his M. Sc. in Electrical Engineering from Helsinki University of Technology. In 1988, he founded Nixu, today the largest security consultancy company in Finland, with over. Senseg named to Entrepreneur Magazine's 100 Brilliant Companies list.

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• Satu Miettinen, service and social designer NowHere Finland 2012 focuses on environmentally friendly design – and on concrete products, works, acts and concepts. In environmentally friendly design products. www. satumiettinen. com -

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jenniferalejandro. tumblr. com

• Jennifer Alejandro, Anchor/Host/Editor Autumn in Helsinki by Jennifer Alejandro When somebody mentions Finland, Vodka is the first thing that comes to mind. That or it’s a land with 4 months of daylight. jenniferalejandro. tumblr. com -

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• - UWE Conference and Annual General Meeting 2012 in Helsinki. 27th of June 2012 MORE CONFERENCE NOTES AND PHOTOS ADDED To view photos taken at the conference, please visit the Photos section. Discussion group 2 Modern technology. www.

helsinkiopen. com

• Helsinki Open Helsinki ( listen (help · info); Swedish: Helsingfors, listen (help · info)) is the capital and largest city in Finland. It is in the region of Uusimaa, located in. helsinkiopen. com -

tapahtumat. tekes. fi

• List of Finnish companies participating in Alberta – Finland. - Tekes 10 Oct 2012. List of Finnish companies participating in. in Helsinki, Valkeakoski. Tampere, Lahti. We want to prove that by using high-tech. scrap is produced every year in Finland and more than 94 % of that ends. services that are cost efficient and solve our customers' needs in. Employment and the Economy. tapahtumat. tekes. fi/uploads/013d4138/AB_FIN_company_list_. -

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List of cities and towns in Finland, List of lakes in Finland, List of. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Finland 2013-3-8 - ? • Healthcare in Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia in Finland consists of a highly decentralized, three-level publicly funded. of INAHTA, the International Network of Agencies for Health Technology. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Healthcare_in. 2013-2-24 1 • List of railway lines in Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The lines and the stations are owned by the Finnish Transport Agency. 1.4 Line 7: Helsinki-Kemijärvi. 1.5 Line 9: Turku-Pieksämäki. Retrieved from "http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=List_of_railway_lines_in_Finland&oldid=519619615". en. wikipedia. org/wiki/List_of_railway_lines_in_Finland • Palm oil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Palm_oil It is naturally reddish in color because of a high beta-carotene content. The USDA agricultural research service states that palm oil is not a healthy. Neste Oil of Finland plans to produce 800,000 tonnes of biodiesel per year from. government are using this paraffinic fuel in some public buses in the Helsinki area as a. [PDF] • Jyväskylä - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Jyväskylä It is the largest city in central Finland and on the Finnish Lakeland. 147 kilometres (91 mi) north-east of Tampere and 270 kilometres (170 mi) north of Helsinki. Innova Tower hosts many high-tech companies. work on the primary sector, 21% on the secondary sector, and 78% on the service sector of the economy. • Nokia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nokia Nokia is a public limited-liability company listed on the Helsinki Stock Exchange. As a result, its share price has fallen from a high of US$40 in late 2007 to under US$2. and some military mobile radio communications technology since the 1960s. The Nokia House, Nokia's head office located by the Gulf of Finland in. • Lahti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Lahti Lahti has one of Finland's most widely known symphony orchestras, the Lahti. Lahti is also the home of Helsinki University's department of Environmental and. Lahden Yhteiskoulu; Lahti Folk High School; Lahti Conservatory; Lahti Music. The amount of Tekes (the National Technology Agency) funding in the Lahti. • Oulu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Oulu It is the most populous city in Northern Finland and the sixth most populous city in. 7 Education; 8 Transport; 9 Employment; 10 Sports; 11 International relations. known for the neoclassical (empire style) buildings around Helsinki Senate Square. into a major high-tech centre, particularly in IT and wellness technology. • Education in Finland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Education_in_Finland In Finland high quality daycare and nursery-kindergarten are considered critical for. and pre-school,” explained Eeva Penttilä, of Helsinki's Education Department. such as those of the universities of technology, other university mathematical. Moreover, the entrance examinations are rarely long lists of multiple-answer. • Rovio Entertainment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rovio_Entertainment Rovio Headquarters is in this office complex in Keilaniemi, Espoo. In 2003, three students from Helsinki University of Technology (currently Aalto University. • Starchitect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Starchitect But a high-tech strand of modernism persisted in parallel with a formally. Deconstructionist architecture, such as the employment of chainlink fencing, raw. the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland, by Steven Holl, and the. in artistic and architectural services available, each competing for commissions. • List of University of Illinois at Urbana –Champaign people - Wikipedia en. wikipedia. org/. /List_of_University_of_Illinois_at_Urbana –Cham. This is a list of notable people associated with the American University of Illinois at. 1.9 Engineering and technology; 1.10 Literature; 1.11 Journalism and non-fiction. Ph. D. 1937 – Professor Emeritus of Library Services at Rutgers University. Don Laz – silver medalist in pole vault in the 1952 Helsinki, Finland Games;. • Nokia Siemens Networks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nokia_Siemens_Networks Its major manufacturing sites are in Chennai in India, China, Oulu in Finland, and in Berlin, Germany. About a quarter of the. Business Solutions (BSO); Network Systems (NWS); Global Services (GS). There are. "Nokia Siemens to cut 17,000 jobs". 2009-06-22. http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/technology/8112550.stm. • Service design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Service_design Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure. social studies, ethnography and social construction of technology. active role, because of the high level of uncertainty related to the customer's behaviour. Italy; MSc in Service Design and Engineering - Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. • Stockholm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Stockholm The most common complaints are about the high crime rate and the high. work in the service industry, which accounts for roughly 85% of jobs in Stockholm. has seen a significant number of jobs created in high technology companies. Stockholm has regular ferry lines to Helsinki and Turku in Finland (commonly. • Bicycle sharing system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Bicycle_sharing_system A bicycle sharing system, also known as bike-sharing, is a service in which bicycles are. and the third generation, or information technology (IT) based systems. However, theft rates in many bike-sharing programmes remain high, as most. CityBikes of Helsinki, Finland used a similar pay-through-advertising scheme. • Utility cooperative - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Utility_cooperative In Finland the telephone network was largely built by telephone cooperatives. stock is bought; there is also a lively secondary market for telephone stocks. The largest cooperative, known originally as the Helsinki Telephone Association (now. Several cooperatives list on their respective websites the Seven Cooperative. • European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Wikipedia, the. en. wikipedia. org/. /European_Institute_of_Innovation_and_Technol. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an agency of the. has been developed within the framework of the Lisbon Strategy for Growth and Jobs, and. places where they can physically work together) in Belgium, Finland, France. It will require a high level of trust among the partners, well-designed. • Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences - Wikipedia, the free. en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Kemi-Tornio_University_of_Applied_Sciences The Kemi-Tornion region offers a wide range of services. the paper and wood industries, steel industries, high-tech enterprises and engineering works. co-operation with the business and working life both in Finland and abroad as well. to enhance employment and create connections to international companies and. • Crowd funding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Crowd_funding While the JOBS Act awaits implementation, hybrid models, such as Mosaic Inc. are using. 9.2 United Kingdom; 9.3 Sweden and Norway; 9.4 Finland; 9.5 Australia. There are fundamental differences in the services provided by many. These platforms that use crowdfunding to seek stakes form a community of high net. • Tarja Halonen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tarja_Halonen Tarja Halonen. 11th President of Finland. In office 1 March 2000 – 1 March 2012. Halonen is a graduate of the University of Helsinki, where she studied law from 1963 to 1968. As an employee of the Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions. When she became Minister for Justice in 1990, there were high hopes. [PDF]

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• Accenture Office Directory www. accenture. com/us-en/contact/Pages/office-directory. aspx RSP Building (Main Office). No.81 Tian Hua 2nd Road, High-tech Zone Chengdu. F, Finland Helsinki Porkkalankatu 5 00180 Helsinki Tel: +358 205 7 25000. • Accenture | Management Consulting, Technology and Outsourcing Accenture is a management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company helping clients become high-performance businesses and governments. www. accenture. com -

www. forbes. com

• Where The Best-Paying High-Tech Jobs Are - Forbes. com www. forbes. com › Aug 1, 2006 – Surprise, surprise--the top places for tech workers aren't all in Silicon Valley. A host of big-name companies all have offices in Montgomery to support. lists: one ranks the places with the overall highest-paid tech jobs in the. More results for • China - Forbes China - #96 Best Countries for Business - Forbes. Profile. Since the late 1970s China has moved from a closed, centrally planned system to a more market-oriented. www. forbes. com/places/china/?lc=int_mb_1001 -


• High Tech Employment | List of Technology Positions. - JobSites411 www. html Find your ideal high-tech employment opportunity. High tech positions range from entry-level tech support to programming and engineering. List of jobs, pay. More results for

hightech. jobs-to-careers. com

• High Tech Jobs (Hiring) - High Tech Positions Open hightech. jobs-to-careers. com/Hiring Now - Apply Today!

finland-jobs. skillpages. com

• Finland Workers Wanted - Find Top Finland Jobs Here Now finland-jobs. skillpages. com/Get Online. Get Found. Get Jobs.

expat-finland. com

• Employment & Recruitment Services, Finland - jobs in Helsinki. expat-finland. com/employment/employment_services. html Employment & recruitment services in Finland. University of Helsinki Career services and academic vacancies; Uranus. fi Jobs. the fields of technology and.

www. overseasdigest. com

• Working Abroad Career Guide for Finland - Overseas Digest www. overseasdigest. com/country/finland. htm Information Technology Finland may not be a large. The first step is for the employer to contract a local employment agency and apply for a statement of need to.

www. arcticstartup. com

• ArcticStartup www. arcticstartup. com/jobs/1173 Jobs; Startups; Services;. Android / Mobile Developer Tuxera, Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland. storage management and media streaming software to the leading. • ArcticStartup Jobs; Startups; Services;. Android / Mobile Developer Tuxera, Helsinki. Helsinki, Finland. storage management and media streaming software to the leading. www. arcticstartup. com/jobs/1173 - • Top 100 Startups in Finland - ArcticStartup Jobs; Startups; Services; Sign up;. It was also surprising to see some companies such as BT Wood to be so high on the list. (Helsinki, Finland)www. arcticstartup. com/2013/01/23/top-100-startups-in-finland - • Finland - ArcticStartup www. arcticstartup. com/companies/?location_filter=Finland On demand transport services created with Ajelo technology provide affordable yet high quality rides by combining multiple trips in real. Finland Mobile. • Lead Developer: Wireless Media Sharing Airplay. - ArcticStartup www. arcticstartup. com/jobs/1124 Feb 1, 2013 – Helsinki, Finland http://www. tuxera. com/. Are you looking for new challenges in an international high-tech work environment. Wish list: Development experience with USB stack, video and audio codecs. technologies, consumer electronics, Internet services, and computers. Job Type: Full time. • Startups & Investors www. arcticstartup. com/companies? location_filter=finland&page=7 Specializing in creating effective communication tools for high-tech companies. Snipbase is a free service for photo-based shopping lists, enabling consumers.

TripAdvisor. com

• Helsinki Finland | TripAdvisor. com TripAdvisor. com/HelsinkiFind Helsinki Reviews and Deals on TripAdvisor!

indeed. com

• Finland employment - One Search. indeed. com/FinlandAll Jobs. Find your new job today. Indeed! • List Jobs - Millions of Jobs at Indeed. com. indeed. com/ListA Better Way to Search for Jobs.

finland. fi

• How about getting a job in Finland? - thisisFINLAND. technology; travel; wellbeing;. The attractions of working in Finland include good working conditions and high employment security. the European Employment. finland. fi/Public/default. aspx? contentid=160050 - • FAQ (frequently asked questions) - thisisFINLAND technology; travel; wellbeing;. living in Finland and employment in Finland. Public Services in Finland provides a wealth of information about everyday life in. finland. fi/public/default. aspx? contentid=160101&content. -

articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com

• Articles about Finland - Economic Times The Helsinki Court of Appeal in Finland had. and the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology. "It seems it means thousands of jobs in Finland. articles. economictimes. indiatimes. com/keyword/finland -

www. kn-portal. com

• Office Locations - Kuehne + Nagel: Finland Kuehne + Nagel Finland offers a full range of logistics services and industry - specific expertise from 6 locations across. The main logistics facility and head office is located in Vantaa, only 1 km from the Helsinki airport and 16 km from the. All offices are backed by the state-of-the-art information technology and a seamless access to the Kuehne + Nagel. Please choose a help topic from the list below. www. kn-portal. com/locations/europe/finland/ -

www. infopankki. fi

• Infopankki - Helsinki The Social Services Department page contains information on day care in Helsinki in Finnish. Swedish and English. Applications for municipal day. The Info Bank Basic Education page contains general information about pre-school education in Finland. Adults have the opportunity of completing basic education in an upper secondary school for adults. Eira High. A list of vocational colleges can be found on the Education Department webpages in Finnish. Swedish and English. www. infopankki. fi/en-gb/education_helsinki/ - • Infopankki - Helsinki Education in Helsinki. The Social Services Department page contains information on day care in Helsinki in. and the Helsinki City College of Technology. www. infopankki. fi/en-GB/education_Helsinki - • Infopankki - Home Work »Jobs, working life. (Welcome to Finland). Click on the name of your town on the list to find out about the services available near you. www. infopankki. fi/en-GB/home -

www. starwoodhotels. com

• Hotel Kämp, Helsinki - Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. www. starwoodhotels. com/luxury/property/overview/index. html. Pohjoisesplanadi, 29; Helsinki,; 00100; Finland; Map. Six newly renovated meeting rooms, with discreet high-tech installations, create an experience that pays. • Luxury Collection Helsinki Hotels: Hotel Kämp, Helsinki. Servicios. Spas; Concierge;. Helsinki, 00100; Finland; Map; Phone: (358)(9) 576111; Contact Us; Announcements;. with discreet high-tech installations. www. starwoodhotels. com/luxury/property/overview/index. - • Hotel Kämp, Helsinki - Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. www. starwoodhotels. com/luxury/property/meetings/index. html. Pohjoisesplanadi, 29; Helsinki,; 00100; Finland; Map. All offer impressive surroundings with discreet high-tech installations such as ADSL-lines, dimmable.

www. ihg. com

• Helsinki - West Ruoholahti Hotel in Helsinki, Finland | Holiday Inn www. ihg. com/holidayinn/hotels/us/en/helsinki/helwe/hoteldetail Rating: 4.8 - 4 reviewsOfficial Site for Holiday Inn Helsinki - West Ruoholahti Hotel. If you do not have an email address in your profile, please contact your local Service Center to source your PIN and to update your profile with your. High-speed Internet Access.

www. mckinsey. com

• McKinsey Helsinki Productization Of Productivity www. mckinsey. com/. /Helsinki/. /Helsinki/Productization_. File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -

www. businessinsider. com

• 26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System. www. businessinsider. com/finland-education-school-2011-12?op=1 Dec 14, 2011 – There's Only One Woman On Glassdoor's Best-Loved CEO List. ESPN Commentator Makes Limo Joke About New ESPN Employee Ray Lewis · Life · The Life. Finland Helsinki. 43 percent of Finnish high-school students go to vocational schools. 10 Things In Tech You Need To Know (sample). • 26 Amazing Facts About Finland's Unorthodox Education System. Finland has the same amount of teachers as. high school teachers with 15 years of experience make 102 percent of what. Tech Jobs; Media Jobs; Finance Jobs; C. www. businessinsider. com/finland-education-school-2011-12. - • The 25 Best Tech Companies To Work For - Business Insider Getting a job in the tech business sure has. Google hosts and develops numerous Internet-based services and. a city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki. www. businessinsider. com/the-25-best-tech-companies-to. - • Finland's Education System Best In World - Business Insider www. businessinsider. com/finlands-education-system-best-in-world-2. Nov 27, 2012 – Why Finland's Unorthodox Education System Is The Best In The World. Finland Helsinki. 43 percent of Finnish high-school students go to vocational schools. 43 percent. Lists Select (sample). 10 Things In Tech You Need To Know (sample). LinkedIn Paid An Employee $3,000 To Go Scuba Diving. • The World's 25 Best Design Schools - Business Insider www. businessinsider. com/the-worlds-25-best-design-schools-2012-1. Nov 23, 2012 – There's Only One Woman On Glassdoor's Best-Loved CEO List. But which school is best suited to get you the design job you want. Location: Helsinki, Finland. policies, services and products," one our respondents said. in the 1990s for its mesmerizing high-tech demos that gave its viewers a. • The 25 Best Tech Companies To Work For - Business Insider www. businessinsider. com/the-25-best-tech-companies-to-work-for-2. Jul 22, 2010 – But those cushy tech jobs come with downsides, too. and the bad with tech companies and arrived at a list of the top 25 places to work in tech. between those who get the minimum results and the high performers.". is headquartered in Keilaniemi, Espoo, a city neighbouring Finland's capital Helsinki. • The World's Most Valuable Startups - Business Insider www. businessinsider. com/2011-digital-100?op=1 Oct 7, 2011 – last year's list include Airbnb, the apartment rental service, and Rovio, the. It's been a crazy year for technology companies. These are high multiples, and for this valuation to be sustained, the. a small percentage of its ads like job and real-estate ads in about 18 major. Location: Helsinki, Finland.

www. studyabroaduniversities. com

• TOP UNIVERSITIES IN FINLAND|LIST|BEST FINLAND UNIVERSITY RANKING| There are around 33 Universities in Finland namely University of Helsinki, Helsinki University of Technology. Services and Health. doing job as a staff. www. studyabroaduniversities. com/. in-Finland. aspx - • admission requirements for study in finland, eligibility criteria www. studyabroaduniversities. com/Admission-Procedure-for-Study-i. hi sir, i have completed my intermediate level in Nepal and now completed ESOL course in UK. I wish to study bachelors in management in Finland and i heard. • Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. FINLAND Helsinki Metropolia. health care and social services. The training and research and development will be of high international standard and carried out. www. studyabroaduniversities. com/UniversityReview. aspx. -

schools-wikipedia. org

• Finland - 2008/9 Wikipedia Selection for schools The new jobs in manufacturing, services and trade. high-technology manufacturing in Finland ranked. Vuosaari harbour in Helsinki is the largest. schools-wikipedia. org/wp/f/Finland. htm - • Helsinki - 2008/9 Wikipedia Selection for schools . 29% of jobs and a third of GDP. Helsinki is Finland's capital for business. Helsinki has many staffing agencies. Helsinki opposes high-rise developments. schools-wikipedia. org/wp/h/Helsinki. htm -

www. taplowgroup. com

• Taplow Finland Professional Services; Technology;. Taplow Finland. Finland. Our office in Helsinki was founded in 1991. high emphasis on the quality of our services and. www. taplowgroup. com/CareerCentre/TaplowFinland. aspx -

www. aalto. fi

• Welcome to Aalto University - Aalto University School of Chemical Technology;. Why come to Finland, Helsinki Metropolitan Area and Aalto. aalto [dot] fi (HR Services) RSS; Sitemap; Feedback; Print. www. aalto. fi/en/for/international - • Science and research - Aalto University The University activities are based on long-term basic research and artistic activities as well as on high. services. The research. technology-based business. www. aalto. fi/en/research -

europa. eu

• Vacancies - Temporary Staff Choose high-contrast version Set page to normal font size Increase font size. ( EIT) The European Institute of Innovation and Technology; (EMA) The European Medicines Agency; (EMSA) European Maritime Safety Agency; (ENISA) The European Network and Information. (only applicable to candidates whose names are already on a valid EPSO CAST reserve list). More information: https: //jobs. ecb. int/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/hrrcf_a_posting_apply. Location: Helsinki. Finland. europa. eu/epso/apply/jobs/temp/index_en. htm -

szdaily. sznews. com

• Nanshan District to build innovation center in Finland’s. in Helsinki, capital of Finland, for Chinese high-tech enterprises, research institutes and public innovation agencies for expansion into European and Russian. szdaily. sznews. com/html/2009-11/18/c. 2009-11-18

www. answers. com

<>• Regions of Finland: Information from Answers. com Finland consists of 19 regions called maakunta in Finnish and landskap in. Regional State Administrative Agencies Regions Sub-regions list by name list. www. answers. com/topic/regions-of. F. 2013-2-24 List of high tech employment agencies in H. • University of Helsinki: Information from Answers. com www. answers. com › The University of Helsinki (Finnish: Helsingin yliopisto, Swedish: Helsingfors. ethos, the University of Helsinki places heavy emphasis on high-quality teaching and. Finland and, furthermore, educating the youth for the service of the Tsar and the. The University also contributed to the breakthrough of modern technology. • Vantaa: Definition from Answers. com www. answers. com › 173,860), Southern Finland prov. S Finland. Located 6 mi (9.7 km) N of Helsinki, it is part of the Helsinki metropolitan area. High-technology and information. • Finland: Map, History from Answers. com www. answers. com › Finland A country of northern Europe bordering on the Gulf of Bothnia and. Lumbering is a major industry, and manufacturing is highly developed; service industries are also notable. The Helsinki City Theatre has its own dance group which tours abroad. Finland excels in high-tech exports such as mobile phones. • Helsinki: City Guide, weather and facts galore from Answers. com Helsinki The capital and largest city of Finland, in the southern part of the country on the Gulf of Finlandwww. answers. com/topic/helsinki -

www. docin. com

• . in-Finnish-newspapers_2007_Technology-in-Society - docin. com Technology in Society 29 (2007) 79 –91 Men, money and mobile phones: Tracing the technology discourse in Finnish newspapers Jussi S. Jauhiainen a, b. www. docin. com/p-2818781. html 2012-9-28

www. cnto. org. uk

• . huge success in Helsinki, Finland_China National Tourist Of in Helsinki, Finland In order to promote the “. 60 foreign guests from the tour operators in. of China Business Network (CBN), won high. www. cnto. org. uk/news/2009_12_18_14/2. 2013-3-1?PDF?

oig. state. gov

• Inspection of Embassy Helsinki, Finland (ISP-I-11-67A) - OIG - US. oig. state. gov/documents/organization/175065.pdf File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat -

www. facebook. com

• Idean - Helsinki, Finland - Consulting/Business Services | Facebook www. facebook. com/IdeanEnterprises Using Open Space Technology for team building | Idean - Life is too short for crappy UX. 358 + Cleantech Finland - Saving the world with service design. Dovre Group's new web service facilitates large project industry job-hunting | Idean. (Computerworld Finland) published a list of Finland's top 100 IT-influencers. • Accenture Careers: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden | Facebook Accenture Careers: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden. 6,770 likes · 42 talking about this. www. facebook. com/pages/Accenture-Careers-Denmark-Finland. - • Consulate General of Finland in New York - New York, NY. Consulate General of Finland in New York, New York, NY. 1,380 likes · 186 talking about this · 133 were here. www. facebook. com/ConsulateGeneralFinlandNewYork -

asisbiz. com

• Asisbiz Stock Photos of Helsinki; Swedish: Helsingfors, is the capital. asisbiz. com/Finland/Helsinki. html Helsinki is Finland's capital for business, education, research, culture, and. Helsinki has many staffing agencies. Finland has good results in many international comparisons of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing. Further information: List of Finnish municipalities, List of Finnish. • Asisbiz Photos of FINLAND Helsinki, Finland asisbiz. com/Finland/Helsinki/pages/Helsinki-Finland-007.html Aug 25, 2009 – Helsinki is Finland's capital for business, education, research, culture, and government. Helsinki has many staffing agencies. comparisons of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing. Further information: List of Finnish municipalities, List of Finnish municipalities by. [PDF] • Asisbiz Photos of FINLAND Esplanadi, Park, Helsinki, Finland asisbiz. com/Finland/Helsinki/. /The-Esplanadi-Park-Helsinki-Finland. Aug 25, 2009 – Helsinki is Finland's capital for business, education, research, culture, and government. Helsinki has many staffing agencies. comparisons of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing. Further information: List of Finnish municipalities, List of Finnish municipalities by.

flights. expedia. com

• Helsinki to Bristol Flights: Book Flights from HEL to BRS | Expedia. com flights. expedia. com › Find cheap airline tickets & deals from Helsinki (HEL) to Bristol (BRS) and save on. and excellent service from one of the world's most trusted travel providers. Popular Flights from Helsinki, Finland. Pocono Casino|; Accor Toronto Canada|; Apartment Hotel Seattle|; City Hotels Barcelona Spain|; High Tech Barcelona.

www. employmentagencies. org

• Finland employment agencies Finland's economy is boosted by the manufacturing, telecommunications, engineering, and metal industries. Although this country has changing weather conditions, has an efficient and productive farming and agriculture industries. Helsinki Employment Agencies. employmentagencies. org/localization/finland

www. omenahotels. com

• Helsinki Eerikinkatu. Omenahotels Finland. For locations, opening times and price lists, see www. europark. fi. There's more information about what's on in Helsinki and all the local services at www. helsinki. fi and www. visithelsinki. fi. Each room has a high quality large bed and two full-size foldouts. » Rooms. omenahotels. com/our-hotels/finland/helsinki-eerikinkatu/

helsinki. sireh. com

• Helsinki Companies-Finland Helsinki Companies A-Z FINLAND Companies Directory covering businesses, organizations, products, and services. List of Finland Companies includes Addresses, emails and phones. helsinki. sireh. com

www. punterlink. co. uk

• Helsinki Escorts, Helsinki escort agencies and Helsinki strip clubs Escort Helsinki services. Call girls in Helsinki. Finland escorts. Helsinki Escorte, strip club and lapdancing guide. Your listing here. Helsinki Escort Agency Guide. Your Advert Here. - - - - Helsinki - Massage Parlours and Brothels. punterlink. co. uk/escort/escort_directory/europe_cities/h.

www. ft. com

• Time for cosying up in Helsinki - FT. com - World business. Finland could also do with taking ownership of cosiness as a pillar of its national identity as it refines its mission and messaging It may not appear on most. www. ft. com/cms/s/2/e0c11a6e-d262-11df-9e88-00144feabdc0.html - • Life & Arts - Financial Times www. ft. com/life-arts The Helsinki retro den bursting with midcentury gems – from Alvar Aalto. FINANCIAL TIMES JOBSGlobal executive jobs Register today for free job alerts. • Helsinki: Centre of good design says no to Guggenheim - FT. com www. ft. com › May 29, 2012 – Helsinki's attempts to attract much-needed foreign investment and tourism by fostering its image as a hub of art and design received a blow this. • Finland holds key to eurozone ‘grand bargain’ - FT. com When European Union leaders gather in Brussels at the end of the week to finalise a much-anticipated “grand bargain” to solve their debt crisis, the eyes of the. www. ft. com/cms/s/0/177fc25e-53e0-11e0-8bd7-00144feab49a. html -

www. bloomberg. com

• Apple's `Underdog' Analysts Outperform Wall Street From. [Jan 19, 2011] The most accurate analyst covering Apple Inc. isn’t on Wall Street. It’s Horace Dediu -- a blogger, ex Nokia Oyj worker and self-described. www. bloomberg. com/. /apple-s. from-helsinki-caracas. html - • iProspect Finland Approved to Become a Google Analytics. iProspect Finland Approved to Become a Google Analytics Certified Partner PR Newswire HELSINKI, March 5, 2013 HELSINKI, March 5, 2013 /PRNewswire. www. bloomberg. com/article/2013-03-05/as9gJlWCLcmE. html - • Metso Rises as Morgan Stanley Sees 2014 Surprise: Helsinki Mover. www. bloomberg. com/. /metso-rises-as-morgan-stanley-sees-2014-su. Jan 11, 2013 – It was the biggest increase on the Nasdaq OMX Helsinki 25 index with. The bank added Metso to its list of best individual investment ideas in. U. S. Stocks Little Changed After S&P 500 Approaches Record High. Bloomberg Premium Services. Jobs by Indeed Rate this Page Made in NYC Ad Choices.

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• walmart Jobs | Jobs. com Search walmart openings. Jobs. com has jobs for everyone. jobs. com/search? q=walmart • Tetra Tech Jobs and Careers | Jobs. com Tetra Tech is a leading provider of environmental and management consulting, engineering and technical services. We employ more than 14,000 people with more than 250. jobs. com/tetra-tech_jobs_14?co=xtettecx

medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com

• Helsinki Declaration - definition of Helsinki Declaration in. Declaration of Helsinki. A list of recommendations and guidelines for doctors conducting biomedical research involving human subjects, which translates the principles. medical-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/Helsinki. -

finance. dailyherald. com

• Neste Oil and CGI extend IT service agreement to support. HELSINKI, FINLAND -- (Marketwire) -- 03/06/13 -- CGI Group Inc. a leading provider of information technology and business process services, and Neste. finance. dailyherald. com/dailyherald/news/read? GUID=23619386

www. mastersportal. eu

• University of Helsinki - Helsinki - Finland - MastersPortal. eu www. mastersportal. eu/universities/17/university-of-helsinki. html The University of Helsinki is one of the best multidisciplinary research. choose the University of Helsinki (UH) is the universitys good reputation and the high level of. our international students rank the technology, learning spaces, and above all, our. SERVICES FOR NEW STUDENTSFor new student we offer pre-arrival. [PDF] • M. Sc. Communications Engineering - master at Aalto University. www. mastersportal. eu/…ies/414/communications-engineering. html Networking Technology focuses on internetworking and the use of packet switching technology for all kinds of services in next generation networks. En adición. • Masters in Finland - MastersPortal. eu www. mastersportal. eu/countries/9/finland. html Finland is a global leader in information technology and also enjoys gender. investing in education we are blessed with high standard of living and quality of life. on which they can build their future in academic fields and in the job market. Our banking services are among the best in world: advanced, innovative and. • M. Sc. Food Sciences - master at University of Helsinki. Helsinki / Finland; Delivery mode. Food Technology and Nutritional Science). Our marketing services; Jobs; Relevant Articles. www. mastersportal. eu/studies/2492 - • Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences - MastersPortal. eu Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Expertise and insight for the future. largest university of applied sciences, educates the professionals of tomorrow in the fields of culture, business, health care and social services, and technology. Vision for 2014 Metropolia will be Finland's most valued university of applied sciences and the most dynamic learning environment. We also list Bachelor's Programmes and Distance Learning Courses. Technology and Transport. www. mastersportal. eu/universities/401/helsinki-metropolia. -

www. phdportal. eu

• PhDs in Finland - PhDPortal. eu www. phdportal. eu › Finland is a global leader in information technology and also enjoys gender. investing in education we are blessed with high standard of living and quality of life. on which they can build their future in academic fields and in the job market. Our banking services are among the best in world: advanced, innovative and.

www. finnbdstudy. com

• Study in Finland www. finnbdstudy. com/ Nov 28, 2012 – Finland stops recruiting students from developing world. Though living in Helsinki is expensive, Shishir Mani Pant, a Nepalese biotechnology. Ad related to List of high tech employment agencies in Helsinki. • Study in Finland: Job Opportunity in Finland www. finnbdstudy. com/2010/01/job-oppurtinity-in-finland. html Apr 3, 2011 – But here in Finland you can find a job within 2 months. Brother, U dint mention the train fair of Helsinki to oulu. Hi, you can reside there with Bangladeshi student. can u give me a list of names of the agencies that provide student. I got admitted for master in Tampere University of Technology in.

www. guardian. co. uk

• Finland + Short breaks | Travel | The Guardian www. guardian. co. uk/travel/finland+short-breaks Temppeliaukio Church (Church in the Rock) in Helsinki, Finland. After all, where else could you check into a sleek, hi-tech hotel owned by Benny from Abba? • Finland + Short breaks | Travel | The Guardian Linked services; Mobile. About us. Drink some hot glogi in Helsinki's fairy-lit. Tourism Australia's jobs include sunbathing with seals on Kangaroo. www. guardian. co. uk/travel/finland+short-breaks - • Finland's schools flourish in freedom and flexibility | Mundo. [Dec 5, 2010] All our services News; Sport; Comment. Pupils at the Meri-Rastila primary school in Helsinki take a break from. Many parents can't do their job. www. guardian. co. uk/world/2010/dec/05/finland-schools. - • How Finland keeps its head above eurozone crisis | Business | Los. www. guardian. co. uk › • Helsinki | Travel | The Guardian Latest news and comment on Helsinki from guardian. co. uk. guide: Unsung. 8 Nov 2008: Hiroshima and Kazakhstan may not be first on your list of holiday destinations, but these cities have so much to offer. Temppeliaukio Church ( Church in the Rock) in Helsinki, Finland. After all, where else could you check into a sleek, hi-tech hotel owned by Benny from Abba. Find the latest jobs in your sector. www. guardian. co. uk/travel/helsinki -

www. ericsson. com

• Ericsson jobs and careers - Ericsson www. ericsson. com/careers Our Technology Insights; Ericsson ConsumerLab; Ericsson Speaker’s Corner; Networked Society; The Networked Society Blog; Tech Talk; Jonas Hansryd from Ericsson.

archives. starbulletin. com

• Honolulu Star-Bulletin Travel archives. starbulletin. com/2003/12/07/travel/index1.html DENNIS CALLAN / SPECIAL TO THE STAR-BULLETIN Torni Tower, Helsinki's only "skyscraper," has a rooftop observation deck on the 12th floor that offers splendid views of.

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• All open jobs Medical services; Elderly and home care; Family and child care; Day care and education; Logistics. All open jobs; Careers. All open jobs; Get to know us; Onboarding;www. tieto. com/careers/all-open-jobs? job=14653 - • Tieto – IT, product development and consultation services. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 25 March 2013 at 3:00 p. m. EET at Finlandia hall. www. tieto. com -

www. rileyguide. com

• Scandinavia: International Job Opportunities: The Riley Guide They also have a good list of resources and services that will help you in. Viljamaa of CareerStorm in Helsinki. job openings specializing in technology and. www. rileyguide. com/internat4.html -

www. expat-finland. com

• Housing: Renting, Buying & Selling in Helsinki & Finland-wide Living in Finland: Employment: Entrepreneurship: Connections. Buying & Selling in Helsinki. arrange temporary residence or services for the. www. expat-finland. com/housing/index. html - • Finnish Language Training - Studying Finnish. - Living in Finland See also: This Is Finland: http://finland. fi. Finnish courses for foreigners are available from the language centres of universities, summer universities, civic and workers' institutes, adult education centres, vocational institutions, folk high schools. www. expat-finland. com/living_in_finland/language_training. -

valtioneuvosto. fi

• Home | Finnish Government Finland also stresses the necessity for structural reforms that support employment. met in Helsinki on 13 March to discuss how. of services to their. valtioneuvosto. fi/etusivu/en. jsp -

www. chicagotribune. com

• Helsinki (Finland) news, photos and video - chicagotribune. com www. chicagotribune. com/. /finland/helsinki-(finland)-. Items 1 - 12 of 67 – Helsinki (Finland). suscribir. Highlights. A collection of news and information related to Helsinki (Finland) published by this site and its partners. • Furniture news, photos and video - chicagotribune. com News, Photos and Information about Furniture. RSS feeds allow Web site content to be gathered via feed reader software. www. chicagotribune. com/topic/services-shopping/furniture/. - • Helsinki (Finland) news, photos and video - chicagotribune. com News, Photos and Information about Helsinki (Finland). RSS feeds allow Web site content to be gathered via feed reader software. www. chicagotribune. com/topic/intl/finland/helsinki. -

www. searchassociates. com

• Lower School Principal at International School of Helsinki in Finland www. searchassociates. com/openings/administrativeview. aspx? ID. Return to full administrative positions list. Position Posted 2/13/2013. Deadline 3/11/2013. International School Helsinki. Seeks: Lower School Principal.

venturebeat. com

• 6 startups that prove Helsinki is the Silicon Valley clone to beat. venturebeat. com/2012/02/10/6-cool-helsinki-media-startups/ Feb 10, 2012 – A few weeks ago I was invited to Helsinki as a guest of Finnish. Skip to secondary content. of the best and brightest tech companies and startups that Finland had to offer. Instead of a list of “Featured Artists”, Hitlantis allows for actual. Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation—and the other key.

job-hospital. blogspot. com

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• 2013 Dalhouse University Entrance Scholarships | 2012-2013. scholarshipstimes. info/. /2013-dalhouse-university-entrance-scholars. 5 days ago – High school students admitted to Dalhousie are eligible to apply for. A list of your extracurricular involvement for Grades 10 – 12 (including athletics, clubs/societies, community service, leadership experience, employment history, and. 2013 Graduate Student Position at University of Helsinki in Finland. • 2012-2013 Scholarships List scholarshipstimes. info/ Terms of employment: A PhD education is four years (48 months). Details, and the complete list of open positions within the pNMR network, can be found on the. (a) Be studying full-time at post-secondary level;. Terms and conditions: View the Coursework Scholarships Office's Scholarships and Grants Terms and.

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• Methodological guide for developing producer price indices for. www. voorburggroup. org/Documents/2005%20helsinki/. /2005-38.p. File Format: PDF/Adobe AcrobatAug 29, 2005 – Methodological guide for developing producer price indices for services, Draft. Helsinki, Finland. September 26 - 30, 2005. Seppo Varjonen. [PDF]

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chen/nit/NIT'96/96-177-Lounasvuori. html Helsinki University Library acts as the nominal National Library. In addition our high-tech industry knew what would happen in the near future and. link-banks, e. g. 'Knot at the Cable recommends' - list. a PULSE editorial office, which means that 6 persons in addition to their regular jobs are maintaining PULSE-pages. [PDF]

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• 17 - My WN my. wn. com/search/eure? p=1600&t=details. are implemented to promote national or territorial energy independence, high tech job creation. It is headquartered in Copenhagen and has four local offices in Jutland. The following list provides informtation relating to the minimum wages of. resides in Helsinki (Finland) and through an honorary consulate in Tallinn. • 8 - My WN my. wn. com/search/agence_group? p=700&t=details List of entities involved in 2007 –2008 financial crises. A list of companies. The Hoffman Agency is a global high-tech public relations firm. Employment agencies (labour providers) working in those fields have had to be licenced by the authority since 1 October 2006. 1973) and Tuomo Puranen from Helsinki, Finland. • 1 - My WN my. wn. com/search/agency_parts_business? p=0&t=details An employment agency is an organization which matches employers to employees. The April 30, 2007 issue of Advertising Age Magazine lists Arnold Worldwide as the. The Hoffman Agency is a global high-tech public relations firm. growing marketing communication groups in Finland which has offices in Helsinki. [PDF]

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www. gunpolicy. org

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• Observations on film art - David Bordwell www. davidbordwell. net/blog/ 6 days ago – Graduated to 16mm in high school when a local church and the library. In college I got a job in the media center showing films, cleaning prints and projectors. National Audiovisual Archive of Finland, that 16 flourishes in Helsinki. an IB Tech print of Secret of the Incas, from the Academy Film Archive.

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• NEW BOOKS newreads. blogspot. com/ 2 hours ago –. thirty miles of refuse, the ship and its high tech systems are plagued. world of Helsinki's high-class clubs to the darkest circles of Finland's. Genevieve has finally escaped the stressful demands of her sales job and achieved. she fought to climb up from the lowest rung of the domestic-service ladder.

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• Finland puts bar high for teachers, kids' well-being www. jsonline. com › Nov 26, 2011 – Helsinki, Finland - English class is about to start, and Taneli. Lyceum means high school in English, though the building serves grades seven. in September in his office after class at the Normal Lyceum of Helsinki. that Wisconsin manufacturers have jobs to fill, but can't find qualified local graduates.

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• Educational system of Finland - Foreign Consultants, Inc. www. foreignconsultants. com/finland-educ. php Type of school providing this education: General upper secondary education. Other second-cycle degrees are diplomi-insinööri/diplomingenjör (Technology);. provided: Academic and career counselling services; Employment services. Finnish Student Health Service. Töölönkatu 37 A FIN-00260 Helsinki Finland.

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www. aka. fi

• The Outlook for Science Technology and Society www. aka. fi/…edostot/Tiedostot/Julkaisut/Finnsight_2015_EN. pdf The Academy of Finland's mission is to provide funding for high-level. Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, is the. its reproduction: different forms of…

www. thefullwiki. org

• Finland. Wikis (The Full Wiki) www. thefullwiki. org/Finland A total of about one million residents live in the Greater Helsinki area (which. of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing and. The new jobs in… • Helsinki - The Full Wiki - Students, get citable references. Helsinki (listen (help · info); Swedish: Helsingfors, listen (help · info)) is the capital and largest city in Finland. It is in the southern part of Finland, on. www. thefullwiki. org/Helsinki -

investing. businessweek. com

• Helsinki Business and Science Park Oy Ltd: Private Company. Jobs; Blog: Econochat; Companies. The point of the Internet of things is services, not products. Technology. Helsinki, 00790. Finland. Founded in. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/private/. - • STORA ENSO OYJ-R SHS (STERV:Helsinki): Stock Quote. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Its Other segment provides forest management services; and produces electricity and heat. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. • Triotto Office Building in Kapyla, Helsinki: Private Company. Technology. Why Bing Is Critical. an office building with a floor area of approximately 15,500 square meters located in Helsinki, Finland. Post a. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/private/. - • CRAMO OYJ (CRA1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Day High. €11.35. Day Low. €11.13. 52 Week High. 03/12/12 - €12.67. Cramo Oyj operates a network of 409 depots and offices in Finland, Sweden, Norway. • SANOMA OYJ (SAA1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Sanoma Corporation operates as a media company in Finland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Russia and CEE, and internationally. It publishes 280 magazine titles. • CARGOTEC OYJ-B SHARE (CGCBV:Helsinki): Stock Quote. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Day High. €24.85. Day Low. €24.10. 52 Week High. 03/19/12 - €33.62. 52 Week Low. truck manufacturers. The company is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. • QPR SOFTWARE OYJ (QPR1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. ». Day High. €0.98. Day Low. €0.98. 52 Week High. 08/1/12 - €1.00. 52 Week Low. QPR Software Plc provides software, solutions, and consultation services in the areas of. The company was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. Post a JobJobs. • RAISIO PLC-V SHS (RAIVV:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Day High. €3.19. Day Low. €3.12. 52 Week High. 02/14/13 - €3.24. 52 Week Low. Raisio plc sells its products primarily in Finland, the Great Britain, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Poland. entered in the list of owners kept by Euroclear Finland Ltd. on the record date 3 April 2013. Post a JobJobs. Chief Technology Officer. • KONE OYJ-B (KNEBV:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. Oct 1, 2012 – It offers elevators, escalators, autowalks, automatic doors, and monitoring and access control systems for residential and office buildings, public. • F-SECURE OYJ (FSC1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SECTOR. ». Day High. €1.65. Day Low. €1.62. 52 Week High. 03/14/12 - €2.05. 52 Week Low. It provides security suites, such as anti-virus and online backup services for computers; mobile. F-Secure Oyj was founded in 1988 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland. Post a JobJobs. • IXONOS OYJ (XNS1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. It is involved in concept design, consulting, and project management, as well as offers software production, hosting, and maintenance services. La compañia. • NESTE OIL OYJ (NES1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. €11.26. Day High. €11.30. Day Low. €11.05. 52 Week High. 02/1/13 - €12.23. The company also provides technology, engineering, and project services for various. The dividend will be paid to shareholders who are included in the list of shareholders maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd. on the record. Post a JobJobs. • Supercell Oy: Private Company Information - Businessweek investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/private/snapshot. asp. The company was founded in 2010 and is based in Helsinki, Finland. High Tech Center. Tammasaarenkatu 5. Helsinki. Finland. Founded in 2010. Phone. • TIETO OYJ (TIE1V:Helsinki): Stock Quote & Company Profile. investing. businessweek. com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot. asp. €18.13. Day High. €18.14. Day Low. €17.91. 52 Week High. 03/8/13 - €18.43. Tieto Oyj provides IT and product engineering services primarily in northern Europe. and technology consulting, as well as Teito Future Office, an intranet system; and. Tieto Oyj was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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althistory. wikia. com

• Finland (Finland Superpower) - Alternative History althistory. wikia. com/wiki/Finland_(Finland_Superpower) Finland is a Constitutional republic, with a mostly Helsinki-based central. of national performance such as the share of high-technology manufacturing. 18 % of residents are outside job market at the age of 50 and less than a. There is over 135 airships in service in Helsinki alone, and over 2,500 in the entire country.

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• NACP Job Opportunities www. nacarbon. org/nacp/job. html The ICOS Head Office is based in Helsinki, Finland (the statutory seat), with a. NEON will use cutting edge technology including an airborne observation platform that will. All of these efforts are geared toward providing high-quality data products to. Interested candidates should send a CV with a list of 3 references to.

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• Increased prevalence of depression, smoking, heavy drinking and. lib. bioinfo. pl/paper:15233317 10+ items – Health risk factors and self-rated health among job-seekers. Soc Sci Med. 2012 May 30;: 22742923Intergenerational. Health Policy. 2011 Oct ;102 (2-3):159-69 21802761Analysis of the impact of. • Neuropsychiatry of frontal lobe dys in violent and criminal. lib. bioinfo. pl/paper:11723190 10+ items –. caudate nucleus following stereotactic placement of lesions. Front Psychol. 2011 ;2 :152 21747775Ulrike M KrämerJ Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2011 ;23 (2):132-40. Jill S Shapira [PDF] • Antisocial burnout: an exploratory study. lib. bioinfo. pl/paper:1873572 10+ items – It is a secondary analysis of data collected in studies making up. Psychiatry Res. 2010 Apr 1;: 20363030 CitIncremental effect for antisocial. Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2010 ;9 :4 20148107 CitCharacteristics of mentally ill. • The correlates of comorbid antisocial personality disorder in. lib. bioinfo. pl/paper:15954191 Health Services Research Department, Institute of Psychiatry, London, UK. creates considerable morbidity, is associated with high costs to services and to society, and. Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA. robert. morgan@ttu. edu. Department of Psychiatry, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.

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Kuva:Chlorophyll structure. png:n, Klorofylli b ja Klorofylli d yhteinen rakenne]] Lehtivihreä eli klorofylli on orgaaninen molekyyli, jonka avulla kasvit yhteyttäminen. Klorofylli on rakenteeltaan Magnesium-keskusatomillinen porfyriini. Se kykenee helposti kuljettamaan ylimääräiset elektronit keskusatomilta reunoille, joissa elektronit sidotaan kemiallisesti. Lehtivihreäksi voidaan myös kutsua kasvisolujen viherhiukkanen eli kloroplasteja, jotka ovat niitä soluorganelli, jotka vastaavat itse yhteyttämisestä. Kehittyneemmillä kasveilla lehtivihreä on viherhiukkasissa, bakteerit kalvojen rakenneosina. Näitä viherhiukkasia on runsaasti lähestulkoon kaikissa kasvin maanpäällisissä osissa, ja ne ovat lähinnä vastuussa kasvien vihreästä väristä. Yksisoluinen makean veden levä ''Chlorella vulgaris'' sisältää enemmän klorofylliä kuin mikään muu tunnettu organismi (3-5 %). Chlorella - nimi itsessään viittaa vihreään ja klorofylliin. Klorofyllimolekyylit, esimerkiksi p680, absorboivat hyvin valon sininen ja punainen aallonpituus, mutta huonosti vihreä, joita ne sen sijaan heijastavat ja siksi ne näkyvätkin vihreinä. Lehtivihreän rakenteen selvitti saksalainen Nobelin kemianpalkinto Richard Willstätter. Lehtivihreää eli klorofylliä ja klorofylliiniä käytetään myös elintarvike elintarvikelisäaine E-koodilla E 140. Myös näiden johdannaisia, klorofyllikuparikomplekseja ja klorofylliinikuparikomplekseja, käytetään elintarvikkeiden lisäaineena E-koodilla E 141. Kuva:Chlorophyll ab spectra. png Kuva:Chlorophyll c. png


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Athletic Bilbao

Athletic Club . tunnetaan myös nimellä Athletic Bilbao . on espanjalainen jalkapalloseura Bilbaossa Baskimaa (itsehallintoalue). Sen perusti joukko opiskelijoita vuonna 1898. Athleticin edustusjoukkue pelaa Espanjan korkeimmalla sarjatasolla Primera Divisiónissa. Kotiottelunsa joukkue pelaa San Mamésin stadionilla. Seuran ominaispiirre on perinne, jonka mukaan edustusjoukkueen pelaajisto koostuu vain Baskimaa alueella syntyneistä tai tämän alueen seurojen kasvattamista pelaajista. Seuran menestyksekkääseen historiaan sisältyy kahdeksan Espanjan pääsarjamestaruutta, 24 Espanjan cup-mestaruutta ja UEFA Europa League toinen sija vuodelta 1977. Se on Real Madridin ja FC Barcelona ohella ainoa seura, joka ei koskaan ole pudonnut Espanjan korkeimmalta sarjatasolta. Edelliset mestaruudet ovat kuitenkin 1980-luvulta ja sittemmin Athletic on pääasiassa kamppaillut heikommista sijoituksista ja jopa putoamista vastaan. Kaudella 2006–2007 joukkue sijoittui sarjan 17:ksi ja säilytti sarjapaikkansa vain yhden pisteen turvin. Vuonna 2009 Athletic ylsi Espanjan cupin Copa del Reyn loppuotteluun ensimmäistä kertaa 24 vuoteen. __notoc__ Kaudella 2011-2012 Bilbao eteni Marcelo Bielsan alaisuudessa jälleen Copa del Reyn finaaliin. Seura menestyi myös eurokentillä, kun Bielsa johdatti baskit UEFA Cupin korvanneen Eurooppa-liigan loppuotteluun 35 vuoden tauon jälkeen. Unelma mestaruudesta kaatui finaalitappioon Club Atlético de Madridille maalein 3-0.


Primera División (8): 1929–1930, 1930–1931, 1933–1934, 1935–1936, 1942–1943, 1955–1956, 1982–1983, 1983–1984 Hopeaa (7): 1931-1932, 1932-1933, 1940-1941, 1946-1947, 1951-1952, 1969-1970, 1997-1998 Copa del Rey (24): 1902 (yhdistetty joukkue FC Bilbaon kanssa), 1903, 1904, 1910, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1921, 1923, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1950, 1955, 1956, 1958, 1969, 1973, 1984 Hopeaa (13): 1905, 1906, 1913, 1920, 1942, 1949, 1953, 1966, 1967, 1985, 2009, 2012 Supercopa de España (2): 1984 UEFA Cup/UEFA Europa League Finalisti (2): 1977, 2012


Nykyinen joukkue

:''Tilanne 1. syyskuuta 2012.'' | style="vertical-align: top;" | |>

Tunnettuja entisiä pelaajia

Rafael Alkorta Agustín Sauto Arana Daniel Ruiz-Bazán Joseba Etxeberria Santiago Ezquerro Andoni Goikoetxea Guillermo Gorostiza José Ángel Iribar Bixente Lizarazu Pichichi Victorio Unamuno Fidel Uriarte Telmo Zarra Andoni Zubizarreta

Tunnettuja entisiä valmentajia

Joaquín Caparrós Javier Clemente José Manuel Esnal Luis Fernández Jupp Heynckes Howard Kendall José Luis Mendilibar Milorad Pavić (jalkapalloilija) Iñaki Sáez Ernesto Valverde


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http://www. athletic-club. net/ Athletic Clubin virallinen sivusto http://www. uefa. com/teamsandplayers/teams/club=50125/profile/ Athletic Club Euroopan jalkapalloliiton sivustolla Luokka:Bilbao Luokka:Espanjalaiset jalkapalloseurat ar:أتلتيك بيلباو an:Athletic Club ast:Athletic Club az:Atletik (Bilbao) id:Athletic Bilbao jv:Athletic Bilbao be-x-old:Атлетык Більбао bg:Атлетик Билбао ca:Athletic Club cs:Athletic Bilbao cy:Athletic Bilbao da:Athletic Bilbao de:Athletic Bilbao et:Athletic Bilbao el:Αθλέτικ Μπιλμπάο en:Athletic Bilbao es:Athletic Club eo:Athletic Bilbao ext:Athletic Club eu:Bilboko Athletic Kluba fa:باشگاه فوتبال اتلتیک بیلبائو fr:Athletic Bilbao gl:Athletic Club ko:아틀레틱 빌바오 hy:Ատլետիկ Բիլբաո hr:Athletic Bilbao it:Athletic Club he:אתלטיק בילבאו ka:ატლეტიკი ბილბაო (საფეხბურთო კლუბი) lv:Bilbao "Athletic" lt:Athletic C. Bilbao hu:Athletic Club mr:अ‍ॅथलेटिक बिल्बाओ nl:Athletic Bilbao ja:アスレティック・ビルバオ no:Athletic Bilbao oc:Athletic Club uz:Athletic Bilbao pms:Athletic Bilbao pl:Athletic Bilbao pt:Athletic Club ro:Athletic Bilbao ru:Атлетик Бильбао sq:Athletic Bilbao simple:Athletic Bilbao sk:Athletic Club ckb:ئەتلەتیکۆ بیلباو sr:ФК Атлетик Билбао sv:Athletic Bilbao th:แอทเลติกบิลบาโอ vi:Athletic Bilbao tr:Athletic Bilbao uk:Атлетік Більбао diq:Athletic Bilbao zh:毕尔巴鄂竞技俱乐部


Magnesium () on alkuaine, jonka järjestysluku (kemia) on 12, kemiallinen merkki Mg ja CAS-numero 7439-95-4. Se on kevyt, kirkkaan hopeanvalkoinen maa-alkalimetalli, jota käytetään esimerkiksi alumiini-magnesium-seosmetallien valmistukseen.


Kuva:Magnesium crystals. jpg Magnesium on kahdeksanneksi yleisin alkuaine maankuoressa. Sitä ei esiinny luonnossa vapaana alkuaineena vaan ainoastaan kemiallinen yhdiste, jotka yleensä ovat ioniyhdisteitä. Ioneina magnesiumia on paljon myös meriveteen liuenneena, etupäässä magnesiumsulfaatti ja magnesiumkloridi. Magnesiumia on myös useissa mineraaleissa, erityisesti dolomiitti (sekakarbonaatti CaCO<sub>3</sub>·MgCO<sub>3</sub>) ja magnesiitti (MgCO<sub>3</sub>). Asbesti sekä talkki ovat myös magnesiumin yhdisteitä. Maankuoressa magnesiumia on 23,3&nbsp;kg/t ja merivedessä 1,35&nbsp;kg/m<sup>3</sup>. Magnesiumin merkittävimmät esiintymisalueet ovat Ukraina, Kiina, Pohjois-Korea, Venäjä ja Australia.


Magnesium on pehmeä ja yleisessä käytössä olevista metalli kevyin. Magnesium on kemiallisesti aktiivinen – se reagoi helposti heikkojenkin happojen, jopa veden, muttei fluorivetyhappojen eikä emästen kanssa. Reaktio viileän veden kanssa on erittäin hidas, mutta kiehuvassa vedessä se tapahtuu nopeasti. Ilmassa magnesium peittyy oksidikerroksella. Sen elektronegatiivisuus on 1,31 ja ensimmäinen ionisoitumisenergia 736 kJ/mol. Yhdisteinä magnesiumia on yhteyttäminen kannalta tärkeässä klorofyllissä, ja se on tärkeä myös ihmisen elintoiminnoille. Magnesium toimii eräiden entsyymien aktivaattorina fotosynteesissä, soluhengityksessä ja nukleiinihappojen valmistuksessa. Magnesiumia tarvitaan erityisesti sydän - ja verenkiertoelimistössä ja se edistää A-vitamiini ja E-vitamiinien sekä muiden mineraalien ja hivenaineiden hyväksikäyttöä.


Magnesiumia valmistetaan teollisesti merivesi. Kalsiumkarbonaatti (CaCO<sub>3</sub>, kalkki) kuumennetaan kalsiumoksidiksi (CaO, poltettu kalkki), joka edelleen veden kanssa reagoi kalsiumhydroksidiksi (Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub>, sammutettu kalkki). Kalsiumhydroksidia tarvitaan luovuttamaan hydroksidi-ioni OH<sup>-</sup> meriveteen liuenneille Mg<sup>2+</sup>-ioneille, jolloin muodostuu magnesiumhydroksidisakka Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub>. Magnesiumhydroksidi reagoi vetykloridihappo HCl kanssa magnesiumkloridiksi MgCl<sub>2</sub> ja vesi. Vesi haihdutetaan ja kidevesi MgCl<sub>2</sub> kuumennetaan n. 720 °C, jolloin kidevesi poistuu ja saadaan sulaa MgCl<sub>2</sub>. Edelleen elektrolyysi: katodi: Mg<sup>2+</sup> + 2e<sup>-</sup> → Mg anodi: 2Cl<sup>-</sup> → Cl<sub>2</sub> + 2e<sup>-</sup>



Kuva:Bundesarchiv Bild 102-12062, Wasserreiter mit Magnesiumfackeln. jpgia magnesiumsoihtujen valossa. Magnesium palaa erittäin kirkkaasti.]] Magnesiumia käytetään pelkistyminen valmistettaessa muita metalleja (titaani, zirkonium, hafnium, beryllium). Lisäksi se on ainesosana monissa metalliseoksissa kuten duralumiinissa, magnaliumissa ja elektronissa. Magnesium kestää korroosiota hyvin bensiinissä ja monissa öljyissä, mutta ei kloridipitoisissa liuoksissa eikä mineraalihapoissa. Myös magnesiumseokset korroosionkesto on heikko, joten ne on suojattava pinnoitteella. Muiden metallien rinnalla magnesiummetallit toimivat anodi. Seostamalla magnesiumin sekaan muita metalleja saadaan parannettua sen lujuusominaisuuksia. Hyvin magnesiumpitoisissa metalliseoksissa yhdistyvät lujuus ja keveys, ja siksi ne ovat tärkeitä esimerkiksi lentokoneteollisuudessa sekä monissa instrumenteissa. Magnesiumia on käytetty keveyttä ja lujuutta vaativissa rakenteissa, kuten etenkin 1950-luvun jälkeen nopeissa sotilaslentokoneissa ja ohjuksissa. Valokuvaus alkuaikoina magnesiumia käytettiin salamavalona, sillä nopeasti palaessaan se tuottaa hetkellisesti suuren valotehon. Samasta syystä sitä käytetään myös ilotulitusvälineissä.


Magnesiumin yhdisteistä tärkeimpiä ovat sulfaatti, oksidit ja karbonaatti. Kidevedellisistä magnesium - ja kalsiumkarbonaateista muodostuvaa dolomiittia käytetään jossain määrin ainakin maatalous maanparannusaineena. Kidevedellistä magnesiumsulfaattia, magnesiumoksidin vesilietettä ja magnesiumhydroksidia käytetään lääkeaineina. Monet Lannoite sisältävät magnesiumia, sillä se on tärkeä kasviravinne. Magnesiumin puute näkyy värin vähenemisenä kasvin lehtisuonten väleissä. Eläinlääkinnässä magnesiumilla on suuri merkitys. Sen puute aiheuttaa karjalle ja hevonen laidunhalvausta. Image:Magnesium tablets. jpg

Magnesium ihmisen ravitsemuksessa

Magnesium on ihmisille ja eläimille välttämätön kivennäisaine: Hyväksi sydän toiminnalle. Erityisesti diureetteja käyttävien sydänpotilaiden pitäisi syödä hivenaineita, joissa on muun muassa magnesiumia. Saattaa alentaa kolesteroliarvoja. Rappeutumissairauksissa kuten kuulonalenemassa ja tinnitus voi magnesiumlisästä olla hyötyä. Puute saattaa edistää muun muassa joitakin syöpälajeja, lisätä PMS-oireita ja masennusta. Magnesiumista saattaa olla hyötyä neurologia häiriöissä. Sitä on kokeiltu autismissa, ylivilkkausoireyhtymässä, Touretten oireyhtymässä. Levottomat jalat ja suonenveto saattavat korjaantua magnesium - ja kalkkilisällä. Pitkäaikaista käyttöä ei kuitenkaan suositella. Magnesium on hammas ja luuston rakenneosa. 60 prosenttia elimistön magnesiumista on luustossa. Magnesium aktivoi entsyymi. Se osallistuu hermoimpulssien johtumiseen ja on tärkeä lihaskudokset supistumiselle. Runsaasti magnesiumia saavilla on todettu vähemmän diabetesta, ilmenee 2011 julkistetusta meta-analyysitutkimuksesta. Rytmihäiriöiden ja astmakohtausten on tutkimusten mukaan todettu helpottuvan magnesiumruiskeilla. Tutkittaessa magnesiumin puutetta elimistössä se on mitattava kokoverestä. Valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunnan suositus naisilla on keskimäärin noin 280&nbsp;mg/vrk, miehillä 350&nbsp;mg/vrk, missä on otettu huomioon turvallisuusraja. Työikäiset suomalaiset saavat magnesiumia keskimäärin noin 340&nbsp;mg/vrk (naiset) ja 428&nbsp;mg/vrk (miehet), nuoret enemmän kuin vanhat. Hyviä magnesiumin lähteitä ovat täysjyvävilja, kasvikset, kala ja liha. Runsas kalkki, fosforin, sinkki ja valkuaisaineiden (proteiinin) ja kasvisten fytaattien, eläinrasvan ja kuitujen saanti vähentää magnesiumin imeytymistä ja hyväksikäyttöä. Kalkkia ja magnesiumia ei suositella siksi otettavaksi yhtä aikaa. Toisaalta runsas ylimääräisen magnesiumin saanti häiritsee muiden hivenaineiden imeytymistä. Siksi ravinnelisien runsasta ja pitkäaikaista käyttöä ei suositella.

Magnesiumin yhdisteitä

Magnesiumarsenaatti (AsH<sub>3</sub>O<sub>4</sub> • xMg), CAS-numero 10103-50-1 Magnesiumfosfidi (Mg<sub>3</sub>P<sub>2</sub> / Mg=P-Mg-P=Mg ), CAS-numero 12057-74-8 Magnesiumkarbonaatti (MgCO<sub>3</sub>), CAS-numero 546-93-0 Magnesiumhydroksidi (Mg(OH)<sub>2</sub>), CAS-numero 1309-42-8 Magnesiumkloridi (MgCl<sub>2</sub>), CAS-numero 7786-30-3 Magnesiumnitraatti (Mg(NO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>), CAS-numero 10377-60-3 Magnesiumoksidi (MgO), CAS-numero 1309-48-4 Magnesiumstearaatti (C<sub>36</sub>H<sub>70</sub>MgO<sub>4</sub> / Mg(C<sub>18</sub>H<sub>35</sub>O<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>), CAS-numero 557-04-0 Magnesiumsulfaatti (MgSO<sub>4</sub>), CAS-numero 7487-88-9


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Wikipedia:Luettelo täsmennyssivuista


0&nbsp;&ndash; 000&nbsp;&ndash; 08/15&nbsp;&ndash; 1. armeija&nbsp;&ndash; 1. divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 1. panssaridivisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 10. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 101 dalmatialaista&nbsp;&ndash; 11. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 12. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 12 apinaa&nbsp;&ndash; 163. divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 2. armeija&nbsp;&ndash; 2. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 2. jääkäriprikaati&nbsp;&ndash; 2001: Avaruusseikkailu&nbsp;&ndash; 20 Golden Greats&nbsp;&ndash; 3. armeija&nbsp;&ndash; 3. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 30 unohtumatonta laulua&nbsp;&ndash; 4. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 40 unohtumatonta laulua&nbsp;&ndash; 4D&nbsp;&ndash; 4Kids&nbsp;&ndash; 5. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 5. sinfonia&nbsp;&ndash; 6. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 7. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 8. Divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; 8. armeija&nbsp;&ndash; 99 Ways to Die&nbsp;&ndash;


A-ajokortti&nbsp;&ndash; A-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; A1&nbsp;&ndash; AAA&nbsp;&ndash; AAAS&nbsp;&ndash; AAU&nbsp;&ndash; AB-ajokortti&nbsp;&ndash; ABA&nbsp;&ndash; ABC&nbsp;&ndash; ABC-saaret&nbsp;&ndash; ABS&nbsp;&ndash; ADB&nbsp;&ndash; ADC&nbsp;&ndash; ADD&nbsp;&ndash; ADS&nbsp;&ndash; AFA&nbsp;&ndash; AFC&nbsp;&ndash; AFL&nbsp;&ndash; AFM&nbsp;&ndash; AFP&nbsp;&ndash; AGF&nbsp;&ndash; AIP&nbsp;&ndash; AJR&nbsp;&ndash; ALS&nbsp;&ndash; ALV&nbsp;&ndash; AM2&nbsp;&ndash; AMD K8L&nbsp;&ndash; AMR&nbsp;&ndash; AMS&nbsp;&ndash; AMT&nbsp;&ndash; AOC&nbsp;&ndash; APA&nbsp;&ndash; APC&nbsp;&ndash; APD&nbsp;&ndash; APP&nbsp;&ndash; APT&nbsp;&ndash; APV&nbsp;&ndash; ARA Almirante Brown&nbsp;&ndash; ARA Independencia&nbsp;&ndash; ARA Santa Fe&nbsp;&ndash; ARA Santiago del Estero&nbsp;&ndash; ASAT&nbsp;&ndash; ASD&nbsp;&ndash; ASO&nbsp;&ndash; ATC&nbsp;&ndash; ATF&nbsp;&ndash; ATM&nbsp;&ndash; ATP&nbsp;&ndash; ATS&nbsp;&ndash; AUK&nbsp;&ndash; AVS&nbsp;&ndash; A Night at the Opera&nbsp;&ndash; Aa&nbsp;&ndash; Aach&nbsp;&ndash; Aakula&nbsp;&ndash; Aallotar&nbsp;&ndash; Aaltonen&nbsp;&ndash; Aappola&nbsp;&ndash; Aari&nbsp;&ndash; Aarni&nbsp;&ndash; Aatamin puvussa. ja vähän Eevankin&nbsp;&ndash; Aave&nbsp;&ndash; Aavejuna&nbsp;&ndash; Aavelaiva&nbsp;&ndash; Aavik&nbsp;&ndash; Aavikon laki&nbsp;&ndash; Ab&nbsp;&ndash; Ab urbe condita&nbsp;&ndash; Aba&nbsp;&ndash; Abakan&nbsp;&ndash; Abas&nbsp;&ndash; Abbado&nbsp;&ndash; Abbas&nbsp;&ndash; Abbey Road&nbsp;&ndash; Abbott&nbsp;&ndash; Abda&nbsp;&ndash; Abdi&nbsp;&ndash; Abdiel&nbsp;&ndash; Abduction&nbsp;&ndash; Abduktio&nbsp;&ndash; Abdul Razak&nbsp;&ndash; Abe&nbsp;&ndash; Abeille&nbsp;&ndash; Abelard&nbsp;&ndash; Abercrombie&nbsp;&ndash; Aberdare&nbsp;&ndash; Aberraatio&nbsp;&ndash; Abigail&nbsp;&ndash; Abingdon&nbsp;&ndash; Abiogeneesi&nbsp;&ndash; Able&nbsp;&ndash; Abondance&nbsp;&ndash; Aboukir&nbsp;&ndash; Abra&nbsp;&ndash; Abraasio&nbsp;&ndash; Abracadabra&nbsp;&ndash; Abrakadabra&nbsp;&ndash; Absolutismi&nbsp;&ndash; Absoluutti&nbsp;&ndash; Absorptio&nbsp;&ndash; Abstrakti&nbsp;&ndash; Absurdi&nbsp;&ndash; Abu Hamza&nbsp;&ndash; Ac&nbsp;&ndash; Académie&nbsp;&ndash; Acasta&nbsp;&ndash; Accelerando&nbsp;&ndash; Ace&nbsp;&ndash; Ace Ventura&nbsp;&ndash; Acer&nbsp;&ndash; Achenbach&nbsp;&ndash; Acheron&nbsp;&ndash; Acheron-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Achille&nbsp;&ndash; Achilles&nbsp;&ndash; Acid&nbsp;&ndash; Ackermann&nbsp;&ndash; Acorn&nbsp;&ndash; Acosta&nbsp;&ndash; Acre-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Act a Fool&nbsp;&ndash; Active&nbsp;&ndash; Acton&nbsp;&ndash; Ad&nbsp;&ndash; Ada&nbsp;&ndash; Adairin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Adam&nbsp;&ndash; Adams&nbsp;&ndash; Adamsin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Adaskin&nbsp;&ndash; Addicted&nbsp;&ndash; Addicted to You&nbsp;&ndash; Addy&nbsp;&ndash; Adele&nbsp;&ndash; Adios&nbsp;&ndash; Adlon&nbsp;&ndash; Adolf Aminoff&nbsp;&ndash; Admiralty&nbsp;&ndash; Adrar&nbsp;&ndash; Adrastea&nbsp;&ndash; Adressi&nbsp;&ndash; Adriano&nbsp;&ndash; Adventure&nbsp;&ndash; Adversus haereses&nbsp;&ndash; Ae&nbsp;&ndash; Aegukka&nbsp;&ndash; Aelita&nbsp;&ndash; Aelius&nbsp;&ndash; Aerobinen&nbsp;&ndash; Aerofobia&nbsp;&ndash; Aeros&nbsp;&ndash; Aetios&nbsp;&ndash; Af&nbsp;&ndash; Afar&nbsp;&ndash; Afeidas&nbsp;&ndash; Affekti&nbsp;&ndash; Affinity&nbsp;&ndash; Affleck&nbsp;&ndash; Afgaani&nbsp;&ndash; Afganistanin sisällissota&nbsp;&ndash; Afganistanin sotahistoria&nbsp;&ndash; Afonso&nbsp;&ndash; Africanus&nbsp;&ndash; Ag&nbsp;&ndash; Aga&nbsp;&ndash; Agassiz&nbsp;&ndash; Agathon&nbsp;&ndash; Age of Love&nbsp;&ndash; Agena&nbsp;&ndash; Agentti&nbsp;&ndash; Agios Georgios&nbsp;&ndash; Agis&nbsp;&ndash; Aglauros&nbsp;&ndash; Agnes&nbsp;&ndash; Agricola&nbsp;&ndash; Agrippa&nbsp;&ndash; Agrippina&nbsp;&ndash; Aguilera&nbsp;&ndash; Ah&nbsp;&ndash; Ahdasmielisyys&nbsp;&ndash; Ahde&nbsp;&ndash; Ahdistus&nbsp;&ndash; Ahenobarbus&nbsp;&ndash; Ahlbom&nbsp;&ndash; Ahlman&nbsp;&ndash; Ahlqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Ahmasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Ahneus&nbsp;&ndash; Ahnger&nbsp;&ndash; Aho&nbsp;&ndash; Ahokas (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Ahokylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ahola&nbsp;&ndash; Ahonen&nbsp;&ndash; Ahonkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ahteri&nbsp;&ndash; Ahvenlammi&nbsp;&ndash; Ahvenlampi&nbsp;&ndash; Ai&nbsp;&ndash; Aigle&nbsp;&ndash; Aihio&nbsp;&ndash; Aikakirjat&nbsp;&ndash; Aikka Hakala&nbsp;&ndash; Aikuinen nainen&nbsp;&ndash; Aimara&nbsp;&ndash; Aina&nbsp;&ndash; Ainali&nbsp;&ndash; Ainu&nbsp;&ndash; Aion&nbsp;&ndash; Airaksinen&nbsp;&ndash; Airamo&nbsp;&ndash; Airedale&nbsp;&ndash; Aitolos&nbsp;&ndash; Aittojärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Aittokoski&nbsp;&ndash; Aittokylä&nbsp;&ndash; Aivojumppa&nbsp;&ndash; Aivokuollut&nbsp;&ndash; Aix&nbsp;&ndash; Aj&nbsp;&ndash; Ajanlaskukiista&nbsp;&ndash; Ajastaika&nbsp;&ndash; Ajattelija&nbsp;&ndash; Ajatus&nbsp;&ndash; Ajax&nbsp;&ndash; Ajax-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Ajomies&nbsp;&ndash; Ak&nbsp;&ndash; Akamas&nbsp;&ndash; Akershus&nbsp;&ndash; Akka&nbsp;&ndash; Akkadi&nbsp;&ndash; Akkommodaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Akordi&nbsp;&ndash; Akseli&nbsp;&ndash; Aksentti&nbsp;&ndash; Akti&nbsp;&ndash; Aktio&nbsp;&ndash; Akula&nbsp;&ndash; Akun tehdas&nbsp;&ndash; Akuutti&nbsp;&ndash; Al&nbsp;&ndash; Al-Mansur&nbsp;&ndash; Al-Šarqiyya&nbsp;&ndash; Aladdin&nbsp;&ndash; Alakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Alan Campbell&nbsp;&ndash; Alan Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Alan White&nbsp;&ndash; Alanen&nbsp;&ndash; Alapin&nbsp;&ndash; Alaranta&nbsp;&ndash; Alasenjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Alatalo&nbsp;&ndash; Alba&nbsp;&ndash; Albacore&nbsp;&ndash; Albany&nbsp;&ndash; Albert Ehrensvärd&nbsp;&ndash; Albert I&nbsp;&ndash; Albert II&nbsp;&ndash; Albert Saksilainen&nbsp;&ndash; Alberti&nbsp;&ndash; Albiinomonninen&nbsp;&ndash; Albion&nbsp;&ndash; Albright&nbsp;&ndash; Albula&nbsp;&ndash; Albumi&nbsp;&ndash; Albury&nbsp;&ndash; Alcenius&nbsp;&ndash; Alcyone&nbsp;&ndash; Aldan&nbsp;&ndash; Alden&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandr Abramov&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandr Menšikov&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandr Popov&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandr Volkov&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandra Fjodorovna&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandrovsk&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksandrovskoje&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksanteri III&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksanteri Nevskin katedraali&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksanterinkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksanterintori&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksei Tolstoi&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksis&nbsp;&ndash; Aleksis Kiven katu&nbsp;&ndash; Alessandro&nbsp;&ndash; Alessi&nbsp;&ndash; Aletes&nbsp;&ndash; Aletheia&nbsp;&ndash; Aleutit&nbsp;&ndash; Alexa&nbsp;&ndash; Alexander&nbsp;&ndash; Alexander Mackenzie&nbsp;&ndash; Alexanderin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Alexandre Dumas&nbsp;&ndash; Alexei Eremenko&nbsp;&ndash; Alfie&nbsp;&ndash; Alfonso&nbsp;&ndash; Alfonso I&nbsp;&ndash; Alfonso II&nbsp;&ndash; Alfonso III&nbsp;&ndash; Algérie&nbsp;&ndash; Algerine&nbsp;&ndash; Algerine-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Algol&nbsp;&ndash; Alho&nbsp;&ndash; Ali&nbsp;&ndash; Alias&nbsp;&ndash; Alicia&nbsp;&ndash; Alien&nbsp;&ndash; Alien vs. Predator&nbsp;&ndash; Alisma&nbsp;&ndash; Alive&nbsp;&ndash; Aliyah&nbsp;&ndash; Aljoša&nbsp;&ndash; Alkemisti&nbsp;&ndash; Alketas&nbsp;&ndash; Alkoholi&nbsp;&ndash; Alku&nbsp;&ndash; All About Tonight&nbsp;&ndash; All I Ever Wanted&nbsp;&ndash; All I Wanna Do&nbsp;&ndash; Allas&nbsp;&ndash; Alleganyn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Alleghanyn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Allegheny&nbsp;&ndash; Allegro&nbsp;&ndash; Allemant&nbsp;&ndash; Allen&nbsp;&ndash; Allende&nbsp;&ndash; Allenin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Allerød&nbsp;&ndash; Allianssi&nbsp;&ndash; Alligator&nbsp;&ndash; Allokaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Allsvenskan&nbsp;&ndash; Almberg&nbsp;&ndash; Alois Stöger&nbsp;&ndash; Alone&nbsp;&ndash; Alonso&nbsp;&ndash; Alphaville&nbsp;&ndash; Alpi&nbsp;&ndash; Alposjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Altai&nbsp;&ndash; Altaria&nbsp;&ndash; Altes Schloss&nbsp;&ndash; Alueneuvosto&nbsp;&ndash; Aluke&nbsp;&ndash; Alus&nbsp;&ndash; Alutar&nbsp;&ndash; Alvito&nbsp;&ndash; Always&nbsp;&ndash; Am&nbsp;&ndash; Amadeus&nbsp;&ndash; Amalthea&nbsp;&ndash; Amancio&nbsp;&ndash; Amanita&nbsp;&ndash; Amar&nbsp;&ndash; Amarillo&nbsp;&ndash; Amarok&nbsp;&ndash; Amatsonit&nbsp;&ndash; Amatsukaze&nbsp;&ndash; Amazon&nbsp;&ndash; Amazonas&nbsp;&ndash; Ambon&nbsp;&ndash; Ambush&nbsp;&ndash; Amelia&nbsp;&ndash; Amen&nbsp;&ndash; Amenemhet&nbsp;&ndash; Amenhotep&nbsp;&ndash; America&nbsp;&ndash; American Pie&nbsp;&ndash; American Virgin&nbsp;&ndash; Americana&nbsp;&ndash; Amfibinen&nbsp;&ndash; Amfilokhos&nbsp;&ndash; Amhara&nbsp;&ndash; Amica&nbsp;&ndash; Amiraliteetti&nbsp;&ndash; Amis&nbsp;&ndash; Ammonios&nbsp;&ndash; Ammophila&nbsp;&ndash; Amor prohibido&nbsp;&ndash; Amos&nbsp;&ndash; Amphion-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Amyntas&nbsp;&ndash; An&nbsp;&ndash; Anabasis&nbsp;&ndash; Anadyr&nbsp;&ndash; Analogia&nbsp;&ndash; Analyysi&nbsp;&ndash; Analyyttinen&nbsp;&ndash; Anamneesi&nbsp;&ndash; Anan&nbsp;&ndash; Ananke&nbsp;&ndash; Anastasia&nbsp;&ndash; Anastasia Romanova&nbsp;&ndash; Anastasius&nbsp;&ndash; Anastasius I&nbsp;&ndash; Anastasius II&nbsp;&ndash; Anastomoosi&nbsp;&ndash; Anchorage Island&nbsp;&ndash; Ancona&nbsp;&ndash; And&nbsp;&ndash; Andersen&nbsp;&ndash; Andersin&nbsp;&ndash; Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; Andersonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Andersson&nbsp;&ndash; Andokides&nbsp;&ndash; Andrea Doria&nbsp;&ndash; Andreas&nbsp;&ndash; Andrei Kirilenko&nbsp;&ndash; Andrei Makarov&nbsp;&ndash; Andrew&nbsp;&ndash; Andrew Nicholson&nbsp;&ndash; Andrew Watson&nbsp;&ndash; Andromakhos&nbsp;&ndash; Andromeda&nbsp;&ndash; Andronikos&nbsp;&ndash; Andros&nbsp;&ndash; Andy Bell&nbsp;&ndash; Angband&nbsp;&ndash; Angel&nbsp;&ndash; Angel in Disguise&nbsp;&ndash; Angel of Death&nbsp;&ndash; Angelica&nbsp;&ndash; Angerer&nbsp;&ndash; Angervo&nbsp;&ndash; Anhava&nbsp;&ndash; Animal&nbsp;&ndash; Animals&nbsp;&ndash; Anita&nbsp;&ndash; Anjala&nbsp;&ndash; Ann&nbsp;&ndash; Anna-Liisa (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Anna Pavlova&nbsp;&ndash; Annie mestariampuja&nbsp;&ndash; Anomalia&nbsp;&ndash; Anonymous&nbsp;&ndash; Anonyymi&nbsp;&ndash; Another World&nbsp;&ndash; Ansa vanhemmille&nbsp;&ndash; Ansermet&nbsp;&ndash; Anson&nbsp;&ndash; Ante Tomić&nbsp;&ndash; Antena 3&nbsp;&ndash; Anthelia&nbsp;&ndash; Anthology&nbsp;&ndash; Anthony&nbsp;&ndash; Anti&nbsp;&ndash; Antichrist&nbsp;&ndash; Antidote&nbsp;&ndash; Antifasistinen komitea&nbsp;&ndash; Antifates&nbsp;&ndash; Antigonia&nbsp;&ndash; Antigonos&nbsp;&ndash; Antiikin kulttuuri&nbsp;&ndash; Antikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Antilooppi&nbsp;&ndash; Antiokhos&nbsp;&ndash; Antipatros Tyroslainen&nbsp;&ndash; Antonia&nbsp;&ndash; Antonio López&nbsp;&ndash; Antonio Álvarez&nbsp;&ndash; Antonius&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Hakala&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Halonen&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Hyvärinen&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Matikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Mäkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Niemi&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Rokka&nbsp;&ndash; Antti Siltavuori&nbsp;&ndash; Anttilan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Anttonen&nbsp;&ndash; Anu ja Mikko&nbsp;&ndash; Anzac&nbsp;&ndash; Ao&nbsp;&ndash; Aoi&nbsp;&ndash; Ap&nbsp;&ndash; Apache&nbsp;&ndash; Apama&nbsp;&ndash; Apameia&nbsp;&ndash; Aphis&nbsp;&ndash; Apila&nbsp;&ndash; Apollo&nbsp;&ndash; Apollodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Apollonia&nbsp;&ndash; Apollonios&nbsp;&ndash; Apologia&nbsp;&ndash; Appelberg&nbsp;&ndash; Appleton&nbsp;&ndash; Apu&nbsp;&ndash; Apurímac&nbsp;&ndash; Apus&nbsp;&ndash; Aq&nbsp;&ndash; Ar&nbsp;&ndash; Ara&nbsp;&ndash; Arabeski&nbsp;&ndash; Arabia&nbsp;&ndash; Arabian aavikko&nbsp;&ndash; Arabis&nbsp;&ndash; Arafat&nbsp;&ndash; Arajuuri&nbsp;&ndash; Arajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Aranda&nbsp;&ndash; Arapi&nbsp;&ndash; Arbiter&nbsp;&ndash; Arcana&nbsp;&ndash; Archer&nbsp;&ndash; Ardašir&nbsp;&ndash; Arden&nbsp;&ndash; Ardent&nbsp;&ndash; Areena&nbsp;&ndash; Arena&nbsp;&ndash; Arenaria&nbsp;&ndash; Argeș&nbsp;&ndash; Argiope&nbsp;&ndash; Argonaut&nbsp;&ndash; Argos&nbsp;&ndash; Argun&nbsp;&ndash; Argus&nbsp;&ndash; Ari Heikkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Ari Pulkkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Ariarathes&nbsp;&ndash; Ariel&nbsp;&ndash; Arima&nbsp;&ndash; Arimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Ariobarzanes&nbsp;&ndash; Aristobulos&nbsp;&ndash; Aristokles&nbsp;&ndash; Ariston&nbsp;&ndash; Arkaainen&nbsp;&ndash; Arkhestratos&nbsp;&ndash; Arkitekturmuseet&nbsp;&ndash; Arkki&nbsp;&ndash; Arkona&nbsp;&ndash; Arktika&nbsp;&ndash; Arlington&nbsp;&ndash; Armada&nbsp;&ndash; Armageddon&nbsp;&ndash; Armavir&nbsp;&ndash; Armazi&nbsp;&ndash; Armeija&nbsp;&ndash; Armeijaryhmä A&nbsp;&ndash; Armeijaryhmä B&nbsp;&ndash; Armide&nbsp;&ndash; Armstrong&nbsp;&ndash; Armstrongin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Arno&nbsp;&ndash; Arola&nbsp;&ndash; Arrival&nbsp;&ndash; Arrow&nbsp;&ndash; Arsenal&nbsp;&ndash; Arsinoe&nbsp;&ndash; Art house&nbsp;&ndash; Artakserkses&nbsp;&ndash; Artemidoros&nbsp;&ndash; Arthur&nbsp;&ndash; Arthur Dent&nbsp;&ndash; Arthur Gardner&nbsp;&ndash; Artikkeli&nbsp;&ndash; Artisokat&nbsp;&ndash; Artland&nbsp;&ndash; Arvidsjaur&nbsp;&ndash; Arvokisa&nbsp;&ndash; Arvola&nbsp;&ndash; Arylah&nbsp;&ndash; Aršan&nbsp;&ndash; As&nbsp;&ndash; Asa&nbsp;&ndash; Asakura&nbsp;&ndash; Ascension&nbsp;&ndash; Aschenbach&nbsp;&ndash; Asema&nbsp;&ndash; Asemakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Asemanseutu&nbsp;&ndash; Asenne&nbsp;&ndash; Asennus&nbsp;&ndash; Asentohoito&nbsp;&ndash; Ashanti&nbsp;&ndash; Ashes to Ashes&nbsp;&ndash; Ashland&nbsp;&ndash; Asia&nbsp;&ndash; Asikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Asklepiades&nbsp;&ndash; Aslan&nbsp;&ndash; Aspegren&nbsp;&ndash; Aspekti&nbsp;&ndash; Aspelin&nbsp;&ndash; Aspiraatio&nbsp;&ndash; Aspö&nbsp;&ndash; Assembly&nbsp;&ndash; Assimilaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Assosiaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Astara&nbsp;&ndash; Asteikko&nbsp;&ndash; Asterismi&nbsp;&ndash; Astraali&nbsp;&ndash; Astraea&nbsp;&ndash; Astydameia&nbsp;&ndash; Asunta&nbsp;&ndash; At&nbsp;&ndash; Atalanta&nbsp;&ndash; Atanasios&nbsp;&ndash; A Taste of Honey&nbsp;&ndash; Atbarah&nbsp;&ndash; Atchisonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Ateneum&nbsp;&ndash; Athabasca&nbsp;&ndash; Athenagoras&nbsp;&ndash; Athenodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Athens&nbsp;&ndash; Atlantic&nbsp;&ndash; Atlas&nbsp;&ndash; Atoll&nbsp;&ndash; Attalos&nbsp;&ndash; Attenborough&nbsp;&ndash; Atterberg&nbsp;&ndash; Attica&nbsp;&ndash; Attitude&nbsp;&ndash; Attribuutti&nbsp;&ndash; Attu&nbsp;&ndash; Au&nbsp;&ndash; Au Pair&nbsp;&ndash; Aubrey Powell&nbsp;&ndash; Audacious&nbsp;&ndash; Audacious-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Audacity&nbsp;&ndash; Auerbach&nbsp;&ndash; August Soininen&nbsp;&ndash; Augusta&nbsp;&ndash; Aulay Macaulay&nbsp;&ndash; Aulin&nbsp;&ndash; Aunus&nbsp;&ndash; Aura&nbsp;&ndash; Auran hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Aurdal&nbsp;&ndash; Auringon temppeli&nbsp;&ndash; Aurinkopaneeli&nbsp;&ndash; Aurora&nbsp;&ndash; Autenttisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Autere&nbsp;&ndash; Autio&nbsp;&ndash; Autonomismi&nbsp;&ndash; Auvinen&nbsp;&ndash; Av&nbsp;&ndash; Avaari&nbsp;&ndash; Avalanche&nbsp;&ndash; Avanti&nbsp;&ndash; Avatar&nbsp;&ndash; Avellan&nbsp;&ndash; Avenger&nbsp;&ndash; Avery&nbsp;&ndash; Avi&nbsp;&ndash; Aw&nbsp;&ndash; Awa&nbsp;&ndash; Ax&nbsp;&ndash; Axis&nbsp;&ndash; Ayoze&nbsp;&ndash; Ayres&nbsp;&ndash; Az&nbsp;&ndash; Azeri&nbsp;&ndash; Azo&nbsp;&ndash; Azukizakan taistelu&nbsp;&ndash;


B-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; B-vitamiini&nbsp;&ndash; B. A.R&nbsp;&ndash; B5&nbsp;&ndash; BBC Sessions&nbsp;&ndash; BBL&nbsp;&ndash; BCC&nbsp;&ndash; BCG&nbsp;&ndash; BCN&nbsp;&ndash; BESSY&nbsp;&ndash; BGE&nbsp;&ndash; BMI&nbsp;&ndash; BMP&nbsp;&ndash; BNP&nbsp;&ndash; BSA&nbsp;&ndash; BSP&nbsp;&ndash; Ba&nbsp;&ndash; Baade&nbsp;&ndash; Baarikärpänen&nbsp;&ndash; Babbitt&nbsp;&ndash; Babcock&nbsp;&ndash; Babel&nbsp;&ndash; Baby&nbsp;&ndash; Bache&nbsp;&ndash; Backman&nbsp;&ndash; Bacon&nbsp;&ndash; Bad Boy&nbsp;&ndash; Bad Boys&nbsp;&ndash; Bad Day&nbsp;&ndash; Bad taste&nbsp;&ndash; Bada&nbsp;&ndash; Badding&nbsp;&ndash; Bader&nbsp;&ndash; Badlands&nbsp;&ndash; Bahr&nbsp;&ndash; Baião&nbsp;&ndash; Bailey&nbsp;&ndash; Bajan&nbsp;&ndash; Bakerin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Baki&nbsp;&ndash; Balance of Power&nbsp;&ndash; Balanssi&nbsp;&ndash; Balboa&nbsp;&ndash; Baldwin&nbsp;&ndash; Ball&nbsp;&ndash; Baltasin piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Baltian rautatieasema&nbsp;&ndash; Bam&nbsp;&ndash; Bambara&nbsp;&ndash; Bamboo&nbsp;&ndash; Banach&nbsp;&ndash; Banana&nbsp;&ndash; Bangkokin kansainvälinen lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Bangura&nbsp;&ndash; Bank of America Plaza&nbsp;&ndash; Banks&nbsp;&ndash; Bar&nbsp;&ndash; Barahona&nbsp;&ndash; Baranov&nbsp;&ndash; Barbareskisota&nbsp;&ndash; Barbarossa&nbsp;&ndash; Barber&nbsp;&ndash; Barbi&nbsp;&ndash; Barbourin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bari&nbsp;&ndash; Barry&nbsp;&ndash; Barryn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bart&nbsp;&ndash; Bartonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bartramia&nbsp;&ndash; Barysentrinen koordinaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Basileides&nbsp;&ndash; Basileios&nbsp;&ndash; Basilika&nbsp;&ndash; Baski&nbsp;&ndash; Baskimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Bass&nbsp;&ndash; Bass-saaret&nbsp;&ndash; Basset&nbsp;&ndash; Bastardi&nbsp;&ndash; Batavia&nbsp;&ndash; Bates&nbsp;&ndash; Bathin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bathurst&nbsp;&ndash; Batis&nbsp;&ndash; Batista&nbsp;&ndash; Batman (animaatiosarja)&nbsp;&ndash; Battle Royale&nbsp;&ndash; Battleaxe&nbsp;&ndash; Battlefront&nbsp;&ndash; Bauer&nbsp;&ndash; Baum&nbsp;&ndash; Baumgartner&nbsp;&ndash; Bay City&nbsp;&ndash; Bayern&nbsp;&ndash; Bayle&nbsp;&ndash; Bayn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Baškiiri&nbsp;&ndash; Bb&nbsp;&ndash; Bc&nbsp;&ndash; Bd&nbsp;&ndash; Be&nbsp;&ndash; Beat&nbsp;&ndash; Beaufort&nbsp;&ndash; Beaufortin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Beautiful Girl&nbsp;&ndash; Beaux-arts&nbsp;&ndash; Beaverin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Becker&nbsp;&ndash; Becoming&nbsp;&ndash; Bedford&nbsp;&ndash; Bedfordin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Beefeater&nbsp;&ndash; Beer&nbsp;&ndash; Behm&nbsp;&ndash; Behn&nbsp;&ndash; Beja&nbsp;&ndash; Beketov&nbsp;&ndash; Bel Ami&nbsp;&ndash; Believe&nbsp;&ndash; Bell&nbsp;&ndash; Bellamy&nbsp;&ndash; Belleville&nbsp;&ndash; Bellevue&nbsp;&ndash; Bellin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bellini&nbsp;&ndash; Bellucci&nbsp;&ndash; Belmont&nbsp;&ndash; Belmonte&nbsp;&ndash; Belt&nbsp;&ndash; Beluga&nbsp;&ndash; Belvoir&nbsp;&ndash; Ben Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Benbow&nbsp;&ndash; Benedictus&nbsp;&ndash; Benetton&nbsp;&ndash; Benga&nbsp;&ndash; Bengali&nbsp;&ndash; Bengalinkissa&nbsp;&ndash; Benji&nbsp;&ndash; Bennett&nbsp;&ndash; Bentonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bentso&nbsp;&ndash; Bentsodioksoli&nbsp;&ndash; Berenike&nbsp;&ndash; Berens&nbsp;&ndash; Berg&nbsp;&ndash; Berger&nbsp;&ndash; Berghamn&nbsp;&ndash; Bergholm&nbsp;&ndash; Bergius&nbsp;&ndash; Bergman&nbsp;&ndash; Berjozovka&nbsp;&ndash; Berkeley&nbsp;&ndash; Berkeleyn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Berliinin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Berliinin sopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Berlin&nbsp;&ndash; Berlinski&nbsp;&ndash; Berlioz&nbsp;&ndash; Berman&nbsp;&ndash; Bernard Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Bernardi&nbsp;&ndash; Bernd Schneider&nbsp;&ndash; Bernin sopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Bernstein&nbsp;&ndash; Beroia&nbsp;&ndash; Berrienin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bertil Karlsson&nbsp;&ndash; Bertolini&nbsp;&ndash; Berwick&nbsp;&ndash; Best&nbsp;&ndash; Beta&nbsp;&ndash; Betancourt&nbsp;&ndash; Betel&nbsp;&ndash; Betel-kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Bethesda&nbsp;&ndash; Bethlehem&nbsp;&ndash; Beto&nbsp;&ndash; Bettencourt&nbsp;&ndash; Beumer&nbsp;&ndash; Beyond Good and Evil&nbsp;&ndash; Bf&nbsp;&ndash; Bg&nbsp;&ndash; Bh&nbsp;&ndash; Bhaskara&nbsp;&ndash; Bhatia&nbsp;&ndash; Bi&nbsp;&ndash; Biaudet&nbsp;&ndash; Bibbin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Bichon&nbsp;&ndash; Biel&nbsp;&ndash; Big Bang Theory&nbsp;&ndash; Big Boy&nbsp;&ndash; Bignall&nbsp;&ndash; Bikini&nbsp;&ndash; Billionaire&nbsp;&ndash; Bima&nbsp;&ndash; Bimetallijärjestelmä&nbsp;&ndash; Binger&nbsp;&ndash; Biometria&nbsp;&ndash; Bion&nbsp;&ndash; Birch&nbsp;&ndash; Bird&nbsp;&ndash; Birdy&nbsp;&ndash; Birminghamin kansainvälinen lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Birnbaum&nbsp;&ndash; Bis&nbsp;&ndash; Bismarck&nbsp;&ndash; Bitchū&nbsp;&ndash; Bitsch&nbsp;&ndash; Bj&nbsp;&ndash; Björkhagen&nbsp;&ndash; Björkman&nbsp;&ndash; Björkö&nbsp;&ndash; Bk&nbsp;&ndash; Bl&nbsp;&ndash; Black&nbsp;&ndash; Black Angels&nbsp;&ndash; Black Bart&nbsp;&ndash; Black Eye&nbsp;&ndash; Black Hawk&nbsp;&ndash; Black Ice&nbsp;&ndash; Black Mask&nbsp;&ndash; Black Mesa&nbsp;&ndash; Black and White&nbsp;&ndash; Blackbird&nbsp;&ndash; Blackmore&nbsp;&ndash; Blackout&nbsp;&ndash; Blair&nbsp;&ndash; Blake&nbsp;&ndash; Blanche&nbsp;&ndash; Blanco Encalada&nbsp;&ndash; Blantyre&nbsp;&ndash; Blau&nbsp;&ndash; Blaze&nbsp;&ndash; Bleach&nbsp;&ndash; Bleeding&nbsp;&ndash; Blender&nbsp;&ndash; Blessed&nbsp;&ndash; Blind&nbsp;&ndash; Bliss&nbsp;&ndash; Blitz&nbsp;&ndash; Blitzkrieg&nbsp;&ndash; Blobel&nbsp;&ndash; Bloch&nbsp;&ndash; Blokki&nbsp;&ndash; Blom&nbsp;&ndash; Blomberg&nbsp;&ndash; Blomqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Blomstedt&nbsp;&ndash; Blonde&nbsp;&ndash; Blood Money&nbsp;&ndash; Blue&nbsp;&ndash; Blunt&nbsp;&ndash; Blyth&nbsp;&ndash; Blåfjellet&nbsp;&ndash; Blücher&nbsp;&ndash; Bm&nbsp;&ndash; Bn&nbsp;&ndash; Bo&nbsp;&ndash; Boa Vista&nbsp;&ndash; Boadicea&nbsp;&ndash; Boateng&nbsp;&ndash; Bob Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; Bob Bailey&nbsp;&ndash; Bobo&nbsp;&ndash; Boden&nbsp;&ndash; Bodo&nbsp;&ndash; Body Heat&nbsp;&ndash; Boe&nbsp;&ndash; Boethos&nbsp;&ndash; Boi&nbsp;&ndash; Bolaño&nbsp;&ndash; Bolaños&nbsp;&ndash; Boli&nbsp;&ndash; Bolognese&nbsp;&ndash; Bolt&nbsp;&ndash; Bolívar&nbsp;&ndash; Boman&nbsp;&ndash; Bomba&nbsp;&ndash; Bond&nbsp;&ndash; Bonfire&nbsp;&ndash; Bonifatius&nbsp;&ndash; Bonner&nbsp;&ndash; Bonnet&nbsp;&ndash; Booker&nbsp;&ndash; Boom Boom&nbsp;&ndash; Bootlegs & B-Sides&nbsp;&ndash; Bora&nbsp;&ndash; Borderline&nbsp;&ndash; Bore&nbsp;&ndash; Bore I&nbsp;&ndash; Bore II&nbsp;&ndash; Borg&nbsp;&ndash; Borges&nbsp;&ndash; Borgström&nbsp;&ndash; Boris Aleksandrov&nbsp;&ndash; Boris Gurevitš&nbsp;&ndash; Born&nbsp;&ndash; Borne&nbsp;&ndash; Boro&nbsp;&ndash; Bos&nbsp;&ndash; Bosch&nbsp;&ndash; Bosnialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Boss&nbsp;&ndash; Bossi&nbsp;&ndash; Boström&nbsp;&ndash; Bot&nbsp;&ndash; Botnia&nbsp;&ndash; Boulanger&nbsp;&ndash; Boulogne&nbsp;&ndash; Boumediene&nbsp;&ndash; Bounty&nbsp;&ndash; Bourbon&nbsp;&ndash; Boxer&nbsp;&ndash; Boyfriend&nbsp;&ndash; Boyle&nbsp;&ndash; Boys Don’t Cry&nbsp;&ndash; Bp&nbsp;&ndash; Bq&nbsp;&ndash; Br&nbsp;&ndash; Bra&nbsp;&ndash; Brad Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Brady&nbsp;&ndash; Brahe&nbsp;&ndash; Braintree&nbsp;&ndash; Brander&nbsp;&ndash; Brandon&nbsp;&ndash; Brandt&nbsp;&ndash; Brave&nbsp;&ndash; Bravo&nbsp;&ndash; Brax&nbsp;&ndash; Breakaway&nbsp;&ndash; Break of Dawn&nbsp;&ndash; Breakout&nbsp;&ndash; Breathe&nbsp;&ndash; Breitenfeldin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Bremer&nbsp;&ndash; Brennan&nbsp;&ndash; Brenner&nbsp;&ndash; Brenta&nbsp;&ndash; Brest&nbsp;&ndash; Breuer&nbsp;&ndash; Brian Baker&nbsp;&ndash; Brian Johnston&nbsp;&ndash; Brian Noble&nbsp;&ndash; Brighton Rock&nbsp;&ndash; Bridesmaid&nbsp;&ndash; Bristolin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Britney&nbsp;&ndash; Broadcast&nbsp;&ndash; Broadway&nbsp;&ndash; Broccoli&nbsp;&ndash; Brodin&nbsp;&ndash; Brofeldt&nbsp;&ndash; Broken Arrow&nbsp;&ndash; Bronislaw Malinowski&nbsp;&ndash; Bronte&nbsp;&ndash; Brontë&nbsp;&ndash; Brooks&nbsp;&ndash; Brother&nbsp;&ndash; Brothers&nbsp;&ndash; Brotherus&nbsp;&ndash; Brown&nbsp;&ndash; Brown Sugar&nbsp;&ndash; Browns Valley&nbsp;&ndash; Brownsville&nbsp;&ndash; Bruce&nbsp;&ndash; Bruckner&nbsp;&ndash; Brûlé Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Brunel&nbsp;&ndash; Brunou&nbsp;&ndash; Brutus&nbsp;&ndash; Bryson&nbsp;&ndash; Bs&nbsp;&ndash; Bt&nbsp;&ndash; Bu&nbsp;&ndash; Bubanza&nbsp;&ndash; Buc&nbsp;&ndash; Buchanan&nbsp;&ndash; Buckner&nbsp;&ndash; Budan taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Buena Vista&nbsp;&ndash; Buffalo&nbsp;&ndash; Buffy the Vampire Slayer&nbsp;&ndash; Bug&nbsp;&ndash; Bugi&nbsp;&ndash; Buhl&nbsp;&ndash; Bukowski&nbsp;&ndash; Bulgaarit&nbsp;&ndash; Bulk&nbsp;&ndash; Bulldog&nbsp;&ndash; Bulldoggi&nbsp;&ndash; Bulldozer&nbsp;&ndash; Bumba&nbsp;&ndash; Bundesrat&nbsp;&ndash; Burgmüller&nbsp;&ndash; Buried Alive&nbsp;&ndash; Burke&nbsp;&ndash; Burn It Down&nbsp;&ndash; Burnout&nbsp;&ndash; Burroughs&nbsp;&ndash; Burrows&nbsp;&ndash; Burton (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Busemann&nbsp;&ndash; Bush&nbsp;&ndash; Bust a Move&nbsp;&ndash; Butcher&nbsp;&ndash; Butes&nbsp;&ndash; Butha-Buthe&nbsp;&ndash; Butler&nbsp;&ndash; Butterfly&nbsp;&ndash; Butyylilitium&nbsp;&ndash; Buurisota&nbsp;&ndash; Buyang&nbsp;&ndash; Buzz&nbsp;&ndash; Bv&nbsp;&ndash; Bw&nbsp;&ndash; Bx&nbsp;&ndash; By&nbsp;&ndash; Byrd&nbsp;&ndash; Byrne&nbsp;&ndash; Bysantin–sassanidien sota&nbsp;&ndash; Bz&nbsp;&ndash; Bálggesvárri&nbsp;&ndash; Bäckman&nbsp;&ndash; Bäckström&nbsp;&ndash; Böle&nbsp;&ndash; Bø&nbsp;&ndash;


C-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; C. elegans&nbsp;&ndash; C4&nbsp;&ndash; CAD&nbsp;&ndash; CAP&nbsp;&ndash; CCS&nbsp;&ndash; CDC&nbsp;&ndash; CFF&nbsp;&ndash; CFP&nbsp;&ndash; CHL&nbsp;&ndash; CHP&nbsp;&ndash; CMS&nbsp;&ndash; CNC&nbsp;&ndash; COCOM&nbsp;&ndash; CRB&nbsp;&ndash; CRI&nbsp;&ndash; CSA&nbsp;&ndash; CSC&nbsp;&ndash; CSD&nbsp;&ndash; CTF&nbsp;&ndash; CYP&nbsp;&ndash; Ca&nbsp;&ndash; Cabo Blanco&nbsp;&ndash; Cabral&nbsp;&ndash; Cabrera&nbsp;&ndash; Cacaopera&nbsp;&ndash; Caecilius Metellus&nbsp;&ndash; Caesar&nbsp;&ndash; Caesarea&nbsp;&ndash; Cairo&nbsp;&ndash; Cajanderin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Calcutta&nbsp;&ndash; Caldwell&nbsp;&ndash; Caledon&nbsp;&ndash; Caledonia&nbsp;&ndash; Calixtus&nbsp;&ndash; Call Me&nbsp;&ndash; Calliope&nbsp;&ndash; Callistus&nbsp;&ndash; Calonius&nbsp;&ndash; Calumet&nbsp;&ndash; Calvary Episcopal Church&nbsp;&ndash; Calvin&nbsp;&ndash; Calypso&nbsp;&ndash; Cam&nbsp;&ndash; Camargo&nbsp;&ndash; Camel&nbsp;&ndash; Cameo&nbsp;&ndash; Camilleri&nbsp;&ndash; Campbell&nbsp;&ndash; Camus&nbsp;&ndash; Canet&nbsp;&ndash; Cannavaro&nbsp;&ndash; Cannibal Island&nbsp;&ndash; Cannonball&nbsp;&ndash; Canon EF 300mm&nbsp;&ndash; Canon EF 70–200mm&nbsp;&ndash; Cantal&nbsp;&ndash; Canton&nbsp;&ndash; Cap Blanc&nbsp;&ndash; Capetown&nbsp;&ndash; Capitals&nbsp;&ndash; Capitol&nbsp;&ndash; Capitol Limited&nbsp;&ndash; Capra&nbsp;&ndash; Caravan&nbsp;&ndash; Carey&nbsp;&ndash; Carinae&nbsp;&ndash; Carl August Ehrensvärd&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Christoffer Gjörwell&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Gustaf Armfelt&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Gustaf Ehrnrooth&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Gustav&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Mannerheim&nbsp;&ndash; Carl Schirren&nbsp;&ndash; Carlito&nbsp;&ndash; Carlos Alberto&nbsp;&ndash; Carlos Mendes&nbsp;&ndash; Carlos Ruiz&nbsp;&ndash; Carlos Valdez&nbsp;&ndash; Carlsson&nbsp;&ndash; Carlyle&nbsp;&ndash; Carman&nbsp;&ndash; Carnage&nbsp;&ndash; Carnegie&nbsp;&ndash; Carnegie-palkinto&nbsp;&ndash; Carnot&nbsp;&ndash; Carolina&nbsp;&ndash; Caroline&nbsp;&ndash; Carrollton&nbsp;&ndash; Carson&nbsp;&ndash; Cartagena&nbsp;&ndash; Carter&nbsp;&ndash; Caruana&nbsp;&ndash; Caruso&nbsp;&ndash; Carved in Stone&nbsp;&ndash; Casey&nbsp;&ndash; Casino Royale&nbsp;&ndash; Cassandra&nbsp;&ndash; Cassini&nbsp;&ndash; Cassius Longinus&nbsp;&ndash; Castaway&nbsp;&ndash; Castillo&nbsp;&ndash; Castle&nbsp;&ndash; Castle Rock&nbsp;&ndash; Castle-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Castor&nbsp;&ndash; Castro&nbsp;&ndash; Castrénin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Catch&nbsp;&ndash; Catherine Fox&nbsp;&ndash; Cato&nbsp;&ndash; Catz&nbsp;&ndash; Cave&nbsp;&ndash; Cavendish&nbsp;&ndash; Cb&nbsp;&ndash; Cc&nbsp;&ndash; Ce&nbsp;&ndash; Cebuano&nbsp;&ndash; Cedar Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Celebrate&nbsp;&ndash; Celebration&nbsp;&ndash; Celia&nbsp;&ndash; Cell&nbsp;&ndash; Celsus&nbsp;&ndash; Centaur&nbsp;&ndash; Centaur-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Centauri&nbsp;&ndash; Central Christian Church&nbsp;&ndash; Centralia&nbsp;&ndash; Ces&nbsp;&ndash; Ceylon&nbsp;&ndash; Cf&nbsp;&ndash; Cg&nbsp;&ndash; Ch&nbsp;&ndash; Chamaeleon&nbsp;&ndash; Chamorro&nbsp;&ndash; Champion&nbsp;&ndash; Change&nbsp;&ndash; Chaos&nbsp;&ndash; Chaplin&nbsp;&ndash; Chapman&nbsp;&ndash; Chara&nbsp;&ndash; Chardin&nbsp;&ndash; Charger&nbsp;&ndash; Charger-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Charles Brown&nbsp;&ndash; Charles Campbell&nbsp;&ndash; Charles Doughty&nbsp;&ndash; Charles Fox&nbsp;&ndash; Charles King&nbsp;&ndash; Charles Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Charleston&nbsp;&ndash; Charlestown&nbsp;&ndash; Charlotte's Web&nbsp;&ndash; Charybdis&nbsp;&ndash; Chase&nbsp;&ndash; Chase Tower&nbsp;&ndash; Chatham&nbsp;&ndash; Chavornay&nbsp;&ndash; Cheddar&nbsp;&ndash; Cheers&nbsp;&ndash; Chehalis&nbsp;&ndash; Chelsea&nbsp;&ndash; Cherish&nbsp;&ndash; Chesapeake&nbsp;&ndash; Chesterin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Chic&nbsp;&ndash; Chicagon koulukunta&nbsp;&ndash; Chihuahua&nbsp;&ndash; China&nbsp;&ndash; China Open&nbsp;&ndash; Chinook&nbsp;&ndash; Chippenham&nbsp;&ndash; Chiu&nbsp;&ndash; Chivas&nbsp;&ndash; Chopper&nbsp;&ndash; Chris Brown&nbsp;&ndash; Chris Kontos&nbsp;&ndash; Chris Nicholson&nbsp;&ndash; Chris Sanders&nbsp;&ndash; Christ Church&nbsp;&ndash; Christ Church Cathedral&nbsp;&ndash; Christensen&nbsp;&ndash; Christian Hansen&nbsp;&ndash; Christian Nielsen&nbsp;&ndash; Christie&nbsp;&ndash; Christine&nbsp;&ndash; Christopher Wood&nbsp;&ndash; Chrysler 300&nbsp;&ndash; Chubut&nbsp;&ndash; Chuck&nbsp;&ndash; Chumash&nbsp;&ndash; Churchill&nbsp;&ndash; Châtenay&nbsp;&ndash; Chōshū&nbsp;&ndash; Chūō-ku&nbsp;&ndash; Ci&nbsp;&ndash; Cinclidium&nbsp;&ndash; Cinderella&nbsp;&ndash; Cinema&nbsp;&ndash; Circus&nbsp;&ndash; Cis&nbsp;&ndash; City&nbsp;&ndash; Cize&nbsp;&ndash; Cj&nbsp;&ndash; Ck&nbsp;&ndash; Cl&nbsp;&ndash; Clamecy&nbsp;&ndash; Clarence Allen&nbsp;&ndash; Clarin&nbsp;&ndash; Clarke&nbsp;&ndash; Clarke (nimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Classic FM&nbsp;&ndash; Clearwater&nbsp;&ndash; Cletus&nbsp;&ndash; Click&nbsp;&ndash; Clinton&nbsp;&ndash; Clodius&nbsp;&ndash; Clovis&nbsp;&ndash; Club Atlético San Martín&nbsp;&ndash; Cluster&nbsp;&ndash; Cm&nbsp;&ndash; Cn&nbsp;&ndash; Co&nbsp;&ndash; Coal City&nbsp;&ndash; Coandă&nbsp;&ndash; Cob&nbsp;&ndash; Coca&nbsp;&ndash; Cochrane&nbsp;&ndash; Cocktail&nbsp;&ndash; Cod&nbsp;&ndash; Coda&nbsp;&ndash; Codec&nbsp;&ndash; Codrington&nbsp;&ndash; Cody&nbsp;&ndash; Cohen&nbsp;&ndash; Cold Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Coleman&nbsp;&ndash; Coletti&nbsp;&ndash; Colin Davis&nbsp;&ndash; Collan&nbsp;&ndash; Collie&nbsp;&ndash; Collingwood&nbsp;&ndash; Collins&nbsp;&ndash; Colorado City&nbsp;&ndash; Colossus&nbsp;&ndash; Colossus-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Colours&nbsp;&ndash; Colt&nbsp;&ndash; Columba&nbsp;&ndash; Columbia&nbsp;&ndash; Columbus&nbsp;&ndash; Colón&nbsp;&ndash; Combat Mission&nbsp;&ndash; Come Undone&nbsp;&ndash; Comet&nbsp;&ndash; Coming Home&nbsp;&ndash; Commando&nbsp;&ndash; Comte&nbsp;&ndash; Conan&nbsp;&ndash; Concepción&nbsp;&ndash; Conception&nbsp;&ndash; Concordia&nbsp;&ndash; Concrete&nbsp;&ndash; Condé&nbsp;&ndash; Connaught&nbsp;&ndash; Conquest&nbsp;&ndash; Conradi&nbsp;&ndash; Constantius&nbsp;&ndash; Contact&nbsp;&ndash; Continental Cup&nbsp;&ndash; Contraband&nbsp;&ndash; Cook&nbsp;&ndash; Cool&nbsp;&ndash; Coolidge&nbsp;&ndash; Coop&nbsp;&ndash; Cooper&nbsp;&ndash; Coppermine&nbsp;&ndash; Coppola&nbsp;&ndash; Cornwallinsaari&nbsp;&ndash; Cornwallisinsaari&nbsp;&ndash; Corpus&nbsp;&ndash; Corpusculum&nbsp;&ndash; Corvus&nbsp;&ndash; Cosmopolitan&nbsp;&ndash; Costa&nbsp;&ndash; Costello&nbsp;&ndash; Costești&nbsp;&ndash; Cottesmore&nbsp;&ndash; Couette&nbsp;&ndash; Counterpunch&nbsp;&ndash; Country Song&nbsp;&ndash; County-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Courier&nbsp;&ndash; Cousteau&nbsp;&ndash; Coverdale&nbsp;&ndash; Cp&nbsp;&ndash; Cq&nbsp;&ndash; Cr&nbsp;&ndash; Craig Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Craig McKay&nbsp;&ndash; Craig Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Craig Thomas&nbsp;&ndash; Craig Thomson&nbsp;&ndash; Cramer&nbsp;&ndash; Crash&nbsp;&ndash; Crawford&nbsp;&ndash; Crazy in Love&nbsp;&ndash; Crescendo&nbsp;&ndash; Criminal&nbsp;&ndash; Criollo&nbsp;&ndash; Crohn&nbsp;&ndash; Cromwell&nbsp;&ndash; Cronin&nbsp;&ndash; Cronos&nbsp;&ndash; Cross Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Crossfire&nbsp;&ndash; Crossover&nbsp;&ndash; Crossroads&nbsp;&ndash; Crusader&nbsp;&ndash; Cru&nbsp;&ndash; Crush&nbsp;&ndash; Cruz&nbsp;&ndash; Crystal Ball&nbsp;&ndash; Crystal Castles&nbsp;&ndash; Crystal Palace&nbsp;&ndash; Crédit Agricole&nbsp;&ndash; Cs&nbsp;&ndash; Ct&nbsp;&ndash; Cu&nbsp;&ndash; Cuenca&nbsp;&ndash; Cumberland&nbsp;&ndash; Cumulus&nbsp;&ndash; Cunningham&nbsp;&ndash; Curbishley&nbsp;&ndash; Curie&nbsp;&ndash; Curriculum&nbsp;&ndash; Cv&nbsp;&ndash; Cw&nbsp;&ndash; Cx&nbsp;&ndash; Cy&nbsp;&ndash; Cyclone&nbsp;&ndash; Cygnaeuksen koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Cygnus&nbsp;&ndash; Cyrus&nbsp;&ndash; Cz&nbsp;&ndash; Córdoba&nbsp;&ndash;


DC&nbsp;&ndash; DFA&nbsp;&ndash; DMB&nbsp;&ndash; DME&nbsp;&ndash; DMT&nbsp;&ndash; DRM&nbsp;&ndash; DSP&nbsp;&ndash; DST&nbsp;&ndash; DSc&nbsp;&ndash; Da&nbsp;&ndash; Da Da&nbsp;&ndash; Dacia&nbsp;&ndash; Dahl&nbsp;&ndash; Dahlberg&nbsp;&ndash; Dahlgren&nbsp;&ndash; Dahlström&nbsp;&ndash; Daisen&nbsp;&ndash; Daisy&nbsp;&ndash; Dakota&nbsp;&ndash; Daley&nbsp;&ndash; Dali&nbsp;&ndash; Dallape&nbsp;&ndash; Dalström&nbsp;&ndash; Damasus&nbsp;&ndash; Dame&nbsp;&ndash; Damme&nbsp;&ndash; Dance the Night Away&nbsp;&ndash; Dangerous&nbsp;&ndash; Daniel&nbsp;&ndash; Daniel Evans&nbsp;&ndash; Danilo&nbsp;&ndash; Dannebrog&nbsp;&ndash; Danny Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Daphnis&nbsp;&ndash; Dara&nbsp;&ndash; Dareios&nbsp;&ndash; Daring&nbsp;&ndash; Daring-luokka (hävittäjä)&nbsp;&ndash; Darling&nbsp;&ndash; Dartmouth&nbsp;&ndash; Darwin&nbsp;&ndash; Darwinismi&nbsp;&ndash; Das Leben der Anderen&nbsp;&ndash; Date&nbsp;&ndash; Datum&nbsp;&ndash; Datura&nbsp;&ndash; Daughter&nbsp;&ndash; Dauntless&nbsp;&ndash; Dave King&nbsp;&ndash; Dave Meyers&nbsp;&ndash; Dave Taylor&nbsp;&ndash; David&nbsp;&ndash; David Boyd&nbsp;&ndash; David Brooks&nbsp;&ndash; David Cox&nbsp;&ndash; David Forbes&nbsp;&ndash; David García&nbsp;&ndash; David Gray&nbsp;&ndash; David Jones&nbsp;&ndash; David Kramer&nbsp;&ndash; David Low&nbsp;&ndash; David Lowe&nbsp;&ndash; David López&nbsp;&ndash; David Miller&nbsp;&ndash; David Murray&nbsp;&ndash; David Singer&nbsp;&ndash; David Thompson&nbsp;&ndash; David Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Davies&nbsp;&ndash; Davis&nbsp;&ndash; Davy Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Dawn&nbsp;&ndash; Dawson&nbsp;&ndash; Days of Wine and Roses&nbsp;&ndash; Db&nbsp;&ndash; Dd&nbsp;&ndash; De&nbsp;&ndash; Deacon&nbsp;&ndash; Dead Reckoning&nbsp;&ndash; Dead Set&nbsp;&ndash; Dead Zone&nbsp;&ndash; Dean&nbsp;&ndash; Dean Thomas&nbsp;&ndash; Death Race&nbsp;&ndash; Deathlike Silence&nbsp;&ndash; Debatti&nbsp;&ndash; Decade&nbsp;&ndash; Deccan&nbsp;&ndash; Decker&nbsp;&ndash; Dédalo&nbsp;&ndash; Deduktio&nbsp;&ndash; Deen&nbsp;&ndash; Deep Impact&nbsp;&ndash; Deering&nbsp;&ndash; Defender&nbsp;&ndash; Defying Gravity&nbsp;&ndash; Degerö&nbsp;&ndash; Deka&nbsp;&ndash; Dekker&nbsp;&ndash; Deklinaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Deksippos&nbsp;&ndash; Del&nbsp;&ndash; Delawaren piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Deli&nbsp;&ndash; Delibes&nbsp;&ndash; Delilah&nbsp;&ndash; Delivery&nbsp;&ndash; Delvaux&nbsp;&ndash; Demarest&nbsp;&ndash; Demetrios&nbsp;&ndash; Demo&nbsp;&ndash; Demo 2006&nbsp;&ndash; Demokraatti&nbsp;&ndash; Demokraattinen puolue&nbsp;&ndash; Demon Seed&nbsp;&ndash; Denílson&nbsp;&ndash; Derfflinger&nbsp;&ndash; Dern&nbsp;&ndash; Des&nbsp;&ndash; Desdemona&nbsp;&ndash; Desperado&nbsp;&ndash; Desperados&nbsp;&ndash; Destroy&nbsp;&ndash; Detail&nbsp;&ndash; Detroit Falcons&nbsp;&ndash; Deutschland&nbsp;&ndash; Devil Inside&nbsp;&ndash; Devils&nbsp;&ndash; Devonshire&nbsp;&ndash; Df&nbsp;&ndash; Dg&nbsp;&ndash; Dh&nbsp;&ndash; Di&nbsp;&ndash; Diablo&nbsp;&ndash; Diallo&nbsp;&ndash; Diamond&nbsp;&ndash; Diamonds Are Forever&nbsp;&ndash; Diarra&nbsp;&ndash; Dickinson&nbsp;&ndash; Dida&nbsp;&ndash; Dido&nbsp;&ndash; Didymos&nbsp;&ndash; Die Hard&nbsp;&ndash; Diego López&nbsp;&ndash; Diesel&nbsp;&ndash; Different World&nbsp;&ndash; Digby Dent&nbsp;&ndash; Digitalis&nbsp;&ndash; Dijkstra&nbsp;&ndash; Dikson&nbsp;&ndash; Dildo&nbsp;&ndash; Dillon&nbsp;&ndash; Dimensio&nbsp;&ndash; Dimensions&nbsp;&ndash; Dimitrovgrad&nbsp;&ndash; Ding Dong&nbsp;&ndash; Diodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Diodotos&nbsp;&ndash; Diogenes&nbsp;&ndash; Diomede&nbsp;&ndash; Dion&nbsp;&ndash; Dione&nbsp;&ndash; Dionisio&nbsp;&ndash; Dionysios&nbsp;&ndash; Diorama&nbsp;&ndash; Dipoli&nbsp;&ndash; Dirac&nbsp;&ndash; Director’s cut&nbsp;&ndash; Dirham&nbsp;&ndash; Disco&nbsp;&ndash; Discovery&nbsp;&ndash; Discovery Peak&nbsp;&ndash; Dissosiaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Distinguished Service Cross&nbsp;&ndash; Diva&nbsp;&ndash; Dive&nbsp;&ndash; Dixon&nbsp;&ndash; Djokovic&nbsp;&ndash; Djäkn&nbsp;&ndash; Dk&nbsp;&ndash; Dl&nbsp;&ndash; Dm&nbsp;&ndash; Dm3&nbsp;&ndash; Dmitri Romanov&nbsp;&ndash; Dmitri Tsvetkov&nbsp;&ndash; Dmitri Vasiljev&nbsp;&ndash; Dn&nbsp;&ndash; Do&nbsp;&ndash; Dobson&nbsp;&ndash; Doc&nbsp;&ndash; Docklands&nbsp;&ndash; Dod&nbsp;&ndash; Dogma&nbsp;&ndash; Dolgaani&nbsp;&ndash; Dollaritrilogia&nbsp;&ndash; Dolly&nbsp;&ndash; Dom&nbsp;&ndash; Domain&nbsp;&ndash; Domeeni&nbsp;&ndash; Domi&nbsp;&ndash; Domingues&nbsp;&ndash; Domino&nbsp;&ndash; Domodedovo&nbsp;&ndash; Don Cherry&nbsp;&ndash; Donald Davidson&nbsp;&ndash; Dongola&nbsp;&ndash; Donk&nbsp;&ndash; Donnelly&nbsp;&ndash; Don't Be Afraid of the Dark&nbsp;&ndash; Don't Stop&nbsp;&ndash; Doppler&nbsp;&ndash; Dora&nbsp;&ndash; Dorfmann&nbsp;&ndash; Dorn&nbsp;&ndash; Dorotheos&nbsp;&ndash; Dotaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Double Trouble&nbsp;&ndash; Douglas&nbsp;&ndash; Dover&nbsp;&ndash; Down&nbsp;&ndash; Down to Earth&nbsp;&ndash; Doyle&nbsp;&ndash; Doylestown&nbsp;&ndash; Dp&nbsp;&ndash; Dq&nbsp;&ndash; Dr&nbsp;&ndash; Dracaena&nbsp;&ndash; Dragon&nbsp;&ndash; Drake&nbsp;&ndash; Dreadnought&nbsp;&ndash; Dream On&nbsp;&ndash; Dream Team&nbsp;&ndash; Dreamland&nbsp;&ndash; Drive&nbsp;&ndash; Drop&nbsp;&ndash; Drusilla&nbsp;&ndash; Drusus&nbsp;&ndash; Dryas&nbsp;&ndash; Ds&nbsp;&ndash; Dt&nbsp;&ndash; Du&nbsp;&ndash; Dualismi&nbsp;&ndash; Dub Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Duchess&nbsp;&ndash; Duff&nbsp;&ndash; Dufva&nbsp;&ndash; Duke&nbsp;&ndash; Dumas&nbsp;&ndash; Duncan&nbsp;&ndash; Dune&nbsp;&ndash; Dunedin&nbsp;&ndash; Dungaani&nbsp;&ndash; Dupont&nbsp;&ndash; Dura&nbsp;&ndash; Durak&nbsp;&ndash; Dv&nbsp;&ndash; Dvir&nbsp;&ndash; Dw&nbsp;&ndash; Dx&nbsp;&ndash; Dy&nbsp;&ndash; Dylan&nbsp;&ndash; Dynamo Berlin&nbsp;&ndash; Dynastia&nbsp;&ndash; Dysnomia&nbsp;&ndash; Dz&nbsp;&ndash; Dzeržinsk&nbsp;&ndash; Dzeržinski&nbsp;&ndash; Dâmbovița&nbsp;&ndash; Dúbravka&nbsp;&ndash;


E3&nbsp;&ndash; EA&nbsp;&ndash; EB&nbsp;&ndash; EBU&nbsp;&ndash; ECC&nbsp;&ndash; ECF&nbsp;&ndash; ECM&nbsp;&ndash; EELV&nbsp;&ndash; EFI&nbsp;&ndash; EGP&nbsp;&ndash; EIA&nbsp;&ndash; EIR&nbsp;&ndash; ELL&nbsp;&ndash; EMC&nbsp;&ndash; EMP&nbsp;&ndash; EPA&nbsp;&ndash; EPO&nbsp;&ndash; EPR&nbsp;&ndash; ERP&nbsp;&ndash; ESC&nbsp;&ndash; ESO&nbsp;&ndash; ESP&nbsp;&ndash; ESR&nbsp;&ndash; ESS&nbsp;&ndash; ETA&nbsp;&ndash; EVA&nbsp;&ndash; EVO&nbsp;&ndash; EVP&nbsp;&ndash; Eaa&nbsp;&ndash; Eagle&nbsp;&ndash; Eagle Air&nbsp;&ndash; Eastern Railway&nbsp;&ndash; Eastland&nbsp;&ndash; Easton&nbsp;&ndash; Easy&nbsp;&ndash; Eat Pray Love&nbsp;&ndash; Ebner&nbsp;&ndash; Ec&nbsp;&ndash; Echo&nbsp;&ndash; Eclipse&nbsp;&ndash; Eco&nbsp;&ndash; Ed&nbsp;&ndash; Ed Sanders&nbsp;&ndash; Edelweiss&nbsp;&ndash; Eden&nbsp;&ndash; Edge&nbsp;&ndash; Edinho&nbsp;&ndash; Edison&nbsp;&ndash; Edistyspuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Edman&nbsp;&ndash; Edmond&nbsp;&ndash; Edmund&nbsp;&ndash; Edu&nbsp;&ndash; Eduardo Frei&nbsp;&ndash; Edvard I&nbsp;&ndash; Edward Howard&nbsp;&ndash; Edwards&nbsp;&ndash; Ee&nbsp;&ndash; Eerik&nbsp;&ndash; Eerik Maununpoika&nbsp;&ndash; Eerikinkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Eero Heinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Eero Laine&nbsp;&ndash; Eero Saari&nbsp;&ndash; Eerola&nbsp;&ndash; Eettinen objektivismi&nbsp;&ndash; Eeva&nbsp;&ndash; Ef&nbsp;&ndash; Eg&nbsp;&ndash; Égalité&nbsp;&ndash; Egil Johansen&nbsp;&ndash; Eglinton&nbsp;&ndash; Egmont&nbsp;&ndash; Egoismi&nbsp;&ndash; Egr&nbsp;&ndash; Egyptiläiset&nbsp;&ndash; Egyptiläisten evankeliumi&nbsp;&ndash; Eh&nbsp;&ndash; Eheys&nbsp;&ndash; Eheyttäminen&nbsp;&ndash; Ehrström&nbsp;&ndash; Ei&nbsp;&ndash; Eiffel&nbsp;&ndash; Einhorn&nbsp;&ndash; Eino Kuusi&nbsp;&ndash; Eino Lehtinen&nbsp;&ndash; Eino Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Einola&nbsp;&ndash; Einstein&nbsp;&ndash; Einsteinin vakio&nbsp;&ndash; Eisenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Eisenstein&nbsp;&ndash; Eivor&nbsp;&ndash; Ej&nbsp;&ndash; Ek&nbsp;&ndash; Ekberg&nbsp;&ndash; Ekhion&nbsp;&ndash; Ekholm&nbsp;&ndash; Eklund&nbsp;&ndash; Ekman&nbsp;&ndash; Eksaltaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Ekstaasi&nbsp;&ndash; Ekström&nbsp;&ndash; Ektoplasma&nbsp;&ndash; Ekvivalenssi&nbsp;&ndash; El&nbsp;&ndash; El Alameinin taistelut&nbsp;&ndash; El Comercio&nbsp;&ndash; Eldorado&nbsp;&ndash; Elementti&nbsp;&ndash; Elephant&nbsp;&ndash; Elf&nbsp;&ndash; Elia&nbsp;&ndash; Elie&nbsp;&ndash; Elisa&nbsp;&ndash; Elisabet&nbsp;&ndash; Elizabeth Mitchell&nbsp;&ndash; Elizabethtown&nbsp;&ndash; Ellilä&nbsp;&ndash; Elmira&nbsp;&ndash; Elmo&nbsp;&ndash; Elo&nbsp;&ndash; Elosalama&nbsp;&ndash; Elovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Elswick&nbsp;&ndash; Elv&nbsp;&ndash; Elvis&nbsp;&ndash; Ely&nbsp;&ndash; Elysium&nbsp;&ndash; Eläköön&nbsp;&ndash; Elämysyhteiskunta&nbsp;&ndash; Elämänlanka&nbsp;&ndash; Elämänpuu&nbsp;&ndash; Em&nbsp;&ndash; Embu&nbsp;&ndash; Emerald&nbsp;&ndash; Emerald-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Emil Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Emilia&nbsp;&ndash; Emily&nbsp;&ndash; Emissio&nbsp;&ndash; Emma&nbsp;&ndash; Emo&nbsp;&ndash; Emperor&nbsp;&ndash; Empire&nbsp;&ndash; Empire Falls&nbsp;&ndash; Empire of the Sun&nbsp;&ndash; Emt&nbsp;&ndash; En&nbsp;&ndash; Endogeeninen&nbsp;&ndash; Enemy Territory&nbsp;&ndash; Enetsi&nbsp;&ndash; Enfield&nbsp;&ndash; Enga&nbsp;&ndash; Engblom&nbsp;&ndash; Engdahl&nbsp;&ndash; Engleheart&nbsp;&ndash; Englewood&nbsp;&ndash; Engman&nbsp;&ndash; Enigma&nbsp;&ndash; Ennallistaminen&nbsp;&ndash; Enne&nbsp;&ndash; Ennustus&nbsp;&ndash; Enonlahti&nbsp;&ndash; Enonvesi&nbsp;&ndash; En päivääkään vaihtaisi pois&nbsp;&ndash; Enqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Ensifera&nbsp;&ndash; Ensimmäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Ensimmäinen tasavalta&nbsp;&ndash; Enskeri&nbsp;&ndash; Ensten&nbsp;&ndash; Enter&nbsp;&ndash; Enterprise&nbsp;&ndash; Enäjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Eo&nbsp;&ndash; Ep&nbsp;&ndash; Epic&nbsp;&ndash; Epikaste&nbsp;&ndash; Epookki&nbsp;&ndash; Epäilyksen varjo&nbsp;&ndash; Eq&nbsp;&ndash; Er&nbsp;&ndash; Eraser&nbsp;&ndash; Erasmus&nbsp;&ndash; Eremenko&nbsp;&ndash; Eremophila&nbsp;&ndash; Erg&nbsp;&ndash; Eric Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Erigone&nbsp;&ndash; Erik Rhodes&nbsp;&ndash; Erik Sjöberg&nbsp;&ndash; Erikhthonios&nbsp;&ndash; Eriksson&nbsp;&ndash; Eriste&nbsp;&ndash; Erkki Aho&nbsp;&ndash; Erkki Jokinen&nbsp;&ndash; Erkki Kanerva&nbsp;&ndash; Erkki Rautio&nbsp;&ndash; Erkkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Ernst Palmén&nbsp;&ndash; Ero&nbsp;&ndash; Eronen&nbsp;&ndash; Erskine&nbsp;&ndash; Ervast&nbsp;&ndash; Ervasti (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Erysikhthon&nbsp;&ndash; Erytheia&nbsp;&ndash; Es&nbsp;&ndash; Esa&nbsp;&ndash; Esa Lehikoinen&nbsp;&ndash; Escapade&nbsp;&ndash; Escobar&nbsp;&ndash; Esiintymä&nbsp;&ndash; Esine&nbsp;&ndash; Eskelinen&nbsp;&ndash; Eskimo&nbsp;&ndash; Esko Toivonen&nbsp;&ndash; Eskola&nbsp;&ndash; Espa&nbsp;&ndash; Espanjan tasavalta&nbsp;&ndash; Esperantina&nbsp;&ndash; Esplanadi&nbsp;&ndash; Espoon keskusta&nbsp;&ndash; Esposito&nbsp;&ndash; Estelle&nbsp;&ndash; Estonia&nbsp;&ndash; Estudiantes&nbsp;&ndash; Et&nbsp;&ndash; Eteenpäin&nbsp;&ndash; Etelä-Suomi&nbsp;&ndash; Eternity&nbsp;&ndash; Etlari&nbsp;&ndash; Etsijät&nbsp;&ndash; Etumerkki&nbsp;&ndash; Etuvartio&nbsp;&ndash; Eugene&nbsp;&ndash; Eugenia&nbsp;&ndash; Euler&nbsp;&ndash; Eumenes&nbsp;&ndash; Euroopan parlamentin konservatiiviryhmä&nbsp;&ndash; Europa&nbsp;&ndash; Eurydike&nbsp;&ndash; Eurynome&nbsp;&ndash; Eurytion&nbsp;&ndash; Eusebius&nbsp;&ndash; Ev&nbsp;&ndash; Evankelisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Evankeliumi&nbsp;&ndash; Evans&nbsp;&ndash; Eve&nbsp;&ndash; Everett&nbsp;&ndash; Everlast&nbsp;&ndash; Evä&nbsp;&ndash; Ew&nbsp;&ndash; Ewe&nbsp;&ndash; Excelsior&nbsp;&ndash; Exile&nbsp;&ndash; Existenz&nbsp;&ndash; Exodus&nbsp;&ndash; Express&nbsp;&ndash; Extraliga&nbsp;&ndash; Extreme&nbsp;&ndash; Ey&nbsp;&ndash; Eye of Terror&nbsp;&ndash; Eye of the Beholder&nbsp;&ndash; Ez&nbsp;&ndash;


F-1&nbsp;&ndash; F4&nbsp;&ndash; FCC&nbsp;&ndash; FCV&nbsp;&ndash; FFS&nbsp;&ndash; FIM&nbsp;&ndash; FPS&nbsp;&ndash; FSM&nbsp;&ndash; Fa&nbsp;&ndash; Fabian Wrede&nbsp;&ndash; Fabius&nbsp;&ndash; Fabricius&nbsp;&ndash; Fabritius&nbsp;&ndash; Facelift&nbsp;&ndash; Fagerholm&nbsp;&ndash; Fagerholmin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Fagernäs&nbsp;&ndash; Fahler&nbsp;&ndash; Fahrenheit&nbsp;&ndash; Faidros&nbsp;&ndash; Fairfax&nbsp;&ndash; Fairfield&nbsp;&ndash; Faithful&nbsp;&ndash; Fakta&nbsp;&ndash; Faktori&nbsp;&ndash; Falaise&nbsp;&ndash; Falck&nbsp;&ndash; Falco&nbsp;&ndash; Falcon&nbsp;&ndash; Falcão&nbsp;&ndash; Falkland&nbsp;&ndash; Falling Away&nbsp;&ndash; Fame&nbsp;&ndash; Fangorn&nbsp;&ndash; Fanias&nbsp;&ndash; Fanny&nbsp;&ndash; Fantômas&nbsp;&ndash; Farfán&nbsp;&ndash; Faros&nbsp;&ndash; Fasilitointi&nbsp;&ndash; Fasis&nbsp;&ndash; Faslane&nbsp;&ndash; Fatima&nbsp;&ndash; Fatty&nbsp;&ndash; Fauna&nbsp;&ndash; Faure&nbsp;&ndash; Faustina&nbsp;&ndash; Fayetteville&nbsp;&ndash; Fb&nbsp;&ndash; Fc&nbsp;&ndash; Fe&nbsp;&ndash; Fear of the Dark&nbsp;&ndash; Fedora&nbsp;&ndash; Fehr&nbsp;&ndash; Feinberg&nbsp;&ndash; Feininger&nbsp;&ndash; Feisal&nbsp;&ndash; Felber&nbsp;&ndash; Feldberg&nbsp;&ndash; Feldman&nbsp;&ndash; Feldt&nbsp;&ndash; Felix Rodriguez&nbsp;&ndash; Femina&nbsp;&ndash; Fennia&nbsp;&ndash; Fennica&nbsp;&ndash; Ferdinand I&nbsp;&ndash; Ferdinand III&nbsp;&ndash; Ferentium&nbsp;&ndash; Ferguson&nbsp;&ndash; Fermi&nbsp;&ndash; Fernández&nbsp;&ndash; Fernie&nbsp;&ndash; Ferreira&nbsp;&ndash; Ferret&nbsp;&ndash; Ferrières&nbsp;&ndash; Ferro&nbsp;&ndash; Fes&nbsp;&ndash; Feuerbach&nbsp;&ndash; Fever&nbsp;&ndash; Ff&nbsp;&ndash; Fg&nbsp;&ndash; Fh&nbsp;&ndash; Fi&nbsp;&ndash; Fiasko&nbsp;&ndash; Fiat lux&nbsp;&ndash; Fifty-Fifty&nbsp;&ndash; Figaro&nbsp;&ndash; Figuuri&nbsp;&ndash; Fiji&nbsp;&ndash; Fila&nbsp;&ndash; Filip&nbsp;&ndash; Filip I&nbsp;&ndash; Filip II&nbsp;&ndash; Filip III&nbsp;&ndash; Filip IV&nbsp;&ndash; Filip V&nbsp;&ndash; Filippos&nbsp;&ndash; Filiskos&nbsp;&ndash; Filmiteollisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Filon&nbsp;&ndash; Filosofinen psykologia&nbsp;&ndash; Filosofinen teismi&nbsp;&ndash; Filostratos&nbsp;&ndash; Filppula&nbsp;&ndash; Finaali&nbsp;&ndash; Finch&nbsp;&ndash; Fineus&nbsp;&ndash; Finland&nbsp;&ndash; Finlandia&nbsp;&ndash; Finn&nbsp;&ndash; Finne&nbsp;&ndash; Finnilä&nbsp;&ndash; Finnmaid&nbsp;&ndash; Fiona&nbsp;&ndash; Fire&nbsp;&ndash; Fireball&nbsp;&ndash; Fired Up&nbsp;&ndash; Firefly&nbsp;&ndash; Firefox&nbsp;&ndash; Fireworks&nbsp;&ndash; Firma&nbsp;&ndash; First Time&nbsp;&ndash; Fis&nbsp;&ndash; Fischer&nbsp;&ndash; Fisher&nbsp;&ndash; Fisk&nbsp;&ndash; Fiskars&nbsp;&ndash; Fisu&nbsp;&ndash; Fitness&nbsp;&ndash; Fj&nbsp;&ndash; Fjodorov&nbsp;&ndash; Fk&nbsp;&ndash; Fl&nbsp;&ndash; Flaami&nbsp;&ndash; Flames&nbsp;&ndash; Flanker&nbsp;&ndash; Flash&nbsp;&ndash; Flashback&nbsp;&ndash; Flashpoint&nbsp;&ndash; Flavius&nbsp;&ndash; Flegon&nbsp;&ndash; Fleming&nbsp;&ndash; Flesh & Blood&nbsp;&ndash; Fletcher&nbsp;&ndash; Flinck&nbsp;&ndash; Flint&nbsp;&ndash; Flon&nbsp;&ndash; Flora&nbsp;&ndash; Flower&nbsp;&ndash; Fluffy bunny&nbsp;&ndash; Fluktuaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Fly&nbsp;&ndash; Flying&nbsp;&ndash; Flying V&nbsp;&ndash; Flynn&nbsp;&ndash; Fm&nbsp;&ndash; Fn&nbsp;&ndash; Fo&nbsp;&ndash; Focus&nbsp;&ndash; Fogelberg&nbsp;&ndash; Foiniks&nbsp;&ndash; Fokino&nbsp;&ndash; Fonseca&nbsp;&ndash; Fontana&nbsp;&ndash; For Whom the Bell Tolls&nbsp;&ndash; Forbas&nbsp;&ndash; Ford Model A&nbsp;&ndash; Forester&nbsp;&ndash; Forever&nbsp;&ndash; Forever Young&nbsp;&ndash; Forex&nbsp;&ndash; Formaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Forrester&nbsp;&ndash; Forsberg&nbsp;&ndash; Forsby&nbsp;&ndash; Forsman&nbsp;&ndash; Forss&nbsp;&ndash; Forssell&nbsp;&ndash; Forsström&nbsp;&ndash; Forstén&nbsp;&ndash; Forster&nbsp;&ndash; Fort Henry&nbsp;&ndash; Fort Rouge&nbsp;&ndash; Fort William&nbsp;&ndash; Forth&nbsp;&ndash; Fortune&nbsp;&ndash; Foster&nbsp;&ndash; Foucault&nbsp;&ndash; Fourier&nbsp;&ndash; Fox&nbsp;&ndash; Fp&nbsp;&ndash; Fr&nbsp;&ndash; Fra Diavolo&nbsp;&ndash; Fragile&nbsp;&ndash; Fram&nbsp;&ndash; France&nbsp;&ndash; Francisco Fernández&nbsp;&ndash; Francisco Pérez&nbsp;&ndash; Francisco Rodríguez&nbsp;&ndash; Francisco Sanchez&nbsp;&ndash; Franciscus Assisilaisen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Franck&nbsp;&ndash; Frangi&nbsp;&ndash; Frank Marshall&nbsp;&ndash; Frank Murphy&nbsp;&ndash; Frankfurt&nbsp;&ndash; Franklin&nbsp;&ndash; Frans I&nbsp;&ndash; Frans II&nbsp;&ndash; Frantic&nbsp;&ndash; Franzén&nbsp;&ndash; Frauenkirche&nbsp;&ndash; Freaky Friday&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrik I&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrik II&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrik III&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrik Vilhelm&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrik Vilhelm I&nbsp;&ndash; Fredriksberg&nbsp;&ndash; Fredrikson&nbsp;&ndash; Free&nbsp;&ndash; Freedom&nbsp;&ndash; Freestyle&nbsp;&ndash; Fremont&nbsp;&ndash; Freudenthal&nbsp;&ndash; Freund&nbsp;&ndash; Frey&nbsp;&ndash; Frick&nbsp;&ndash; Friday&nbsp;&ndash; Fridman&nbsp;&ndash; Friedman&nbsp;&ndash; Friend&nbsp;&ndash; Friends&nbsp;&ndash; Friends with Benefits&nbsp;&ndash; Friisi&nbsp;&ndash; Friisiläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Friman&nbsp;&ndash; Frisch&nbsp;&ndash; Fritillaria&nbsp;&ndash; Fritsch&nbsp;&ndash; Frobisher&nbsp;&ndash; From Russia with Love&nbsp;&ndash; Frontiers&nbsp;&ndash; Frost&nbsp;&ndash; Frunze&nbsp;&ndash; Frynikhos&nbsp;&ndash; Fs&nbsp;&ndash; Ft&nbsp;&ndash; Fuchs&nbsp;&ndash; Fuchū&nbsp;&ndash; Fuck You&nbsp;&ndash; Fugazi&nbsp;&ndash; Fuji&nbsp;&ndash; Fukuyama&nbsp;&ndash; Full Circle&nbsp;&ndash; Fulvius&nbsp;&ndash; Funny Girl&nbsp;&ndash; Furman&nbsp;&ndash; Furrer&nbsp;&ndash; Fury&nbsp;&ndash; Fusō&nbsp;&ndash; Futura&nbsp;&ndash; Future of the Past&nbsp;&ndash; Fuusio&nbsp;&ndash; Fv&nbsp;&ndash; Fw&nbsp;&ndash; Fx&nbsp;&ndash; Fy&nbsp;&ndash; Föhr&nbsp;&ndash; Förster&nbsp;&ndash;


G3&nbsp;&ndash; GEO&nbsp;&ndash; GIA&nbsp;&ndash; GMD&nbsp;&ndash; GMP&nbsp;&ndash; GPU&nbsp;&ndash; GRB&nbsp;&ndash; GTO&nbsp;&ndash; Ga&nbsp;&ndash; Gabrielle&nbsp;&ndash; Gadd&nbsp;&ndash; Gagauzi&nbsp;&ndash; Gainesville&nbsp;&ndash; Gaius&nbsp;&ndash; Gal&nbsp;&ndash; Galatea&nbsp;&ndash; Galaxy&nbsp;&ndash; Galbraith&nbsp;&ndash; Galen&nbsp;&ndash; Galileo&nbsp;&ndash; Gallagher&nbsp;&ndash; Gallant&nbsp;&ndash; Gallen-Kallela&nbsp;&ndash; Galleria&nbsp;&ndash; Gallus&nbsp;&ndash; Galt&nbsp;&ndash; Games People Play&nbsp;&ndash; Gamow&nbsp;&ndash; Ganda&nbsp;&ndash; Gandhi&nbsp;&ndash; Ganglio&nbsp;&ndash; Ganja&nbsp;&ndash; Ganz&nbsp;&ndash; Gao&nbsp;&ndash; Garching&nbsp;&ndash; García&nbsp;&ndash; Garden City&nbsp;&ndash; Gareth Evans&nbsp;&ndash; Garfield&nbsp;&ndash; Garland&nbsp;&ndash; Garth&nbsp;&ndash; Gassendi&nbsp;&ndash; Gat&nbsp;&ndash; Gatineau&nbsp;&ndash; Gatti&nbsp;&ndash; Gauss&nbsp;&ndash; Gaza&nbsp;&ndash; Gazan taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Gb&nbsp;&ndash; Gc&nbsp;&ndash; Gd&nbsp;&ndash; Ge&nbsp;&ndash; Gelasius&nbsp;&ndash; Geldof&nbsp;&ndash; Gellért&nbsp;&ndash; Gemini&nbsp;&ndash; Gemma&nbsp;&ndash; Gender&nbsp;&ndash; Genesis&nbsp;&ndash; Geneven konferenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Geni&nbsp;&ndash; Genoa&nbsp;&ndash; Geoff Smith&nbsp;&ndash; George&nbsp;&ndash; George Anson&nbsp;&ndash; George Bush&nbsp;&ndash; George Island&nbsp;&ndash; George Passmore&nbsp;&ndash; George V&nbsp;&ndash; Georges Boulanger&nbsp;&ndash; Georgetown&nbsp;&ndash; Georgi Markov&nbsp;&ndash; Gerber&nbsp;&ndash; Gerdt&nbsp;&ndash; Gerhard Müller&nbsp;&ndash; Germanus&nbsp;&ndash; Gesualdo&nbsp;&ndash; Geta&nbsp;&ndash; Geyr von Schweppenburg&nbsp;&ndash; Gf&nbsp;&ndash; Gg&nbsp;&ndash; Gh&nbsp;&ndash; Gheorghiu&nbsp;&ndash; Ghost Rider&nbsp;&ndash; Gi&nbsp;&ndash; Gibbs&nbsp;&ndash; Gideon&nbsp;&ndash; Gigi&nbsp;&ndash; Giihon&nbsp;&ndash; Gil&nbsp;&ndash; Gila&nbsp;&ndash; Gilbert&nbsp;&ndash; Gilberto&nbsp;&ndash; Gill&nbsp;&ndash; Ginzburg&nbsp;&ndash; Gis&nbsp;&ndash; Giulio Einaudi&nbsp;&ndash; Gj&nbsp;&ndash; Gjallarhorn&nbsp;&ndash; Gk&nbsp;&ndash; Gl&nbsp;&ndash; Gladstone&nbsp;&ndash; Glauber&nbsp;&ndash; Glaukos&nbsp;&ndash; Glendale&nbsp;&ndash; Glenn Cunningham&nbsp;&ndash; Glennie&nbsp;&ndash; Glitter&nbsp;&ndash; Globalisaatioraportti&nbsp;&ndash; Globo&nbsp;&ndash; Gloria&nbsp;&ndash; Glory&nbsp;&ndash; Glory Road&nbsp;&ndash; Glubokoje&nbsp;&ndash; Gm&nbsp;&ndash; Gn&nbsp;&ndash; Gneisenau&nbsp;&ndash; Gnu&nbsp;&ndash; Goblin&nbsp;&ndash; Godwin&nbsp;&ndash; Goethe-palkinto&nbsp;&ndash; Gogo&nbsp;&ndash; Goldberg&nbsp;&ndash; Golden Gate&nbsp;&ndash; Goldschmidt&nbsp;&ndash; Golo&nbsp;&ndash; Gomes&nbsp;&ndash; Gómez&nbsp;&ndash; Gondi&nbsp;&ndash; Gone Fishin'&nbsp;&ndash; González&nbsp;&ndash; Good&nbsp;&ndash; Good Thing&nbsp;&ndash; Goodall&nbsp;&ndash; Goottisota&nbsp;&ndash; Gordianus&nbsp;&ndash; Gordon&nbsp;&ndash; Gordon Kennedy&nbsp;&ndash; Gordon Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Gorgon&nbsp;&ndash; Gorkha&nbsp;&ndash; Gorki&nbsp;&ndash; Gose&nbsp;&ndash; Gotcha&nbsp;&ndash; Gothia&nbsp;&ndash; Gothic&nbsp;&ndash; Gothus&nbsp;&ndash; Gotta Be You&nbsp;&ndash; Gottfredson&nbsp;&ndash; Gotthard&nbsp;&ndash; Gotthard-tunneli&nbsp;&ndash; Gottwald&nbsp;&ndash; Gould&nbsp;&ndash; Gourdon&nbsp;&ndash; Goya&nbsp;&ndash; Gp&nbsp;&ndash; Gq&nbsp;&ndash; Gr&nbsp;&ndash; Gracchus&nbsp;&ndash; Grace&nbsp;&ndash; Graciosa&nbsp;&ndash; Grad&nbsp;&ndash; Gradski Stadium&nbsp;&ndash; Grafton&nbsp;&ndash; Grahaminsaari&nbsp;&ndash; Gram&nbsp;&ndash; Gran Turismo&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Beach&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Hotel&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Island&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Marais&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Prairie&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Prix&nbsp;&ndash; Grand Rapids&nbsp;&ndash; Granholm&nbsp;&ndash; Granit&nbsp;&ndash; Granlund&nbsp;&ndash; Granny&nbsp;&ndash; Grant&nbsp;&ndash; Granö&nbsp;&ndash; Gratianus&nbsp;&ndash; Gravitaatioaalto&nbsp;&ndash; Grease&nbsp;&ndash; Great Falls&nbsp;&ndash; Greatest Hits&nbsp;&ndash; Green River&nbsp;&ndash; Greenville&nbsp;&ndash; Gregoriaaninen&nbsp;&ndash; Grenqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Grenville&nbsp;&ndash; Grey&nbsp;&ndash; Greyhound&nbsp;&ndash; Grez&nbsp;&ndash; Grid&nbsp;&ndash; Griffin&nbsp;&ndash; Griffith&nbsp;&ndash; Griffiths&nbsp;&ndash; Grimaldi&nbsp;&ndash; Groteski&nbsp;&ndash; Grove&nbsp;&ndash; Grundström&nbsp;&ndash; Gryllos&nbsp;&ndash; Gränsvallen&nbsp;&ndash; Gräsbeck&nbsp;&ndash; Grönberg&nbsp;&ndash; Grönlund&nbsp;&ndash; Grönqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Grönroos&nbsp;&ndash; Gs&nbsp;&ndash; Gt&nbsp;&ndash; Gu&nbsp;&ndash; Guadalajara&nbsp;&ndash; Guamin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Guggenheim&nbsp;&ndash; Guggenheim-museo&nbsp;&ndash; Guise&nbsp;&ndash; Gulliver&nbsp;&ndash; Gullstén&nbsp;&ndash; Gunnar Aspelin&nbsp;&ndash; Gunnar Larsson&nbsp;&ndash; Gunners&nbsp;&ndash; Gunther&nbsp;&ndash; Gurjevsk&nbsp;&ndash; Gustaf Lundahl&nbsp;&ndash; Gustaf Wrede&nbsp;&ndash; Gustafsson&nbsp;&ndash; Gustavsson&nbsp;&ndash; Gute&nbsp;&ndash; Gutenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Gutzeit&nbsp;&ndash; Guus&nbsp;&ndash; Gv&nbsp;&ndash; Gw&nbsp;&ndash; Gx&nbsp;&ndash; Gy&nbsp;&ndash; Gyges&nbsp;&ndash; Gyldén&nbsp;&ndash; Gypsy&nbsp;&ndash; Gz&nbsp;&ndash; Göteborgin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash;


H2O&nbsp;&ndash; HAC&nbsp;&ndash; HAH&nbsp;&ndash; HBC&nbsp;&ndash; HBR&nbsp;&ndash; HCC&nbsp;&ndash; HCl&nbsp;&ndash; HDF&nbsp;&ndash; HES&nbsp;&ndash; HII&nbsp;&ndash; HKR&nbsp;&ndash; HOK&nbsp;&ndash; HOPS&nbsp;&ndash; HSL&nbsp;&ndash; HSY&nbsp;&ndash; HTC&nbsp;&ndash; HTG&nbsp;&ndash; HTM&nbsp;&ndash; HTV&nbsp;&ndash; Ha&nbsp;&ndash; Haagin tuomioistuin&nbsp;&ndash; Haakon&nbsp;&ndash; Haanpää&nbsp;&ndash; Haapakoski&nbsp;&ndash; Haapakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Haapala&nbsp;&ndash; Haapanen&nbsp;&ndash; Haapaniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Haapasaari&nbsp;&ndash; Haapasalo&nbsp;&ndash; Haavisto&nbsp;&ndash; Habakuk&nbsp;&ndash; Haber&nbsp;&ndash; Hacienda&nbsp;&ndash; Hackman (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Haga&nbsp;&ndash; Hagelstam&nbsp;&ndash; Hagman&nbsp;&ndash; Hahmo&nbsp;&ndash; Hahnemann&nbsp;&ndash; Hahto&nbsp;&ndash; Hajonta&nbsp;&ndash; Haka&nbsp;&ndash; Hakala&nbsp;&ndash; Hakka&nbsp;&ndash; Hakkapeliitta&nbsp;&ndash; Hakkarainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hakki&nbsp;&ndash; Hakoinen&nbsp;&ndash; Hakulinen&nbsp;&ndash; Halifax&nbsp;&ndash; Halla-aho&nbsp;&ndash; Hallamaa&nbsp;&ndash; Hallberg&nbsp;&ndash; Halli&nbsp;&ndash; Hallo&nbsp;&ndash; Halme&nbsp;&ndash; Halo&nbsp;&ndash; Halonen&nbsp;&ndash; Halpern&nbsp;&ndash; Haltia&nbsp;&ndash; Halttu&nbsp;&ndash; Halvari&nbsp;&ndash; Hamari&nbsp;&ndash; Hamilton&nbsp;&ndash; Hammarskjöld&nbsp;&ndash; Hammasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Hammastus&nbsp;&ndash; Hampton&nbsp;&ndash; Han&nbsp;&ndash; Hancock&nbsp;&ndash; Handy&nbsp;&ndash; Hangover&nbsp;&ndash; Hanhijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Hanka&nbsp;&ndash; Hanna Partanen&nbsp;&ndash; Hannikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hanno&nbsp;&ndash; Hannu Hämäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Hannu Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Hannu Penttilä&nbsp;&ndash; Hannu Riikonen&nbsp;&ndash; Hannula&nbsp;&ndash; Hannus&nbsp;&ndash; Hanok&nbsp;&ndash; Hans Holbein&nbsp;&ndash; Hans Krebs&nbsp;&ndash; Hansa&nbsp;&ndash; Hansen&nbsp;&ndash; Hanti&nbsp;&ndash; Happiness&nbsp;&ndash; Hara&nbsp;&ndash; Harald Lindberg&nbsp;&ndash; Hardcore&nbsp;&ndash; Harding&nbsp;&ndash; Hardy&nbsp;&ndash; Harha&nbsp;&ndash; Harha-aistimus&nbsp;&ndash; Harjoittelu&nbsp;&ndash; Harjukylä&nbsp;&ndash; Harjun hautausmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Harjun kartano&nbsp;&ndash; Harjunpää&nbsp;&ndash; Harkovan taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Harmaja&nbsp;&ndash; Harmonia&nbsp;&ndash; Harnoncourt&nbsp;&ndash; Harold Nelson&nbsp;&ndash; Harpalyke&nbsp;&ndash; Harpoon&nbsp;&ndash; Harpyija&nbsp;&ndash; Harri Rantanen&nbsp;&ndash; Harris&nbsp;&ndash; Harrison&nbsp;&ndash; Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Hartikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hartman&nbsp;&ndash; Hartola&nbsp;&ndash; Hartwall&nbsp;&ndash; Haruna&nbsp;&ndash; Harva&nbsp;&ndash; Harvest Moon&nbsp;&ndash; Harvester&nbsp;&ndash; Harvey&nbsp;&ndash; Haryjalah&nbsp;&ndash; Hasdrubal&nbsp;&ndash; Hashima&nbsp;&ndash; Hassan&nbsp;&ndash; Hassan Sesay&nbsp;&ndash; Hassel&nbsp;&ndash; Hasselblatt&nbsp;&ndash; Hatakka&nbsp;&ndash; Hattara&nbsp;&ndash; Hattulan kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Haukivaara&nbsp;&ndash; Hausa&nbsp;&ndash; Hautala&nbsp;&ndash; Havana&nbsp;&ndash; Havas&nbsp;&ndash; Have a Nice Day&nbsp;&ndash; Havock&nbsp;&ndash; Hawkins&nbsp;&ndash; Hawks&nbsp;&ndash; Hay&nbsp;&ndash; Hayden&nbsp;&ndash; Hayek&nbsp;&ndash; Hayes&nbsp;&ndash; Haywire&nbsp;&ndash; Hazard&nbsp;&ndash; Haze&nbsp;&ndash; Hašek&nbsp;&ndash; Hb&nbsp;&ndash; Hc&nbsp;&ndash; Hd&nbsp;&ndash; He&nbsp;&ndash; Hearst&nbsp;&ndash; Heart&nbsp;&ndash; Heartbreaker&nbsp;&ndash; Heat&nbsp;&ndash; Heath Miller&nbsp;&ndash; Heaven's Gate&nbsp;&ndash; Heaven and Hell&nbsp;&ndash; Hecht&nbsp;&ndash; Hecla&nbsp;&ndash; Hector Lopez&nbsp;&ndash; Hectorock&nbsp;&ndash; Hedley&nbsp;&ndash; Hedman&nbsp;&ndash; Hegesias&nbsp;&ndash; Heiden&nbsp;&ndash; Heikinheimo&nbsp;&ndash; Heikka&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Huttunen&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Laine&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Nummi&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Riihijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Saari&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Salonen&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Savolainen&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Taskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Heikki Väänänen&nbsp;&ndash; Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Heikkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Heil&nbsp;&ndash; Heimbürger&nbsp;&ndash; Heimo&nbsp;&ndash; Heimonen&nbsp;&ndash; Heiner&nbsp;&ndash; Heinijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Heinisuo&nbsp;&ndash; Heino&nbsp;&ndash; Heinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Heinrich&nbsp;&ndash; Heinäjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Heinätori&nbsp;&ndash; Heinävaara&nbsp;&ndash; Heiskanen&nbsp;&ndash; Heittolaji&nbsp;&ndash; Hekataios&nbsp;&ndash; Heksa&nbsp;&ndash; HelMet&nbsp;&ndash; Helander&nbsp;&ndash; Helen Morgan&nbsp;&ndash; Helena&nbsp;&ndash; Helene&nbsp;&ndash; Helenius&nbsp;&ndash; Helgolandin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Heli&nbsp;&ndash; Helin&nbsp;&ndash; Heliodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Helix&nbsp;&ndash; Heliövaara&nbsp;&ndash; Hell's Kitchen&nbsp;&ndash; Hella&nbsp;&ndash; Hellas&nbsp;&ndash; Hellberg&nbsp;&ndash; Hellcat&nbsp;&ndash; Hellhammer&nbsp;&ndash; Hellman&nbsp;&ndash; Hellner&nbsp;&ndash; Hello&nbsp;&ndash; Hello, Dolly!&nbsp;&ndash; Hellstén&nbsp;&ndash; Helminen&nbsp;&ndash; Help&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingfors&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingin Sokos&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingin hiippakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingin pitäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Helsingin telakka&nbsp;&ndash; Hemi&nbsp;&ndash; Hemingway&nbsp;&ndash; Hemprich&nbsp;&ndash; Henderson&nbsp;&ndash; Henkilöpalvonta&nbsp;&ndash; Henna&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik I&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik II&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik III&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik IV&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik Karlsson&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik V&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik VI&nbsp;&ndash; Henrik VII&nbsp;&ndash; Henriksen&nbsp;&ndash; Henriksson&nbsp;&ndash; Henry Rawlinson&nbsp;&ndash; Henry Russell&nbsp;&ndash; Hepburn&nbsp;&ndash; Hepolan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Hera&nbsp;&ndash; Herakleia&nbsp;&ndash; Herero&nbsp;&ndash; Herkules&nbsp;&ndash; Hermanni&nbsp;&ndash; Hermia&nbsp;&ndash; Hermias&nbsp;&ndash; Hermione&nbsp;&ndash; Hermogenes&nbsp;&ndash; Hermotimos&nbsp;&ndash; Hernani&nbsp;&ndash; Hero&nbsp;&ndash; HeroQuest&nbsp;&ndash; Heroes&nbsp;&ndash; Herrala&nbsp;&ndash; Hertta&nbsp;&ndash; Herttuat&nbsp;&ndash; Hertz&nbsp;&ndash; Hertzberg&nbsp;&ndash; Herz&nbsp;&ndash; Herøy&nbsp;&ndash; Hesperia&nbsp;&ndash; Hesperus&nbsp;&ndash; Hess&nbsp;&ndash; Hesse&nbsp;&ndash; Hessu&nbsp;&ndash; Hesykhios&nbsp;&ndash; Hetemaj&nbsp;&ndash; Heteronyymi&nbsp;&ndash; Hetki lyö&nbsp;&ndash; Hetu&nbsp;&ndash; Hetula&nbsp;&ndash; Heureka&nbsp;&ndash; Heyer&nbsp;&ndash; Hf&nbsp;&ndash; Hg&nbsp;&ndash; Hh&nbsp;&ndash; Hi&nbsp;&ndash; Hicks&nbsp;&ndash; Hiei&nbsp;&ndash; Hiekkalaatikko&nbsp;&ndash; Hiekkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Hierarkia&nbsp;&ndash; Hieron&nbsp;&ndash; Hieronymos&nbsp;&ndash; Hierro&nbsp;&ndash; Hietakari&nbsp;&ndash; Hietala&nbsp;&ndash; Hietalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Hietamäki&nbsp;&ndash; High Voltage&nbsp;&ndash; Highlander&nbsp;&ndash; Hiidenheimo&nbsp;&ndash; Hiidenkivi&nbsp;&ndash; Hiidenpata&nbsp;&ndash; Hiijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Hiipinä&nbsp;&ndash; Hiiri&nbsp;&ndash; Hijra&nbsp;&ndash; Hila&nbsp;&ndash; Hildebrand&nbsp;&ndash; Hildén&nbsp;&ndash; Hiljaa virtaa Don&nbsp;&ndash; Hiljainen amerikkalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hill&nbsp;&ndash; Hilla&nbsp;&ndash; Hilli&nbsp;&ndash; Hillsborough&nbsp;&ndash; Hiltunen&nbsp;&ndash; Hilário&nbsp;&ndash; Himalia&nbsp;&ndash; Himo&nbsp;&ndash; Hindenburg&nbsp;&ndash; Hindu&nbsp;&ndash; Hindustan&nbsp;&ndash; Hinnalla millä hyvänsä&nbsp;&ndash; Hino&nbsp;&ndash; Hintikka&nbsp;&ndash; Hinton&nbsp;&ndash; Hippolytos&nbsp;&ndash; Hippos&nbsp;&ndash; Hirvas&nbsp;&ndash; Hirvijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Hirvijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Hirvisaari&nbsp;&ndash; Hirvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Historisismi&nbsp;&ndash; Hitit&nbsp;&ndash; Hitman&nbsp;&ndash; Hiukkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Hj&nbsp;&ndash; Hjalmar Eklund&nbsp;&ndash; Hjalmar Procopé&nbsp;&ndash; Hjelt&nbsp;&ndash; Hjärne&nbsp;&ndash; Hk&nbsp;&ndash; Hki&nbsp;&ndash; Hl&nbsp;&ndash; Hm&nbsp;&ndash; Hn&nbsp;&ndash; Ho&nbsp;&ndash; Hockey&nbsp;&ndash; Hodynka&nbsp;&ndash; Hoffman&nbsp;&ndash; Hoffmann&nbsp;&ndash; Hoffrén&nbsp;&ndash; Hofman&nbsp;&ndash; Hofmann&nbsp;&ndash; Hoikka&nbsp;&ndash; Hoilo&nbsp;&ndash; Hoitokokous&nbsp;&ndash; Hokkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Holkeri&nbsp;&ndash; Holland&nbsp;&ndash; Hollanninpaimenkoira&nbsp;&ndash; Hollanti&nbsp;&ndash; Holly Golightly&nbsp;&ndash; Holmberg&nbsp;&ndash; Holmes&nbsp;&ndash; Holmström&nbsp;&ndash; Holopainen&nbsp;&ndash; Holsti&nbsp;&ndash; Homburg&nbsp;&ndash; Homeland&nbsp;&ndash; Home of the Brave&nbsp;&ndash; Homo&nbsp;&ndash; Homolka&nbsp;&ndash; Honey&nbsp;&ndash; Hongisto&nbsp;&ndash; Honka&nbsp;&ndash; Honkala&nbsp;&ndash; Honkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Honkaranta&nbsp;&ndash; Honkola&nbsp;&ndash; Hood&nbsp;&ndash; Hoover&nbsp;&ndash; Hope&nbsp;&ndash; Hopeanuoli&nbsp;&ndash; Hopeinen kuu&nbsp;&ndash; Horn&nbsp;&ndash; Hornborgin komitea&nbsp;&ndash; Hornet&nbsp;&ndash; Horo&nbsp;&ndash; Horowitz&nbsp;&ndash; Horton&nbsp;&ndash; Hosio&nbsp;&ndash; Hospital&nbsp;&ndash; Hotakainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hotspur&nbsp;&ndash; Houdini&nbsp;&ndash; Houghton&nbsp;&ndash; Housujärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Hovden&nbsp;&ndash; Howard&nbsp;&ndash; Howard Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Howard Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Howe&nbsp;&ndash; Hp&nbsp;&ndash; Hq&nbsp;&ndash; Hr&nbsp;&ndash; Hrdlička&nbsp;&ndash; Hristo Botev Stadium&nbsp;&ndash; Hs&nbsp;&ndash; Ht&nbsp;&ndash; Hu&nbsp;&ndash; Hu Jia&nbsp;&ndash; Hub&nbsp;&ndash; Hubbard&nbsp;&ndash; Hubble&nbsp;&ndash; Huber&nbsp;&ndash; Hübner&nbsp;&ndash; Hudson&nbsp;&ndash; Hudson Bay&nbsp;&ndash; Huhta&nbsp;&ndash; Huhtala (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Huhti&nbsp;&ndash; Huikko&nbsp;&ndash; Huk&nbsp;&ndash; Huldén&nbsp;&ndash; Hull&nbsp;&ndash; Hult&nbsp;&ndash; Hultin&nbsp;&ndash; Humboldt&nbsp;&ndash; Humphrey&nbsp;&ndash; Hunt-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Hunter&nbsp;&ndash; Huntington&nbsp;&ndash; Huntsville&nbsp;&ndash; Huotari&nbsp;&ndash; Huovinen&nbsp;&ndash; Hurme&nbsp;&ndash; Hurmio&nbsp;&ndash; Hurricane&nbsp;&ndash; Hursti&nbsp;&ndash; Hus&nbsp;&ndash; Huttunen&nbsp;&ndash; Huussi&nbsp;&ndash; Huutokoski&nbsp;&ndash; Huygens&nbsp;&ndash; Hv&nbsp;&ndash; Hvar&nbsp;&ndash; Hw&nbsp;&ndash; Hx&nbsp;&ndash; Hy&nbsp;&ndash; Hyadit&nbsp;&ndash; Hyasintti&nbsp;&ndash; Hybridi&nbsp;&ndash; Hydra&nbsp;&ndash; Hyginus&nbsp;&ndash; Hylje&nbsp;&ndash; Hymen&nbsp;&ndash; Hyperion&nbsp;&ndash; Hypermedialaboratorio&nbsp;&ndash; Hypostaasi&nbsp;&ndash; Hypostasia&nbsp;&ndash; Hyppy&nbsp;&ndash; Hyppylaji&nbsp;&ndash; Hyppönen&nbsp;&ndash; Hyrkanos&nbsp;&ndash; Hyrkäs&nbsp;&ndash; Hythe&nbsp;&ndash; Hytti&nbsp;&ndash; Hyttinen&nbsp;&ndash; Hytönen&nbsp;&ndash; Hyundai H-1&nbsp;&ndash; Hyypiä&nbsp;&ndash; Hyypiö&nbsp;&ndash; Hyökkäys poliisiasemalle 13&nbsp;&ndash; Hz&nbsp;&ndash; Hägglund&nbsp;&ndash; Häikiö&nbsp;&ndash; Häjyt&nbsp;&ndash; Häkkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Häkli&nbsp;&ndash; Häkämies&nbsp;&ndash; Hämeen-Anttila&nbsp;&ndash; Hämeenkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Hämeenmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Hämeentie&nbsp;&ndash; Hämähäkkimies (animaatiosarja)&nbsp;&ndash; Hämähäkkinainen&nbsp;&ndash; Hämäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Hänninen&nbsp;&ndash; Häntäkärpänen&nbsp;&ndash; Häntälä&nbsp;&ndash; Härkä&nbsp;&ndash; Härkälä&nbsp;&ndash; Härkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Härmä&nbsp;&ndash; Häränsilmä&nbsp;&ndash; Härö&nbsp;&ndash; Hävittäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Häyry&nbsp;&ndash; Hébert&nbsp;&ndash; Höijer&nbsp;&ndash; Hōjō&nbsp;&ndash; Høffding&nbsp;&ndash;


I'll Be There for You&nbsp;&ndash; I'm alive&nbsp;&ndash; I'm with You&nbsp;&ndash; I-15&nbsp;&ndash; I-kieli&nbsp;&ndash; IBO&nbsp;&ndash; IBS&nbsp;&ndash; ICC&nbsp;&ndash; ICE&nbsp;&ndash; IDL&nbsp;&ndash; IFF&nbsp;&ndash; IHK&nbsp;&ndash; IHL&nbsp;&ndash; III armeijakunta&nbsp;&ndash; II armeijakunta&nbsp;&ndash; IMO&nbsp;&ndash; INRI&nbsp;&ndash; IOC&nbsp;&ndash; IPS&nbsp;&ndash; IPSC&nbsp;&ndash; IRL&nbsp;&ndash; IRS&nbsp;&ndash; ISK&nbsp;&ndash; ITF&nbsp;&ndash; ITS&nbsp;&ndash; IV armeijakunta&nbsp;&ndash; I Can&nbsp;&ndash; I Spy&nbsp;&ndash; I Walk the Line&nbsp;&ndash; I armeijakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Ia&nbsp;&ndash; Ialomița&nbsp;&ndash; Ian McDonald&nbsp;&ndash; Ian Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Ib&nbsp;&ndash; Ibaraki&nbsp;&ndash; Iberia&nbsp;&ndash; Ic&nbsp;&ndash; Icarus&nbsp;&ndash; Iceman&nbsp;&ndash; Id&nbsp;&ndash; Ida&nbsp;&ndash; Ideaali&nbsp;&ndash; Idel&nbsp;&ndash; Identiteetti&nbsp;&ndash; Identiteetti (matematiikka)&nbsp;&ndash; Idänpään-Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Ie&nbsp;&ndash; If&nbsp;&ndash; Ifa&nbsp;&ndash; Ifikles&nbsp;&ndash; Ifis&nbsp;&ndash; Ifitos&nbsp;&ndash; Ig&nbsp;&ndash; Igbo&nbsp;&ndash; Iglesias&nbsp;&ndash; Ignatius&nbsp;&ndash; Ignorance&nbsp;&ndash; Ih&nbsp;&ndash; Ihala&nbsp;&ndash; Ihamuotila&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmemaa&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmemaa Oz&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmismetsästys&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmispeto&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmistyyppi&nbsp;&ndash; Ihmisyys&nbsp;&ndash; Iijoen rautatiesilta&nbsp;&ndash; Iijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Iines&nbsp;&ndash; Iisalmen rata&nbsp;&ndash; Ij&nbsp;&ndash; Ijo&nbsp;&ndash; Ijäs&nbsp;&ndash; Ik&nbsp;&ndash; Ikarios&nbsp;&ndash; Ike&nbsp;&ndash; Iki&nbsp;&ndash; Ikonen&nbsp;&ndash; Ikä&nbsp;&ndash; Ikäraja&nbsp;&ndash; Il&nbsp;&ndash; Ilex&nbsp;&ndash; Ilhéu de Fora&nbsp;&ndash; Ilion&nbsp;&ndash; Ilkka&nbsp;&ndash; Illi&nbsp;&ndash; Illuminatus&nbsp;&ndash; Illusionismi&nbsp;&ndash; Ilmarinen&nbsp;&ndash; Ilmasota&nbsp;&ndash; Ilvessalo&nbsp;&ndash; Im&nbsp;&ndash; Image&nbsp;&ndash; Imaginarium&nbsp;&ndash; Imagine&nbsp;&ndash; Immonen&nbsp;&ndash; Imperial&nbsp;&ndash; Imperiumi&nbsp;&ndash; Impi&nbsp;&ndash; Impiö (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Impulse&nbsp;&ndash; Imraguen&nbsp;&ndash; In&nbsp;&ndash; In between&nbsp;&ndash; In Cold Blood&nbsp;&ndash; Inakari&nbsp;&ndash; Indecent Proposal&nbsp;&ndash; Indeksi&nbsp;&ndash; Independence&nbsp;&ndash; Independence Stadium&nbsp;&ndash; Indigo&nbsp;&ndash; Indikaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Indikaattori (kemia)&nbsp;&ndash; Induktio&nbsp;&ndash; Inez&nbsp;&ndash; Inferno&nbsp;&ndash; Infest&nbsp;&ndash; Ingalls&nbsp;&ndash; Ingelius&nbsp;&ndash; Ingemar Andersson&nbsp;&ndash; Ingen&nbsp;&ndash; Inglewood&nbsp;&ndash; Ingman&nbsp;&ndash; Ingmanin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Inho&nbsp;&ndash; Inka&nbsp;&ndash; Inkeroinen&nbsp;&ndash; Inkluusio&nbsp;&ndash; Innanen&nbsp;&ndash; Innere Stadt&nbsp;&ndash; Inno&nbsp;&ndash; Innocentius&nbsp;&ndash; Innova&nbsp;&ndash; Innsbruckin olympialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Insidious&nbsp;&ndash; Insomnia&nbsp;&ndash; Insomniac&nbsp;&ndash; Inspiration&nbsp;&ndash; Instanssi&nbsp;&ndash; Instrumentalisti&nbsp;&ndash; Instrumentti&nbsp;&ndash; Integraatio&nbsp;&ndash; Integrointi&nbsp;&ndash; Inter&nbsp;&ndash; Intercontinental Cup&nbsp;&ndash; Intermission&nbsp;&ndash; Internalismi ja eksternalismi&nbsp;&ndash; Internationaali&nbsp;&ndash; Interpretivismi&nbsp;&ndash; Interstate 580&nbsp;&ndash; Interstate 680&nbsp;&ndash; Interventio&nbsp;&ndash; Intiaani&nbsp;&ndash; Intian–Pakistanin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Intifada&nbsp;&ndash; Into&nbsp;&ndash; Intohimo&nbsp;&ndash; Into the Wild&nbsp;&ndash; Intrepid&nbsp;&ndash; Inuitti&nbsp;&ndash; Invalidi&nbsp;&ndash; Inversio&nbsp;&ndash; Invictus&nbsp;&ndash; Invincible&nbsp;&ndash; Invincible-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Io&nbsp;&ndash; Ion&nbsp;&ndash; Ipanapa&nbsp;&ndash; Iphigenia&nbsp;&ndash; Iq&nbsp;&ndash; Ir&nbsp;&ndash; Ireland&nbsp;&ndash; Irena&nbsp;&ndash; Iris&nbsp;&ndash; Irlantilaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Iron Man&nbsp;&ndash; Iron Mountain&nbsp;&ndash; Ironside&nbsp;&ndash; Iroquois&nbsp;&ndash; Irresistible&nbsp;&ndash; Irreversiibeli&nbsp;&ndash; Irti&nbsp;&ndash; Irving&nbsp;&ndash; Irwin&nbsp;&ndash; Is&nbsp;&ndash; Isaac Israeli&nbsp;&ndash; Isaac Singer&nbsp;&ndash; Isabel&nbsp;&ndash; Isabela&nbsp;&ndash; Isabella&nbsp;&ndash; Isidoros&nbsp;&ndash; Ising&nbsp;&ndash; Iskelmä&nbsp;&ndash; Isku&nbsp;&ndash; Isla de Lobos&nbsp;&ndash; Island Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Ismail&nbsp;&ndash; Iso-Kaskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Isojärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Isokatu&nbsp;&ndash; Isokylä&nbsp;&ndash; Isometrinen&nbsp;&ndash; Issikka&nbsp;&ndash; István Báthory&nbsp;&ndash; Isä, poika ja pyhä henki&nbsp;&ndash; It&nbsp;&ndash; Italian kuningaskunta&nbsp;&ndash; Italian–Etiopian sodat&nbsp;&ndash; Ithaca&nbsp;&ndash; Itis&nbsp;&ndash; Itkisitkö onnesta&nbsp;&ndash; Itse&nbsp;&ndash; Itsenäisyyspäivä&nbsp;&ndash; It's Too Late&nbsp;&ndash; Itä-Intian komppania&nbsp;&ndash; Itä-Karjalan suurhyökkäys 1944&nbsp;&ndash; Itä-Suomen Työmies&nbsp;&ndash; Itä-Suomi&nbsp;&ndash; Itäinen maakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Itälä&nbsp;&ndash; Itärintama&nbsp;&ndash; It’s My Life&nbsp;&ndash; Iu&nbsp;&ndash; Iv&nbsp;&ndash; Ivan Hovanski&nbsp;&ndash; Ivan Kolev&nbsp;&ndash; Ivanov&nbsp;&ndash; Ivar Aminoff&nbsp;&ndash; Iw&nbsp;&ndash; Iwakura&nbsp;&ndash; Ix&nbsp;&ndash; Iy&nbsp;&ndash; Iyo&nbsp;&ndash; Iz&nbsp;&ndash; Izumi&nbsp;&ndash; Ižora&nbsp;&ndash;


JCB&nbsp;&ndash; JEE&nbsp;&ndash; JPN&nbsp;&ndash; JR 8&nbsp;&ndash; JVK&nbsp;&ndash; Ja&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakko I&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakko II&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakko Seppälä&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakkola&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakob&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakobin ilmestys&nbsp;&ndash; Jaakola&nbsp;&ndash; Jaalanka&nbsp;&ndash; Jaatila&nbsp;&ndash; Jaatinen&nbsp;&ndash; Jack Campbell&nbsp;&ndash; Jack Frost&nbsp;&ndash; Jack Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Jack Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Jack Sullivan&nbsp;&ndash; Jackal&nbsp;&ndash; Jackpot&nbsp;&ndash; Jackson&nbsp;&ndash; Jacksonville&nbsp;&ndash; Jacob Wallenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Jacobi&nbsp;&ndash; Jaffa&nbsp;&ndash; Jagannathin temppeli&nbsp;&ndash; Jager&nbsp;&ndash; Jahvetti&nbsp;&ndash; Jaime Ruiz&nbsp;&ndash; Jakkula&nbsp;&ndash; Jako&nbsp;&ndash; Jakobiitit&nbsp;&ndash; Jakobiitti&nbsp;&ndash; Jakobson&nbsp;&ndash; Jakokunta&nbsp;&ndash; Jakso&nbsp;&ndash; Jakuutti&nbsp;&ndash; Jalapa&nbsp;&ndash; Jalas&nbsp;&ndash; Jalava&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkalihas&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkaväkirykmentti 11&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkaväkirykmentti 13&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkaväkirykmentti 16&nbsp;&ndash; Jalkaväkirykmentti 7&nbsp;&ndash; Jallu&nbsp;&ndash; Jalostus&nbsp;&ndash; Jama Masjid&nbsp;&ndash; Jamaica&nbsp;&ndash; Jamba&nbsp;&ndash; Jambi&nbsp;&ndash; James&nbsp;&ndash; James Black&nbsp;&ndash; James Carter&nbsp;&ndash; James Collins&nbsp;&ndash; James Ferguson&nbsp;&ndash; James Floyd&nbsp;&ndash; James Gordon Bennett&nbsp;&ndash; James Ivory&nbsp;&ndash; James Murphy&nbsp;&ndash; James Scott&nbsp;&ndash; James Stirling&nbsp;&ndash; James Weaver&nbsp;&ndash; James Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Jamestown&nbsp;&ndash; Jamie Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Jana&nbsp;&ndash; Jane Alexander&nbsp;&ndash; Janne Kinnunen&nbsp;&ndash; Janne Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Janne Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Janne Räsänen&nbsp;&ndash; Jan Sandström&nbsp;&ndash; Jansen&nbsp;&ndash; Janssen&nbsp;&ndash; Jansson&nbsp;&ndash; Jantra&nbsp;&ndash; Jantunen&nbsp;&ndash; Japa&nbsp;&ndash; Japanin laivasto&nbsp;&ndash; Jari&nbsp;&ndash; Jari Niemelä&nbsp;&ndash; Jarmo Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jarmo Koskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Jaroslav&nbsp;&ndash; Jarrell&nbsp;&ndash; Jarrumoottori&nbsp;&ndash; Jarrutus&nbsp;&ndash; Jarva&nbsp;&ndash; Jasmine&nbsp;&ndash; Jason&nbsp;&ndash; Jason Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Jason Young&nbsp;&ndash; Jasper&nbsp;&ndash; Jasperin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Jasso&nbsp;&ndash; Jatkoaika&nbsp;&ndash; Jatsi&nbsp;&ndash; Jatuli&nbsp;&ndash; Jauhiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Javi&nbsp;&ndash; Javier Hernández&nbsp;&ndash; Jb&nbsp;&ndash; Jc&nbsp;&ndash; Jd&nbsp;&ndash; Je&nbsp;&ndash; Jeesuksen hauta&nbsp;&ndash; Jefferson&nbsp;&ndash; Jeffersonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Jelena Antonova&nbsp;&ndash; Jelena Sokolova&nbsp;&ndash; Jenkins&nbsp;&ndash; Jenner&nbsp;&ndash; Jensen&nbsp;&ndash; Jernström&nbsp;&ndash; Jerusalemin moskeija&nbsp;&ndash; Jerusalemin piiritys&nbsp;&ndash; Jerusalemin temppeli&nbsp;&ndash; Jesse Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Jesus Christ Superstar&nbsp;&ndash; Jet&nbsp;&ndash; Jetman&nbsp;&ndash; Jevgeni Kuznetsov&nbsp;&ndash; Jevgeni Novikov&nbsp;&ndash; Jf&nbsp;&ndash; Jg&nbsp;&ndash; Jh&nbsp;&ndash; Jim Shea&nbsp;&ndash; Jimmy Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Jisreel&nbsp;&ndash; Jive&nbsp;&ndash; Jiří Novotný&nbsp;&ndash; Jj&nbsp;&ndash; Jk&nbsp;&ndash; JL&nbsp;&ndash; Jm&nbsp;&ndash; Jne.&nbsp;&ndash; Jo&nbsp;&ndash; Joan Harrison&nbsp;&ndash; Joaquin&nbsp;&ndash; Joas&nbsp;&ndash; Joe&nbsp;&ndash; Joe Greene&nbsp;&ndash; Joe Jackson&nbsp;&ndash; Joe Keenan&nbsp;&ndash; Joe Perry&nbsp;&ndash; Joe Salem&nbsp;&ndash; Johan Bergbom&nbsp;&ndash; Johan Munck&nbsp;&ndash; Johann Strauss&nbsp;&ndash; Johanna Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Johanneksen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Johannes VIII&nbsp;&ndash; Johansson&nbsp;&ndash; Johdin&nbsp;&ndash; John Abercrombie&nbsp;&ndash; John Allen&nbsp;&ndash; John Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; John Barnes&nbsp;&ndash; John Bentley&nbsp;&ndash; John Brown&nbsp;&ndash; John Campbell&nbsp;&ndash; John Cavell&nbsp;&ndash; John Davidson&nbsp;&ndash; John Davis&nbsp;&ndash; John Dunning&nbsp;&ndash; John Farrell&nbsp;&ndash; John Fitch&nbsp;&ndash; John Flanagan&nbsp;&ndash; John Flynn&nbsp;&ndash; John French&nbsp;&ndash; John Gilmore&nbsp;&ndash; John Green&nbsp;&ndash; John Hunter&nbsp;&ndash; John Jackson&nbsp;&ndash; John James&nbsp;&ndash; John Joubert&nbsp;&ndash; John Kinsella&nbsp;&ndash; John Mackey&nbsp;&ndash; John Madden&nbsp;&ndash; John Marshall&nbsp;&ndash; John McInerney&nbsp;&ndash; John Montgomery&nbsp;&ndash; John Morton&nbsp;&ndash; John Nash&nbsp;&ndash; John Norris&nbsp;&ndash; John Payne&nbsp;&ndash; John Powell&nbsp;&ndash; John Randolph&nbsp;&ndash; John Reilly&nbsp;&ndash; John Scott&nbsp;&ndash; John Simon&nbsp;&ndash; John Smith&nbsp;&ndash; John Sununu&nbsp;&ndash; John Thomas&nbsp;&ndash; John Toland&nbsp;&ndash; John W. Campbell - palkinto&nbsp;&ndash; John Watson&nbsp;&ndash; John Whitehead&nbsp;&ndash; John Williams&nbsp;&ndash; John Wright&nbsp;&ndash; Johnny&nbsp;&ndash; Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Johto&nbsp;&ndash; Jokeri&nbsp;&ndash; Jokijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Jokikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Jokimäki&nbsp;&ndash; Jokinen&nbsp;&ndash; Jokipii (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Joliot-Curie&nbsp;&ndash; Jonah&nbsp;&ndash; Jonas&nbsp;&ndash; Jonas Jonasson&nbsp;&ndash; Jonathan Bennett&nbsp;&ndash; Jonathan Edwards&nbsp;&ndash; Jonathan Goldstein&nbsp;&ndash; Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Jong&nbsp;&ndash; Joosef I&nbsp;&ndash; Jorge Hernández&nbsp;&ndash; Jorginho&nbsp;&ndash; Jorma Kallio&nbsp;&ndash; Jorma Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jorma Rantanen&nbsp;&ndash; Joruba&nbsp;&ndash; Joseph&nbsp;&ndash; Jotuni&nbsp;&ndash; Jouhki&nbsp;&ndash; Jouluksi kotiin&nbsp;&ndash; Journal d'un curé de campagne&nbsp;&ndash; Jousi&nbsp;&ndash; Joutsen&nbsp;&ndash; Joutsenkaula&nbsp;&ndash; Joutsenlahti&nbsp;&ndash; Joutsijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Joyce&nbsp;&ndash; João Rodrigues&nbsp;&ndash; Jp&nbsp;&ndash; Jq&nbsp;&ndash; Jr&nbsp;&ndash; Js&nbsp;&ndash; Jt&nbsp;&ndash; Ju&nbsp;&ndash; Juan López&nbsp;&ndash; Juan Muñoz&nbsp;&ndash; Juanfran&nbsp;&ndash; Juanito&nbsp;&ndash; Juba&nbsp;&ndash; Jubileinyi&nbsp;&ndash; Juha&nbsp;&ndash; Juha-Pekka&nbsp;&ndash; Juha Hakola&nbsp;&ndash; Juha Jokinen&nbsp;&ndash; Juha Järvenpää&nbsp;&ndash; Juha Salo&nbsp;&ndash; Juha Salonen&nbsp;&ndash; Juhana I&nbsp;&ndash; Juhana II&nbsp;&ndash; Juhana Wegelius&nbsp;&ndash; Juhani Peltonen&nbsp;&ndash; Juhani Rinne&nbsp;&ndash; Juhlaparaati&nbsp;&ndash; Juho Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Juho Niemi&nbsp;&ndash; Jukajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka-Pekka&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Korpela&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Koskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Laaksonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Ollila&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Sihvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Tammi&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Toivola&nbsp;&ndash; Jukka Välimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Juko&nbsp;&ndash; Jukopuu&nbsp;&ndash; Julia Bell&nbsp;&ndash; Julian Simon&nbsp;&ndash; Jump&nbsp;&ndash; Jung&nbsp;&ndash; Juninho&nbsp;&ndash; Junior&nbsp;&ndash; Junnelius&nbsp;&ndash; Juntta&nbsp;&ndash; Juntti&nbsp;&ndash; Junttila&nbsp;&ndash; Juoksupyörä&nbsp;&ndash; Jura&nbsp;&ndash; Jurado&nbsp;&ndash; Juraj Mikúš&nbsp;&ndash; Juri Kuznetsov&nbsp;&ndash; Juribei&nbsp;&ndash; Jurkka&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Halme&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Heikkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Kujala&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Lehtonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Pesonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jussi Vatanen&nbsp;&ndash; Jussila&nbsp;&ndash; Jussy&nbsp;&ndash; Justinianus&nbsp;&ndash; Justinus&nbsp;&ndash; Just the Way You Are&nbsp;&ndash; Justin McCarthy&nbsp;&ndash; Justus&nbsp;&ndash; Jusupov&nbsp;&ndash; Jusélius&nbsp;&ndash; Jutikkala&nbsp;&ndash; Juudaan evankeliumi&nbsp;&ndash; Juudas&nbsp;&ndash; Juuri&nbsp;&ndash; Juusela&nbsp;&ndash; Juutalaissota&nbsp;&ndash; Juuti&nbsp;&ndash; Juva (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Juvelius&nbsp;&ndash; Juvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Jv&nbsp;&ndash; Jx&nbsp;&ndash; Jy&nbsp;&ndash; Jylhä&nbsp;&ndash; Jyrki Salminen&nbsp;&ndash; Jäger&nbsp;&ndash; Jänkä&nbsp;&ndash; Jäppinen&nbsp;&ndash; Järjestysluku&nbsp;&ndash; Järve&nbsp;&ndash; Järvenjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Järvenpää (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Järvi (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Järvikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Järvilehto&nbsp;&ndash; Järvinen&nbsp;&ndash; Järviseutu&nbsp;&ndash; Jäsen&nbsp;&ndash; Jätkä&nbsp;&ndash; Jäämies&nbsp;&ndash; Jäänmurtaja Tarmo&nbsp;&ndash; Jääskeläinen&nbsp;&ndash; József Kovács&nbsp;&ndash; József Nagy&nbsp;&ndash; József Szabó&nbsp;&ndash; Jöns Knuutinpoika Kurki&nbsp;&ndash; Jørgensen&nbsp;&ndash; Júlio César&nbsp;&ndash;


K-1&nbsp;&ndash; K3&nbsp;&ndash; KKK&nbsp;&ndash; KKO&nbsp;&ndash; KLR&nbsp;&ndash; KLS&nbsp;&ndash; KLX&nbsp;&ndash; KMW&nbsp;&ndash; KNL&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Bergen&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Draug&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Gyller&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Oksøy&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Oslo&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Sleipner&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Stord&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Svenner&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Valkyrien&nbsp;&ndash; KNM Æger&nbsp;&ndash; KPL&nbsp;&ndash; KPT&nbsp;&ndash; KPV&nbsp;&ndash; KRI&nbsp;&ndash; KRV&nbsp;&ndash; KTL&nbsp;&ndash; KTM&nbsp;&ndash; KTP&nbsp;&ndash; KTV&nbsp;&ndash; KVM&nbsp;&ndash; KVR&nbsp;&ndash; Ka&nbsp;&ndash; KaVo&nbsp;&ndash; Kaanaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kaanon&nbsp;&ndash; Kaapeli&nbsp;&ndash; Kaari&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle I&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle II&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle III&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle IV&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle Kustaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle Ojanen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle VI&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle VII&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle VIII&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarle X&nbsp;&ndash; Kaarlo Kari&nbsp;&ndash; Kaasuöljy&nbsp;&ndash; Kaato&nbsp;&ndash; Kabel&nbsp;&ndash; Kaboom&nbsp;&ndash; Kaczyński&nbsp;&ndash; Kadonnut maailma&nbsp;&ndash; Kadotettu&nbsp;&ndash; Kaede&nbsp;&ndash; Kaffa&nbsp;&ndash; Kagerō&nbsp;&ndash; Kahn&nbsp;&ndash; Kai Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaikilla mausteilla&nbsp;&ndash; Kaikkien pyhien kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Kaikki pelissä&nbsp;&ndash; Kaikkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaila&nbsp;&ndash; Kailajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kainu&nbsp;&ndash; Kainulainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaipainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaipio&nbsp;&ndash; Kaipuu&nbsp;&ndash; Kaira&nbsp;&ndash; Kairamo&nbsp;&ndash; Kaisa&nbsp;&ndash; Kaisaniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kaisla&nbsp;&ndash; Kaitila&nbsp;&ndash; Kaivanto&nbsp;&ndash; Kaivola&nbsp;&ndash; Kajander&nbsp;&ndash; Kajava&nbsp;&ndash; Kaka&nbsp;&ndash; Kakka&nbsp;&ndash; Kakkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaksi maailmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kaksin aina kaunihimpi&nbsp;&ndash; Kaksoiselämää&nbsp;&ndash; Kaksoset&nbsp;&ndash; Kaku&nbsp;&ndash; Kalas&nbsp;&ndash; Kalatš&nbsp;&ndash; Kalev&nbsp;&ndash; Kaleva&nbsp;&ndash; Kalima&nbsp;&ndash; Kalinin&nbsp;&ndash; Kalininin piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Kalla&nbsp;&ndash; Kalle&nbsp;&ndash; Kalle Jokinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kallias&nbsp;&ndash; Kallio&nbsp;&ndash; Kalliojärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kalliokoski&nbsp;&ndash; Kalliola&nbsp;&ndash; Kalliomäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kallion hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Kallirhoe&nbsp;&ndash; Kallisto&nbsp;&ndash; Kallo&nbsp;&ndash; Kalma&nbsp;&ndash; Kalmukki&nbsp;&ndash; Kalotti&nbsp;&ndash; Kaltimo&nbsp;&ndash; Kalu&nbsp;&ndash; Kamari&nbsp;&ndash; Kamassi&nbsp;&ndash; Kambuja&nbsp;&ndash; Kameleontti&nbsp;&ndash; Kamenka&nbsp;&ndash; Kampong Cham&nbsp;&ndash; Kamtšatka&nbsp;&ndash; Kanavointi&nbsp;&ndash; Kandi&nbsp;&ndash; Kane&nbsp;&ndash; Kaneli&nbsp;&ndash; Kang&nbsp;&ndash; Kangasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kangaskylä&nbsp;&ndash; Kankari&nbsp;&ndash; Kankkunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kannisto&nbsp;&ndash; Kannu&nbsp;&ndash; Kannus&nbsp;&ndash; Kansa&nbsp;&ndash; Kansalaisfoorumi&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen liitto&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen pelastuskomitea&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen rintama&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen tutkimusneuvosto&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallinen vapautusrintama&nbsp;&ndash; Kansan ääni&nbsp;&ndash; Kansallispuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Kansankokous&nbsp;&ndash; Kansanpuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Kansas City&nbsp;&ndash; Kansleri&nbsp;&ndash; Kanta&nbsp;&ndash; Kantaja&nbsp;&ndash; Kantalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Kantaluku&nbsp;&ndash; Kantama&nbsp;&ndash; Kantasuomalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kantasuomi&nbsp;&ndash; Kanto&nbsp;&ndash; Kantola&nbsp;&ndash; Kapearaidemuseo&nbsp;&ndash; Kapina laivalla&nbsp;&ndash; Kapitaali&nbsp;&ndash; Kapitalisti&nbsp;&ndash; Kapiteeli&nbsp;&ndash; Kaplan&nbsp;&ndash; Kappa&nbsp;&ndash; Kappale&nbsp;&ndash; Kapteeni&nbsp;&ndash; Kapteeni Ihme&nbsp;&ndash; Kapys&nbsp;&ndash; Kara&nbsp;&ndash; Karabash&nbsp;&ndash; Karamzin&nbsp;&ndash; Kardia&nbsp;&ndash; Karel Doorman&nbsp;&ndash; Karelia&nbsp;&ndash; Karelija&nbsp;&ndash; Karen Walker&nbsp;&ndash; Karhukangas&nbsp;&ndash; Karhunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Haapala&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Järvinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Laitinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Lehtola&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Myllyniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kari Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Karjalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Karjalaisen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Karjalan Jääkäripataljoona&nbsp;&ndash; Karjalan kunnailla&nbsp;&ndash; Karjalan valistajien kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Karkuri&nbsp;&ndash; Karl Ekman&nbsp;&ndash; Karl Karlsson&nbsp;&ndash; Karl Koch&nbsp;&ndash; Karl Lindberg&nbsp;&ndash; Karl Stein&nbsp;&ndash; Karla&nbsp;&ndash; Karlo&nbsp;&ndash; Karlsson&nbsp;&ndash; Karmala&nbsp;&ndash; Karpalo&nbsp;&ndash; Karpo&nbsp;&ndash; Karppinen&nbsp;&ndash; Karras&nbsp;&ndash; Karreinen&nbsp;&ndash; Karsikko&nbsp;&ndash; Karsikkoniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kartanonmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kartio (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Karu&nbsp;&ndash; Karunki&nbsp;&ndash; Karvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kasavuori&nbsp;&ndash; Kasetti&nbsp;&ndash; Kaskadi&nbsp;&ndash; Kaskeala&nbsp;&ndash; Kassiopeia&nbsp;&ndash; Kastelli&nbsp;&ndash; Kastor&nbsp;&ndash; Kasumigaura&nbsp;&ndash; Kasvukipuja&nbsp;&ndash; Kasvutekijä&nbsp;&ndash; Katainen&nbsp;&ndash; Katajala&nbsp;&ndash; Katajisto&nbsp;&ndash; Katariina&nbsp;&ndash; Katariinan kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Katatonia&nbsp;&ndash; Kate&nbsp;&ndash; Kategoria&nbsp;&ndash; Katila&nbsp;&ndash; Katinkulta&nbsp;&ndash; Katjuša&nbsp;&ndash; Katko&nbsp;&ndash; Katolinen liiga&nbsp;&ndash; Katz&nbsp;&ndash; Kaufmann&nbsp;&ndash; Kauha&nbsp;&ndash; Kauhajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kauhanen&nbsp;&ndash; Kauhea kankkunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kauhu&nbsp;&ndash; Kauneuskäsitys&nbsp;&ndash; Kaunissaari&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppa&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppakaari&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppakatu&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppatori&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppila&nbsp;&ndash; Kauppinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kaupunkiuutiset&nbsp;&ndash; Kauris&nbsp;&ndash; Kaurismäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kausi&nbsp;&ndash; Kautokeinon kapina&nbsp;&ndash; Kauttakulkusopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Kavango&nbsp;&ndash; Kavionivel&nbsp;&ndash; Kazakki&nbsp;&ndash; Kb&nbsp;&ndash; Kc&nbsp;&ndash; Kd&nbsp;&ndash; Ke&nbsp;&ndash; KeKi&nbsp;&ndash; Kearney&nbsp;&ndash; Keeper of the Seven Keys&nbsp;&ndash; Kefeus&nbsp;&ndash; Kehrääjät&nbsp;&ndash; Kehä&nbsp;&ndash; Kehänivel&nbsp;&ndash; Keila&nbsp;&ndash; Keinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Keinänen&nbsp;&ndash; Keisarikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Keisarivalssi&nbsp;&ndash; Keith&nbsp;&ndash; Keitin&nbsp;&ndash; Keittolaatikko&nbsp;&ndash; Keke&nbsp;&ndash; Kekkosen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Keko&nbsp;&ndash; Kekrops&nbsp;&ndash; Kela&nbsp;&ndash; Keli&nbsp;&ndash; Keller&nbsp;&ndash; Kelli&nbsp;&ndash; Kellokas&nbsp;&ndash; Kellokumpu&nbsp;&ndash; Kelly&nbsp;&ndash; Kelme&nbsp;&ndash; Kelmi&nbsp;&ndash; Kem&nbsp;&ndash; Kemiallinen evoluutio&nbsp;&ndash; Kemp&nbsp;&ndash; Kempe&nbsp;&ndash; Kempeleen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Kemppainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kemppinen&nbsp;&ndash; Ken Carpenter&nbsp;&ndash; Ken Nelson&nbsp;&ndash; Kenen joukoissa seisot&nbsp;&ndash; Kennedy&nbsp;&ndash; Kennet&nbsp;&ndash; Kenneth McKellar&nbsp;&ndash; Kenno&nbsp;&ndash; Kent&nbsp;&ndash; Kentin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Kenttä&nbsp;&ndash; Kenya&nbsp;&ndash; Kepler&nbsp;&ndash; Kerkkä&nbsp;&ndash; Kern&nbsp;&ndash; Kerppu&nbsp;&ndash; Kertaluku&nbsp;&ndash; Kerttuli&nbsp;&ndash; Keränen&nbsp;&ndash; Keränen (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Keskeneräinen sinfonia&nbsp;&ndash; Keskeytys&nbsp;&ndash; Keski-Afrikka&nbsp;&ndash; Keski-Suomi&nbsp;&ndash; Keskikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Keskimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Keskinarkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Keskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Keskitalo&nbsp;&ndash; Keskuskenttä&nbsp;&ndash; Keskusstadion&nbsp;&ndash; Keskusta&nbsp;&ndash; Keskustalaisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Keskustan suuralue&nbsp;&ndash; Keskustapuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Kessu&nbsp;&ndash; Kesämaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kesäpalatsi&nbsp;&ndash; Kesäpoika&nbsp;&ndash; Ket&nbsp;&ndash; Ketjureaktio&nbsp;&ndash; Ketjusilta&nbsp;&ndash; Ketoosi&nbsp;&ndash; Kettula&nbsp;&ndash; Kettunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kettuterrieri&nbsp;&ndash; Ketunpesä&nbsp;&ndash; Kevin Miller&nbsp;&ndash; Kevin Phillips&nbsp;&ndash; Keynes&nbsp;&ndash; Kf&nbsp;&ndash; Kg&nbsp;&ndash; Kh&nbsp;&ndash; Khares&nbsp;&ndash; Khariklo&nbsp;&ndash; Khersonesos&nbsp;&ndash; Khloris&nbsp;&ndash; Khrysostomos&nbsp;&ndash; Ki&nbsp;&ndash; Kibo&nbsp;&ndash; Kick&nbsp;&ndash; Kide&nbsp;&ndash; Kiekko&nbsp;&ndash; Kieliasetus&nbsp;&ndash; Kielletty rakkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Kielletyt leikit&nbsp;&ndash; Kihlman&nbsp;&ndash; Kiimasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kiimavaara&nbsp;&ndash; Kiina-ilmiö&nbsp;&ndash; Kiinalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kiinalainen shakki&nbsp;&ndash; Kiinalainen teatteri&nbsp;&ndash; Kiinan-Japanin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Kiinan presidentti&nbsp;&ndash; Kiintopiste&nbsp;&ndash; Kiira&nbsp;&ndash; Kiiruna&nbsp;&ndash; Kiitäjät&nbsp;&ndash; Kiivi&nbsp;&ndash; Kiki&nbsp;&ndash; Kili&nbsp;&ndash; Kill Bill&nbsp;&ndash; Kill City&nbsp;&ndash; Killinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kilmore&nbsp;&ndash; Kilpeläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kilpinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kilta&nbsp;&ndash; Kim Seong-Eun&nbsp;&ndash; Kimberley&nbsp;&ndash; Kimura&nbsp;&ndash; King&nbsp;&ndash; King's College&nbsp;&ndash; King Billy&nbsp;&ndash; King George V - luokka&nbsp;&ndash; King Kong&nbsp;&ndash; King Lear&nbsp;&ndash; Kingdom&nbsp;&ndash; Kingdom of Madness&nbsp;&ndash; Kingpin&nbsp;&ndash; Kings&nbsp;&ndash; Kingsin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Kingston&nbsp;&ndash; Kinnunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kinopalatsi&nbsp;&ndash; Kinski&nbsp;&ndash; Kipinä&nbsp;&ndash; Kirchhoffin säännöt&nbsp;&ndash; Kirchner&nbsp;&ndash; Kirgiisi&nbsp;&ndash; Kiri&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjailijaliitto&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjakieli&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjasin&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjava&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjokansi&nbsp;&ndash; Kirjonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkkoraamattu&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkko veren päällä&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkonkulman koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkonkylän ala-aste&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkonkylän koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkonmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kirkonseutu&nbsp;&ndash; Kirov&nbsp;&ndash; Kirovsk&nbsp;&ndash; Kirpitšnikov&nbsp;&ndash; Kirsikka&nbsp;&ndash; Kisapuisto&nbsp;&ndash; Kiseleff&nbsp;&ndash; Kismet&nbsp;&ndash; Kiss and Tell&nbsp;&ndash; Kiss of Death&nbsp;&ndash; Kissankita&nbsp;&ndash; Kita&nbsp;&ndash; Kitsi&nbsp;&ndash; Kittelä&nbsp;&ndash; Kitula&nbsp;&ndash; Kiuru (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Kiusaus&nbsp;&ndash; Kiva&nbsp;&ndash; Kivekäs&nbsp;&ndash; Kivimäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kivinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kiviniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kiviranta&nbsp;&ndash; Kivisalo&nbsp;&ndash; Kj&nbsp;&ndash; Kk&nbsp;&ndash; Kl&nbsp;&ndash; Klarinettikvintetto&nbsp;&ndash; Klassinen&nbsp;&ndash; Klassinen musiikki&nbsp;&ndash; Klaus Horn&nbsp;&ndash; Klaveeri&nbsp;&ndash; Klearkhos&nbsp;&ndash; Kléber&nbsp;&ndash; Kleiber&nbsp;&ndash; Klein&nbsp;&ndash; Kleineh&nbsp;&ndash; Kleinschmidt&nbsp;&ndash; Kleitos&nbsp;&ndash; Klemens&nbsp;&ndash; Klemetti&nbsp;&ndash; Klenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Kleofon&nbsp;&ndash; Kleombrotos&nbsp;&ndash; Kleomenes&nbsp;&ndash; Kleopatra&nbsp;&ndash; Kliimaksi&nbsp;&ndash; Klinga&nbsp;&ndash; Klingberg&nbsp;&ndash; Klooni&nbsp;&ndash; Klopfer&nbsp;&ndash; Kloriitti&nbsp;&ndash; Klusteri&nbsp;&ndash; Km&nbsp;&ndash; Kn&nbsp;&ndash; Knaapi&nbsp;&ndash; Knight&nbsp;&ndash; Knopfler&nbsp;&ndash; Knox&nbsp;&ndash; Knoxville&nbsp;&ndash; Knudsen&nbsp;&ndash; Knuut&nbsp;&ndash; Ko&nbsp;&ndash; Koagulointi&nbsp;&ndash; Koalitio&nbsp;&ndash; Kobra&nbsp;&ndash; Koch&nbsp;&ndash; Kochi&nbsp;&ndash; Kock&nbsp;&ndash; Kocsis&nbsp;&ndash; Kodomo&nbsp;&ndash; Koga&nbsp;&ndash; Koherenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Kohonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kohortti&nbsp;&ndash; Kohtalokas nainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kohtaus&nbsp;&ndash; Koi&nbsp;&ndash; Koirala&nbsp;&ndash; Koiramäen talo&nbsp;&ndash; Koistinen&nbsp;&ndash; Koivikko&nbsp;&ndash; Koivisto&nbsp;&ndash; Koiviston hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Koivistonkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Koivu&nbsp;&ndash; Koivula&nbsp;&ndash; Koivunen&nbsp;&ndash; Koivuniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Koivusaari&nbsp;&ndash; Kok&nbsp;&ndash; Koka&nbsp;&ndash; Kokkokangas&nbsp;&ndash; Kokkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Koko&nbsp;&ndash; Kokubunji&nbsp;&ndash; Kola&nbsp;&ndash; Kolbe&nbsp;&ndash; Kolehmainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kolkkala&nbsp;&ndash; Kollaa kestää&nbsp;&ndash; Kollasjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Kolli&nbsp;&ndash; Kolmas pyörä&nbsp;&ndash; Kolmisopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Kolmisoppi&nbsp;&ndash; Kolmonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kolu&nbsp;&ndash; Kolva&nbsp;&ndash; Kometes&nbsp;&ndash; Komi&nbsp;&ndash; Komissaari&nbsp;&ndash; Komissio&nbsp;&ndash; Kommentaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Kommunisti (lehti)&nbsp;&ndash; Kommutaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Komorowski&nbsp;&ndash; Komplementti&nbsp;&ndash; Komponentti&nbsp;&ndash; Kompositio&nbsp;&ndash; Komppa&nbsp;&ndash; Komsomolets&nbsp;&ndash; Komsomolsk&nbsp;&ndash; Komu&nbsp;&ndash; Komulainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kona&nbsp;&ndash; Kondopoga&nbsp;&ndash; Kongasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kongo&nbsp;&ndash; Kongon lippu&nbsp;&ndash; Kongressi&nbsp;&ndash; Kongressipuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Konjunktio&nbsp;&ndash; Konkaavisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Konkka&nbsp;&ndash; Konna&nbsp;&ndash; Kononen&nbsp;&ndash; Konsepti&nbsp;&ndash; Konsertto orkesterille&nbsp;&ndash; Konstantinus&nbsp;&ndash; Konstruktivismi&nbsp;&ndash; Kontinenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Kontio&nbsp;&ndash; Kontiomäen rata&nbsp;&ndash; Kontrasti&nbsp;&ndash; Konttinen&nbsp;&ndash; Konttori&nbsp;&ndash; Konveksisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Koodaus&nbsp;&ndash; Kopitar&nbsp;&ndash; Koponen&nbsp;&ndash; Kopparberg&nbsp;&ndash; Koppelo&nbsp;&ndash; Kore&nbsp;&ndash; Korela&nbsp;&ndash; Korento&nbsp;&ndash; Korhola&nbsp;&ndash; Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Korjus&nbsp;&ndash; Korkeakoski&nbsp;&ndash; Korkeakulttuuri&nbsp;&ndash; Korkein oikeus&nbsp;&ndash; Korkiakari&nbsp;&ndash; Korkiakoski&nbsp;&ndash; Koroljov&nbsp;&ndash; Koroma&nbsp;&ndash; Korona&nbsp;&ndash; Koroneia&nbsp;&ndash; Koronos&nbsp;&ndash; Koror&nbsp;&ndash; Korpela&nbsp;&ndash; Korpijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Korpikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Korpilampi&nbsp;&ndash; Korpinen&nbsp;&ndash; Korpivaara&nbsp;&ndash; Korppikotka&nbsp;&ndash; Korppinen&nbsp;&ndash; Korrespondenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Korsakov&nbsp;&ndash; Kortelahti&nbsp;&ndash; Kortelainen&nbsp;&ndash; Korteniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kortti&nbsp;&ndash; Korvajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Korvenperä&nbsp;&ndash; Kosenjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Koskela&nbsp;&ndash; Koskelo&nbsp;&ndash; Kosken kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Koskenkorva&nbsp;&ndash; Koskenkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Koskenlaskijan morsian&nbsp;&ndash; Koskenniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Kosketus&nbsp;&ndash; Koskimies&nbsp;&ndash; Koskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kosmopoliitti&nbsp;&ndash; Kosonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kostaja&nbsp;&ndash; Kotakari&nbsp;&ndash; Kotelo&nbsp;&ndash; Kotimatka&nbsp;&ndash; Kotiseutu&nbsp;&ndash; Kotitonttu&nbsp;&ndash; Kotka&nbsp;&ndash; Kotkan ruusu&nbsp;&ndash; Koto&nbsp;&ndash; Kouki&nbsp;&ndash; Kouluampuminen&nbsp;&ndash; Koura&nbsp;&ndash; Kovakalvo&nbsp;&ndash; Kova kuin kivi&nbsp;&ndash; Kovalevy&nbsp;&ndash; Kovanen&nbsp;&ndash; Kovero&nbsp;&ndash; Kovo&nbsp;&ndash; Kozlov&nbsp;&ndash; Kp&nbsp;&ndash; Kq&nbsp;&ndash; Kr&nbsp;&ndash; Kraaseli&nbsp;&ndash; Krakkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Krasin&nbsp;&ndash; Krasner&nbsp;&ndash; Krasnoarmeisk&nbsp;&ndash; Krasnogvardeiskin piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Krasnoznamensk&nbsp;&ndash; Krasnyi Oktjabr&nbsp;&ndash; Krasnyi bor&nbsp;&ndash; Krassi&nbsp;&ndash; Krates&nbsp;&ndash; Krause&nbsp;&ndash; Kreikan–Turkin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Kreikkalaiskatolisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Kreon&nbsp;&ndash; Kresoli&nbsp;&ndash; Kress&nbsp;&ndash; Kriisi&nbsp;&ndash; Krimin tataari&nbsp;&ndash; Kristallisointi&nbsp;&ndash; Kristian&nbsp;&ndash; Kristiania&nbsp;&ndash; Kristillisdemokraatit&nbsp;&ndash; Kristina Brahe&nbsp;&ndash; Kristineberg&nbsp;&ndash; Kristoforos&nbsp;&ndash; Kristuksen kirkastumisen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Krl&nbsp;&ndash; Krog&nbsp;&ndash; Krogerus&nbsp;&ndash; Krogh&nbsp;&ndash; Kromaattinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kronberger&nbsp;&ndash; Kronqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Kronwall&nbsp;&ndash; Krook&nbsp;&ndash; Kross&nbsp;&ndash; Kruunu&nbsp;&ndash; Krylja Sovetov&nbsp;&ndash; Krypto&nbsp;&ndash; Kröger&nbsp;&ndash; Ks&nbsp;&ndash; Ksanthos&nbsp;&ndash; Kserkses&nbsp;&ndash; Kt&nbsp;&ndash; Ku&nbsp;&ndash; Kuban&nbsp;&ndash; Kubatši&nbsp;&ndash; Kudrjavtsev&nbsp;&ndash; Kuhajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kuibyšev&nbsp;&ndash; Kuilun partaalla&nbsp;&ndash; Kuin silloin ennen&nbsp;&ndash; Kuisma ja Helinä&nbsp;&ndash; Kuitunen&nbsp;&ndash; Kuivajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kuivanen&nbsp;&ndash; Kujur&nbsp;&ndash; Kukko&nbsp;&ndash; Kukkola&nbsp;&ndash; Kukkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Kukkumäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kulhia&nbsp;&ndash; Kuljettaja&nbsp;&ndash; Kulkuri ja joutsen&nbsp;&ndash; Kullimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kulmamitta&nbsp;&ndash; Kultainen kenkä - palkinto&nbsp;&ndash; Kultakutri&nbsp;&ndash; Kultakuume&nbsp;&ndash; Kultareuna&nbsp;&ndash; Kuluttaja&nbsp;&ndash; Kuma&nbsp;&ndash; Kumu&nbsp;&ndash; Kumykki&nbsp;&ndash; Kun maailma elää&nbsp;&ndash; Kuni&nbsp;&ndash; Kuningas Salomonin kaivokset&nbsp;&ndash; Kuningatar Charlotten salmi&nbsp;&ndash; Kuningatar Elisabet&nbsp;&ndash; Kuninkaanlähde&nbsp;&ndash; Kuninkaiden kirjat&nbsp;&ndash; Kuninkoja&nbsp;&ndash; Kunnas&nbsp;&ndash; Kunnian miehet&nbsp;&ndash; Kunze&nbsp;&ndash; Kuokkala&nbsp;&ndash; Kuokkalan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Kuokkavieras&nbsp;&ndash; Kuola&nbsp;&ndash; Kuolajoki&nbsp;&ndash; Kuolema Venetsiassa&nbsp;&ndash; Kuolleiden kirja&nbsp;&ndash; Kuona&nbsp;&ndash; Kuoppala&nbsp;&ndash; Kuosmanen&nbsp;&ndash; Kuparinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kupiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Kupla&nbsp;&ndash; Kurajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kurala&nbsp;&ndash; Kurimo&nbsp;&ndash; Kurimus&nbsp;&ndash; Kuriton sukupolvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kurittula&nbsp;&ndash; Kurkela&nbsp;&ndash; Kurkimäki&nbsp;&ndash; Kurko&nbsp;&ndash; Kuroshio&nbsp;&ndash; Kurovitsy&nbsp;&ndash; Kurre&nbsp;&ndash; Kursori&nbsp;&ndash; Kurtšatov&nbsp;&ndash; Kusi&nbsp;&ndash; Kustaa Aadolf&nbsp;&ndash; Kustaa Aadolfin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Kutter&nbsp;&ndash; Kutteri&nbsp;&ndash; Kuukasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Kuula&nbsp;&ndash; Kuulustelu&nbsp;&ndash; Kuuma kesä&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusela&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusi&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusikko&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kuusio&nbsp;&ndash; Kuuskoski&nbsp;&ndash; Kuutamokeikka&nbsp;&ndash; Kuutamolla&nbsp;&ndash; Kuutoset&nbsp;&ndash; Kuvataidekoulu&nbsp;&ndash; Kuznetsov&nbsp;&ndash; Kv&nbsp;&ndash; Kvaliteetti&nbsp;&ndash; Kvanttori&nbsp;&ndash; Kvh&nbsp;&ndash; Kvietismi&nbsp;&ndash; Kw&nbsp;&ndash; Ky&nbsp;&ndash; Kyklooppi&nbsp;&ndash; Kyl&nbsp;&ndash; Kylie&nbsp;&ndash; Kyllönen&nbsp;&ndash; Kylmäoja&nbsp;&ndash; Kylpylähotelli Eden&nbsp;&ndash; Kyme&nbsp;&ndash; Kymijoen rautatiesilta&nbsp;&ndash; Kynsikkäät&nbsp;&ndash; Kyra&nbsp;&ndash; Kyrillos&nbsp;&ndash; Kyrklund&nbsp;&ndash; Kyrö&nbsp;&ndash; Kytkentä&nbsp;&ndash; Kytkin&nbsp;&ndash; Kyyros&nbsp;&ndash; Kyyrölä&nbsp;&ndash; Kz&nbsp;&ndash; Kálamos&nbsp;&ndash; Kähkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Kähäri&nbsp;&ndash; Käkisalmen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Känkänen&nbsp;&ndash; Käpykangas&nbsp;&ndash; Käpylän kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Kärki&nbsp;&ndash; Kärkkäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Kärnä&nbsp;&ndash; Kärpät&nbsp;&ndash; Kärry&nbsp;&ndash; Käyn ahon laitaa&nbsp;&ndash; Kääntäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Kääriäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Königin Luise&nbsp;&ndash; Königsberg-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Könni&nbsp;&ndash; Kössi&nbsp;&ndash;


L1&nbsp;&ndash; L2&nbsp;&ndash; LAN&nbsp;&ndash; LAPD&nbsp;&ndash; LAX&nbsp;&ndash; LDP&nbsp;&ndash; LMS&nbsp;&ndash; LPC&nbsp;&ndash; LSB&nbsp;&ndash; LSE&nbsp;&ndash; LTO&nbsp;&ndash; LTU&nbsp;&ndash; LVM&nbsp;&ndash; La&nbsp;&ndash; La Brea&nbsp;&ndash; La Celle&nbsp;&ndash; La Pazin departementti&nbsp;&ndash; Laaja&nbsp;&ndash; Laajalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Laakkola&nbsp;&ndash; Laaksonen&nbsp;&ndash; Laatikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Lachesis&nbsp;&ndash; Lacoste&nbsp;&ndash; Ladysmith&nbsp;&ndash; Laertes&nbsp;&ndash; Lagan&nbsp;&ndash; Lagerspetz&nbsp;&ndash; Lagorce&nbsp;&ndash; Lagrange&nbsp;&ndash; Laguna Beach&nbsp;&ndash; Laguna Blanca&nbsp;&ndash; Lahdenperä&nbsp;&ndash; Lahko&nbsp;&ndash; Lahnajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Lahtela&nbsp;&ndash; Lahtinen&nbsp;&ndash; Laiho&nbsp;&ndash; Lain ulkopuolella&nbsp;&ndash; Laine&nbsp;&ndash; Laing&nbsp;&ndash; Laitakari&nbsp;&ndash; Laiti&nbsp;&ndash; Laitinen&nbsp;&ndash; Laivue&nbsp;&ndash; Lake Placidin olympialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Lakes&nbsp;&ndash; Lakeuksien lukko&nbsp;&ndash; Lakewood&nbsp;&ndash; Lakka&nbsp;&ndash; Lakki&nbsp;&ndash; Lallukka&nbsp;&ndash; Lama&nbsp;&ndash; Lambretta&nbsp;&ndash; Lamelli&nbsp;&ndash; Lammassaari&nbsp;&ndash; Lammijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Lampinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lamppu&nbsp;&ndash; Lamu&nbsp;&ndash; Lana&nbsp;&ndash; Lancaster&nbsp;&ndash; Lanchester&nbsp;&ndash; Land of the Free&nbsp;&ndash; Landsberg&nbsp;&ndash; Langley&nbsp;&ndash; Lankinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lantto&nbsp;&ndash; Laodameia&nbsp;&ndash; Laodikea&nbsp;&ndash; Lapa&nbsp;&ndash; Lape&nbsp;&ndash; Lapin kesä&nbsp;&ndash; Lapinkangas&nbsp;&ndash; Lapinkoira&nbsp;&ndash; Lapinkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Lapis&nbsp;&ndash; Lappalainen (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Lappi-Seppälä&nbsp;&ndash; Lapponia&nbsp;&ndash; Lapsenvahti&nbsp;&ndash; Lapsuuden loppu&nbsp;&ndash; Lapuan junaturma&nbsp;&ndash; Laqua&nbsp;&ndash; Laredo&nbsp;&ndash; Lari&nbsp;&ndash; Larissa&nbsp;&ndash; Lars Jonsson&nbsp;&ndash; Lars Pettersson&nbsp;&ndash; Lars Rasmussen&nbsp;&ndash; Larsen&nbsp;&ndash; Larsson&nbsp;&ndash; Laserleikkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Laskenta&nbsp;&ndash; Lasker&nbsp;&ndash; Laskettu aika&nbsp;&ndash; Laskeuma&nbsp;&ndash; Lasse Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Lassi&nbsp;&ndash; Lassy&nbsp;&ndash; Last in Line&nbsp;&ndash; Lastenklinikka&nbsp;&ndash; Latauslaite&nbsp;&ndash; Lateraanikonsiili&nbsp;&ndash; Laterna magica&nbsp;&ndash; Latva&nbsp;&ndash; Latvala&nbsp;&ndash; Lauantai-illan huuma&nbsp;&ndash; Lauderdale&nbsp;&ndash; Lauer&nbsp;&ndash; Laufenburg&nbsp;&ndash; Laufer&nbsp;&ndash; Lauha&nbsp;&ndash; Laukka&nbsp;&ndash; Laukkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Laulajan testamentti&nbsp;&ndash; Laula kanssain&nbsp;&ndash; Laulu tulipunaisesta kukasta&nbsp;&ndash; Launis&nbsp;&ndash; Laura&nbsp;&ndash; Lauri Korpinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lauri Lehtinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lauri Saari&nbsp;&ndash; Laurikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Laurila&nbsp;&ndash; Lauseke&nbsp;&ndash; Lautanen&nbsp;&ndash; Lautner&nbsp;&ndash; Lauttajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Lava&nbsp;&ndash; Laval&nbsp;&ndash; Lavola&nbsp;&ndash; Law&nbsp;&ndash; Lawrence&nbsp;&ndash; Lax&nbsp;&ndash; Laxmann&nbsp;&ndash; Lb&nbsp;&ndash; Lc&nbsp;&ndash; Ld&nbsp;&ndash; Le&nbsp;&ndash; Le Roy&nbsp;&ndash; Leakey&nbsp;&ndash; Leamington&nbsp;&ndash; Lean on Me&nbsp;&ndash; Leander&nbsp;&ndash; Leander-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Leandros&nbsp;&ndash; Leavenworth&nbsp;&ndash; Lebanon&nbsp;&ndash; Lebedev&nbsp;&ndash; Lee&nbsp;&ndash; Leena Peltonen&nbsp;&ndash; Legendan laulut&nbsp;&ndash; Legion&nbsp;&ndash; Lehikoinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lehmann&nbsp;&ndash; Lehmijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Lehmus&nbsp;&ndash; Lehmusto&nbsp;&ndash; Lehtelä&nbsp;&ndash; Lehti&nbsp;&ndash; Lehtinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lehtonen&nbsp;&ndash; Lehtovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Leibnizin sääntö&nbsp;&ndash; Leif Lindgren&nbsp;&ndash; Leikin loppu&nbsp;&ndash; Leikkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Leikola&nbsp;&ndash; Leimu&nbsp;&ndash; Leino&nbsp;&ndash; Leinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Leiviskä&nbsp;&ndash; Leivo&nbsp;&ndash; Leleks&nbsp;&ndash; Lemberg&nbsp;&ndash; Lemmenhotelli&nbsp;&ndash; Lemmikki&nbsp;&ndash; Lemo&nbsp;&ndash; Leningrad&nbsp;&ndash; Leninsk&nbsp;&ndash; Lennon&nbsp;&ndash; Lentokenttä&nbsp;&ndash; Lentokentäntie&nbsp;&ndash; Lentäjän poika&nbsp;&ndash; Leo&nbsp;&ndash; Leon&nbsp;&ndash; Leonardo&nbsp;&ndash; Leonidas&nbsp;&ndash; Leopard&nbsp;&ndash; Leopold I&nbsp;&ndash; Leopold II&nbsp;&ndash; Lepistö&nbsp;&ndash; Lepola&nbsp;&ndash; Leppäkari&nbsp;&ndash; Leppäkorpi&nbsp;&ndash; Leppälahti&nbsp;&ndash; Leppälä&nbsp;&ndash; Leppälän koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Leppänen&nbsp;&ndash; Leppärousku&nbsp;&ndash; Lepus&nbsp;&ndash; Leribe&nbsp;&ndash; Lerner&nbsp;&ndash; Leroy Jenkins&nbsp;&ndash; Leskelä&nbsp;&ndash; Leskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lesnoi&nbsp;&ndash; Lessing&nbsp;&ndash; Let's Dance&nbsp;&ndash; Let's Talk About Love&nbsp;&ndash; Let Go&nbsp;&ndash; Leukaluu&nbsp;&ndash; Levante&nbsp;&ndash; Leviathan&nbsp;&ndash; Levy&nbsp;&ndash; Lewes&nbsp;&ndash; Lewis&nbsp;&ndash; Lewiston&nbsp;&ndash; Lex&nbsp;&ndash; Lexington&nbsp;&ndash; Lexington-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Lf&nbsp;&ndash; Lg&nbsp;&ndash; Lh&nbsp;&ndash; Li&nbsp;&ndash; Li Lei&nbsp;&ndash; Li Li&nbsp;&ndash; Li Yu&nbsp;&ndash; Libanonin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Liberaali&nbsp;&ndash; Liberaalidemokraattinen puolue&nbsp;&ndash; Liberaalipuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Liberation&nbsp;&ndash; Liberian sisällissota&nbsp;&ndash; Libero&nbsp;&ndash; Lichtenstein&nbsp;&ndash; Lieber&nbsp;&ndash; Lieberman&nbsp;&ndash; Liebig&nbsp;&ndash; Liekki&nbsp;&ndash; Liepājas Metalurgs&nbsp;&ndash; Life&nbsp;&ndash; Ligandi&nbsp;&ndash; Lights Out&nbsp;&ndash; Lignell&nbsp;&ndash; Liikanen&nbsp;&ndash; Liike&nbsp;&ndash; Liimatainen&nbsp;&ndash; Liimatta&nbsp;&ndash; Liina&nbsp;&ndash; Liinamaa&nbsp;&ndash; Liittokansleri&nbsp;&ndash; Liivi&nbsp;&ndash; Liivinmaan kronikka&nbsp;&ndash; Lijnbaansgracht&nbsp;&ndash; Lilienthal&nbsp;&ndash; Liliom&nbsp;&ndash; Lilius&nbsp;&ndash; Lillqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Lim&nbsp;&ndash; Limbo&nbsp;&ndash; Limburg&nbsp;&ndash; Limpopo&nbsp;&ndash; Lin&nbsp;&ndash; Lincoln&nbsp;&ndash; Lind&nbsp;&ndash; Linda Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Lindberg&nbsp;&ndash; Lindbergh&nbsp;&ndash; Lindell&nbsp;&ndash; Lindeman&nbsp;&ndash; Lindén&nbsp;&ndash; Lindfors&nbsp;&ndash; Lindgren&nbsp;&ndash; Lindh&nbsp;&ndash; Lindholm&nbsp;&ndash; Lindqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Lindroos&nbsp;&ndash; Lindroth&nbsp;&ndash; Lindstedt&nbsp;&ndash; Lindström&nbsp;&ndash; Lineaarisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Linja&nbsp;&ndash; Linja 1&nbsp;&ndash; Linkola&nbsp;&ndash; Linkomies&nbsp;&ndash; Linnankatu&nbsp;&ndash; Linnoittautuminen&nbsp;&ndash; Linnoitus&nbsp;&ndash; Linssi&nbsp;&ndash; Lintner&nbsp;&ndash; Lintunen&nbsp;&ndash; Lionheart&nbsp;&ndash; Liperi&nbsp;&ndash; Lipp&nbsp;&ndash; Lippo&nbsp;&ndash; Lipponen&nbsp;&ndash; Lipposen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Lipstick&nbsp;&ndash; Lira&nbsp;&ndash; Lisa Daniels&nbsp;&ndash; Lisbon&nbsp;&ndash; Liski&nbsp;&ndash; Liskojen yö&nbsp;&ndash; Listen&nbsp;&ndash; Lister&nbsp;&ndash; Lisäravinne&nbsp;&ndash; Literaali&nbsp;&ndash; Lithium&nbsp;&ndash; Lithovius&nbsp;&ndash; Litmanen&nbsp;&ndash; Liu&nbsp;&ndash; Liukuvalu&nbsp;&ndash; Live&nbsp;&ndash; Live at Budokan&nbsp;&ndash; Live Evil&nbsp;&ndash; Live Extreme&nbsp;&ndash; Live at Brixton Academy&nbsp;&ndash; Live at Hammersmith&nbsp;&ndash; Live from Austin, TX&nbsp;&ndash; Live in Japan&nbsp;&ndash; Live It Up&nbsp;&ndash; Lively&nbsp;&ndash; Liverrys&nbsp;&ndash; Livingston&nbsp;&ndash; Livingstone&nbsp;&ndash; Livre&nbsp;&ndash; Livádi&nbsp;&ndash; Lj&nbsp;&ndash; Ljungberg&nbsp;&ndash; Lk&nbsp;&ndash; Ll&nbsp;&ndash; Lm&nbsp;&ndash; Ln&nbsp;&ndash; Lo&nbsp;&ndash; Loaded&nbsp;&ndash; Lobo&nbsp;&ndash; Locke&nbsp;&ndash; Lockport&nbsp;&ndash; Lodenius&nbsp;&ndash; Logografit&nbsp;&ndash; Lohkominen&nbsp;&ndash; Loikkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Loinen&nbsp;&ndash; Loisto&nbsp;&ndash; Loki&nbsp;&ndash; Lokki&nbsp;&ndash; Lokomotiv Stadium&nbsp;&ndash; Lom&nbsp;&ndash; Lombardi&nbsp;&ndash; London&nbsp;&ndash; London-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Lone Wolf&nbsp;&ndash; Long&nbsp;&ndash; Long Point&nbsp;&ndash; Longinus&nbsp;&ndash; Longwood&nbsp;&ndash; Lontoon lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Lontoon olympialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Looking Glass&nbsp;&ndash; Lookout&nbsp;&ndash; Loose&nbsp;&ndash; Lootus&nbsp;&ndash; Lord of the Dance&nbsp;&ndash; Lore&nbsp;&ndash; Lorenz&nbsp;&ndash; Los&nbsp;&ndash; Los Angelesin olympialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Losch&nbsp;&ndash; Lose Control&nbsp;&ndash; Lost Highway&nbsp;&ndash; Lot&nbsp;&ndash; Lothar&nbsp;&ndash; Lotus&nbsp;&ndash; Lou&nbsp;&ndash; Loud&nbsp;&ndash; Louhi&nbsp;&ndash; Louhimies&nbsp;&ndash; Louhivuori&nbsp;&ndash; Louis&nbsp;&ndash; Louis (etunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Louis (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Louis Kuehn&nbsp;&ndash; Louis Martin&nbsp;&ndash; Louisiana Purchase&nbsp;&ndash; Lounas&nbsp;&ndash; Love&nbsp;&ndash; Love Generation&nbsp;&ndash; Love Me&nbsp;&ndash; Lovell&nbsp;&ndash; Lovén&nbsp;&ndash; Low&nbsp;&ndash; Lowe&nbsp;&ndash; Lowell&nbsp;&ndash; Lozano&nbsp;&ndash; Lp&nbsp;&ndash; Lq&nbsp;&ndash; Lr&nbsp;&ndash; Ls&nbsp;&ndash; Lt&nbsp;&ndash; Lu&nbsp;&ndash; Luba&nbsp;&ndash; Luc&nbsp;&ndash; Luca&nbsp;&ndash; Lucas&nbsp;&ndash; Lucas Cranach&nbsp;&ndash; Lucena&nbsp;&ndash; Luciano Giovannetti&nbsp;&ndash; Lucius&nbsp;&ndash; Lucius Calpurnius Piso&nbsp;&ndash; Lucky&nbsp;&ndash; Ludvig I&nbsp;&ndash; Ludvig II&nbsp;&ndash; Ludvig Napoleon&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo Carl Barksin sarjakuvatuotannosta&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo Kongon kaupungeista&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo Ranskan kunnista&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo Suomen kirkoista&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo Suomen pitäjistä&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo basisteista&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo peliluetteloista&nbsp;&ndash; Luettelo poliittisista syistä vangituista kansanedustajista&nbsp;&ndash; Luftwaffe&nbsp;&ndash; Luga&nbsp;&ndash; Luger&nbsp;&ndash; Luis García&nbsp;&ndash; Luis Perea&nbsp;&ndash; Luke Roberts&nbsp;&ndash; Lukin&nbsp;&ndash; Lukkarinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lume&nbsp;&ndash; Lumihiutale&nbsp;&ndash; Lumilinna&nbsp;&ndash; Lumme&nbsp;&ndash; Lumo&nbsp;&ndash; Lunastus&nbsp;&ndash; Lunastusvelvollisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Lundahl&nbsp;&ndash; Lundberg&nbsp;&ndash; Lundell&nbsp;&ndash; Lundgren&nbsp;&ndash; Lundqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Luode&nbsp;&ndash; Luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Luolajan-Mikkola&nbsp;&ndash; Luoma&nbsp;&ndash; Luoma-aho&nbsp;&ndash; Luomu&nbsp;&ndash; Luonnonlaji&nbsp;&ndash; Luonnosta&nbsp;&ndash; Luontokuva&nbsp;&ndash; Luota minuun&nbsp;&ndash; Luotaus&nbsp;&ndash; Luoteisarmeija&nbsp;&ndash; Luoti&nbsp;&ndash; Lupaus&nbsp;&ndash; Lupu&nbsp;&ndash; Lupus&nbsp;&ndash; Lurit&nbsp;&ndash; Lustig&nbsp;&ndash; Lusto&nbsp;&ndash; Lutatius&nbsp;&ndash; Lutherin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Luujärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Luukas&nbsp;&ndash; Luuseri&nbsp;&ndash; Luusua&nbsp;&ndash; Lv&nbsp;&ndash; Lw&nbsp;&ndash; Lx&nbsp;&ndash; Ly&nbsp;&ndash; Lykon&nbsp;&ndash; Lykos&nbsp;&ndash; Lykurgos&nbsp;&ndash; Lyly&nbsp;&ndash; Lylyjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Lynch&nbsp;&ndash; Lynkeus&nbsp;&ndash; Lynx&nbsp;&ndash; Lyonin kirkolliskokous&nbsp;&ndash; Lyyra&nbsp;&ndash; Lyytikäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lyytinen&nbsp;&ndash; Lz&nbsp;&ndash; Lång&nbsp;&ndash; Långbacka&nbsp;&ndash; Långholmen&nbsp;&ndash; Långnäs&nbsp;&ndash; Lähetti&nbsp;&ndash; Lähteenkorva&nbsp;&ndash; Lämpökäsittely&nbsp;&ndash; Lännen armeija&nbsp;&ndash; Lännen tie&nbsp;&ndash; Länsi-Suomi&nbsp;&ndash; Länsi-Uusimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Länsikari&nbsp;&ndash; Länsipohja&nbsp;&ndash; Länsipohjan maakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Länsirintama&nbsp;&ndash; Lätkä&nbsp;&ndash; Lävistäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Lääkäripäivät&nbsp;&ndash; Lönnberg&nbsp;&ndash; Lönnroth&nbsp;&ndash; Lövskär&nbsp;&ndash; Löytty&nbsp;&ndash; Löyttyniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Lützow&nbsp;&ndash;


M-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; M/S Prince&nbsp;&ndash; M/S Silja Star&nbsp;&ndash; M/S Wellamo&nbsp;&ndash; M1&nbsp;&ndash; M10&nbsp;&ndash; M15&nbsp;&ndash; M16&nbsp;&ndash; M18&nbsp;&ndash; M198&nbsp;&ndash; M2&nbsp;&ndash; M24&nbsp;&ndash; M26&nbsp;&ndash; M3&nbsp;&ndash; M36&nbsp;&ndash; M4&nbsp;&ndash; M40&nbsp;&ndash; M5&nbsp;&ndash; M74&nbsp;&ndash; M83&nbsp;&ndash; M85&nbsp;&ndash; M9&nbsp;&ndash; M95&nbsp;&ndash; MAG&nbsp;&ndash; MAN&nbsp;&ndash; MC&nbsp;&ndash; MCA&nbsp;&ndash; MCR&nbsp;&ndash; MEK&nbsp;&ndash; MET&nbsp;&ndash; MGB&nbsp;&ndash; MIA&nbsp;&ndash; MID&nbsp;&ndash; MILF&nbsp;&ndash; MIS&nbsp;&ndash; MLD&nbsp;&ndash; MLK&nbsp;&ndash; MLL&nbsp;&ndash; MMC&nbsp;&ndash; MMM&nbsp;&ndash; MOT&nbsp;&ndash; MPS&nbsp;&ndash; MSC&nbsp;&ndash; MSK&nbsp;&ndash; MSM&nbsp;&ndash; MST&nbsp;&ndash; MTG&nbsp;&ndash; MTi&nbsp;&ndash; MTL&nbsp;&ndash; MTR&nbsp;&ndash; MTV&nbsp;&ndash; Ma&nbsp;&ndash; Maailma&nbsp;&ndash; Maailma on kaunis&nbsp;&ndash; Maailmancup&nbsp;&ndash; Maailmankaikkeudesta&nbsp;&ndash; Maailmanloppu&nbsp;&ndash; Maakäki&nbsp;&ndash; Maanalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Maanselkä&nbsp;&ndash; Maapäivät&nbsp;&ndash; Maasalo&nbsp;&ndash; Maasland&nbsp;&ndash; MacDonald&nbsp;&ndash; Mach&nbsp;&ndash; Mackay&nbsp;&ndash; Mackenzie King&nbsp;&ndash; Macquarie&nbsp;&ndash; Macrianus&nbsp;&ndash; Madison&nbsp;&ndash; Madisonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Madrid Open&nbsp;&ndash; Madridin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Maestro&nbsp;&ndash; Magalhães&nbsp;&ndash; Magnificent&nbsp;&ndash; Magnitudi&nbsp;&ndash; Magnum&nbsp;&ndash; Magnusson&nbsp;&ndash; Magomed Ibragimov&nbsp;&ndash; Mahratta&nbsp;&ndash; Maia&nbsp;&ndash; Maila&nbsp;&ndash; Maine&nbsp;&ndash; Maisemakuva&nbsp;&ndash; Maitreya&nbsp;&ndash; Majestic&nbsp;&ndash; Majestic-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Maji Maji&nbsp;&ndash; Makarov&nbsp;&ndash; Makasiini&nbsp;&ndash; Make Believe&nbsp;&ndash; Makedonian lippu&nbsp;&ndash; Makinami&nbsp;&ndash; Makkabilaiskirjat&nbsp;&ndash; Makkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Makron&nbsp;&ndash; Maksan vajaatoiminta&nbsp;&ndash; Maksimilian&nbsp;&ndash; Maksimilian I&nbsp;&ndash; Maksujenvälitysjärjestelmä&nbsp;&ndash; Maku&nbsp;&ndash; Makua&nbsp;&ndash; Malaiji&nbsp;&ndash; Malan&nbsp;&ndash; Malcolm&nbsp;&ndash; Malice in Wonderland&nbsp;&ndash; Malinen&nbsp;&ndash; Malinowski&nbsp;&ndash; Malli&nbsp;&ndash; Malm&nbsp;&ndash; Malmberg&nbsp;&ndash; Malmstén&nbsp;&ndash; Malmström&nbsp;&ndash; Maltan haukka&nbsp;&ndash; Mamadou Diallo&nbsp;&ndash; Mamba&nbsp;&ndash; Mambo&nbsp;&ndash; Mana&nbsp;&ndash; Manaaja&nbsp;&ndash; Manasse&nbsp;&ndash; Manat&nbsp;&ndash; Manda&nbsp;&ndash; Mandaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Manderley&nbsp;&ndash; Mandi&nbsp;&ndash; Mandinka&nbsp;&ndash; Mandrake&nbsp;&ndash; Manipulointi&nbsp;&ndash; Manitou&nbsp;&ndash; Manitou River&nbsp;&ndash; Mankato&nbsp;&ndash; Mann&nbsp;&ndash; Manne&nbsp;&ndash; Manner (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Mannerheimin patsas&nbsp;&ndash; Mannerheimintie&nbsp;&ndash; Mannermaa&nbsp;&ndash; Mannila&nbsp;&ndash; Manninen&nbsp;&ndash; Manning&nbsp;&ndash; Mansfield&nbsp;&ndash; Mansi&nbsp;&ndash; Manta&nbsp;&ndash; Mantas&nbsp;&ndash; Mantere&nbsp;&ndash; Mantere (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Mantineian taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Mantšu&nbsp;&ndash; Manu&nbsp;&ndash; Manuaalinen&nbsp;&ndash; Manuel Garcia&nbsp;&ndash; Manuel II&nbsp;&ndash; Manuel Ortiz&nbsp;&ndash; Manuel Sanchís&nbsp;&ndash; Manx&nbsp;&ndash; Maori&nbsp;&ndash; Mapother&nbsp;&ndash; Mara&nbsp;&ndash; Marat&nbsp;&ndash; Maratoonari&nbsp;&ndash; Marc&nbsp;&ndash; Marc Platt&nbsp;&ndash; Marcellinus&nbsp;&ndash; Marcellus&nbsp;&ndash; Marco Casagrande&nbsp;&ndash; Marcos&nbsp;&ndash; Marcos Alonso&nbsp;&ndash; Marcq&nbsp;&ndash; Marcus Aemilius Lepidus&nbsp;&ndash; Marcus Porcius Cato&nbsp;&ndash; Marduk&nbsp;&ndash; Margaret Beaufort&nbsp;&ndash; Mari&nbsp;&ndash; Maria I&nbsp;&ndash; Maria II&nbsp;&ndash; Maria Schneider&nbsp;&ndash; Maria Tudor&nbsp;&ndash; Mariankatu&nbsp;&ndash; Marianna Nagy&nbsp;&ndash; Marieberg&nbsp;&ndash; Marielundin rautatieasema&nbsp;&ndash; Marilyn&nbsp;&ndash; Mario Frick&nbsp;&ndash; Marjoniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Mark&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Eaton&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Hughes&nbsp;&ndash; Mark I&nbsp;&ndash; Mark James&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Schultz&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Stuart&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Taylor&nbsp;&ndash; Mark Wright&nbsp;&ndash; Marker&nbsp;&ndash; Markkinat&nbsp;&ndash; Markku Hyvärinen&nbsp;&ndash; Markku Koski&nbsp;&ndash; Markku Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Markku Pohjola&nbsp;&ndash; Markku Salminen&nbsp;&ndash; Markkula&nbsp;&ndash; Marklund&nbsp;&ndash; Marlborough&nbsp;&ndash; Marlowe&nbsp;&ndash; Maros&nbsp;&ndash; Marquesasin kieli&nbsp;&ndash; Marquitos&nbsp;&ndash; Marsh&nbsp;&ndash; Marshall&nbsp;&ndash; Marskenttä&nbsp;&ndash; Martha&nbsp;&ndash; Martin Guerren paluu&nbsp;&ndash; Martin Štěpánek&nbsp;&ndash; Martínez&nbsp;&ndash; Martino&nbsp;&ndash; Martšenko&nbsp;&ndash; Martti&nbsp;&ndash; Martti Paavola&nbsp;&ndash; Martti Turunen&nbsp;&ndash; Marx&nbsp;&ndash; Mary&nbsp;&ndash; Mary Jane&nbsp;&ndash; Mas&nbsp;&ndash; Masaya&nbsp;&ndash; Mason&nbsp;&ndash; Masquerade&nbsp;&ndash; Massalia&nbsp;&ndash; Masse&nbsp;&ndash; Massiivi&nbsp;&ndash; Masterpiece&nbsp;&ndash; Mastiffi&nbsp;&ndash; Mat&nbsp;&ndash; Mata&nbsp;&ndash; Matador&nbsp;&ndash; Matakana&nbsp;&ndash; Matala&nbsp;&ndash; Matamata&nbsp;&ndash; Mataram&nbsp;&ndash; Matari&nbsp;&ndash; Mateo Flecha&nbsp;&ndash; Matikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Matikka&nbsp;&ndash; Matilainen&nbsp;&ndash; Matka kuuhun&nbsp;&ndash; Matkalla maineeseen&nbsp;&ndash; Matkusjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Matlock&nbsp;&ndash; Matt Ryan&nbsp;&ndash; Matteus&nbsp;&ndash; Matthew Perry&nbsp;&ndash; Matti&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Aura&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Heikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Hiltunen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Honkala&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Huhta&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Kinnunen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Makkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Manninen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Mikkola&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Nurminen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Paananen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Pohjola&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Saari&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Tikkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Viljanen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Matti Väisänen&nbsp;&ndash; Mattila&nbsp;&ndash; Mattsson&nbsp;&ndash; Maud&nbsp;&ndash; Mauno Ahonen&nbsp;&ndash; Mauretania&nbsp;&ndash; Mauri&nbsp;&ndash; Mauru&nbsp;&ndash; Maus&nbsp;&ndash; Maverick&nbsp;&ndash; Max Lorenz&nbsp;&ndash; Maxim&nbsp;&ndash; Maxwell&nbsp;&ndash; May&nbsp;&ndash; Maya&nbsp;&ndash; Maybe Baby&nbsp;&ndash; Mayer&nbsp;&ndash; Mazoch&nbsp;&ndash; Mazzola&nbsp;&ndash; Mb&nbsp;&ndash; McCarthy&nbsp;&ndash; McCartney&nbsp;&ndash; McComb&nbsp;&ndash; McDonald&nbsp;&ndash; McKay&nbsp;&ndash; McKinley&nbsp;&ndash; McKinney&nbsp;&ndash; McKinnon&nbsp;&ndash; Md&nbsp;&ndash; Me&nbsp;&ndash; Me, Myself and I&nbsp;&ndash; Me hirviöt&nbsp;&ndash; Meadowlands&nbsp;&ndash; Meanderi&nbsp;&ndash; Mechelin&nbsp;&ndash; Medicare&nbsp;&ndash; Medium&nbsp;&ndash; Medon&nbsp;&ndash; Meduusa&nbsp;&ndash; Medvedev&nbsp;&ndash; Mefisto&nbsp;&ndash; Mega Man II&nbsp;&ndash; Mega Man III&nbsp;&ndash; Mega Man IV&nbsp;&ndash; Mega Man V&nbsp;&ndash; Megafoni&nbsp;&ndash; Megiddo&nbsp;&ndash; Megiddon taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Mehsud&nbsp;&ndash; Meier&nbsp;&ndash; Meiji&nbsp;&ndash; Melartin&nbsp;&ndash; Melasniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Melaveikot&nbsp;&ndash; Meleagros&nbsp;&ndash; Melissa&nbsp;&ndash; Meller&nbsp;&ndash; Mellin&nbsp;&ndash; Melody&nbsp;&ndash; Meltdown&nbsp;&ndash; Meltzer&nbsp;&ndash; Melville&nbsp;&ndash; Melvillensaari&nbsp;&ndash; Memnon&nbsp;&ndash; Memorial&nbsp;&ndash; Men in Black&nbsp;&ndash; Mendes&nbsp;&ndash; Mendota&nbsp;&ndash; Menedemos&nbsp;&ndash; Menger&nbsp;&ndash; Menneisyyden vanki&nbsp;&ndash; Menoikeus&nbsp;&ndash; Mentawai&nbsp;&ndash; Mercator&nbsp;&ndash; Mercury&nbsp;&ndash; Mercy&nbsp;&ndash; Merengue&nbsp;&ndash; Meretoja&nbsp;&ndash; Meridiaani&nbsp;&ndash; Merikallio&nbsp;&ndash; Merikoski&nbsp;&ndash; Meriluoto&nbsp;&ndash; Meriläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Merirosvoradio&nbsp;&ndash; Merita&nbsp;&ndash; Merja&nbsp;&ndash; Merkelin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Merkintä&nbsp;&ndash; Mersey-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Mese&nbsp;&ndash; Messa di Gloria&nbsp;&ndash; Messenius&nbsp;&ndash; Messerschmitt P.1101&nbsp;&ndash; Messukeskus&nbsp;&ndash; Mesta&nbsp;&ndash; Mestari&nbsp;&ndash; Metalliliitto&nbsp;&ndash; Metameria&nbsp;&ndash; Metamorfoosi&nbsp;&ndash; Meteli&nbsp;&ndash; Metelinmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Meteor&nbsp;&ndash; Metis&nbsp;&ndash; Metodi&nbsp;&ndash; Metodiikka&nbsp;&ndash; Metriikka&nbsp;&ndash; Metrodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Metropolis&nbsp;&ndash; Metropolitan&nbsp;&ndash; Metsola&nbsp;&ndash; Metsolan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Metsäjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Metsäkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Metsäsika&nbsp;&ndash; Meurthe&nbsp;&ndash; Mew&nbsp;&ndash; Meyer&nbsp;&ndash; Mezen&nbsp;&ndash; Meštšora&nbsp;&ndash; Mf&nbsp;&ndash; Mg&nbsp;&ndash; Mga&nbsp;&ndash; Mh&nbsp;&ndash; Mi&nbsp;&ndash; Miamin yliopisto&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Andrews&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Begley&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Collins&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Dawson&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Edwards&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Levitt&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Mann&nbsp;&ndash; Michael McDonald&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Myers&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Peterson&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Ramsey&nbsp;&ndash; Michael Scott&nbsp;&ndash; Michał Ogiński&nbsp;&ndash; Michaels&nbsp;&ndash; Michelson&nbsp;&ndash; Mickwitz&nbsp;&ndash; Microsoft Surface&nbsp;&ndash; Middle Men&nbsp;&ndash; Middleton&nbsp;&ndash; Midian&nbsp;&ndash; Midland&nbsp;&ndash; Midori&nbsp;&ndash; Midway&nbsp;&ndash; Mie&nbsp;&ndash; Mieres&nbsp;&ndash; Mies joka tiesi liikaa&nbsp;&ndash; Miettinen&nbsp;&ndash; Miettunen&nbsp;&ndash; Miettusen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Migraatio&nbsp;&ndash; Mihai&nbsp;&ndash; Mihail Lebedev&nbsp;&ndash; Mihail Vasiljev&nbsp;&ndash; Miikkulainen&nbsp;&ndash; Miinaharava&nbsp;&ndash; Miinus&nbsp;&ndash; Mika Hänninen&nbsp;&ndash; Mika Karttunen&nbsp;&ndash; Mika Laaksonen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikael Johansson&nbsp;&ndash; Mikaelinkirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Mikanlampi&nbsp;&ndash; Mikawa&nbsp;&ndash; Mike Conley&nbsp;&ndash; Mike Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Hyvärinen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Innanen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Jokela&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Järvinen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Koskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Nousiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Paananen&nbsp;&ndash; Mikko Peltola&nbsp;&ndash; Mikkola&nbsp;&ndash; Mikkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Miklós Szabó&nbsp;&ndash; Mikojan&nbsp;&ndash; Mikon parhaat&nbsp;&ndash; Mikrokosmos&nbsp;&ndash; Mikrometri&nbsp;&ndash; Mikseri&nbsp;&ndash; Miku&nbsp;&ndash; Milan Jovanović&nbsp;&ndash; Milanon lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Mildred Pierce&nbsp;&ndash; Miliband&nbsp;&ndash; Milk&nbsp;&ndash; Milka&nbsp;&ndash; Millennium&nbsp;&ndash; Miller&nbsp;&ndash; Millionaire&nbsp;&ndash; Mills&nbsp;&ndash; Milne&nbsp;&ndash; Milne-Edwards&nbsp;&ndash; Milner&nbsp;&ndash; Milorad Pavić&nbsp;&ndash; Milstein&nbsp;&ndash; Miltiades&nbsp;&ndash; Milton&nbsp;&ndash; Mimosa&nbsp;&ndash; Min&nbsp;&ndash; Minangkabau&nbsp;&ndash; Minas Morgul&nbsp;&ndash; Miniatyyri&nbsp;&ndash; Minj&nbsp;&ndash; Minkkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Minot&nbsp;&ndash; Minotaur-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Minttu&nbsp;&ndash; Minä olen muistanut&nbsp;&ndash; Miracle&nbsp;&ndash; Mirage&nbsp;&ndash; Miranda&nbsp;&ndash; Mirnyi&nbsp;&ndash; Mirror&nbsp;&ndash; Mirror Mirror&nbsp;&ndash; Miss World&nbsp;&ndash; Mission Impossible&nbsp;&ndash; Mistletoe&nbsp;&ndash; Mistral&nbsp;&ndash; Mitchell&nbsp;&ndash; Mithridates&nbsp;&ndash; Mittag&nbsp;&ndash; Mittari&nbsp;&ndash; Mitterrand&nbsp;&ndash; Miyazaki&nbsp;&ndash; Mizrahi&nbsp;&ndash; Mj&nbsp;&ndash; Mk&nbsp;&ndash; Ml&nbsp;&ndash; Mm&nbsp;&ndash; Mn&nbsp;&ndash; Mnesarkhos&nbsp;&ndash; Mo&nbsp;&ndash; Moana&nbsp;&ndash; Mod&nbsp;&ndash; Modaali&nbsp;&ndash; Model 500&nbsp;&ndash; Moderni fysiikka&nbsp;&ndash; Modigliani&nbsp;&ndash; Modulaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Moduuli&nbsp;&ndash; Moguli&nbsp;&ndash; Moi&nbsp;&ndash; Moilanen&nbsp;&ndash; Moisander&nbsp;&ndash; Moisio&nbsp;&ndash; Moisio (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Moision koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Moksi&nbsp;&ndash; Mokša&nbsp;&ndash; Molina&nbsp;&ndash; Molly&nbsp;&ndash; Molnija&nbsp;&ndash; Moltke&nbsp;&ndash; Mon&nbsp;&ndash; Mona Simpson&nbsp;&ndash; Monadi&nbsp;&ndash; Monarch&nbsp;&ndash; Monday&nbsp;&ndash; Monestier&nbsp;&ndash; Money&nbsp;&ndash; Money for Nothing&nbsp;&ndash; Mongoli&nbsp;&ndash; Mongoloidi&nbsp;&ndash; Mongoose&nbsp;&ndash; Moniottelu&nbsp;&ndash; Monismi&nbsp;&ndash; Monisuhteisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Monitori&nbsp;&ndash; Moniveto&nbsp;&ndash; Monk&nbsp;&ndash; Mono&nbsp;&ndash; Monod&nbsp;&ndash; Mononoke&nbsp;&ndash; Monoseksuaalisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Monroe&nbsp;&ndash; Monster&nbsp;&ndash; Monte Vista&nbsp;&ndash; Montecatini&nbsp;&ndash; Montecuccoli&nbsp;&ndash; Montell&nbsp;&ndash; Montessori&nbsp;&ndash; Montgomery&nbsp;&ndash; Montgomeryn piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Monto&nbsp;&ndash; Montola&nbsp;&ndash; Montoya&nbsp;&ndash; Montrealin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Montrose&nbsp;&ndash; Moodi&nbsp;&ndash; Moog&nbsp;&ndash; Moon&nbsp;&ndash; Moore&nbsp;&ndash; Mooseksen kirja&nbsp;&ndash; Mooseksen laulu&nbsp;&ndash; Mora&nbsp;&ndash; Morbier&nbsp;&ndash; Morden&nbsp;&ndash; More&nbsp;&ndash; Moreno&nbsp;&ndash; Morfaani&nbsp;&ndash; Morgan&nbsp;&ndash; Morgonbladet&nbsp;&ndash; Mori&nbsp;&ndash; Moriori&nbsp;&ndash; Morje&nbsp;&ndash; Morley&nbsp;&ndash; Moro&nbsp;&ndash; Morottaja&nbsp;&ndash; Morozov&nbsp;&ndash; Morrigan&nbsp;&ndash; Morrison&nbsp;&ndash; Mors&nbsp;&ndash; Morse&nbsp;&ndash; Morton&nbsp;&ndash; Morus&nbsp;&ndash; Moses&nbsp;&ndash; Moska&nbsp;&ndash; Moskovan Dynamo&nbsp;&ndash; Moskovan Spartak&nbsp;&ndash; Moskva&nbsp;&ndash; Motu&nbsp;&ndash; Motu Iti&nbsp;&ndash; Moukari&nbsp;&ndash; Mount Vernon&nbsp;&ndash; Mountain View&nbsp;&ndash; Move&nbsp;&ndash; Moyer&nbsp;&ndash; Mp&nbsp;&ndash; Mpk&nbsp;&ndash; Mq&nbsp;&ndash; Mr&nbsp;&ndash; Mr. Nobody&nbsp;&ndash; Mr. Popper's Penguins&nbsp;&ndash; Mr. Universe&nbsp;&ndash; Ms&nbsp;&ndash; Mt&nbsp;&ndash; Mucius&nbsp;&ndash; Mudit&nbsp;&ndash; Mueller&nbsp;&ndash; Muhammad Ali vs. Joe Frazier&nbsp;&ndash; Muinaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Muinaisusko&nbsp;&ndash; Muistojen bulevardi&nbsp;&ndash; Mulan&nbsp;&ndash; Muller&nbsp;&ndash; Munakari&nbsp;&ndash; Munck&nbsp;&ndash; Munir Ahmed Dar&nbsp;&ndash; Munkki&nbsp;&ndash; Muoto&nbsp;&ndash; Muranen&nbsp;&ndash; Murat&nbsp;&ndash; Murder Was the Case&nbsp;&ndash; Mureș&nbsp;&ndash; Murillo&nbsp;&ndash; Murkowski&nbsp;&ndash; Muromachi&nbsp;&ndash; Murphy&nbsp;&ndash; Murray&nbsp;&ndash; Murronkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Murto&nbsp;&ndash; Murtomaa&nbsp;&ndash; Murtomäki&nbsp;&ndash; Murtovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Mus&nbsp;&ndash; Musa&nbsp;&ndash; Musaios&nbsp;&ndash; Musette&nbsp;&ndash; Museum of Fine Arts&nbsp;&ndash; Musica&nbsp;&ndash; Musta Dahlia&nbsp;&ndash; Musta Leski&nbsp;&ndash; Musta dahlia&nbsp;&ndash; Musta joutsen&nbsp;&ndash; Musta kirja&nbsp;&ndash; Musta syyskuu&nbsp;&ndash; Mustajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Mustakari&nbsp;&ndash; Mustalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Mustalampi&nbsp;&ndash; Mustang&nbsp;&ndash; Mustapaidat&nbsp;&ndash; Mustapäiden talo&nbsp;&ndash; Mustarinta&nbsp;&ndash; Mustasukkaisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Mustasukkaisuutta&nbsp;&ndash; Mustavuori&nbsp;&ndash; Musti&nbsp;&ndash; Mustonen&nbsp;&ndash; Mutala&nbsp;&ndash; Muukalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Muurahaismies&nbsp;&ndash; Muutos&nbsp;&ndash; Muuttolinnut&nbsp;&ndash; Muuttuja&nbsp;&ndash; Mv&nbsp;&ndash; Mw&nbsp;&ndash; Mx&nbsp;&ndash; My&nbsp;&ndash; My Best Friend's Girl&nbsp;&ndash; My Blue Heaven&nbsp;&ndash; My Girl&nbsp;&ndash; My World&nbsp;&ndash; Myhre&nbsp;&ndash; Myllyjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Myllykangas&nbsp;&ndash; Myllykoski&nbsp;&ndash; Myllylä&nbsp;&ndash; Myllylähde&nbsp;&ndash; Myllymäki&nbsp;&ndash; Myllyoja&nbsp;&ndash; Myllysaari&nbsp;&ndash; Mylopótamos&nbsp;&ndash; Myrdal&nbsp;&ndash; Myrkkypilleri&nbsp;&ndash; Myrrysmies&nbsp;&ndash; Myrskyn edellä&nbsp;&ndash; Myrskyn jälkeen&nbsp;&ndash; Myssy&nbsp;&ndash; Mysteeri&nbsp;&ndash; Mystery Train&nbsp;&ndash; Mystikko&nbsp;&ndash; Myyrä&nbsp;&ndash; Mz&nbsp;&ndash; Mårtenson&nbsp;&ndash; Mäenpää&nbsp;&ndash; Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Mäkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Mäkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Mäkynen&nbsp;&ndash; Mäkäräinen&nbsp;&ndash; Männikkö&nbsp;&ndash; Mänttäri&nbsp;&ndash; Mäntykangas&nbsp;&ndash; Mäntynen&nbsp;&ndash; Määränpäänä tähdet&nbsp;&ndash; Määttä&nbsp;&ndash; Määttänen&nbsp;&ndash; Mérida&nbsp;&ndash; Möller&nbsp;&ndash; Mömmö&nbsp;&ndash; Mörö&nbsp;&ndash; Möttönen&nbsp;&ndash; Müller&nbsp;&ndash;


NATO-patruuna&nbsp;&ndash; NBR&nbsp;&ndash; NCIS&nbsp;&ndash; NEO&nbsp;&ndash; NFC&nbsp;&ndash; NFS&nbsp;&ndash; NKL&nbsp;&ndash; NLK&nbsp;&ndash; NMP&nbsp;&ndash; NPS&nbsp;&ndash; NRA&nbsp;&ndash; NSK&nbsp;&ndash; NVA&nbsp;&ndash; NYT&nbsp;&ndash; Na&nbsp;&ndash; Naama&nbsp;&ndash; Naamijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Naatti&nbsp;&ndash; Nabeshima&nbsp;&ndash; Nabokov&nbsp;&ndash; Nadya&nbsp;&ndash; Nagy&nbsp;&ndash; Naisen kosto&nbsp;&ndash; Naka-ku&nbsp;&ndash; Nakamura&nbsp;&ndash; Nakhthorheb&nbsp;&ndash; Nampula&nbsp;&ndash; Nana&nbsp;&ndash; Nanna&nbsp;&ndash; Nano&nbsp;&ndash; Nantucket Sleighride&nbsp;&ndash; Naos&nbsp;&ndash; Napa&nbsp;&ndash; Napakymppi&nbsp;&ndash; Naples&nbsp;&ndash; Napolitano&nbsp;&ndash; Nappulaliiga&nbsp;&ndash; Nargis&nbsp;&ndash; Narnia&nbsp;&ndash; Narvi&nbsp;&ndash; Narvikin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Nascimento&nbsp;&ndash; Nash&nbsp;&ndash; Nashi&nbsp;&ndash; Nasica&nbsp;&ndash; Naski&nbsp;&ndash; Nasse&nbsp;&ndash; Natal&nbsp;&ndash; Natalia&nbsp;&ndash; Naturalismi&nbsp;&ndash; Naturalisti&nbsp;&ndash; Nauplios&nbsp;&ndash; Naurava kulkuri&nbsp;&ndash; Nausikaa&nbsp;&ndash; Nautilus&nbsp;&ndash; Navaho&nbsp;&ndash; Naxos&nbsp;&ndash; Nb&nbsp;&ndash; Nc&nbsp;&ndash; Nd&nbsp;&ndash; Ndebele&nbsp;&ndash; Ne&nbsp;&ndash; Neápoli&nbsp;&ndash; Neamț&nbsp;&ndash; Nebukadressar&nbsp;&ndash; Nebula&nbsp;&ndash; Negatiivi&nbsp;&ndash; Negroponte&nbsp;&ndash; Neil Fox&nbsp;&ndash; Neil Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Neilikka&nbsp;&ndash; Neiti Julie&nbsp;&ndash; Neitoperho&nbsp;&ndash; Nekrasov&nbsp;&ndash; Nelimarkka&nbsp;&ndash; Neliö&nbsp;&ndash; Neljä nolattua neroa&nbsp;&ndash; Neljä ratsastajaa&nbsp;&ndash; Nelson&nbsp;&ndash; Nemesis&nbsp;&ndash; Nemo&nbsp;&ndash; Nene&nbsp;&ndash; Nenonen&nbsp;&ndash; Nenê&nbsp;&ndash; Nepos&nbsp;&ndash; Neptune&nbsp;&ndash; Nergal&nbsp;&ndash; Nerone&nbsp;&ndash; Neronov&nbsp;&ndash; Nervander&nbsp;&ndash; Nes&nbsp;&ndash; Nestor&nbsp;&ndash; Nets&nbsp;&ndash; Netšajev&nbsp;&ndash; Neues Schloss&nbsp;&ndash; Neufchâtel&nbsp;&ndash; Neuhaus&nbsp;&ndash; Neula&nbsp;&ndash; Neuman&nbsp;&ndash; Neumann&nbsp;&ndash; Neuner&nbsp;&ndash; Neunkirchen&nbsp;&ndash; Neustadt&nbsp;&ndash; Neutraali&nbsp;&ndash; Neuvostojen talo&nbsp;&ndash; Neva&nbsp;&ndash; Nevadan yliopisto&nbsp;&ndash; Nevalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Never Let You Go&nbsp;&ndash; Neveu&nbsp;&ndash; New Albany&nbsp;&ndash; New Amsterdam&nbsp;&ndash; New Britain&nbsp;&ndash; New Model Army&nbsp;&ndash; New Moon&nbsp;&ndash; New Politics&nbsp;&ndash; New World Order&nbsp;&ndash; New Yorker&nbsp;&ndash; Newman&nbsp;&ndash; Newmarket&nbsp;&ndash; News of the World&nbsp;&ndash; Nexus&nbsp;&ndash; Nf&nbsp;&ndash; Ng&nbsp;&ndash; Nguyễn&nbsp;&ndash; Nh&nbsp;&ndash; Ni&nbsp;&ndash; Niagara&nbsp;&ndash; Niagara Falls&nbsp;&ndash; Nick Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Nicodemus Tessin&nbsp;&ndash; Nicola&nbsp;&ndash; Nicole&nbsp;&ndash; Nida&nbsp;&ndash; Nidoran&nbsp;&ndash; Nielsen&nbsp;&ndash; Niemelä&nbsp;&ndash; Niemikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Nigerin vallankaappaus&nbsp;&ndash; Night Watch&nbsp;&ndash; Night of the Living Dead&nbsp;&ndash; Nighthawk&nbsp;&ndash; Nightingale&nbsp;&ndash; Niiniluoto&nbsp;&ndash; Niinistö&nbsp;&ndash; Niirala&nbsp;&ndash; Niiranen&nbsp;&ndash; Nikanor&nbsp;&ndash; Nikeforos&nbsp;&ndash; Nikeforos Bryennios&nbsp;&ndash; Nikippe&nbsp;&ndash; Nikitin&nbsp;&ndash; Nikkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Nikki&nbsp;&ndash; Nikkilä&nbsp;&ndash; Nikkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolai Ivanov&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolai Kruglov&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolai Kuznetsov&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolai Makarov&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolajev&nbsp;&ndash; Nikolskoje&nbsp;&ndash; Nikomakhos&nbsp;&ndash; Nikula&nbsp;&ndash; Nilsen&nbsp;&ndash; Nilsson&nbsp;&ndash; Nimh&nbsp;&ndash; Nimi&nbsp;&ndash; Nimitz&nbsp;&ndash; Nimrod&nbsp;&ndash; Nina&nbsp;&ndash; Nine&nbsp;&ndash; Nine Old Men&nbsp;&ndash; Nino&nbsp;&ndash; Niobidi&nbsp;&ndash; Niskanen&nbsp;&ndash; Nissen&nbsp;&ndash; Nissinen&nbsp;&ndash; Nit&nbsp;&ndash; Nitro&nbsp;&ndash; Nj&nbsp;&ndash; Nk&nbsp;&ndash; Nl&nbsp;&ndash; Nm&nbsp;&ndash; Nn&nbsp;&ndash; No&nbsp;&ndash; No Mercy&nbsp;&ndash; No One&nbsp;&ndash; No Reservations&nbsp;&ndash; Nobel&nbsp;&ndash; Nocebo&nbsp;&ndash; Nocturne&nbsp;&ndash; Noël&nbsp;&ndash; Noether&nbsp;&ndash; Noga&nbsp;&ndash; Nogain piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia Asha&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia C5&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia C6&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia X1&nbsp;&ndash; Nokia X2&nbsp;&ndash; Nollapiste&nbsp;&ndash; Noma&nbsp;&ndash; Nomadic&nbsp;&ndash; Nonstop&nbsp;&ndash; Nopeudenrajoitin&nbsp;&ndash; Nopola&nbsp;&ndash; Nora&nbsp;&ndash; Nord&nbsp;&ndash; Nordberg&nbsp;&ndash; Nordell&nbsp;&ndash; Nordic&nbsp;&ndash; Nordin&nbsp;&ndash; Nordlund&nbsp;&ndash; Nordström&nbsp;&ndash; Norma Jean&nbsp;&ndash; Normaali&nbsp;&ndash; Normi&nbsp;&ndash; Noro&nbsp;&ndash; Norris&nbsp;&ndash; Norrskär&nbsp;&ndash; Norssi&nbsp;&ndash; North&nbsp;&ndash; North Bend&nbsp;&ndash; North Vancouver&nbsp;&ndash; Northwood&nbsp;&ndash; Norway&nbsp;&ndash; Norwegian Wood&nbsp;&ndash; Nosto&nbsp;&ndash; Note&nbsp;&ndash; Notre Dame&nbsp;&ndash; Notre Damen kellonsoittaja&nbsp;&ndash; Nousukausi&nbsp;&ndash; Novaja Derevnja&nbsp;&ndash; Nové Město&nbsp;&ndash; Novikov&nbsp;&ndash; Nozières&nbsp;&ndash; Np&nbsp;&ndash; Nr&nbsp;&ndash; Ns&nbsp;&ndash; Nt&nbsp;&ndash; Nu&nbsp;&ndash; Nuija&nbsp;&ndash; Nukumanu&nbsp;&ndash; Numb&nbsp;&ndash; Number One&nbsp;&ndash; Number Ones&nbsp;&ndash; Numenius&nbsp;&ndash; Nummelin&nbsp;&ndash; Nummenmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Nummi&nbsp;&ndash; Numminen&nbsp;&ndash; Nuorteva&nbsp;&ndash; Nuottajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Nurmesjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Nurminen&nbsp;&ndash; Nussbaum&nbsp;&ndash; Nv&nbsp;&ndash; Nw&nbsp;&ndash; Ny&nbsp;&ndash; Nyanga&nbsp;&ndash; Nyberg&nbsp;&ndash; Nyby&nbsp;&ndash; Nygård&nbsp;&ndash; Nyholm&nbsp;&ndash; Nykänen&nbsp;&ndash; Nyland&nbsp;&ndash; Nylander&nbsp;&ndash; Nylén&nbsp;&ndash; Nylund&nbsp;&ndash; Nyman&nbsp;&ndash; Nyström&nbsp;&ndash; Nz&nbsp;&ndash; Näkymätön mies&nbsp;&ndash; Näkäräinen&nbsp;&ndash; Näyttö&nbsp;&ndash;


O'Brien&nbsp;&ndash; O'Connell&nbsp;&ndash; O'Connor&nbsp;&ndash; OBE&nbsp;&ndash; OC&nbsp;&ndash; ODS&nbsp;&ndash; OIS&nbsp;&ndash; OK&nbsp;&ndash; OK!&nbsp;&ndash; OL&nbsp;&ndash; OLS&nbsp;&ndash; OLT&nbsp;&ndash; OLW&nbsp;&ndash; OM&nbsp;&ndash; OMG&nbsp;&ndash; OOO&nbsp;&ndash; OPS&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Grom&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Gryf&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Kaszub&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Krakowiak&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Kujawiak&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Mazur&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Orkan&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Orzeł&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Piorun&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Ryś&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Sęp&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Ślązak&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Wicher&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Wilk&nbsp;&ndash; ORP Żbik&nbsp;&ndash; OSM&nbsp;&ndash; OSS&nbsp;&ndash; OTK&nbsp;&ndash; Oa&nbsp;&ndash; Oakley&nbsp;&ndash; Oakville&nbsp;&ndash; Oberliga&nbsp;&ndash; Oberlin&nbsp;&ndash; Objekti&nbsp;&ndash; Objektivismi&nbsp;&ndash; Oblivion&nbsp;&ndash; Obsession&nbsp;&ndash; Ocean&nbsp;&ndash; Octavia&nbsp;&ndash; Octavius&nbsp;&ndash; Oda&nbsp;&ndash; Odotus&nbsp;&ndash; Oenanthe&nbsp;&ndash; Of&nbsp;&ndash; Ofelia&nbsp;&ndash; Off the Record&nbsp;&ndash; Office of Film and Literature Classification&nbsp;&ndash; Ogg Vorbis&nbsp;&ndash; Ogre&nbsp;&ndash; Ogun&nbsp;&ndash; Oh&nbsp;&ndash; Ohjain&nbsp;&ndash; Ohjaus&nbsp;&ndash; Ohjelma&nbsp;&ndash; Ohjelmistojen analysointi&nbsp;&ndash; Ohm&nbsp;&ndash; Oijärventie&nbsp;&ndash; Oilers&nbsp;&ndash; Oinas&nbsp;&ndash; Oinasjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Oinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Oj&nbsp;&ndash; Ojakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ojala&nbsp;&ndash; Ojalan laskuoppi&nbsp;&ndash; Ojanen&nbsp;&ndash; Ojankylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ojanperä&nbsp;&ndash; Okavango&nbsp;&ndash; Oksala&nbsp;&ndash; Oksanen&nbsp;&ndash; Oktaani&nbsp;&ndash; Oktetti&nbsp;&ndash; Oktjabrski&nbsp;&ndash; Okyrhoe&nbsp;&ndash; Ola Hansson&nbsp;&ndash; Olaus Magni&nbsp;&ndash; Olen suomalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Oletus&nbsp;&ndash; Olhava&nbsp;&ndash; Olifantti&nbsp;&ndash; Oligarkit&nbsp;&ndash; Olio&nbsp;&ndash; Oliveira&nbsp;&ndash; Oliver Twist (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Olkinuora&nbsp;&ndash; Olli&nbsp;&ndash; Olli Heinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Olli Ikkala&nbsp;&ndash; Ollila&nbsp;&ndash; Olof Rudbeck&nbsp;&ndash; Olofsson&nbsp;&ndash; Olsen&nbsp;&ndash; Olsoni&nbsp;&ndash; Olympia&nbsp;&ndash; Olympiakomitea&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1924&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1928&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1932&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1936&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1948&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1952&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1956&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1960&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1964&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1968&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1972&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1976&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1980&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1984&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1988&nbsp;&ndash; Olympialaiset 1992&nbsp;&ndash; Olympiastadion&nbsp;&ndash; Olympiodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Olympisch Stadion&nbsp;&ndash; Olympos&nbsp;&ndash; Omen&nbsp;&ndash; On&nbsp;&ndash; Once&nbsp;&ndash; One for the Money&nbsp;&ndash; One in a Million&nbsp;&ndash; One Life&nbsp;&ndash; One Love&nbsp;&ndash; One More Day&nbsp;&ndash; Oneonta&nbsp;&ndash; Oni&nbsp;&ndash; Onkamo&nbsp;&ndash; Onnela&nbsp;&ndash; Onnenapila&nbsp;&ndash; On the Radio&nbsp;&ndash; Ontologinen kategoria&nbsp;&ndash; Onyx&nbsp;&ndash; Oo&nbsp;&ndash; Op&nbsp;&ndash; Opastin&nbsp;&ndash; Open Hearts&nbsp;&ndash; Open Your Heart&nbsp;&ndash; Operaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Operaatio Nordwind&nbsp;&ndash; Operaatio Tiikeri&nbsp;&ndash; Operaatio Valkyyria&nbsp;&ndash; Operaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Operculum&nbsp;&ndash; Oph&nbsp;&ndash; Opintoverkko&nbsp;&ndash; Optimi&nbsp;&ndash; Optimointi&nbsp;&ndash; Optinen datansiirto&nbsp;&ndash; Opus&nbsp;&ndash; Oq&nbsp;&ndash; Or&nbsp;&ndash; Oraalinen&nbsp;&ndash; Oracle&nbsp;&ndash; Orajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Orange&nbsp;&ndash; Orangen piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Oranienbaum&nbsp;&ndash; Oranje&nbsp;&ndash; Orasmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Oravala&nbsp;&ndash; Oravanlinna&nbsp;&ndash; Orchis&nbsp;&ndash; Orcus&nbsp;&ndash; Ordžonikidze&nbsp;&ndash; Orgaaninen&nbsp;&ndash; Orient&nbsp;&ndash; Original&nbsp;&ndash; Origo&nbsp;&ndash; Orijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Orion&nbsp;&ndash; Orjasota&nbsp;&ndash; Orkhomenos&nbsp;&ndash; Orlov&nbsp;&ndash; Oromo&nbsp;&ndash; Orson&nbsp;&ndash; Ortega&nbsp;&ndash; Os&nbsp;&ndash; Oscar Wergeland&nbsp;&ndash; Oski&nbsp;&ndash; Osma&nbsp;&ndash; Osoitin&nbsp;&ndash; Ossi Martikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Ostola&nbsp;&ndash; Ostrov&nbsp;&ndash; Ostrovski&nbsp;&ndash; Ot&nbsp;&ndash; Ota&nbsp;&ndash; Otani&nbsp;&ndash; Ota tai jätä&nbsp;&ndash; Otava&nbsp;&ndash; Otello&nbsp;&ndash; Otos&nbsp;&ndash; Otra&nbsp;&ndash; Otradnoje&nbsp;&ndash; Otsola&nbsp;&ndash; Otto&nbsp;&ndash; Otto Donner&nbsp;&ndash; Otto I&nbsp;&ndash; Otus&nbsp;&ndash; Ou&nbsp;&ndash; Oulun palo&nbsp;&ndash; Oume&nbsp;&ndash; Out&nbsp;&ndash; Outland&nbsp;&ndash; Outo&nbsp;&ndash; Outworld&nbsp;&ndash; Ov&nbsp;&ndash; Over the Hills and Far Away&nbsp;&ndash; Owen&nbsp;&ndash; Owens&nbsp;&ndash; Ox&nbsp;&ndash; Oy&nbsp;&ndash; Oyashio&nbsp;&ndash; Oz&nbsp;&ndash; Ozjorsk&nbsp;&ndash; Ozoir&nbsp;&ndash;


P/E&nbsp;&ndash; P90&nbsp;&ndash; PABA&nbsp;&ndash; PAD&nbsp;&ndash; PAKK&nbsp;&ndash; PBL&nbsp;&ndash; PCA&nbsp;&ndash; PCB&nbsp;&ndash; PCL&nbsp;&ndash; PCU&nbsp;&ndash; PD&nbsp;&ndash; PDA&nbsp;&ndash; PDP&nbsp;&ndash; PDS&nbsp;&ndash; PET&nbsp;&ndash; PKL&nbsp;&ndash; PKU&nbsp;&ndash; PLC&nbsp;&ndash; PLE&nbsp;&ndash; PLS&nbsp;&ndash; PMK&nbsp;&ndash; PMR&nbsp;&ndash; POR&nbsp;&ndash; PPI&nbsp;&ndash; PS2&nbsp;&ndash; PSA&nbsp;&ndash; PSD&nbsp;&ndash; PSI&nbsp;&ndash; PSM&nbsp;&ndash; PSP&nbsp;&ndash; PTA&nbsp;&ndash; PTO&nbsp;&ndash; PTT&nbsp;&ndash; PVO&nbsp;&ndash; PYP&nbsp;&ndash; Pa&nbsp;&ndash; Paananen&nbsp;&ndash; Paaria&nbsp;&ndash; Paarma&nbsp;&ndash; Paasi&nbsp;&ndash; Paasikiven hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Paasilinna&nbsp;&ndash; Paasio&nbsp;&ndash; Paasion hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Paaso&nbsp;&ndash; Paasonen&nbsp;&ndash; Paatela&nbsp;&ndash; Paatero&nbsp;&ndash; Paavalinkirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Paavo Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Paavola&nbsp;&ndash; Pablo&nbsp;&ndash; Pablo Hernández&nbsp;&ndash; Pacific&nbsp;&ndash; Packalén&nbsp;&ndash; Paddington&nbsp;&ndash; Pahajoki&nbsp;&ndash; Pahlman&nbsp;&ndash; Paige&nbsp;&ndash; Paijula&nbsp;&ndash; Paimenpoika&nbsp;&ndash; Painin maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1985&nbsp;&ndash; Painin maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1990&nbsp;&ndash; Painin maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1991&nbsp;&ndash; Painin maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1994&nbsp;&ndash; Painin maailmanmestaruuskilpailut 1995&nbsp;&ndash; Paint&nbsp;&ndash; Pajari&nbsp;&ndash; Pajukari&nbsp;&ndash; Pajunen&nbsp;&ndash; Pajusaari&nbsp;&ndash; Pakarinen&nbsp;&ndash; Paketti&nbsp;&ndash; Pakkahuone&nbsp;&ndash; Pakki&nbsp;&ndash; Pakotie&nbsp;&ndash; Paksujalat&nbsp;&ndash; Paladin&nbsp;&ndash; Palander&nbsp;&ndash; Palanderin talo&nbsp;&ndash; Palatino&nbsp;&ndash; Palestrina&nbsp;&ndash; Paletti&nbsp;&ndash; Palin&nbsp;&ndash; Paljakka&nbsp;&ndash; Palkki&nbsp;&ndash; Pallada&nbsp;&ndash; Pallas&nbsp;&ndash; Palle&nbsp;&ndash; Palli&nbsp;&ndash; Pallo&nbsp;&ndash; Pallonen&nbsp;&ndash; Palm Beach&nbsp;&ndash; Palma&nbsp;&ndash; Palmerston&nbsp;&ndash; Palmgren&nbsp;&ndash; Palo&nbsp;&ndash; Paloheimo&nbsp;&ndash; Palomäki&nbsp;&ndash; Palonen&nbsp;&ndash; Palsa&nbsp;&ndash; Palva&nbsp;&ndash; Pampas&nbsp;&ndash; Panda&nbsp;&ndash; Pandion&nbsp;&ndash; Pankrates&nbsp;&ndash; Panna&nbsp;&ndash; Pano&nbsp;&ndash; Panorama&nbsp;&ndash; Panssarilaiva&nbsp;&ndash; Pantheon&nbsp;&ndash; Pantokrator&nbsp;&ndash; Panu&nbsp;&ndash; Panzer&nbsp;&ndash; Papadopoulos&nbsp;&ndash; Papandreu&nbsp;&ndash; Pappilanmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Para&nbsp;&ndash; Pará-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Paradox&nbsp;&ndash; Paragon&nbsp;&ndash; Parallelismi&nbsp;&ndash; Paramount&nbsp;&ndash; Paranoia&nbsp;&ndash; Paranoid&nbsp;&ndash; Paraná&nbsp;&ndash; Parasta ennen&nbsp;&ndash; Paratiisi&nbsp;&ndash; Paratiisilintu&nbsp;&ndash; Pareto&nbsp;&ndash; Parhaat&nbsp;&ndash; Pariisin lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Pariisin maailmannäyttely&nbsp;&ndash; Pariisin rauha&nbsp;&ndash; Pariisin sopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Parikka&nbsp;&ndash; Paringa&nbsp;&ndash; Parinmuodostus&nbsp;&ndash; Park&nbsp;&ndash; Parker&nbsp;&ndash; Parkinson&nbsp;&ndash; Parkkinen&nbsp;&ndash; Parkkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Paronen&nbsp;&ndash; Part of Me&nbsp;&ndash; Partanen&nbsp;&ndash; Parti socialiste&nbsp;&ndash; Partikkeli&nbsp;&ndash; Partikularismi&nbsp;&ndash; Parviainen&nbsp;&ndash; Pas de Calais&nbsp;&ndash; Pasaati&nbsp;&ndash; Pasadena&nbsp;&ndash; Pasanen&nbsp;&ndash; Pascal&nbsp;&ndash; Pasi Hirvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Pasi Pirinen&nbsp;&ndash; Paska&nbsp;&ndash; Paskaletto&nbsp;&ndash; Passenger&nbsp;&ndash; Passio&nbsp;&ndash; Passion Play&nbsp;&ndash; Passmore&nbsp;&ndash; Pastelli&nbsp;&ndash; Pata&nbsp;&ndash; Patamo&nbsp;&ndash; Patan&nbsp;&ndash; Pate&nbsp;&ndash; Pater noster&nbsp;&ndash; Patience&nbsp;&ndash; Patos&nbsp;&ndash; Patriarkaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Patrick Kennedy&nbsp;&ndash; Patrologia&nbsp;&ndash; Patteri&nbsp;&ndash; Pattison&nbsp;&ndash; Paukku&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Birch&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Burke&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Féval&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Rogers&nbsp;&ndash; Paul Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Paunikko&nbsp;&ndash; Paunio&nbsp;&ndash; Paunu&nbsp;&ndash; Pausanias&nbsp;&ndash; Pavlovo&nbsp;&ndash; Pax&nbsp;&ndash; Pe&nbsp;&ndash; Peace of Mind&nbsp;&ndash; Peacock&nbsp;&ndash; Pearl&nbsp;&ndash; Pedersen&nbsp;&ndash; Pedro Rodríguez&nbsp;&ndash; Pehku&nbsp;&ndash; Peippola&nbsp;&ndash; Peiteväri&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Helin&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Hämäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Jokinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Peitsi&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Ryynänen&nbsp;&ndash; Pekka Viljanen&nbsp;&ndash; Pekkala&nbsp;&ndash; Pekkarinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pekko&nbsp;&ndash; Pelagius&nbsp;&ndash; Pelasgos&nbsp;&ndash; Pelastus&nbsp;&ndash; Pelimiehet&nbsp;&ndash; Pelin henki&nbsp;&ndash; Pelinjohtaja&nbsp;&ndash; Pelit&nbsp;&ndash; Pelkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Pellervo&nbsp;&ndash; Pelletti&nbsp;&ndash; Pellikka&nbsp;&ndash; Pelopeia&nbsp;&ndash; Peltola&nbsp;&ndash; Peltomäki&nbsp;&ndash; Peltsi&nbsp;&ndash; Pemba&nbsp;&ndash; Pembroke&nbsp;&ndash; Pendulum&nbsp;&ndash; Penikkatauti&nbsp;&ndash; Penkki&nbsp;&ndash; Pennanen&nbsp;&ndash; Penrose&nbsp;&ndash; Pensaskari&nbsp;&ndash; Penske&nbsp;&ndash; Pentagram&nbsp;&ndash; Pentikäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pentti&nbsp;&ndash; Pentti Aalto&nbsp;&ndash; Pentti Eskola&nbsp;&ndash; Pentti Salmi&nbsp;&ndash; People&nbsp;&ndash; Peoria&nbsp;&ndash; Pepe&nbsp;&ndash; Pepi&nbsp;&ndash; Pepo&nbsp;&ndash; Per&nbsp;&ndash; Peregrinos&nbsp;&ndash; Pérez&nbsp;&ndash; Perho&nbsp;&ndash; Perhoskoira&nbsp;&ndash; Periboia&nbsp;&ndash; Perikato&nbsp;&ndash; Perimyssota&nbsp;&ndash; Perinneympäristö&nbsp;&ndash; Periodi&nbsp;&ndash; Permi&nbsp;&ndash; Perry&nbsp;&ndash; Perse&nbsp;&ndash; Perses&nbsp;&ndash; Persialaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Person of Interest&nbsp;&ndash; Persoona&nbsp;&ndash; Persson&nbsp;&ndash; Perth&nbsp;&ndash; Pertti Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Perttijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Perttilä&nbsp;&ndash; Perttula&nbsp;&ndash; Perukka&nbsp;&ndash; Peruskäsite&nbsp;&ndash; Perón&nbsp;&ndash; Pes&nbsp;&ndash; Pesonen&nbsp;&ndash; Pessi&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Andersson&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Eriksson&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Hansen&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Larsson&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Munch&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Reynolds&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Simons&nbsp;&ndash; Peter Taylor&nbsp;&ndash; Petersburg&nbsp;&ndash; Petersen&nbsp;&ndash; Peterson&nbsp;&ndash; Petersson&nbsp;&ndash; Petkel&nbsp;&ndash; Peto&nbsp;&ndash; Petr Koukal&nbsp;&ndash; Petra&nbsp;&ndash; Petri Kokko&nbsp;&ndash; Petri Lehtonen&nbsp;&ndash; Petri Tiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Petri Viljanen&nbsp;&ndash; Petronella&nbsp;&ndash; Petropavlovsk&nbsp;&ndash; Petrov&nbsp;&ndash; Petterson&nbsp;&ndash; Pettersson&nbsp;&ndash; Pettilä&nbsp;&ndash; Pettäjän tie&nbsp;&ndash; Petäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Petšenga&nbsp;&ndash; Peurajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Pf&nbsp;&ndash; Pfaff&nbsp;&ndash; Pg&nbsp;&ndash; Ph&nbsp;&ndash; Phaeton&nbsp;&ndash; Phantom&nbsp;&ndash; Phelps&nbsp;&ndash; Philip Jones&nbsp;&ndash; Philippe Ouédraogo&nbsp;&ndash; Phoebe&nbsp;&ndash; Pi&nbsp;&ndash; Pia&nbsp;&ndash; Pianomies&nbsp;&ndash; Piatkowski&nbsp;&ndash; Piazza&nbsp;&ndash; Pica&nbsp;&ndash; Pickering&nbsp;&ndash; Pico&nbsp;&ndash; Pico della Mirandola&nbsp;&ndash; Pidätys&nbsp;&ndash; Piedmont&nbsp;&ndash; Pieni kauhukauppa&nbsp;&ndash; Pienryhmä&nbsp;&ndash; Piera&nbsp;&ndash; Pierce&nbsp;&ndash; Pieris&nbsp;&ndash; Pierre&nbsp;&ndash; Pierre Laurent&nbsp;&ndash; Pierrot&nbsp;&ndash; Pietari&nbsp;&ndash; Pietari I&nbsp;&ndash; Pietari II&nbsp;&ndash; Pietari III&nbsp;&ndash; Pietikäinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pietilä&nbsp;&ndash; Pietiläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pietro Bianchi&nbsp;&ndash; Pihatto&nbsp;&ndash; Pihkala&nbsp;&ndash; Pihlaja&nbsp;&ndash; Pihlajavesi&nbsp;&ndash; Pihlström&nbsp;&ndash; Pii&nbsp;&ndash; Pii Poo&nbsp;&ndash; Piikkikruunu&nbsp;&ndash; Piina&nbsp;&ndash; Piippo&nbsp;&ndash; Piipponen&nbsp;&ndash; Piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Piiroinen&nbsp;&ndash; Piirustuslauta&nbsp;&ndash; Piiska&nbsp;&ndash; Piispanletto&nbsp;&ndash; Pikaluistelun maailmanmestaruuskilpailut&nbsp;&ndash; Piken piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Pikisaari&nbsp;&ndash; Pikkujättiläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pikkukiitäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Pikkuoravat&nbsp;&ndash; Pillu&nbsp;&ndash; Pilot Mound&nbsp;&ndash; Pilotti&nbsp;&ndash; Pimenta&nbsp;&ndash; Pimeä aika&nbsp;&ndash; Pine Ridge&nbsp;&ndash; Pineville&nbsp;&ndash; Pins and Needles&nbsp;&ndash; Pinta&nbsp;&ndash; Pinter&nbsp;&ndash; Pioneer&nbsp;&ndash; Pioneeri&nbsp;&ndash; Pioni&nbsp;&ndash; Piper&nbsp;&ndash; Pippurirannikko&nbsp;&ndash; Pirates of the Caribbean&nbsp;&ndash; Piratismi&nbsp;&ndash; Pirhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Piri&nbsp;&ndash; Pirilä&nbsp;&ndash; Pirinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pirkka&nbsp;&ndash; Pirkko Mäkelä&nbsp;&ndash; Pirttijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Pirttikoski&nbsp;&ndash; Pirttisaari&nbsp;&ndash; Pirulliset&nbsp;&ndash; Pirunpesä&nbsp;&ndash; Pissa&nbsp;&ndash; Piste&nbsp;&ndash; Pisto&nbsp;&ndash; Pitbull&nbsp;&ndash; Pitkä parlamentti&nbsp;&ndash; Pitkäjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Pitkäkangas&nbsp;&ndash; Pitkänen&nbsp;&ndash; Pius&nbsp;&ndash; Pivot&nbsp;&ndash; Pizarro&nbsp;&ndash; Pižma&nbsp;&ndash; Pj&nbsp;&ndash; Pjongjangin piiritys&nbsp;&ndash; Pk&nbsp;&ndash; Pl&nbsp;&ndash; Placebo&nbsp;&ndash; Playback&nbsp;&ndash; Pleasanton&nbsp;&ndash; Plejadit&nbsp;&ndash; Plevna&nbsp;&ndash; Plinius&nbsp;&ndash; Plunge&nbsp;&ndash; Pluralismi&nbsp;&ndash; Plus&nbsp;&ndash; Pluto&nbsp;&ndash; Plutoni&nbsp;&ndash; Pm&nbsp;&ndash; Pn&nbsp;&ndash; Pneuma&nbsp;&ndash; Podberezje&nbsp;&ndash; Pogosta&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjalaisia&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjalaisia (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjanheimo&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjankangas&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjanpalo&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjanpää&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjoiskulman koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Pohjola&nbsp;&ndash; Pohl&nbsp;&ndash; Poijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Poika&nbsp;&ndash; Poikajoki&nbsp;&ndash; Poikkijuovainen lihaskudos&nbsp;&ndash; Point Pleasant&nbsp;&ndash; Poison&nbsp;&ndash; Poisson&nbsp;&ndash; Poitiers'n taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Pojasta mieheksi&nbsp;&ndash; Pojat&nbsp;&ndash; Polar&nbsp;&ndash; Polaris&nbsp;&ndash; Polarisoituminen&nbsp;&ndash; Polemon&nbsp;&ndash; Poligny&nbsp;&ndash; Poliisilaitos&nbsp;&ndash; Poljakov&nbsp;&ndash; Polk&nbsp;&ndash; Polle&nbsp;&ndash; Polo&nbsp;&ndash; Polyainos&nbsp;&ndash; Polydoros&nbsp;&ndash; Polyyppi&nbsp;&ndash; Polányi&nbsp;&ndash; Pomada&nbsp;&ndash; Pommern&nbsp;&ndash; Pons&nbsp;&ndash; Ponsi&nbsp;&ndash; Pont-l'Évêque&nbsp;&ndash; Pooki&nbsp;&ndash; Pooli&nbsp;&ndash; Pope&nbsp;&ndash; Poplar River&nbsp;&ndash; Popov&nbsp;&ndash; Popper&nbsp;&ndash; Popular&nbsp;&ndash; Porajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Porin rykmentti&nbsp;&ndash; Porintie&nbsp;&ndash; Porkka&nbsp;&ndash; Porkkala&nbsp;&ndash; Porosaari&nbsp;&ndash; Port Arthur&nbsp;&ndash; Portaali&nbsp;&ndash; Porthan&nbsp;&ndash; Portimo&nbsp;&ndash; Portland&nbsp;&ndash; Portti&nbsp;&ndash; Portuguesa&nbsp;&ndash; Porvari&nbsp;&ndash; Positiivisesti definiitti&nbsp;&ndash; Post&nbsp;&ndash; Potamon&nbsp;&ndash; Potamós&nbsp;&ndash; Potjomkin&nbsp;&ndash; Potku&nbsp;&ndash; Pot of Gold&nbsp;&ndash; Potter&nbsp;&ndash; Potšinok&nbsp;&ndash; Poutanen&nbsp;&ndash; Poutiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Powell&nbsp;&ndash; Pp&nbsp;&ndash; Pq&nbsp;&ndash; Pr&nbsp;&ndash; Prahan rauha&nbsp;&ndash; Praktiikka&nbsp;&ndash; Pray&nbsp;&ndash; Predator&nbsp;&ndash; Predators&nbsp;&ndash; Predikaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Prescott&nbsp;&ndash; Prestige&nbsp;&ndash; Preussilaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Priest&nbsp;&ndash; Priimi&nbsp;&ndash; Prima&nbsp;&ndash; Primavera&nbsp;&ndash; Primo de Rivera&nbsp;&ndash; Primorjen piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Primus&nbsp;&ndash; Prince George&nbsp;&ndash; Prince of Darkness&nbsp;&ndash; Prince of Wales&nbsp;&ndash; Prince of Wales Island&nbsp;&ndash; Princess&nbsp;&ndash; Princeton&nbsp;&ndash; Prinsessa (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Prinsiippi&nbsp;&ndash; Prinssi Albert&nbsp;&ndash; Prisma&nbsp;&ndash; Privlaka&nbsp;&ndash; Pro A&nbsp;&ndash; Pro Patria&nbsp;&ndash; Prodigy&nbsp;&ndash; Profeetta Elian kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Projektio&nbsp;&ndash; Prokne&nbsp;&ndash; Prokofjev&nbsp;&ndash; Prom Night&nbsp;&ndash; Prominenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Propontis&nbsp;&ndash; Propp&nbsp;&ndash; Prospero&nbsp;&ndash; Prost&nbsp;&ndash; Protogeneia&nbsp;&ndash; Prunella&nbsp;&ndash; Prusias&nbsp;&ndash; Prêt-à-porter&nbsp;&ndash; Ps&nbsp;&ndash; Psalttari&nbsp;&ndash; Psamathe&nbsp;&ndash; Psc&nbsp;&ndash; Psk&nbsp;&ndash; Psykedeelinen musiikki&nbsp;&ndash; Psyko&nbsp;&ndash; Pt&nbsp;&ndash; Ptolemaios&nbsp;&ndash; Pu&nbsp;&ndash; Publius Licinius Crassus&nbsp;&ndash; Puccini&nbsp;&ndash; Puck&nbsp;&ndash; Puffet&nbsp;&ndash; Puh&nbsp;&ndash; Puhakka&nbsp;&ndash; Puhallin&nbsp;&ndash; Puhos&nbsp;&ndash; Puhveli&nbsp;&ndash; Puikko&nbsp;&ndash; Pukara&nbsp;&ndash; Pukki&nbsp;&ndash; Pulkovo&nbsp;&ndash; Pulliainen&nbsp;&ndash; Pulssi&nbsp;&ndash; Pummi&nbsp;&ndash; Punainen planeetta&nbsp;&ndash; Punainen viiva&nbsp;&ndash; Punaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Punalippu&nbsp;&ndash; Punkki&nbsp;&ndash; Punnerrus&nbsp;&ndash; Puolalaisten autonominen piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Puolamäki&nbsp;&ndash; Puolan–Venäjän sota&nbsp;&ndash; Puolan kansannousu&nbsp;&ndash; Puolimatka&nbsp;&ndash; Puoliverinen&nbsp;&ndash; Puoskari&nbsp;&ndash; Puputti&nbsp;&ndash; Purcell&nbsp;&ndash; Pure&nbsp;&ndash; Puritaanit&nbsp;&ndash; Purkaminen&nbsp;&ndash; Purkki&nbsp;&ndash; Purola&nbsp;&ndash; Pursimies&nbsp;&ndash; Push It&nbsp;&ndash; Push the Button&nbsp;&ndash; Puskuri&nbsp;&ndash; Pustoška&nbsp;&ndash; Pusulanjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Putjatin&nbsp;&ndash; Putkivaara&nbsp;&ndash; Putkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Puujumala&nbsp;&ndash; Puukkoletto&nbsp;&ndash; Pušnoi&nbsp;&ndash; Pv&nbsp;&ndash; Pw&nbsp;&ndash; Px&nbsp;&ndash; Py&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhä Katariina&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhä Maria&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhä Markus&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhä keihäs&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhä toimitus&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Henrikin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Johanneksen katedraali&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Johanneksen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Kolminaisuuden kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Laurin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Marian kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Markuksen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Mikaelin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Nikolaoksen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Olavin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Paavalin katedraali&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Pietarin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Ristin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän sydämen katedraali&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhän Tapanin tuomiokirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhätunturi&nbsp;&ndash; Pyhätön&nbsp;&ndash; Pylkkänen&nbsp;&ndash; Pyramid Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Pyrintö&nbsp;&ndash; Pythias&nbsp;&ndash; Pyynti&nbsp;&ndash; Pyysalo&nbsp;&ndash; Pyörykkä&nbsp;&ndash; Pz&nbsp;&ndash; Pähkinäpensas&nbsp;&ndash; Päivinen&nbsp;&ndash; Päivärinta&nbsp;&ndash; Päivärinteen koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Päivölä&nbsp;&ndash; Pälli&nbsp;&ndash; Pär Hansson&nbsp;&ndash; Pärssinen&nbsp;&ndash; Pääasema&nbsp;&ndash; Pääesikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Pääjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Pääkkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Pääryhmä&nbsp;&ndash; Pääskynen&nbsp;&ndash; Päätalo&nbsp;&ndash; Pääteohjelma&nbsp;&ndash; Päätie&nbsp;&ndash; Pörhölä&nbsp;&ndash; Pöysti&nbsp;&ndash;


Q10&nbsp;&ndash; QCM&nbsp;&ndash; QPR&nbsp;&ndash; QT&nbsp;&ndash; Qazbegi&nbsp;&ndash; Qb&nbsp;&ndash; Qc&nbsp;&ndash; Qu&nbsp;&ndash; Quattro&nbsp;&ndash; Queen's College&nbsp;&ndash; Queen Elizabeth&nbsp;&ndash; Queen Elizabeth - luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Queen Mary&nbsp;&ndash; Queenstown&nbsp;&ndash; Quest&nbsp;&ndash; Quiche&nbsp;&ndash; Quine&nbsp;&ndash; Quinn&nbsp;&ndash; Quintessence&nbsp;&ndash; Quintus&nbsp;&ndash; Quthing&nbsp;&ndash;


R1&nbsp;&ndash; R2&nbsp;&ndash; R3&nbsp;&ndash; R6&nbsp;&ndash; RAF&nbsp;&ndash; RAM&nbsp;&ndash; Rax&nbsp;&ndash; RC&nbsp;&ndash; RCA&nbsp;&ndash; RDR&nbsp;&ndash; REM&nbsp;&ndash; RIP&nbsp;&ndash; RJV&nbsp;&ndash; RM&nbsp;&ndash; RMCF&nbsp;&ndash; RMS&nbsp;&ndash; RMS Alaunia&nbsp;&ndash; RMS Oceanic&nbsp;&ndash; RPF&nbsp;&ndash; RPG&nbsp;&ndash; RPM&nbsp;&ndash; RQ&nbsp;&ndash; RTK&nbsp;&ndash; RTL&nbsp;&ndash; RTS&nbsp;&ndash; RTU&nbsp;&ndash; RVA&nbsp;&ndash; RVN&nbsp;&ndash; RVP&nbsp;&ndash; Raakapuu&nbsp;&ndash; Raatikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Rad&nbsp;&ndash; Radcliffe&nbsp;&ndash; Radetzky&nbsp;&ndash; Radikaali&nbsp;&ndash; Radisson&nbsp;&ndash; Rafaello&nbsp;&ndash; Rafinha&nbsp;&ndash; Rage&nbsp;&ndash; Ragunan&nbsp;&ndash; Ragusa&nbsp;&ndash; Ragvald&nbsp;&ndash; Rahikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Rahikkala&nbsp;&ndash; Rahola&nbsp;&ndash; Rai&nbsp;&ndash; Raid&nbsp;&ndash; Raideliikenne&nbsp;&ndash; Raiden&nbsp;&ndash; Rainbow&nbsp;&ndash; Rainy River&nbsp;&ndash; Raiskio&nbsp;&ndash; Raitanen&nbsp;&ndash; Raitio&nbsp;&ndash; Raivaaja&nbsp;&ndash; Raja&nbsp;&ndash; Raja-Jooseppi&nbsp;&ndash; Rajakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Rajakylän koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Rajala&nbsp;&ndash; Rajalla&nbsp;&ndash; Rajasuo&nbsp;&ndash; Rajatieto&nbsp;&ndash; Rakastunut&nbsp;&ndash; Rakkaus lainassa&nbsp;&ndash; Rakko&nbsp;&ndash; Rakuuna&nbsp;&ndash; Raleigh&nbsp;&ndash; Rami&nbsp;&ndash; Ramírez&nbsp;&ndash; Ramos&nbsp;&ndash; Ramppi&nbsp;&ndash; Ramppikuume&nbsp;&ndash; Ramsay&nbsp;&ndash; Ramses&nbsp;&ndash; Ramsey&nbsp;&ndash; Ramstedt&nbsp;&ndash; Rana&nbsp;&ndash; Rando&nbsp;&ndash; Rangers&nbsp;&ndash; Rangifer&nbsp;&ndash; Rankki&nbsp;&ndash; Rankkuri&nbsp;&ndash; Rannankylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ranskan keisarikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Ranta&nbsp;&ndash; Rantakatu&nbsp;&ndash; Rantakenttä&nbsp;&ndash; Rantanen&nbsp;&ndash; Rantatie&nbsp;&ndash; Ranttila&nbsp;&ndash; Rapa&nbsp;&ndash; Rapala&nbsp;&ndash; Rapanui&nbsp;&ndash; Rapp&nbsp;&ndash; Rapperswil&nbsp;&ndash; Raptor&nbsp;&ndash; Rapture&nbsp;&ndash; Rasinkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Rask&nbsp;&ndash; Rasmus&nbsp;&ndash; Rasmussen&nbsp;&ndash; Rasta&nbsp;&ndash; Rastas&nbsp;&ndash; Rastatt&nbsp;&ndash; Rata&nbsp;&ndash; Ratas&nbsp;&ndash; Ratchet&nbsp;&ndash; Rationalisointi&nbsp;&ndash; Ratsu&nbsp;&ndash; Rattus&nbsp;&ndash; Ratula&nbsp;&ndash; Rauhala&nbsp;&ndash; Rauhalan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Raumo&nbsp;&ndash; Rautajoki&nbsp;&ndash; Rautakallio&nbsp;&ndash; Rautamies (animaatiosarja)&nbsp;&ndash; Rautarouva&nbsp;&ndash; Rautavesi&nbsp;&ndash; Rautu&nbsp;&ndash; Ravi&nbsp;&ndash; Raw&nbsp;&ndash; Raw Deal&nbsp;&ndash; Rawson&nbsp;&ndash; Rax&nbsp;&ndash; Ray&nbsp;&ndash; Ray Collins&nbsp;&ndash; Ray Robinson&nbsp;&ndash; Raúl González&nbsp;&ndash; Rb&nbsp;&ndash; Re&nbsp;&ndash; Reach&nbsp;&ndash; Reaktio&nbsp;&ndash; Reaktori&nbsp;&ndash; Realismi&nbsp;&ndash; Realiteetti&nbsp;&ndash; Rebekka&nbsp;&ndash; Reborn&nbsp;&ndash; Red&nbsp;&ndash; Red Alert&nbsp;&ndash; Red Bull Arena&nbsp;&ndash; Red Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Red River&nbsp;&ndash; Redemption&nbsp;&ndash; Reed&nbsp;&ndash; Rees&nbsp;&ndash; Regan&nbsp;&ndash; Regehr&nbsp;&ndash; Regina&nbsp;&ndash; Rehab&nbsp;&ndash; Rehn&nbsp;&ndash; Reichenau&nbsp;&ndash; Reichstag&nbsp;&ndash; Reid&nbsp;&ndash; Reijo Heinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Reijo Salo&nbsp;&ndash; Reijonen&nbsp;&ndash; Reima&nbsp;&ndash; Reini&nbsp;&ndash; Reinikainen (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Reipas&nbsp;&ndash; Reisch&nbsp;&ndash; Reiss&nbsp;&ndash; Reitti&nbsp;&ndash; Rekiretki&nbsp;&ndash; Rekisteri&nbsp;&ndash; Relander&nbsp;&ndash; Relapse&nbsp;&ndash; Release&nbsp;&ndash; Rellu&nbsp;&ndash; Remes&nbsp;&ndash; Renberg&nbsp;&ndash; Renegade&nbsp;&ndash; Renegades&nbsp;&ndash; Renoir&nbsp;&ndash; Renqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Rentun ruusu&nbsp;&ndash; René Thomas&nbsp;&ndash; Repe&nbsp;&ndash; Replikaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Repo&nbsp;&ndash; Reponen&nbsp;&ndash; Representaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Republic&nbsp;&ndash; Res gestae&nbsp;&ndash; Resch&nbsp;&ndash; Rescue Me&nbsp;&ndash; Resen&nbsp;&ndash; Resepti&nbsp;&ndash; Reseptori&nbsp;&ndash; Reservi&nbsp;&ndash; Resoluutio&nbsp;&ndash; Respect&nbsp;&ndash; Ressu&nbsp;&ndash; Reticulum&nbsp;&ndash; Rettig&nbsp;&ndash; Retu&nbsp;&ndash; Reuter&nbsp;&ndash; Revenge&nbsp;&ndash; Reversiibeli&nbsp;&ndash; Revisionismi&nbsp;&ndash; Revival&nbsp;&ndash; Revolution&nbsp;&ndash; Revolutions Per Minute&nbsp;&ndash; Revolver&nbsp;&ndash; Rewa&nbsp;&ndash; Rex&nbsp;&ndash; Reyes&nbsp;&ndash; Reynolds&nbsp;&ndash; Reznikoff&nbsp;&ndash; Rf&nbsp;&ndash; Rg&nbsp;&ndash; Rh&nbsp;&ndash; RhB&nbsp;&ndash; Rheinau&nbsp;&ndash; Rheinfelden&nbsp;&ndash; Ri&nbsp;&ndash; Rial&nbsp;&ndash; Ribot&nbsp;&ndash; Ricardo&nbsp;&ndash; Riccardo Garrone&nbsp;&ndash; Ricci&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Cumberland&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Hamilton&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Mason&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Taylor&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Richard Wright&nbsp;&ndash; Richards&nbsp;&ndash; Richardson&nbsp;&ndash; Richmond&nbsp;&ndash; Richmond Hill&nbsp;&ndash; Richthofen&nbsp;&ndash; Rico&nbsp;&ndash; Riento&nbsp;&ndash; Riikonen&nbsp;&ndash; Riipinen&nbsp;&ndash; Riippa&nbsp;&ndash; Rikkola&nbsp;&ndash; Rikoslaki&nbsp;&ndash; Riksdag&nbsp;&ndash; Riku Lätti&nbsp;&ndash; Rime of the Ancient Mariner&nbsp;&ndash; Ringel&nbsp;&ndash; Ringo&nbsp;&ndash; Rinkeby&nbsp;&ndash; Rinkeli&nbsp;&ndash; Rinne&nbsp;&ndash; Rintala&nbsp;&ndash; Rintama&nbsp;&ndash; Rintanen&nbsp;&ndash; Rio&nbsp;&ndash; Risiini&nbsp;&ndash; Rissanen&nbsp;&ndash; Ristimerkki&nbsp;&ndash; Ristinummi&nbsp;&ndash; Risto Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Risto Rinne&nbsp;&ndash; Risto Tainio&nbsp;&ndash; Risto Tuominen&nbsp;&ndash; Rita&nbsp;&ndash; Ritarikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Ritari Ässä&nbsp;&ndash; Riva&nbsp;&ndash; River-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Riverside&nbsp;&ndash; Riverton&nbsp;&ndash; Riviera&nbsp;&ndash; Rivo&nbsp;&ndash; Rivulinae&nbsp;&ndash; Rk&nbsp;&ndash; Rl&nbsp;&ndash; Rn&nbsp;&ndash; Ro&nbsp;&ndash; Road Crew&nbsp;&ndash; Roanoke&nbsp;&ndash; Robben&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Banks&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Bennett&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Cecil&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Edwards&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Huber&nbsp;&ndash; Robert II&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Jenkins&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Kane&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Kerr&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Leonard&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Mendelsohn&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Mills&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Morris&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Ouko&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Richardson&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Simpson&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Walker&nbsp;&ndash; Robert Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Roberto Martínez&nbsp;&ndash; Roberts&nbsp;&ndash; Robertson&nbsp;&ndash; Robin&nbsp;&ndash; Robin Wikman&nbsp;&ndash; Robinson&nbsp;&ndash; Robson&nbsp;&ndash; Rocha&nbsp;&ndash; Rochefort&nbsp;&ndash; Rockford&nbsp;&ndash; Rocky VI&nbsp;&ndash; Rodgers&nbsp;&ndash; Rodney&nbsp;&ndash; Rodrigo&nbsp;&ndash; Rodriguez&nbsp;&ndash; Roffe&nbsp;&ndash; Rogge&nbsp;&ndash; Rohdainen&nbsp;&ndash; Roi&nbsp;&ndash; Roihu&nbsp;&ndash; Rokka&nbsp;&ndash; Rolle&nbsp;&ndash; Rollins&nbsp;&ndash; Rolls-Royce&nbsp;&ndash; Romahdus&nbsp;&ndash; Roman&nbsp;&ndash; Roman Horák&nbsp;&ndash; Romanos&nbsp;&ndash; Romanov&nbsp;&ndash; Romanttinen sinfonia&nbsp;&ndash; Romero&nbsp;&ndash; Ronan&nbsp;&ndash; Roni&nbsp;&ndash; Ronimus&nbsp;&ndash; Ronin&nbsp;&ndash; Ronkainen&nbsp;&ndash; Rontti&nbsp;&ndash; Roomalainen rautakausi&nbsp;&ndash; Rooman piiritys&nbsp;&ndash; Rooman ryöstö&nbsp;&ndash; Rooman–sassanidien sota&nbsp;&ndash; Roos&nbsp;&ndash; Roosevelt&nbsp;&ndash; Rooster&nbsp;&ndash; Roottori&nbsp;&ndash; Roponen&nbsp;&ndash; Rorschach&nbsp;&ndash; Rosa&nbsp;&ndash; Rosberg&nbsp;&ndash; Roschier&nbsp;&ndash; Rose&nbsp;&ndash; Rosella&nbsp;&ndash; Rosemary Harris&nbsp;&ndash; Rosenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Roseneath&nbsp;&ndash; Rosenqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Rosenzweig&nbsp;&ndash; Rosetti&nbsp;&ndash; Roslin&nbsp;&ndash; Rossellini&nbsp;&ndash; Rossi&nbsp;&ndash; Rossija&nbsp;&ndash; Roswell&nbsp;&ndash; Rota&nbsp;&ndash; Rotaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Rotten&nbsp;&ndash; Round Up&nbsp;&ndash; Rousseau&nbsp;&ndash; Routalempi&nbsp;&ndash; Rouvroy&nbsp;&ndash; Roux&nbsp;&ndash; Rova&nbsp;&ndash; Rowley&nbsp;&ndash; Roy Disney&nbsp;&ndash; Royal&nbsp;&ndash; Roštšino&nbsp;&ndash; Rp&nbsp;&ndash; Rs&nbsp;&ndash; Rt&nbsp;&ndash; Ru&nbsp;&ndash; Rubinstein&nbsp;&ndash; Rude Awakening&nbsp;&ndash; Rudolf Schmid&nbsp;&ndash; Rugambwa&nbsp;&ndash; Ruiz&nbsp;&ndash; Rukavaara&nbsp;&ndash; Rump Shaker&nbsp;&ndash; Run&nbsp;&ndash; Runaway&nbsp;&ndash; Rune&nbsp;&ndash; Runeberginkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Runko&nbsp;&ndash; Running Scared&nbsp;&ndash; Running Wild&nbsp;&ndash; Running with Scissors&nbsp;&ndash; Runway&nbsp;&ndash; Ruoko&nbsp;&ndash; Ruona&nbsp;&ndash; Ruotsala&nbsp;&ndash; Ruotsalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Ruotsin cup&nbsp;&ndash; Ruotsin sisällissota&nbsp;&ndash; Rupla&nbsp;&ndash; Rusa&nbsp;&ndash; Rush&nbsp;&ndash; Rusi&nbsp;&ndash; Rusien–Bysantin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Russ&nbsp;&ndash; Russell&nbsp;&ndash; Russian Roulette&nbsp;&ndash; Russy&nbsp;&ndash; Rust&nbsp;&ndash; Rusticus&nbsp;&ndash; Rutana&nbsp;&ndash; Rutherford&nbsp;&ndash; Ruuhikoski&nbsp;&ndash; Ruukin koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Ruuska&nbsp;&ndash; Ruusu&nbsp;&ndash; Ruusuke&nbsp;&ndash; Ruuth&nbsp;&ndash; Ruutu&nbsp;&ndash; Ruuvit löysällä&nbsp;&ndash; Rv&nbsp;&ndash; Rw&nbsp;&ndash; Ry&nbsp;&ndash; Ryan Murphy&nbsp;&ndash; Ryan Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Rybkin&nbsp;&ndash; Rydberg&nbsp;&ndash; Rye&nbsp;&ndash; Ryhmä&nbsp;&ndash; Rykmentin murheenkryyni&nbsp;&ndash; Rynnäkkö&nbsp;&ndash; Ryti&nbsp;&ndash; Rytin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Rytky&nbsp;&ndash; Rytkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Ryynänen&nbsp;&ndash; Rz&nbsp;&ndash; Räihä&nbsp;&ndash; Räikkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Räisänen&nbsp;&ndash; Räsänen&nbsp;&ndash; Räty&nbsp;&ndash; Rääveli&nbsp;&ndash; Rölli&nbsp;&ndash; Rönkkö&nbsp;&ndash; Rönkkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Röntgen&nbsp;&ndash; Rööperi&nbsp;&ndash;


S/S Bore&nbsp;&ndash; S/S Salama&nbsp;&ndash; S1&nbsp;&ndash; S2&nbsp;&ndash; S3&nbsp;&ndash; S8&nbsp;&ndash; S9&nbsp;&ndash; SA-1&nbsp;&ndash; SA-2&nbsp;&ndash; SA-3&nbsp;&ndash; SAAS&nbsp;&ndash; SAIC&nbsp;&ndash; SAN&nbsp;&ndash; SAP&nbsp;&ndash; SAR&nbsp;&ndash; SAS&nbsp;&ndash; SAT&nbsp;&ndash; SCB&nbsp;&ndash; SDL&nbsp;&ndash; SDS&nbsp;&ndash; SEP&nbsp;&ndash; SF&nbsp;&ndash; SGS&nbsp;&ndash; SGU&nbsp;&ndash; SHL&nbsp;&ndash; SHO&nbsp;&ndash; SID&nbsp;&ndash; SIL&nbsp;&ndash; SIM&nbsp;&ndash; SIS&nbsp;&ndash; SJK&nbsp;&ndash; SKS&nbsp;&ndash; SKSL&nbsp;&ndash; SKY&nbsp;&ndash; SL&nbsp;&ndash; SLE&nbsp;&ndash; SLL&nbsp;&ndash; SLM&nbsp;&ndash; SLS&nbsp;&ndash; SLU&nbsp;&ndash; SM&nbsp;&ndash; SM-liiga&nbsp;&ndash; SM-sarja&nbsp;&ndash; SMG&nbsp;&ndash; SMK&nbsp;&ndash; SMPS&nbsp;&ndash; SMS&nbsp;&ndash; SNR&nbsp;&ndash; SNS&nbsp;&ndash; SOA&nbsp;&ndash; SOM&nbsp;&ndash; SPL&nbsp;&ndash; SRO&nbsp;&ndash; SSA&nbsp;&ndash; SSL&nbsp;&ndash; SS Niagara&nbsp;&ndash; SSS&nbsp;&ndash; SSU&nbsp;&ndash; SSX&nbsp;&ndash; STK&nbsp;&ndash; STL&nbsp;&ndash; STP&nbsp;&ndash; STS&nbsp;&ndash; STW&nbsp;&ndash; SVD&nbsp;&ndash; SVR&nbsp;&ndash; SYP&nbsp;&ndash; Sa&nbsp;&ndash; Saame&nbsp;&ndash; Saana&nbsp;&ndash; Saapaskari&nbsp;&ndash; Saaren kartano&nbsp;&ndash; Saarenkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Saarenpää&nbsp;&ndash; Saarinen&nbsp;&ndash; Saarivaara&nbsp;&ndash; Saaroinen&nbsp;&ndash; Saarto&nbsp;&ndash; Saastamoinen&nbsp;&ndash; Sabina&nbsp;&ndash; Sabotage&nbsp;&ndash; Sabre&nbsp;&ndash; Safka&nbsp;&ndash; Saga&nbsp;&ndash; Sagan&nbsp;&ndash; Sage&nbsp;&ndash; Sagitta&nbsp;&ndash; Sahankylä&nbsp;&ndash; Sahlberg&nbsp;&ndash; Saiga&nbsp;&ndash; Saigon&nbsp;&ndash; Saikkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Sailas&nbsp;&ndash; Sailing&nbsp;&ndash; Saint Croix&nbsp;&ndash; Saint David&nbsp;&ndash; Saint John&nbsp;&ndash; Saint Mark&nbsp;&ndash; Saint Patrick&nbsp;&ndash; Saint-Just&nbsp;&ndash; Saint-Luc&nbsp;&ndash; Saint-Pierre&nbsp;&ndash; Saint-Savin&nbsp;&ndash; Saint-Simon&nbsp;&ndash; Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois&nbsp;&ndash; Sairaalan syke&nbsp;&ndash; Sajakorpi&nbsp;&ndash; Sakara&nbsp;&ndash; Sakari Mattila&nbsp;&ndash; Sakarja&nbsp;&ndash; Sakki&nbsp;&ndash; Saksala&nbsp;&ndash; Saksan armeija&nbsp;&ndash; Saksan avoin tennisturnaus&nbsp;&ndash; Saksan meriesikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Saksan sodanjohto&nbsp;&ndash; Saksi&nbsp;&ndash; Saku&nbsp;&ndash; Saku Sammakko&nbsp;&ndash; Salamis&nbsp;&ndash; Saldanha&nbsp;&ndash; Salem&nbsp;&ndash; Salibandyn I-divisioona&nbsp;&ndash; Salida&nbsp;&ndash; Salin&nbsp;&ndash; Salix&nbsp;&ndash; Salmela&nbsp;&ndash; Salmenkivi&nbsp;&ndash; Salmenranta&nbsp;&ndash; Salmijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Salminen&nbsp;&ndash; Salmon&nbsp;&ndash; Salokannel&nbsp;&ndash; Salokylä&nbsp;&ndash; Salomaa&nbsp;&ndash; Salonen&nbsp;&ndash; Salonius&nbsp;&ndash; Salonkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Salonpää&nbsp;&ndash; Salosaari&nbsp;&ndash; Salovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Salpa&nbsp;&ndash; Salpietari&nbsp;&ndash; Salsa&nbsp;&ndash; Salsola&nbsp;&ndash; Salto&nbsp;&ndash; Salvador&nbsp;&ndash; Salvation&nbsp;&ndash; Salvinoriini&nbsp;&ndash; Sam Phillips&nbsp;&ndash; Sam Rivers&nbsp;&ndash; Samael&nbsp;&ndash; Samburu&nbsp;&ndash; Same&nbsp;&ndash; Sami Rinne&nbsp;&ndash; Sami Uotila&nbsp;&ndash; Sammutin&nbsp;&ndash; Sammuttaminen&nbsp;&ndash; Samojedi&nbsp;&ndash; Sampo&nbsp;&ndash; Sampola&nbsp;&ndash; Samson&nbsp;&ndash; Samuel Butler&nbsp;&ndash; Samuelin kirjat&nbsp;&ndash; San Andreas&nbsp;&ndash; San Antonio&nbsp;&ndash; San Bernardino&nbsp;&ndash; San Bernardo&nbsp;&ndash; San Carlos&nbsp;&ndash; San Cristóbal&nbsp;&ndash; San Felipe&nbsp;&ndash; San José&nbsp;&ndash; San Juan&nbsp;&ndash; San Lorenzo&nbsp;&ndash; Sananlaskut&nbsp;&ndash; Sanansaattaja&nbsp;&ndash; Sanantuoja&nbsp;&ndash; Sanasta miestä&nbsp;&ndash; Sancho&nbsp;&ndash; Sancho I&nbsp;&ndash; Sanctuary&nbsp;&ndash; Sanctum&nbsp;&ndash; Sandal&nbsp;&ndash; Sandberg&nbsp;&ndash; Sande&nbsp;&ndash; Sandelin&nbsp;&ndash; Sandels&nbsp;&ndash; Sanders&nbsp;&ndash; Sanderson&nbsp;&ndash; Sandman&nbsp;&ndash; Sandstone&nbsp;&ndash; Sandö&nbsp;&ndash; Sangjun taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Sankara&nbsp;&ndash; Sankarien aukio&nbsp;&ndash; Sankarit&nbsp;&ndash; Sankkerit&nbsp;&ndash; Sankt Bernhardin sola&nbsp;&ndash; Sankt Pankraz&nbsp;&ndash; Santa Barbara&nbsp;&ndash; Santa Clara&nbsp;&ndash; Santa Fe&nbsp;&ndash; Santa Margarita&nbsp;&ndash; Santa Maria&nbsp;&ndash; Santaholma&nbsp;&ndash; Santamäki&nbsp;&ndash; Santana&nbsp;&ndash; Santarém&nbsp;&ndash; Santasport&nbsp;&ndash; Santiago&nbsp;&ndash; Santillana&nbsp;&ndash; Santos&nbsp;&ndash; Santucci&nbsp;&ndash; Sapho&nbsp;&ndash; Sara&nbsp;&ndash; Sarajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Sarasto&nbsp;&ndash; Sarastus&nbsp;&ndash; Saratoga&nbsp;&ndash; Sari&nbsp;&ndash; Sariola&nbsp;&ndash; Sarja&nbsp;&ndash; Sarjakuvalehti&nbsp;&ndash; Sarka&nbsp;&ndash; Sarkkila&nbsp;&ndash; Sarlin&nbsp;&ndash; Sartori&nbsp;&ndash; Satsuma&nbsp;&ndash; Satunnainen matkailija&nbsp;&ndash; Saturday&nbsp;&ndash; Saturday Night and Sunday Morning&nbsp;&ndash; Saturn&nbsp;&ndash; Satusetä&nbsp;&ndash; Saukkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Sault Ste. Marie&nbsp;&ndash; Saunalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Saunders&nbsp;&ndash; Saurus&nbsp;&ndash; Sauva&nbsp;&ndash; Savage&nbsp;&ndash; Savage Island&nbsp;&ndash; Savages&nbsp;&ndash; Savanes&nbsp;&ndash; Savela&nbsp;&ndash; Savijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Saving Grace&nbsp;&ndash; Saviniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Savolainen&nbsp;&ndash; Savon Kansa&nbsp;&ndash; Savon Työmies&nbsp;&ndash; Savonia&nbsp;&ndash; Savonius&nbsp;&ndash; Savoy&nbsp;&ndash; Saxelin&nbsp;&ndash; Say&nbsp;&ndash; Sb&nbsp;&ndash; Sc&nbsp;&ndash; Scarborough&nbsp;&ndash; Scarlatti&nbsp;&ndash; Sceaux&nbsp;&ndash; Schade&nbsp;&ndash; Scharnhorst&nbsp;&ndash; Schell&nbsp;&ndash; Schelling&nbsp;&ndash; Schempp&nbsp;&ndash; Schengen&nbsp;&ndash; Schenker&nbsp;&ndash; Scheuer&nbsp;&ndash; Scheuermann&nbsp;&ndash; Schildkraut&nbsp;&ndash; Schiller&nbsp;&ndash; Schirmer&nbsp;&ndash; Schmelzer&nbsp;&ndash; Schmidhuber&nbsp;&ndash; Schmidt&nbsp;&ndash; Schneider&nbsp;&ndash; Schoch&nbsp;&ndash; Scholz&nbsp;&ndash; Schrader&nbsp;&ndash; Schreck&nbsp;&ndash; Schreiner&nbsp;&ndash; Schreyer&nbsp;&ndash; Schröder&nbsp;&ndash; Schumacher&nbsp;&ndash; Schwartz&nbsp;&ndash; Schwarz&nbsp;&ndash; Schwimmer&nbsp;&ndash; Scipio&nbsp;&ndash; Scirocco&nbsp;&ndash; Scott&nbsp;&ndash; Scott Anderson&nbsp;&ndash; Scott City&nbsp;&ndash; Scott Walker&nbsp;&ndash; Scottin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Scottsdale&nbsp;&ndash; Scout&nbsp;&ndash; Scream&nbsp;&ndash; Scutum&nbsp;&ndash; Scylla&nbsp;&ndash; Sd&nbsp;&ndash; Se&nbsp;&ndash; Se ei olekaan niin&nbsp;&ndash; Sean Carroll&nbsp;&ndash; Searchers&nbsp;&ndash; Seaside&nbsp;&ndash; Sebastianus&nbsp;&ndash; Secret&nbsp;&ndash; Secundus&nbsp;&ndash; Sedu&nbsp;&ndash; Segerstam&nbsp;&ndash; Seija Järvinen&nbsp;&ndash; Seikkailija&nbsp;&ndash; Seikkailu&nbsp;&ndash; Seis&nbsp;&ndash; Seiska&nbsp;&ndash; Seitsemän vuotta Tiibetissä&nbsp;&ndash; Seitsemäs taivas&nbsp;&ndash; Seitz&nbsp;&ndash; Seiväs&nbsp;&ndash; Sekantti&nbsp;&ndash; Sektio&nbsp;&ndash; Self-portrait&nbsp;&ndash; Selin&nbsp;&ndash; Selja&nbsp;&ndash; Selkirk&nbsp;&ndash; Selkäkari&nbsp;&ndash; Selkäletto&nbsp;&ndash; Sellaista elämä on&nbsp;&ndash; Sellars&nbsp;&ndash; Selo&nbsp;&ndash; Sembra&nbsp;&ndash; Seminaari&nbsp;&ndash; Semjonov&nbsp;&ndash; Seneca&nbsp;&ndash; Senna&nbsp;&ndash; Sensori&nbsp;&ndash; Senusret&nbsp;&ndash; Seppo Koskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Seppälä&nbsp;&ndash; Seppänen&nbsp;&ndash; Septimi&nbsp;&ndash; Sepänkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Serafim&nbsp;&ndash; Serenity&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Kruglov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Lomanov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Makarov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Martynov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Novikov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergei Orlov&nbsp;&ndash; Sergio Almirón&nbsp;&ndash; Sergio Sánchez&nbsp;&ndash; Sergius&nbsp;&ndash; Serlachius&nbsp;&ndash; Serrano&nbsp;&ndash; Sertifikaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Servilius&nbsp;&ndash; Servius&nbsp;&ndash; Seti&nbsp;&ndash; Setälä&nbsp;&ndash; Seulonta&nbsp;&ndash; Seuraanto&nbsp;&ndash; Sevastopolin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Severus&nbsp;&ndash; Sex machine&nbsp;&ndash; Sextus Julius Caesar&nbsp;&ndash; Sg&nbsp;&ndash; Sh&nbsp;&ndash; Shaft&nbsp;&ndash; Shaheen&nbsp;&ndash; Shake It&nbsp;&ndash; Shakin maailmanmestaruusottelu 1910&nbsp;&ndash; Shakin maailmanmestaruusottelu 1993&nbsp;&ndash; Shakti&nbsp;&ndash; Shaman&nbsp;&ndash; Shame&nbsp;&ndash; Shane O'Connor&nbsp;&ndash; Shapira&nbsp;&ndash; Sharma&nbsp;&ndash; Sharon&nbsp;&ndash; Sharrock&nbsp;&ndash; Shelbyville&nbsp;&ndash; Shemeikka&nbsp;&ndash; Sheridan&nbsp;&ndash; Sherlock&nbsp;&ndash; Sherlock Holmesin seikkailut&nbsp;&ndash; Sherman&nbsp;&ndash; Shine&nbsp;&ndash; Shining&nbsp;&ndash; Shirakawa&nbsp;&ndash; Shivers&nbsp;&ndash; Shōtoku&nbsp;&ndash; Shubert&nbsp;&ndash; Shulgin&nbsp;&ndash; Si&nbsp;&ndash; Sibelius&nbsp;&ndash; Sibir Novosibirsk&nbsp;&ndash; Sibylla&nbsp;&ndash; Sieppo&nbsp;&ndash; Sierra Madre&nbsp;&ndash; Sierra Nevada&nbsp;&ndash; Siestarjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Sihvo&nbsp;&ndash; Sihvola&nbsp;&ndash; Sihvonen&nbsp;&ndash; Siikala&nbsp;&ndash; Siikalahti&nbsp;&ndash; Siikamäki&nbsp;&ndash; Siilo&nbsp;&ndash; Siitonen&nbsp;&ndash; Siivet&nbsp;&ndash; Sikorski&nbsp;&ndash; Silat&nbsp;&ndash; Silikaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Silittäminen&nbsp;&ndash; Silja&nbsp;&ndash; Sillanpää&nbsp;&ndash; Sillman&nbsp;&ndash; Silminnäkijä&nbsp;&ndash; Silmukka kiristyy&nbsp;&ndash; Silmä silmästä&nbsp;&ndash; Silsa&nbsp;&ndash; Siltala&nbsp;&ndash; Silvennoinen&nbsp;&ndash; Silver&nbsp;&ndash; Silvia&nbsp;&ndash; Silvio&nbsp;&ndash; Silvola&nbsp;&ndash; Simberg&nbsp;&ndash; Simi&nbsp;&ndash; Simola&nbsp;&ndash; Simon&nbsp;&ndash; Simon de Montfort&nbsp;&ndash; Simone&nbsp;&ndash; Simonen&nbsp;&ndash; Simonides&nbsp;&ndash; Simonkylän koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Simonov&nbsp;&ndash; Simplicius&nbsp;&ndash; Simpson&nbsp;&ndash; Simpukka (täsmennyssivu)&nbsp;&ndash; Sims&nbsp;&ndash; Simson ja Delila&nbsp;&ndash; Sin&nbsp;&ndash; Sinebrychoff&nbsp;&ndash; Singeli&nbsp;&ndash; Singh&nbsp;&ndash; Sini&nbsp;&ndash; Sininen enkeli&nbsp;&ndash; Sininen juna&nbsp;&ndash; Sininen kuu&nbsp;&ndash; Sininen moskeija&nbsp;&ndash; Sininen talo&nbsp;&ndash; Sinisalo&nbsp;&ndash; Sinkku&nbsp;&ndash; Sinnemäki&nbsp;&ndash; Sinope&nbsp;&ndash; Sinuhe&nbsp;&ndash; Sinun silmiesi tähden&nbsp;&ndash; Sipilä&nbsp;&ndash; Sipola&nbsp;&ndash; Sipuli&nbsp;&ndash; Sirak&nbsp;&ndash; Sireeni&nbsp;&ndash; Sirén&nbsp;&ndash; Sirkka&nbsp;&ndash; Sirmakka&nbsp;&ndash; Sirola&nbsp;&ndash; Sister&nbsp;&ndash; Sittiäiset&nbsp;&ndash; Siunattu hulluus&nbsp;&ndash; Siva&nbsp;&ndash; Sivakkajoki&nbsp;&ndash; Sivuavat kaaret&nbsp;&ndash; Sixpack&nbsp;&ndash; Sixtus&nbsp;&ndash; Sj&nbsp;&ndash; Sjomin&nbsp;&ndash; Sjöberg&nbsp;&ndash; Sjöström&nbsp;&ndash; Sk&nbsp;&ndash; Skate&nbsp;&ndash; Skeleton Crew&nbsp;&ndash; Skeletons in the Closet&nbsp;&ndash; Skid Row&nbsp;&ndash; Skinner&nbsp;&ndash; Skiron&nbsp;&ndash; Skleroosi&nbsp;&ndash; Skog&nbsp;&ndash; Skorpioni&nbsp;&ndash; Skotti&nbsp;&ndash; Skrjabin&nbsp;&ndash; Skutari&nbsp;&ndash; Skylark&nbsp;&ndash; Skyscraper&nbsp;&ndash; Slash&nbsp;&ndash; Slatina&nbsp;&ndash; Slavjanka&nbsp;&ndash; Sleepy Hollow&nbsp;&ndash; Sliver&nbsp;&ndash; Smash&nbsp;&ndash; Smeds&nbsp;&ndash; Smile&nbsp;&ndash; Smirnov&nbsp;&ndash; Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Smithfield&nbsp;&ndash; Sn&nbsp;&ndash; Snake&nbsp;&ndash; Snap&nbsp;&ndash; Snow Lake&nbsp;&ndash; Snowflake&nbsp;&ndash; So&nbsp;&ndash; So What&nbsp;&ndash; Sober&nbsp;&ndash; Socorro&nbsp;&ndash; Sodassa ja rakkaudessa&nbsp;&ndash; Soest&nbsp;&ndash; Sofia Magdalenan kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Sofiero&nbsp;&ndash; Sohlberg&nbsp;&ndash; Soiniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Soininvaara&nbsp;&ndash; Soinlahti&nbsp;&ndash; Soissonsin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Sojuz&nbsp;&ndash; Sokeripala&nbsp;&ndash; Sokeritoppa&nbsp;&ndash; Sokkokiitäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Sokolov&nbsp;&ndash; Sokraattinen&nbsp;&ndash; Sol&nbsp;&ndash; Solaris&nbsp;&ndash; Solea&nbsp;&ndash; Solid&nbsp;&ndash; Solitaire&nbsp;&ndash; Solovjov&nbsp;&ndash; Solvay&nbsp;&ndash; Somali&nbsp;&ndash; Some Enchanted Evening&nbsp;&ndash; Somebody to Love&nbsp;&ndash; Someone Like You&nbsp;&ndash; Somerville&nbsp;&ndash; Somewhere&nbsp;&ndash; Somewhere Out There&nbsp;&ndash; Sommer&nbsp;&ndash; Somoza&nbsp;&ndash; Sompio&nbsp;&ndash; Sonck&nbsp;&ndash; Sonning-palkinto&nbsp;&ndash; Sonny Boy Williamson&nbsp;&ndash; Sontiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Soolo&nbsp;&ndash; Sooma&nbsp;&ndash; Sopatros&nbsp;&ndash; Sorbiers&nbsp;&ndash; Sorkin&nbsp;&ndash; Soros&nbsp;&ndash; Sorry&nbsp;&ndash; Sorsa&nbsp;&ndash; Sorsan hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Sorvali&nbsp;&ndash; Sosiaalidemokraattinen puolue&nbsp;&ndash; Sosialistinen puolue&nbsp;&ndash; Sosialistinen työväenpuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Sosigenes&nbsp;&ndash; Sotades&nbsp;&ndash; Sotahuuto&nbsp;&ndash; Sotavalta&nbsp;&ndash; Sotho&nbsp;&ndash; Sotilaspoika&nbsp;&ndash; Sotka&nbsp;&ndash; Sotkajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Soto&nbsp;&ndash; Soul&nbsp;&ndash; Sousa&nbsp;&ndash; South Dennis&nbsp;&ndash; Southland&nbsp;&ndash; Souza&nbsp;&ndash; Sovetsk&nbsp;&ndash; Sovetski&nbsp;&ndash; Sovitus&nbsp;&ndash; Sp&nbsp;&ndash; Spam&nbsp;&ndash; Spark&nbsp;&ndash; Spartak&nbsp;&ndash; Spassk&nbsp;&ndash; Speaking in Tongues&nbsp;&ndash; Spearfish&nbsp;&ndash; Species&nbsp;&ndash; Speck&nbsp;&ndash; Spectator&nbsp;&ndash; Spede&nbsp;&ndash; Speechless&nbsp;&ndash; Speedway&nbsp;&ndash; Spektrianalyysi&nbsp;&ndash; Spekulaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Spellbound&nbsp;&ndash; Spencer&nbsp;&ndash; Spenser&nbsp;&ndash; Spice&nbsp;&ndash; Spirit&nbsp;&ndash; Spiritualismi&nbsp;&ndash; Spital&nbsp;&ndash; Spitfire&nbsp;&ndash; Sponsori&nbsp;&ndash; Spoof&nbsp;&ndash; Sporting&nbsp;&ndash; Spring&nbsp;&ndash; Springdale&nbsp;&ndash; Springfield&nbsp;&ndash; Sputnik&nbsp;&ndash; Spyker&nbsp;&ndash; Sq&nbsp;&ndash; Sr&nbsp;&ndash; Sriracha&nbsp;&ndash; Srk&nbsp;&ndash; St&nbsp;&ndash; St. Albert&nbsp;&ndash; St. George&nbsp;&ndash; St. Johns&nbsp;&ndash; St. Lawrence&nbsp;&ndash; St John's College&nbsp;&ndash; Staattinen&nbsp;&ndash; Stadio Olimpico&nbsp;&ndash; Stadion&nbsp;&ndash; Stadler&nbsp;&ndash; Stage&nbsp;&ndash; Stalker&nbsp;&ndash; Stallari&nbsp;&ndash; Stamitz&nbsp;&ndash; Standaari&nbsp;&ndash; Standard&nbsp;&ndash; Standardimalli&nbsp;&ndash; Standertskjöldin talo&nbsp;&ndash; Stanford&nbsp;&ndash; Stanisław Poniatowski&nbsp;&ndash; Stanley&nbsp;&ndash; Stanton&nbsp;&ndash; Star Wars&nbsp;&ndash; Stari Grad&nbsp;&ndash; Stars&nbsp;&ndash; State Route 13&nbsp;&ndash; State of Mind&nbsp;&ndash; Statira&nbsp;&ndash; Staunton&nbsp;&ndash; Stay the Night&nbsp;&ndash; Steel&nbsp;&ndash; Stefanus&nbsp;&ndash; Steiger&nbsp;&ndash; Stein&nbsp;&ndash; Steiner&nbsp;&ndash; Steinheim&nbsp;&ndash; Steinitz&nbsp;&ndash; Stella&nbsp;&ndash; Stella Polaris&nbsp;&ndash; Sten&nbsp;&ndash; Sten Sture&nbsp;&ndash; Stenbock&nbsp;&ndash; Stenroth&nbsp;&ndash; Step Up&nbsp;&ndash; Stephen Turnbull&nbsp;&ndash; Stephenson&nbsp;&ndash; Stereo&nbsp;&ndash; Stereotypia&nbsp;&ndash; Sterling&nbsp;&ndash; Stern&nbsp;&ndash; Sterope&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Austin&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Cruz&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Rogers&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Scott&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Shields&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Smith&nbsp;&ndash; Steve Thomas&nbsp;&ndash; Stevens (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Stevenson&nbsp;&ndash; Stewart&nbsp;&ndash; Sthenelos&nbsp;&ndash; Stilbeeni&nbsp;&ndash; Stiller&nbsp;&ndash; Stillwater&nbsp;&ndash; Stilton&nbsp;&ndash; Stoch&nbsp;&ndash; Stockmannin Helsingin tavaratalo&nbsp;&ndash; Storch&nbsp;&ndash; Storsanden&nbsp;&ndash; Storuman&nbsp;&ndash; Straka&nbsp;&ndash; Strand&nbsp;&ndash; Strandberg&nbsp;&ndash; Stranded&nbsp;&ndash; Strandman&nbsp;&ndash; Stratonike&nbsp;&ndash; Straub&nbsp;&ndash; Strauss&nbsp;&ndash; Streng&nbsp;&ndash; Strindberg&nbsp;&ndash; Stripped&nbsp;&ndash; Stronger&nbsp;&ndash; Stronghold&nbsp;&ndash; Strömberg&nbsp;&ndash; Strömmer&nbsp;&ndash; Stuart&nbsp;&ndash; Studio Tan&nbsp;&ndash; Stupido&nbsp;&ndash; Sture&nbsp;&ndash; Su&nbsp;&ndash; Suba&nbsp;&ndash; Subjekti&nbsp;&ndash; Substituutio&nbsp;&ndash; Substraatti&nbsp;&ndash; Sucker punch&nbsp;&ndash; Sudenpesä&nbsp;&ndash; Suida&nbsp;&ndash; Sukeltaja&nbsp;&ndash; Sukselaisen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Suksessio&nbsp;&ndash; Suku&nbsp;&ndash; Sulander&nbsp;&ndash; Sulka&nbsp;&ndash; Sulkeuma&nbsp;&ndash; Sullivan&nbsp;&ndash; Sun&nbsp;&ndash; Sun FM&nbsp;&ndash; Sunda&nbsp;&ndash; Sunday&nbsp;&ndash; Sundell&nbsp;&ndash; Sundman&nbsp;&ndash; Sundqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Sunijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Sunilan hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Sunrise&nbsp;&ndash; Sunset Boulevard&nbsp;&ndash; Suntti&nbsp;&ndash; Suodatin&nbsp;&ndash; Suohauta&nbsp;&ndash; Suojelu&nbsp;&ndash; Suokissa&nbsp;&ndash; Suolijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Suomalainen (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Suomalainen Klubi&nbsp;&ndash; Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu&nbsp;&ndash; Suomalais-ugrilaiset&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen-mestaruus&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen Cup&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen Talvisota&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen Työmies&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen kuningas&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen laulu&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen leijona&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen maajoukkue&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen mies&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen sisällissodan terrori&nbsp;&ndash; Suomen vesilaki&nbsp;&ndash; Suometar&nbsp;&ndash; Suomi–Ruotsi&nbsp;&ndash; Suomi-sarja&nbsp;&ndash; Suomi-talo&nbsp;&ndash; Suomi olympialaisissa&nbsp;&ndash; Suominen&nbsp;&ndash; Suomipop&nbsp;&ndash; Suomuorakas&nbsp;&ndash; Suonio&nbsp;&ndash; Suontaka&nbsp;&ndash; Suontausta&nbsp;&ndash; Super&nbsp;&ndash; Super Cup&nbsp;&ndash; Super Six&nbsp;&ndash; Superfast&nbsp;&ndash; Supi&nbsp;&ndash; Surmavirsi&nbsp;&ndash; Surrender&nbsp;&ndash; Surt&nbsp;&ndash; Suruadressi&nbsp;&ndash; Survo&nbsp;&ndash; Susikoira&nbsp;&ndash; Susiluoto&nbsp;&ndash; Suspended Animation&nbsp;&ndash; Suunnitteluteoria&nbsp;&ndash; Suur-Porto&nbsp;&ndash; Suuren oopperan kummitus&nbsp;&ndash; Suuri junaryöstö&nbsp;&ndash; Suurinta elämässä&nbsp;&ndash; Suurjännite&nbsp;&ndash; Suurkaupungin varjot&nbsp;&ndash; Suurkirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Suurlakko&nbsp;&ndash; Suurmestari&nbsp;&ndash; Suuronen&nbsp;&ndash; Suurpuolan kapina&nbsp;&ndash; Suurpää&nbsp;&ndash; Suursaaren taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Suutarinkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Suvi&nbsp;&ndash; Suvilahti&nbsp;&ndash; Suviranta&nbsp;&ndash; Sv&nbsp;&ndash; Svea&nbsp;&ndash; Sveitsinpaimenkoira&nbsp;&ndash; Svenska Teater&nbsp;&ndash; Svensson&nbsp;&ndash; Sverdlovsk&nbsp;&ndash; Svetlogorsk&nbsp;&ndash; Svinhufvudin hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Sw&nbsp;&ndash; Swahili&nbsp;&ndash; Swan&nbsp;&ndash; Swat&nbsp;&ndash; Swazi&nbsp;&ndash; Sweating Bullets&nbsp;&ndash; Swept Away&nbsp;&ndash; Swift&nbsp;&ndash; Swiftsure&nbsp;&ndash; Swiftsure-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Swinburne&nbsp;&ndash; Switch&nbsp;&ndash; Swordfish&nbsp;&ndash; Sx&nbsp;&ndash; Sy&nbsp;&ndash; Sydänmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Sydäntulehdus&nbsp;&ndash; Syke&nbsp;&ndash; Sykes&nbsp;&ndash; Sylinteri&nbsp;&ndash; Sylvi (elokuva)&nbsp;&ndash; Sylvia&nbsp;&ndash; Symposion&nbsp;&ndash; Syndikointi&nbsp;&ndash; Synkronia&nbsp;&ndash; Synteettinen&nbsp;&ndash; Syrakusan taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Syrjä&nbsp;&ndash; Syrjänen&nbsp;&ndash; Syt&nbsp;&ndash; Sytytin&nbsp;&ndash; Syvä uni&nbsp;&ndash; Syväjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Syvänoja&nbsp;&ndash; Syy&nbsp;&ndash; Syyskuun 11.&nbsp;&ndash; Syysunelma&nbsp;&ndash; Sz&nbsp;&ndash; Szwed&nbsp;&ndash; Sánchez&nbsp;&ndash; Sähkösanoma&nbsp;&ndash; Säie&nbsp;&ndash; Säppi&nbsp;&ndash; Särkijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Säteilyannos&nbsp;&ndash; Säynäjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Sääksjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Sääntö&nbsp;&ndash; Söderholm&nbsp;&ndash; Söderlund&nbsp;&ndash; Söderman&nbsp;&ndash; Söderström&nbsp;&ndash; Sørfjorden&nbsp;&ndash; Sükhbaatar&nbsp;&ndash;


TBA&nbsp;&ndash; TBD&nbsp;&ndash; TCB&nbsp;&ndash; TCE&nbsp;&ndash; TDP&nbsp;&ndash; TEO&nbsp;&ndash; TFL&nbsp;&ndash; THC&nbsp;&ndash; THL&nbsp;&ndash; TJ&nbsp;&ndash; TKL&nbsp;&ndash; TLK&nbsp;&ndash; TLV&nbsp;&ndash; TMB&nbsp;&ndash; TMI&nbsp;&ndash; TMP&nbsp;&ndash; TNS&nbsp;&ndash; TPG&nbsp;&ndash; TRB&nbsp;&ndash; TRR&nbsp;&ndash; TS&nbsp;&ndash; TSH&nbsp;&ndash; TSS&nbsp;&ndash; TT&nbsp;&ndash; TTL&nbsp;&ndash; TTT&nbsp;&ndash; TV2&nbsp;&ndash; TV5&nbsp;&ndash; TVL&nbsp;&ndash; TVO&nbsp;&ndash; TWA:n lento 840&nbsp;&ndash; TWC&nbsp;&ndash; TYP&nbsp;&ndash; Ta&nbsp;&ndash; Taabor&nbsp;&ndash; Taanila&nbsp;&ndash; Taavetti&nbsp;&ndash; Taavitsainen&nbsp;&ndash; Tabasarani&nbsp;&ndash; Tachibana&nbsp;&ndash; Tadžikki&nbsp;&ndash; Tahko&nbsp;&ndash; Tai&nbsp;&ndash; Taikuus&nbsp;&ndash; Taimi&nbsp;&ndash; Tainionkosken tehdas&nbsp;&ndash; Tainionkoski&nbsp;&ndash; Taipaleenkylä&nbsp;&ndash; Taira&nbsp;&ndash; Taistelupeli&nbsp;&ndash; Taisteluplaneetta Galactica&nbsp;&ndash; Taisto Lundberg&nbsp;&ndash; Taivaan tulet&nbsp;&ndash; Taivutus&nbsp;&ndash; Taka&nbsp;&ndash; Takaisinoton estäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Takajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Takala&nbsp;&ndash; Takamaa&nbsp;&ndash; Takanami&nbsp;&ndash; Take It to the Limit&nbsp;&ndash; Take Me Out&nbsp;&ndash; Take a Bow&nbsp;&ndash; Taku&nbsp;&ndash; Tali&nbsp;&ndash; Tallberg&nbsp;&ndash; Tallgren&nbsp;&ndash; Tallink Silja Oy&nbsp;&ndash; Tallqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Talus&nbsp;&ndash; Talvehtiminen&nbsp;&ndash; Talyš&nbsp;&ndash; Tama&nbsp;&ndash; Tamar&nbsp;&ndash; Tamara Press&nbsp;&ndash; Tambu&nbsp;&ndash; Tamilakam&nbsp;&ndash; Tammelin&nbsp;&ndash; Tammilehto&nbsp;&ndash; Tamminen&nbsp;&ndash; Tana&nbsp;&ndash; Tanaka&nbsp;&ndash; Tandem&nbsp;&ndash; Tang&nbsp;&ndash; Tangentti&nbsp;&ndash; Tannenbergin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Tanner&nbsp;&ndash; Tanskan-Preussin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Tanttu&nbsp;&ndash; Tanya James&nbsp;&ndash; Tapa&nbsp;&ndash; Tapaen taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Tapahtuma&nbsp;&ndash; Tapia&nbsp;&ndash; Tapio Suominen&nbsp;&ndash; Tapiovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Tapola&nbsp;&ndash; Tappajahai&nbsp;&ndash; Tapuli&nbsp;&ndash; Tara&nbsp;&ndash; Tara Patrick&nbsp;&ndash; Tarasti&nbsp;&ndash; Targoviste&nbsp;&ndash; Tarha&nbsp;&ndash; Tarhakäärme&nbsp;&ndash; Tarim&nbsp;&ndash; Tarjanne&nbsp;&ndash; Tarkiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Tarkka&nbsp;&ndash; Tarmo&nbsp;&ndash; Tarot&nbsp;&ndash; Tarquinius&nbsp;&ndash; Taru&nbsp;&ndash; Tasapaino&nbsp;&ndash; Tasavallan presidentti&nbsp;&ndash; Taskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tasoitusjärjestelmä&nbsp;&ndash; Tasso&nbsp;&ndash; Tataari&nbsp;&ndash; Tati&nbsp;&ndash; Tatra&nbsp;&ndash; Tatu&nbsp;&ndash; Taula&nbsp;&ndash; Taulu&nbsp;&ndash; Taulukko&nbsp;&ndash; Taurus&nbsp;&ndash; Taustasäteily&nbsp;&ndash; Tautologia&nbsp;&ndash; Tavastia&nbsp;&ndash; Taxell&nbsp;&ndash; Taxi&nbsp;&ndash; Taylor&nbsp;&ndash; Tb&nbsp;&ndash; Tc&nbsp;&ndash; Td&nbsp;&ndash; Te&nbsp;&ndash; Te Amo&nbsp;&ndash; Teak&nbsp;&ndash; Ted Kennedy&nbsp;&ndash; Teema&nbsp;&ndash; Teenage Dream&nbsp;&ndash; Teerivaara&nbsp;&ndash; Tegner&nbsp;&ndash; Teharonhiawako&nbsp;&ndash; Tehtaankatu&nbsp;&ndash; Teichmann&nbsp;&ndash; Teijo&nbsp;&ndash; Teixeira Vitienes&nbsp;&ndash; Tel&nbsp;&ndash; Telemark&nbsp;&ndash; Telenius&nbsp;&ndash; Telephone&nbsp;&ndash; Telkkälä&nbsp;&ndash; Teller&nbsp;&ndash; Tempe&nbsp;&ndash; Tempest&nbsp;&ndash; Tenedos&nbsp;&ndash; Tengen&nbsp;&ndash; Tenkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Tenna&nbsp;&ndash; Tennilä&nbsp;&ndash; Teno&nbsp;&ndash; Teoderik&nbsp;&ndash; Teollisuuskylä&nbsp;&ndash; Tera&nbsp;&ndash; Terapian tarpeessa&nbsp;&ndash; Terhi Nieminen&nbsp;&ndash; Termi&nbsp;&ndash; Terminaattori&nbsp;&ndash; Terra Nova&nbsp;&ndash; Terry McDermott&nbsp;&ndash; Tervalampi&nbsp;&ndash; Tervasaari&nbsp;&ndash; Tessa&nbsp;&ndash; Tet&nbsp;&ndash; Tethys&nbsp;&ndash; Tetra&nbsp;&ndash; Tetrarkki&nbsp;&ndash; Tetu&nbsp;&ndash; Teukros&nbsp;&ndash; Tex&nbsp;&ndash; Texas Rangers&nbsp;&ndash; Texasin moottorisahamurhat&nbsp;&ndash; Texasin yliopisto&nbsp;&ndash; Texmex&nbsp;&ndash; Tf&nbsp;&ndash; Tg&nbsp;&ndash; Th&nbsp;&ndash; Thalassa&nbsp;&ndash; Thaleia&nbsp;&ndash; Thalia&nbsp;&ndash; Thankful&nbsp;&ndash; The Amityville Horror&nbsp;&ndash; The Avengers&nbsp;&ndash; The Bad Boy&nbsp;&ndash; The Best of Both Worlds&nbsp;&ndash; The Birds&nbsp;&ndash; The Blues Brothers&nbsp;&ndash; The Boys&nbsp;&ndash; The Circus&nbsp;&ndash; The Collection&nbsp;&ndash; The Definitive Collection&nbsp;&ndash; The Devil Wears Prada&nbsp;&ndash; The Divide&nbsp;&ndash; The End&nbsp;&ndash; The Ex&nbsp;&ndash; The Eye&nbsp;&ndash; The Firm&nbsp;&ndash; The Fly&nbsp;&ndash; The Fourth Protocol&nbsp;&ndash; The Game&nbsp;&ndash; The Getaway&nbsp;&ndash; The Gift&nbsp;&ndash; The Grapes of Wrath&nbsp;&ndash; The Haunting&nbsp;&ndash; The Hills Have Eyes&nbsp;&ndash; The Hole&nbsp;&ndash; The Hour&nbsp;&ndash; The House of Atreus&nbsp;&ndash; The Hunter&nbsp;&ndash; The Incredible Machine&nbsp;&ndash; The Keeper&nbsp;&ndash; The Last Command&nbsp;&ndash; The Last of the Mohicans&nbsp;&ndash; The Legacy&nbsp;&ndash; The Legend of Zelda - pelisarjan olennot&nbsp;&ndash; The Mercury&nbsp;&ndash; The Movement&nbsp;&ndash; The Nanny&nbsp;&ndash; The Number of the Beast&nbsp;&ndash; The Other Side&nbsp;&ndash; The Plan&nbsp;&ndash; The Platinum Collection&nbsp;&ndash; The Red Shoes&nbsp;&ndash; The Return&nbsp;&ndash; The River&nbsp;&ndash; The Road&nbsp;&ndash; The Rookie&nbsp;&ndash; The Saints&nbsp;&ndash; The Singles&nbsp;&ndash; The Singles Collection&nbsp;&ndash; The Squaw Man&nbsp;&ndash; The Time of My Life&nbsp;&ndash; The Truth&nbsp;&ndash; The Ultimate Collection&nbsp;&ndash; The Wailers&nbsp;&ndash; The Way We Were&nbsp;&ndash; The Wicker Man&nbsp;&ndash; The Women&nbsp;&ndash; The Young Ones&nbsp;&ndash; Theagenes&nbsp;&ndash; Theatre Royal&nbsp;&ndash; Theba&nbsp;&ndash; Theodor Tallqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Theodora&nbsp;&ndash; Theodoros&nbsp;&ndash; Theodosius&nbsp;&ndash; Theon&nbsp;&ndash; Thi&nbsp;&ndash; Thibron&nbsp;&ndash; Thiel&nbsp;&ndash; Think&nbsp;&ndash; This Is My Life&nbsp;&ndash; This Is the Night&nbsp;&ndash; Thoas&nbsp;&ndash; Thomas Dekker&nbsp;&ndash; Thomas Howard&nbsp;&ndash; Thomas Müller&nbsp;&ndash; Thompson&nbsp;&ndash; Thomson&nbsp;&ndash; Thomé&nbsp;&ndash; Thorin&nbsp;&ndash; Thorne&nbsp;&ndash; Thornin rauha&nbsp;&ndash; Thors&nbsp;&ndash; Thrall&nbsp;&ndash; Three Rivers&nbsp;&ndash; Threshold&nbsp;&ndash; Thriller Bark&nbsp;&ndash; Thunder and Lightning&nbsp;&ndash; Thunderball&nbsp;&ndash; Thunderbird&nbsp;&ndash; Thursday&nbsp;&ndash; Thutmosis&nbsp;&ndash; Thymoites&nbsp;&ndash; Thymus&nbsp;&ndash; Thyone&nbsp;&ndash; Ti&nbsp;&ndash; Tiago&nbsp;&ndash; Tiberius Claudius Nero&nbsp;&ndash; Tiedemies&nbsp;&ndash; Tienhaara&nbsp;&ndash; Tiepolo&nbsp;&ndash; Tieteen ja tekniikan historia&nbsp;&ndash; Tietotekniikan osasto&nbsp;&ndash; Tietze&nbsp;&ndash; Tiffany&nbsp;&ndash; Tigre&nbsp;&ndash; Tiihonen&nbsp;&ndash; Tiilikainen&nbsp;&ndash; Tiililä&nbsp;&ndash; Tiira&nbsp;&ndash; Tiiskeri&nbsp;&ndash; Tiitinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tiiviste&nbsp;&ndash; Tikka&nbsp;&ndash; Tikkala&nbsp;&ndash; Tikkanen&nbsp;&ndash; Tikki&nbsp;&ndash; Tikkuri&nbsp;&ndash; Tila&nbsp;&ndash; Tillander&nbsp;&ndash; Timaios&nbsp;&ndash; Timeline&nbsp;&ndash; Timiș&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Heinonen&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Kiiskinen&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Lindström&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Peltola&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Rautiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Ronkainen&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Salonen&nbsp;&ndash; Timo Seppälä&nbsp;&ndash; Timon&nbsp;&ndash; Timotheos&nbsp;&ndash; Tinbergen&nbsp;&ndash; Tinti&nbsp;&ndash; Tipu&nbsp;&ndash; Tiridates&nbsp;&ndash; Tirpitz&nbsp;&ndash; Tirri&nbsp;&ndash; Tisamenos&nbsp;&ndash; Titaanien taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Titaanit&nbsp;&ndash; Titan&nbsp;&ndash; Tk&nbsp;&ndash; Tka&nbsp;&ndash; Tl&nbsp;&ndash; Tm&nbsp;&ndash; Tms&nbsp;&ndash; Tn&nbsp;&ndash; To&nbsp;&ndash; Today&nbsp;&ndash; Todd&nbsp;&ndash; Todistus&nbsp;&ndash; Todt&nbsp;&ndash; Toga&nbsp;&ndash; Toiminta&nbsp;&ndash; Toinen tasavalta&nbsp;&ndash; Toivanen&nbsp;&ndash; Toivekonsertti&nbsp;&ndash; Toivio&nbsp;&ndash; Toivo&nbsp;&ndash; Toivo Korhonen&nbsp;&ndash; Toivola&nbsp;&ndash; Toivonen&nbsp;&ndash; Token&nbsp;&ndash; Tokion lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Tokugawa&nbsp;&ndash; Toledo&nbsp;&ndash; Toleranssi&nbsp;&ndash; Tollo&nbsp;&ndash; Tolo&nbsp;&ndash; Tolonen&nbsp;&ndash; Tolvanen&nbsp;&ndash; Tom&nbsp;&ndash; Tom Brown&nbsp;&ndash; Tom Cavanagh&nbsp;&ndash; Tom Johnson&nbsp;&ndash; Tom Morris&nbsp;&ndash; Tom Richards&nbsp;&ndash; Tomahawk&nbsp;&ndash; Tombstone&nbsp;&ndash; Tomita&nbsp;&ndash; Tommila&nbsp;&ndash; Tommy Byrne&nbsp;&ndash; Ton&nbsp;&ndash; Tonaalinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tonight&nbsp;&ndash; Tonight Tonight&nbsp;&ndash; Tony Allen&nbsp;&ndash; Tony Kaye&nbsp;&ndash; Tony Martin&nbsp;&ndash; Topolino&nbsp;&ndash; Topologia&nbsp;&ndash; Topparoikka&nbsp;&ndash; Toppo&nbsp;&ndash; Tor&nbsp;&ndash; Torajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Torikatu&nbsp;&ndash; Torikeskus&nbsp;&ndash; Torre&nbsp;&ndash; Torres&nbsp;&ndash; Torvalds&nbsp;&ndash; Tose&nbsp;&ndash; Tosi&nbsp;&ndash; Tositarkoituksella&nbsp;&ndash; Toto&nbsp;&ndash; Totuutta ja tehtävää&nbsp;&ndash; Tourettes&nbsp;&ndash; Town-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Towner&nbsp;&ndash; Tp&nbsp;&ndash; Tr&nbsp;&ndash; Tracker&nbsp;&ndash; Tracy&nbsp;&ndash; Traditio&nbsp;&ndash; Traditionalismi&nbsp;&ndash; Trafalgar&nbsp;&ndash; Trafalgar-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Train&nbsp;&ndash; Traktaatti&nbsp;&ndash; Transamerica&nbsp;&ndash; Transitiivisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Transkaukasia&nbsp;&ndash; Translaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Trash&nbsp;&ndash; Trauma&nbsp;&ndash; Trauma Center&nbsp;&ndash; Tre kronor&nbsp;&ndash; Tri&nbsp;&ndash; Trial&nbsp;&ndash; Tribal-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Tribute&nbsp;&ndash; Trick or Treat&nbsp;&ndash; Trilli&nbsp;&ndash; Trilogy&nbsp;&ndash; Trinity College&nbsp;&ndash; Triopas&nbsp;&ndash; Triplane&nbsp;&ndash; Tristar&nbsp;&ndash; Triton&nbsp;&ndash; Triumph&nbsp;&ndash; Troijalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Troijan hevonen&nbsp;&ndash; Troitsk&nbsp;&ndash; Troll&nbsp;&ndash; Trolle-Wachtmeister&nbsp;&ndash; Trolli&nbsp;&ndash; Trombi&nbsp;&ndash; Trooppi&nbsp;&ndash; Trouble&nbsp;&ndash; Trouville&nbsp;&ndash; Troy&nbsp;&ndash; True Colors&nbsp;&ndash; True Crime&nbsp;&ndash; Trulli&nbsp;&ndash; Truman&nbsp;&ndash; Trump International Hotel and Tower&nbsp;&ndash; Trust&nbsp;&ndash; Trust Me&nbsp;&ndash; TsSKA&nbsp;&ndash; Tsaari Saltanin tarina&nbsp;&ndash; Tsaarin Venäjä&nbsp;&ndash; Tu&nbsp;&ndash; Tuaregikapina&nbsp;&ndash; Tucker&nbsp;&ndash; Tuesday&nbsp;&ndash; Tug of War&nbsp;&ndash; Tuhatkauno&nbsp;&ndash; Tuhatvuotinen valtakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Tuhkimotarina&nbsp;&ndash; Tuhkuri&nbsp;&ndash; Tuhlaajapoika&nbsp;&ndash; Tukholman lentoasema&nbsp;&ndash; Tukiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Tukiala&nbsp;&ndash; Tukki&nbsp;&ndash; Tukkijoella&nbsp;&ndash; Tulenheimo&nbsp;&ndash; Tulilintu&nbsp;&ndash; Tulipesä&nbsp;&ndash; Tulkinta&nbsp;&ndash; Tulppa&nbsp;&ndash; Tumba&nbsp;&ndash; Tunguska&nbsp;&ndash; Tunnusluku&nbsp;&ndash; Tuntematon maa&nbsp;&ndash; Tunteminen&nbsp;&ndash; Tuohimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomari&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomas&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomela&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomi-Nikula&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomikoski&nbsp;&ndash; Tuominen&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomioja&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomiojärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Tuomisto&nbsp;&ndash; Tuottaja&nbsp;&ndash; Tuovinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tupakansytytinneste&nbsp;&ndash; Tupelo&nbsp;&ndash; Turgon&nbsp;&ndash; Turin&nbsp;&ndash; Turja&nbsp;&ndash; Turkka&nbsp;&ndash; Turkmeeni&nbsp;&ndash; Turnpike&nbsp;&ndash; Turpo&nbsp;&ndash; Turtles&nbsp;&ndash; Turtola&nbsp;&ndash; Turun telakka&nbsp;&ndash; Turunen&nbsp;&ndash; Turuntie&nbsp;&ndash; Tut&nbsp;&ndash; Tuulen jumala&nbsp;&ndash; Tuulikannel&nbsp;&ndash; Tuulikello&nbsp;&ndash; Tuura&nbsp;&ndash; Tv&nbsp;&ndash; Tv1&nbsp;&ndash; Tverrfjellet&nbsp;&ndash; Tvs&nbsp;&ndash; Tw&nbsp;&ndash; Twilight&nbsp;&ndash; Twist&nbsp;&ndash; Twister&nbsp;&ndash; Tx&nbsp;&ndash; Ty&nbsp;&ndash; Tycho&nbsp;&ndash; Tyhjä&nbsp;&ndash; Tykkyläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tyler&nbsp;&ndash; Tyndall&nbsp;&ndash; Tynell&nbsp;&ndash; Tynkkynen&nbsp;&ndash; Typhoon&nbsp;&ndash; Tyttö ja helmikorvakoru&nbsp;&ndash; Tyyppi&nbsp;&ndash; Työ (lehti)&nbsp;&ndash; Työkansan Sanomat&nbsp;&ndash; Työpaja&nbsp;&ndash; Työväen Lehti&nbsp;&ndash; Tz&nbsp;&ndash; Tähti on syntynyt&nbsp;&ndash; Tähtinen&nbsp;&ndash; Tähtisarja – 30 suosikkia&nbsp;&ndash; Tähtisumu&nbsp;&ndash; Tähtisumua&nbsp;&ndash; Täydellinen maailma&nbsp;&ndash; Täysosuma&nbsp;&ndash; Täältä ikuisuuteen&nbsp;&ndash; Törmä&nbsp;&ndash; Törngren&nbsp;&ndash; Törnqvist&nbsp;&ndash; Törnudd&nbsp;&ndash; Török&nbsp;&ndash; Tšetšeeni&nbsp;&ndash; Tšetšenian sota&nbsp;&ndash; Tšornaja&nbsp;&ndash; Tšulym&nbsp;&ndash; Tšuvassi&nbsp;&ndash;


UDF&nbsp;&ndash; UKK&nbsp;&ndash; UMP&nbsp;&ndash; UNSC&nbsp;&ndash; USM&nbsp;&ndash; USO&nbsp;&ndash; US Open&nbsp;&ndash; Ua&nbsp;&ndash; Ub&nbsp;&ndash; Ubikviteetti&nbsp;&ndash; Uda&nbsp;&ndash; Udmurtti&nbsp;&ndash; Udo&nbsp;&ndash; Ue&nbsp;&ndash; Uesugi&nbsp;&ndash; Ug&nbsp;&ndash; Uikujärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Uimonen&nbsp;&ndash; Uk&nbsp;&ndash; Uke&nbsp;&ndash; Ukko-Pekka&nbsp;&ndash; Ukkolanmäki&nbsp;&ndash; Ukonkivi&nbsp;&ndash; Ul&nbsp;&ndash; Ulkopauha&nbsp;&ndash; Ullmann&nbsp;&ndash; Ulmanis&nbsp;&ndash; Ulpius&nbsp;&ndash; Ulrika Eleonoran kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Ultima Thule&nbsp;&ndash; Ultra&nbsp;&ndash; Ultša&nbsp;&ndash; Ulysses&nbsp;&ndash; Um&nbsp;&ndash; Umbrella&nbsp;&ndash; Un&nbsp;&ndash; Una&nbsp;&ndash; Unbreakable&nbsp;&ndash; Unforgettable&nbsp;&ndash; Unforgiven&nbsp;&ndash; Unicorn&nbsp;&ndash; Uniformitarianismi&nbsp;&ndash; Uniikki&nbsp;&ndash; Union City&nbsp;&ndash; Union Station&nbsp;&ndash; Unioni&nbsp;&ndash; Unitas&nbsp;&ndash; Universal&nbsp;&ndash; University College&nbsp;&ndash; Unkarin kapina&nbsp;&ndash; Unkarinpaimenkoirat&nbsp;&ndash; Unknown&nbsp;&ndash; Uno&nbsp;&ndash; Untitled&nbsp;&ndash; Uoti (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Up, Up, and Away&nbsp;&ndash; Up All Night&nbsp;&ndash; Uq&nbsp;&ndash; Ural&nbsp;&ndash; Urbanus&nbsp;&ndash; Urheilupuiston koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Urho&nbsp;&ndash; Ursus&nbsp;&ndash; Us&nbsp;&ndash; Usa&nbsp;&ndash; Uski&nbsp;&ndash; Uskontokunta&nbsp;&ndash; Uspenski&nbsp;&ndash; Usva&nbsp;&ndash; Ut&nbsp;&ndash; Utrio&nbsp;&ndash; Uub&nbsp;&ndash; Uusi Granada&nbsp;&ndash; Uusi aalto&nbsp;&ndash; Uusi päivä&nbsp;&ndash; Uusi tietosanakirja&nbsp;&ndash; Uusikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Uusipaavalniemi&nbsp;&ndash; Uusis&nbsp;&ndash; Uusitalo&nbsp;&ndash; Uusklassismi&nbsp;&ndash; Uva&nbsp;&ndash; Uxbridge&nbsp;&ndash; Uy&nbsp;&ndash; Uz&nbsp;&ndash; Uškovo&nbsp;&ndash;


V2&nbsp;&ndash; VAL&nbsp;&ndash; VAT&nbsp;&ndash; VDH&nbsp;&ndash; VDR&nbsp;&ndash; VG-62&nbsp;&ndash; VKT&nbsp;&ndash; VLK&nbsp;&ndash; VOR&nbsp;&ndash; VRS&nbsp;&ndash; VTS&nbsp;&ndash; VTV&nbsp;&ndash; Va&nbsp;&ndash; Vaakalintu&nbsp;&ndash; Vaaljoki&nbsp;&ndash; Vaarala&nbsp;&ndash; Vaarna&nbsp;&ndash; Vader&nbsp;&ndash; Vaeltava juutalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Vagabond&nbsp;&ndash; Vahtera&nbsp;&ndash; Vahva&nbsp;&ndash; Vaihde&nbsp;&ndash; Vainio&nbsp;&ndash; Vaippa&nbsp;&ndash; Vakoilija&nbsp;&ndash; Vakoilukamera&nbsp;&ndash; Valasjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Valence&nbsp;&ndash; Valenssi&nbsp;&ndash; Valentin Nikolajev&nbsp;&ndash; Valentinianus&nbsp;&ndash; Valerian&nbsp;&ndash; Valiant&nbsp;&ndash; Valiojoukko&nbsp;&ndash; Valjakka&nbsp;&ndash; Valkama&nbsp;&ndash; Valkeajärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Valkeapää&nbsp;&ndash; Valkeinen&nbsp;&ndash; Valkiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Valkiaisjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Valkjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Valkohammas&nbsp;&ndash; Valkoinen armeija&nbsp;&ndash; Valkoinen ruusu&nbsp;&ndash; Valkoinen tiikeri&nbsp;&ndash; Valkonen&nbsp;&ndash; Valkovenäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Valli&nbsp;&ndash; Valopallo&nbsp;&ndash; Valse Triste&nbsp;&ndash; Valtakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Valtapeli&nbsp;&ndash; Valtarakenne&nbsp;&ndash; Valtatie&nbsp;&ndash; Valtaus&nbsp;&ndash; Valter Vuoksi&nbsp;&ndash; Valtiollinen poliisi&nbsp;&ndash; Valtionhotelli&nbsp;&ndash; Valtiopäivät&nbsp;&ndash; Valtiopäivätalo&nbsp;&ndash; Valtonen&nbsp;&ndash; Valtuutettu&nbsp;&ndash; Valve&nbsp;&ndash; Vampire&nbsp;&ndash; Van&nbsp;&ndash; Van Buren&nbsp;&ndash; Van Damme&nbsp;&ndash; Van der Waals&nbsp;&ndash; Van Horn&nbsp;&ndash; Vanaja&nbsp;&ndash; Vanda&nbsp;&ndash; Vanessa Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Vanguard&nbsp;&ndash; Vanguard-luokka&nbsp;&ndash; Vanha Raatihuone&nbsp;&ndash; Vanha kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Vanhakylä&nbsp;&ndash; Vanhala&nbsp;&ndash; Vanhanen&nbsp;&ndash; Vanhasen hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Vanhin&nbsp;&ndash; Vanilla&nbsp;&ndash; Vanity&nbsp;&ndash; Vanity Fair&nbsp;&ndash; Vanjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Vankileiri&nbsp;&ndash; Vanna&nbsp;&ndash; Vanninen&nbsp;&ndash; Vanttila&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaa Suomi&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaa sana&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaamielinen&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaapalokunnat&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaavuori&nbsp;&ndash; Vapahtaja&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaudenkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Vapaus (lehti)&nbsp;&ndash; Vapauspuolue&nbsp;&ndash; Var&nbsp;&ndash; Varaha&nbsp;&ndash; Varaus&nbsp;&ndash; Varela&nbsp;&ndash; Vares&nbsp;&ndash; Varga&nbsp;&ndash; Vargas&nbsp;&ndash; Vari&nbsp;&ndash; Variaatio&nbsp;&ndash; Varignonin lause&nbsp;&ndash; Varisto&nbsp;&ndash; Varjakka&nbsp;&ndash; Varkaus&nbsp;&ndash; Varonen&nbsp;&ndash; Varro&nbsp;&ndash; Varsovan rautatieasema&nbsp;&ndash; Vartiainen&nbsp;&ndash; Vartiovaara&nbsp;&ndash; Vartti&nbsp;&ndash; Varvi&nbsp;&ndash; Vas&nbsp;&ndash; Vasa&nbsp;&ndash; Vasala&nbsp;&ndash; Vasili Rotšev&nbsp;&ndash; Vasiljev&nbsp;&ndash; Vassijaure&nbsp;&ndash; Vastike&nbsp;&ndash; Vatanen&nbsp;&ndash; Vatikaanin kirkolliskokous&nbsp;&ndash; Vatunki&nbsp;&ndash; Vaunu&nbsp;&ndash; Vaziri&nbsp;&ndash; Vc&nbsp;&ndash; Ve&nbsp;&ndash; Vehviläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Veijalainen&nbsp;&ndash; Veikko Pihlajamäki&nbsp;&ndash; Veikko Rytkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Vel&nbsp;&ndash; Vela&nbsp;&ndash; Veli-Matti&nbsp;&ndash; Veli-Pekka&nbsp;&ndash; Veljekset&nbsp;&ndash; Veloso&nbsp;&ndash; Velox&nbsp;&ndash; Velvollisuus&nbsp;&ndash; Venda&nbsp;&ndash; Vendetta&nbsp;&ndash; Venejärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Venetia&nbsp;&ndash; Vengeance&nbsp;&ndash; Veni vidi vici&nbsp;&ndash; Venice&nbsp;&ndash; Venizélos&nbsp;&ndash; Venla&nbsp;&ndash; Vennamo&nbsp;&ndash; Venneri&nbsp;&ndash; Vennolan hallitus&nbsp;&ndash; Venom&nbsp;&ndash; Venstre&nbsp;&ndash; Venäjän vallankumous&nbsp;&ndash; Venäjän–Persian sota&nbsp;&ndash; Venäjän–Turkin sota&nbsp;&ndash; Venäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Vepsä&nbsp;&ndash; Vepsä (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Vepsäläinen&nbsp;&ndash; Vera&nbsp;&ndash; Verdura&nbsp;&ndash; Vergennes&nbsp;&ndash; Verisolu&nbsp;&ndash; Verisunnuntai&nbsp;&ndash; Verizon&nbsp;&ndash; Vermeer&nbsp;&ndash; Vernon&nbsp;&ndash; Vernouillet&nbsp;&ndash; Vertigo&nbsp;&ndash; Verve&nbsp;&ndash; Vesa Rantanen&nbsp;&ndash; Vesalan koulu&nbsp;&ndash; Vesihiisi&nbsp;&ndash; Vesilasi&nbsp;&ndash; Vesilinna&nbsp;&ndash; Vesimies&nbsp;&ndash; Vesirotta&nbsp;&ndash; Vesper&nbsp;&ndash; Veteen piirretty viiva&nbsp;&ndash; Vetehinen&nbsp;&ndash; Vetluga&nbsp;&ndash; Veto&nbsp;&ndash; Vetovoima&nbsp;&ndash; Veyron&nbsp;&ndash; Vg&nbsp;&ndash; Vh&nbsp;&ndash; ViPa&nbsp;&ndash; Via&nbsp;&ndash; Vicq&nbsp;&ndash; Victor Ek&nbsp;&ndash; Victoria&nbsp;&ndash; Victoria Memorial&nbsp;&ndash; Victorious&nbsp;&ndash; Victory&nbsp;&ndash; Vidal&nbsp;&ndash; Videle&nbsp;&ndash; Vieira&nbsp;&ndash; Viena&nbsp;&ndash; Viesti&nbsp;&ndash; Vietnamin–Kiinan sota&nbsp;&ndash; Viherjuuri&nbsp;&ndash; Viholainen&nbsp;&ndash; Vihreä puolue&nbsp;&ndash; Vihreät&nbsp;&ndash; Viikonloppu&nbsp;&ndash; Viikuna&nbsp;&ndash; Viimeinen kesä&nbsp;&ndash; Viimeinen talo vasemmalla&nbsp;&ndash; Viimeisellä rannalla&nbsp;&ndash; Viinanen&nbsp;&ndash; Viipurin hiippakunta&nbsp;&ndash; Viipurin piiri&nbsp;&ndash; Viipurin taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Viipurinlahden taistelu&nbsp;&ndash; Viira&nbsp;&ndash; Viisi&nbsp;&ndash; Viisiottelu&nbsp;&ndash; Viitanen&nbsp;&ndash; Viitoset&nbsp;&ndash; Viitta&nbsp;&ndash; Vik&nbsp;&ndash; Vika&nbsp;&ndash; Viking&nbsp;&ndash; Viksbergin kartano&nbsp;&ndash; Vikström&nbsp;&ndash; Vila&nbsp;&ndash; Vilhelm I&nbsp;&ndash; Vilhelm II&nbsp;&ndash; Vilhelm III&nbsp;&ndash; Vilhelm Oranialainen&nbsp;&ndash; Vilhelmina&nbsp;&ndash; Viljanen&nbsp;&ndash; Vilkuna&nbsp;&ndash; Villani&nbsp;&ndash; Villeneuve&nbsp;&ndash; Villi Pohjola&nbsp;&ndash; Villikkala&nbsp;&ndash; Vilén&nbsp;&ndash; Vincent&nbsp;&ndash; Vinjetti&nbsp;&ndash; Viola&nbsp;&ndash; Viper&nbsp;&ndash; Virgo&nbsp;&ndash; Virhe&nbsp;&ndash; Virkkula&nbsp;&ndash; Virkkunen&nbsp;&ndash; Virmasvesi&nbsp;&ndash; Virolainen&nbsp;&ndash; Viron ortodoksinen kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Vironia&nbsp;&ndash; Virta&nbsp;&ndash; Virtalähde&nbsp;&ndash; Virtanen&nbsp;&ndash; Virtuaalilemmikki&nbsp;&ndash; Virva&nbsp;&ndash; Virve&nbsp;&ndash; Vis&nbsp;&ndash; Visa&nbsp;&ndash; Visegrad&nbsp;&ndash; Viskuri&nbsp;&ndash; Vitali&nbsp;&ndash; Vitoria&nbsp;&ndash; Višera&nbsp;&ndash; Vj&nbsp;&ndash; Vjatšeslav Ivanov&nbsp;&ndash; Vk&nbsp;&ndash; Vko&nbsp;&ndash; Vladimir Kozlov&nbsp;&ndash; Vladimir Kuznetsov&nbsp;&ndash; Vladimir Malahov&nbsp;&ndash; Vladimír Weiss&nbsp;&ndash; Vm&nbsp;&ndash; Vn&nbsp;&ndash; Vo&nbsp;&ndash; Vogel&nbsp;&ndash; Voices&nbsp;&ndash; Voima&nbsp;&ndash; Voimailu&nbsp;&ndash; Voionmaa&nbsp;&ndash; Voitto&nbsp;&ndash; Vojakkala&nbsp;&ndash; Volgan lautturit&nbsp;&ndash; Volkov&nbsp;&ndash; Volta&nbsp;&ndash; Volyymi&nbsp;&ndash; Von Hertzen&nbsp;&ndash; Von Kleist&nbsp;&ndash; Voodoo Child&nbsp;&ndash; Vorošilov&nbsp;&ndash; Vostok&nbsp;&ndash; Voutilainen&nbsp;&ndash; Voyager&nbsp;&ndash; Vp&nbsp;&ndash; Vrk&nbsp;&ndash; Vruda&nbsp;&ndash; Vs&nbsp;&ndash; Vt&nbsp;&ndash; Vu&nbsp;&ndash; Vulcan&nbsp;&ndash; Vuoden 1978 konklaavi&nbsp;&ndash; Vuoden tulokas&nbsp;&ndash; Vuohisnivel&nbsp;&ndash; Vuokkijärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Vuokko&nbsp;&ndash; Vuolin&nbsp;&ndash; Vuorela&nbsp;&ndash; Vuorentaka&nbsp;&ndash; Vuorinen&nbsp;&ndash; Vuorio&nbsp;&ndash; Vuoristo (sukunimi)&nbsp;&ndash; Vuorivirta&nbsp;&ndash; Vv&nbsp;&ndash; Vw&nbsp;&ndash; Vy&nbsp;&ndash; Våler&nbsp;&ndash; Vårfrukyrkan&nbsp;&ndash; Vårt land&nbsp;&ndash; Vähäjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Vähäjärvi&nbsp;&ndash; Väinölä&nbsp;&ndash; Väisälä&nbsp;&ndash; Väisänen&nbsp;&ndash; Väite&nbsp;&ndash; Väittämä&nbsp;&ndash; Väliarvolause&nbsp;&ndash; Välikari&nbsp;&ndash; Välikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Välimaa&nbsp;&ndash; Välimeren laivasto&nbsp;&ndash; Välimäki&nbsp;&ndash; Välirauha&nbsp;&ndash; Välivesi&nbsp;&ndash; Värtsilä&nbsp;&ndash; Västanfjärdin kirkko&nbsp;&ndash; Väyrynen&nbsp;&ndash; Vääkiö&nbsp;&ndash; Väänänen&nbsp;&ndash; Väätäinen&nbsp;&ndash;


WAM&nbsp;&ndash; WAT&nbsp;&ndash; WBC&nbsp;&ndash; WBL&nbsp;&ndash; WCHL&nbsp;&ndash; WLM&nbsp;&ndash; WMF&nbsp;&ndash; WPT&nbsp;&ndash; WRC&nbsp;&ndash; WV&nbsp;&ndash; WW&nbsp;&ndash; Wa&nbsp;&ndash; Wachtmeister&nbsp;&ndash; Wacker&nbsp;&ndash; Wahlberg&nbsp;&ndash; Wahlroos&nbsp;&ndash; Wahlström&nbsp;&ndash; Wake Up&nbsp;&ndash; Walden&nbsp;&ndash; Walker&nbsp;&ndash; Walking Dead&nbsp;&ndash; Walking on Sunshine&nbsp;&ndash; Wallace&nbsp;&ndash; Wallach&nbsp;&ndash; Wallenius&nbsp;&ndash; Wallin&nbsp;&ndash; Wallner&nbsp;&ndash; Walnut Grove&nbsp;&ndash; Walpole&nbsp;&ndash; Walrus&nbsp;&ndash; Walsh&nbsp;&ndash; Waltari&nbsp;&ndash; Walter Davis&nbsp;&ndash; Walter Kaufmann&nbsp;&ndash; Wanderer&nbsp;&ndash; Wanderlust&nbsp;&ndash; Wando&nbsp;&ndash; Wang&nbsp;&ndash; Wang Hao&nbsp;&ndash; Wanted&nbsp;&ndash; Wanted Dead or Alive&nbsp;&ndash; War Horse&nbsp;&ndash; Warén&nbsp;&ndash; Ward&nbsp;&ndash; Warhammer&nbsp;&ndash; Warhawk&nbsp;&ndash; Waris&nbsp;&ndash; Warlock&nbsp;&ndash; Warp&nbsp;&ndash; Warren&nbsp;&ndash; Warrior&nbsp;&ndash; Wasa Tidning&nbsp;&ndash; Wasenius&nbsp;&ndash; Washington&nbsp;&ndash; Washingtonin piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Watch Your Step&nbsp;&ndash; Water&nbsp;&ndash; Waterhen&nbsp;&ndash; Waterhouse&nbsp;&ndash; Waterville&nbsp;&ndash; Wathén&nbsp;&ndash; Watson&nbsp;&ndash; Watt&nbsp;&ndash; Wawa&nbsp;&ndash; Wb&nbsp;&ndash; Weber&nbsp;&ndash; Weckman&nbsp;&ndash; Weckström&nbsp;&ndash; Wednesday&nbsp;&ndash; Wei&nbsp;&ndash; Wein&nbsp;&ndash; Weiner&nbsp;&ndash; Weinstein&nbsp;&ndash; Weissenberg&nbsp;&ndash; Welcome to the Family&nbsp;&ndash; Weldon&nbsp;&ndash; Welsh&nbsp;&ndash; Wendy Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Wensleydale&nbsp;&ndash; Werfel&nbsp;&ndash; Wergeland&nbsp;&ndash; Wernicke&nbsp;&ndash; Wesleyanin yliopisto&nbsp;&ndash; West Chester&nbsp;&ndash; West Coast&nbsp;&ndash; Westcott&nbsp;&ndash; Westerberg&nbsp;&ndash; Westerlund&nbsp;&ndash; Westermarck&nbsp;&ndash; Westland&nbsp;&ndash; Westling&nbsp;&ndash; Westmalle&nbsp;&ndash; Weta&nbsp;&ndash; Wetterhoff&nbsp;&ndash; Weymouth&nbsp;&ndash; Wh&nbsp;&ndash; What a Girl Wants&nbsp;&ndash; Whatever&nbsp;&ndash; Wheeler&nbsp;&ndash; Wheeling&nbsp;&ndash; When I'm Gone&nbsp;&ndash; Where the Heart Is&nbsp;&ndash; Wherever You Are&nbsp;&ndash; Whitby&nbsp;&ndash; White&nbsp;&ndash; White Noise&nbsp;&ndash; Whitley&nbsp;&ndash; Whitlock&nbsp;&ndash; Why&nbsp;&ndash; Wiberg&nbsp;&ndash; Wiborgs Tidning&nbsp;&ndash; Wichmann&nbsp;&ndash; Wickström&nbsp;&ndash; Wide Awake&nbsp;&ndash; Wienin yleissopimus&nbsp;&ndash; Wihtol&nbsp;&ndash; Wiik&nbsp;&ndash; Wik&nbsp;&ndash; Wiklund&nbsp;&ndash; Wikman&nbsp;&ndash; Wild&nbsp;&ndash; Wild at Heart&nbsp;&ndash; Wiley&nbsp;&ndash; Wilkinson&nbsp;&ndash; Will&nbsp;&ndash; Willard&nbsp;&ndash; William Adams&nbsp;&ndash; William Albright&nbsp;&ndash; William Barrett&nbsp;&ndash; William Castle&nbsp;&ndash; William Hamilton&nbsp;&ndash; William Herndon&nbsp;&ndash; William Miller&nbsp;&ndash; William Passmore&nbsp;&ndash; William R. Mead&nbsp;&ndash; William Roberts&nbsp;&ndash; William Turner&nbsp;&ndash; Williams&nbsp;&ndash; Williamsburg&nbsp;&ndash; Willie Mitchell&nbsp;&ndash; Willis&nbsp;&ndash; Wilma&nbsp;&ndash; Wilmington&nbsp;&ndash; Wilson&nbsp;&ndash; Wilton&nbsp;&ndash; Wimbledon&nbsp;&ndash; Winchelsea&nbsp;&ndash; Winding&nbsp;&ndash; Windsor&nbsp;&ndash; Winnebagon piirikunta&nbsp;&ndash; Winona&nbsp;&ndash; Winter&nbsp;&ndash; Wipo&nbsp;&ndash; Wire&nbsp;&ndash; Wirth&nbsp;&ndash; Wirtz&nbsp;&ndash; Wise&nbsp;&ndash; Witch&nbsp;&ndash; Witchfinder General&nbsp;&ndash; Witold&nbsp;&ndash; Wizard&nbsp;&ndash; Wo&nbsp;&ndash; Woldemar Baeckman&nbsp;&ndash; Wolf&nbsp;&ndash; Wolfe&nbsp;&ndash; Wolfenstein&nbsp;&ndash; Wolff&nbsp;&ndash; Wolfsberg&nbsp;&ndash; Wolin&nbsp;&ndash; Wolmar&nbsp;&ndash; Wolof&nbsp;&ndash; Won&nbsp;&ndash; Woodside&nbsp;&ndash; World Gone Crazy&nbsp;&ndash; World News Tonight&nbsp;&ndash; Worth&nbsp;&ndash; Wow&nbsp;&ndash; Wp&nbsp;&ndash; Wrede&nbsp;&ndash; Wren&nbsp;&ndash; Wright&nbsp;&ndash; Writers Guild of America&nbsp;&ndash; Ws&nbsp;&ndash; Wuolijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Wuthering Heights&nbsp;&ndash;


X-Men&nbsp;&ndash; X10&nbsp;&ndash; XD&nbsp;&ndash; XIII&nbsp;&ndash; XL&nbsp;&ndash; XP&nbsp;&ndash; Xanadu&nbsp;&ndash; Xe&nbsp;&ndash; Xfs&nbsp;&ndash; Xh&nbsp;&ndash; Xhosa&nbsp;&ndash; Xisco&nbsp;&ndash; Xs&nbsp;&ndash; X Factor&nbsp;&ndash;


YKV&nbsp;&ndash; YNM&nbsp;&ndash; YTK&nbsp;&ndash; Ya&nbsp;&ndash; Yagan&nbsp;&ndash; Yamamoto&nbsp;&ndash; Yamato&nbsp;&ndash; Yang&nbsp;&ndash; Yang Yang&nbsp;&ndash; Yarmouth&nbsp;&ndash; Yc&nbsp;&ndash; Ydin&nbsp;&ndash; Yeah&nbsp;&ndash; Yellow Submarine&nbsp;&ndash; Yg&nbsp;&ndash; Yh&nbsp;&ndash; Yhdyskunta&nbsp;&ndash; Yhteisrintama&nbsp;&ndash; Yi&nbsp;&ndash; Yk&nbsp;&ndash; Ykkönen&nbsp;&ndash; Ykseys&nbsp;&ndash; Yksi lensi yli käenpesän&nbsp;&ndash; Yksikkö&nbsp;&ndash; Yksiö&nbsp;&ndash; Ykskivi&nbsp;&ndash; Yl&nbsp;&ndash; Yleisneuvosto&nbsp;&ndash; Ylenjoki&nbsp;&ndash; Yli-Jokipii&nbsp;&ndash; Ylijoki&nbsp;&ndash; Ylikylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ylinen&nbsp;&ndash; Yliopistonkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Ylioppilas&nbsp;&ndash; Ylioppilaskylä&nbsp;&ndash; Ylipää&nbsp;&ndash; Ylppö&nbsp;&ndash; Ylä-Karjala&nbsp;&ndash; Ym&nbsp;&ndash; Ymer&nbsp;&ndash; Ymppäys&nbsp;&ndash; Yn&nbsp;&ndash; Yo&nbsp;&ndash; Yoko&nbsp;&ndash; Yomi&nbsp;&ndash; Yosemite&nbsp;&ndash; Yoshitsugu&nbsp;&ndash; You and I&nbsp;&ndash; Young&nbsp;&ndash; Yours Truly&nbsp;&ndash; Yrjö Blomstedt&nbsp;&ndash; Yrjö I&nbsp;&ndash; Yrjö II&nbsp;&ndash; Yrjönkatu&nbsp;&ndash; Ys&nbsp;&ndash; Ystävä hädässä&nbsp;&ndash; Yt&nbsp;&ndash; Yu&nbsp;&ndash; Yuan&nbsp;&ndash; Yuki&nbsp;&ndash; Yuma&nbsp;&ndash; Yuna&nbsp;&ndash; Yv&nbsp;&ndash; Yw&nbsp;&ndash; Yx&nbsp;&ndash; Yö on hellä&nbsp;&ndash; Yökkö&nbsp;&ndash; Yölento&nbsp;&ndash; Yöpartio&nbsp;&ndash; Yövartio&nbsp;&ndash;


ZOG&nbsp;&ndash; Za&nbsp;&ndash; Zaire&nbsp;&ndash; Zamora&nbsp;&ndash; Zao&nbsp;&ndash; Zaozjornyi&nbsp;&ndash; Zara&nbsp;&ndash; Zb&nbsp;&ndash; Zbigniew Juszczak&nbsp;&ndash; Zc&nbsp;&ndash; Zebra&nbsp;&ndash; Zehetmair&nbsp;&ndash; Zela&nbsp;&ndash; Zelda&nbsp;&ndash; Zelenogorsk&nbsp;&ndash; Zend&nbsp;&ndash; Zenit&nbsp;&ndash; Zenon&nbsp;&ndash; Zephyr&nbsp;&ndash; Zeppelin&nbsp;&ndash; Zeta&nbsp;&ndash; Zetterberg&nbsp;&ndash; Zeuksippe&nbsp;&ndash; Zf&nbsp;&ndash; Zg&nbsp;&ndash; Zh&nbsp;&ndash; Zhang&nbsp;&ndash; Zhou Yan&nbsp;&ndash; Zigong&nbsp;&ndash; Zinn&nbsp;&ndash; Zinovjev&nbsp;&ndash; Zippy&nbsp;&ndash; Zitting&nbsp;&ndash; Zk&nbsp;&ndash; Zl&nbsp;&ndash; Zm&nbsp;&ndash; Zn&nbsp;&ndash; Zomba&nbsp;&ndash; Zonta&nbsp;&ndash; Zoom&nbsp;&ndash; Zorbas&nbsp;&ndash; Zoro&nbsp;&ndash; Zosimus&nbsp;&ndash; Zr&nbsp;&ndash; Zs&nbsp;&ndash; Zt&nbsp;&ndash; Zu&nbsp;&ndash; Zulu&nbsp;&ndash; Zv&nbsp;&ndash; Zw&nbsp;&ndash; Zwijndrecht&nbsp;&ndash; Zyklon&nbsp;&ndash;


Ágioi Theódoroi&nbsp;&ndash; Álvaro Mejía&nbsp;&ndash;


Åberg&nbsp;&ndash; Åkerblom&nbsp;&ndash; Åkerlund&nbsp;&ndash; Åkerman&nbsp;&ndash; Åminne&nbsp;&ndash; Åström&nbsp;&ndash; Åvik&nbsp;&ndash;

Dark Tranquillity




Jarno Trulli


Lahko (uskonto)

Platonin kappale





New York (täsmennyssivu)

Georg Simon Ohm


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ヘルシンキ大学中央病院(Helsinki University Central Hospital): トーロ(Töölö)病院 (重症患者の対応) Topeliuksenkatu 5, Helsinki tel. +358 (0)9 4711

メイラハティ病院(Meilahti Hospital)(急病と手術に対応) Haartmaninkatu 4, Helsinki tel. +358 (0)9 4711

薬は、薬局(Apteekki)で販売されています。夜遅くまで営業している薬局もあり、ヘルシンキでは、マンネルヘイム通り(Mannerheimintie)96にある薬局が、24時間営業しています。TEL:. +358 (0)300 – 20 200



* 中央駅 * マンネルヘイム通り( Mannerheimintie)、ストックマンデパート( Stockmann)の向かい *エスプラナデ通り

* ヘルシンキ・ヴァンター空港* カタヤノッカ(Katajanokka)フェリーターミナル * オリンピア(Olympia)フェリーターミナル

トゥルク:Forex/住所Eerikinkatu 12、月 – 金 09.00 – 19.00、土 08.00 – 15.00. タンペレ:Forex/住所 Hämeenkatu 14b、月 – 金 09.00 – 19.00、土 09.00-15.00. 小さな都市で両替ができるのは銀行だけになることもあります。ホテルでは、たいてい少額の両替ができますが、日本にいる間、もしくはヘルシンキ空港到着時に両替することをお勧めします。

フィンランドの通貨は、ユーロ(EUR)で、1ユーロは、100セントです。 詳細は、右側にあるリンクからご覧ください。: Forex



ヘルシンキでの紛失物サービス(Löytötavarapalvelu)は、Mäkelänkatu 56, 00510 Helsinki、 tel. +358-(0)600 41006 (サービス番号料金 1.97ユーロ/分 +通常の電話料金, in 2012)、FAX. +358-(0)600 14108。 月曜日から金曜日までの 09.00 – 18.00のみ。 国内の他の場所で、持ち物を紛失した場合には、地元の警察に連絡をとってください。 » 詳細はこちらで: Found Property Service


基本的なロードマップとシティマップは、フィンランド中の書店で購入できます。海図は、主な港や、ほとんどの大きな書店、船具商で扱っています。ヘルシンキの便利なツーリストマップや、ヘルシンキの情報満載のHelsinki This Weekなどは、中央駅のコンコースやホテルで、無料で配布されています。 街の地図、観光マップ、ロードマップやルート、海図は: Maps on suomi. fi で


郵便局留め:ヘルシンキ中央郵便局(住所:Mannerheimintie 11 F, 00100 Helsinki)月-金 09.00 – 18.00。他の都市の中央郵便局。通常の郵便物は、黄色いポストに投函してください。切手は、郵便局、書店、Rキオスク、駅、ホテルなどで購入できます

郵便料金(ファーストクラス/プライオリティ)は、フィンランド国内宛で50g以下の重さの手紙とハガキが 1.10 ユーロ. 20gまでのの海外への手紙とはがきは、1.10ユーロ。それ以上の重さは、 ヨーロッパ各国向け50gまでの手紙で、1.70 ユーロ、 他の国へは 2.50 ユーロ。


フィンランドには12の法定休日があり、そのうち10日が休日で、教会関連の祝日、ヴァップ(Vappu)として知られる5月1日と、独立記念日の12月6日の2日が国民の祝日です» 詳細はこちらで: Finnish National Public Holidays


* • 平日: 07.00 – 09.00から 20.00 – 21.00 * 土曜日: 09.00 から 15.00 – 18.00日曜日:休業

*• 日曜日(小売店によっては): 1年中12.00 – 21.00

アルコの小売店(ワインとスピリットを扱う唯一の小売店): 月 – 木: 09.00 – 18.00 (20.00), 金: 09.00 – 20.00, 土: 09.00 – 16.00 (18.00)


EU諸国とノルウェー以外に永住している人なら、だれでも、フィンランドでの免税が適用され、40ユーロ以上の購入で約12%(最大で16%)が免税されます。 TAX FREE SHOPPINGの表示のある小売店でのみVAT払い戻しのチェックを発行してもらえます。VAT払い戻しの手続きは、最後に訪れるEUに属する国でできます。その際には、免税で購入した物品を提示する必要があります。払い戻しは、現金で行われます。免税で購入したものは、フィンランド、もしくはEU諸国外に、未使用のまま持ち出さなければいけません。 フィンランド、スウェーデン、ノルウェー、デンマーク以外のEU諸国から、物品を持ち出す場合には、最後に訪れるEUの国でチェックにスタンプをもらう必要があります。免税のチェックは、グローバル・リファンド(Global Refund)のオフィスでも、換金してもらえます。 輸出サービス:物品は海外の住所、あるいは旅行者の搭乗する飛行機や船に送ってもらうこともできます。その際には、消費税24%が払い戻されます。 付加価値税(VAT)は、請求書に加えられ、フィンランドの小売店やレストランでは、通常、表示してある価格に含まれています。フィンランド語では、ALVと書かれる、VATは、基本的に24%で、食品や動物の飼料は14%、交通機関は10%です。


タクシーは、電話で呼ぶか(Taksiスタンドの下に書いてある電話番号を参考にしてください。)ヘルシンキのタクシー予約センターの電話番号は0100 0700です。ホテルの予約係からも地元のタクシー会社の電話番号を教えてもらえるでしょう。イエロー・タクシー(Yellow Taxi)は、独立したタクシー会社でヘルシンキ空港と目的地間までのタクシーを専門としています。電話番号は、0600-555 555。イエロー・タクシーは、乗り合いタクシーで、各目的地までの料金は定額です。 すべてのタクシーには、‘Taksi/Taxi’というサインがついています。そのサインの電気が点灯しているときには、空車ですが、空車のタクシーは、ほとんどがタクシースタンドで待機しています。支払いは、フィンランドの主な銀行のカード、国際クレジットカード、または現金でできます。 基本料金は、5.70ユーロ(2012年)で、料金は、搭乗者の人数により、メーターで1kmごとに加算されます。ヘルシンキ空港から、またヘルシンキ空港へのイエロー・タクシーは、乗り合いタクシーで、搭乗者の人数によって料金が決まってきます。空港とシティーセンター間の一人当たりの料金は、29ユーロです。(2012年) 午後8時から午前6時まで、土曜日と日曜日は午後4時から、基本料金が8.80ユーロになります。(2012年)。タクシーを待たせる場合の料金は、1時間当たり42.10ユーロです(2012年)。 フィンランドでタクシーを利用する際に、チップは必要ありません。それでも、サービスがよかったドライバーに、なにか心づけをしたいなら、料金に少し足して丸めた数字で支払いをするのもよいでしょう。 フィンランドのタクシーは快適で、安全、車両も近代的です。最新のGPSを搭載しているので、どんなに離れた場所でも簡単に見つけてもらえるでしょう。ただし、場所の名前をフィンランド語で発音するのが難しいかもしれないので、行先の住所を書いたものを用意しておくとよいでしょう。


1. 国際電話の局番をダイヤルする (00、 990、 994、 999) 2. 国番号 (最初の0を除いたもの) 3. 市外局番 (最初の0を除いたもの。スペインにかける場合は、最初の9を除いたもの) 4. 相手の電話番号 国際電話番号の照会と料金の情報については、020208に電話で問い合わせできます。


フィンランド時間は、GMTより2時間進んでいます。アメリカ東海岸の標準時とフィンランド標準時とは、7時間の時差があります。 ヨーロッパでの夏時間は、3月の最後の日曜日に始まり、時計の針は1時間先に進められます。夏時間が終わるのは、10月最後の日曜日で、時計の針を1時間戻します。時間の表示は、たいてい24時間表示で、お店の開店時間などは、09.00-21.00 (午前9時から午後9時までの意味) または 07.00-19.00 (午前7時から午後7時までの意味) と表示されます。


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Особенности психологического восстановления после травмы

Каждому начинающему спортсмену следует помнить о риске получения травмы. Особенно этот вопрос актуален в том случае, когда спортивное увлечение превращается в профессию.

Каждому начинающему спортсмену следует помнить о риске получения травмы. Особенно этот вопрос актуален в том случае, когда спортивное увлечение превращается в профессию. Ведь нагрузки на тренировках увеличатся многократно, что сделает такое занятие напряженным и травмоопасным. При этом не всегда удается ограничиться растяжением мышц, так как существуют травмы более серьезные.

Для физического восстановления после повреждения существует множество эффективных методов, начиная от пилатеса и массажа, и заканчивая классической терапией. Вместе с тем, понадобится привести «в норму» и свое психологическое состояние, от которого зависит скорейшее возобновление спортивной активности. Поэтому, пока врачи занимаются вашими разорванными связками и косными трещинами, необходимо подключить работу над собой. Уже само это желание приближает вас к цели.

Изначально необходимо перестать паниковать и объективно оценить причину, приведшую к травме. Иногда получение повреждения выступает как благо, поскольку до него отсутствует представление о предельных возможностях собственного организма, что приводит к нещадной его эксплуатации. И только получение травмы заставляет более ответственно относиться к потребностям своего тела. Таким образом, правильнее воспринимать повреждение в качестве полезного урока, а не трагедии. Возможно, чтобы легче было отвлечься от депрессивных мыслей, стоит отправиться в короткое путешествие. Omena Hotel Eerikinkatu. расположенный в самом центре Хельсинки, является идеальным местом для полноценной реабилитации.

Ключевым моментом успешного психологического восстановления является визуализация себя свободными от боли и более сильными, нежели когда-либо. Важно удерживать в своем сознании, что ваша травма исчезла полностью, и ни на секунду в этом не сомневаться. Это обязывает думать об успешной реабилитации, говорить о ней и не позволять чему-либо омрачать ваши мысли.

Некоторые люди травмируются снова и снова, поскольку не могут избавиться от боязни получить повреждение. Для того чтобы справиться с этой ситуацией необходимо сосредоточиться на своем желании и позволить страху покинуть ваше сознание. Улучшить эффект от такого психологического приема поможет временная смена обстановки. Omena Hotel Stockholm с европейским уровнем обслуживания станет превосходным местом для отвлечения от навязчивых мыслей. Но если от указанных проблем избавиться не удается, то тогда стоит обратиться к квалифицированному психологу.


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